The seventeen-year-old girls burst through the big wooden doors into the main vestibule. Their intense laughter echoed loudly but the frivolity was suddenly lost to the cold atmosphere that seemed to suck the life out of them. Their boisterous behaviour was reduced to shrinking shyness and guarded whispers. A single middle-aged woman sitting near the back turned around at the commotion and shook her head before turning back to stare at the altar.
“If looks could kill?” Siobhan Murphy whispered to Maria Kelly, rolling her eyes.
“Did your boyfriend do what we agreed?” asked Maria.
Siobhan nodded. “Are you going to go through with it?”
Maria nodded and headed towards the confessional box at the far end of the church. Siobhan followed her, but after three steps of loud clicking on the stone floor, she bent down to remove one and then the other of her heels, before carrying them the rest of the way.
Seated in the first pew, she watched Maria enter the confessional as she removed her phone and instructions from her handbag.
Maria closed the door and waited a few moments until a small, ornately carved wooden screen slid to one side.
She adjusted her dress and sat back as far as she could. The cold wooden bench caused her to let out a short gasp. She looked intently at the excuse of a garment that lay on the stone floor. Her eyes consumed every little detail of the small cubicle, sniffed in the musty air and opened her mouth to let out a telling sigh. She took a few more breaths, unsure who needed to speak first.
Closing her eyes, she let her fingers slide along her bare slit until they eased their way between her wet folds. Her spare hand came upon her nipple and she squeezed it through her flimsy summer dress, biting the whole of her upper lip. She felt her excitement rise and she listened intently for any signs of activity from the adjoining cubicle. Eventually, she spoke.
“Forgive me, Father, for I am sinning,” she said.
“You mean sinned, don't you, my child?” replied Father Donaghue.
“No Father, sinning.”
“I sinned on Monday and Thursday when I let Patrick O'Leary and Jason Wright take me to the park. They led me behind a bush and I let them finger my pussy before they fucked their cocks into me.”
“I see,” said Father Donaghue, rolling his eyes and looking upwards to heaven for guidance. A quick shake of his head said it all.
“Yes Father, I'm sinning now because I'm…” Maria let out a prolonged sigh.
“...stroking my clit and pushing a finger into my juicy cunt.”
Outside the confessional, Siobhan’s eyes opened wide at the choice of words coming from inside, which only made her work faster to gain access to the device on her mobile phone. She had always hated the uncertainty of Bluetooth and this was proving to be a challenge.
“Why are you telling me this?” asked Father Donaghue.
“I need absolution, Father. I can't help myself from sinning.”
“You are young and impressionable, my child. This attention you are seeking will pass.”
“No, Father, it won't. I've tried to ignore it but I keep sinning. Do you know how nice this feels right now, pushing my fingers into my cunt, wishing it was your prick parting my juicy lips? I love the thought of a nice long, hot cock prising my cunt open. This feels so good, Father.”
“My child, you must stop this before you regret your actions.”
“Do you regret your actions, Father? Are you playing with your cock, knowing that I'm masturbating right next door to you?”
“No, I'm not, child.”
At that moment Siobhan got the connection from the feed and pushed her phone under the confessional door towards Maria; the video feed from the overhead camera that her boyfriend had installed in the other cubicle just two days before displayed a fitting testament to the lie that Father Donaghue had just uttered.
Maria smiled, bit her lip, and moaned loudly as she stared at the video feed on the floor between her legs. It was a bit grainy but better than nothing.
“Fuck! I'm going to cum, Father. I wish I was cumming on your cock, Father. I wish you were pounding me like Michael Donaghue pounded me last week.”
Maria watched, wide-eyed, as Father Donaghue's hand stalled halfway up his cock. His body stiffened at the name and he seemed to be holding his breath.
“Is this another confession, child?” His hand squeezed his stiffness, his lustful thoughts betraying him.
“Yes, Father. I am deeply ashamed of it, Father, but I let him…oh, fuck, I think I'm going to cum just thinking about it, Father.” Maria felt the urgency overtake her. She felt herself approach boiling point at the thought of what she did with Michael.
“You must control your urges, child, calm yourself. What did this Michael do to you, child?”
‘Tell me he spurted all over your face,’ thought Father Donaghue.
“He…I let him fuck my ass, Father. It felt so good, Father. So good, that when I climaxed, I soaked his shirt and trousers. Oh God, Father, I'm pushing a finger into my ass now as I confess these filthy things that I've done.”

Father Donaghue’s mind was working overtime, ‘even better than cumming on your face.’ As an afterthought he added, ‘Father, even I can’t help myself with this one, but I will try.’
“You mustn't hold the blame for these actions, child. You must let them go. They must be shared with God. Only he can fully understand what drives you.”
I hope he understands when you shoot your load too, Father. “Fuck I'm cumming, father, I'm cumming.”
Maria studied the video feed as she pushed her finger into her ass. The palm of her other hand rubbed over her clitoris, massaging the copious quantities of pussy juice into her nether regions. On the video feed, she watched Father Donaghue's hand stroke up and down on his cock. ‘She’s got me. She’s so dirty-minded.’
“This feels so good, Father. I wish you could see me, Father. See how much I need this.” Maria’s broad grin egged Father Donaghue to stroke faster. She wanted to see him spurt, see him cum over himself as if her words were the only thing that mattered to him.
“I'm sure God is watching you, child.” His head rested on the back wall as his hand moved ever faster. ‘Only once in my life, when touring Argentina in your service God, did I ever come across a girl as insatiable as she. I couldn’t help myself then and now…’ His eyes closed at the thought.
“Do you think God will spurt all over me, Father?”
“No child, he will only understand you.”
“Oh-my-fucking-god, I'm cumming, Father.”
Maria nearly missed the grand finale when she shut her eyes in an uncontrollable reaction to her stomach clenching hard and her bottom lifting off the bench. Such was the intensity of her orgasm. She was true to her word, her juices splashed, covering the door opposite her and the stone floor, soaking her discarded knickers.
On the other end of the cubicle, Siobhan stared at the stone floor, watching tiny little streams of cum juice follow their paths of least resistance. Her hand came upon her breast and she squeezed it, but she immediately removed her hand with sudden self-awareness and turned to look at the woman towards the back. She smiled and turned back quickly to face the confessional booth.
Maria opened her eyes just in time to see Father Donaghue shoot his cum into the air. The scene fuelled a second orgasm almost immediately. Her lips mimed the words “cum for me, cum for me.”
Then she said them aloud. “Did you cum for me, Father?”
The feel of spunk shooting from his cock almost overwhelmed him. “No, child, I did not,” he lied, with such ease and self-control. ‘If God is listening, then I pity him too.’
Maria watched his spunk slide over his hand and then his before pooling into his tunic. The white ropes glistened against the black cotton fabric. He'd have a hard time explaining that to his wife, she thought, just like Michael did explaining his entire wet school uniform.
Biting her lip, Maria contemplated spilling the beans right there. Telling him exactly what she could see and telling him how she wanted him to behave. But there was far more at stake and she didn't need to rush to such a rapid conclusion.
“I can just imagine you spilling your spunk over my face and down my throat, Father. How nice that would be. I imagine you have a very sizeable cock?”
She heard Siobhan cough loudly from outside and guessed that they had overstayed their welcome.
“How do you feel, my child?”
Maria thought for a while, “I feel satisfied, Father, but you'll need a cloth to wipe up the mess I’ve left behind for you.”
She contemplated leaving her knickers behind for him to use at his leisure later.
“God will forgive you, my child. But your actions this week and today require forty Hail Marys and abstinence until this time next week.”
Father Donaghue added further penitence in his mind, ‘and twice as many for me.’
“Abstinence? For a whole week, Father? But does that mean you'll then fuck me next week, Father?”
“No, my child. It doesn’t mean that at all.” His cock was saying something completely different to the words that came out of his mouth. ‘I’ll fucking demolish your cunt if you bare it in front of me.’
Maria smirked, “thank you, Father.”
“May God forgive you.”
She bent down to pick up her knickers and her friend's phone. She opened the door and left to the sound of the wooden panel closing behind her. Both girls grinned like Cheshire cats as they scurried down the church; Siobhan giggled and Maria contemplated her next actions.
“What next?” asked Siobhan.
“Well, you give me the video and I blackmail him into fucking me. His cock looks bigger than his son's, so I won't be passing that up.”
“You're an insatiable slut, Maria Kelly, and that's a fact.”
“To be sure!” she replied.