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A Collision On The Dance Floor

"A mature woman's big arse makes contact with a man on the dance floor and, in time, a great fuck is had"

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Fifty-nine-year-old Louise Betts didn't need vast amounts of alcohol to let herself go at the monthly dances in the local community hall and she was currently throwing herself about to the 1960's track that the onstage group were playing. She was too young to have identified with the music at the time but she had really got into it in her later years.

The trouble was that when Louise let herself go on the dance floor she tended not to take into account the fact that there were also a lot of others on the floor and as she swayed her hips and swung her arse, she took one step too many backwards and came into contact, quite forcibly, with the back of a man.

They briefly turned their heads to face each other and both smiled and said 'sorry' although the man had no role in the collision other than being on the receiving end of it.

Louise moved back towards the two female friends that she was supposedly dancing with and the dance continued but Louise was thinking two things regarding the man that she had just more or less assaulted with her backside. Firstly she was thinking that he was quite good-looking and secondly she was thinking that she had not seen him before.

Louise was married to Ian but it was really a marriage in name only. They attended these dances together but Ian spent most of his time at the bar and Louise most of hers on the dance floor although she did consume a fair amount of drink during an evening.

The man that she had collided with was impressed by the firm set of buttocks that had made contact with his backside and also impressed by the smile of the owner of those buttocks. Louise was correct in thinking that she had not seen him there or anywhere else before because he was recently divorced and had been persuaded by friends to attend the dance rather than spend yet another Saturday night on his own at home.

His name was Geoff Wright and he was aged fifty-six and, now seated with the song having now finished, his eyes tried to find the woman. His eyes found her standing talking to another woman and not only did she seem to have a great arse, but she looked like she had great tits too. She had a lovely face, maybe with just a little bit too much makeup and he guessed her age to be similar to his. He also got a glimpse of what looked like a wedding ring on her left hand.

Louise had not dismissed the man from her thoughts and when she was again dancing with female friends to a song that was not as quick as the one that sparked the collision but not a slow one either, she looked around the hall and her eyes alighted on him.

She only saw him in profile because he was talking to a man seated nearby but it confirmed to Louise her earlier impressions that he was good-looking and she had not seen him before. Louise had no sex life with Ian and she did occasionally manage to get herself fucked elsewhere and at the moment she was feeling in need of another fuck.

Louise was concentrating on the man so much that she had become oblivious to the dancing that she was supposed to be doing with her two friends.

"Oy! Louise, snap out of it," laughed Michelle Hunter, one of her dancing partners.

"Oh, sorry, I was daydreaming," smiled Louise.

"Yeah and by the look on your face we can see what you were daydreaming about, you slag," giggled Heather Conway, the other woman that Louise was dancing with.

"No, no, I was," said Louise, as the song finished.

"Yeah, you were just um," chuckled Michelle as the three women put their sizeable behinds on their chairs.

A little later the band on stage took a break and the main lights came on in the hall. Louise looked to where the man was seated and she recognised the three couples that he was with as having been to the dances before although she did not know their names. That suggested that the man was on his own, at least this night.

Deeper into the interval, Geoff looked towards where the woman with whom's bottom he had become acquainted with was seated and he felt disappointed to discover that she and her two friends had been joined by three men, presumably their husbands.

Just before the band was due to start playing again, Louise saw the man leave his seat and head towards the gents and she decided to make a move. She got up and was waiting near the toilets when he came out. "Hello, I assume that you are going to ask me for a dance in this next set," she said with a beautiful smile.

"Um, um, yeah," the flustered man managed to reply.

"Good, first slow one, okay?" said Louise, who then entered the ladies without giving the man a chance to respond.

The band started playing and the first two songs were high tempo and Louise and her lady friends danced to the second one, the husbands having returned to the bar.

Louise flashed a smile at the man as she danced, he shyly gave a little wave in return.

The second song finished and the introduction was played to a slow one, Louise remained on the floor looking at the man expectantly. She smiled as he got up from his seat and moved towards her. He took her hands and started to dance but Louise pulled him closer.

"Don't think I have seen you here before: Louise is my name," said Louise, grinding himself against what promised to be quite a sizeable cock.

"Um, no, my friends got me to come with them: my name is Geoff," replied the man, concerned and embarrassed by his rapidly hardening penis.

Louise smiled to herself as she felt the stiffening lump pressed against her. "Your friends thought you needed cheering up, did they?" asked Louise, her perfume starting to drive Geoff wild.

"Yeah, I suppose: I am not long divorced and I do not go out much: I live alone," he confided.

"Oh, is there a woman getting the benefit of your hard cock these days?" asked Louise, not unkindly.

"So sorry about that, it is embarrassing," responded Geoff.

"Oh I like feeling a hard cock against me, better still if it is in me: you did not answer my question," said Louise, pulling Geoff even closer.

"No there isn't: you are married aren't you?" said a still flustered Geoff.

"In name only, we have separate bedrooms," replied Louise.

"Oh, um..." said Geoff, because he could not think of anything else to say.

"Why? would you like to fuck me?" said Louise, but that further confused Geoff because he was not certain if she was serious or not.

The song finished and another one started at a higher tempo so they released each other but stayed looking into each other's eyes. "I am going outside for a cigarette, see me out there," ordered Louise.

"But I don't smoke," protested Geoff.

"Doh! that does not matter, dumbo," laughed Louise, before turning and taking her cigarettes and lighter from her jacket, as well as her mobile, and going outside.

Geoff followed, hoping that none of his companions wondered where he was off to. He got outside and saw a couple of smokers and then saw Louise just beyond them, she beckoned him towards her and she then walked around the side of the building.

Geoff arrived there in the semi-darkness and Louise moved towards him and planted her lips on his. Geoff responded with both his lips and his penis, which had softened slightly but now sprung back to life. They swapped tongues as they snogged until they eventually broke.

"Mmm, well I guess that means that you would like to fuck me and you will, but not tonight: give me your mobile number," said Louise, having her mobile out.

Geoff had come to the dance rather reluctantly and now he was having a fuck arranged with a married woman that he was only getting to know because her big arse made contact with him on the dance floor, he was still in a state of bewilderment.

"Your mobile number," prompted Louise.

"Oh yeah, um..." said Geoff fiddling with his mobile because he could not remember the number.

Geoff read out his number and Louise typed it into her mobile. She rang Geoff's number. "Now you have mine but it is probably best that we keep it that I contact you, okay?" said Louise.

"Yeah, yeah okay," replied Geoff.

"I wish we had time to cure that erection of yours but we don't so you had better go back now before you get missed," said Louise.

"Yes, okay, um..." said Geoff, hoping that he could hide the bulge in his trousers.

"My knickers are soaked, by the way, you are a great kisser and I so want to fuck you," said Louise, which did nothing to soften Geoff's hard-on.

Geoff, still in something of a daze, started to make his way back towards the hall.

"Probably best if we do not dance anymore, my girlfriends might start asking questions: I will phone you tomorrow," said Louise, who despite being so turned on was able to think clearly.

Geoff went back inside, thinking that everyone in there must be looking at his crotch, and Louise smoked half a cigarette and then went back in.

The future sex partners had eye contact a few times during the rest of the evening but resisted the urge to dance again, or even speak again.

It was Sunday and Ian was out. Louise was on her bed, naked from the waist down and she had her legs spread and was gently stroking her cunt lips as she phoned Geoff's number.

Geoff was delighted to see Louise's name come up on his phone because he was not convinced that she really would contact him. "Hello Louise, how are you?" asked Geoff.

"I am good: at the moment I am stroking my pussy lips thinking of having a fuck with you," replied Louise, honestly.

"Really? Fucking hell," replied Geoff, whose hand automatically went to his penis which was stiffening in his jeans.

"Yeah really, when can we fuck?" responded Louise.

"I don't know: um, I work for myself and am quite busy but, um...," said Geoff, who now had his almost fully erect cock out of his jeans and in his hand.

"I work part-time in a shop, I don't work Wednesdays or Thursdays, nor Friday afternoons," said Louise, whose fingers were now inside her cunt.

"I could probably work it so that I get most of Thursday off, fuck, I want you," said Geoff, now wanking his rigid penis.

"Thursday would be great, you said you lived alone so can I come to you?" asked Louise, her fingers working faster in her cunt.

"Yeah, I will give you the address: Fuck, I just started cumming," said Geoff, almost in shock.

"Ha, shit, I am cumming now," responded Louise as her body stiffened and she raised her large arse off the bed.

There was a brief break in the conversation as they both reacted to their climaxes but eventually, Geoff gave Louise his address and as he would have to do some work on Thursday they arranged for Louise to be at his house at eleven-thirty in the morning.

Louise rang Geoff twice more over the next few days but neither of them was masturbating at the time.

Geoff's ex-wife had left him for a much younger man almost two years previously although it had transpired that she had been fucking around for a while before that. He had only had sex twice with two different women since before his wife left him and his sexual release involved his right hand and either a porn video or erotic stories. Now he was again going to be fucking a woman and she promised to be a memorable fuck.

He worked as a painter and decorator and had got a job finished by ten on Thursday morning and he had got home and showered and changed and eagerly awaited his guest.

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Louise was really looking forward to what should be a great fuck as she drove the shortish distance to Geoff's house. She had thought for some time about what to wear although chances were that whatever she wore would not be on for very long. She finally settled on a green blouse and black trousers, trousers that she knew displayed her large arse cheeks at their best. She had black underwear underneath, the knickers of which were getting pretty damp by the time she turned into Geoff's road.

Geoff rapidly arrived at his door when Louise pulled up outside. The first thing that he noticed was that she was wearing less makeup than at the dance but still looked stunningly attractive. "Hello Louise, it is so good to see you," said Geoff, stepping onto his short path to greet her.

"Great to see you too baby, you look good," smiled Louise, wondering if Geoff's neighbours were wondering who this woman was and what she was there for.

"You look gorgeous, Louise," said Geoff, taking her by the arm and leading her indoors.

"Thanks, sweetie, I have been counting the minutes until we got together," said Louise, now indoors with the door closed.

They kissed, with even more passion than they had outside the community hall, and Louise felt Geoff's hard cock against her front and his hands on her arse. "How long do we have, Louise?" Geoff asked because although an arrival time had been decided upon a departure time had not been discussed.

"I need to be home in time to get showered and changed and dinner on before my husband gets home at six," said Louise.

"We have a few hours then, great," said Geoff, resuming the kissing and groping.

"I am hoping that this is not just a one-off," said Louise, who envisaged semi-regular sex with her about to be new lover.

"Yeah, I hope so too: Do you want a drink?" said Geoff, very unused to entertaining females.

"Not really, baby, I want to fuck," said Louise, undoing Geoff's belt and trousers.

"Than we shall, let's go to bed," said Geoff, undoing Louise's blouse before indicating for her to lead the way upstairs.

Geoff now got to see the arse which has led to this, Louise's buttocks being hugged by her black trousers as she climbed the stairs. "You have a wonderful arse, Louise," said Geoff, touching Louise's backside as she ascended the stairs.

"That arse is the reason that we are together: if my big arse had not bumped into you we would probably have never met," laughed Louise as they reached the top of the stairs.

Geoff indicated which bedroom Louise was to enter and she complied. "Um, I thought that as we met at a sixties music dance, we could have our first fuck with sixties music in the background," said Geoff, indicating his CD player and a pile of CDs.

"Yeah, why not? I sometimes get a bit vocal when I have sex so it might drown out my shrieks so your neighbours don't hear," smiled Louise.

"People both sides are at work all day so you can shriek all you want," grinned Geoff, putting on a sixties compilation.

As the music started to play the couple moved together and the clothes removal that had started downstairs restarted with Louise lowering Geoff's trousers as he removed her blouse.

"Shall we dance?" asked Louise as a slow track played and they started to smooch with Geoff caressing Louise's large breasts through her bra as her hand went inside Geoff's underpants to gently grip his hard cock. They also kissed, or sort of kissed, as they just brushed their lips together. It was a highly sensual situation.

Geoff undid and removed Louise's bra as she lowered his underpants a bit so that his erection sprung free.

"We are going to have a wonderful fuck, my friend," breathed a very turned-on Louise.

"I think that we are," agreed Geoff, before flicking Louise's hard nipples with his tongue and having her sighing and throwing her head back.

A much faster track was now playing but the music was now just for background purposes as the tender lovemaking started to build up. Both were wanting to get on with the fucking but both were loving the foreplay. Geoff dropped to his knees and kissed Louise's stomach and then started to lower her trousers until her very damp knickers and then quite thick thighs came into view.

"Oh fuck," breathed Louise as Geoff licked her damp patch and he then lowered her knickers for her hairy and glistening cunt to be meeting his gaze.

Geoff put his hands on Louise's bare bottom and kneaded her cheeks as he kissed and licked her cunt. Louise was not far off cumming as she gently stroked Geoff's head.

Geoff's mouth then found and teased Louise's clit and that took her over the top. "Shit, shit, shit," shouted Louise as she clenched her buttocks and orgasmed. Her whole body shook, she was having a wonderful cum.

"Fuck me, you have got to fuck me," Louise panted as she continued shaking and Geoff pulled her knicker and trousers right down for her to hurriedly step out of.

Louise lay on the bed offering her cunt as Geoff scrambled out of his trousers and underpants, he also removed his shirt. For a moment, they looked lovingly into each other's eyes before Louise took Geoff's cock in her hand and slowly fed it into her wet vagina.

Geoff groaned as his penis entered a woman for the first time in ages and Louise locked her legs behind him as they started thrusting and counter-thrusting as the fuck that had been suggested the previous Saturday now commenced in earnest. They fucked hard and fast and were both sweating and Louise was very vocal as she said that she might be.

The sixties music played on as the couple fucked, Geoff was hoping to hold on as long as possible but he did not know how long he could manage. "Oh fuck, yes," yelled Louise as she came again and the fucking went on and on.

Geoff could feel that he had almost reached the point when ejaculation could not be prevented and he was thrilled when more shouting from the writhing Louise indicated that she was again cumming.

"Oh fuck," groaned Geoff as he started spunking into Louise's red hot cunt and he came so hard.

It seemed that they both came forever but at last, they stopped and their bodies relaxed. "Told you it would be a wonderful fuck," grinned Louise, her brow and hair wet with sweat.

"You did, didn't you?" laughed an ecstatically happy Geoff before they kissed.

Geoff eventually withdrew and they lay side by side, each with a hand resting on the other's midriff.

"Music has stopped," said Louise, noticing that the CD had finished.

"There is another CD," said Geoff.

"You mean that you think you can go again?" grinned the well-fucked Louise.

"Don't know, it is a long time since I did it once so I don't know if I can or not," said Geoff, looking at his currently flaccid penis.

Louise looked at Geoff's quite firm buttocks as he changed the CD and as it started with a fast track he had a suggestion. "Well, if we can't fuck at least we can dance," said Geoff, and Louise laughed and got off the bed.

She was soon shaking her hips and arse and then she turned her back on Geoff and backed into him and ground her bare buttocks against him as he handled her tits and kissed her neck. They could both tell that Geoff's penis was certainly stiffening but whether it would stiffen enough for long enough neither of them yet knew.

What Geoff did not want was for him not to stay hard for long enough and he feared that happening. "I am not sure that I will be able to manage it again right now," said Geoff, admitting defeat.

"That's okay baby, there will be other times and we still have quite a bit of time left today," said Louise, philosophically. The fucking that she had already had would be forever in her memory.

With the idea of another immediate fuck now abandoned, they again lay on the bed with Louise now on her front. Geoff softly traced the shape of Louise's big bottom with a finger. "You like my arse, don't you Geoff?" asked Louise, who was loving the feeling of the man's finger following her contours.

"I love it, Louise," confirmed Geoff, slowly and gently teasing Louise's arse crack.

"Would you like to spank it one day?" asked Louise.

"Would you want me to?" answered Geoff, now putting a bit more pressure into the arse crack fingering.

"I think I would like that if you wanted to do it," said Louise, squirming a bit because of the attention to her arse crack.

"Yes, I will spank your lovely arse one day Louise," confirmed Geoff, realising that what he was doing was getting Louise going and continuing to do it.

"Good: you do know that you will make me cum again doing what you are doing, don't you?" said Louise, now very much squirming as the man's fingers played her crack.

"I was thinking that I might do," replied Geoff, still sliding his fingers the length of the crevice between Louise's buttocks.

"Mmmm, fuck, yes," moaned Louise as she clamped her buttocks on Geoff's fingers as she came again.

They both giggled because Geoff had made Louise cum by playing with her arse crack. "Nobody has made me cum by doing that before," confessed Louise.

"I like making you cum," said Geoff.

"Yeah, and you are good at it too," said Louise.

"I hope to make you cum many more times in the future," added Geoff.

"I think that very likely you will," answered Louise.

They then got to know about each other's past, both recent and long ago although it looked like a chunk of each other's future might be together.

It had got to mid-afternoon and not long before Louise would have to think about going home but she had an idea. "Would you like me to suck your cock, Geoff?" Louise asked although she decided to try to help him make up his mind by slowly stroking his penis with her right hand.

"I would like to fuck you again, but...," said Geoff, still not sure about staying hard.

"Let me try to please you, please," said Louise.

"Okay," agreed Geoff, as Louise continued slowly wanking him.

Louise then put her mouth to work on Geoff's cock and with expert use of her tongue and lips, she had Geoff squirming on the bed as she teased his erection. "Fuck Louise, you are great at playing a cock," complimented Geoff.

Louise did not stop her oral work but sort of smiled at him with her eyes. Geoff continued to squirm and knew that he would ejaculate soon, maybe he could have fucked her after all.

"Louise. Louise, I am going to cum," Geoff warned but that only meant that Louise's right hand was added to her mouth in working his cock.

He did not have time to warn her again, even if he wanted to, because he started spurting into her mouth. He did not cum as long or as hard as he had done when they fucked but he still put a sizeable amount of spunk into her throat.

Louise was pleased that she had made him cum again and they cuddled for a while before Louise decided that she had better get dressed and go home.

They would certainly be meeting again and there was the prospect of a spanking for Louise when they did. They did not set a date but Louise said that she would phone him.

A mature woman and a mature man that had been total strangers going into the previous Saturday evening were now lovers, because of where her big arse went on the dance floor.

Written by PJH
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