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Amber's Submission

"A mature woman finds her sexual rebirth with a younger man."

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Part 1

Amber was depressed. Having just turned fifty, she had convinced herself she was on the downside of a dull and boring life. The recent divorce had ended a twenty-five-year marriage that had been sexless for nearly a decade. The couple had maintained the contractual agreement for the sake of the children that were now on their own. She felt lost and lonely, isolated in a cloud of sexual frustration with little hope for relief on the horizon. In a vain effort to spread her wings, the newly liberated woman went out bar hopping a couple of times, just to get laid, but attained no satisfaction from the forays. The sex was as uninspired as the lifeless connections she had with the two men.

There was one arena that did excite the curious divorcee: Domination and submission. She had read Fifty Shades of Grey. This investigation led her to other sites online that were more detailed and graphic. The idea of a man having sexual power thrilled this lonely dreamer. She would masturbate with visions in her head of men dominating her. Just the thought of kneeling and crawling before an authoritative executive-type male made her wet. She longed to bring such fantasies to life but was unsure of how to make that happen. When she found a dating site specializing in Dom/sub connections, Amber created a profile under the name 'SubOhio' advertising herself as a submissive seeking a Dom. The beginner giggled when her inbox quickly overflowed with messages. Many were crude one-liners that she rejected out of hand. Some were from men who clearly had problems. There were a few possibilities that seemed interesting, but that soon turned into ghosts. She whittled down the list to six potential Doms.

She exchanged emails with the six before meeting three for coffee. They were disasters. The best of the lot wanted to share her with the other women in his 'pack'. One was a shady, abusive character who was scary to be around. The other smelled so bad Amber thought she might get sick from his body odor. The experiences served to increase her frustration even more, feeding her fears of never finding a suitable Dom.

A week later, SubOhio was disposing of more chaff in her mailbox when she came across a new message that got her attention. It was from a man in a nearby town. It was short and to the point:


I am a twenty-three-year-old Dom who recently got out of the Air Force after a six-year tour. I am intensely attracted to older submissive women. I would like the opportunity to discuss this more with you. Please respond if you find the idea of being Dominated by a much younger man to be stimulating.


Amber was close to pressing the discard icon, as twenty-three was a lot younger than what she had in mind, but she decided to at least check out his profile. His picture impressed her. The Air Force veteran looked older than his age. He was tall with dark hair, handsome, posing without a shirt, showing off his muscular physique. But the asset that intrigued her most was his deep blue eyes which gave him a dreamy yet powerful look. Her curiosity was piqued even more after reading his well-written profile that revealed an intelligence rarely found in other bios on the site. She decided to answer his email to see what might happen:


My name is Amber. What can you offer me, young man?

His reply arrived a few hours later:


Thank you for answering my email. I was pleased to hear back from you. Let me tell you what I can offer you.

I joined the US Air Force at 17. I was 3000 miles away from home, living on my own, enjoying the freedom this gave me. There were many opportunities for dating girls my age, but they just didn't do it for me. From puberty, I have felt a strong sexual attraction to much older women. At my first base in California, I posted an ad as an 18-year-old seeking a woman 40+ on a dating site. I received several replies that led to dates with several women. I was in heaven. At first, it was mainly a learning process for me as I was very inexperienced. But as I caught on, my confidence grew. Older women that like younger men seek strength, stamina, and virility. I have all three in abundance. As I gained experience, I took more control in the bedroom. I learned the art of Dominant lovemaking. I began to study D/s, seeking to develop myself. I had the physical prowess and good looks but needed to acquire the psychological and emotional skills necessary to be a top-shelf Dom. I have done so. I am comfortable in the role now. 

I am self-disciplined. I take good care of myself; no smoking, drinking, or drugs of any kind. I work out daily. I am an alpha male who is geared to lead and succeed. I am demanding of my submissives, training them to behave and follow my rules. Although quite capable of stern discipline when warranted, I am fair. If you submit to me, I will envelop you with my power, strength, authority, and Dominance. I never masturbate; I save all my energy for my sessions with submissives. My subs get my all. 

If this piques your interest, you will write back to me, telling me more about you. Now, you are not my sub, but you are submissive, and I am a Dominant. Therefore, you will approach me with respect. Calling me "young man" is demeaning. Do not do that again. If that is all you got, then don't waste my time. 


Amber was stunned by his email, reading it over and over for almost an hour. The words hit her like a freight train. His tone, his attitude was what she thought a Dom should exhibit. She felt the power in his words, trembling as she absorbed them. The age difference now meant nothing to her, for it had transformed from a detriment into an asset. The flustered woman knew she had to answer his letter, only this time she must pick her words very carefully so she would not lose this opportunity. 


I apologize for the choice of words in my first email. I hope you can forgive me as I meant no disrespect. I am very new to this, so sometimes I feel like I am stumbling around in the dark with a blindfold on, not knowing what to do. I am very interested, Sir. If you judge that I am worthy, I would like to learn submission from you. I want to be submissive to a strong man. I feel that need within me, but I can't explain why. Perhaps you can provide me some guidance on that. I hope that you find me to be an attractive older woman who pleases you. I wish to hear more from you, Sir.


Before pressing send, Amber proofread the email many times to be sure everything was correct. She discerned a pleading, groveling aspect to her message, making her wonder if that was good or bad. She was willing to do anything to light the fire. The impatient neophyte waited hours for a reply, but none came. It was a restless night tossing and turning, checking her inbox constantly.

The following afternoon, his answer came:


Very good. I feel the sincerity in your words. Honesty is of the utmost importance in D/s. Let us continue. 

In all the pictures you have attached to your profile, I can see your submissive nature in your poses and your pleading eyes. You are begging for an authoritative man to control you, to use his power to transform you into the sensual woman you have always wanted to be. You have never been able to reach your potential for pleasure because of your inhibitions and self-doubt. You need a Dom to break down the walls that hold you inside. You need direction. You want to be told what to do.

I am interested because your needs complement mine. I will work with you. But I need to know right now, little girl: Will you do what I tell you? Will you demonstrate obedience to my will?


Again, Amber was blown away by what he had to say. His addressing her as 'little girl' melted her inside, a confusing reality considering she was twenty-seven years older than him. But there was no doubt that his authoritative bearing and outlook made her feel childlike. It was frightening yet strangely magnetic, drawing her in for more. She replied immediately, wanting him to appreciate her urgency. 


I promise that I will give you my obedience. I will do what you tell me. I am willing to submit to you without reservation.


She fell to her knees, shaking and crying, shocked to the core by the reply which she had felt compelled to give. She had acknowledged her deep need for submission. After decades of looking at the diving board, she had impulsively jumped off it, plunging headfirst into the murky waters below with barely a thought of holding back. She had exposed her inner soul to a much younger man she had not yet met but in whom she was willing to place her trust. As she knelt on the carpet convulsing, years of anxiety drained out of her. She had committed herself. Her dark shadows were stirring.

Over the next week, the two exchanged emails several times a day. The submissive asked questions, the Dominant gave answers with explanations. His forthrightness earned her confidence in him. She now also found herself fascinated with the older/younger possibilities. The youth factor invigorated her. And she remembered the old joke that twenty goes into fifty many more times than fifty goes into twenty. Amber sensed they were getting close to meeting. She received this email on a Thursday afternoon:


I want to have a session with you at your apartment, Saturday or Sunday, beginning at 4 pm. Tell me which of these days works best for you. I anticipate the session will last until the early morning hours. Please send me your choice along with directions to your house. After I receive your answers, I will send you a set of Instructions to follow for the session.


Upon receiving this inquiry, Amber was initially nervous. She had not even heard his voice! The novice was expecting the first meeting to be at a coffee house or other similar place. Not her condo! But after a few minutes, the girl realized she had no choice. She was all in. She sent the requested info, then waited to receive the Instructions. They came shortly before midnight. 


These are your Instructions for our first session on Saturday, March 15. You are to follow these Instructions exactly as they are given to you. There are to be no deviations. If I note any, I will take disciplinary actions during the session. 

I will arrive at your apartment at precisely 4 pm. You will leave your door unlocked. I will walk in without knocking, locking the door behind me. 

You will be standing in your living room eighteen inches in front of the center cushion of your couch, facing it. You will be naked except for the black silk panties you will have on. You will wear no jewelry, no perfume, nothing in your hair, including barrettes or hairspray. Your hair will be brushed, hanging down freely. Your lips will have a smooth coating of carefully applied red lipstick. You will have your hands laced behind your back. You will bow your head with your eyes cast down. You will be looking at your toes. You will not look up until I tell you to. If you break this order, I will punish you. You will also not speak until I give you explicit permission to do so. You will stand quiet and still until I tell you otherwise.

You are to have several scented candles lit around the room. If you have some classical music, have it playing at a low volume.

You will have a pint of Häagan-Dazs coffee ice cream in your freezer.

The session will unfold at my direction. You are to follow every order I give you. You will address me as "Sir", nothing else. Be assured that I will reward obedience. I will take care of you if you are a good girl. At times, the scenes may be quite playful. We shall explore and experiment. You are new, so things will not be extreme, but I will challenge you. 

You will acknowledge receipt of these Instructions by sending a return email consisting of two words: "Instructions received."

I look forward to this session.

That is all.


The words mesmerized her, piercing the defensive walls in her psyche. No one had ever addressed her like that before. It was a series of commands that took away her freedom of choice. She was given no say in decisions made about the most intimate aspects of her personal life. The words "you will" were repeated over and over, relentlessly demanding that she obey. Logic told Amber to run away, but the endorphins flooding her brain obliterated her ability to think rationally. In a robotic trance, she typed out her surrender in the shortest email she had ever sent:

Online Now!
Lush Cams

Instructions received.


Part 2

At 3:45, Amber did one last check. The ice cream was in the freezer. The radio was on the only classical station in town. Six sandalwood scented candles she had purchased that morning were lit (she had decided not to use the fragrant vanilla candles that were already in the house). The place was clean. Her lipstick was on. The new black silk panties were hugging her ass. Everything was good. She laid a yardstick down in front of the couch, positioning her big toe at its centerline. She then kicked it under the furniture. After taking a deep breath, the submissive initiate put her hands behind her back, looked down at her feet, and waited. 

At four o'clock, the church bell a few blocks away rang at the top of the hour. After the second toll, Amber heard her front door open and close. Frozen in place, she listened to the sound of heavy boots crossing the wood floor into the living room. The urge to turn around was hard to beat down, but she forced herself to stare at her feet. The suspense made her heart pound. He was shuffling around. Every little sound coming from behind accentuated the tension. 

After an eternity of several minutes, the man she had never met walked over and stood directly in front of her. Amber's knees buckled slightly, but she followed the mandate of looking down at her toes. His highly-polished Italian boots were now in view, along with the dark grey pants of a well-fitting suit. There was a pause, perhaps just a few seconds, but for the helpless newbie stuck in a time warp, it felt like minutes. 

"I am pleased. You have followed my Instructions to the letter. That tells me that you very much want what I have to offer you. Very good! We are in tune because I want to give it to you. You are a beautiful woman. I want to give you the gift of feeling that. Your mature sexuality excites me very much."

His words calmed Amber's nervousness. She wanted to reply but knew not to.

"Look at me."

Amber lifted her head. Peripherally, she could see the perfectly tailored business suit, the red silk tie with a gold clip, and the styled haircut, all signs of privileged authority. But it was his eyes, his extraordinary steely blue eyes, that churned the nervous system of this awestruck woman into a mass of jelly. Her surrender was total. Her mind was submerged in a euphoria where no worldly thought might intrude.

He reached into her panties, sliding his index finger slowly and effortlessly into her pussy, an unexpected move that elicited an audible gasp from the receptive newbie. When he followed this up by rubbing her clit with his thumb, she cried out as her eyes closed.

"Open your eyes and look at me!"

Amber reopened her eyes, gazing back at Michael with a pleading look. He grabbed her hair forcefully.

"You are not to come! Look into my eyes! You are not to orgasm! Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir." 

His demanding look and harsh tone quickly diverted the oncoming orgasm. Amber received a clear demonstration of his dominion over her, for if he could control her orgasms like that, he could control her. As her trainer continued the stimulation, the new sub experienced an escalating sensitivity that could not peak without his permission. As she stared into the vacuum of his eyes, the intensity rose to a level she had never experienced before with any other man. Her breathing became erratic. The simple light touching brought this sensually deprived woman to an altered state of pure bliss. When the Dominant saw that she might pass out from overload, he withdrew his hand from her crotch. 

"You will watch me undress."

Michael began the deliberate process of taking his clothes off in a manner that provided a show for his partner. It was meant to titillate and slow the torrid pace to a more manageable level. It also kept him firmly in control. He folded each article, placing them in a neat pile on the couch. After removing his tee-shirt, he flexed his muscles for Amber's enjoyment, inviting her in closer to touch. The amazed cougar ran her fingers softly over his hairy chest before moving to the hardened swollen muscles of his shoulders and arms. Never had she felt such a rock-solid physique. She explored his body in a state of adoration. With her hands near his nipples, she looked at him with a desire to please. After receiving his nod, she leaned in to suck his right nipple. He let out a low moan while running his fingers through her long blonde hair, savoring the pleasure. 

The wide-eyed submissive watched as Michael unbuckled his belt, pulling it slowly out. When free, he formed it into a loop before forcefully pulling both ends, producing a loud snap. Amber winced, biting her lower lip before nodding her head slightly up and down. It was an acknowledgment that she understood the meaning. She was willing to go there.

Soon, the only clothing remaining on his well-tanned body was a pair of skimpy red underwear. 

"Kneel. Complete the task."

Dropping to her knees before him, she reached up to caress the bulge through the silk. The libertine moved her fingers slowly with light pressure, delighting in the soft curves of his pouch and the hard throbbing power of his covered shaft. The aura of this religious-like ceremony enraptured her as if she were a Vestal Virgin worshipping the phallus of a Greek god. Leaning forward, Amber licked his balls through the thin material while her fingers glided to his hips to begin inching down his shorts at a snail-like pace. Time no longer mattered. The usually impatient lover pulled the plug on the clock to indulge her newfound Dom with abject subservience. She was learning that it was the giving, the sacrifice of self that mattered in submission. Even after liberating his cock, the hungry girl refused to hurry, continuing the undressing at a slow pace, feeling and squeezing his sculpted thigh muscles as the material dropped ever lower. After reaching his knees, gravity took over, dropping the silk to his ankles. He lifted his feet one at a time to allow her to finish the job of removal. She kissed the shorts before placing them gently on top of the other clothing on the couch. 

The submissive resumed her kneeling position, staring at her Master's cock. It was larger and thicker than any she had ever seen before, but what excited her the most was its stiffness. It demanded respect with an aggressive, almost vicious look to it. Amber awaited his command.

"Worship it with your mouth."

Although new to BDSM, SubOhio had experience in giving head. As a teenager, she had specialized in blowjobs to keep her boyfriends from wanting to go all the way. Despite being rebellious during those years, she was a Catholic girl who followed the Commandments. To her, oral sex was a venial sin, while intercourse outside of marriage was mortal. 'Hot Lips' Andrews was so persuasive at giving pleasure with her mouth that she maintained her virginity until her wedding night at age twenty-four. This 'young lady' was now joyous at this opportunity to suck the stud cock twitching in front of her. 

She started with soft flicks of the tongue around the rim of his circumcised penis before blowing jets of air at the moistened spots. The tease then nibbled and scraped her teeth along the sensitive area while running her nails in spirals down the length of his shaft. The sharp sensations caused Michael to flinch and gasp. Experience had taught him that older subs gave the best blowjobs, so he leaned back to receive the pleasure. He watched as she took the head of his cock into her mouth, swishing her tongue around it in a clockwise motion while releasing gobs of thick, heated saliva that oozed downward, soaking his manhood in spit. Her skills amazed him. With her hands pumping his full length, the talented cocksucker began to shove her mouth down lower with each stroke, positioning herself at the right angle for letting it drive into her throat. He was at least nine inches, so it was a challenge taking him down all the way, but perseverance paid off. As a sign of victory, she jammed the tip of her tongue firmly into his balls, letting out a muffled squeal of delight at her accomplishment. She then began to fellate him with the longest, most passionate strokes he had ever seen a woman's lips make. He was impressed with the show she was putting on for him, but he did not want to lose control.

"Stop. Now!

Amber pulled off, a slightly disappointed look on her face as she was hoping for the prize. 

"Stand up, slut."

She rose immediately, straight and stiff, looking into his eyes, awaiting his next command.

"Remove your panties."

They were down and off in seconds, to be thrown aimlessly across the room. 

Michael sat down on the couch. 

"Come. Mount me."

The eager woman smiled. Spreading her legs wide, Amber knelt across his thighs to lower herself down onto his erection. Her well-lubricated pussy quickly swallowed him to the hilt. The submissive held the position, looking intently at her Dom. Michael extended his arms around her, holding her close loosely, with his hands on her back. Staying stone still, their union was spiritually and emotionally cemented by the intense mystical experience of gazing deeply into each other's eyes in silence while joined physically. Time stopped. Reality ceased to exist. Dom and sub melded, their souls entwined like serpents in heat, dancing through the ethereal vapors of sexual opium, slipping into the oneness of power and surrender mating. 

Michael pinched her nipples, twisting them in opposite directions, bringing her back to the sensory world. Amber started to move slowly on his pole, up and down, giggling for a moment at the stiffness that had set in during the still time. He kissed her, pulling her hair forcefully. They both felt a sense of urgency rising.

"Who is your Dom, little girl?"

"You are, Sir. You are my Dom." As she spoke the words, tears of gratitude welled up in her eyes, falling down her cheeks. 

"Yes, it is okay to cry, Daddy is here."

The words exploded in Amber's psyche like a jolt of high voltage electricity. The rush of energy put her into high gear. She began to thrash, pumping her hips as fast as they could move. 

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me!"

Michael had never seen a woman in such a frenzy. She was beyond the point where he could control her. As she bucked frantically, he massaged her clit. The reaction was nuclear. Screaming at the top of her lungs, she jerked forward, digging her fingernails into his shoulders, ripping the skin. He felt a burst of fluid squirting from her vagina, drenching his legs, splattering onto his chest. Her shattering orgasm triggered his ejaculation, producing spasms that wracked his body head to toe. 

Seconds would be served, for the raging hormones of youth kept his cock diamond-hard. The virile Dominant grabbed her ass, lifting her into the air as he stood up. With all the strength he could muster, he continued screwing with tremendous force in the standing position. Sweat poured off their bodies. At length, with his leg muscles trembling from the effort, he moved forward to lay her down on the coffee table, knocking many items to the floor. The Dom laid in as hard as he could, grunting, thrusting, boring into her pussy with the power of a jackhammer. He held the sides of the table to give him even more leverage and force on the downstroke. As another wave of orgasms hit her, the powerless recipient screeched as she leaned forward to bite into his shoulder, drawing blood that stained both of them. Unconscious impulses built up from years of frustration propelled her to beat her fists into his back. He kept pounding, determined to get it all out of her. When the slippery pair slid too far to the left, the table became top-heavy, toppling over, throwing the lovers onto the floor side by side. The grinding and fucking went on unabated. Amber was nearing empty, her body becoming limp like a ragdoll as her exhausted muscles gave in. 

"Sir, please, please, Sir. Finish me, Sir, finish me, I'm done. Please, Michael."

He grabbed her hair viciously before launching one final assault. "Feel my cock, slut. Feel it good. You are my fuck!"

She remembered his telling her in an email about the sensitivity of his nipples. With her last bit of energy, she bit hard into the right one while twisting the left. His scream could be heard in the street, but the maneuver was effective as the pain triggered his second orgasm. His last burst of energy was expended in a body-numbing climax which left them both motionless in a heap on the carpet.

... to be continued

Written by Koba17
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