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Wanting To Fuck A Stranger

"Strangers Can Be Fun"

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You ever have one of those days when you bump into someone who is so downright sexy you want to take them right then and there? That was me today. I’m minding my own business jogging down the same path I have always jogged down, for almost a year now, and I slam into this gorgeous man. He wasn't paying attention to me, as his phone started ringing, and I didn't see him, because I was changing music on my iPod.

When we slammed into each other it literally knocked me on my ass. He looked horrified and couldn't apologize enough. I was so taken aback with him I just brushed it off. I normally would have chewed his head off, but he was just too hot! He offered to buy me coffee but my shyness kicked in, and made an excuse to leave.

Now I lie in bed after taking a long, hot, and much needed shower; and want to kick my own ass for saying no. He is the typical tall, dark and handsome type. The things I want to do with him are unreal. He was only wearing jogging shorts, and shoes. He had no shirt on, and though he wasn't ripped like most women want from a man, he was still smoking hot.

My skin being ultra sensitive from my shower tingles as I slide my sheet up around me. It’s a pretty warm night so I opt out of the blanket. The way the sheet slides over me teases me though, making me think of this man touching me. I feel naughty thinking of a stranger touching me. But, is it really any different then thinking of someone famous? We don’t really know them, but people still fantasize over them.

I close my eyes and envision him in bed with me. I want to lift my sheet up and see him down between my legs ready to devour me. I run my fingers over my breasts, pinching lightly on my nipples and twist them just enough to tease myself. I can feel my hips instantly start to grind to their own rhythm. It’s as if my body has a mind of its own, and begins to move how it would if he was here with me.

He kisses my inner thigh softly, nipping at it just lightly enough to make me purr out. My heart skips a beat, trembling. I lift my hips offering myself to him. He glides his tongue along my folds, tasting me. The slick wetness of my excitement is clear, making my core pulsate hard. I feel my hand desperately move down between my thighs and begin to tease myself. My mind still thinking of the man in the park, wishing desperately I knew his name.

His tongue works wickedly on my clit, sucking hard as I’m writhing with burning caresses. My fingers are moving deftly over my clit, as they have a mind of their own. It’s as though he’s the one truly pleasing me, my other hand gripping the sheet. I move frantically as he pleases me, my hips lift and fall moving with him.

I’m moving my lower body in frenzy fervor, the clench deep inside me building. I want to moan out his name, as he brings me closer to my orgasm. I’m no longer touching myself, it’s all this man. A man I don’t know, but want so badly. I feel myself become unsteady, with a warm and erratic feeling, as I erupt in dazzling undulations of orgasm. I come so hard it almost hurts to twist and keep fucking myself to keep the orgasm going.

My whole body is throbbing as I come down from this intense orgasm; I almost feel the need to giggle. I know at this moment, I have to see him again. I want to see him again. I want to kick myself in the ass again for not taking up his offer for the coffee. With sleep overwhelming me after my orgasm, I dream of him.

Waking up, I feel a little bit giddy. I want to see this man and hope that he’ll be on the path today. I throw on my jogging clothes and head towards the park. I have two hours before work and plan to run for an hour. I do my normal route, knowing it’s the same place I saw him yesterday. As the hour passes and I get to the place where we bumped into each other, I feel my heart race a little more.

Once I’m there and look around, without being too obvious, I see he isn't here. I finish my jog, thinking there might be a chance, but no such luck. I head to the coffee shop, get my coffee and head home to change for work.

The next two weeks are like this. I keep hoping that it wasn't a fluke I saw him. I can’t get him out of my head and I am frustrated that I've not seen him. I told a couple of my girlfriends about this guy, but they said after two weeks, I might as well forget him. I try, I really do, but it isn't happening.

It’s a Saturday morning and I can’t sleep, so I decide to go for an extra long run today. I grab my stuff and head out to the park. I’m warming up and mostly people watching, thinking of this guy, wondering why I haven’t seen him. It’s possible it was a onetime thing; I'd never seen him before that day. I know I’m being foolish.

Getting up, I turn my iPod on and switch it to Pink’s "Get This Party Started" and head off around the park. I haven’t lived here long, just a little over a year. It took me two days, after moving in, to find out I lived so close to a park. I knew then, I would jog here. It’s a rather large park, with a big pond, a play ground, a swimming pool, and even a little outside theater for concerts. I spend a great deal of time here now.

Lost in thought and the music, I’m not paying much attention to anything around me. It’s about forty five minutes into my jog, when I feel as though I’m being followed. I kind of feel uncomfortable and pick up my pace. It's broad day light, so it’s not like anything is going to happen, but my overactive imagination runs wild.

The presence of someone behind me still irks me, until I finally have enough and come to a dead halt and spin around. I stop and see it’s him. I’m lost for words. He smiles at me, and I can’t help but blush and smile. He tells me he’s been following me for about a mile, wondering if he should stop and talk to me. I joke with him asking if he thought it was less creepy following me for a mile without a word. It’s his turn to blush, and look a little embarrassed. He apologizes and asks if he can make it up to me.

We agree on coffee. After cooling down, we head to my favorite coffee shop. We order some coffees and a few muffins. He tells me again how sorry he is for today and about the last time we ‘bumped’ into each other. I play it cool, as though I haven’t been thinking about him nonstop for two weeks like some crazy person. I find out he has currently moved here from a few cities over. He has been so busy with the move and work. so he hasn't had a lot of time to do his normal jogging.

We talk for almost two hours without a care in the world. We talk as though we have known each other forever and are just catching up. He is two years older than me and goes by the name, RJ. I try to get it out of him what it stands for, but is insist that he’ll never tell. I tell him I’m twenty five and that my name is Lena. He gives me his number and tells me he has to go. I’m reluctant and don’t want him to go.

I know the minute I get home, what I want to do. I don’t care how dirty the thought is; maybe that is why it makes it hotter. I need this release and I’m not about to deny myself. I’m not even through the door before I’m shedding out of my clothes. I jump in the shower, knowing I want to rinse off the sweat of my jog.

After I’m clean I plug the tub and sit letting the water fill around me. I let myself think of RJ and everything he told me. I did find out he is single, which makes me happy. I want him in the tub with me. I can feel myself leaning back into him, with his hands wrapping around me, caressing my breasts.

My head tipping to the side, my neck exposed for him, his warm tender lips kissing along my neck. I can feel him start from the nape of my neck, working up so slow, teasing me. His fingers are on my breasts, squeezing them fully, and my nipples hard, as he brushes his fingers along them. I feel the hardness of his cock press against my back, with his mouth still working up until he’s sucking on my ear. I whimper out, and begin to slide a finger inside myself.

I start slow, fucking my pussy letting my mind run wild of RJ’s touches. His hands are needy and slightly rough with my breasts, while his mouth is soft and hungry on my earlobe. My moans echo through the bathroom, bouncing off the walls, as he pleases me.

RJ’s hands move down and lift me up just high enough, and move me above his cock. He makes me beg for him. He wants me to beg to be filled with his cock. I do.

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I beg him, whimpering out as I finger myself deeper, wanting his cock inside me. When he is satisfied with me begging, he moves me slowly down onto his cock. The thickness of his head presses inside me, filling me so desperately slow.

He sinks me down until his whole length is inside me. RJ’s hands stay on my hips and begin to grind up inside me, as he grinds me down onto him. My whole body is shaking; again it feels as though I’m not fucking myself. The water begins to cool, but I don’t care, as I keep my thoughts on RJ fucking me. I gyrate in slow, insistent circles, on his cock and begin to come, wildly, and explosively.

I cry out his name just like I wanted to do two weeks ago. The bathroom is full of steam; my body shakes hard in the bath. The water ripples as I splash slightly controlling myself as best I can with the orgasm passing through me. It takes me a good few minutes to recover from my orgasm, as I soak in the bath. When I get out, I’m full of energy, which surprises me. I decide to text RJ and see what he is doing tonight. I want to see him again.

"Hey, it’s Lena. You busy tonight?"

"Hey! Didn't think I’d hear from you so soon. Miss me already, do you? I’m not doing anything, just unpacking. What’s up?" 

I can’t help but roll my eyes and giggle at his comment. Yes, of course I missed him. I want to get to know this guy. He has me enthralled. I can’t help it.

"Maybe, but I’ll never admit it one way or another. ;) Are you up to grabbing a bite to eat, and do something after?" 

"That would be awesome, Lena, but I really do need to unpack."

I feel a sudden pang of disappointment. Maybe he isn't into me like I am into him, and this is his way of brushing me off. I try to think of something to say in return when my phone goes off.

"Well, why don’t you come here and we can order in. It’s not much, but it’s something, right? As long as you don’t mind helping me unpack!" 

Oh wow! He does want to hang out. He just truly does need to unpack. I know that unpacking sucks, but it sure beats packing. I want to spend time with him, so I don’t care. I send him a text back.

"Sure, we can do that. Send me over your information and the best time you want me there." 

"I’m on 111 Ocean Ave, and how’s six sound? "

He isn't far from where I live; in fact he’s only two blocks away. I feel a tingle of excitement, as I look at the time and see that is just three hours away.

"That works for me. I can’t wait. I’ll bring some menus, I’m sure you have none. I’ll see you then." 

"Cool! See ya then, doll."

Did he just call me "Doll"? Oh gosh! I feel myself blush hard. I go back into my bedroom and try to figure out something to wear. I can’t dress up, so to speak, we’re just unpacking. I still want to look cute.

I decide on a pair of form-fitting old jeans. You know the pair that should be tossed, but you love the way they feel, so you can’t get rid of them. Yeah, like that. I go with a light gray t-shirt, with a baby pink pull over. I figure it be easier to keep my long hair tied up and forgo any make-up. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, besides this isn't a date, it’s just two people unpacking, right?

When it hits 5:30 p.m., I head out, I make sure to stuff some menus of all kinds in my bag. I want to swing by a shop and pick up some wine. I’m not sure if he’s a wine kind of guy, but that’s what I opt for. It only takes me from my place, to the shop, and to his place, about fifteen minutes. I stand at his door for a few minutes, trying not letting my nerves get the best of me. I finally take a deep breath and knock on the door.

I only had to wait a moment before RJ open the door. He stands there in his own pair of worn jeans, no shirt, no shoes and a big smile. I hold up the wine and he winks at me asking if I plan to get him drunk. The idea sounds good to me. if it means us rolling around in his sheets later.

We dive right into unpacking for a while. I almost feel like I’m invading his privacy while unpacking, though at the same time it helps me know him more. He’s flirty and sweet and we seem to have so much in common. After about an hour we decide to order in and relax a little.

We go with Thai food, which impresses me, another reason to like this man. His cable isn't hooked up yet, but he owns a bunch of DVD’s. I go through them and am in such awe with all he owns. We go with "The Shawshank Redemption," because who doesn't love this film? We both take turns quoting nearly the whole thing.

By the time we get to the scene in the film where Andy crawls to freedom through five hundred yards of shit smelling foulness I can't even imagine, or maybe I just don't want to. RJ and I are full on making out like a couple of teenagers.

My pull over has been long removed and RJ’s right hand is up under my shirt teasing my breasts. I somehow move to where I’m straddling him, kissing him deeply. I haven’t been laid in so long that even kissing is making me excited. I feel my panties slowly begin to get moist. I roll my hips on him, as he fondles me more, his other hand moves to undo my button and my zipper slowly comes undone.

He lifts me, lying me down on the couch he removes my shoes, and begins to pull my pants and panties off next. My whole lower half is naked. I've fantasized about this for so long it seems, and shockingly, it’s finally happening. He strokes my clit, almost petting me. I watch the way he touches me. I caress my breasts over my top, seeing how hard my nipples are. He watches both me and my reactions to what he’s doing to me; I move my hips to his touch.

RJ gets to his knees by the side of the couch, lifts my shirt and exposes my breasts. I feel so exposed, as he’s still fully dressed, yet I don’t care. He leans down and begins to suckle on my nipple closest to him; he’s gentle at first until it feels like my head is buzzing. The wine didn't help that! He slides just a single finger inside me, and then begins to fuck me gently. I can hear the wetness of my pussy as he moves in and out of me.

I let my mind wonder to all the things he’s ever done to me before in my mind, mixed with what he’s doing now. I gasp, my breathing is almost out of control, I whine out his name every so often. He begins to move faster, pushing in another finger. His mouth starts to become a little rougher, wanting to bring me to orgasm. I feel as though I’m being lifted from the couch, he continues to fuck me harder. I’m so close.

Harder he fucks me, taking me so deeply; he finds a new level of desire in me even I didn't know I had. I can’t handle it anymore, I let go, crying out his name coming hard. The passion in my voice is clear, and RJ doesn't stop until he’s certain I’m done. I shake hard, knowing I never want it to be done. When I feel as though I can breathe again, I sit up and look at him.

It’s clear how hard he is, his cock pressing against his jeans. It looks as though it’s going to bust out. I have him stand before me and I undo his jeans. He has no boxers on and I grin up at him. He shrugs as though it’s no big deal. His jeans around his ankles, I take his thick cock into my hand stroking him a little before I slide him into my mouth.

Sucking on him deeply right off, I want to please him as much as he has done for me. RJ groans out, taking a step back before I pull him closer again. My head is bobbing up and down the length of him quickly. I swallow him into my throat, filling my mouth of him. I can feel his knees lock, not wanting to lose his balance. I begin to moan loudly, letting the vibrations make it harder for him to keep his balance. He holds my head, working his hips, letting his cock get deeper inside my mouth.

The vain in his cock throbs so hard I can feel it against my tongue. I know he’s close and I pick up the speed just a little faster. It’s what he needs to send him into frenzy downfall. He comes deeply in my throat, almost making it difficult to swallow, but I manage. I love the way he tastes, giving me all I want. I milk him dry, leaving no trace of cum behind.

When he is able to open his eyes, he looks down at me running his thumb along my lower lip. He tells me how amazing that was, and so needed. I agree, and pull him down onto the couch and we cuddle just as the credits to the film finish. We notice how late it is, and he offers me to stay the night. I do.

Who would have thought bumping into someone in the park would lead to all this?

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! 
Written by Poppet
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