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Creating an Empire Chapter One

"Mature ladies are attracted to a young business man."

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Jack sat in the bar of the overnight ferry taking him from St. Helier in Jersey to Portsmouth. He had a nice Executive cabin where he had left his overnight bag. His suitcase was in the boot of his car which was now parked on the car deck. Jack’s Aunt Mary, who had a large Hotel in Scotland had arranged that Jack could work in the Best Western Hotel in St. Helier for the summer season. He had been there since April, he had enjoyed every minute of his stay there and had gained a lot of experience which would come in handy when he returned to work in Aunt Mary’s Hotel.

Today had been a great shock. At seven this morning his mobile rang, It was Sue, his stepmother from Scotland. Sue had told him that Aunt Mary had died an hour ago. Jack was shocked at this news. Then Jack’s stepmom asked him if he could get home as soon as possible. Jack told her he would check the ferries and would phone her once he knew. Jack’s own mother had died nine years ago when Jack was twelve. His father had married Sue one year later. Jack got on well with Sue.

After Jack finished the call, he shaved showered and dressed then went to the Reception. At the same time the owner of the Hotel, Mr. Bradley, came into reception. Jack then told him his Aunt Mary had died and he needed to get home as quickly as possible. He was shocked to hear of Mary’s death as he had known her for over twenty years. He then told Jack that he would arrange the ferry as he did a lot of business with the ferry company. He knew the General Manager very well.

Jack was sitting in the staff dining room an hour later just finishing his breakfast when Mr. Bradley came to him to say he had arranged a cabin with his car. He had to be at check in at seven o'clock this evening. He then told Jack that the tickets had been paid by the Hotel. He then gave Jack an envelope saying the contents were his way of thanking Jack for the last four months of hard work Jack had given the Hotel. Jack thanked him then left to pack his back.

Jack had ordered a bottle of Louis Roederer Champagne. He sat alone reflecting on his time in Jersey. Jack had received only three birthday cards. One from his family, one from Aunt Mary and one from his Aunt May, which had a hundred pound note inside the card. Aunt May was not really his aunt but one of his real mother’s friends.

When Jack was younger he spent a lot of time with his Aunt May. He would stay in her house when his parents were on holiday. Jack was really pleased with the hundred pounds. May had really helped Jack during his teenage years. Jack really appreciated all she did for him. Jack also liked what she had written on the card which read:

“Dear Jack

I wish you a very happy twenty first. I wish I was celebrating with you. Perhaps when you come back from Jersey we can have some Champagne together.

Use the enclosed to buy some Champagne on your birthday.

Alex and the girls send their best wishes. Alex is not well as he is going through chemotherapy at the moment. He is still smoking which can’t be doing him any good at all. I now sleep in another bedroom. If he wakes up in the night he lights up a cigarette.

Jack do give me a call when you get back, I would like to meet you for lunch, then you can tell me all about Jersey.

With my very best wishes

May x.”

Jack sat reflecting on Aunt Mary’s death. She was the last living relative from his mother’s side. He knew that he would inherit everything she had. Mary had wanted Jack to go to Jersey as she had arranged last year to spend two months in a top hotel in Switzerland. Jack had really enjoyed that. He had learned a lot there.

Jack then checked his email as it was over ten days since he had last checked it. Jack had been dating a girl called Kate for the last four years. She was three years older than Jack, Jack had lost his virginity to her when he was seventeen. She was a school teacher but she was now staying with her aunt and uncle in San Francisco. Jack had not heard from her for three months.

Jack then opened his email account. He had three emails, two trying to sell him things and one from aunt Mary which was sent yesterday at ten thirty in the morning. It was a very short email which read:

“My darling Jack,

I have just returned from Mr. Duncan, my lawyer, I am not feeling too well, I believe I have a very short time left in my life. All my possessions I have left to you. I know the hotel and the wine business are in safe hands with you. I have left a sealed envelope with Mr. Duncan that you should read at your earliest opportunity.

Jack do not grieve for me. My father worked hard in building the hotel and wine business. I know you will take it to the next level.

I have had a wonderful life, I have lived it the way I wanted. I have no regrets. In the coming weeks you will discover a lot about my life. Please be sympathetic and discreet, you will learn much more when you read the letter I have left with Mr. Duncan.

With all my love

Aunt Mary x.”

Jack had a tear in his eye as he read it. He composed himself and poured himself another glass of Champagne. He heard a woman's voice saying, “Is that you Jack?”

It was Mrs. Constable, a guest from the hotel who had been been staying there for the last two weeks.

Jack stood up shaking her hand saying, “Mrs Constable, what a wonderful surprise to see. Would you like to join me for a glass of Champagne?”

She replied, “Jack, I would love to but please call me Pat. I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt that must have been a great shock. I was looking for you at the hotel today to thank you for the way you looked after me during my holiday but they told me you had left.”

Jack had found Pat very attractive. She had a voluptuous body. He had seen her often in the pool. Jack replied, “Thank you Pat, what a lovely name.”

Jack poured her a glass and then ordered another bottle as the first one was now finished. Jack then said, “Pat, tell me about yourself, I find you a very attractive woman.”

Pat replied, “Thank you Jack for the compliment. I will be honest with you but you must be honest with me then we will get on like a house on fire.”

Jack answered, “We have a deal, you will find as you get to know me that I am very honest.”

The waiter brought the fresh bottle then topped up Jack’s glass then topped up Pat’s glass as she had nearly finished her first glass. Then they toasted each other.

Pat said, “Jack, I am so happy you said that. I am a widow with no children. My husband died four years ago. He was twelve years older than I. He was a lawyer who did a lot of business in Jersey so I come to Jersey every year for two weeks to attend to business. I have a house in Jersey but rent it out. Since my husband died I have written and have had published four books. I feel that I am quite a creative writer. I am now sixty years old. I live in a house on Lake Windermere in the Lake District. I got my travel card in February of this year. So I used it for all my rail fares to get down here and I will use it to get back home as my rail and bus travel doesn't cost me a penny. Jack, I will also be very honest, I find you very handsome.”

Jack kissed his fingertips on his right hand then put the fingers on Pat’s cheek then said,”Thank you Pat. I would like to invite you for dinner in the small A la Carte restaurant on the ferry. I would be so happy if you would join me.”

Pat replied, “Jack, I would love to but that is a super restaurant. I have eaten there many times in the past. My suitcase is in a locker as I have only booked a reclining chair to sleep in. I would not like to eat there dressed like this as I wouldn’t feel comfortable.”

Jack then said, “I have three suggestions, I have an Executive cabin which has a bed and a sofa which can be made into a bed. I would sleep in that and you can have the bed. We will get your suitcase then you can change. Finally tomorrow I drive you to your house as I am driving back to Scotland and will drop you off when we pass Windermere.”

Pat replied, “YES, YES, YES, you are a darling Jack. Let’s get my suitcase then show me to your cabin.”

They left and went to the locker to get Pat’s suitcase. There was a girl in her twenties sitting on a normal seat in a lounge with a suitcase beside her. Pat asked her if she she would like a reclining seat. She told Pat she would love it. Pat then gave her the key for the locker and the ticket for the reclining chair.

Jack took her to the cabin then left her to get changed asking her to meet him in the cocktail bar. Jack then said, “Pat, last Friday you had a wonderful black outfit on for Dinner. Is it possible to wear it again tonight?”

Pat answered, “No problem Jack, I will do that but I have only white panties that are clean. Would you like me to wear white pants or no pants?”

Jack replied, “No pants.”

Then they kissed and Pat’s tongue was deep in Jack’s mouth.

Jack returned to the bar and sipped his champagne wondering if she would wear any panties. Twenty five minutes later Pat appeared and she really did look stunning. Jack topped her glass up then they went into the restaurant.

They had a wonderful meal with the conversation flowing freely. Pat said to Jack,”Jack, please be gentle with me tonight as it is over fourteen years since I last had sex with a man. I have missed it so much that I was thinking of taking a lover while my husband was still alive but I did not do it. I go to yoga classes twice a week. I also go to callanetics three times a week and I really feel the benefit of it. May I ask how old you are Jack?”

Jack replied, “You look very fit. I am twenty-one, is that a problem for you?”

Pat answered, “Age is just a number. I still feel like a teenager. I feel very comfortable sitting here with you. Earlier there were many other people here, nobody was staring at us. Perhaps they thought I was your mother. Would you like me to mother you, Jack?”

Jack replied, “Yes please Pat, but as long as I can father you.”

Pat leaned over the table saying, “Jack, put your hand under the table onto my lap.” Then she kissed him with a long hot kiss.

Jack looked round the restaurant they were the last table there. He then put his hand under the table when Pat took hold of his hand then guided it between her legs. Her legs were open. She was wearing self-supporting stockings which Jack felt first. Then the firm skin of her upper thighs, Then the smooth touch of her wet pussy. She was very wet as Jack slid two fingers inside her.

Jack ordered another bottle of Champagne then paid the bill. They then went back to the cabin. Jack put the Champagne on a bedside table then they kissed. Their kisses were strong and gentle. Their hands were exploring each others bodies. Pat’s body felt good as it was very firm. Three years ago when Jack first went to work in his Aunt’s hotel his first job was to setup and install a computer system for the hotel. He was assisted by Molly Graham, the head receptionist. They travelled a lot to see other systems. To cut a long story short they were soon sleeping with each other.

Molly was also sixty but her body was not as firm as Pat’s. Jack was seeing Molly once a week but he thought that would increase now as Aunt Mary used to go to Glasgow once a week to visit a girlfriend. That was the night that Molly would visit the flat. Molly was no longer head receptionist as she wanted to finish working shifts. She was now the bookkeeper and was very good at it.

Pat was now only wearing a crotchless bodysuit and her self supporting stockings. Jack took her tits out of the bodysuit. They were big and firm. Jack started to suck and play with them as Pat took Jack’s cock out. Within a minute Jack was naked. Pat said, “Jack, you have the biggest cock I have seen in my life. I love it but please be gentle at first with me.”

She then went down on him. Jack adjusted himself and was soon sucking her very large clit, it was like a little cock as he sucked he was gently finger fucking her. Pat was moaning with pleasure as he did it. Jack soon had four fingers inside her. Jack asked, “Pat, how is this for you? I have now four fingers inside you. Would you like me to fist you?”

Pat replied, “Jack darling, it is wonderful, no one has ever done this to me in my life. I don't know how many times I have cum but it is a lot. Do what you want with me as I have never had so much pleasure. Where have you been all my life? Jack, I want to become part of your life. I really hope that you want to become part of mine.”

Jack thought Pat is wonderful. She is gripping my fist as I fist her, only Molly had done that with all the women he had been with. Jack knew that when his cock was gripped it gave the best fuck. Jack wanted his cock inside Pat but he wanted to make her cum with his clit sucking and fisting before he let her go on top. Pat came noisily a minute later.

Jack then lay back on the bed and said, “Pat, go on top then you can control it but keep gripping my cock as you ride me.”

Pat did that but first she rubbed her clit with the head of Jack’s cock . Then she took half of his cock, the way she was riding him she she was taking half them moving so that she moved up to the tip of his cock. Within a minute she was taking all of him. She was very powerful, she was gripping Jack’s cock with every thrust. She kept this going for forty five minutes. Jack had felt her cum twice but she was so fit she kept riding him. Then Jack exploded inside her.

Pat said, “Jack, that was wonderful. I don’t know how many times I came but it was a lot. Jack, I was thinking why don’t you break your journey and stay with me tomorrow night. It is a six hour drive then another three hours to get you home to Ayr.”

Jack replied, “I will phone my stepmother in the morning to find out when the funeral is. If it is Friday, then it is not a problem but if it is Thursday then I will have to drive there tomorrow. Pat, it was wonderful for me too. I love how you grip my cock. I am sure as we get to know each other better we will become more adventurous in bed.”

Pat answered and she was smiling, “Jack darling, we dock at seven thirty tomorrow morning let’s get to sleep now and wake up early.”

Jack kissed her then said, “We will do that.”

Five minutes later they were both asleep.

The next morning they had a wonderful session which resulted in them not having breakfast on the ferry. The ferry was docking as they finished showering. They had no time for breakfast on board but found an excellent truckers cafe on the outskirts of Portsmouth. They both had full English Breakfast with all the trimmings. At ten Jack phoned Sue and the funeral was at ten thirty on Friday morning. Sue had been speaking to May. May had told her that Alex was now critical in hospital. Sue also told Jack that that May had asked for his mobile number and she had given it to him.

Pat was very happy when she heard this as Jack had his phone on speaker phone. She smiled as she spread her legs and showed her open pussy, she said, “Jack darling, I am going to make tonight very special for you. Would you like to stay in and let me to cook dinner for you or can I invite you out to a marvelous restaurant which is two minutes walk from my house?”

Jack replied, “Pat, whatever you want to do is good for me. If you want to stay in then I will buy some Champagne. Is there a good Wine merchant close to you?”

Pat answered, “We should arrive at three then I will go to the butchers and get some meat. Would you like to share a Chateaubriand with me? I have over a case of Pol Roger in the cellar so we have plenty of Champagne. I will also have to get all the things for breakfast tomorrow morning. We will have a full English Breakfast again tomorrow as the one this morning was excellent.”

Jack said, “Yes Pat we will stay in. I need to phone my lawyer as I need to see him tomorrow as I have some papers to collect.”

Jack then phoned Mr. Duncan. He arranged a meeting at two tomorrow afternoon. Jack said, “I will have to leave by ten thirty tomorrow morning.”

Pat answered, “We will wake early, have breakfast then go back to bed until ten.”

Jack bent over and gave her a kiss.

They arrived in Windermere just after three. The butcher was of the highest quality. As well as a full filet Pat bought sausages and bacon. She then went to Tesco for the rest of the shopping.

Pat’s house was amazing. It was set in two acres and had a magnificent view of Lake Windermere. It had its own indoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna. It had five bedrooms all ensuite. The Master Bedroom was enormous with a wonderful bathroom. Pat told Jack her husband had it built fourteen years ago with only the best of materials being used.

Jack left the next morning at ten thirty. It had been a wonderful time. He and Pat had made love four times with each time being better than the last. At breakfast Pat said, “Jack I want to see more of you. I don’t mind coming to Scotland but I would love to see you every week.”

Jack had really enjoyed being with Pat, he wanted to see her again. Jack replied, “Pat, let me get the funeral out of the way. I will phone you when I get home. I would love to see more of you. I have so much to do in the next days but I will phone you everyday if you would like that?”

Pat answered, “I would love that.”

They exchanged phone numbers with Jack saying if he didn’t answer it meant he was in a meeting so leave a message on the answering machine then he would reply at once. He honestly felt sad as he drove out of Pat’s driveway. He headed north and got on the motorway eighteen miles later.

As he approached Carlisle his mobile rang, it was May. Jack put it on to speaker phone. He said, “Good Morning May, how are you? many thanks for the card and the hundred pounds. I need to know when your birthday is and when you do I will never forget it.”

May replied, “I am OK, I will tell you the date but I won’t tell you the year.”

Jack answered, “Age is only a number and you still think and look young.”

May replied, “Thanks, Jack you are saying all the right things to me, flattery will get you everywhere.”

Jack answered, “If that is the case I will flatter you all the time.”

May replied, “Thanks for cheering me up as I need cheered up. I have sad news, Alex died this morning. I am glad he is out of the misery he has had the last three months. The funeral is on Monday morning. Jack I would be so happy if you could come.”

Jack answered, “May I will be there. Are you going to Aunt Mary’s funeral on Friday?”

May replied, “Yes I will be there. She was a good friend of mine. Are you at home Jack?”

Jack answered, “No I have just past Carlisle. Can I phone you back when I get home? It will be later this afternoon or would you like me to come to you and take you out for dinner?”

May replied, “Jack, I would love that. The girls are both in Edinburgh and won’t be here until Sunday night. The Funeral Director is arranging all the Funeral details. There will be an intimation in the newspaper tomorrow. I unplugged my home phone as I was getting so many calls. The grapevine works quickly. I am phoning you on my new iPhone. Will I give you the number?”

Jack answered, “The number is registered on my phone so I will save your name to it when I get home. Do you have Whatsapp on your phone then we can message each other very easily?”

May replied, “Where do I get Whatsapp? Jack, you will have to teach me how to use these things. The last few years I have been on the internet at lot. I have Skype and know how to work that.”

Jack answered, “May, I will teach you in everything I can. What is your skype id?”

May replied, “Jack I will tell you but let me explain first. I have not had a good marriage. The last time I had sex with Alex was nineteen years ago. I haven’t taken a lover though I should have. Some friends introduced me to some dating and roleplay sites on the internet. Jack, I will be honest with you, I was looking for online sex. Don’t worry when I did it I always wore a masquerade mask. No one ever saw my face. This is our secret Jack as no one else knows I was doing this. My skype id is bustymaria.”

Jack answered, “May darling, you are a very attractive woman. Why didn’t you divorce Alex? I like your id. I have always admired your beautiful boobs. Would you tell me their size as I love big boobs?”

May replied, “Keep flattering me Jack as I love it. For the sake of the girls. Mags has now her degree and a job with IBM. Kay is in her second year of law and doing well. I love my boobs too. I think they are my best physical attribute. They are 44 G. I love wearing exciting lingerie but have had no one in real life to show it to. Jack my tits are very sensitive, I love them being sucked and played with.”

Jack answered, “May, I am so happy to hear this. I am only twenty one, is this a problem for you?”

May replied, “Not at all. To be honest I have admired you for years. One night when you were staying with me, Alex was in London for the week, You had left your bedroom door open, I looked in and you were on the opposite side of the bed masturbating. I stood quietly and watched you cum. I wanted to come and help you but didn’t know how you would react.”

Jack answered, “I wish you had come and helped me. May, have you had no sex for nineteen years?”

May replied, “I have had no sex with a man in real life but I have had online sex with a few men. I am in a coffee morning group which meets regularly for coffee and sex. There are only women in the group. I have had no cock but I have had a lot of pussy. Alex was a bastard. I am happy he is dead. He gave me two children and that is all. When we meet Jack I will tell you the things he made me do, I am sure you will be disgusted.”

Jack answered, “Can you come to Ayr tonight?”

May replied, “Yes, but I won't be there until after six. I am going to the hairdresser and beauty salon. I want to look good for you. I will be blond for you tonight. Jack, I feel relieved Alex is gone. I can now start to live. Jack wait a minute, my housekeeper is about to leave. I will ask her to download Whatsapp to my iPhone.”

A couple of minutes later May came back and said, “She can do it but I need to switch off the phone. I will call you back when it is done. Drive safely.”

Jack was making good progress he should be in Ayr in forty minutes. Jack was amazed with what May had told him. Jack had always fancied May. She was a doctor and a very intelligent woman. Her father was a very wealthy businessman. There were no money worries in that family. Jack thought he would go into the Hotel for lunch then go to the lawyer. Jack hoped Molly was working today as she was now only working two and a half days a week. Molly always told him what was going on in the Hotel.

Jack’s phone rang and it was May. May said, “It is installed and is wonderful. I can easily send pictures on it. Would you like me to send you some pictures Jack?’

Jack answered, “Yes please send me some of the ones with you wearing the mask. Have you any nude ones?”

May replied, “Yes I have a lot I will send them this afternoon. I am having my pussy waxed today, do you like a smooth pussy Jack?”

Jack answered, “Yes I love it. I love giving oral and my tongue works better on smooth. I am shaved all around my cock and balls. I hate getting hair in my teeth. May, send me some tit and pussy pictures.”

May replied, “I will bring my laptop and show you all the things I have been doing. Jack I need to go as I must eat something before I go out. Will I come to the Hotel or the Penthouse?”

Jack answered, “Come to the Penthouse then we can walk to the Hotel for dinner. I would love to see your laptop. Take care when you are driving. Phone or message me when you are leaving.”

May replied she would do this.

Jack arrived at the Hotel. He felt proud as he walked inside knowing he now owned this wonderful Hotel.

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Molly had worked this morning but had left at twelve. The General Manager, John, was there. He said, “I am so sorry about your Aunt. She gave me my first job her fifteen years ago and now I am the GM. I owe her a lot. May I suggest soup and the top of the range Finger Buffet for the funeral purvey?”

Jack replied, “That is the best. I think a lot of people will come as she was well liked. I want Champagne to be flowing. Order twenty cases of the House Champagne as Aunt Mary would have loved it. John have you time for a quick lunch and chat as I have a meeting at two.”

They both ordered Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding which was wonderful. The Hotel was very busy. They were having six weddings over the weekend. John had no problems as everything was running smoothly.

Jack was in and out of Mr. Duncan’s office very quickly. He offered his condolences and suggested a meeting with him and the Accountant next week as he felt there would be some tax issues. Jack asked him to arrange this and let him know the date and time. Jack then left with Aunt Mary’s sealed envelope.

Jack got into the Penthouse, it was a strange feeling for him. As this was now his home. He went into the kitchen and made a coffee. He then phoned Pat he said, “Hi Pat, I have arrived safely and the meeting went well. I have a meeting tonight but I will phone you in the morning.”

Pat replied, “That is good. I checked the train service. There are many trains in the day. It takes four hours to get to Ayr. Jack I am missing you. My pussy is still tingling. I am sure you have an awful lot to do. I had a lot to do after my husband died getting his estate sorted out with the tax people. I am sure you will have good Accountants and Lawyers.”

Jack answered, “Yes that is the problem. I spoke with the Lawyer and I have to go for a big meeting on Wednesday. Pat the funeral is tomorrow morning is it alright if I phone you after the service as I think I will be very busy.”

Pat replied, “Do that Jack. I will carry my mobile all the time. I hope it goes well tomorrow for you. Don’t put a time on the call. Just call when you can. I will be thinking of you. Bye.”

Jack went into Aunt Mary’s bedroom. It was a gorgeous room with a very large King Size bed. It had a very large smart TV on the wall. Then he noticed three HD cameras going into the PC which was in the room. Aunt Mary’s laptop and iphone were on a bedside table. He then opened one of the bedside table drawers and found three bottles of lube and every type of vibrator and dildo’s you could imagine. There were several USB sticks there so he left them on the bedside table.

He was now looking in a chest of drawers. Aunt Mary had some wonderful lingerie. Jack thought he had better read the letter so he went into the kitchen for a knife to open it. The letter was typed but signed by Aunt Mary. It was short and to the point. It read:

“My darling Jack,

I believe we are very similar in that we both have a very strong sex drive, I know you and Molly have been fucking for the last three years. Molly tells me that you are very good in bed. She also tells me you have the biggest cock she had ever seen, she has shown me pictures and it is very big. Don't be annoyed with Molly as I have been fucking her for the last thirty years. She has and will teach you a lot more in the future.

Molly is the best employee we have. Keep her as long as you can. Molly has a daughter who in June graduated with a law degree to go with her accountancy degree. Claire is a very intelligent young woman. I have paid for her education. Jack you have now both the Hotel and the wine company which are debt free. You will see from the Bank accounts that we have over fifty million on deposit.

I suspect Mr. Duncan will suggest a meeting with the Accountant. I advise you to take Claire to this meeting. I believe she is sharper than Mr. Duncan and the Accountant. I have got Claire a position in Ernst and Young shadowing the Managing Partner, he is very impressed with her. I have been fucking Claire for the last nine years. Make Claire a Director in the business. You will never regret it. She is wonderful in bed.

The key in this envelope is for the safe in my wardrobe. You must push the panel on the left hand side twice in the middle to release the catch. Inside there are all of the bank accounts. There is also approximately a million pounds in cash. There is also a sheet of paper with HELP678 written on it. This is the Master Password for the password software in my mobile and all my personal computers.

Jack I have enjoyed my life. I have had a lot of pleasure in it. I have helped many people. Jack, all the things I have done on the internet the accounts are still open. If you get any messages reply to them telling them you are my nephew and I have died.

May Roberts is very fond of you. You should invite her out for dinner. I have been fucking her for nineteen years. There are many wonderful women in the coffee morning group May and I are part of but Claire is the woman to have your children with. You will have a lot of fun with the others. Not one of them has any jealousy in them.

I wish you the best Jack. Molly, May and Claire will all advise you well but ask Molly and May to introduce you to Jean Smart and Ruth Gordon. Jean is special. Ruth is probably the richest women in the world and can help you in many ways.

I leave you know. My only regret is I didn't have your wonderful cock, but that wouldn’t have been right.

All my love

Mary xxxx

Jack’s mobile went, it was Mr. Duncan to ask if eight thirty was suitable on Wednesday morning. Jack replied, “I will check my diary and if you don’t hear from me then you will know that it is OK.”

Jack then phoned Molly, she answered on the second ring. Jack said, “Hi Molly, how are you? I have missed you. I just got back this afternoon.”

Molly replied, “Jack, it is wonderful to hear from you. I am so sorry about Mary. She helped me so much in my life. Claire wouldn’t be where she is today if it hadn't been for Mary. Claire will come with me to the funeral tomorrow. Jack, I have missed you too.”

Jack answered, “That is good, I am looking forward to seeing Claire again as it must be over four years since I last saw her. Molly, the reason I am calling is Mary left me a note explaining I would have problems with the estate and getting a settlement from the tax office. There is a meeting arranged at Mr. Duncan’s office with the Accountant and myself present at eight thirty on Wednesday morning. Mary has asked if Claire can be at the meeting on Wednesday as well?”

Molly replied, “Yes,she will be there as she comes home tonight and has a week’s holiday next week. Claire knows all about Mary’s tax as she has been helping her with it for over six years. The Accountant only lodged the final return as Claire had done all the work.”

Jack answered, “That is super. I will have a word with Claire at the Funeral purvey in the Hotel tomorrow. How has the Hotel been in the last four months?”

Molly replied, “That is good Jack, you should spend some time with Claire before the meeting. She can give you a lot of information. The Hotel has been so busy. We could do with another twenty bedrooms. The paddock on the right hand side of the Hotel is up for sale. I think you should buy it.”

Jack answered, “Molly can you get me information on it and phone me back. I have so much to do. May’s husband died early this morning. She is coming down this evening and I am struggling to get things ready.”

Molly replied, “I am happy to hear about her husband. He treated her dreadfully. I have heard a few rumors that he may have been gay. I will phone the selling agent now and phone you back later. Jack, I am glad May is coming to you tonight. She is a lovely woman, she is also very fond of you.”

Jack answered, “Thanks, Molly. Call me as soon as you have any information.”

Jack started Mary’s laptop then checked her browsing history. Molly was using a lot of sites. Jack logged on to some but there were no messages for Mary or her alias sugarmommy. Jack then put one of Mary’s USB sticks into her laptop. Jack was amazed at the pictures she had. All were filed in folders with either an alias or a Christian name. Jack opened the file called Mary. In it he found hundreds of pictures of his Aunt Mary. She was a very sexy woman. There were pictures of her posing nude and wearing lingerie. There were also her of having sex with other women.

He looked in the file May. There were hundreds of pictures of May. May had really wonderful tits. He checked the file named Claire. Once again hundreds of pictures. Claire was very pretty with a wonderful body. He then opened the Jean file. She was very good looking with a wonderful body. Jack knew her face from the Hotel. He then opened the file Ruth. Ruth was maybe in her mid-thirties. She was stunning looking with a voluptuous body. Jack was instantly attracted to her.

Jack’s mobile rang, it was Molly, Molly said, “It is three and a half acres and they are looking for eighty thousand for it. The only problem is there is no Planning Permission. We must apply for a change of use which there is no guarantee of us getting. It could be a risk.”

Jack replied, “Phone Mr. Duncan and get him to put an offer in for sixty thousand. Then we will try for the permission which with the contacts on the council we have we should get it. There is no risk as if we don’t get it we turn it into a play area for adults and children. Tell him to put a time clause of a week on the offer. Also tell Mr. Duncan I will be there at eight thirty on Wednesday morning. Don’t mention Claire as that will be a little surprise for him.”

Molly answered, “Jack, I will do that now. That is a good idea not telling him about Claire being there. He will really wonder who she is.”

Jack replied, “Molly I am going to ask Claire to become the Finance Director of my Companies. I have a lot to talk about with Claire. Mary left me in her letter suggesting that you and May should introduce me to Jean Smart and Ruth Gordon. Will you do that?”

Molly answered, “I am sure Claire will do that. Yes, I will introduce you to them tomorrow as I know both are coming to the Funeral. Jean is a lovely person. She was a Director of Sotheby's. Her husband died three years ago. Ruth is so nice. She is Jewish. Her husband who was so much older than her died two years ago. She is very wealthy. She is the ninth generation of her family to run the family business. She owns amongst other things AXE Insurance, which is the largest in Europe and Belox watches. You will enjoy meeting them Jack, I am sure. I will phone Mr. Duncan back now.”

Jack checked the wine fridge there were plenty of Champagne in it. There were also three cases in the store room. Jack then checked Mary’s bed. It had fresh sheets on it. He also opened the safe and put all the USB sticks in it. He put some of Mary’s clothes into one of the spare bedrooms, the Penthouse has five bedrooms all ensuite. He left the lingerie as he would ask Molly if she wanted any of it. It was all very expensive a lot of it was made from silk. He then shifted some clothes from his bedroom into the Master Bedroom. He thought of Pat. He would phone her tomorrow to tell her if she wanted him she must be prepared to share him.

Jack’s mobile beeped. He had a message from May. The message read :

“Jack, pictures as promised. Hope they arouse you. Thinking of you.

Lots of hugs and kisses

May xxxx

Jack then showered and put on a fresh polo shirt and chinos. The doorbell rang at six fifteen. May looked stunning when Jack opened the door. Her hair was very blond now and she looked ten years younger. She was carrying a small Louis Vuitton suitcase which Jack took from her. Jack put the suitcase into the master bedroom. May said,”Jack let me unpack the outfit I am going to wear tomorrow.”

Jack opened a wardrobe with some drawers in the bottom which he knew were empty. He replied, “May, put your things in here. I will get some Champagne. When you are ready I will be in the lounge. I love your hair colour, it really suits you. Thanks for the pictures. You looked wonderful in them.”

Jack had poured two glasses of Champagne. He was sitting on the sofa when May came in. Jack gave her a glass then they toasted each other. They then put their glasses down and kissed. May’s tongue went deep inside Jack’s mouth.

May put her wine glass on the coffee table. Then took off her blouse and skirt. She then knelt on the floor in front of Jack. She then went down on Jack’s very hard cock. May was very good at it. Soon she was taking all of Jack’s cock.

Jack was thinking this is wonderful. May was being gentle but firm. Her tongue was very strong. Jack was feeling very relaxed. He then went on the floor with May. They started to 69.

Then Jack started to suck May’s clit as he finger fucked her. May was moaning with pleasure. Jack now had four fingers in May’s pussy. May was getting very wet.

Jack asked, “May, are you comfortable with what I am doing?”

May replied, “Jack it is wonderful. It feels great. How many fingers do you have in me?”

Jack answered, “Four May, would you like me to fist you as I suck your clit?”

May replied, “Yes, please. I will cum again soon.”

Jack started to fist her as he sucked her clit. Five minutes later May had a massive orgasm. Jack felt her cum. He still sucked her clit as she was cuming. She tasted wonderful.

May then topped up the wine glasses. She then gave Jack a kiss and a cuddle. Then said, “That was the best foreplay I have had in my life from a man. Alex was just in and out. After he orgasmed he would go to sleep.”

“Jack I am putting a lot of trust in you. It would break my heart if you let me down. I know I am older than you but I feel so compatible with you. What do you think?”

Jack took May in his arms and then started to kiss her. They were long gentle kisses. When Jack felt May was relaxed in his arms. Jack said, “I will never break your trust. I feel so good. May, I must be honest with you. I am seeing Molly and I have another friend who lives in the Lake District. I must also look for a suitable younger woman who I can have children with. I am happy to see you anytime. How do you feel about that?”

May replied, “Jack, nineteen years ago I was introduced to a coffee morning. Women met for coffee and sex. It kept me sane in that time. Yours will be the first cock I have had in nineteen years. I have had an awful lot of pussy though. I would love that. I want to introduce you to the coffee morning group, then you will have a lot of variety.”

May then told Jack about the coffee morning. May then told Jack she had no life with Alex. He spent every weekend at their cottage beside the sea. May told Jack that the girls hardly saw him. Sometimes he didn't come home for weeks.

They sat on a Chinese rug on the floor and kissed. May said, “Jack let me go on top as I haven’t had cock for so long. I can control the fuck so much better if I am on top.”

Jack replied, “May do what is best for you.”

Jack went down on May. Soon her pussy was wet. May then got Jack to lie on his back. Then she mounted him. May was gentle at first. Slowly riding Jack’s cock. She now had three quarters of him inside her. Her rhythm was getting more aggressive, Jack was rubbing her clit as she rode him.

May was now taking all of Jack’s cock. She was riding him hard now. She was gripping his cock as she rode him. She kept this going for thirty minutes then she came. Jack came at the same time.

They then showered and went over to the Hotel for dinner. Aunt Mary always used the same table in the restaurant. From it you could see the whole restaurant. May looked stunning. Jack noticed she was not wearing her wedding ring but had a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. He asked, “May you are not wearing your wedding ring, may I ask why?”

May replied, “I took it off as soon as I knew he was dead. Jack, I hated that man. For nineteen years I had no penetration sex with him. There was a period of two years when I had to go to his bedroom once a week to give him a blow job. I hated that. His cum tasted of nicotine. As soon as he came I went and spit it out. Then it was once every two weeks. Then I stopped going. I only had my fun at the coffee mornings.”

“Jack, that was wonderful tonight. I can’t wait to get you in bed tonight. I have been dreaming about you for years. You have a wonderful cock Jack. I loved how you sucked my clit and fisted me. No man has ever done that to me before.”

Dinner was served then they walked back to the Penthouse arm in arm. They stopped and kissed two times on the way over.

Jack got a fresh bottle of Champagne, they were sitting on the sofa. May asked,”What time would you like breakfast tomorrow as I think tomorrow will be a long day for you.”

Jack replied, “How about eight but we will wake at seven then we can start the day in a nice way.”

May gave Jack a kiss then answered,”I was thinking the same thing. Don't be surprised if you wake up and I am sucking your cock. I have checked the fridge and everything is there for a full Scottish Breakfast. Would you like that?”

Jack replied,”I would love both. Mary left me a letter suggesting that you or Molly introduce me to Jean Smart and Ruth Gordon, what are your thoughts on that?”

May answered,”They are both in the coffee morning group. Ruth is extremely wealthy. She is a widow and Jewish. She is so scared that men are only after her for her money. She has tried online dating sites but has had no luck. She is thirty five next month. She is the ninth generation to run her family business, she is desperate to have a child so there will be a tenth. I know both Jean and Ruth will be at the funeral tomorrow.”

“Jean is a widow also, she was a Director of Sotheby's, she is also very wealthy but not in the same league as Ruth. I would suggest to them that after the funeral purvey they could have dinner with us then stay over. They are both very good in bed.”

Jack replied,”That sounds like a good idea. Molly and Claire will also be there. I will enjoy having dinner with five ladies.”

May answered,”Knowing the other four I am sure you could have all five of us tomorrow night. I will text them now.”

There was a pharmaceutical manageress who regularly stayed in the Hotel who Jack upgraded to a suite. She really appreciated this. She gave Jack packets of Viagra every time she saw him. Jack had tried a half tablet with Molly one afternoon with the session lasting nine hours. Molly often mentioned this as the best day of fucking in her life.

May had sent the messages. She soon had replies and both would be delighted to come. Ruth asked May to ask Jack if he wanted her to dress in black for dinner as well?

Jack told May to write back saying that she could wear she wanted.

May started to type on her iPhone and Jack took off her blouse and skirt. She was wearing a crotchless bodysuit and self supporting stockings. Jack spread her legs then went down on her. May was busy typing as Jack was sucking her clit and finger fucking her. Her pussy was getting very wet with the attention Jack was giving her.

May was still typing when Jack asked, “Are you writing a book?”

May replied,”No I am telling Ruth what you are doing to me and that I have cum twice. She wants me to take a picture of you fisting me and also one of your cock. Can I do that?”

Jack answered, “If you want but no pictures of my face. You can make a short video of me fisting you then I will take one of you sucking my cock.”

May replied,”Let’s do it.”

May then took a video of me fisting her. She even said in it,”Darling did you feel me cum?”

Then May played it back to me. It was very good.

Then May started on my cock. Soon it was hard. May then said,”You can start filming now. I am going to spoil your cock now. I want Ruth to know how big it is.”

May started on my balls. She was licking and sucking. She then opened the tip of my cock where there was a little pre cum. She licked it all slowly away. She then put her hand on the base of my cock, there was more than seven inches showing from her thumb.

She then started to suck me. Soon she was taking all of me but she was doing it very slowly. Jack thought as he filmed that this was going to be a good video.

May said,”Let’s check the video then I'll send it. I want this inside me. Jack, tonight I want you to fuck me as hard as you can. I love to be fucked hard.”

The video was superb, especially the licking of the pre cum as Jack had zoomed in. You could see it all in great detail.

May attached the videos then sent the message.

Jack then got May bending over the dining room table. He then went into her doggystyle. May was moaning with pleasure. She was very wet. Jack put his hand down then took some of her cum on his finger. He then slid his finger in her ass. He had a great rhythm and was now riding her very hard. Jack kept going with his fingers. He now had three fingers in her ass.

May was loving it. May was gripping Jack’s cock as he thrust inside her. Then May had an enormous orgasm. Jack came shortly after. Jack pulled his cock out. It was completely covered in thick cum. May said,”Jack, please put your cock in my ass. I really enjoyed you fingering my ass.”

Jack did as he was asked. His cock slid easily inside her. Soon he was ass fucking her very hard. May was getting very noisy as she screamed with pleasure. Jack started rubbing her clit and fingering her pussy. Jack now had four fingers in her pussy. He was using his thumb to stimulate her clit. After ten minutes of this May came again.

They then kissed. Both were asleep five minutes later.

* * *

Ruth was sitting in her lounge. She got her laptop to check her mail. She had three emails from the role play site. Her husband had died three years ago, he was twelve years older than her. The last time she had sex with a man she was twenty seven, she would be thirty five next month.

Ruth had not been on a date since her husband died. Everyone she spoke with was only interested in her money, she had a lot of money. She had tried dating sites but they were all full of the stupidest people she had ever come across. She had thought of getting a male escort. Then get May or Eva, two of her friends who were doctors, to give him a medical then pay him to fuck her until she became pregnant.

She had decided against this. She had tried newspaper dating but that was dreadful too. The only sex she was getting was from the coffee morning group. This was a group of women that met regularly for coffee and sex. All the women were very nice. She had a friend Mary whose nephew who had been having an affair with Molly, who was sixty, Molly had told her that they once had a nine hour session. Molly had said it was the day of sex she had in her life.

She decided against going online as all that would happen would be she would go on skype with some twenty year old boy who would cum when she brought her tits out. She wouldn't even be wet, then they would make an excuse to end the conversation.

Then her mobile beeped. She had a message from May asking if she was going to Mary’s funeral tomorrow morning. It also said that Jack, Mary’s nephew, had invited her to dinner after the funeral purvey. She could also stay over so she could have something to drink.

Ruth then replied asking May to ask Jack what she should wear in the evening as she would wear black for the service.

May messaged back saying she could wear what she wanted as the mourning would end with the service. May then told her that Jack was sucking her clit and fisting her as he sucked. May wrote she had cum twice with this.

Ruth messaged back asking May to make a video of it then send it to her.

May replied saying she would do it and send it soon.

Five minutes later two videos arrived. Ruth looked at both of them. She then went into her bedroom and took off all her clothes. She then went to the fridge got a bottle of Champagne and an ice bucket. She then got a glass. She went back to the lounge connected the laptop to her HD television. Then started to watch them again but this time she had opened her legs and was playing with her pussy as she watched.

She watched the fisting video eight times. Her pussy was now very wet. Ruth then put the sucking video on automatic replay. One hour later she had cum three times. She topped up her glass. She said to herself, Jack will be the father of my children.

* * *

Written by jack1107
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