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Amateur Dramatics

"A fifty-three-year-old married woman and a thirty-year-old man act as lovers in a stage play and then do it for real."

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The local village amateur dramatics group had decided to put on a production of Lady Chatterley's Lover and there was little doubt that Carolyn Bradshaw would be playing the part of Lady Chatterley.

Carolyn was a leading light in the group and also in the village generally, although there was some dramatic licence needed because Carolyn was in her early fifties and the Lady Chatterley of D.H. Lawrence's story was only relatively young.

The question of who should play the part of her lover, Oliver Mellors, was more complex with there being no obvious candidate. In the end, the part was given to Phil O'Donnell, who was aged thirty and a relative newcomer both to the village and to the group.

Carolyn was not keen on the appointment, she hardly knew Phil but found him to be rather uncouth.

Carolyn was married to Peter who was fifteen years her senior and had no interest in her acting or in the production of the stage plays. Phil had a live-in girlfriend, Ingrid, who helped with the scenery and behind-the-scenes but did not act.

The production would be in the village hall on three consecutive nights, but there would be extensive rehearsals before that. Carolyn often played the leading lady role, but this would be Phil's first time as the male lead.

Carolyn studied the script before rehearsals commenced, as it was basically a sex story she wondered how often she would be expected to get sexy with a man that she barely knew, and did not particularly like. She was pleasantly surprised to see that although a lot of sex was inferred, there was only really one sex scene, and that was fully clothed. She would be expected to kiss Phil O'Donnell in his role of Oliver Mellors on several occasions though.

Phil also studied the script with some interest, he was a bit nervous with it being his first leading role, and he was a bit apprehensive about acting opposite the formidable Mrs Bradshaw. He too noticed that there was only one sex scene between them.

It was the evening of the first rehearsals, and Phil decided to try to break the ice.

"I am looking forward to fucking you, Mrs Bradshaw," said Phil to Carolyn.

"Don't be so impertinent," snapped Carolyn in response.

Phil decided to say nothing more.

The rehearsal got to their first kiss, and Phil decided to make it memorable. He inserted his tongue in Carolyn's mouth, causing her to recoil.

"Don't you ever do that again," exclaimed Carolyn.

"What's wrong? What did he do?" asked a startled director, Simon Walsh.

"He put his tongue in my mouth," said Carolyn indignantly.

"I am sorry, I thought it might spice things up a bit," pleaded Phil.

"It was disgusting," responded Carolyn.

"I am sure D.H. Lawrence imagined Oliver putting his tongue in Lady Chatterley's mouth," said Phil.

"Carolyn did not like it, so please refrain, Phil," said Simon.

The rest of the rehearsal session was very wooden, and Simon feared that the casting was wrong.

Ingrid had not been at rehearsals and asked Phil how they had gone when he got home.

"Not very well; I upset Carolyn," answered Phil.

"Oh, how did you manage that?" enquired Ingrid.

"I put my tongue into her mouth," confessed Phil, causing Ingrid to burst out laughing.

"Is that all? I thought you must have pinched her arse or something," chuckled Ingrid.

"She said it was disgusting," replied Phil.

Simon Walsh had a chat with Carolyn and Phil before the second night of rehearsals because he feared having to find a new leading man. Carolyn, being quite professional in her outlook, agreed to give it another go, but stipulated that Phil was not to put his tongue in her mouth, Phil agreed.

The second night of rehearsals went much better until the sex scene anyway.

Phil was required to mount Carolyn and simulate sex, the trouble was that Phil was sexually aroused and his penis was stiff in his underwear, something that Carolyn felt when the younger man got on top of her.

"Sorry about that," Phil whispered in Carolyn's ear, but he got no verbal response.

They simulated having sex, and Simon seemed quite pleased with their efforts.

"That was very convincing, well done," said Simon.

Carolyn gave Phil a look that could best be described as a cross between disgust and lust.

"I got a hard-on when I mounted her," confessed Phil to Ingrid when he got home.

"Shit, what did she say?" asked Ingrid.

"Nothing, but I am sure that she felt it," replied Phil.

"You would like to fuck her for real, wouldn't you?" asked Ingrid.

"Yes, I would; Does that bother you?" responded Phil.

"It didn't bother me when you fucked the other two women in the village, did it?" replied Ingrid.

"No, it didn't," acknowledged Phil, who had shagged two mature married women in the village, but with Ingrid's full knowledge. Both of them more than once.

The third night of rehearsals arrived, and Carolyn was in a good mood.

"Are you going to get stiff again tonight?" Carolyn asked Phil.

"Maybe, do you mind?" replied Phil.

"I suppose that it is a compliment to me in a way," said Carolyn.

"You are a very attractive woman, Mrs Bradshaw," responded Phil.

The time for the sex scene arrived, and Phil again had an erection in his clothing.

The copulation was even more convincing than the previous time due to Carolyn's reaction to feeling Phil's stiff penis prodding her.

Opening night finally arrived, and the village hall was packed, the audience included Ingrid.

Phil knew that he was risking the whole production, but in an early kissing scene, he again inserted his tongue in Carolyn's mouth. She responded by inserting hers in his. The fucking scene promised to be spectacular.

Phil was again stiff when the time came to mount Carolyn, and the lovemaking was way more convincing than rehearsals had ever been. Phil almost came in his underwear, and Carolyn did cum in hers, a fact that Phil thought he had detected.

The audience gave a terrific response at the end of the performance, particularly for the two leads.

That night at home, Ingrid and Phil fucked.

"Wow! Was that me you were fucking, or Carolyn Bradshaw?" asked Ingrid, when she came down.

"You, baby, but I would love to give her one; I think she came when we had the sex scene," said Phil.

"Shit!" responded Ingrid.

The local reporter referenced the sex scene in their glowing report of the opening night's performance and recommended that everyone watched at least one of the two remaining nights.

Carolyn was on a high because it was novel for her to feel a stiff cock between her legs, even if she was fully clothed. After all, she and Peter no longer had sex.

There was a lot of exchanging of tongues during the kissing scenes on nights two and three, and Carolyn came on both nights during the sex scene.

There was a celebratory party after the closing night, and much alcohol was consumed.

Carolyn found herself in conversation with Phil and Ingrid.

"You and I make quite a team, Mr O'Donnell," said Carolyn, her speech a bit slurred.

"We do indeed, Mrs Bradshaw, perhaps we should do it for real," replied Phil, making Ingrid chuckle.

"But, but, I am a married woman," responded Carolyn.

"I don't imagine that you get much from your husband though, do you, Carolyn?" said Phil.

"That is none of your business," replied Carolyn.

"He has fucked two other women from the village," interjected Ingrid.

"Really Who?" responded Carolyn.

"None of your business," laughed Phil.

"Touche!" giggled Carolyn.

"So, how about you and me do it for real?" pressed Phil.

"Do you let your boyfriend do such things?" Carolyn asked Ingrid.

"Yes, and I can guarantee that you will get a memorable fucking," replied Ingrid.

"Oh my goodness, I don't know what to say," said a flustered Carolyn.

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"Just say when and where," said Phil.

The conversation was interrupted by Simon Walsh offering his congratulations to the two stars of the show.

The evening went on, and Carolyn's and Phil's eyes met frequently.

People started to drift away, and Phil and Ingrid were getting close to leaving.

"Call me, Carolyn," Phil said, giving Mrs Bradshaw his phone number.

"Bye, Carolyn," smiled Ingrid.

"Bye you two," responded Carolyn.

Carolyn spent two days pondering what to do, and it was Peter's announcement that he was going to be out all day the following day playing golf that had her reaching for her phone.

"Hello Phil, it is Carolyn," said Carolyn when Phil answered his mobile.

"Carolyn, it is great to hear from you," said Phil, smiling at Ingrid.

"Um, were you serious the other night?" asked Carolyn.

"Serious about what, Carolyn?" responded Phil, although he knew very well what.

"About you and me, um, getting together," replied Carolyn.

"You want a fucking, do you Carolyn?" responded Phil, grinning at Ingrid.

"Um, yes, I guess that I do; will you fuck me, Phil?" said Carolyn.

"I will very happily fuck you, where and when?" replied Phil.

"Could you come to my house tomorrow? Peter is going to be out all day," answered Carolyn.

"Yes, that is fine," replied Phil, who worked for himself.

"Um, will you wear protection?" asked Carolyn.

"If you want me to," replied Phil.

"Bring some, and I will decide tomorrow," said Carolyn.

Phil went to the local chemist and purchased some condoms.

He and Ingrid did not have sex that night, and he left for Carolyn's house with Ingrid's blessing, in the morning.

"I have never done anything like this before," said Carolyn when she met Phil at her door. She looked stunning in a trouser suit and just the right amount of make-up.

"If you like it then maybe we can make it a regular thing," replied Phil.

"Your Ingrid is very understanding," said Carolyn.

"She is," agreed Phil.

They were now indoors with the door closed and their lips met. It was no surprise to Carolyn when Phil's tongue entered her mouth, and Phil was not surprised when Carolyn responded in the same way. Phil's hands drifted down Carolyn's back and onto her quite substantial buttocks, as their bodies ground together.

"I have not had sex in ages," confessed Carolyn, when they broke from their snogging.

"Well, you are going to have it now, Mrs Bradshaw," said Phil, removing Carolyn's suit jacket.

"Let me see your lovely cock," said Carolyn, fumbling with Phil's belt and trouser zip.

"Let me see your amazing tits," replied Phil, undoing Carolyn's blouse.

"Oh Phil, let's go to my bedroom," said a very turned-on Carolyn.

"Great idea, Mrs Bradshaw," replied Phil, running his hand over Carolyn's arse.

Carolyn led the way up the stairs, with Phil's eyes on her buttocks in tight trousers.

Once in the bedroom, they snogged again, and their hands pawed the other's body.

Phil removed Carolyn's blouse and turned her around to unhook her bra. He then bared her breasts and pushed his hard cock against her arse as his hands played with her large tits.

"Oh, this is so exciting," said Carolyn, grinding her backside against Phil's still-clothed penis.

"We are going to have a great fuck," said Phil, kissing Carolyn's neck.

"Yes, yes, give me a fucking, Mr O'Donnell," said Carolyn, turning breathlessly and continuing the undoing of Phil's trousers that she had started downstairs.

Carolyn lowered Phil's trousers and lovingly stroked his erect penis through his boxers, before lowering them and taking his cock in her hand.

"Oh, it is wonderful, so big," said Carolyn, slowly wanking Phil.

Phil undid Carolyn's trousers and sent them sliding to her feet, before his hands went inside her knickers at the back and onto her bare buttocks. They snogged again, soon they would be fucking.

"I have condoms," said Phil, kneading Carolyn's arse.

"I want you without, I want you to cum inside me," replied Carolyn.

Phil now had Carolyn's knickers lowered at the front and his fingers plunged into her soaking wet cunt. Carolyn increased the speed of her wanking.

"I want to fuck you, Lady Chatterley," said Phil.

"Then fuck me, Mr Mellors," replied Carolyn, who removed her knickers and trousers as Phil got himself naked.

They made their way to the bed and Carolyn was on her back with her legs spread, and Phil mounted her. Carolyn's hand teased Phil's erection and ran it against her cunt lips before letting out a groan as she fed it into her hot, wet and ready cunt.

Phil took it slowly at first, he wanted to give this attractive mature woman as much sexual pleasure as he could. Carolyn was matching his thrusts as her excitement mounted.

Their tongues danced as the fucking went on, and Carolyn's first orgasm of the session rapidly approached.

"Mmm, oh fuck, oh fuck, yes, yes, yes," wailed Carolyn, as she came.

Phil was thrusting a bit harder and faster now, and soon had Carolyn cumming again.

"Amazing, so good," panted the writhing Carolyn as she came down from her second orgasm.

Phil wanted this woman cumming a few more times yet, and he had her legs over his shoulders and they had their eyes locked on each other as Phil fucked her with short and fast strokes.

"Shit! Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit," shouted Carolyn, as she came again.

Phil then spun Carolyn around and had her arse towards him as he entered her from behind. He soon fucked her to her fourth orgasm. This sex was unbelievable for Carolyn Bradshaw.

The fucking went on and on, and Carolyn seemed to be continuously cumming, but Phil was getting close now.

"Going to cum, I am going to cum," grunted the heavily perspiring Phil.

"Yes, yes, fill me with your spunk," panted Carolyn.

Seconds later, Phil let out a long groan and he shot streams of cum into Carolyn Bradshaw's again orgasming cunt.

They collapsed breathless and sweating.

"I have never been fucked that good, you are truly amazing," said Carolyn, once she could speak.

"And you were every bit as good as I thought you would be," replied Phil.

"Thank you, Mellors," laughed Carolyn.

"My pleasure, My Lady," replied Phil.

"And to think, I made all that fuss when you first put your tongue in my mouth," said Carolyn.

They had a quiet time, with Carolyn laying on her front as Phil caressed her arse, before they had another fuck.

The second fuck was not as long-lasting as the first one, but it was very satisfying for both of them.

"You know that you said that if I liked it we could maybe make this a regular thing?" said Carolyn.

"Yes, I did say that," replied Phil.

"Well, I liked it," laughed Carolyn.

"You have my phone number," said Phil.

"I hope that your Ingrid does not mind," said Carolyn.

"She knows that I always go back to her," replied Phil.

Phil did not bother to shower before going back to Ingrid, he had no reason to try to disguise the fact that he had been having sex.

"Was she good?" asked Ingrid, when her man got home.

"Very," replied Phil.

"You will be fucking her again then?" continued Ingrid.

"Very likely," responded Phil.

"We should start charging these women for your services," laughed Ingrid.

"You want to be my pimp?" chuckled Phil.

"Social secretary, I think," replied Ingrid.

That night, Phil performed again, giving Ingrid a good fucking.

Carolyn Bradshaw now rather liked Phil O'Donnell and the couple would likely be seeing quite a lot of each other in the future.

Carolyn would have no qualms about Phil being the leading man opposite her in any future amateur dramatic productions, particularly if there was a sex scene.

Written by PJH
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