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Bird Watched

"It turned out the watcher was watched..."

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I had been out taking pictures of birds; well, that’s what I intended to do, but I had stumbled across a pair of ladies playing in a pond and had taken some pictures of them instead. When I got back to the car, I looked thru the pictures. There were a couple of exceptional shots and several more good ones. I’d have to upload those and do a bit of post-processing, but they were pretty good to start.

It was about six-thirty AM when I drove out of the park. One of the two cars that had been there earlier was still there; the other, closer to where I had parked, was gone. That must have been my “birds” in that car, I thought.

I pulled into a fast-food burger place; they open at six. I figured to get a cup of coffee, and maybe a bite to eat, then head for home. I considered the drive-thru but decided to go inside instead.

I went up to the counter and put in my order; no line at this hour. With my tray, I walked into the dining room. There, several booths down were the two ladies I had seen earlier. They were sitting next to each other with coffee and food. Their heads were almost touching, and they were deep in conversation.

I sat near them, but not too near. I was generally facing in their direction and could hear parts of their conversation.

“Marion, for heaven’s sake! What are you afraid of? We had a little adventure; no one will ever know unless we tell them and neither of us will do that. At least I won’t!”

“I know, Barbara, I know. I would never tell, either. But what if the person in that other car did see us?”

“She didn’t. You know that. She was jogging at the other end of the park. We saw her when we were leaving. There are only a couple of places that she could have been where she could see us, and we’d have seen her. We didn’t see her; therefore she didn’t see us. Besides, she’s a middle-aged woman. Who would she tell? What would she tell them?”

“I’m just nervous about it, that’s all. I know in my mind that there’s not a problem, but deep down in the pit of my stomach, well, it’s all a-flutter.”

“Relax, Marion. Your pristine reputation remains unsullied. Now eat something before you get an ulcer.”

They both took bites of their sandwiches. The taller one, Marion, seemed to relax a bit. The shorter one, Barbara, had seemed relaxed the whole time.

After a few minutes, Marion got up to go to the restroom. After she’d left, Barbara looked at me. Smiling, she said, “How did the pictures come out?”

“Excuse me? What pictures?”

“I saw you, sir, hiding in the bushes taking pictures while Marion and I were having our little adventure in the pond. I trust they were for your own personal pleasure, and are not for sale. You’d best not be trying to use them against us.”

“Well, um, er, yeah, oh, those pictures. I didn’t realize you saw me. Your friend obviously didn’t, or she’d have recognized me, and would not have been calm and relaxed about it, like you seem to be. And no, I have no intention to use them except for my personal use.”

“Good. Marion is a good friend, but she led a very sheltered life until her husband left her last year. She’s starting to come out of her shell a bit, but it’s slow. I won’t let anything happen which might hurt her. I’m Barbara Milford.”

“Frank Smith. Pleased to meet you.”

“You obviously weren’t intending to take pictures of us this morning; we’d never been there before. If I thought you were purposely stalking us, I’d have already dialed 9-1-1.”

“I was there to take pictures of birds. There have been reports of eagles and osprey on the pond. I was hoping to see them and get some pictures this morning.”

Marion walked back to the table. “Pictures of what?”

“Oh, Marion Branstead, this is Frank Smith. Frank, Marion. Mr. Smith is a photographer. He’s on his way to the park to take pictures of eagles.”

“Pleased to meet you, ma’am. Yes, there are both eagles and osprey in the area, and there have been several sightings at the park. I’m hoping to get a photo or two. Oh, look at the time. I’d best get going if I’m going to get any good shots. The birds are most active first thing in the morning.”

“Good luck, Mr. Smith,” said Barbara. “I’d love to see your pictures. Call me if you have any good ones. I’m in the book. Milford, just like it sounds. Call me, please.”

“Thanks, I’ll do that. Nice to have met you, Mrs. Milford.  You too, Mrs. Branstead.”

“Not Mrs., Mr. Smith, Ms. Milford, and Ms. Branstead.”

I got up, grabbed my coffee and trash, and headed for my car. As I did, I thought about Barbara’s invitation. Did I understand correctly that she wanted to see the pictures I’d shot this morning? Did she really want me to call her?

I went back over to the park. There was an eagle and a pair of osprey; the osprey were trying to chase the eagle away, without much luck. I shot nearly 50 photos of the three birds.


I looked in the phone book: “Milford B. 72 W. Greystone Court NE, 712-1234”  I dialed the number.

“Barbara Milford. How may I help you?”

“Good afternoon, Ms. Milford. This is Frank Smith, the photographer from this morning.”

“Hello, Mr. Smith. Are you calling about your pictures.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m going to do a bit of post-processing with some of them. A few of them promise to be decent. I wondered whether you might be interested in seeing them.”

“I’m busy later today. Would it be convenient to come by in the morning, say around 10:00?”

“Ten it is, Ms. Milford.”

“Please call me Barbara. I’ll see you, then. Good-bye, Mr. Smith.”

“Frank, please, Barbara. Until tomorrow, then. Good-bye.”


I had spent several hours tweaking my pictures, both of the ladies and of the birds. There were several bird shots worthy of magazine covers. A couple of the shots of the ladies were quite good, too. Maybe not Playboy quality, back when they published that kind of picture, but quite good none-the-less.

I knocked on Barbara’s front door just after ten. After a few seconds, she opened it and waved me in. She was talking on a cell phone. I went in and closed the door gently behind me. I waited.

“Marion, I’ve got to go. My insurance agent just arrived; we have an appointment to talk about a trust fund for the grandchildren. I’ll call you back later. Bye.”

“Good morning, Frank. Come in. Let’s sit in the living room. Do you have pictures to show me?”

“Good morning, Barbara. Yes, I do. Several of them came out quite good, and I went back and got some pictures of the birds, too, just in case you’re interested in those as well.”

We sat on the couch and I took out my tablet. I’d loaded the pictures onto it; the eight-inch screen was much easier to see than the two-inch screen on the camera. Barbara slid over next to me, our hips nearly touching.

I brought up the first picture. Marion and Barbara, arms around each other, kissing, standing thigh-deep in the water. I’d added a bit of sparkle to the water, and softened the background a bit. It was my favorite.

“Oh, my! That’s really us? I look pretty good in that shot. You could post that at the supermarket; no one would recognize either of us.”

I flipped through several more shots. I stopped a one where Barbara was standing on one foot, her other leg raised a bit. She was hugging Marion, and Marion had two fingers inserted into her vagina. Barbara had a look of ecstasy on her face.

“Oh, dear! Look at my face. I must be in the middle of an orgasm. I look so excited. That’s a picture that shouldn’t be shown around, except perhaps in very special circumstances.”

I went through the rest of the shots, and through a few of my favorite bird shots, too. Barbara seemed to like them, too.

“Can we go back to the other pictures. Yes, those. Not that one. No. Not that. Yes, that one.”

It was a shot of Marion’s back, and Barbara, arms spread wide, falling backward into the pond. She had that same look of ecstasy on her face; her nipples were crinkled, and the lips of her vagina were swollen and spread. Barbara’s fingers had just slipped out of her and were pointing directly at the opening.

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“I like this one, too.”

“Yes, it’s a good shot. I haven’t done any post-processing on it, yet. I think I can bring out some of the more, well, stimulating aspects of the shot with a little work.”

“Stimulating; hmmm, well, yes. It is stimulating. I find myself a bit stimulated just now, from looking at those pictures.”

I lowered the tablet and turned my upper body toward Barbara. I was a bit stimulated, too. I could see Barbara’s nipples pressing out against the front of her blouse. I quickly looked at her face. “Excuse me, I didn’t mean to stare.”

“Oh, please, Frank. We’re both adults. I’m a fifty-six-year-old widow. It’s kind of nice having someone staring at me. It’ s been a long, long time since I attracted the attention of a gentleman.”

“Oh, I don’t think there’s been a time that you haven’t attracted attention, Barbara. You’re an extremely attractive woman.”

“Thank you, Frank. Attractive, perhaps. Lonely, for sure. It has been a long three years since my husband died.”

“I’m sorry about your loss and happy that I could relieve your loneliness a bit. I assume you have a computer; I make a CD of your photos. If you’ll give me an e-mail address, I’ll do some more post-processing, and send you some updated versions as I get them done.”

“That would be lovely, Frank. I look forward to seeing them. Can you also send me some of the bird photos, too.”

“I will. I’ll e-mail them as soon as I get home.”

Barbara was silent for a moment. She glanced at the front of my pants, which my erection was tenting up a bit. Then, as though she had made a decision, she said, “Mr. Smith; Frank, there might come a time when I would like some additional photography done. Would you be willing, schedule permitting, of course, to take some photos for me. Personal, private photos. I could pay you for your time.”

“Barbara, I’m retired. I have plenty of time on my hands, with little meaningful work to do. I’d be pleased to take some photos for you. No charge, ever.”

“Thank you, Frank. Perhaps we can work out a quid pro quo. Your time is valuable, at least to me. I’m working on scheduling a social event involving Marion and myself, and perhaps another person or two. I’ll let you know when that gets scheduled, and we can talk about what your role might be. Certainly photographer, but perhaps…”

As she spoke, Barbara was fiddling with the top button of her blouse. When it came undone, I could see a bit of cleavage. “There are other roles, other than photographer, that is, that you might be interested in.” She slipped another button open.

“I would be very interested in finding out what you might have in mind, Barbara.” I could feel swelling in the front of my jeans get even larger. “Very, very interested.”

I reached out slowly with my right hand, and gently cupped her left breast, through her blouse. Her nipple, which was already sticking out a bit, seemed to swell as I touched her. She dropped her hand to the front of my pants. “You do seem interested, Frank. Perhaps we’d better move to a more private place to continue our discussion.”

She took my hand and led me up the stairs. At the top, we turned left into a large bedroom. She sat on the end of the bed and kicked off her shoes.

“At our age, Frank, there’s no need for seduction. I’m interested. You’re interested. Let’s take our clothes off and get to the main event.”

We both took off our outer clothing. Standing in my boxers, I stepped in front of Barbara. She was down to her bra and panties.  I reached around her and unclipped her bra. As I did, I bent my face to hers and kissed her.

After just a few seconds, our tongues got involved, and the kiss lasted a while. We were both rubbing each other’s backs and bottoms as we kissed. When our lips finally parted, she said, “This is going to be lots of fun, Frank. I’m randy enough that I don’t need a lot of foreplay.” She looked down at the tented front of my boxers. “It looks like you don’t need much, either.”

She dropped her arms, and wiggled her bra down her arms, then grabbed the sides of her panties, and slid them down her legs. She sat back down on the bed and then laid back. 

I pushed my boxers down and leaned over her. I kissed her left nipple, then took it between my lips and sucked on it a bit. She grabbed my head with both hands and held my head in place. 

“Oh, that’s nice, Frank!”

I kept it up until she pushed my head over to the other nipple. I did the same thing there; kiss and suck. With my right hand, I found her vagina and slid my fingers between her lips. I felt for and found her clitoris. I gently played with it with the tip of my finger, which I had dampened with her juices from her vagina. 

I had only been playing with her clit for a few seconds, when she spoke, “Frank, put your cock in me, please. Right now, Frank! I need you in me when I cum.”

I moved my hand, crawled forward a bit, and adjusted my aim, I pressed forward, sliding the tip of my prick between her lips and into her. She wasn’t tight, and she was very wet; I slid in easily. I didn’t stop until I was fully in her. She wrapped her arms around me, and whispered, “Fuck me, Frank. Fuck me now. Hard and fast. Slam your cock in me.”

I started sliding in and out, slowly. She lifted her legs and locked her heels over my back. She was pulling me into her with each stroke. “Harder, Frank! Fuck me hard! Make me cum!”

I sped up, slamming into her as hard and fast as I was able. She was still pushing with her feet on my bottom and was gasping and moaning. I kept going. 

“Oh, my god, Frank, I’m cumminggg!” I slammed one more time into her. I could feel my sperm shooting out of me, deep into her. I pulled back and then slammed in again. “OOOH. OOOH!”

Her hips were humping up and down. Then she forced her hips upward, gripping her thighs around me. I could feel her muscle spasms as she orgasmed. Her spasms went on and on. 

Finally, she let herself drop back onto the bed. She pulled my face down to hers and kissed me. I kissed back for a moment or two. When she let up on my neck, I lifted my face a bit. “That was wonderful. No, spectacular! Oh, my, Frank, it’s been a long time, and it was just great. I have missed that for so long. Thank you.”

“It’s been a long time for me, too, Barbara. And it was indeed wonderful. Thank you.”

“We should do this often, Frank. I think I’d like to have you in regularly.” She giggled.

“I’d love that, too, Barbara.” I rolled off of her. She started to reach for a kleenex. “No, Barbara, let me clean that up for you.”

I slid down the bed and rolled onto my front, my face between her thighs. I kissed the inside of each thigh, and then licked upward between her lips. I could taste the familiar salty flavor of my cum as well as the more exotic flavor of Barbara’s juices. I licked and sucked until I couldn’t detect any more cum flowing out of her vagina. I moved my attention upward a bit and licked her clit. I could hear her breathing becoming ragged as I licked. I took her clit between my lips and began to gently suck, like I had her nipples. “Oh, Frank,” she moaned.

Barbara was humping up into my face with her hips as I sucked her clit. She was breathing hard and moaning a bit. She began to lose control of the muscles in her vagina, her hips, her thighs, and her belly. Her second orgasm built slowly as the muscle spasms took over the whole center of her body. She was gasping and grunting, grinding her pussy into my face. The orgasm peaked, and ever-so-slowly subsided. Her juices were dripping down my chin as she lowered herself back to the bed.

I crawled up next to her, slid my arm under her head, and pulled her close. I kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose. I said, “Hi, Barbara. How are you?”

She giggled again. “You sir, are a naughty, evil man. You’ve made me so weak I’ll probably have to spend the rest of the day in bed.”

“Lovely! If you enjoyed that, wait ‘til you find out what I can do when I nibble your toes.”

“Unhand me, you evil fiend. No one can nibble my toes without permission, sir. Not even you.” Then she kissed me, again.

She was right. I couldn’t nibble her toes without permission. It was, however, surprisingly easy to get permission.

Written by bowser23
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