On that particular morning she was feeling especially horny - a combination of not having had the opportunity to fuck before needing to leave for work and the journey taking longer than expected giving her plenty of time to study the guys (and their packets) around her on the national rail train. She would sometimes arrive at work with a priority action for the day to relieve herself in the ladies – or with her boss if he was around....
The tube station was fairly busy as usual and as she waited on the platform she noticed a guy standing near her but not looking her way. He wasn’t especially good looking but not bad looking, Mr Average maybe. What attracted her was the way his eyes were undressing a woman standing a few feet in front of him. They say it takes one to know one and she knew in that instant he was a dirty fucker. And he made her wet.
The train arrived and people began to jostle to get on, she made sure she got on the same carriage and pushed her way over to stand close to where he was standing.
It was a tight squeeze but not the unpleasant level of crowding that it sometimes gets when your body is crushed against all manner of people, selected or not, often with someone who has eaten garlic or similar.
She was wearing a black pencil skirt, heels and v neck top that showed off her assets to their best. It was the perfect choice for the moment.
Still she had not made eye contact with the stranger, he was standing close behind her and as the train jolted and bumped along the track she made tentative at first grinding movements onto his crotch. First time, nothing. Second time, he catches her and his hands linger on her hips for a moment too inappropriately long. Third time, he knows...
She felt his fingers slowly begin to touch her hips again and thigh and move up to trace the outline of her cheeks through her skirt. His breath on the back of her neck as he moved closer was enough to make her nipples harden. She wanted him to play with them there and then; the commuter restriction of her lust was almost painful.
She let her hand drop down and brush his cock, it was rock hard and needing little encouragement she unzipped his flies to reach inside. He returned the favour by moving a hand underneath her skirt, up over her stockings and into the wetness of her pussy.
The tube station was fairly busy as usual and as she waited on the platform she noticed a guy standing near her but not looking her way. He wasn’t especially good looking but not bad looking, Mr Average maybe. What attracted her was the way his eyes were undressing a woman standing a few feet in front of him. They say it takes one to know one and she knew in that instant he was a dirty fucker. And he made her wet.
The train arrived and people began to jostle to get on, she made sure she got on the same carriage and pushed her way over to stand close to where he was standing.
It was a tight squeeze but not the unpleasant level of crowding that it sometimes gets when your body is crushed against all manner of people, selected or not, often with someone who has eaten garlic or similar.
She was wearing a black pencil skirt, heels and v neck top that showed off her assets to their best. It was the perfect choice for the moment.
Still she had not made eye contact with the stranger, he was standing close behind her and as the train jolted and bumped along the track she made tentative at first grinding movements onto his crotch. First time, nothing. Second time, he catches her and his hands linger on her hips for a moment too inappropriately long. Third time, he knows...
She felt his fingers slowly begin to touch her hips again and thigh and move up to trace the outline of her cheeks through her skirt. His breath on the back of her neck as he moved closer was enough to make her nipples harden. She wanted him to play with them there and then; the commuter restriction of her lust was almost painful.
She let her hand drop down and brush his cock, it was rock hard and needing little encouragement she unzipped his flies to reach inside. He returned the favour by moving a hand underneath her skirt, up over her stockings and into the wetness of her pussy.

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His expert fingers found her clit within seconds and then she knew she was in trouble, that there was little chance of him bringing her off in public without her needing to cry out with pleasure.
At the next stop more people crowded in and they were jostled towards the closed doors on the other side. He pushed her towards these, pinning her and thrusting two fingers into her pussy, she was absolutely gagging for it and within seconds he was back on her clit, rubbing and flicking. She felt his cock throbbing and precum slippery on her fingers but he pulled back when she tried to release his cock....
Faster and faster he rubbed her clit and she could feel her orgasm rising, with his free hand he reached round and helped himself to her breasts, squeezing and pulling at her nipples.
She knew she was going to cum any second and with one stop to go before her usual and the doors opening on their side.... she contemplated pulling him off (literally) with her to find a place to fuck him....the idea excited her and with a new level of arousal she felt the white blindness of release from her toes to her head and back down her spine to her pussy. She couldn’t but help cry out and an elderly City gent close enough to have been watching the couple smiled at her and winked.
Her station came into view; still she hadn’t spoken to the stranger nor met his eyes. He had released her now and as the doors opened and people pushed out she looked round but he wasn’t there.
Before she could look further she heard someone calling her name and turned to see her work colleague who linked arms with her and broke into a babble of news about her latest wedding plans,
Arriving at work on time she was disappointed to see her boss was out for the day so no chance of him finishing what her commuter friend had started.... still she was looking forward to meeting the new boy, perhaps he would offer some light entertainment in what was otherwise a quite female dominated team.
But you already know who the new boy was..... because it takes one to know one... and she owed him one....
At the next stop more people crowded in and they were jostled towards the closed doors on the other side. He pushed her towards these, pinning her and thrusting two fingers into her pussy, she was absolutely gagging for it and within seconds he was back on her clit, rubbing and flicking. She felt his cock throbbing and precum slippery on her fingers but he pulled back when she tried to release his cock....
Faster and faster he rubbed her clit and she could feel her orgasm rising, with his free hand he reached round and helped himself to her breasts, squeezing and pulling at her nipples.
She knew she was going to cum any second and with one stop to go before her usual and the doors opening on their side.... she contemplated pulling him off (literally) with her to find a place to fuck him....the idea excited her and with a new level of arousal she felt the white blindness of release from her toes to her head and back down her spine to her pussy. She couldn’t but help cry out and an elderly City gent close enough to have been watching the couple smiled at her and winked.
Her station came into view; still she hadn’t spoken to the stranger nor met his eyes. He had released her now and as the doors opened and people pushed out she looked round but he wasn’t there.
Before she could look further she heard someone calling her name and turned to see her work colleague who linked arms with her and broke into a babble of news about her latest wedding plans,
Arriving at work on time she was disappointed to see her boss was out for the day so no chance of him finishing what her commuter friend had started.... still she was looking forward to meeting the new boy, perhaps he would offer some light entertainment in what was otherwise a quite female dominated team.
But you already know who the new boy was..... because it takes one to know one... and she owed him one....