Her mind was frantic from the events of the day; everything and everyone pulling her in so many directions, and yet she felt unable to please anyone. This is a typical occurrence for a woman who craves the satisfaction of making others happy: she so often neglects her own pleasure. But, not tonight...
She runs a hot bath, filled with her favorite lavender bubbles, and lets some relaxing music play as she climbs in. As she sinks deep into the water and feels it wash over her, the stress of the day begins to melt away. She closes her eyes as she takes the hair tie from her wrist and secures her blonde hair into a bun. Rubbing the tension from her neck, she relaxes back against the tub and her hands fall gently to her sides.
"Mmm," she sighs softly, surprising herself at the erotic sound of her breath. She can't help it, the sound triggers something in her mind and her hand travels between her legs. Her wet, soapy fingers find her equally wet, smooth pussy.
Her thoughts wander to one of her favorite times...
Her skirt lifted, laying on her bed. In her mind's eye, she looks between her legs and sees him, leaning over her, a look of humor and desire on his face as she squirms and wriggles under his touch. His probing fingers alternate between thrusting in and out of her soaked pussy, and circling her throbbing clit.
She moans audibly now and it echoes on the walls of the bathroom. She recalls how her hand slipped between her legs to find his, trying to hasten his touch, and how he sternly corrected her, "No." Letting her know that he would take things at his pace; that he enjoyed watching her quiver for him.
It was his voice that was her undoing... always. In fact, she's convinced that she could cum just by hearing the sound of his voice in all it's depth and mocking gentleness, coaxing her to do so. She wanted to find out. She wanted him to lay her down on her bed between his legs as he leaned against the headboard. She wanted him to brush the hair from her forehead and talk into her ear while he teased and rubbed and penetrated her pussy with his fingers. She wanted to shut out the sounds of the world, her worries, and focus on nothing but the sound of his voice...
Feeling the water splashing around her hand and hearing the sound of her own wetness, she continues to rub her pussy in the bathtub. Her fingers are wrinkled from a mixture of her own juices and the hot water. She stops for a moment, bringing them to her mouth to taste her juices, before closing her eyes again.
She recalls another day, looking down between her legs to find him there, feasting on her dripping, aching pussy. His tongue didn't neglect a single part as it darted in and out and rolled around her swollen clit. Just the recollection of his moans against her flesh sends waves of pleasure through her body as she touches herself, pretending the wetness was his tongue and not the bath water.
"Ugh... his moans," she thinks, remembering the way the vibrations hit her clit as he let her know from deep within his throat that he found her so delicious.
She can't take it anymore. She has to climb into bed: she needs to lay back against her pillow and close her eyes and hear him! She aches to hear his voice.
Climbing slowly out of the tub she notices the dripping down her legs. It's not water, it is her desire. She is slightly taken aback by the effects her mind has had on her body. Wrapping herself in a towel, she steps out of the steamy bathroom and opens the door to her bedroom. Drying herself quickly, she lets the towel fall to the floor and climbs between the crisp clean sheets. Grabbing her stuffie (of course) she makes sure her phone is within reach.
She sends him a text: "Are you busy right now?"
She waits a few moments, growing impatient as the aching between her thighs will not subside.

"What do you need, Sweetness?"
"Your voice," she replies. "I miss Daddy."
"Where are you?"
"Laying in bed... naked."
"Touching yourself?"
"About to," she replies.
"What are you thinking about, Princess.?"
"You. Your voice. Can you call me so I can hear your voice while I touch myself? Please, Daddy?"
He stops replying. Pouting, she chastises herself for being needy and asking him to do something she knows would be difficult. She starts to settle into bed, thinking aloud, "He's never gone this long between visits before. Maybe he just doesn't want to-"
She stops mid-thought as her phone vibrates. She looks to see who's calling. It's him. She smiles, her heart begins to pound. They've never even talked on the phone, let alone done something like this.
She answers shyly. "H-hello?"
"Are you wet for Daddy?"
Just the phrase he chooses nearly sends her over the edge. She sucks in her breath, like she does when his fingers sink inside her. She can almost feel them.
"Y-yes, Daddy."
"Good. Now spread your legs for Daddy."
She complies. "Okay Daddy," she whispers.
"Find your clit and start rubbing it for Daddy, Kitten. Just like Daddy does it."
"O-okay." Her voice fades as she begins rubbing, slowly.
"Mmm," she moans softly into the phone.
"That's my girl. Are you imaging Daddy's fingers?"
Her fingers are soaked and she can hear him breathing into the phone, listening to her as her own breathing is laboured but low.
"Do you know what Daddy would do if he was there, Precious?"
"I know what I would want you to do," she says, giggling softly."
"Tell me, Kitten."
"I, umm... I..." She pauses before shyly adding, "You know."
Tell Daddy," he coaxes.
"Lick my pussy," she responds, almost inaudible and blushing.
He chuckles. "And? What else, Baby?"
"Fuck me?"
"Mmm." He groans. "My, you make Daddy hard when that pretty mouth says such dirty things."
She giggles softly, embarrassed.
"Keep rubbing," he commands in a stern tone.
She complies.
"Are you getting close?" he asks.
"Kind of."
"I want you to keep rubbing to the sound of my voice. Close your eyes and imagine I'm right there beside you, that it's my fingers rubbing that swollen little clit. Okay, Princess?"
"Okay Daddy."
"And when you are about to cum, I want you to let me know. I want you to ask Daddy for permission before you do. Understand?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"That's my girl. I bet you are dripping wet for Daddy. If I was there I would lick your pretty little pussy until you cum all over Daddy's face. Mmm.... come on, Sweetheart, you know you want to cum for Daddy. Let it out."
She whispers.
"Mmm... Daddy loves hearing your little mews, Kitten. So sweet. Keep going for me. Just imagine Daddy's fingers... in and out," he growls, "in and out."
"Daddy, I ... I..." She's breathless.
"What, Babygirl?"
"Can I cum now? Please can I cum now?" She can barely get the words out. Her body is tensing and starting to tremble.
"Cum for Daddy, Princess. Yes, that's my baby. Cum for me."
"Mmm... Oh, oh my God. Oh Mmm." She tries to stifle her moans.
"Good girl," he growls into her ear, long and slow.
"Thank you, Daddy," she manages, breathlessly.
"You're welcome, BabySlut. You get some sleep now. Have sweet dreams for Daddy. No nightmares, Okay?"
She sighs softly, satiated. "G'night, Daddy."
When she ends the call, she lays back smiling, still holding the phone. Her breathing slows down and she curls on her side, snuggling in for the night, the echo of his voice in her ear...