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A Date with Sandra

"Who would have thought - my best friend’s wife’s mother? But when I saw Sandra, I thought she was the most gorgeous thing in the world. I had to ask her out."

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Author's Notes

"After losing my writing mojo, this is the first story I've written in nearly a year. I hope people like it."

I looked across at Sandra for what must have been the tenth time; I couldn’t stop staring. She was so hot! She must have been in her fifties at least, but she was incredibly attractive. She had a sort of haughty look to her, dressed in a simple black dress with a set of pearls setting it off nicely.


“Sandra, I – I hope you don’t think it’s too forward of me – but would you like to go out for dinner?”

She’d looked a bit taken aback. I could see her daughter Trish smiling though.

“Don’t be silly, young man – why on earth would you want to take me out?”

I blushed at being called a ‘young man'. I was forty-two years old.  “Actually, because I find you incredibly attractive, and – and I’d really like to talk to you.” And have sex with you, I didn’t add. I didn’t think it was quite the right moment.

I’d actually popped over to ask if I could borrow Ben’s chainsaw. My best buddy wasn’t there, but his wife Trish was - and so was her mother.

For me, it was lust at first sight! I’d always had a thing for older women, but Sandra was in the ‘Oh, wow!’ category.

“Mum’s recently moved house to be nearer us,” Trish had said, explaining her mother’s presence. “She’s got one of those new park homes by the river and has just popped in for a coffee.”

“Oh, I’ve seen those – they’re very nice,” I’d responded, trying to make conversation.

“Yes, they’re a good size – not too big to clean, but still enough room to swing a cat,” Sandra had replied. She’d got a good sense of humour. That was when I’d blurted out my dinner invitation.

“So – Are you on for dinner, then…?” I was sounding uncertain, even to my own ears.

Sandra frowned. “I can’t think why you would possibly…”

“…It’s alright, James,” interrupted Trish. “You can pick her up from her new place at seven. I’ll make sure she’s ready.”

“Trish! What…”

“Not now, Mum. I think going out would be a great idea. And James is good company. Don’t look a free meal in the face!” She looked across at me and grinned. “Now, shoo, you. Here’s her address,” she added, passing me a piece of paper. “And don’t worry about getting her home early – she doesn’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight.”

“Trish!” I heard her mother’s startled reaction to this last comment.

Laughing silently to myself, I left, hope flourishing and all thoughts of borrowing the chainsaw gone from my mind.


Finding her new home wasn’t difficult. When I picked her up, she was looking devastating in a red blouse and a smart black above-the-knee skirt with black tights over her shapely legs, and three-inch black heels.

“Wow, Sandra!” I said, my eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. “You look absolutely fabulous!”

“Thank you, James,” she replied with – I thought – pleasure.

Feeling bold, I stepped forward to give her a kiss on the cheek. Laughing, she let me escort her to my car, where I opened the door for her.

“I don’t know why I agreed to this. My daughter can be a bit of a bully sometimes.”

“We don’t have to go out if you don’t want to,” I said, trying to hide any possible disappointment.

“My, you are being the perfect gentleman, aren’t you!” she said. “No, I am happy to go out with you, young man – my daughter has vouched for you. Just don’t have too many expectations,” she said, eying me carefully. “I’m old enough to be your mother.”

It was my turn to laugh. I hoped she didn’t mind, but I wasn’t thinking of her in that way at all.


Dinner with her was easy. I took her to a local restaurant where the service was slow, the food good, and the ambience laid-back. Surprisingly, and to my delight, she was very relaxed and chatty. Less surprisingly, knowing Trish, she also displayed an acute intelligence and a wry sense of humour. I was captivated and it was a very entertaining evening that I didn’t want to end.

Early on she told me that her husband had died of cancer eight years before.

“He was a good man,” she said, sadly. “But I’ve tried to move on. Buying a place near my daughter was her idea to be honest, and I admit it is good to be closer to them.”

When she got up to visit the ladies, I was sure I could see the outline of a suspender belt through her skirt. My cock twitched, and my hopes for the evening rose, despite her earlier warning to me.

By that point, we had shared a bottle of wine between us and I thought we were getting to know each other quite well. With her sense of humour, I judged that she was perhaps relaxed enough to venture a slightly provocative question as she returned from the ladies:

“So, Sandra, it looks like you’re wearing stockings tonight?”

Sandra looked a little startled, and then laughed her gentle laugh at me as she sat down again.

“Yes, I am, actually. it was Trish’s idea. She said it would make me feel younger. And sexy.” She took another sip of her wine, then flashed me a smile.” “I think she may be right,” she whispered, almost to herself. Before I could respond she cleared her throat and continued. “The ones I’m wearing are actually hers. I haven’t had use for anything like that for years.”

“I find that hard to believe,” I responded, distracted both by her words and the images flashing through my mind.

“Oh, you are a charmer, aren’t you! Actually, you should beware. My daughter calls me an Alpha female. She says I scare men away. You’re the first person who’s asked me out since my husband died.”

“Wow. That’s a long time without – without any male company,” I finished lamely.

“I know what you’re thinking, young man. I do think about sex, you know. But it’s been so long and – and to be honest, my husband was never a particularly enthusiastic lover.” She sighed. “I thought all that was behind me.” She gave me that look again. The one where she seemed to see right through me. “So don’t go getting too many ideas.”

I found her candour slightly uncomfortable, but contrary to her words, I found I was having far too many ideas...

Not long after, I paid for our meal and returned her, unmolested, to her new home – still well before midnight, so no danger of her turning into a pumpkin.

As I escorted her to her doorstep, wondering about how she would react to a goodnight kiss, she hesitated. Turning to me, she looked uncertain for the first time that evening. “Would you like to come in for coffee?” she asked, her normal poise in abeyance.

After her warnings, I was a bit surprised at the offer. I wasn’t sure whether her uncertainty was about my possible rejection or her own misgivings. But I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Yes please.”

I followed her in and looked around her new home. It was very open plan, with the sitting room and kitchen all part of one big space. She’d made it very cosy and relaxing in the short time she’d been there.

As she was making coffee at the kitchen counter, I stepped up behind her and put my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder. She froze.

I immediately released her. “I’m sorry – I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“No – No, that’s all right, James – you just took me by surprise, that’s all. You can put your arms round me if you want. It felt nice.”

Slowly, I stepped back and replaced my arms around her waist. I nuzzled her neck and kissed her earlobe.

“It’s really difficult making coffee when you’re doing that,” she gently scolded.

“I’m sorry...” This time, though, I didn’t step away. I kissed her neck instead. To my delight, goosebumps appeared.

She moaned softly. “Oh, James, it’s been so long…”

I whispered in her ear “You wouldn’t believe how much I want you."

Sandra turned to face me, looking serious all of a sudden. “As I said earlier, you shouldn’t expect too much James. You should know that my husband and I – well, we didn’t really have sex much. I loved him to bits, but he wasn’t really into it. I never really understood why. I think perhaps I wasn’t very good at it.”

She laughed at the expression on my face. “Don’t worry. I’m not about to turn you down flat. I’m not frigid – I’m just not very experienced, and – and this is all quite sudden, you know. You might have to be patient with me is all.”

In response, I took her face in my hands and kissed her lips. They were incredibly soft. “I can do that,” I replied softly.

She frowned. “I still don’t see what you find attractive about me.”

“You’re beautiful,” I said. “And incredibly erotic. You do things to me just by standing there with that expression on your face.”

“What expression?”

I laughed. “The one that makes me feel like a misbehaving five-year-old.”

“Oh, that. That’s what my daughter calls my ‘don’t touch’ look.” She pointed to herself. “Alpha-female, remember?”

“Mmmm.” I raised my hands to her ample breasts, cupping them gently, massaging them through the material of her thin blouse. She drew in a sharp breath but, surprisingly, didn’t slap me or tell me to remove my hands. I kissed her again before she could object.

She almost snorted when she finally broke the kiss.

“I can’t believe you’re doing that after what I just said about my ‘don’t touch’ look,” she said, slightly breathlessly. “It obviously doesn’t work on you. And anyway, my breasts are large and saggy – not appealing at all.”

“You should let me be the judge of that.” I could feel her nipples through her bra. I circled my thumbs over them. Her pulse rate increased. “Why don’t you take off your blouse for me, Sandra?” I whispered.

She studied me intently for a few moments. Then, without breaking eye contact, she silently began to undo her buttons. 

I smiled at her.

“I don’t know why I’m doing this,” she complained. “I’m indulging you.”

“I know,” I said as she finished the last one. “But a part of me thinks you want to.”

She slid off her blouse and almost defiantly cast it to one side. Now she was standing in front of me with just her bra separating her breasts from my eyes.

“Now take off your bra.”

She looked rebellious for a moment, and then, chin up and head held high, she put her hands behind her back to unhook the supporting garment. I held my breath as she slowly took it away, defiantly revealing her breasts to me. 

She was a proud woman, standing before me with breasts bared. But her eyes were uncertain, and I could see a tremor in her lower lip; she was waiting for my rejection. Her tits were large and pendulous, just like she’d said. I thought they were simply gorgeous; I thought that Sandra, standing there like that, was a stunning and powerful woman. She was indeed an Alpha female. I leaned forward to kiss each of her magnificent examples of womanhood, raising each in turn to kiss the large nipples.

“You have delightful, wonderful breasts,” I said with feeling.

Her hands found the back of my head and she pulled my face into her chest, shuddering as her breathing grew ragged. She started to sob.

“Hey, what’s the matter?”

She pressed herself against me and sobbed even harder. Finally, she shook her head as she held onto my shirt. “Nothing,” she said. “You are such a nice man.”

Nice? I wasn’t sure I wanted to be nice.

“We could go to bed?” I suggested.

“I – I’m not sure.” She took my head into her hands and looked into my eyes. A bemused smile forced its way through the tears. “I’ve only known you a few hours, and you’re lovely. But I don’t want you to think I’m a loose woman, going to bed with any young man on her first date in forever.”

“Mmmm – A loose woman! How appealing.”

She laughed, despite herself.

“How can I persuade you, I wonder…?”

Slowly, I dropped to my knees. I slid my hands under her skirt and started to caress her bottom cheeks. I’ll freely admit it – I’m a bottom man, and the thought of Sandra’s bottom had been working away at me all evening.

The action of putting my hands under her skirt made it ruck up, bringing into view her stocking tops and the creamy white thighs above. I could feel the heat from between her legs and I began to kiss the visible pale skin.

As I did so, her knickered mound came into view.  Plain white cotton panties with a tiny moist patch right on the front, betraying her arousal. A few grey hairs were trying to escape around the elastic of her knickers, indicating she was unshaven.  I planted a kiss on the moist gusset, at the same time inhaling her musky scent. Her odour was womanly and sensual, and my cock was suddenly as hard as a hammer.

I could hear Sandra’s ragged breathing, and she was letting out little moans of pleasure. In a moment of pure lust, I reached for the waistband of her panties and tugged them down to the top of her thighs, exposing her reluctant pussy to my desperately hungry eyes.

She had the sparse thatch of an older woman, the colour of her hair an iron grey completely appropriate for an Alpha female like Sandra. She was a truly magnificent woman – and she was just how I liked. I nuzzled her mound, pushing my face into her, inhaling her scent as if I would never have another chance. God, such a powerful aroma – an aphrodisiac that made me want her there and then!

Breathless, Sandra stopped me with her hands, pushing me away a few inches and holding me there.

“No – I – you don’t want to do that…” she said weakly.

“What?” I was like a kid who’d just had his favourite toy taken away. “Yes – yes, I do!” I contradicted, never so sure of anything in my life.

Grasping her buttocks, I pulled her towards me. Moaning, Sandra yielded to my excitement, and I returned my lips to her awesome cunt. My tongue sought her slit and found her pussy lips. I kissed them, slowly inveigling my tongue inside her wetness.

She moaned. “Oh god! Stop, stop!” 

Reluctantly, I withdrew my face and looked up at her. God, she looked so powerful, yet also so very vulnerable, looking down at me from that angle.

She pulled me to my feet. “What are you doing to me, James?” she breathed.

“I’m trying to show you how much I adore you, Sandra. How much I want you. You’re so sexy and erotic, and – and yet – and yet also so innocent and naive.” 

“Oh, James – I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let you do that. But I – you can’t do that. It’s not right - nobody’s ever done anything like that to me before.” 

“Well, they bloody well should have,” I said, annoyed. “And of course you can let me do that. I want to make you feel good, and you’re supposed to enjoy it.”

“I – I don’t expect you to do that, James. I – I don’t deserve it.”

“Why don’t you deserve it?”

“Because I’m old, and my husband’s died, and I’ve had my chance…” 

“Sandra, you’re talking nonsense. Of course you deserve it. Especially if you’ve never had it before. Don’t you want to have fun? And anyway, it’s not all for you. I enjoy it, too. I enjoy kissing your pussy and it turns me on.” I paused. “You turn me on. Everything about you turns me on, Sandra.”

She looked like she was about to cry.

“Yes. Yes, I do want to have fun. It was nice, what you were doing. It was just unexpected, and…”

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She laughed, tears coursing down her face once more. “It’s funny. Trish told me to have a good time tonight. My own daughter – can you believe that? She was encouraging me to go out with you and…”

“And what?”

“She said – she said that some wild sex would do me good.” She sniffed. “I told her not to be silly, and that I was sure you wouldn’t be interested in that.”

“Well, she was right, and you were wrong. I very much want to have some wild sex with you, Sandra. I want to kiss you, and taste you, and make love to you. But only if you want to.”

“I – I do. But I – I want to be able to reciprocate, too.”

“What do you mean?”

“I want to be fair.” She leaned forward. “Would you like me to suck your cock?” she whispered.

Wow – that was unexpected!

“You – you want to suck my cock?” The appendage in question was doing its best to show its approval of this plan. It was very uncomfortable.

She started chewing her bottom lip. “Nobody’s kissed my – my pussy before.” I could feel her hesitation over the word. “And I – I’ve never had a cock in my mouth before, either,” she continued. “I – I think I’d like to try.” She hesitated. “After all, I’m not getting any younger, and there are some things you should do in your life, don’t you think?”

She was trying to reassure herself, I thought.

“You don’t have to, you know. I’m not expecting it.”

“I know,” she said. “But I – I want to. Especially after what you just did.”

“Hey, I was only just getting started. You stopped me, remember?”

She looked startled. Then grinned, the tears of uncertainty slowly drying away. “I might let you again, in a bit,” she said cheekily. “But first…” 

And to my astonishment, she dropped to her knees.

Kneeling in front of me, she hesitantly fondled the iron bulge in my trousers. She slowly lowered my zip and slipped her hand inside and began caressing me through my boxer shorts.

The warmth of her touch when she found her way through the last layer was electric. As her nimble fingers wrapped themselves around my thickness, my breath quickened.

I was in danger of coming.

I stroked the back of her head in encouragement. As she finally freed my cock she gasped. I wasn’t particularly big but, at that moment I was very, very hard. My rigid member stood proud in front of her face, swaying slightly.

“Oh, my!” she exclaimed.

She studied my rod for a few seconds. Then, after a further moment of hesitation, she gently kissed the tip. She slowly slid her lips over the head of my cock until it was completely in her mouth. I could feel her tongue gently exploring, and then, after a few moments, she started to slide her lips up and down my shaft.

The feeling of her warm mouth on me was exquisite. Don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum, I thought hard to myself as she worked on me. Her touch was delicate, her fingers holding me whilst the slightly vulgar slurping of her virgin mouth made me want to explode down the back of her throat.

She released me just in time. Taking a deep breath, she giggled. “I can’t believe this. Here I am, a sixty-two-year-old woman, on my knees with my big tits dangling out, and I’m sucking a young man's cock. I feel like a naughty slut. Am I doing it right? It seems quite indecent with all that noise.” 

“You’re doing brilliantly. And if you keep that up, you’ll be getting a present.”

Her eyes widened. “A present?”

“I’m close to shooting my cum into your pretty and very talented little mouth.”

“Oh, my,” she said for the second time.

“Are you enjoying it?”

She considered. “Yes, I am, actually. You taste good, and it makes me feel sexy, too.” She paused. “Sexy maybe isn't the right word. More... raunchy," she said with an impish smile. Then, more seriously, "You make me feel very good about myself.” She giggled again. "I quite like the idea of you coming in my mouth," she added.

I laughed with her. “Then, as you say, you are very definitely a naughty slut,” I said lightly.

She gasped at my words, and then looked up at me with a timid smile. “Well, in that case, what are you going to do with me ?” she asked coyly.

I cocked my head to one side and thought about my answer for a moment or two, wondering what would work for her.

“Hmmm – I think naughty sluts should have their bottoms spanked,” I said playfully.

She gasped again. “You want to spank my bare bottom?” she asked in mock outrage.

“I didn’t say anything about your bare bottom – but now you mention it, I will happily take you up on your suggestion,” I said cheekily.

“I – I’m not sure I’d fit over your lap,” she said, suddenly backing off. “Have you seen my bottom?”

Her uncertainty was back. I didn’t want to lose her now, and I knew I needed to keep the mood light. I thought she was enjoying our play, but I would have to be careful. At the end of the day, she was still an Alpha female and liked to be in charge – even though she was pretending otherwise.

“I have,” I said seriously. “But only through your skirt. And I’ve had the pleasure of feeling it, too – very enjoyable! But stop trying to change the subject. I haven’t yet seen your bottom naked over my lap, and I think we should remedy that situation immediately!”
I moved towards the sofa. “I want you to remove your panties and bend over my lap, you naughty girl,” I said in my best commanding voice.

She hesitated, her insecurity returning. Our playful mood was suddenly in the balance. I decided not to say anything else. Instead, I raised my eyebrows at her in question.

There was another moment then when I thought I’d lost her. But she finally looked down. “Yes, Sir,” she said submissively, valiantly and deliberately deciding to continue playing our little game. I breathed a mental sigh of relief. Her confidence was so fragile, and I didn’t want to spoil it. I wanted to help this wonderful woman on her journey of belated sexual discovery, but I had also begun to care for her very much. I had begun to care for this lovely woman with the rigid, 'don’t touch me' exterior, and the sensitive, vulnerable, squishy interior. I very much wanted her to be part of my life.

The thought startled me. Where did that come from?

Bravely, she raised her skirt and, hooking her panties in her fingers, slid them all the way down to the floor and stepped out of them.

“Bring them here,” I ordered.

Almost shamefully, she did as I asked and handed her knickers to me. I took them and held them to my face, inhaling the moist crotch loudly. “Delightful,” I proclaimed to her shocked face. Then I put her panties in my pocket. “You won’t be needing those again. Now, I want you to bend over my lap.

Taking a deep breath, she lay across my legs and placed her hands on the floor. Her naked breasts dangled in a manner that totally distracted me for a moment, and I couldn’t help but fondle the closest one. She gasped as I massaged her tit and rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

“Are you a naughty slut?” I asked gently.

Her breathing was getting heavy. “Yes…” she gasped. That’s right – play the game…

“Did you enjoy sucking my cock?”

My other hand was under her skirt now, fondling and manipulating her buttocks.


“Would you like me to cum in your mouth?” I asked.


She was trembling now, the joint effect of both my words and hands raising her levels of excitement.

“Yes – yes, I’d like you to cum in my mouth,” she admitted.

“Hmmm – we’ll have to see what we can do about that,” I murmured. “But first I think we need to see that bottom of yours. I think it needs punishing, don’t you?”

I didn’t wait for an answer. She gasped again as I pushed her skirt up over her back, exposing her bare buttocks. Yes, she had a big bottom. What a fabulous sight – and ideal for a little light spanking!

Her bum was framed perfectly by her suspender belt and stockings. “Oh my, what a sight, Sandra!” I breathed. “You have a picture-perfect bottom. Does it deserve to be spanked?” I asked tonelessly. 

Sandra looked around at me, sudden worry in her eyes. “I – I think so,” she mumbled uncertainly.

“You think so?”

“Y – Yes…”

As she said yes, I delivered a light slap to her bottom. Sandra gasped in shock at the blow. Then I delivered an identical slap to the other buttock. She gasped again, though more in shock than pain. I kept the slaps light, aiming to arouse her rather than incur any pain. After the first few spanks, the endorphins started to kick in and Sandra started to push her bottom up towards me in encouragement.

She was enjoying it!

I stopped for a moment.

“How is that?” I asked.

Slightly breathless, she took her time to respond. “I – I still feel very naughty,” she said timidly.

Hmmm, interesting...

“So you should be spanked harder, hmmm?”

“Um – I – maybe…”

She was definitely enjoying it. Good!

“Part your legs,” I ordered.

“Wh – what?”

“I want you to part your legs, Sandra. That’s what naughty sluts do.” I reinforced the words with another couple of slaps to her buttocks.

Hesitantly, her legs parted a few inches.

“Good girl.” I moved my hand between her thighs. Her pussy was incredibly wet now, and I deliberately slid my fingers up and down her slit. Sandra moaned and her legs subconsciously slid even further apart.

I pushed two fingers into her soaking cunt and she cried out, almost coming on my lap in response.

Her sexy snatch was absolutely sopping. I found her clit with my fingers and started making little circles. Sandra started shaking and with my thumb in her cunt and my fingers on her clit, she came strongly, yelling and bucking as her fluids saturated my hand.

I felt very pleased with myself.

As she came down from her orgasm, I drew her round and cuddled her into me. She pulled her knees up and cocooned herself into my arms, crying shamelessly.

“There, there. All over, now. You can relax.”

She looked up at me with wet, puppy-dog eyes. “Are you alright,” I asked, concerned.

She moistened her lips. “My God, James, I’ve never felt like that before. What you did to me - how can you be so – wonderful.”

“I made you cum, I think…”

She laughed. “My God, yes you did! But the feelings inside me as you worked me up. You were playing me like a piano. Incredible!” She hesitated. “I couldn’t believe how much being spanked turned me on.”

“Hmmm – I could do it again if you like? You were a very naughty slut… and if I’m not mistaken, I think we might be able to make you cum again, too…”

With unexpected alacrity, she scrambled back around and lay over my lap again, deliberately exposing her ample bottom to me once more.

“Yes, please! Though maybe you should spank me a bit harder this time?” she suggested. “After all, I probably deserve it,” she said coquettishly. Then she giggled. “Who would have thought it - If you’d suggested to me this morning that I’d be getting my bare bottom spanked this evening, and then asking for more, I would have said you were mad.”

“Oh, my – look what I’ve caught here!” I said mockingly. “I thought you were an Alpha female. You know, I’m the one that normally likes to be spanked.”

She turned in surprise. “Really?” she said. Then her expression changed. “You’re mocking me,” she decided.

“No, I’m not. I usually prefer to be the submissive one in the bedroom,” I replied with more than a hint of truthfulness. “But right now, it’s not about me. It’s about you, and it’s your turn again.” I paused. “You can spank me another time if you want,” I added, not sure how wise it was to open myself up to this wonderful lady so soon.

And with that, I started to spank her again – slightly harder this time, as she wanted, but still not enough to really hurt. I was looking for that point where the sting of the spanks was at the optimum for her, enhancing her pleasure over the pain. Her legs quickly parted again – this time without any prompting. I smiled to myself. She was a quick learner!

After a couple of minutes of Sandra wriggling and gasping on my lap, I decided to take her to the next level.

“Right – I want you on your knees on the sofa with your bottom in the air,” I announced. She quickly did as I ordered, presenting me with an awesome sight. I’ve always been a very visual person!

“God, look at that fabulous arse!” I said as she got into position. In response, she laughed and waggled her behind seductively.

She was gaining a lot more self-confidence, I thought.

“Still naughty, though,” I said as I moved behind her. I gave her bottom a stinging slap – harder this time.

“Owww,” she protested. “That hurt!”

“It was supposed to!”

To soothe the sting, I started to plant little kisses all over her buttocks, taking my time, but working my way slowly to her sodden, hairy snatch. She was panting and trembling as I finally reached her slit, pushing her buttocks apart and running my tongue up and down her slippery cunt, burying my nose between her outer lips, devouring her tasty juices and savouring her arousal. Several times I made my way from her clit up to her perineum and back again. Her panting became heavier and heavier as my tongue worked on her. Then her breathing almost stopped as I moved higher, toward her exposed and most intimate hole. I licked along the crack of her arse, up and down and around her hairy little hole until eventually, the tip of my tongue grazed her shy, vulnerable opening.

She gasped as my tongue made contact with her sphincter. She started to push back onto my face, her moaning becoming louder and wilder. At the same time, my fingers found her clit and started to circle rapidly.

She reached back and pulled my head into her bottom, trapping me. With her bottom in my face, she came violently hard, shaking and convulsing for what seemed like minutes. When she finally came down, she released me and turned to kiss my mouth. She didn’t seem to care how wet and sticky I was.

“Oh, God, James! What were you doing to me?”

 “You didn’t like it?”

“No! Yes! I don’t know. Yes - yes I did! How can you…? I’ve never had…”

“Someone’s tongue in your arse before?”

She was speechless, unused to the vulgarity. Then she tittered. “No, I haven’t, nor ever expected it. I'm glad I showered.”

“Too much for a first date, maybe…?”

She looked disconcerted for a moment. “Maybe…”

“Well, after all that, I don’t know if you’re up for it, but would you like me to fuck you,” I offered diffidently.

She looked at me for a second. “Would you like to fuck me?”

God, she was still so unsure of herself! In answer, I pointed at my cock, at full mast and practically waving at her.

“Then, yes. Yes, I’d very much like you to fuck me,” she said fervently. “I thought you’d never ask.”

And without another word, she lay back on the sofa and parted her legs for me. I knelt up in front of her and poised my cock at her entrance. Her cunt, so long in its slumber, sat waiting for me, slick and sticky with her gooey love juices.

“Fuck me!” she commanded, urgently. “Put your big cock in me! It’s been too long…” And as I sank my shaft into her, she wrapped her stocking-clad legs around my back, welcoming me, embracing me, pulling me into her warm wetness.

“I want you to cum in me, you naughty, depraved man,” she whispered in my ear as she held me inside her. “I can’t believe you did all those things to me – you don’t deserve to have your cock sucked, you wicked man. I’m old enough to be your mother – it should definitely be me spanking you,” she teased. “I remember what you said earlier. Do you want that, James? Do you want me to spank you over my knee like a naughty boy?”

Tipped over the edge by her mischievous words, I groaned and spurted long and deep inside her.

Yes please, Sandra!

Written by TheShyThespian
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