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An Evening Of Live Music And Raw Lust

"A passionate encounter with a very sexy redhead."

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Author's Notes

"This is a little longer than most of my stories, but as we are all supposed to be in lockdown, hopefully, you will enjoy it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I dedicate it to all passionate redheads, long may they continue to drive men wild."

My name is Michael, a fifty-eight-year-old recently divorced Londoner and I would like to share with you one of the most exciting and sexually adventurous nights I have ever experienced.

After my divorce, I realised just what a toll a toxic marriage had taken on me. I was overweight, unhealthy, depressed, demotivated and quite frankly going downhill so fast that I doubted I would ever see the pension that my wife had done her best to steal from me.

A very honest conversation one night with my daughter changed everything for me. She has decided to pass on university and had instead joined the RAF. She was training to be an air traffic controller and was currently posted to a base in the very north of Scotland.

I had gone up to see her and while walking along the beach marvelling at the empty beauty of the landscape, we had the conversation that turned my life around. 

From that day on, I cut back on shit food, I drastically reduced the amount I was drinking. It had become a habit rather than something I actually enjoyed. I joined my local gym, started swimming again and bought a bike. 

Within weeks I began to feel, and look better. The more weight I lost, the more I wanted to. Exercise became my friend. I rediscovered that I was actually quite a good cook. In addition to all that I started to socialise. I tried online dating, but it was a nightmare and after six months I deleted my profile, put it behind me and ventured into the real world again.

I had always enjoyed art and live music so I started being a regular at the many galleries and venues that make London what it is.

I was spending a rainy Saturday morning at the National Portrait Gallery just off Trafalgar Square when I first saw her. We were both admiring the work of a young photographer who had taken the time to record the many faces of her local community in South London. The shots were all printed in black and white and framed identically. The way the exhibition hall was set out the whole place was monochrome. There was one exception, her long red hair.

She was wearing a black coat and had her back to me. I took out my iPhone and got a few shots on the camera. As we moved around, we both became aware of each other’s presence. The conversation came naturally.

“She really is very good?” I ventured. “So simple, yet so striking?”

“Absolutely, she really has an eye, and this presentation is so powerful,” She replied.

We fell into an easy conversation and enjoyed the exhibition together. I asked her if she would like a coffee.

“Michael,” I said by way of introduction

“Rona,” she replied, the Celtic name suiting her striking mane of red hair.

Coffee was followed by a drink and then a walk to the Tube before we both went our separate ways. We did swap numbers before parting.

When I got home, I transferred the shots I had taken into my computer and began to edit them. I was really impressed with what I had got. I chose one, in particular, cropped it, converted it to black & white and saved it. I left one bit of colour in it, Rona’s red hair. 

I sent her a copy via text message. She replied quickly, thanking me. I offered to get a higher resolution version printed and she said she would like that.

We began calling one another and arranged to meet again. 

We began to explore London’s many galleries, we both were into photography and portraiture in particular, but we also shared an interest in landscape and architecture. We would both bring our cameras on these trips and were able to get some comfortable images of one another. We would often end our days together with a drink at a pub. It was clear that we liked each other and began to look forward to spending time together.

In addition to enjoying Rona’s company, I was also increasingly finding her very attractive. I found myself thinking about her as I fell asleep and often first thing in the morning. Being a single man, these thoughts were not always innocent. What is it about redheads that can drive men mad with lust? It was time to step things up between us.

We had been to London’s South Bank to see an exhibition. I asked Rona out to lunch  and we enjoyed a long leisurely one with plenty of wine. It was early afternoon when we finished so after leaving the restaurant we strolled arm in arm towards Borough Market.

The route beside the River Thames is often lined with buskers and other entertainers. Some are very talented, some less so. We heard the haunting and beautiful sound of a cello being played and stopped to admire and appreciate the young musician giving it her all. I was having such a good day and was in such a good mood that after she finished her set I gave her ten pounds.

My mood and the situation brought on a surge of confidence and drawing Rona closer, I kissed her on the lips. We parted for seconds, and then with her green eyes looking directly into mine, she returned the kiss. Slightly longer this time.

Holding her tightly we continued our walk. Rona also revealed that she was a bit of a musician and played the violin.

“I used to play with a string quartet, but I couldn’t keep up with them nor commit to the practice that was necessary and required. I left but they have stayed together. Things are going well for them.” Rona’s voice couldn’t mask a real sense of disappointment.

We arrived at Borough Market and shopped for cheese and olives and good bread. I also picked up a decent bottle of Rioja. 

We travelled home on the Tube and as Rona’s station was before mine, I prepared to say goodbye. My spirts surged when she asked if I would like to come to her place.

Rona lived-in a small house about ten minutes' walk from the station. She said she shared with a friend but that her friend was away for the weekend.

We got in and began sorting out our purchases from the market. I opened the wine and Rona put on some music. She chose some Corelli played by a solo violin. The music was soft but passionate.

As Rona came back into the kitchen, I pulled her close and kissed her again. She responded enthusiastically. With the violin as our backdrop, our kissing became more intense. Our tongues found each other and worked their magic. I broke off occasionally to kiss Rona’s neck but returned quickly to her sweet lips. Our hands began to explore our bodies. 

Rona stopped me and then led me by my hand upstairs to her bedroom. We kissed again once in there but also began undressing. Soon we were both naked. Rona’s long red hair cascaded down to her neck. She had medium-sized breasts and pale skin. Between her legs was a small carefully manicured triangle of red hair. My cock hardened instantly at the sight. Redheads, how do they do it?

We made it to the bed kissing intensely, I felt Rona’s hand reach for my cock, she began stroking me. I lay her on her back, planted soft kisses on her forehead, lips neck and worked my way down to her breasts. Her nipples hardened as soon as my tongue touched them. I kept going lower, planting soft kisses as I went.

Just before I reached her red triangle I stopped and changed position. I now started at her ankles and began to slowly work my way up. From this position as well as kissing the inside of her legs I was able to reach up and pinch her nipples. Rona’s gentle moaning and deeper breathing indicated that I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

As I got past Rona’s knees I pushed her legs apart and she raised them at the same time. I was able to kiss the insides of her thighs. I moved slowly changing sides as I went up. Soft gentle kisses.

I was now at her pussy, below the red triangle she was either shaved or waxed, her glistening slit looked so inviting. I gently ran my tongue along her entire length from bum to clit. Rona gasped so I continued.

“Stay away from my clit for now,” she pleaded. “Make this last.”

I was more than happy to receive instruction.

I ran my tongue back down her slit, gently probing as I went. When I got to her bum I paid it special attention. Rona’s breathing was now very deep and her moaning was getting louder. I inserted a finger into her soaking wet pussy and was rewarded with another gasp. It was time to try two.

Gently, I pushed a second finger in and slid it in as far as I could. I then withdrew them to my fingertips before pushing back in again. I was also kissing and nibbling her outer lips while avoiding her clit, as instructed. 

Rona was beginning to squirm all over the bed. She was pushing her pussy down against my face and timing her movements in sequence with my fingers.

“Finish me,” she ordered.

I was ready. With my teeth, I found her clit and at the same time, I withdrew my fingers from her pussy and pushed a well-lubricated one into her bum. With my other hand, I began finger fucking her.

Rona literally exploded on the bed. Her climax was massive, she cried out and then curled up in a ball panting.

I’d not had sex for quite a while and was pleased that I had not let my technique go. I was however aroused beyond belief and desperate to have my cock sucked. I told Rona.

Panting, she said, “Give me a minute.”

I knelt at the top of the bed and pushed my cock into her mouth. I was being greedy, but I needed it. Rona gagged for a minute, but then opened her mouth to take me in.

“Stand up,” she instructed me

I did as I was told and with Rona sitting on the side of the bed, I thrust my cock back into her mouth. Rona knew what she was doing and alternated between licking the head ad taking my whole length in. She combined this with skilfully using her fingers.

There was no way I was going to last long. I warned her and she responded by sucking me even harder. Three long spurts came out of my cock and I pushed it against her mouth. She swallowed some and some dribbled out. I pushed Rona back onto the bed and lay beside her.

I sought her mouth with mine and tasted my own cum as we kissed.

“How long until you can get hard again?” She enquired.

I had no real answer because, for years, sex with my wife had been grudging and completely lacking in enthusiasm on her part. We rarely did anything beyond summing once. I looked down at Rona, at her perfect tits, her red triangle and the traces of cum on her chin. She gazed directly at me with her deep green eyes. My cock sprang to life.

“Not too long,” I replied confidently.

Blood was flowing back into my cock and I felt it harden and spring attention. I positioned Rona in the centre of the bed, spread her legs and mounted her. I slid in easily, she was very wet. Rona got one of her pillows and put it beneath her lower back. This afforded me a superb angle of entry and I was able to fuck her with deep thrusts that reached the very back of her pussy.

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In and out I went, gathering speed and then slowing down, before starting at it again. I loved the way her tits bounced all over the place when I was fucking her hard. It felt great and I was lost in the moment. Rona was lithe and supple and wrapped her legs around me drawing me in. She was also able to squeeze my cock with her pussy muscles, something I had never experienced before. 

I knew I was having the fuck of my life, everything was going right. I was filled with confidence and enjoying every second of it. Watching Rona’s red hair fly around drove me wild as well. I pushed my cock in as hard as I could.

Rona began panting and somehow squeezed her hand between our bodies and began rubbing her clit whilst still meeting me thrust for thrust. Her second orgasm was as deep as the first, she literally went limp on me and lay back on the bed, unable to speak. Having just cum minutes ago there was no way I was going to climax again, it didn’t matter.

We lay beside one another, holding each other close. We must have dozed because when I woke properly it was now dark outside. We showered and then went downstairs to enjoy supper with all the things we had bought at the market earlier that afternoon. We enjoyed more wine and after we had cleared our dishes we took the wine into the room with the TV.

We curled up together on the sofa, kissing, cuddling and watched The English Patient, a film we both really enjoyed.

I stayed the night, we made love again and fell asleep naked in each other's arms. In the morning I woke to find Rona masturbating beside me. I turned her over, slapped her arse a few times and took her from behind, ploughing into her while she grabbed the headboard of her bed. Well-fed and well-rested I had plenty of fresh cum.

As I felt my climax approach I pushed my thumb into Rona’s bum whilst continuing to fuck her. This had the desired effect and she came noisily. At the last minute, I withdrew and sprayed her bum and back with thick white cum.

We showered and then enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of good coffee and some pastries we had bought the day before. 

“I would like to take you to see the quartet I was telling you about, they are doing a concert tonight in London. It is a small venue, but really intimate, I think you will like it. If you are up for it dress smartly, it is a classy gig.” The way Rona invited me, I would be crazy to say no. I readily agreed.

We parted, kissing one another at the door and arranged to meet at the venue at 7 pm. As I walked down the street towards the tube I was sure that for a brief second I saw the blind upstairs move.

I got home feeling elated. What a day! What a night and the morning after was pretty good too. I busied myself with various domestic tasks and tidied up my house. After that, I decided to cycle to the gym and pushed myself hard. Nothing could dent my feeling of elation. The endorphins released during my work out just added to it. The powerful effect of time spent with a sexy redhead; if only I could bottle it, I would be a rich man.

I showered and shaved and got some smart clothes ready for this evening. A dinner jacket seemed a little over the top, so I opted for a semi-casual navy suit and a thin silk tie. I needed a new shirt to round off the look so I made a quick trip to a menswear store locally. The whole outfit was rounded off with some soft felt brogues. I thought I looked pretty sharp.

Rona had asked me to meet her outside the venue at 7 pm. I knew it but had never been in before. Rona was wearing a simple black cocktail dress that just looked stunning and set off her red hair perfectly. We kissed and then took our seats inside.

The hall was of medium size with a raised stage at one end. The roadies were in the final stages of a soundcheck. The audience was seated at tables and chairs in a semi-circle around the stage. The idea was to try and recreate the intimacy of a jazz club or something similar. Rona complimented me on my attire and squeezed my leg under the table. I was feeling so good I ordered a bottle of champagne. I thought this had been one of the best days of my life, so why not?

Rona and I had a great table right at the front with a superb view of the stage. We began to enjoy our champagne and waited for the concert to start. 

The musicians were an all-woman quartet, they consisted of two violins a cello and a piano. A little unorthodox but it was billed as different. All the women wore simple black cocktail dresses similar to the one Rona was wearing. I was particularly taken by the cello player, particularly when she sat with her instrument between her legs. There was something intensely erotic about it.

When the quartet started playing the passion of the musicians was obvious. They were at one with their instruments. The women were all also very fit. Their well-toned bare arms are testimony to this.

The cello player seemed to me to be playing exclusively for Rona, they looked at one another and more than once I saw them exchange non-verbal, knowing messages. I, too, was spellbound by her performance and her energy. There can be no doubt, it was a very sexual performance. Rona noticed how interested I was.

“She is naked beneath that dress,” Rona announced.

“How do you know?” I replied taking an even closer interest in the cello player.

“I know,” was all that Rona said. I looked into her eyes, they were blazing with passion. She said no more, but then I felt her hand on my lap and very discreetly beneath the table cloth she unzipped my fly.

Rona fished out my cock which was already showing signs of arousal and began to stroke me. The people either side of us couldn’t see anything and those behind us would have thought that Rona was just snuggling up to me. The musicians and the cello player, in particular, would have been able to work out exactly what was happening.

More than once the cello player looked directly at me as I began to enjoy Rona’s attention. I was getting hard very quickly. Up and down Rona went with a firm grip, occasionally pausing to rub my cock head directly. 

“I’m going to cum if you keep that up,” I leaned over and whispered in Rona’s ear. She said nothing but increased the pace of her stroking. The cello player was looking directly at us both while playing a very slow piece. The muscles on her arm mimicking what Rona was doing to me. Her bow slide across the strings, Rona’s hand firmly stroked my cock.

What followed was inevitable, I ejaculated in two strong spurts, the first hitting the bottom of the table and the table cloth the second landing on Rona’s hand. Unashamedly, she withdrew her hand and as casually as if she were kissing it, licked my cum off. I reached for the champagne and toasted Rona and the cello player.

The concert ended after an encore and people began to leave. Rona and I waited a moment to give me an opportunity to clean myself and the table up. I leaned forward and kissed Rona deeply, a long lingering kiss. She pushed herself close to me, clearly indicating that there was more to come tonight.

We walked arm in arm from the concert hall, instead of heading to the nearest tube station, Rona suggested a walk. I was torn because after Rona’s handjob I was horny as hell and keen to reciprocate. At the same time, a walk through London with this gorgeous sexy redhead was not the most onerous of tasks. We stopped several times to look at the lights and the ever-changing skyline. We kissed and hugged every time. I was anxious to get Rona back to a bed, hers or mine it didn’t matter.

We made it to a tube station and headed back south. Rona said she would like us to stay at her place again tonight. No problem with me. After we arrived at her station, I got a distinct impression that Rona was being deliberately slow. I began to feel aware of it. As we entered her road I heard the unmistakable sound of a London taxi. It went past us and pulled up right outside Rona’s house. From the door, a lady with long blond hair emerged and she then leaned back and began to extract her cello from the back of the taxi.

Rona opened the door to her flat and as we all went in, both women kissed, not a chaste kiss on the cheek but a full-on kiss on her lips.

“Hi, I thought you were wonderful tonight,” Rona said as she kissed her friend again. “One of the best you have ever done.”

“Adele this is Michael, Michael this is Adele.” Rona made the introduction.

"Hi, I heard you this morning,” Adele said looking me straight in the eye. “Did you enjoy tonight’s performance? What about the music, did you like that as well?”

Both women started laughing together. Rona then moved forward and kissed Adele fully on the lips again. Adele responded and they began kissing passionately, clearly exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. While kissing Adele Rona turned her around so that her back was facing me, she ten began feeling her back and waking her way down to her bum.

Very soon Rona lifted Adele’s dress and I was treated to the wonderful sight of Adele’s bare bum. She wiggled it at me provocatively and invitingly. I reached forward and gave it a good feel.

Adele also began caressing Rona and soon undid a discreet zip at the side of her dress. As it fell to the ground I was amazed to see Rona step out of it completely naked. The ladies moved together and ended up in the kitchen diner. Adele lay Rona on the long table and pulled her legs down to the end. She then buried her face between Rona’s legs. Adele was expertly licking Rona’s pussy, it was clearly not the first time she had done it.

Aroused beyond belief by what was happening in from of me, I stripped off. My cock was as hard as a rock. I stood at the end of the table and pushed my cock into Rona’s mouth. She accepted it willingly and with enthusiasm. It seemed greedy and selfish of me because I had already cum once tonight but with Adele attending to Rona’s pussy with her tongue and now her fingers. I was keen not to miss out on any action.

I was fucking Rona’s face when she started to cum, it was wonderful to watch. Her whole body trembled and then she went limp. Adele got up from the end of the table, her face covered in Rona’s pussy juice and came up and kissed her on her lips. I withdrew my cock, but not before Adele ran her tongue around the head.

“Fuck Adele, she likes it from behind.” Rona’s voice was confident and commanding. Adele was clearly aroused and bent over the table. She presented me with a spectacular view of her arse and her clean-shaven pussy lips. I slipped into her easily, she was soaking wet. I began fucking her and was rewarded with the sound of her almost growling as I picked up speed.

This was the first of many adventures with my new red-blooded redhead.

Written by JamesMerton1960
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