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A Granny Grabbed

"After a prolonged absence of sex a woman is persuaded by her promiscuous friend to go pubbing"

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Geraldine Fellows would never have claimed to be beautiful although she had, in the past, considered herself to be attractive and even, sometimes, quite sexy but now she was thinking that those days were long gone. She was only aged fifty-eight but she had lost most of her self-confidence after her husband had left her five years previously for a woman barely half his age.

She was now divorced and living alone and, basically, her life just drifted along. The fact that she was not having any sex and had not since a while before her husband had left her no longer bothered her if indeed it ever had.

Geraldine had a friend, Susan Thrower, who was the opposite of her in many ways because Susan was certainly not going without sex and sometimes Geraldine thought that Susan believed if she went more than three days without a fuck that her life would be over.

Susan could never have really claimed to have been beautiful although she probably equated being plastered in make-up as being beautiful, which it could be for some, but Geraldine thought it made Susan look like a tart. But then again, Susan probably was a tart.

In the early days after Geraldine's husband had left her Susan kept trying to get her to go out with her for some 'fun' but 'fun' was the last thing that Geraldine felt like having and Susan had now long since stopped asking her.

One day Susan had been sat at Geraldine's house having a coffee and telling Geraldine about the stud in his early twenties that was currently fucking her and Geraldine was smiling as she pretended to listen. The strange thing was that after Susan had gone Geraldine thought back to her friend's words to which she had hardly been listening and wondered to herself what it would feel like to have a cock in her after all this time.

That night, in bed, Geraldine again thought back to her friend's visit and she did something that she had not done in months, she masturbated. Not only did she masturbate she also had an orgasm which is something that she had not often done whether having sex or going solo.

The next morning Geraldine had a strange feeling of guilt both about her thoughts and her actions but she was thinking that she probably did need a good fuck. The problem was how to go about getting one because she would certainly not go out on her own and she was reluctant to ask Susan for any assistance having rejected her offers so many times before.

She thought of going on an internet dating site but thought that if she did and she did not attract any interest, or she attracted interest from the wrong person, her brittle self-confidence would be further damaged.

She decided that she would ask Susan if she could go out with her one night but to ask her in such a way that Susan would believe that she was actually asking Geraldine.

The two of them were having one of their frequent meetings for a coffee when Geraldine, very uncharacteristically said, "How are you getting on with your stud?"

Susan was surprised, and not particularly pleased, to be asked, "Oh I have finished with him," she said consoling herself with that belief although the twenty-something had actually finished with her.

"Oh sorry to hear that Sue, I am sure that you will get someone else," said Geraldine sympathetically.

"Yes, soon I hope because I have not been fucked for nearly a week," said Susan feeling bad about her involuntary abstinence from sex.

Geraldine saw her chance to get Susan to suggest a night out, "A week, I have not had it for about six years," but then blushed slightly when she realised what words had left her lips.

"Yeah but you are not interested in sex are you Gerry?" said Susan although she did not mean it to sound as biting as it did.

Geraldine was a little bit hurt by the comment but bit back a little bit by saying, "Well obviously not as interested as you are Sue."

"Are you calling me a tart Gerry?" said Susan and it was getting dangerously close to the two women who had been friends for more than thirty years falling out.

Geraldine thought that she should placate her friend but also saw an opportunity to get back on the subject of a night out, "No Sue I am not, and anyway I am interested in sex."

"Are you saying that you want a fuck?" asked Susan, almost incredulously.

"I think that I am saying that I need a fuck," replied Geraldine.

Susan waited a moment for her friend's words to sink in before saying, "Well what about all the times that I suggested you come out with me and you were not interested?"

"That was ages ago and anyway, I was not interested then," said Geraldine.

"So if I say we will go to The Rose and Crown on Thursday and see if we can get laid you would come?" said Susan referring to the roughish pub that had a disco on Thursday's and young men tended to go looking for mature women that were looking for young men.

"Hopefully come in more ways than one," laughed Geraldine before again blushing at something that she herself had said.

The conversation was being held on Monday so plans were made for the girls' night out in three days' time but in the first two of those three days, Geraldine started to develop doubts about whether she really wanted to or should go.

On Thursday morning Geraldine phoned Susan. "Sue, I have decided not to go out tonight, sorry."

"Why not, I thought you wanted some cock," replied Susan.

"I did, I do but I just don't think something like tonight is for me," said Geraldine.

"If you really want cock then what have you got to lose, worst that can happen is you don't get laid," said Susan trying to reassure her.

"That's it though, I might make a fool of myself or perhaps nobody will fancy me," replied Geraldine.

"I often make a fool of myself but I usually get myself fucked," said Susan although that might not have reassured Geraldine.

There was a moment's silence so Susan then said, "Tell you what, I will come and get changed at your house and I will bring a bottle so we can have a couple of drinks before we go out."

"Well I am still not too sure," replied Geraldine.

"I will be there about six," said Susan before hanging up to prevent further protest.

Susan arrived at Geraldine's house with her clothes for the evening, plenty of makeup, a bottle of gin and an overnight bag. The overnight bag was because of doubts about sleeping arrangements for the night both location and number of people.

Susan swiftly got a glass of gin into Geraldine and then said, "What are you wearing?"

For the moment at least, Geraldine put off thoughts of not going out but said, "I don't know, it is ages since I have had a night out."


Both women were of medium height and both were quite rounded, possibly too rounded, both in front and behind.

Susan ushered Geraldine to her bedroom to sort through her clothes and eventually settled on a white blouse and a black skirt but when Geraldine held the skirt against herself and saw the length or lack of length, she said, "I can't go out in this, it is way too short."

"Of course it isn't, especially in view of what you are going out for," insisted Susan.

They started to get ready, had some more gin, then got ready some more.

Susan put her makeup on, probably too much, and then helped Geraldine put some on although Geraldine used far less than her friend.

After they had each had another glass of gin Geraldine was seated at her dressing table and saw in the mirror that Susan had black trousers on but they hugged the almost sixty-year-old woman's backside, "Christ Sue, you have got a big bum," giggled Geraldine who was feeling a bit light-headed.

"So have you actually but a lot of men like big bums," replied Susan.

Eventually, they were ready to go but Geraldine, despite the gin, was a bit nervous. Susan thought of giving her friend another drink but then had visions of her passing out in the taxi that was just about due to arrive.

They arrived at the pub and it was quite busy but not packed although it was still relatively early. There were a few youngish couples there but mostly it was middle-aged women and younger men although some of the younger men appeared to be little more than boys although the pub checked ages of entrants so they were obviously old enough.

Geraldine was still nervous but another drink helped and there were now several people on the dance floor.

The two women were in conversation when a young man, probably not more than twenty, came and asked Susan for a dance and it appeared that they knew each other from previous nights at the pub, "Do you mind if I do Gerry?" asked Sue who obviously fancied being groped by the young man.

Geraldine gave her consent and then watched as the young man and much older woman smooched. The way that he pawed Susan's large arse suggested that they might have done more than dance together in the past and when they had moved so that Sue was facing Geraldine, Sue made a face indicating that there was some physical contact at the front too.

The dance finished and Susan returned to Geraldine who asked, "I assume you had met him before?"

"Yeah, he has fucked me twice and he is pretty good," replied Susan matter of factly.

It was not long before Sue was dancing with a different young man and it appeared that she and the man had met previously unless it was normal now to get your arse felt in a first dance. With it looking like Susan was going to have her pick of men to go to bed with Geraldine was again wishing that she had not agreed to go out.

She was looking into her nearly empty glass when a male voice said, "Excuse me, would you like to dance?"

For a moment Geraldine did not think that the question was being asked of her but she looked up to see a very good-looking young man, possibly aged twenty or less, looking into her eyes.

Her first reaction was to panic and decline but she managed to almost stutter, "Um, oh, um yes okay," as she got up and suddenly felt self-conscious about the shortness of her skirt.

As they got on the dance floor she thought she should give some sort of explanation, "Um I, I have not done this before."

"Done what, dance?" asked the young man with a smile.

"No silly, come to a pub on a night like this," she said starting to relax.

"So why are you here?" asked the young man but in a reassuring way rather than a demanding way.

The first thought that entered Geraldine's head was to say, 'to get laid' but she said, "Oh, I am here with my friend," nodding towards Susan who was now having her buttocks groped by a third different man.

"She looks to be busy," said the young man with whom Geraldine was starting to feel safe.

"Yes well, she has been here before," said Geraldine hoping that she did not sound disapproving.

"I know, I have seen her here before," said the young man.

"Oh, have you and she um, sorry..." asked Geraldine getting flustered.

"Ha, if you are asking if we have slept together then no, what sort of man do you think I am?" he laughed.

Geraldine felt so safe with this man and although they had been dancing a slow dance at a respectable distance apart she consciously moved closer to him but in doing so she felt the hardness of a penis against her body for the first time in years.

"Geraldine, my name is Geraldine," she said just for the sake of saying something.

"Ian, pleased to meet you, Geraldine," he said just as the track was finishing.

Ian escorted Geraldine back to her seat and she felt disappointed because she thought that that would be the last she would see of him.

Seconds later Susan planted her big arse next to Geraldine, "So you had a dance then?" she asked.

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"Yes, he says that he had seen you before," replied Geraldine.

"Yeah, if he had played his cards right he could have fucked me, his loss," said Susan offhandedly.

"He seems nice," said Geraldine.

"He is alright I suppose, only nineteen," said Susan and Geraldine smiled to herself thinking that probably Ian had chosen not to bed Susan although Geraldine was a bit shocked to hear his age.

A little later Geraldine saw Ian dancing with another middle-aged woman so she thought her chance of happiness (and a fuck) had gone.

Susan was currently almost copulating on the dance floor with a rough-looking young man, at least she was obviously rubbing his cock even if it was through his jeans.

"Would you like another dance Geraldine?" said a voice that she had heard before.

"Yes, yes Ian, I would love to," she gushed then hoped that she had not sounded too enthusiastic.

This time they were dancing quite close together from the start and all the signs were that they were both sexually aroused, "My friend tells me that you are nineteen, is that right?" she asked, not because it bothered her, she was just wanting confirmation.

"Yes, is that a problem?" replied Ian.

"No, not if you don't mind dancing with a fifty-eight-year-old," replied Geraldine confessing her age.

"Only dancing?" asked Ian looking into Geraldine's eyes.

Ian's cock was very hard and seemed very big as it pressed against Geraldine's body and her breasts pushed against his chest, "Did you have something else in mind?" she asked feeling a dampness in her knickers that she had not felt in the presence of a male in years.

"Only if you want to," said Ian before kissing Geraldine's very inviting looking lips.

"Oh yes, I want to," she breathed after the kissing had stopped.

They completed the dance with their bodies almost merging into one and they kissed long and deep at the end of the dance.

Geraldine's next thought was Susan but at that instant, Susan appeared at her side with a young man in tow, "Gerry, I have got to go I will collect my things from your house tomorrow, will you be okay?"

Right on cue, Ian was at Geraldine's side, "Oh yes Sue, I will be just fine," beamed Geraldine and Susan felt a tinge of jealousy because it looked like her friend had pulled a stud that she had failed to.

Susan went off with her latest fuck-toy and Ian said to Geraldine, "Would you like another drink or...?"

"I think 'or' don't you?" said Geraldine as she kissed her soon to be lover firmly on the lips.

"Um, we could go to my flat but..." started Ian.

"I have a house all to myself so I think we will go there," interrupted Geraldine feeling both excited and nervous.

They called a taxi and whilst they were outside the pub waiting for it Geraldine explained that she had not had sex for about six years and she had never been in the habit of taking young men home, especially one almost forty years younger.

Ian reassured her that although he often went to the 'grab a granny' nights he only went with a woman if he really fancied her and that made Geraldine feel wonderful. He said that Susan had been all over him one night and he found her sexually exciting but he thought that she had come onto him too much. He laughed when he told Geraldine that Susan had insinuated that he must be queer because he had chosen not to go with her, which amused but did not surprise Geraldine.

Ian also revealed that he did not work on Friday's so there was no hurry for him to leave the next morning unless Geraldine wanted him to.


They kissed and cuddled a bit in the back of the taxi but did not do anything too heavy as they had the whole night ahead of them. The taxi driver was well used to looking in his rearview mirror to see young men and 'old' women making out in his vehicle after picking them up from The Rose and Crown on a Thursday night.

Once in her house, Geraldine asked Ian if he wanted something to drink but he replied, "No I want to make love,"

Geraldine giggled and said, "Actually I want to fuck, we can make love later," and the couple kissed and groped and, during the groping, Ian's penis was removed from his trousers and Geraldine's blouse was undone and her tits ejected from her bra.

The breathing was heavy and Ian had Geraldine's skirt undone and she shimmied it to her feet.

Geraldine had originally thought that if she was going to end her years without sex she wanted it to be slow and gentle but all thoughts of slow and gentle had now gone from her head as she pulled Ian's trousers and boxers down and had her face almost touching his impressive erect penis.

Her earlier thoughts of what was to happen if it happened were for it to be on the bed but she was too far gone to make the stairs as she lay on her back on the floor removing her knickers as she did so and spread her legs, "Take me, Ian, please."

Ian held his rigid prick against her cunt lips and dragged it up and down as she got wetter and wetter and more and more in need of it being inserted, "Stick it in, fuck me," she almost begged so Ian removed his hand from his penis and slowly entered the longtime neglected vagina.

Geraldine 'cooed' and groaned and sighed as he slid further in and she shrieked in pleasure as he almost completely withdrew before sliding all the way in again. Ian was pretty experienced at fucking having lost his virginity to a middle-aged married woman at age sixteen and having had a preference for older women ever since.

Geraldine was getting used to the thrill of having a penis inside her after all this time although this particular penis seemed longer, thicker and harder than her ex-husband's had ever done. She knew that she was about to orgasm and she was almost crying with happiness when it hit. Ian delighted in pleasuring women and he was getting great joy from pleasuring this one.

He fucked her long and hard and Geraldine writhed and bounced and screamed through orgasm after orgasm as still, the young stud slid his rigid cock in and out of her. Sensing that Ian was, at last, getting close the sweating Geraldine breathed, "Cum in me, cum in me baby," and she locked her legs behind his back as she felt his cock twitch and then send jet after jet of spunk into her soaking wet cunt.

"Thank you, Ian, that was wonderful," Geraldine managed to say after she had finally got her breathing back to normal.

"Oh it was my pleasure Geraldine, believe me," replied Ian as he slowly withdrew from her cum filled cunt.

Geraldine got a bit unsteadily, to her feet and gave Ian a great view of her bare bottom.

"You have a lovely arse, Geraldine," said the young man.

"Well thank you," she replied although she did not think that she really did have a lovely arse.

Geraldine then said, "Now that we have done the fucking perhaps we can go to bed and make love," a suggestion that Ian happily agreed with.

The lovemaking was soft and gentle and Geraldine thought it blissful as the young man took her to sexual levels that she had very rarely reached before, They varied their positions and Geraldine climaxed several times before Ian again ejaculated into her.

They were in the process of waking up in each other's arms when Geraldine's phone rang next to the bed. A quick glance at the clock told her that it was almost nine o'clock and she answered the phone to find Susan on the other end of it.

"Hello Sue, a bit early for you isn't it, I thought you would still be in bed," said Geraldine inferring that she assumed Susan still had company.

"No, I have been up a while, the sod just dipped his cock in me, came and then fucked off," replied Susan indicating that her night had not gone too well. It had not crossed Susan's mind to ask how Geraldine had got on.

As Geraldine was on the phone Ian had got under the bedclothes and was now kissing her thighs so as Geraldine started to sympathise with Susan she let out a strange 'squeak', "That was disappointing for you Sue,oh, ummm..."

"Gerry, are you alright?" asked a concerned Susan, not considering for a moment that she had company.

"Yes, yes it's Ian, oh fuck Sue, I have got to go..." gasped Geraldine as she ended the phone call as Ian's tongue found her clit.

Geraldine made a mental note to phone Susan back but that was the future because she very much had other things on her mind as her young lover's tongue played with her cunt. Ian licked her to orgasm and then moved up her body and slid his rigid cock into her for a morning fuck and what a fuck it was as he had Geraldine literally screaming in sexual ecstasy before he again filled her with cream.

After recovering from that, Geraldine phoned Susan, "Sue, sorry about that..."

Susan was very put out because the young man that had just spent the night fucking her friend had, in the past, declined the chance to fuck her, "He is a bit young for me," said Susan rather bitchily.

Geraldine ignored that remark but said, "I thought that you would be pleased for me."

Susan rather begrudgingly admitted that she was although she was still cool and jealous, "I was going to come this morning to get my things but as you have got company I will get them later," she said

"You can come this morning if you want," said Geraldine, offering an olive branch but Sue grumpily said that she would come another time.

Geraldine and Ian got up and got washed and dressed but there was no actual time limit on how long Ian stayed. They chatted and laughed and got on very well learning about each other's past lives although Geraldine obviously had a far longer past than Ian.

They flirted a little bit but had not done anything too sexual for a while when Geraldine, now in a quite tight pair of trousers, was standing at the kitchen sink and Ian moved behind her. He first stroked her buttocks with his hand before pushing his very lumpy package against her arse crack, "Mmmmm, are you feeling frisky again?" asked Geraldine.

"Yes, are you?" said Ian as he started to grope her tits and kiss her neck,

"I certainly am now," she said as she pushed her arse back into him and sort of wanked his cock with her buttocks.

She turned and they kissed and his hands went to her backside as she undid his trousers.

Ian dragged Geraldine's trousers down and then her knickers and she scrambled out of them as he dropped his own trousers and boxers to his ankles.

Neither of them actually suggested it but it seemed to have been mutually understood what was to happen and very soon Geraldine was bent over the kitchen table as Ian, yet again, slid his erect cock into her.

This was quite a fast and energetic fuck and Geraldine came rapidly before again taking a vagina full of spunk.

They cleaned up and dressed and it seemed that that would be their last sexual adventure for the moment but Geraldine was hopeful of many more although realistic enough to know that it could never be long-term.

It was mid-afternoon and Ian was preparing to leave, "Thank you so much, Ian, you have given me so much pleasure," said Geraldine before kissing him. She wanted to ask to see him again but was hesitant to do so.

"No, thank you, Geraldine, I have enjoyed every moment...can I see you again?" said Ian bringing joy to Geraldine with that question.

"Oh yes please, I would love to," she gushed.

So it looked like Geraldine had not only been pulled but she had gained, for the moment at least, a young lover. Now all she had to do was try to patch up her apparently damaged relationship with Susan.

Written by PJH
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