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A Collision On The Dance Floor - Part 3

"A mature married woman is surprised to get her husband's approval to spend nights in her lovers bed"

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Louise Betts spent most of Thursday pondering whether to announce to her husband Ian that evening that she was seeing someone else. The someone else was Geoff Wright who at fifty-six was three years younger than Louise and they had only met less than two weeks previously.

They had had two wonderful sexual encounters and both Louise and Geoff wanted much more and had already mentioned the possibility of living together. That would be no problem for Geoff who was divorced and lived alone but although Louise and Ian slept in separate beds they still lived under the same roof.

Louise thought that if she said nothing she could still meet Geoff occasionally but it could usually only be for a shortish time in very infrequent evenings as Geoff worked for himself and was generally very busy during the day.

If she did tell Ian about Geoff, the perfect outcome would be that he accepted it and Louise would then be free to see Geoff as often as she wished or maybe actually move in with him but Louise could not predict Ian's reaction.

Louise saw herself as just being there to keep the house tidy and have Ian's meal ready for him each weekday when he got home from work but Ian might not give up on that without a fight. Although there was no sex between them they still got on reasonably well and Louise did not want to hurt Ian by telling him that she wanted out.

Louise was to pick up Ian and his friend Bob from their work because she had driven them to work that morning as the two men had consumed lots of alcohol the night before and neither of them would consider driving whilst still showing signs of the previous nights drinking.

Louise had got the evening meal in the oven but was still undecided what to do, if anything, about telling Ian when she picked him and Bob up. They dropped Bob at his house nearby and then got home and had their meal.

Louise's mind was still in turmoil as to what to do for the best as she and Ian sat down to watch television. The TV was on and Ian appeared to be watching it but Louise's mind was very much elsewhere. She was thinking that right now she could have her big arse in the air as Geoff fucked her from behind or maybe be on her back as he slowly made love to her from the front.

Louise squirmed in her chair with her thoughts and she was desperate to make seeing Geoff both much easier and much more frequent. She had still not convinced herself to confess all to Ian but she heard herself speaking. "Ian, there is something that I need to tell you," said Louise.

"I am watching this," Ian replied curtly, which was almost a relief to Louise because she was not really one hundred percent ready to tell him.

The programme finished and Louise assumed that Ian would ask her what she needed to tell him but he just changed channels on the TV to another programme.

Louise was now thinking of going upstairs and phoning Geoff on her mobile, just to hear his voice and to talk sexily, but that would not make getting together any easier. If she confessed all to Ian it could lead to a huge argument but it might result in her having more time with Geoff and it might even mean her being able to be with Geoff permanently.

Geoff had Louise very much on his mind and he wanted to tell her that he loved her but was sensible enough not to phone her with her husband at home, he did think that a text might be worth the risk though.

Louise's mobile buzzed to indicate a text and Ian looked at her with an annoyed expression because of the distraction.

Louise looked at the message. 'Wanting you so much please see me soon,' read Geoff's text.

'I am wanting you so much too I am working on it,' replied Louise's text.

She was now going to tell Ian if he took a break from watching television.

The current programme ended and Louise was going to wait no longer. "Ian, I am seeing another man," Louise blurted and then anxiously awaited his reaction, any reaction.

"Seeing? You mean..." said a slightly stunned Ian.

"Yes, having sex with him: I want to spend more time with him," said Louise.

"Who is it?" asked Ian, his mind going through their friends and acquaintances.

"Nobody you know, we have only recently met," replied Louise, whose heart was thumping.

"Are you leaving me?" asked Ian, with a pained expression on his face.

"I don't know: It might not come to that but I want to be able to spend more time with him," said Louise, feeling slightly sorry for her husband.

"What are you expecting me to say?" asked a still slightly stunned Ian.

"I don't know because I can't expect you to be happy about it: I am sorry but I have got something very exciting in my life and I want more of it," said Louise.

"I can understand that Louise, you deserve some fun in your life," said Ian, rather surprising his wife.

"So are you saying that you are okay with it?" asked Louise, hopefully.

"Not okay with you leaving me but okay if you want to spend some time away from here," replied Ian.

"So are you telling me that I can be out all night sometimes?" asked Louise, hardly believing that it appeared to be this easy.

"It is not as though you are leaving my bed to go to his so yes, you can spend the night with him sometimes," agreed Ian.

"Oh thank you, thank you for being so understanding," beamed Louise.

"So are you going to him now?" asked Ian, with a weak smile.

"No, not now but probably tomorrow night, if you are sure that you are okay with it," said a happy Louise.

"Yes, you deserve to be happy: We will talk about the future another time," said Ian.

"Thank you, Ian, I do appreciate it," said Louise, although she resisted the urge to hug him.

"I suppose that text was from him," said Ian, referring to the earlier text.

"Yes it was, um, I will go and phone him," said Louise, leaving the room with her mobile.

Louise phoned Geoff. "Baby, I have talked with Ian, he is okay with me spending time with you, he was very understanding," said Louise, excitedly.

"Fucking wonderful: Do you mean spending the night with me?" responded a surprised and delighted Geoff.

"Yes, he has said that I can go to you tomorrow night: Would you like that?" asked Louise, not doubting the answer.

"Oh yes Louise, that is great news," responded Geoff.

They talked for a while and then Louise got ready for bed knowing that, unless there was anything unforeseen, she would be spending the next night in Geoff's bed. She slept well but thought that she should recheck that everything was okay with Ian at breakfast in the morning.

"You still okay with what we talked about last night?" Louise asked her husband.

"Yes but are you planning on spending the whole weekend with him," replied Ian.

"No. I will come back here sometime tomorrow but might well go back to him Saturday night if that is okay," said Louise, thinking it a bit surreal asking her husband if she could spend the night in another man's bed.

"Yes that is okay, I will be at the pub with Bob on Saturday evening anyway: What about Sunday?" said Ian.

"I will get your Sunday dinner, don't worry," smiled Louise, thinking Ian was concerned about his dinner being ready when he got home from a lunchtime session at the pub.

"I was just asking but it would be nice to have the Sunday roast ready," said Ian.

It seemed that Ian and Louise were happy with the plans so far and Geoff certainly was, despite him not yet knowing the good news that Louise intended to be with him Saturday night as well as Friday.

Louise had Ian's meal ready when he got home from work Friday teatime and they did not talk about the future during the meal.

After the meal and the washing up, they watched television for a short while before Louise decided that she should get ready for her night with Geoff. "Um, I had better get ready," Louise said, almost apologetically.

"Yes, I am going to the pub soon so I need to get changed too," said Ian.

Louise showered and then went into what was her bedroom to get ready as Ian had his shower. Louise put on some makeup and then, thinking very sexily, put on stockings and a garter belt but no knickers under her tight black skirt. She put on a blouse and packed her toiletries, she certainly did not need a nightdress. She packed a pair of knickers for Saturday morning.

She put on a black jacket to match the skirt and then called through the closed door to Ian's room. "I am off now, see you at some time tomorrow," she said. She thought of saying 'thank you,' but did not.

"Yeah," was all that Ian answered but there was not much else for a married man to say knowing that his wife was going out to spend the night getting fucked by another man. Louise was quite pleased that Ian's door was closed because she did not really want him to see her looking as sexy as she did.

Louise arrived at Geoff's house just before nine o'clock. "Louise, you look fucking gorgeous," said Geoff, letting her into his house.

"You look pretty hot yourself," said Louise of the man dressed in black trousers and a black shirt with the top four buttons undone.

The couple went into a long passionate kiss and, as ever, Geoff's hands went to Louise's backside and he had a good feel. "You are not wearing knickers, are you?" Geoff beamed when the kissing broke.

"Didn't seem to be much point, they would soon be off anyway, wouldn't they?" giggled the ecstatically happy Louise.

"Too fucking true," laughed Geoff and they kissed again and he had another good feel of Louise's arse as his bulge pressed against her front.

When this kissing finished, Geoff asked Louise what she wanted to do. "Do you want to go upstairs now or wait until we go up for the night?" asked Geoff.

"Decisions, decisions: We have the whole night so the fucking can wait for a bit unless you are anxious to do it now," replied Louise.

"Oh Louise, I always want to fuck you but yeah, let's go in the living room for a kiss and cuddle for an hour or so," said Geoff, still not believing that he had got this woman for the night.

"Oh, I am planning on staying Saturday night too, if you would like me to," announced Louise.

"Of course, of course," said Geoff, as they went into his living room.

Louise removed her jacket as Geoff caressed her arse.

"I told Ian that I would go home during the day sometime tomorrow though, and be there to do his Sunday roast," added Louise.

"I still can't believe that he is okay with you coming here," said Geoff.

"Me neither, it turned out easier than I had dared to dream," replied Louise.

They kissed, cuddled, and caressed on the sofa for a while, during which Geoff discovered that not only was Louise not wearing knickers but she also had suspenders on and therefore stockings. They had a couple of drinks and then Geoff suggested some music and he put on a 1960's CD and they were soon dancing, very erotically and suggestively.

They laughed as they bumped backsides together because that was literally how they first met and then they were dancing with Geoff behind Louise massaging her tits as she ground her large arse against his crotch. Never could a couple be more turned on than these two were and they were both thinking that it was getting to be time for bed.

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"As it is going to be our first night together can we pretend it is our wedding night?" asked Louise, as she draped her arms over Geoff's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Louise, I will make love to you as if you were my bride," replied Geoff.

"And in the morning you will give me a good fucking," laughed Louise.

"Yeah, that as well," laughed Geoff.

"I am more than ready to go upstairs now," said Louise, her cunt lips very moist.

"Me too," replied Geoff, his cock very much ready for some action.

They went upstairs giggling like the newlyweds that they were pretending to be.

They kissed lovingly in the bedroom as Geoff undid Louise's skirt and sent it on its way to the floor leaving her in just stockings, suspenders, and garter belt down below. Louise completed the undoing of Geoff's partially undone shirt and then undid his trousers and soon they and his underpants were lowered and Louise stroked Geoff's erection as his fingers brushed her cunt lips.

Next to be removed was Louise's blouse and then her bra and Geoff massaged and then tongued her large breasts.

"Can I keep the stockings on?" asked Louise, as she awaited the lovemaking that was about to happen.

"Oh yeah," replied Geoff, as he got out of his trousers, underpants, and shirt.

The almost naked couple stood kissing with Geoff's erect cock between their bodies as he caressed Louise's large bare bottom. Geoff eased Louise onto the bed and then, as she wanted and expected from previous experience, Geoff put his head in between her legs and started licking her cunt.

She had been so turned on for so long that he did not need to tongue her for long before she came. "Mmm, yes, oh yes, yes," said Louise as she had her first orgasm of their pretend wedding night.

Geoff now moved to kiss her and their tongues explored the other's mouths as Geoff's erection brushed Louise's wet cunt. His cock was very soon inside her and the lovemaking was now at the next stage.

The idea of this session was that it would be long-lasting and very sensual and it proceeded at a slow pace as Geoff's penis moved in and out of Louise's vagina. Geoff kept the pace slow and deliberate and the couple frequently kissed as they remained locked in sexual union.

Until he had met Louise, Geoff's recent sexual experience had been almost non-existent but he now drew on what he was pleased to see as good technique and abilities to give a woman maximum pleasure. He was also pleased that he felt in total control of his own climax so he hoped to keep this going for a long time.

Louise was loving the feeling of being constantly on the point of cumming because although she loved a good hard and fast fuck this was at another level. She was also in control of her own pleasure to an extent because she knew that at any time a rapid counter thrust by herself would take her over the edge.

As it happened, her next orgasm arrived purely by Geoff making a slight alteration to the angle and speed of his thrusts, and Louise's climax suddenly arrived. "Shit, oh fuck, yes, fuck," shouted Louise as she came and Geoff continued making love.

Geoff put his hands behind Louise's knees and raised her legs a bit and he, at the same time, increased the speed of his thrusts and this slight change in position and speed of thrust had Louise cumming again. Geoff was finding it more of a struggle holding back his own ejaculation now but he got the fourth orgasm out of Louise before he could hold it no longer.

"Louise, I am going to cum, oh fuck," groaned Geoff as he started spurting into his pretend bride.

When Geoff finally stopped cumming they giggled and kissed and cuddled.

"Thank you for a great wedding night," smiled a very satisfied Louise.

"You are a beautiful bride," replied Geoff.

There was not going to be any more sex for a while but they lay cuddling before Louise decided that for comfort's sake she would now remove her garter belt, suspenders and stockings. She deliberately stood with her back to Geoff because she knew how much he liked her large arse and she bent over for longer than was necessary during the process of lowering her stockings and stepping out of them.

For a moment, Geoff wished that he was now back to the recovery time of his youth because he would have loved to give this woman a good fucking from behind right now but he contented himself with the knowledge that there should be many more chances.

They fell asleep naked and contented in each other's arms. In the morning, Geoff was dreaming that his cock was being sucked by a woman and then started to wake to find that it was.

Louise took her mouth of Geoff's erect penis and smiled. "Good morning: Just getting you ready for the good fucking that you promised me," said Louise, before going back to her cock sucking.

"Morning. You will get your fucking, now swing your arse around and let me lick your cunt," replied Geoff and Louise did as asked and they were having a sixty-nine. Geoff licked Louise's already wet slit and they both decided that they were ready to fuck.

Geoff moved from under Louise and she got on her back with her legs spread as Geoff slid his rigid penis into her. There was not going to be any of the finesse of the previous night as Geoff thrust hard and fast and Louise moved in response and Louise very soon came and Geoff knew that he would not be far behind.

He managed to fuck her to a second cum before he ejaculated into her hot and wet vagina.

"That was a nice start to the day," chuckled Louise, once her body had settled down.

"It was, wasn't it?" agreed Geoff.

They cuddled for a while and then got up and showered and had breakfast. Louise reiterated that she would go home for a while but intended to return to spend Saturday night with Geoff. This was fine with Geoff although he had long-term hopes of Louise living with him permanently.

Louise did return home late morning and her husband Ian was a bit subdued but neither of them spoke about the previous night and although they were in the same room for a lot of Saturday, they did not talk much about anything.

"I am out all night tonight, you know," said Louise, as a statement just confirming what had been agreed.

"I know," acknowledged Ian.

"I will be back in the morning and will be here tomorrow night," added Louise but that got no response from Ian at all.

For her return to Geoff's house, Louise this time put on her tight-fitting black trousers and again did not bother about knickers.

Ian had already left for the pub when Louise went out but he did shout up the stairs before he went. "See you tomorrow," said Ian, and Louise acknowledged.

Louise got back to her lover's house and they had the usual kissing and groping on arrival. This time Geoff's hands roamed over Louise's knickerless arse in tight trousers.

"I have been thinking about you and me having a weekend away some time," said Geoff.

"Have you now?" giggled Louise, but she was certainly not against the idea.

One thing that was on the horizon was the monthly dance at the local community hall with Louise and Geoff having met at the previous one. Geoff had been sort of dragged along there by friends just to get him out of his house on a Saturday night but Louise and Geoff were unsure what to do about the next one.

Obviously, Geoff's friends and Louise's friends did not know that they were an item and Louise's husband had no idea that his wife had met her lover at the dance. Louise was bound to go to the dance simply because she always did but Geoff did not know what to say when, inevitably, his friends asked him if he was going to go.

Neither Louise nor Geoff liked the idea of both being at the dance but having to stay away from each other.

That was a problem for another day and Geoff and Louise were now laying on the sofa with Geoff underneath and he having managed to lower Louise's trousers enough to have his hands on her bare buttocks as their tongues danced together.

Shortly after, Louise had got Geoff's clothing lowered enough to have his erect cock in her hand as the kissing went on.

During a break in the kissing, Geoff had a proposal. "Fancy bending over the back of this sofa for a fucking?" Geoff asked.

"Only if you play with my arse a bit first," smiled Louise, who had discovered that Geoff could give her wonderful feelings by playing with her backside.

"Sounds like a good plan," answered Geoff, so Louise got off him and removed her trousers and as Geoff got up and took off his trousers and pants, she bent over the back of the sofa.

Geoff looked at the large presented arse and gently ran his hands over the cheeks. He then gave each buttock a bit of kissing before running one and then two fingers up and down Louise's arse crack, something that they had both discovered that she loved.

He had made her cum like this before and as his fingers made their fourth or fifth voyage up and down the crack, Louise shuddered in orgasm again. Geoff then held his rigid cock against Louise's arse crack and dragged that up and down a couple of times, leaving sticky precum.

"Fuck me, fuck me, Geoff," pleaded Louise, thrusting her arse back.

Geoff was delighted to comply and he slid his penis into Louise's gash and held it there before starting to slowly shaft her. The pace gradually increased and Geoff was fucking quite fast when Louise yelled. "Fucking shit oh fuck, fuck, fuck," shouted Louise as Geoff had her cumming yet again.

The fucking went on and Geoff and Louise were both panting and Louise clawed at the sofa cushions as she came and came before Geoff spunked hard into her.

"Shit! That was fucking hot," said the still bent over Louise once she had calmed a bit.

"It certainly fucking was," confirmed Geoff, still with his cock in her.

Geoff eventually withdrew his cum coated penis and Louise's thighs became very sticky. They were both still clothed on their upper bodies but as they were both sticky and sweaty, a shower seemed in order so they both stripped off and showered.

They slept well and once they were both awake in the morning, Louise was lowering herself onto Geoff's erect penis and she was soon bouncing as she rode him. She had got Geoff close to cumming when riding him during a previous session but Geoff then changed positions to enable him to delay his ejaculation, this time he was not going to be changing positions.

The friction had got Geoff just about ready to unload and he was pleased when Louise screamed that she was cumming because he then happily spat his cum into her boiling pussy.

Louise had to get home to get Sunday dinner organised so they got up, showered, and breakfasted, and then she was off. They had no definite plans for when their next meeting would be but unless Ian withdrew his co-operation there were no real obstacles.

The possibility of a weekend away was to be discussed further and also what to do about the upcoming dance but for now, Mrs Louise Betts was very happy with the situation, as was her lover.

Written by PJH
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