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A Northern Welcome

"Two sisters show a stranded Southerner genuine Northern hospitality"

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Author's Notes

"Bedtime Stories Number 8"

There’s a stereotype in England that Northerners are unfriendly to Southerners, and Yorkshiremen are unfriendly to anyone not from Yorkshire. I don’t know if it is true for the menfolk, but it is definitely not the case for their women, if the hospitality I received last year is anything to go by.

I should say something about myself first. I’m Brian Wells, just knocking sixty and owner of a carpet cleaning business, Doctor Rugg. You should not confuse me with a huge franchise operation with a similar name, just a coincidence, honest. I’d hoped to wind down a few years ago when I took on a sensible lad, Steve, whose parents promised to buy me out if their son worked out okay. After a year, I was all set to enjoy early retirement with my wife Helen when she got a nagging cough. Six weeks later, Helen was diagnosed with lung cancer. It shattered us, as neither of us were smokers. It was very aggressive, beyond treatment, and Helen died just before Christmas the same year.

I was in limbo for a long time. Steve kept me on in the business. He worried about me sitting at home staring at the walls. I knew I was depressed, but could not find a way out of it. Steve persuaded me to accept an invitation to visit old friends up north for a change of scene. Said he could cope with the customers on his own for a while. Truth was, I’d been a spare wheel since I lost Helen and he needed a break from me.

It was freezing that Sunday winter night as my hire car limped onto the forecourt of the country pub in the middle of Nowheresville, North Yorkshire. My fuel warning light was already on twenty miles back, when the police diverted traffic off the motorway because of an accident, just before the services. The detour took me through miles of lifeless farmland. Ten minutes ago I passed a small garage with a pump outside, but it was closed. I just made it to the pub, whereupon my car refused to go any further. Then came the rain. Bloody brilliant.

The old coaching inn looked hospitable from the outside, but the landlord was not. The grumpy looking fifty-something bloke with a comb over told me they were closed for a private function this evening. My foot in the closing door was not what he expected.

“Look, I don’t want to be a bother, but police diverted traffic off the motorway before the services and I’ve run out of petrol. The garage back down the road is closed.”

“He’s coming to the private function,” says the landlord without a hint of sympathy. A woman’s voice from behind him came to my rescue. “Don’t be so miserable Jack, can’t you see the man is in a bind. Invite him in.”

She was a big, homely woman of about the same age as him. She wore an apron over a party dress. “Please excuse Jack, he can’t multitask. Why don’t you finish with lights while I see to this customer?”

Jack grunted something only she could understand and wandered off. “I’m Betty. How can I help?” Her smile was in direct contrast to her husband’s miserable coupon. As if she were with him to restore balance to the universe.

“Thank you Betty, I’m Brian. I’m visiting friends in Catterick, but what with the motorway accident I’m miles off and everything is closed, plus I’ve run out of petrol. Is there any chance of a bed for the night? I noticed your sign saying rooms.”

“Sorry love, we stopped letting rooms three years ago. The trade dropped off and the chambermaid left. I can’t change the beds with my back these days.”

“Don’t you go doing your back in again. I had to do everything myself for a week last time,” said Jack, struggling with a string of lights on the top of a small stepladder. He looked like he would end up on his arse.

“Jack, get off that ladder now. You know about your dizzy spells. One of the boys can do it later,” Betty admonished him.

I saw my chance. “How about this? I’m in a bind. I’m happy to make my own bed and give you a hand with the lights.”

She did not think about it for long. “Okay, offer accepted, Brian. That’s very kind of Brian, to offer to help with the lights, isn’t it Jack?” said Betty. Again, Jack grunted in husband speak.

Betty rustled me up a sandwich and cup of tea and after a brief rest in my plain but comfortable room I went down to do my chores. I just finished with the lights when a chap arrived lugging DJ equipment.

“Sorry I’m late Betty, my mate let me down. I had to load up the van myself,” said DJ Dan. He was in his late thirties with highlights and an earring and looked like every wedding DJ you’ve ever seen. A bit of a lad in his day, but now going to seed. I offered him a hand with his gear and he bought me a pint in return. I sat at the bar with Betty while Dan sound checked, then came over to join us.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked.

“It’s June’s fiftieth. She’s Jack’s sister-in-law. Her husband owns the garage you passed. That’s why it closed early,” said Betty.

“Oh, it’s a family do. Now I can see why you were reluctant to let anyone in tonight. Sorry Jack,” I said.

He grunted something that sounded like, ‘That’s all right’. I guess he felt I’d earned my bed for the night.

Dan said, “Jack, I’ve got an idea for a competition. You sing a song and the punters will win a pound for every word they understand.” We all laughed, but we heard clear enough when Jack said, “Gerroffya cheeky cunt.” Betty sent him to the back with a warning about his language.

Couples started arriving half an hour later. Ruddy farming men looking awkward in their shirts, ties and polished shoes. Their wives had pushed the boat out. Hair done and make-up carefully applied, wearing dresses and shoes more suited to a night out in town. Coats came off to reveal impressive cleavages. I realised the party was quite an event in this isolated community.

Betty noticed my gaze. “These country girls scrub up okay, don’t they?” I made a gallant reply. I didn’t expect her to broadcast it to the assembly.

“Ladies, Brian from London is staying with us tonight. He says you lot could hold your own against any woman in London on a night out in the West End.”

A cheer went up from the ladies and the men looked at me as if to say don’t get them started. Still, it was an icebreaker and several people spoke to me. The social numbness I’d felt since Helen died was thawing.

The DJ played tapes while everyone chatted. After a decent time speaking to their wives and girlfriends, the husbands gravitated to the bar where talk turned to the price of ewes and winter feed. Not subjects a city boy like me had much of an opinion on. I looked over at a table of ladies and caught the eye of Jackie, June’s youngest sister, who invited me over. She was a petite woman in her late forties. I put her at five foot three and a hundred pounds, most of which seemed to be in her impressive boobs. Her short dark hair was styled in what I call a pixie cut. Short in the neck but long on top with a jagged fringe that hung just above her eyebrows. Very sexy and refined. She beckoned me to the middle of the horseshoe couch and stood to remove her cardigan as I arrived, struggling with the sleeves.

“Let me help you shrug out of your shrug,” I offered.

“Why Brian, you know what it is. That makes you a metrosexual around here,” Jackie smiled as she took her cardigan. Her hands lingered on mine.

I glanced over at the farmers propping up the bar. “I’m the only metrosexual in the village.” I joked, paraphrasing a line from a popular comedy show. All the women laughed, causing a few heads at the bar to turn.

Jackie wore a fitted black cocktail dress. I admired her bare arms and impressive cleavage. She was pleased I’d noticed. Everybody did, including her husband and his friends at the bar. It was an awkward moment. I turned to the bar. “I hope she’s got a licence for those,” I joked. The round of laughter seemed to keep everyone happy. Jackie gave me a knowing, sly smile. She was flirting with me and knew I was up for the same.

“Jackie paid for ’em so she can do what she likes with ‘em, I say,” said an older woman at the end of the arc.

I looked at Jackie, puzzled. “I had a little win on the National Lottery, so I treated myself. Henry had his heart set on a new muck spreader.”

I laughed. “I bet Henry got over it in a hurry.” I thought it was legitimate to take a quick peek at her chest again.

“You would think so, wouldn’t you?” said Jackie. Again, that sly smile. I think she could almost hear me getting hard.

Conversation turned to the late arrival of June, the guest of honour. “She’s just phoned. Said to start the dancing. She’ll be here soon,” Brian announced.

An enormous cheer went up, and many of the woman stood. They shielded us from the bar. Jackie leaned in. Her tits were on my arm and her hand on my thigh. She copped a feel of my hard cock and smiled. “You’ll like June. She’s just like me, but without the tits, so you’ll be able to tell us apart.” She gave me a peck on the lips and said, “I have to find my husband so he can do his duty before returning to his mates and his drink. Promise you’ll dance with me later.”

My mouth was dry, so I just nodded. I ran my hand across her thighs as she passed, feeling the lace tops of her black stockings. She smiled back at me.

June arrived ten minutes later. She was smiling and complementing her friends on their outfits, but I could tell she was upset. Jackie went to her sister, and they had a conversation by the bar. They were like bookends. The same height and general build, although June had a fuller figure. Her hair was a similar short sexy cut to her sister’s, but she coloured hers a rich chestnut brown. I could not work out their conversation, but it was clear Jackie was consoling her sister. They glanced over in my direction, whispering and laughing. After a while, June was smiling properly.

Jackie steered June over while she organised a tray of drinks for our table. We were introduced, and I helped June out of her coat. She wore a red wrap around dress that crossed at the breasts. Although they were smaller than her sister's enhanced version, they were not small and her push-up bra was closing the gap. “All my own work,” June whispered as she took her coat to place on the pile behind us. She had the same flirty look as her sister and I knew my cock would be in torment all evening.

June apologised for her lateness. Her husband Ron had dropped something on his foot and it was too painful for him to stand or drive. June had to wait for a friend to collect her because she wanted a drink on her birthday. The glance of recognition flowing through the group told me it was not the first time her husband had let her down. I sat between the two sisters, so the conversation was like a tennis match. They had their own shorthand and spoke rapidly, finishing each other’s sentences. It was an amusing performance, and I laughed.

“You two are so funny to listen to. I bet you’ve been like this since you were kids. They both looked at me.

“You understood that, Brian?” said June.

“Most of it, I think?” I explained what I heard. Both sisters smiled.

“You can tell he’s not from here, Jackie. He listens to what a woman says, and he understands,” said June.

“I think we should bury him in case he tells that lot our secrets,” said Jackie, pointing to their husband's drinking at the bar.

“Don’t worry, unless it is about the price of ewes or winter feed, I don’t think it bothers them,” I said.

The sisters looked at each other and laughed. “You’ve been here two hours and you know everything there is to know about this place,” said Jackie caustically.

I leaned forward, and they leaned in so we were not overheard. “As an impartial observer ladies, you are all wasted on these men. You all have taken the trouble to look a million dollars and they are at the bar like they could be any other day of the week.”

“I bet you treat your wife better,” said June.

I lost my smile as I explained my circumstances. It was a natural dampener. None of us knew what to say next. DJ Dan saved us by launching into a medley of 1970s glam rock hits.

“Come and dance with us Brian.” June and Jackie grabbed an arm each, and we went onto the small dance area.

Twenty minutes later, I flopped back on the seat for a breather. The girls were still at it. I went to the bar for a round of drinks. A big chap clapped me on the shoulder. “I’m Henry, you were dancing with my wife Jackie.”

I could not read his body language, but I prepared myself for a fist just in case. He raised his other hand, but he plonked it on my shoulder. I realised I was propping him up. “Thanks, mate. She’s enjoying herself. I can’t dance, nor can half of these blokes, so you’re taking one for the team. Isn’t he guys?” Henry turned to the four blokes behind him who grunted their agreement. “Your money’s no good here, let me buy that round.” Henry produced two twenty quid notes before I could object.

I made my way back with the overloaded tray. “Ladies, the drinks are courtesy of your husbands at the bar, apparently I’m taking one for the team by dancing with you.” The ladies raised their glasses in thanks.

“You are doing a magnificent job, Brian. What do you do for a living?” said a lady whose name I still can’t recall.

“I’ll show you,” I said.

I raised my bum off the seat to get my wallet out of my back pocket and the same old girl said, “I knew it! Stranger in the village tonight. He’s a strip-o-gram. He’s going to get his cock out.”

There was no answer to that, and the laughing took a couple of minutes to stop. I noticed by the end under the table I had June and Jackie’s hands on both my thighs and their eyes seemed to dare each other to touch my cock, which was harder than it had been for years. I pulled out a business card from my wallet and handed it to the old girl. “This is what I do.”

Her thumb was over the logo so she did not see the cartoon carpet cleaning machine. She squinted at the type. “Oh, he’s a medical man, Dr Rugg.”

“Don’t you mean a doctor of rugs, you know a gynaecologist,” said her drunk friend. The table erupted, and both sisters used the diversion to grab my cock, pushing each other’s hand off.

I whispered, “Settle down ladies, there’s enough to go around… I hope.” I took my card back and announced to the group, “I have a carpet cleaning business. All estimates are free, so ladies if you have a filthy rug, big or small, give Dr Rugg a call.” More laughter this time and the old girl at the end is saying, “Stop it, stop it. I think I’ve pissed myself.” The cackling reached a crescendo, and the men looked over. I gave them my ‘taking one for the team’ wince, and they went back to their drinks.

The music had moved on to the 1980s New Romantics scene and I got both sisters up as I couldn’t stand their teasing anymore. The old girl with the bladder problem noticed my hard on and just smiled.

On the dance floor I said, “Do you remember the funny dance they used to do to this one?” I took Jackie by both hands and pulled her toward me, swinging my hip in and my knee up. She mirrored my moves and then we repeated it on the other leg. Jackie shrieked, “Oh my God June, do you remember us doing this in the Sheffield nightclubs when you were at catering college?”

I took June’s hands and did the same move, and then the two girls did the move together. Others caught on and repeated it in their own fashion, and we swapped partners until everyone had danced with everyone else. We did this for a few numbers, and then I dropped out for a breather. I could see the two sisters talking animatedly on the dance floor and looking over now and again. They arrived and sat back down; faces flushed with excitement.

“Brian, you made us remember the good times we had when we were young. You’ve made my birthday a night to remember,” said June. She kissed me on the cheek.

“It’s not over yet sis,” said Jackie. She leaned over to me. “Brian, I know you would like to fuck us, but you don’t know which one you stand you best chance with. Well, you can relax. We’ve decided to share you.”

I looked at each of them. They smiled at my astonishment. “This is the point where I wake up and discover I’ve spunked my pyjamas.”

June said, “You won’t be wasting it there, I’m having you first. It’s my birthday. Say your good nights and go up to your room, I’ll be there in five minutes. Jackie will keep an eye on things down here.”

I turned to Jackie and said thanks. She squeezed my cock under the table and told me to save some for her.

It took me longer than five minutes to get away, but moments later there was a knock on the door and June stood there. I was undoing her dress before the door had shut. She found my zip in double quick time. I didn’t bother undoing her bra, I just pulled her tits out of the cups and they pointed at me. Her orangey brown areole ended in stubby nipples. I sucked on each tit greedily. I pushed her dress off her shoulders and nibbled them.

“God, you’re hornier than I am. Let me see your cock.” June was on her knees and my pants and trousers came down together. It’s not huge, but it’s in proportion for a six-foot bloke. The helmet burst through my foreskin and a drop of pre-cum fell on her tits. June whimpered and put me in her mouth. She grabbed both cheeks of my arse as she thrust her head back and forth. My wife had been a reluctant cock sucker, but June was a real enthusiast. Her tongue tickled the sensitive underside of my helmet. My legs buckled.

“June, I’m going to cum too quickly.”

“I want you to Brian, then you’ll last longer when you fuck me.”

I could not argue with her logic, so I let her suck my balls. We could hear the slow numbers starting downstairs, so we knew we did not have long. June deep throated my cock, making horny gagging sounds. Saliva lubricated her throat, and I slid in further than I thought possible. My climax was quick and with little warning. June had been holding the base of my cock in two fingers. She released her grip and a flood of spunk rushed up my cock and into her mouth. She swallowed as much and she could, then she pulled me out and my last spurt hit her in the face.

I lifted her onto her feet. My one hand fondled her arse through the black Lycra tights. The other found her cunt. The crotch was soaked with her juices and her thong knickers were embedded between her fleshy lips, which I tweaked through the material. June groaned, I kissed her, tasting my spunk in her mouth. That turned her on, and she ground her cunt against my hand.

I pushed her back on the bed and pulled at her tights, which seemed to be made of some super strength material. Control tights, I found out afterwards. Finally naked, I pushed her knees up to her tits. June’s cunt was delightful. A protruding mound with pouting lips and a fine trim of short ginger hair.

“How is my rug, Doctor?” June said, looking between her thighs.

I looked up at her flushed face and heaving tits and fell upon her like a man possessed. I sucked her cunt and nibbled the lips. June thrashed around. My tongue found her clit and two fingers searched for her g-spot while my little finger teased her puckered arsehole. That was the final straw and June came mouthing a stream of obscenities and ejected a good squirt of juice that soaked the quilt. She was still having aftershocks as I slid into her.

“Fuck me, Brian. Fuck me hard and nasty. Fuck me like a whore.” It drove me wild. My wife was never that interested in sex talk, but I’d discovered my voice.

“I’ll fuck your cunt raw, June. I’m going to fuck it inside out. The lips won’t close for a week.” Her heels dug into my arse to spur me on. Her cunt gripped my cock as she prepared to come.

“Fuck me Brian, use me. Fuck me like a slut.” I grabbed a handful of hair and sucked hard on her nipples. She moaned and thrust back at me. “I’m coming, Brian. Yes, yes, oh my god yes.” She spasmed, and I shot my load.

I hadn’t been with another woman since Helen, but I was surprised I could come again so quickly. I coated her insides with several good spurts, then I started to dry come. After a few painful blanks, I had to pull out. Moments later, my spunk oozed from her lips onto the quilt to make a cocktail with the earlier juices.

We lay on our backs breathless and started laughing. I felt as light as air. It was a great fuck, and I knew it was good for her, too. June pulled my head towards her and kissed me on the mouth. “What a great birthday present. I’m not waiting a year for the next one. We have to work something out.” I’m glad she was keen on a repeat because I certainly was.

“That would be great,” I said as I fondled her tits and my dead cock tried to stir.

We noticed the music had stopped. I could hear a random tapping at the window. I got up and opened it. Jackie was in the forecourt. A stone hit me on the head.

“Hurry up, it's finished,” she said in a loud stage whisper.

June pushed in front of me and shook her bare tits at her sister. “So have we. It was fantastic.” I grabbed her tits from behind. My cock nestled between the cheeks of her arse and grew. June felt it.

“Perhaps we should invite her up,” I said. I could hear feet on the gravel.

June sighed. “I have to go, Brian. Give me one of those cards.” I fished one out of my wallet as she dressed.

“What about these?” I said, holding her damp knickers and tights.

“Keep them for me till next time,” June said.

She kissed me goodbye, and I slid my hand inside her dress and into her sticky cunt. “God, don’t start me off again.”

She pulled herself away and soon I heard her tiptoeing on the stairs. I switched my light off and watched the departing guests. Taxis picked up most, but a big Land Cruiser with the name of Henry’s estate arrived. He staggered into the front seat. June and Jackie opened the back doors and looked up to my window. I could read Jackie’s lips, ‘You owe me.’ I would be more than happy to settle my debt.

I fell into the sleep of the dead but woke about three in the morning, wondering if I had dreamed the entire thing. I thought the black thing on my bed was a cat, and I pulled it to me. It was June’s tights and knickers. I inhaled the smell of her and knew it was all real.


Betty’s knock woke me at eight am and I put the room in order, hiding June’s things under the quilt.

“There’s some breakfast on the tray out here. Don’t let it get cold now.” She’d left me a cooked breakfast and a pot of tea. A little note said, “Thanks for cheering June up on her birthday.” I wonder if Betty was talking about the dancing or whether she’d heard our after-hours activity.

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After I’d eaten, I stripped the bed and was about to go downstairs when I heard a vehicle pull up at on the pub forecourt. It was a breakdown truck from the garage that was closed yesterday. The driver’s door opened and out got June. I opened the window and waved to her. Despite having had as little sleep as me, she looked lovely in a summer dress and sandals.

She shouted, “I didn’t tell you what my husband did for a living. I’ve brought you some petrol. It will get you to our garage.” I went downstairs to meet her and fill up my car.

“I’ve been thinking about you all night, June.” I checked to see if we were being watched before I lifted the front of her dress and cupped her pussy. “I woke up so hard for you this morning.”

“Stop it, Brian. I’m wet all the time.” She brushed my hand away.

“How is your husband’s foot today?”

“That bastard Ron. He made it all up. I got home feeling guilty at what we’d done, so I thought I’d wake him up, and give him a consolation blow job. He was flat out on the bed stinking of whiskey, so I unwrapped the bandage on his foot to check. There was nothing wrong with it, so I wrapped his other foot instead. He woke up for a piss and limped to the loo. Then he saw the other foot bandaged, so he limped on that one. How could he be so selfish on my birthday?”

“I’m sorry, June. The man must be an idiot.” I put my arms around her, but we broke apart when we heard Betty in the pub.

“I got my own back, though. I didn’t bother to shower, and I played with myself all night with your cum oozing out of me. When he sobers up, he might smell it.” June looked spiteful and sexy at the same time.

“Jesus June, I’ve got to fuck you now.” I took her hand and led her into the hotel. “Betty, June has been kind and brought me some petrol to get me on my way. My wallet is upstairs. Will you give me a hand to strip the bed, June?”

We tried not to run up the stairs. “This room smells of fucking Brian. Open the window. Look at that wet patch on the mattress.” I grinned. “It’s not all my fault. Help me flip the mattress.” The other side was not great, but at least it was dry.

I threw the sheet and quilt on the floor and she got my meaning. June pulled the dress over her head. She was naked underneath. “Get undressed and lie down, Brian.” June stood over me in just her strappy wedge sandals. Her cunt looked wet and raw.

“I told you it would not close for a week.” I said.

“Okay, show off, but I think most of it is my work.”

I went to pull her down on to my cock. “Hold on, Brian.” She sucked my cock, bringing it to full hardness, then she lay her head on my stomach and took a picture on her phone. Her fingers typed a quick message. “Just saying morning to Jackie.” June climbed on and rode me while I squeezed her tits. We were both so turned on it did not take us long to come. It felt so satisfying.

“I will get a hotel in Harrogate when I’m finished visiting my friends. Will you come and visit me?” I could not get enough of her.

“That would be lovely, Brian.” June’s phone beeped, and she answered it. “Jackie is jealous. She says ‘Remind him, he owes me.’ She’s sent some pictures.”

June showed me her phone. There was a topless shot of Jackie lying on her bed showing her fantastic tits and a legs wide apart shot of her bare cunt. My shrinking cock grew again inside June.

“Oi you!” She grabbed the phone back and started typing. She showed me the message. ‘He’s still in me and seeing your tits and pussy has made him hard again. Talk about unfaithful!’

She sent it. June showed me Jackie’s reply. ‘I can’t take any more of this, I’m going to have a wank… pictures to follow.’

I could have laid there all morning, but a shout from Betty saying that there was fresh tea downstairs reminded us time was not on our side. June climbed off. She was oozing. I offered her the tights from last night and she mopped herself and put them in her dress pocket.

I thanked Betty and Jack for their hospitality and checked out, following June back to the garage. A grubby looking bloke in stained overalls had his head in the bonnet of an old Land Rover. June introduced me to her husband Ron as the man who broke down yesterday. We appraised each other. Me thinking what was June wasting her life on him for, and him figuring me for a mark.

“I might be able to do something tomorrow, but parts for those foreign cars are expensive.”

“I just need to fill up the tank mate. If there was a problem, I would not have been able to drive here on the petrol June was so kind to bring me.”

June rolled her eyes at her husband and walked into the shop part of the garage. “I’ll switch the pump on Brian.”

I filled up while her husband continued to tinker on a car. Occasionally walking over to a toolbox for a spanner. Sometimes he limped, and sometimes he forgot. I paid up in the office. I felt reckless. I took her hands. “I want to take you with me, June. Your boys are grown. This place is choking you.”

She touched my face. “I’ve known that for a long time, Brian. I’ll be ready soon, but not today. You won’t give up on me, will you?”

I looked towards the workshop and I leaned over the counter and kissed her. “I’ll be in Harrogate in a few days, let’s talk then.”

Her husband was walking around the car with an electrical tester as I passed the garage on my way out. I got in my car and opened the window. “Excuse me. I don’t want to tell you your job, but weren’t you limping on the other leg before?”

Ron gave me a puzzled look, and I could hear June laughing in the shop.


I paced up and down my Harrogate hotel room waiting for June. She said she was in town but had to do something first. That was over an hour ago. I sat down and reflected on how my life had changed over the past week.

When I’d arrived at my mate’s house in Catterick a few days earlier, both he and his wife were concerned at my appearance. They put it down to the ordeal of my protracted journey and my depression. Truth was, I was knackered. At my age, doing it three times in eight hours is a stretch. I’d been out of the game too long. I would have to get match fit to cope with June on a regular basis.

The first night I slept like the dead and woke with a hard on that would not go away. My phone beeped. It was a text from Jackie. ‘Are you ready for your morning alarm, Dr Rugg?’

I had an idea what was coming, so I set up a private WhatsApp group called Sister Sister that the three of us could share more safely than open text messages. Moments later, the pictures she’d sent June yesterday appeared. Jackie’s tits were even more impressive in the daylight and her splayed pussy showed she had been playing with herself before she took the picture. My cock started twitching, and I knew it would need no help from me. I got a picture of my cock spunking and then an after shot of it shrinking in my cum-covered fist. ‘Happy to be of service, Smiley face,’ was her reply.

I came back from my shower to find an indignant message from June. ‘Oi, mister. I’m not having you wanking over pictures of her all week.’ This was under a picture of June. She must have taken it yesterday. She was lying back on the tailgate of the very Land Rover Ron had been repairing. Her dress was undone, and she was naked underneath. Her legs were open and the last of my cum could be seen leaking from her lips. My dead cock came back to life, although it took me some time to pay her a tribute. I send the second picture with a caption. ‘Dr Rugg’s cock says please can I have the rest of the day off, I have been working so hard lately and I am exhausted.’

That got lots of unsympathetic Ha Ha’s from the pair of them, but they agreed to let me gather my strength for the weekend. I made it downstairs at mid-day. Arthur said, “Brian, you’ve had all that sleep and you still look fucked!” I grinned weakly and his wife went off to cook me a hearty breakfast.

My early nights continued. I blamed the famous fresh Yorkshire air for my tiredness, although it was from spending a couple of hours on the phone with the girls each evening. We agreed a rota of alternate days for each girl. They were like a pent up well, desperate for someone to listen to them. I’d never had a problem speaking to my wife, and realised I missed her conversation, so I was happy to oblige. By the end of the week, I’d pieced together their stories.

Their mother married a man from a village, close to the pub, and she had the pair of them soon after. Both girls were desperate to leave the sleepy place as soon as they were able to, so they headed to Sheffield where June attended catering college. Jackie tried a variety of jobs, searching for something she liked. They had no intention of going home, but a year later their dad had a heart attack. The second, a week later, finished him.

Their mum went to pieces and took to her bed. She would not leave the village, much to her daughters’ frustration. They moved home for a while to persuade her. They could not see a solution, but fate presented one. After a few dates with Ron, June found herself pregnant. She had always wanted kids, although Ron was not the father she would have chosen. Ron moved into their house, and the girls agreed Jackie should escape while there was still time. She went back to Sheffield. Their mum recovered and died a happy granny five years later.

Meanwhile, in Sheffield, Jackie was living a wild life for both of them. She married a guy who owned a string of nightclubs. He had a reputation for a roving eye and it was not long before he was at it again, despite her charms.

Jackie told June about her husband’s infidelity on a tear-filled trip home. June said if one woman was not enough for him, perhaps two would be. She told Jackie he always looked her up and down at family gatherings and tried to cop a feel which she’d discouraged. Jackie reasoned that if he was going to stray, it would be better with someone she knew, rather than some random slut who would wreck their marriage. June went to Sheffield for the day and together they made him their offer. He jumped at it like a dog with two dicks.

June would go to Sheffield and stay with them every few weeks. This arrangement lasted a couple of years until his need for variety got the better of him and Jackie caught her husband fucking two tarts in their bed. She returned to the village a wealthy divorcee.

A few months later, June set her up on a date with Henry, a divorcee whose family owned land and farms in the area for generations. It was not a good match and three years in they drifted. Henry encouraged all Jackie’s diversions, an interior design course, cordon bleu cooking. His first love was farming and not much else. Jackie had had the odd one-night stand with random men she’d met on line but she was unfulfilled.

June meanwhile raised two sturdy sons who left for university last year. She was entitled to something more than the prospect of the rest of her days in the garage. She’d tried to discuss this with Ron, but he was not interested.

Both women were desperate for something good to happen in their lives. This started me thinking, and I had a proposition to put to them when we next met.

On my last night at Arthur’s, I told him the truth. We were in a boozy session in his local when I told him about my night at the pub. The drink loosened my tongue, so I said more than I planned to. His reply was “You lucky bastard Brian, that was quite some story.”

I could tell he had doubts, so I showed him the pictures of June and Jackie on my phone. His eyes almost popped out of his head. “Fuck me Brian, look at her tits! And look at her. Is that your spunk coming out of her?”

I shushed him and said yes. He was deep in thought for a few moments. “When are you seeing them again?”

I could hear the cogs ticking in his brain. He would offer to be my wingman. Arthur’s first marriage had broken up because of his roving eye. His new wife was a kind woman. I did not want to cause any conflict between them.

I said, “No Arthur, it was a one off. Besides, you know what these Northerners are like when they catch you fucking their wives. They may not be interested anymore, but that doesn’t mean it’s open season.”

He’d moved up from London twenty years ago, but that did not make him a local. Which was why the husband of the woman he’d been screwing gave him such a pasting. Arthur rubbed his jaw at the memory and let it drop.

When we rolled home from the pub, his wife was already in bed. Arthur said, “Put the pillow over your head.” He grinned as he climbed the stairs. I had just settled in when he started.

“Get off Arthur, we’ve got guests. Stop that, he’ll hear you,” said his wife in a loud stage whisper.

“You mean he’ll hear you, you sexy bitch. He’ll love hearing the noises you make when you come.”

“Arthur please, stop. Oh god, you’re so big tonight…. Jesus, yes, that’s it. Play with my clit too.”

I grinned to myself. Last week I’d have been wanking to their soundtrack, but I had to keep my powder dry for my performance tomorrow. Arthur kept up a running commentary, and she seemed spurred on, knowing I was hearing it. She came loudly at the end and I was tempted to applaud, but I knew it would embarrass her.

In the morning, she could not look me in the eye. When Arthur popped out of the room, I said there was nothing to be embarrassed about. I said I knew the old Arthur had been a lad and a bit of spice like last night would help keep him on the straight and narrow. She gave me a knowing look and said thank you.

At the car, Arthur shook my hand while she waved from the doorstep. “She’s a wonderful woman Arthur, don’t fuck this one about,” I said.

He smiled back at his wife. “Yes, she is. She was quite a go’er last night. I think I’ll take her into the woods this afternoon, if she’s up for a bit of alfresco.” We both laughed. I went to leave, but he held my hand. “You give both of them one from me. That’s an order you hear.” I laughed and drove off.

A knock at my door brought me back to the present. June stood there flushed and excited. I didn’t realise how much I had missed her. I pulled her in and kissed her. It went on for ages before we broke away breathless.

“If you leave the door open like that, I will sell tickets.”

It was Jackie. She looked lovely. Tight jeans and a white tee shirt under a slim, fitted leather jacket. I pulled her in the room and held her close to me. I looked over to June for permission.

“What are you waiting for? Don’t keep the lady in suspense.”

I followed June’s command. My lust for Jackie was different, urgent, unconsummated. Our foreplay had lasted all week. I crushed her lips with mine. One hand went to a magnificent tit. Pinching the already hard nipple. The other was squeezing her great arse in the tight jeans. I felt the heat of June’s body behind me. Jackie undid my shirt and pulled it over my shoulders. June kissed the back of my neck. I moaned. Jackie’s fingernails raked my chest.

She said, “This is where you wake up and find you’ve spunked your pyjamas.”

I opened my eyes, and both women started laughing.

They stripped me and pushed my hands off as I tried to remove their clothes. “No, lay on the bed, we’ve been shopping. We’ve got a surprise for you.”

The girls giggled as they made their way into the bathroom. I could hear a lot of rustling bags, giggling and clomping about in high heels on the tiled floor. After an age, the door opened.

Jackie said, “Mesdames et Messieurs, May I present Mademoiselle Fifi.”

June came out in a French maid's outfit. A short black satin dress with white lace trimmings, apron and headpiece. What really got me were white cuffs. She did a twirl. She wore black fishnet holdups. The black stilettos must have been another purchase. I pulled up the apron and skirt to reveal open crotch panties through which her swollen lips protruded. I rose to grab her, but a stiletto on the chest pinned me back on the bed.

“Not yet, Monsieur. May I present Mademoiselle FuFu.”

Jackie came out of the bathroom wearing a black lace body stocking. There were holes for her tits and pussy. She did a twirl, and I saw the red patent leather high heels. Both pairs of shoes were made for fucking, nothing else. Jackie finished with a bow, her back towards me. She knew the view I’d have of her squashed pussy lips. I groaned.

“Show off,” June complained.

I got off the bed and grabbed her. My hands inside the open knickers, searching for her wet cunt. Jackie grabbed my cock from behind, rubbed her tits and pussy against my back. My cock lurched in her hand.

“You’ve fucked him twice already,” Jackie complained. June pulled away from my grasp and sat in the chair by the bed.

I turned to Jackie. “You’ve been teasing me for a week.”

I grabbed a tit and fed it into my mouth. Now some people will tell you false tits don’t feel the same. But I had no complaints. I moved from one to the other until the magnet of her cunt drew me down. I pushed Jackie back on the bed, holding her ankles, and pushed her knees onto her tits. Her cunt splayed obscenely, framed by the lacy material. Her scent was in my nostrils.

“No work for you there, Dr Rugg”, Jackie teased as I admired her clean-shaven lips.

I ran my tongue up and down the crack all the way to her arse hole. She bucked when my tongue found her clit and again when my fingers reached her g-spot. Jackie thrust her hips, fucking my tongue and fingers.

“I told you Brian was a good pussy eater, Jackie.”

I looked back at June with her legs splayed over the arms of the chair. Her fingers were flashing in and out of her cunt. Her other hand was pinching her nipples. This entire scene was like the best porn film I had ever seen, except I was starring in this one.

I thrust two fingers into Jackie’s slicked arse and she came. I slipped my cock in her cunt and she went mad with lust from my double penetration.

“That’s it Brian, fuck my cunt and arse at the same time. Do it hard.”

Her words were more than enough and I came in half a dozen strokes. She reached up and took her sister's hand. Both girls came at the same time. The Viagra I’d taken earlier had given me a turbo boost. I pulled out of Jackie’s soaking cunt and thrust my spunky cock in June’s mouth. Her fingernails racked the back of my balls and I shot twice more.

I fell back on the bed and almost passed out. Now I understood those people who liked to be choked while they come. The oxygen deprivation added to the intensity. When I came around, June and Jackie were on each side of me, looking down. My smile allayed their concern.

“I thought we’d lost you there for a moment, tiger,” said Jackie.

“What, and miss all this. No chance.”

We fucked all afternoon with suitable breaks for recovery. The girls said I might need some help, and June went off to the bathroom. She came back with two vibrators. A pink veiny one and a black one with a finger to go up the arse. I used both on both girls several times and even did a guess the cock competition where I propped them head down and arse in the air. They had to guess the order in which I was fucking them: Pinky, or Perky, or me. Then they had to guess what the order was for their sister. I cheated by fingering their arse each time it was me. They didn’t seem to mind.

I’d ordered afternoon tea from room service and we ate like three porn actors on a break. “Remember, we wanted to do this when we were in Sheffield,” said June. Jackie and I shared a puzzled look. “Not the fucking. Well yes the fucking, but running our own teashop.”

Jackie sighed. “There’s no trade where we live, and Harrogate is full of them.”

We had stumbled into what I’d been thinking about all week. “But Blackheath isn’t,” I said.

“But isn’t that in London?” said June. I nodded. The two sisters looked at each other and the penny dropped.

“You’ve both got the skills. June, you’ve been to catering college. Jackie, you can put those expensive interior design and cordon bleu courses to good use. I could help you find premises.”

They looked at me and at each other. It was lovely to see the excitement building in them. This could be the thing they were looking for.

I carried on. “Blackheath is a suburb in South East London. Near Greenwich. Well to do, like Harrogate. Dr Rugg has got plenty of ladies that lunch on his books there.”

“You mean on their backs more like it,” said Jackie.

“Oi you,” said June, and she gave her sister a playful slap. I thought June was sweet on me. She reddened with embarrassment. “Come here, and you, too.” I pulled them both to the top of the bed and kissed June, then Jackie. “No, I’m not like either of your husbands. I’m strictly a two-woman guy.” They both laughed.

June said, “Did you mean it? You’ll help us get started. Premises and contacts.”

“Of course I do. I’d love to. But it will be your business. You make all the decisions. You won’t find me over your shoulders, giving unwanted opinions. Is that okay with you?”

“It’s okay with me, come on Jackie, what do you say?”

She thought for a moment. “It’s cheaper for our husbands to give us a year off to do our own thing than face a divorce where they could lose half of their stuff. That’s the way we have to put it to them. I’m in June.”

They shook hands and shook my hand. They leaned over and whispered to each other. I did not hear what they were saying, but there were mischievous grins on their faces. June straddled my hips. Her pussy lips just scraped the tip of my cock as it strained towards her. Jackie straddled my chest, her pussy grazing my nose. Her scent was intoxicating. I strained my neck towards her. She looked down at me between those great tits.

“Boy, are we going to fuck you now, Brian. Come on, sis.” I felt them both lower on to me. If you could die from bliss, then that would be the moment.


If you’re a bloke and you have read this far, you are probably wondering what is so special about me? I mean, it's most men’s fantasy to fuck two women together, and sisters, well that’s a double bonus. If you saw me, you would say I’m nothing special. If you saw June and Jackie, you would agree they could have their pick of men twenty years younger than me. So, what gives?

I’ll tell you my secret because most of you won’t get it, anyway. I listen to them and I don’t piss on their dreams. I didn’t promise it would be easy, did I? I listen to their hopes, their self-doubts, their flights of fancy where they realise the silliness of their viewpoint and I am smiling rather than giving them that, ‘You stupid woman look.’ You won’t believe how powerful an aphrodisiac that is. I encourage them to believe that their lives don’t have to end at fifty. That anything is possible and they deserve the best. The very best.

It’s been six months since Harrogate and there has not been an evening I have not spoken to at least one of them. It’s not all sex talk, although there is enough to make sure we go to sleep with a smile on our faces.

They are coming to London next week to see a show. Both of their husbands wondered why that should take four days. Yes, we have a lot of catching up to do, but I have also arranged for them to view some vacant premises for their posh tea room. As I said, Blackheath is a well-to-do area and many of my customers are ladies who lunch. I am sure there are many of them who would patronise the launch of a stylish new café and earn a discount on their next visit by Dr Rugg.

Written by SMFlint2021
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