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"When Big Sis Lends a Hand"

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It took me twenty minutes to grab my holdall and hustle out of the arrivals terminal. I was back in my hometown which was a ninety-minute flight from my university. Just close enough to visit but far enough away to give me space to grow and gain independence.

I caught the bus into town which would pass two streets from my house, and as I settled back into my seat, I felt myself relax as all the familiar sights of my childhood passed by.

I hopped off outside Grimaldi’s bakery, hefted my bag, and with a quick wave to old Mrs. Grimaldi, I headed home. I caught myself smiling as I remembered running to the bakery for fresh bread each morning, racing my kid sister Ellie to see who would get their first.




I got to our house; still, the smartest and best kept on the street, our dad would have it no other way.

Even after a full day at the shipping warehouse where he was a foreman, he would come home and tidy up. On the weekend he would fit in all the maintenance work around the house and garden and keep house and still find time to spend with Ellie and me.

I smiled at the “Welcome Home” banner strung from the front porch and paused to dab a tear from my eye before pushing the front door open.

I stood and inhaled the familiar smells of home as I kicked off my sneakers feeling the cool hardwood boards beneath my feet.

I knew that dad would still be at work which was why I’d caught the bus home. Our traditional message board, a pink heart-shaped post-it note was stuck on the stair post. It announced that Ellie was at school, but hoped to be home by three.

That gave me an hour to grab a shower and unpack.

My room was freshly made up and aired. I quickly unpacked and showered in the en-suite that my room and Ellie’s shared.




Once I had showered, I put on fresh leggings and a Varsity tee. I had just finished making a new jug of lemonade when Ellie came bounding through the front door. Two years my junior, at sixteen she had a slim athletic body with a soft profoundly caring personality that could make a room light up.

Dropping her backpack, she rushed into my arms, and we hugged and squealed with joy at being back together.

Eventually, we separated, and I held her at arm’s length to admire her. “Wow, you’ve grown sis,”

“It has been six months, you never made it home the last vacation,” she pouted.

“I know, and I’m still sorry, but I needed to stay and work on my term papers,” I pushed her hair from her face and ran my hands down her arms, “Wow, you’ve changed, you’re all grown up,” I teased.

Ellie blushed deeply, but it was true. She seemed at least a couple of inches taller and her high-waisted jeans shown firm long legs and a tight pert bottom.

“And what are these, where have those A cup boobies gone, sis,” I raised my hands as if to touch her now full and firm looking chest.

Ellie danced back squealing, “32C now if you must know and keep your hands to yourself.”

I stopped teasing and poured two tall glasses of fresh, tangy lemonade, “Come on, let's sit on the deck, and you can catch me up with school and stuff.”




Dad made it home early and fired up the grill, steak for him, chicken for Ellie and me, who were not so keen on red meat. We girls made a fresh salad with produce from the garden.

We had a great evening, chatting, laughing, teasing, and relaxing in each other’s company.  If you're wondering about our mum, I have to say that it’s just been us since Ellie’s birth. Some complications took her away from us. I’m Beth, and Dad is Ed to the outside world, but to Ellie and me he’s just Dad and the most fantastic father there is.

Just about ten that evening, Dad announced that he was off to bed as he had work tomorrow. Drawing us both in for a tight hug, Dad said he loved us and that nothing was better than our being together again.

There is just something about his big muscular arms wrapped around me that makes me feel so safe and cared for. I know that there is nothing that he would not do for his daughters.

Ellie and I finished our iced teas and tidied up the kitchen before heading to bed ourselves.

I had stripped off for bed and was just wearing an old tee as I brushed my teeth, Ellie entered the bathroom from her room in old sweatpants and a tee. “Is that all college girls wear to bed? I can see your bare ass,” she quipped as I bent over the sink frothing at the mouth with pink foam.

“It’s too warm for anything else, besides nobody will be seeing me,” I laughed back.




The following day, dad left for work early, and Ellie had a school day, so I hit the town to see what had changed. Predictably for a small mid-west town, the answer was not much. The mall was still struggling to fill its units with stores offering discounts of all sorts. The municipal buildings still looked a little shabby, the streets a little sad, but the folks were still friendly and polite. I was home, and I was happy.

I got home and found Ellie’s backpack in the hall so seeing that the kitchen was empty I headed on upstairs to find her.

A quick knock on her bedroom door and in I charged. “Oh, sorry, sis,” I paused feeling myself blush as I realized she was busy. Laying back on her bed she had kicked her sneakers off and pushed her leggings to her knees, with one hand in the front of her panties it was hard not to realize what she was doing.

I was about to backpedal out the door when I saw her red eyes and the tear smudged makeup.

“Hey sis, are you alright,” I hovered between the bed and the door in my indecision.

Quickly pulling her leggings up she turned to shake her head at me and a single choking sob escaped her lips.

I moved to sit on her bed and put my arms around her.

“Come on, what’s wrong, tell your big sister.” I had always been 90 percent big sister and ten percent mum to Ellie, and we could typically talk about things.

It took a few more sobs and a little cajoling before I got her to open up

“Beth, who did you talk to about things as you grew up?”

“What kinda things Ellie?”

“You know, girl stuff.”

“Oh, well you’re well past period questions, so I’m guessing you mean sex,” I replied stroking her long blond hair.

In response to her silent nod, I swung up to sit alongside her on the bed, “My best friend Marsha Welling, remember her? She moved to Seattle with her family when her dad got a promotion at the bank.”

Another nod.

“Well her mum Audrey told me if I ever needed any advice with things that dad could not deal with I was to ask her.”

“And did you?”

“Yes, she took Marsha and me for our first bra fittings together told us about contraception, masturbation, and all that stuff I could never ask dad.”

Ellie just stared at me with her big blue eyes and then blurted out, “I can’t orgasm, and there must be something wrong with me.”

It took a while for her to calm down and get over her embarrassment, but eventually, we established that Ellie had needs, sexual desires and that she could not, as she put it, cum. There was no boy or girlfriend on the scene just her own body’s needs. The whole situation was being amplified by her classmate's tales of daring do in the showers after sports.

“When I walked in just now, is that how you usually do it?”

“Yes, just with my hand.” More furious blushing, but now she was talking to me.

“But you’re still dressed. You can’t just shove your pants down and rub like your cleaning a pan.” I smiled to lighten the situation, and Ellie gave a wry smile in response.

“Tomorrow I’ll help you, we’ll go through it together properly prepared and relaxed.”

Ellie reached to take my hand and squeezed. “Great. It’s dad’s poker night with his work buddies so he won’t be home all evening.”

“Deal then,” and with that, I hugged my little sister and felt her relax against me.




The following evening after dad headed out for his game I smiled across the lounge at Ellie, “Well sis are you ready to learn?”

She smiled and nodded excitedly, “Yes. Yes, I am!”

“You go run a bath, and I’ll get us a couple of chilled beers.”

Entering the bathroom, I popped the tab before passing a Bud to Ellie, and then I added a handful of scented salts to the water.

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“OK Hun, clothes need to come off,” I laughed at her hesitation. “Alright, does this help?” I asked standing there in bra and panties after I’d shucked off my leggings and my tee. When she still hesitated, I said, “How’s this?” as I stepped out of my panties and bra and stood before my sister in my full glory. “Now it’s your turn.”

Wide-eyed, Ellie, without taking her gaze from my body slipped out of her sweats and undies to stand with an arm draped over her breasts and a hand covering her mound.

“Oh, come on. You must see the other girls at school in the showers,” I laughed.

Finally finding her voice, my cute little sister nodded, “Yes. Yes of course, but suddenly I feel so timid.”

“Okay, well get over here and relax in this bubble bath while we chat.”

Ellie slipped into the water, and I hopped up onto the vanity to chat while she soaked.

“Beth, you’re smooth, you have no hair around your… your…”

“Pussy? I call it my pussy,” I finished for her, “I shave the hair away. I prefer the feel, it’s so much more sensitive.”

“Do your college friends all shave their pussies?”

“Not all of them, no, but a lot do. My roommate Allie showed me how.”

“Could I have another beer?”

“Yep, chilled Bud coming up and then if you want we could shave your pussy.”

So, another Bud later and a much more relaxed Ellie sat on the edge of the bath to keep her skin taught as I ran my Gillette around her lathered mound removing her light blond curls and leaving her smooth and ultra-sensitive.

After a quick rinse and a wipe with the towel I had her sitting on the bed as I applied distilled witch hazel to her pussy and the surrounding area. “I find that this stops any post-shave irritation,” I explained.

“So, sit back and run your fingers around that smooth pink pussy.”

“NO! Not like that!” I scolded her. “Remember we’re not scrubbing pots here. Be gentle and use light soft strokes.”

Another minute or two and it became evident that my otherwise very bright and intelligent sister had no idea what she was about. I could see her anxiety building up again.

“Ellie are you willing to try something a little different?” When she nodded her agreement, I said, “Put your pillows against the headboard and sit against them. I will sit on your lap.”

A quick shuffle around the bed and I was in her lap and holding her hands in mine

“OK, now I am going to masturbate myself, but I’m going to use your hands. I’m in control. You just let your hands follow my lead.”

Gently I drew her fingertips along my petals, letting her feel my juices.

“Feel how wet I am, and how I’m ever so gently parting my lips to open my sex?”

Minutes passed, it seemed so much longer as I used my sister’s fingers to stroke and stretch my ever so slick pussy.

Suddenly I became conscious of feeling my sister’s full firm breasts against my back, her hard nipples rubbing against me.

“Now I’m just teasing my lips, spreading my fluids,”

“Beth, I’m wet too. I feel so ready now,” Ellie whispered in my ear. I could feel her breath caressing my neck and face as she leaned forward to watch her hands.

“Ellie, we’re going to slip your index finger inside me now.”

We both watch as my sister's slim pink-tipped finger slipped between my folds and into my pussy. I bucked and groaned as she entered me. “Oh fuck, I’m on fire.”

“Now hook your finger and turn it upwards,” I instructed. “Feel for a rougher patch.” A second later I moaned, “OH Ellie, yes that’s it. I’m so sensitive there,”

“So that’s a G spot,” queried Ellie.

“So they say, but whatever it is it feels so damn good,” I answered as I pushed her finger deeper.

And then my loving sister showed good instincts and slipped another finger inside my slick, wet, sex and stretched me out. I started to buck on her fingers.

“Oh, that’s it, open and close your fingers as I move, like scissors,” I urged, lifting my hips.

And bless her, she did, and I could feel my orgasm building.

“Now I’m going to take your other hand, and we’re going to rub my clitoris. Most people call it a clit.”

A little pressure and a few quick strokes and I lost it completely.

I became rigid and in spasms as I sat in my sister’s arms, her fingers inside me and caressing my sex as I coated them in my honey.

Slowly my breathing returned to normal, and my heart rate slowed. As my senses returned I start to feel something else, guilt. “Oh my god, what have I just done?”

I’d just had a massive wet orgasm in my kid sister’s arms. I felt a hit of adrenalin as my guilt stepped up a notch and I neared panic. “Maybe if I just pack my bags and head back to Uni, she will forgive me. And, if I’m lucky she would keep this episode to herself.

I turned to Ellie to offer my apologies and shit! She was in tears! “Oh fuck, I’m so busted here.” I reached out to touch her cheek. I wiped away a tear with my thumb, and in doing so, I raised her head so that our eyes meet.

Before I could start to utter my apologies, my sweet innocent sister spoke, “Beth that was beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with me,”

“You’re not angry with me,” I whispered, “Did I go too far?”

“It was amazing, beautiful, and natural.” Ellie was struggling to voice her thoughts, “I had no idea what to expect and clearly up to now, I’ve had no idea what I’m doing.” My sister took me in her arms and hugged me tightly.

We just knelt there on the bed hugging each other. I had never felt so close to someone in my life. No one could ever replace my sister.

I could feel her breasts against me and as she moved her hard-nubby nipples dragged against my own sending frissons of excitement through my body.

Finally, Ellie released her grip on me. She grasped my hand and moved my fingers to her slick opening, “Now Beth, I want to cum like that. Help me, PLEASE!”

We sat back down, this time with Ellie in my lap and I took her hands in mine.

I surprised her by guiding her hands not down to her wanton pussy, but up to those newly filled out breasts. I lead her fingers in a gentle dance around the smooth firm skin before focusing on her nipples. I gripped and rolled them before finally, I stretched them. Ellie groaned and sighed her appreciation, her whole-body twitching in my arms. I released her hands, and she pleasured her own breasts.

I sat, my legs still around her hips, her tight smooth butt moving against my slick slit as she enjoyed her new-found pleasures.

A small slight spasm froze Ellie in my arms. She gasped as the shudder passed and I took my cue to regain control of her hands, guiding them down across her slight tight belly, across that smooth freshly shaven mound to graze her sex.

I looked across at the closet door with its full-length mirror. I could see my sister. A sea of red colored her chest from breasts to neck as her arousal built. The late evening sunlight was catching her blond hair and highlighted the sheen of sweat that coated her taut young body.

The aroma of sex filled the air. The scent of slick wet sex and the sounds of horny teen girls made for a genuinely heady mix.

Ellie had been working her slit. All I did was guide her fingers and release them. I could see two long fingers pumping in and out with strands of thick girly cum coating them as they moved.

I could feel Ellie against me. We were touching from waist to neck. I could feel her heat, her arousal, and her first big orgasm as it built within her.

“Are you ready to cum little sis,” I whispered in her ear.

She groaned loudly and nodded her head.

As I did with myself, I left those fingers to fuck that slick pussy while I guided the other hand to her clit.

“Ellie it’s your pleasure bud, you can rub or stretch, gently press or even slap it,” I whispered and released her hand. I leant back to allow her to move more freely.

It took a bare moment, but Ellie screamed and gasped. Her head went back, and I could see the light on her graceful neck. I could see her body tensing and relaxing then tensing again as wave after wave of pleasure swept through her.

Finally, she withdrew her hands and sunk back against me.

“OH, Fuck Beth, my body is on fire,”

I looked again at the mirror, at her toned sweat coated body glistening in the light as she drew in deep breaths. I looked at those full pert breasts and nubby nipples. I looked at those long runner’s legs, and I replied, “That’s because you are one hot fucking woman, Ellie Reynolds.”

I let my mind wander to next year when Ellie would join me at the Uni. Maybe we could room together I thought as a smile formed on my lips.



Written by leggielibby
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