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My First Dildo

"My name is Grace, I'm a virgin, and this is a story about when my friend gave me a huge dildo for Secret Santa my sophomore year of college."

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My name is Grace, I'm a virgin, and this is a story about when my friend gave me a huge dildo for Secret Santa during my sophomore year of college. A little background: I am the most petite of anyone I know at four foot nine, and my friends constantly tease me about being a virgin. I know I could kinda fuck anyone I want, but I have terrible anxiety about boys and sex, so I haven't done anything. My college friends and I have a tradition of doing a mean Secret Santa, so we each give someone a gift that makes fun of them. This year my friend Lilly got me a nine-inch dildo.

We all are gathering in my friend Annie's and my dorm, seven of us girls in the friend group. Everyone brought one gift hoping to embarrass their Secret Santa target. We all open our gifts and make fun of our targets. Everyone else's gifts are silly, like a pair of fake cat ears or a bejeweled butt plug.

Annie's gift from Lauren was a picture of a naked guy's ass, and everyone laughed.

Lilly's gift from Annie was a bright blue t-shirt with "slut ;)" written in the middle. Whenever someone gets clothes, we all chant "Wear what ya get!" until they put it on, which she did and we all cheered.

Now it is my turn. The way we do it is the person whose turn it is sits in a chair and the person giving them the gift stands behind them and explains the gift or tells a funny story about why they got it before revealing what their gift is. So I sit in the chair, everyone looking at me and Lilly stands behind me holding a large black plastic bag in her hand.

"What's your gift, Lilly?" Annie asks.

"My present for Grace," Lilly answers, "It's no secret that Grace hasn't done the deed, and to be honest, I'm starting to feel sorry for her. I know she gets anxiety about boys and I got an idea." Lilly runs her fingers in my hair and looks down at me and then holds up the mysterious black bag. "So I'm thinking maybe... maybe she's afraid that she's too small to handle a cock?!" she laughs, and I feel my face flush. She knows that's true, and my friends know that I'm a virgin, and my friends tease me about it constantly.

"Maybe because she's never been with a real man before..." Lilly teases. She squeezes my arm, and I feel myself get wet. She pulls a giant black dildo out of the bag. "Well, now we know she is too small for a real cock, so let's give her something she can handle," Lilly says, and all the girls laugh.

I look up at Lilly, feeling humiliated but also aroused. My eyes get wide, really wide. "Do they think that's small!?" I think. It looks like it could be a foot long! Lilly holds the dildo above me, and the girls are laughing and clapping. "It's nine inches, a perfect starter toy for you, Grace!"

"Ok, Grace, show us what you've got!" Lilly laughs and then drops the giant dildo on my lap. I stare at the giant dildo. It's huge!

"Grace, you can use it in the shower," Maria teases.

I tell her, "You guys are assholes," I add, "I'm going to put it in my desk," I tell her and stand up. I turn away from everyone and open the desk drawer and put the dildo in my desk.

"Ok, Grace, you can do it!" Annie cheers.

"Yea, you can do it!" Lilly cheers.

"Ok, Grace," Maria says, "take off your shirt."

"What!?" I ask, surprised.

"Take off your skirt so we can see the dildo. We want to make sure you put it in right," Maria says.

"Oh, that's a good idea," Annie adds. "I was worried that you might accidentally break yourself with that thing. You're such a small little thing."

"Hey, you're all being mean. I can't do this," I tell them.

"You have to, Grace. That's how Secret Santa works," Lauren tells me. "Ride what ya get, ride what ya get!" everyone chants.

I know it's stupid, but I take off my shirt and stand there in front of them in just my bra and panties. It's not like they haven't seen me naked, mostly in the showers at the gym, though.

"Ok, let's see the dildo," Lilly tells me, and I open the drawer and take the dildo out, blushing profusely now.

"Ok, now what?" I ask them, hoping they'll drop it.

"Now what? Now you fuck it, Grace," Annie tells me, and the girls laugh.

"What, you don't know how to do it?" Allie asks me.

"Of course I know how to do it," I tell her.

"No, I don't mean with your fingers," she laughs. "Show us."

"Are you guys sure?" I ask.

"Oh, Grace, I'm sorry, but this is just a silly tradition," Maria tells me. "We're just playing a game."

"Oh, you're just being a wimp. Show us," Allie teases.

"Ok, ok," I tell them and sit back down in the chair. I lean back and put the dildo in my lap. "What do you guys want me to do?" I ask them, feeling a little turned on, but embarrassed at the same time. I hope they haven't noticed how wet I've gotten.

"I think you're supposed to make it go in and out," Allie tells me. "You know, like if you were fucking a boy."

"Awww, that's so gross," Maria tells her.

"Maybe we shouldn't make her do this," Lauren tells them.

"Yea, show us how you use your fingers, Grace," Lilly tells me, "or maybe we should have you go to the corner."

"What!?" I ask, and then feel a hand on my thigh. I look up and see it's Lilly's hand. She's sitting beside me and runs her fingers down my bare thigh and over my panty-clad pussy.

"OMG! You're REALLY wet, Grace. You must be really horny, aren't you?" Lilly asks.

"What!? No, I'm not," I say, and she grabs my pussy, squeezing my clit. "Oooohhh," I moan as my clit starts throbbing.

"She's definitely horny," Lilly says. She moves her fingers over the front of my panties and rubs the head of the dildo between my thighs. I moan again, and I feel the girls all laugh. "Ok, Grace, ride it. I promise that it'll make you feel good," she tells me, and she squeezes my thigh again.

"Ok, ok," I tell her. I spread my legs a little wider and put the head of the dildo up against my pussy. It's hard, but not like a real penis would be. Annie pipes in, "Well, you can't use it with your panties covering up that little pussy!" and the girls all laugh.

I wiggle my panties down to my knees, a little embarrassed by my bush, which I only really trim so that it won't show when I wear a bikini.

"Well, now that's better," Allie says.

"Yea, ride it," Maria tells me.

"Wait, not yet. I have an idea!" Annie chimes in as she gets up and runs behind me to grab something off the wall. I look back and see that it's a mirror, and she sets it on the floor in front of my chair. "Now you can watch it go in!" she says.

"Yeah, now you can really see the dildo go in you," Lilly tells me.

"I... I don't know," I tell them.

"Yeah, do it," Allie tells me, and Lilly puts her hand on my knee.

"I don't think I'll like it," I tell them, and they laugh.

"If you don't like it, then we'll stop making fun of you," Annie tells me.

"Oh, I'm going to make fun of you anyway, Grace," Lilly teases. She grabs the dildo from me and sticks it to the mirror. I hadn't realized it has a suction cup on the bottom until now.

"Yeah, fine, I'll do it," I tell her, and slide off my chair, now sitting on my heels in front of the mirror on the ground with my new dildo stuck to it. She takes my hand and moves it down to the dildo.

"There you go, Grace," she says and squeezes my hand. "Now get in there." I place my fingers on the dildo, the head of the dildo pointing straight at me. It's big, too big, but I'm wet. Lilly squeezes my hand and tells me, "It'll be fun, you'll see." I put the head of the dildo at my entrance and I pause. Maria pipes in, "Might as well get naked and go for the whole experience, right?"

"I guess," I tell her and unhook my bra. Then I get my panties off and sit back down, naked now, in front of my friends, holding a nine-inch dildo. My friends are laughing, and my face is bright red.

"There you go," Lilly tells me, "Now ride it."

"Are you ready, Grace?" Maria asks.

"Yeah, go ahead," Lilly says, squeezing my hand again.

"Ok," I tell her, and I shift so my entrance is right above it. I close my eyes.

I'm worried I'm too tight for it and it'll hurt. I start slowly, letting the head of the dildo push against me, not going in yet. The girls are cheering me on, and I know it's now or never. I lean back a little, putting my hands on the chair behind me, and let the dildo push inside me. It hurts. "Ahhh," I moan, and my friends laugh. I pause, not sure what to do now.

"Ok, now get up and sit on it!" Annie says.

"I don't know..." I tell her.

Allie adds, "Go on, I'm sure that your tight little pussy can take it."

"Yeah, just move your hips," Lilly tells me. "You can do it."

"Ok, ok," I tell them and shift around awkwardly. I try to move my hips up and down, but it hurts. The dildo slides a little bit, and I feel the head go into me. I stop moving. "Ow," I say.

"Oh, you can do it," Maria tells me.

"Just move your hips!" Allie tells me.

"Yea, keep going," Lilly tells me and squeezes my hand.

"Are you ok?" Annie asks me, "Do you need to stop?"

"No, no," I tell her, "I'll be ok. I think I'm ok."

"Yea, go ahead, Grace," Lilly tells me, and she squeezes my hand again. I move my hips again, and the head of the dildo goes into me a little farther.

"Ohhh," I moan, and then, "Ahhh," as the dildo pushes into me further, "Aaaahhh," I moan louder as I feel myself open up. I'm not sure, but I think the dildo is pushing me open more than it should. "Oh, ohhh," I moan, as I feel my pussy open up even more. Maria lets out a little scream and says "Look at the mirror! She's getting it wet!"

I open my eyes and look in the mirror and see a trickle of my juice running down the side of the dildo, down the shaft. I look back up at my friends and blush. "I'm so wet," I tell them.

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"Keep going," Lilly tells me and squeezes my hand.

"You're going to make her cum," Annie tells her.

"I can't help it," I tell them. "It honestly takes like nothing for me to get wet." I'm trying to distract myself because it does hurt. "I'm not sure if I can do this," I tell them.

"Oh, come on, Grace," Allie says, "It's not that bad."

"Here, let me help," Lilly says, and she lets go of my hand and puts her hand on my bare knee. She gently rubs me up and down my thigh, sending chills through my body. "Come on, Grace," she whispers.

I shift my hips up and down a little, feeling the dildo push into me even further. The pain is starting to numb now, and I feel a warm sensation in my belly, and my clit is throbbing. I'm sooo wet now.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, go on," Maria says.

"Grace, you can do it," Annie tells me.

"It's not that bad, is it?" Lilly asks, and her fingers move up to my pussy. "Aww, Grace, you're dripping. Are you sure you're ok?"

"I... I... ahh," I moan as she touches my clit. I let go of the chair and put my hands on top of Lilly's, and she pulls her other hand from my thigh and puts it on top of mine. She pulls herself toward me and we look at each other, my face inches from hers.

"Grace, you can do it. Let me help you," she whispers.

"I... I... uhh," I moan as she pushes me down onto the dildo by my hips. She's still sitting in front of me and is pulling me down. The dildo is sliding into me deeper, my eyes closing again. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"That's it," she says, "You can do it, Grace."

"Oooo, ooohhh," I moan, "yeesss."

"That's it," she whispers.

I look up and see Lauren taking a video, but I can't think straight and definitely can't voice my concern.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhh," I moan.

"Yeah, ride it," Allie tells me.

It's maybe halfway in and I can see it poking against the front of my stomach. I think this is as deep as I can go. "I can't, it's too deep," I tell Lilly.

"Go ahead, it'll be fine," she tells me.

"I... I...," I moan as I push myself up and down. The dildo slides out a little and then pushes back in. I let out a gasp, and then a long moan. Lilly puts her hand on my arm and whispers, "You can do it."

I take a deep breath and hold it as I slide back up and down on the dildo, taking a little more each time. I feel a warm sensation in my belly, and then a tickle in my lower stomach, and I feel the warm sensation spread through my body.

"Yea, keep going," Lilly tells me, squeezing my arm.

"I'm so close," I tell her, panting. I've only ever done this with my fingers before, and it usually takes me an hour or two to cum.

"Yeah, ride it, keep going," she tells me.

"I... I... ahh, ahh, ahh," I moan, "I'm gonna... I'm gonna... ahhhh, ahhh," I moan, and I feel myself start to spasm, my pussy contracting around the dildo, and then, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhh, ohhh," I moan. I throw my head back and my body shakes and spasms as I cum. I moan louder and louder, and I lose all control, my legs failing me and I fall down so my ass is just barely touching the now-soaked mirror and I feel the whole length of it in me.

"Holy shit, Grace," Lilly says, and the girls are all laughing. I can't believe they're making fun of me while I'm cumming. I feel myself orgasm, wave after wave after wave, and I think I'm seeing stars.

"Yeah, it's a good thing we recorded that," Allie laughs, and nods to Lauren.

"I can't... I can't believe... you guys are so... mean," I tell them, out of breath.

"I know," Annie laughs.

"You can't really be mad about it, can you, Grace?" Lilly asks.

"You are... so mean... you're so mean, guys," I tell them, trying to catch my breath, but I feel like it's been knocked out of me.

"Yeah, you should be proud of yourself," Lilly tells me. "It's a lot to take."

"What!?" I ask her.

"Yea, it was like five minutes or something, and you were cumming like crazy," Lilly tells me.

"Oh my God, that's not normal for me!" I tell her.

"What do you mean?" Lilly asks.

"I don't usually cum that fast!" I tell her.

"Really!? But it looked like you were having the time of your life," Lilly tells me, and the girls laugh.

"I've never cum that fast before," I tell her.

"Well, you must have some magical powers," Lilly tells me, "You know, considering that you're a virgin."

"I guess I must," I tell her, finally catching my breath. I giggle.

"I don't know how we're going to top that next year!" Annie says.

"Yeah, you can't just give her a dildo. She's gotta actually have a penis," Lauren laughs.

"I'm not doing that again," I tell them.

"Are you kidding me?" Lilly asks.

"No, I'm serious. That was way too intense. I couldn't believe I came that fast," I tell them.

"Well, I'm just glad you could enjoy yourself," Lilly tells me and runs her hand up my bare thigh.

"Hey, keep your hands to yourself," I tell her.

"Ok, ok, no touching," Lilly laughs.

"So what do you think you're going to do for next year's Secret Santa?" Annie asks.

"I don't know. I was thinking maybe a giant butt plug," Maria tells us.

"Yea, that's a good idea," Allie says.

"It's supposed to be a Secret Santa," I tell them, "so maybe not," I add.

"What? You don't like giant butt plugs?" Maria asks, "Ok, how about a giant vibrator?"

"What do you think I am, a porn star?" I ask.

"Fine, how about a pair of handcuffs?" Maria asks.

"Now we're talking," Allie says.

"How about a collar?" Maria asks, and Allie nods.

"Stop being so mean. That was way too much," I tell them.

"You should wear one of those for the next party," Lilly tells me.

"What, one of those furry collars?" I ask her.

"Yes," she says.

"Nope," I tell her.

"Come on, it'd be so sexy," she says, and she leans down and licks her lips.

"Maybe," I tell her, "but I'm not letting you put a collar on me, and that's final."

"I bet you'd look good in a collar," she says, "and if I have to put it on you, then it would be a little easier."

"Well, I'm not letting you put a collar on me," I tell her.

"We'll see," she says, and she leans forward and kisses my neck.

"I'm serious," I tell her.

I suddenly remember seeing Lauren video me on the dildo earlier.

"Wait, did Lauren take a video of me earlier?" I ask.

"Umm... no," she says.

"She did, didn't she?" I ask, and she giggles.

"It's not that bad," she tells me.

"What! I'm not going to watch myself like that! What the fuck!" I yell, "I'm never going to do another Secret Santa," I tell her.

"Well, I didn't take it for YOU to watch," Lauren responds. "You know I do OnlyFans?" Lauren asks, and we all nod. "Well, I posted the video on my site. It's kind of a secret, but you can check it out if you want. I think it's pretty hot and it'll probably get me a few new fans too!"

"No way, you put that up there?" I ask, getting upset.

"I don't want you to be mad," Lauren says.

"Of course I'm mad. This is fucking humiliating!" I yell, "I can't believe you would do that!"

"Relax, Grace, no one you know's going to see it."

"How do you know that? Maybe some perv's going to see it!"

"Maybe a cute guy will see it and ask you out?" Lilly asks, giggling.

"No, no, no, no, no," I say, shaking my head. "This is fucking sick," I tell them.

"No, you're the sick one, Grace," Lilly tells me.

"Fuck you, Lilly," I say.

"That's not how this works, Grace. I can't fuck you, remember? You said no more touching!" Lilly responds.

"I can't believe you guys are being so mean," I tell them.

"We're just having fun, Grace," Lilly tells me.

"What's wrong, Grace, you don't like that?" Annie asks.

"What if this catapults you into a porn career?" Lauren gasps.

"I didn't want this!" I tell them.

"Your life is a porn career now, Grace. You've got to start doing porn! You're so small, it'll be so hot!" Allie jokes.

"I'm not going to be a fucking porn star," I tell them. "I'm a virgin for a reason, you know?"

"We know," Allie says.

"This is fucking humiliating," I tell them.

"It's not that bad, Grace," Lilly says. "What do you say? Maybe we can make a new Secret Santa tradition."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, why don't we all join forces to get you out of your shell?" Lilly asks.

"I don't want that," I tell her.

"Well, what if we all do it together?" Lilly asks.

"That sounds like a fun idea," Annie adds.

"I... I don't know," I tell them.

"Let's give it a try," Lilly tells me.

"It could be fun," Maria adds.

"But what if you get too excited and you cum in front of everyone?" she teases me.

"That's not going to happen," I tell her. "I'm not going to cum in front of you."

"Maybe we should make it a competition. Whoever cums first has to clean up the other's mess," Allie adds.

Annie agrees, "Speaking of which, you have quite a mess to clean up, young lady!" she says to me.

I totally forgot I'm just sitting naked in a puddle of my own wetness on the floor of Annie and my room from my earlier ... fun.

"No, leave it, at least for now. The smell is turning me on," Lilly objects.

"Fine, time for the next gift? Who'd you have, Grace?" Annie asks.

"Yeah, who'd you have, Grace?" Lilly asks.

"I have a gift for Lauren," I say, standing up. I'm a bit dizzy.

"Oh, cool, what is it?" she hops up and perches herself in the chair. I stand behind her and pull the gift I got out of the pile.

And as if nothing had happened, we continue on with Secret Santa.

Written by gracemoulin2
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