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My Daughter's Best Friend - Part 3

"The two masturbate together, before Amy finishes him off with a handjob"

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After finishing up a wonderful lunch Amy had cooked up for the both of us, being the gentleman, I offered to do the washing up.  This was more to find time to decide what to say to Amy, who had stepped into the lounge while I cleaned up.

About a quarter of an hour later, I entered the lounge to find Amy had disappeared. Unable to locate her, I decided to head upstairs. Reaching the top, I noticed the door to my bedroom was open, so I approached it. As I drew closer, I heard the distinctive noise of an all too familiar sound of sexual moans of pleasure.  Reaching the bedroom door, I found Amy laying upon my mattress with her skirt tossed upon the floor and her hand thrust down the front of her pink thong panties, touching herself.

Now, most men would rush forward and leap upon Amy and have their wicked way with her, but myself, just the sight of watching this beautiful young woman masturbating in front of me was something else entirely. Seeing her long smooth legs, her heaving breasts through her tight top with each breathe she took, and her fingers swinging back and forth beneath her panties as she rubbed her pussy with a gentle ease. Looking upon this youthful face of a woman almost coming to blossom into full womanhood, her eyes closed and the sweet sounds of moans and deep breathes seeping from between those ruby red lips of hers. I felt entranced by her presence and the sounds she made, it almost felt like she was a beautiful mermaid calling the vessels towards their impending doom of being captured by not only her beauty, but touch.

The sight of all this had caused my cock to grow hard, just like before when I'd caught her masturbating in the shower for the first time.  The bulge began to take notice at the crotch of my pants, the ones I'd already changed not long ago, after shooting a load into them.  I certainly didn't want to stain another pair. Once again, a shame came over me of what I was doing with this young woman, and my daughter's best friend. As I began to turn away, I heard her voice.

"Hi!" Amy called out, forcing me to stop and look back upon her.  Her hand was still beneath her panties, as she rested on one elbow and looked out upon me.

"I'm sorry Amy, I just didn't know where you'd disappeared to" I informed her.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was just feeling so horny that I needed to come upstairs and get myself off" she said.

"Okay, sorry, I'll leave you to it!" I said as I looked to turn away and walk off.

"Don't go!" Amy called out instinctively, making me halt and look at her.  "Why don't you come and join me on the bed!" Amy said in her soft womanly tone and gestured with a pat on the bed at her side.

"I don't know ..." I replied, knowing deep down I really wanted to lay at her side. To smell that sweet toxic scent of her body next to me.

"Please don't make me beg, coz I will if you want me to!" Amy giggled, bringing a smile to my lips. I stepped into the room, walked around the bed and looked to sit down when Amy spoke "Silly, take off your pants first".  With that, I slipped my trousers off and stepped out before sitting on the bed and laying back at Amy's side.

As I sat there, Amy's hand returned to slowly caressing her tender pussy beneath her panties. I couldn't take my eyes off her, watching her masturbate beside me. Her own eyes were drawn like a magnet to my magnificent bulge under my boxers.

"It looks like you enjoy watching me play with myself!" Amy gestured with a point at my tent pole in my boxers.

"I do!" I muttered.

Amy groaned "Ooh, mmm! I love masturbating when I'm really horny", as her hand continued to rub at her pussy, her hips gently gyrating to her sensual touch.  "Why don't you pull out that big cock of yours, it looks like it wants to be set free?" she said.

Even with some sense of shame of this growing attraction towards Amy, I still found myself succumbing to her request. I slipped the boxers from around my waist and dragged them down. My cock broke free, bouncing around on the spot, creating it's own merry dance.   I kicked my boxers off my feet as they fell to the floor at the edge of the bed. I lay there, next to Amy, with only a top covering my chest.

Amy's eyes boggled at the first sight of my throbbing large cock. "Oh wow!" she said with an enthusiastic tone, "that's so big!" she claimed as she stared upon it. "Does it hurt?" Amy asked me, inquisitively.

"No" I informed her.

"Will you jerk it for me? I wanna rub my pussy while I watch you jerk off!" she said.

"I thought you said you watched me yesterday?" I asked.

"Yes, but, I was too far away then," she told me, wetting her lips.  "Please jerk it for me, I wanna watch you up close this time" Amy added.

My hand reached down, grasping a hold of my throbbing cock as my fingers wrapped tightly around the thick shaft.  I began to stroke upon it, gently easing the foreskin down, where the blanket peeled back to reveal the crowned head that broke out of it's shell. My hand rolled down my shaft, towards the patch of pubic hair surrounding the base and my ball sack below.

"You have a beautiful cock!" Amy whispered to me, as she'd returned to lay back down and her hand circling around beneath her panties.

"Thank you!" I replied to her kind words.

I continued to jerk off, slowly at first to flow the rush of blood into my cock to make it even harder.  Not that the sight alone of this beautiful young woman at my side masturbating for me wasn't getting the job done on it's own.  My eyes continued to switch between watching Amy rubbing her pussy, and to find her face turned towards me, as the hot breathe of her moans flowed across upon me.

We both lay side by side, performing for one another in our show of appreciation towards mutual masturbation. My cock being jerked in my tight grasp, while Amy's hand picked up pace and her moans grew louder. From what I could surmise, she was close to reaching an orgasm, albeit she did have a head start on me reaching the finish line first.  Her eyes were watching my hand stroking my throbbing cock, sliding up and down around the thick long shaft.

"Ohh... mmm!" Amy moaned as her eyes closed, her lips pursed and I knew she was about to explode.  Her hand was now going at a more ferocious pace, thrashing back and forth to the soft sounds of her soaking pussy being rubbed. Her hips swinging, as her body tensed up and she reached the peak of her climb. She groaned "UGH!" as her body spasmed to this wonderful sensation of electricity hitting every sense of her inner body. Her thighs squeezed together, trapping her fingers against her pussy as the spasms hit several more times, as I watched her up close enjoy this beautiful orgasm that tore at her inner soul.

Moments passed, before she finally came down from her sweet high of ecstasy. Her legs parted ways with her hand still remaining dipped beneath her pink thong panties.  Her eyes opened to look at me watching her, as she gave me a sweet smile upon her flushed cheeks.

"Mmm, that felt wonderful" Amy informed me, as she finally slipped her hand free from her panties. I noticed the glistening of her juices that had transferred from her wet pussy. Amy must have sensed my own thoughts as I wet my lips at the sight of them.  "Would you like to taste my pussy juice!" she asked.

"Yes please!" I replied.

Amy offered her fingers to me, as I opened my mouth and she slipped several inside. I wrapped my lips around her fingers, tasting the juices Amy was giving me. I suckled on them to take pleasure in the sweet taste, using my tongue to lick them clean as she watched me.

"Do I taste nice?" Amy asked me.  All I could do was nod, my mouth filled with her fingers as she eventually pulled them free.  I licked my lips. The sweet taste of her juices still causing a wonderful sensation both upon my tongue and hitting the back of my throat. How much I wanted to go down and eat her pussy out right now, to taste that young sweet nectar of this amazing woman.

Licking and sucking on Amy's fingers meant I hadn't given another thought that instinctively, I had stopped jerking myself off.  Amy's eyes drew down to my enlarged cock, standing proud still like a soldier, with the crowned head of his helmet peaking out the top of my tight grasp.

"Can I try!" Amy suddenly blurted out.

"What?" I said, at first uncertain what she meant.

"Can I try.

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I mean, can I touch your cock and jerk you off?" she asked me.

"I don't know if that's wise!" I said. I was conflicted with whether I should allow Amy to do this for me. I mean, this would go beyond everything that had happened between us so far. Yes, we'd caught each other masturbating the other day, and she made me cum earlier that day when she ground her ass upon my lap, but this was a much deeper connection between the two of us. This was actual physical contact of skin upon skin.

"Please, I want to see what it feels like. And I'd love to help you cum!" she told me. The thought of her hand caressing my cock and jerking me off was too mind-blowing that the positives outweighed the negatives.

"If you're sure you want to?" I asked, making sure she felt comfortable doing this.

"Oh yes, I really want to touch your cock and make you cum so badly!" she said.

"Okay!" I finally gave in and agreed to her proposal.

"Yay!" she called out as she sat upright with an exuberant spring to her movement. I removed my hand from my cock, as she positioned herself next to my waist. My cock stood there, wavering around on it's own as Amy seemed transfixed, as if being a snake charmed by it's movement. She used one of her index fingers, as she playfully tapped my cock and it bounced around in response.  She smiled, before she put her finger on my cock and pushed it down as far as it would go between my thighs, before releasing hold as it leaped back up like a springboard to stand upright once more. "That's so cool!" she giggled in response.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Oh yes, I love it!" she answered. Amy's fingers then gently eased themselves around the thick length of my shaft, where the tips of her fingers and thumb met, and she held my cock in her grip for the first time.  She didn't squeeze too hard, as she looked up at me watching her.  "Your cock is so thick!" she gasped as she felt it in her hand.  "So, I just slide my hand up and down your big hard cock," she asked me, seemingly already knowing the answer of how to jerk me off by watching me but looked for a little guidance from myself.

"Yes, just hold on tight, but not too tight, and move it up and down!" I informed her.

"Like this?" she asked, as her hand began to jerk my cock. Up and down, holding my foreskin in her grasp as it slipped back and forth across the hardened piece of meat.

"Oh God, that feels so good!" I muttered, watching this beautiful young woman stroke my cock. Having your own hand stroke yourself off is a great feeling, but actually having the wonderful feel of someone else touching and jerking you off is something else entirely.

"Do you like that?" Amy asked.

"Yes, it feels amazing!" I replied, accompanied by the soft moans of my pleasure to show my appreciation on a job well done so far.

Amy's hand continued to jerk my cock, up and down, as it pulsated and throbbed in her hand. She kept switching between looking up at my face, seeing the reaction of what she was doing, to my cock, as it rose up and down in her grasp.  She then gave a little twist in her handjob, turning her hand as it wrote and twisted back as it dropped down.

"Oh fuck yes!" I called out in response to this slight alteration of control over me. My breathing grew heavier, deeper, as I could feel my whole body build up to that moment of sexual fulfillment.  "Go a little faster!" I called out to her.

Amy did as I asked, as her hand picked up pace. Up and down. Faster and faster she responded, her wrist continuing in twisting in her movement of jerking me off. "Does that feel better?" Amy asked.

"Fuck yes... keep going!" I told her. I continued to breathe heavy, where my eyes began to close and my mouth opened at this wonderful sensation of having Amy jerking my cock, the first time in years since a woman had jerked me off, the last being my ex-wife but this felt so much better.

"This is really fun!" Amy said, as she picked up even more pace and I felt the heat rise in my cock, the friction of her hand gripping tight and peeling back and forth my foreskin as it slipped around the lengthy piece of my shaft.  A little precum had seeped from the crack of my crowned head, as Amy took note of it. My eyes were closed and I was lost in this emotional rollercoaster that was taking over my whole body.

Then, without notice, I felt it. A wetness to my cock, around the crowned head where my slit was positioned.  My eyes sprang open, where I found Amy leaning over my waist, her tongue slowly caressed and licked across and around the head of my cock.

"Oh fuck... Amy!" I called to her as she stopped briefly.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to see what you tasted like!" she said with an innocence to her face.  "Do you want me to stop?" she asked me.

"No... please, I'm almost there!" I informed her.

Amy returned to her actions, as her tongue protruded from between her ruby red lips and gently teased, licked and caressed upon the crowned head.  The small drop of pre-cum that seeped through had disappeared, as Amy licked at it and tasted me for the first time, licking her lips.

"Fuck ... I'm ... gonna ... cum!" I yelled out at this amazing sensation of rush that was spreading over me.  My body began to spasm, my legs shook and my cock throbbed in Amy's hand.  She instantly knew I was about to blow, and pulled her face away from my body, not wanting to take any upon her face, at this time.  She continued to jerk my cock in her tight grip.  "I'm cumming!" I softly screamed. My breathing froze to one deep intake of air, my mouth and eyes wide open as my body spasmed as the feeling ripped through every part of me. This was one of the most sensational orgasms I'd ever felt in my life, and probably the best now in so long since I was with my ex-wife.

 A wave of sum suddenly spewed out of the crack upon my crowned head, as it shot into the air and back down.  A string of it splashed across my cock, while some dripped down upon Amy's hand but she didn't flinch in her actions, as she continued jerking me off.  Within moments, a second, smaller wave of creamy white cum thrust itself free of my body as it too crashed down around my body and upon Amy's hand.  Amy continued on, like a pro, yet slowing down but with the intention to drain my balls of every drop.

My hand reached down, taking hold of Amy's and indicating for her to stop as my body shook and spasmed several more times as I finally came down from this glorious high I'd reached. Sweat dripped around my face. I tried to regain my composure and breathe normally once more.  I lay there, as Amy just looked at me with my cock still standing tall and my hairy patch and balls stained with my own sticky wet cum.  

"Did I do good?" Amy asked.

"Yes, that was amazing, Amy. One of the best I've ever had!" I told her, and it was the truth.

"Really, wow. Thank you. I'll have to see if I can top it next time though!" as Amy shuffled to the edge and leaped off the bed. She exited the room, and returned several moments later holding several hankies.  With them, she began to clean me up, wiping the cum away from around my cock and balls.

"You don't have to do that, I can!" I told her.

"No, it's okay. Besides, I forced you to make this mess so the least I can do is help clean it up!" she said with a sweet smile.  She finished wiping me down clean, as she tossed the hankies into the bin in the corner of the room.

"I really enjoyed that!" Amy said as she stood at the end of the bed, before she climbed back on and crawled up to lay at my side. She leaned into my body, wrapping her arm across my waist to lay at my side.  "Let's just lay here for a while!" Amy said, as I wrapped my arm around her and held her close to my body, where she leaned further in and rested her head upon my chest.


Written by John_Doe
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