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"Virtual lovers indulge their wildest desires."

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Author's Notes

"The following tale contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults engaging in virtual intimacy. Reader discretion is advised due to mature erotic content. "Cyberlust" follows the intensely charged virtual tryst between two lovers. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It depicts their escalating passion as they strip, tease, and bring each other to explosive climaxes during an intimate cam session. The story immerses the reader in the raw desire and vulnerability of their digital sexual encounter."

Ravenlock69 logs into the private chat room, her heart pounding with anticipation. The familiar tingle of arousal is already building between her thighs as she waits for him to appear, knowing he always keeps her desperate and wanting more.

A ping - there he is at last. His username, BeastMode420, lit up her screen. "Hey, you," he messages, those two simple words enough to make her breath catch.

"Hey, yourself," she replies eagerly, feeling a fresh gush of wetness at the thought of the delicious game they're about to play. "Wanna cam?" She doesn't need to ask twice. He's just as ravenous for this as she is. She hits the video call button, and his face fills her screen - those ruggedly handsome features, the taut muscles of his chest exposed beneath just a pair of snug black boxers. The fabric is already tented outward, straining against his thick arousal.

"Damn, you're looking gorgeous tonight," he rumbles out in that gravelly voice that never fails to make a shiver of pure want run through her.

She angles the camera down, giving him an eyeful as she runs her hands over her body in a shameless tease. Her tight, cropped tee is stretched taut against the swell of her breasts, little shorts hugging the flare of her hips. She can smell her own building arousal and feel the way her nipples are pebbling beneath the thin fabric.

"Fuck yes, you're so hot," he groans, fisting the thick bulge tenting out the front of his boxers. The look of ravenous hunger on his face makes her lips quirk up in a smug smile. She bites her lip, thrilled to get such an undeniably visceral reaction from him already.

"You like what you see?" she purrs, giving her chest a subtle shake to make her breasts sway enticingly. She can feel the power, the control she wields over him in this moment and it's intoxicating. "Then take it off for me. I want to see all of you, gorgeous." His words are like liquid sex, driving her wild with a fresh surge of molten arousal. She doesn't need to be told twice. With a devilish grin, she inches her top up inch by inch, letting it slowly ride over her toned midriff until the underside curves of her breasts are exposed in a delicious tease. She hears his sharp inhale, knows he's hungrily drinking in every newly bared inch of flushed skin like a man dying of thirst.

"God, just like that..." he rumbles in approval, hand working urgently over the fabric covering his straining arousal. "Don't stop, baby." She's savoring every moment, every broken groan and heated look he gives her as she works him into an ever-greater frenzy. The fabric of her top is clinging to the curves of her breasts now, the scent of her arousal hanging thick in the air between them. Finally, she lifts her shirt up and over her head, letting her full breasts tumble free in all their glory - nipples peaked into tight buds, lush globes just made to fill and overflow his large hands. She runs her fingers over the soft swells, arching her back to thrust them towards the camera in a tantalizing display.

"Goddamn..." he groans again, hungrily devouring every inch of her with his eyes. She can see the way his cock twitches and leaks a wet spot through his boxers as he fists it in his firm grip. "You like what you see?" she husks out, voice dripping with want.

"Fuck, yes..." he rasps out, eyes blazing as he works himself with increasing urgency. The look of raw, animalistic hunger on his face makes her breath catch. "I want to see all of you. Every last inch." He lets out a guttural sound of pure longing that has her clenching down on nothing. "You know I do, baby." His boxers are tented so high now, straining obscenely against his thick length. She licks her lips at the sight, imagining taking him into her mouth and feeling that velvet steel stretch her lips wide.

"I want to see all of you," he rasps out again, voice rough and wrecked with need. "Every last inch." With maddeningly slow movements, she unhooks her little shorts. Holding his heated gaze, she shimmies them down over the flare of her hips, letting the fabric catch and drag against her curves. She lets them drop and pool around her feet, leaving her gloriously nude and exposed before his ravenous stare.

"Fuck..." he exhales roughly, hungrily drinking in every inch of her. She can feel his eyes raking over her naked body like a physical caress, making her skin prickle with goosebumps. She trails her fingertips down her body, skimming over the gentle swell of her breasts and the toned plane of her stomach until finally, she's tracing along her thighs. "Is this what you wanted?" she husks out, striking a seductive pose and spreading her legs just enough to give him a teasing glimpse of her glistening core. His eyes are dark with raw, primal hunger now; jaw clenched tight as he fights for control. "You're killing me here," he growls, the sound seeming to reverberate through her very bones. "Touch yourself for me."

She bites her lip, thrilled to have him so undone and at her mercy. A fresh gush of arousal coats her thighs as she holds his smoldering stare. His breath grows ragged as the shirt falls free, revealing his bare chest and those deliciously defined abs - a tempting sight that has her mouth-watering.

"My turn," he whispers with a devilish glee, and rids himself of his underwear's light. With throbbing need, his manhood stands erect and leaking, the thick, veiny shaft begging for her touch. She bites her lip harder, her eyes alight with undisguised want as he strokes its impressive length in a slow, primal act - putting on a show just for her, the tension taut and crackling between them.

"Play with yourself for me," his deep voice rasps, husky with need.

She obeys without hesitation, trailing her fingers down between her parted thighs. She can feel the slick heat of her arousal coating her fingers as she strokes through her dewy folds. A whimper escapes her parted lips as she circles her swollen bud, the bundle of nerves already throbbing with need. He matches her tempo, fisting his thick length as she watches in a trance. She sees the pearly bead of pre-cum well up and coat the flushed tip as he squeezes himself firmly. Her lips part of their own accord, tongue peeking out as if to taste the salty essence she longs for on her tongue.

Their movements grow more frantic, breathing growing ragged as the tension builds to a fever pitch between them. She arches her back, hips rolling as she works her fingers in tight, frenzied circles around her aching bud. Pleasure is already building inside her like a crescendo, each stroke bringing her closer to that blissful edge. With a sharp cry, she throws her head back as the first shattering waves of her climax crash over her. Ecstasy blazes through her nerve endings like lightning as her orgasm consumes her. But he doesn't let up, just watching her through the screen - her body glistening with a sheen of sweat, chest heaving with each ragged pant. He loves seeing her in the throes of release, she can tell by the way his eyes darken further, and his cock jumps eagerly. But he also craves prolonging this exquisite agony between them, delaying her satisfaction as long as he can.

"Don't stop touching yourself," he rasps out, voice thick with desire and authority. "I'm not done with you yet."

She's still riding the crest of her climax, every nerve ending alight and firing as the aftershocks roll through her in shattering waves. But she obeys his gritty command, sliding her fingers through her folds again as she comes down from that first explosive peak. Her hips roll shamelessly against her hand, chasing that delicious friction as she works herself back up to the edge. She can feel the way her arousal is coating her thighs and hear the lewd sounds of her fingers gliding through her molten heat.

"That's it," he groans in approval, stroking his impressive length with firm, purposeful strokes. "Let me see how wet you are for me, baby." She whimpers at his words, putting on a show for him as she dips two fingers knuckle-deep inside her aching core. She brings them to her lips, tasting the tangy sweetness of her arousal on her tongue before sucking them into her mouth with a filthy moan.

" like watching me play with myself for you?" she husks out, voice already wrecked.

"God, yes..." he rumbles, so turned on by her wanton display that she can see the way his cock is weeping profusely now. His hand moves faster over his thick shaft as she continues working herself back up to that razor's edge. "You want this buried deep inside you?" he growls darkly.

"Yes..." she whines, fingers drifting back between her thighs to stroke through her slick folds. She's so wet for him, so desperate to feel that velvet steel stretching her wide until she can't tell where he ends, and she begins. "I want to feel you splitting me open." He smirks at her desperation, at the power he wields over her in this moment. Wrapping his large hand around his thick length, he begins stroking himself slowly from base to tip, putting his body on full display for her viewing pleasure.

"You like watching me touch myself, baby?" he husks out, giving her a molten look through the screen. "Getting yourself all worked up imagining this cock filling that greedy little pussy?" She can only whimper in response, fingers working furiously over her swollen bud as she watches him pleasure himself so brazenly. She can't tear her eyes away, hungrily drinking in every rigid inch, every bulging vein and bead of pre-cum that wells up from the flushed tip. Reaching down, he gently cups his heavy sac, giving it a light squeeze that has her clenching down on nothing. She's mesmerized by the sight of him touching himself, growing more and more undone with every passing second.

"I want to see how wet you are for me," he commands gruffly, voice rough with need. "Spread yourself." Whimpering, she obeys without hesitation, using her free hand to part her slick folds and put her glistening core on display. She's practically dripping for him, her dusky pink flesh swollen and weeping with arousal. He groans at the erotic sight, pumping himself faster now as he drinks her in. "That's it...fuck, I can almost taste how sweet you are." His voice is gravelly, strained with the effort of holding back his release.

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They're both right there on the knife's edge, bodies humming with tension and need. Breaths are coming in harsh pants, mingling with the lewd sounds of skin on skin between them. He locks eyes with her as his thumb swipes over his leaking tip, spreading the pearly bead of pre-cum to slick his strokes.

"You ready to cum for me, baby?" he husks out, giving himself a firm squeeze. She smirks at him through hooded eyes, still working herself with two fingers buried deep inside her molten core. She can feel the way her inner walls are fluttering, clenching down on her thrusting digits as if trying to pull them deeper.

"Not yet," she husks out breathily, forcing the words past the tight knot of pleasure in her throat. "I want to see you make yourself cum first."

He groans at her words, cock twitching eagerly in his firm grip. Giving it a few firm strokes from base to tip, he runs his thumb through the bead of pre-cum pooling at the flushed tip.

"You want a show, gorgeous?" he rumbles, voice gone low and rough with arousal. "You got it." Leaning back, he puts his body on full display for her - every taut muscle and chiseled line glistening with a sheen of sweat. With his free hand, he trails down his torso until he's cupping his heavy sac, giving it a light squeeze. A growl rumbles from deep in his chest as he slowly massages himself, maintaining a torturously languid pace with the other hand gliding up and down his thick shaft. He's putting on a filthy show just for her viewing pleasure, stoking the flames of her desire higher and higher.

"Like what you see?" he husks out, giving her a molten look through the screen. His eyes are dark, pupils blown wide with lust as he works himself closer to the edge. She can only whimper in response, fingers furiously working her swollen bud now as she watches him pleasure himself so brazenly. She's mesmerized by the sight of him touching himself, by the way his muscles flex and cords of tension stand out in his neck with each firm stroke. He's utterly captivating in this state - wild, wrecked, held under her spell. She can feel her own climax building low in her belly as she works herself in time with his frantic strokes, chasing that blissful release.

She rasps out in a breathy moan, "Don't stop...I want to see you touch yourself for me."

Her words spur him on, the muscles in his forearm flexing as he increases the pace, fisting his thick length with more urgency. She drinks in the sight of his body glistening with a sheen of sweat, every taut muscle straining as he works himself closer to the edge.

"I can't wait to feel that gorgeous cock buried inside me," she keens out, voice wrecked with arousal. His movements grow more frenzied at her words, the lewd sounds of skin on skin filling the air along with their harsh pants and whimpers of pleasure. She whines at the sight, thighs quivering as she matches his feverish strokes. Their eyes lock through the screen, glazed over with lust and need. The tension between them is exquisite, unbearable, as they hover in the space just before that blissful plunge over the edge.

"I can't...I can't hold on much longer," she keens, fingers working frantically over her swollen bud. He growls in response; jaw clenched tight as ropes of pre-cum leak from his flushed tip. Every muscle is tense, thighs trembling with the effort of staving off his own explosive release.

"Don't you dare cum yet," he grits out, giving her a look so scorching it makes her clit throb. "Not until I say." She cries out in frustration, so desperate for release yet forced to deny herself by his command. Her entire body is humming, coiled tighter than a spring. With a whimper, she reluctantly pulls her fingers away from her molten core, denying herself that delicious friction. He's just as delirious with want, chest heaving as he struggles for control. She can see the way his cock is weeping profusely, every vein standing out in sharp relief as he works himself closer and closer to the point of no return.

"Please..." she all but sobs, hands fisted in the sheets to keep from touching herself again. "Please, let me cum for you!"

"Soon, baby," he grits out, voice utterly wrecked. "Just...a little...longer..."

They're both right there on the knife's edge, bodies glistening with sweat, breaths coming in harsh pants. The tension is exquisite, unbearable, as they hover in the space just before that blissful plunge over the edge. She squirms restlessly, desperately fighting the urge to plunge her fingers back inside and chase that elusive release.

"Touch yourself for me again," she demands silkily, needing to see him come apart just as badly as she craves her own climax. "And this time, I want you to beg for it." A full-body shudder wracks his frame at her commanding words. Yet he complies without hesitation, resuming the firm strokes of his thick length as he holds her heated gaze.

"Like this?" he rasps out in a hoarse voice thick with need, holding her heated gaze. She simply arches a brow in response, letting her eyes rake over every delicious inch of him. His muscles are slick with a sheen of sweat, his chiseled torso rising and falling with each ragged pant. A punishing groan gets ripped from his throat at her words, and he has to pause his strokes, chest heaving as he struggles for control. When he meets her gaze again, it's with eyes gone molten - the look of a man utterly undone.

"Please..." he grits out in a gravelly voice, sounding utterly wrecked. "Baby, please let me cum for you." She watches him with heavy-lidded eyes, reveling in his desperation, his need for her permission.

"You're going to have to beg better than that," she husks out, dragging her fingers over her slick folds in a slow, torturous tease. Another shuddering moan wrenches itself from his chest at the erotic sight. His cock jumps, achingly hard and weeping profusely.

"Please..." he begs again, voice cracking. "God, baby, please let me cum. I'll do anything; just let me find release." She watches him through heavy-lidded eyes; lips curved in a satisfied smirk at reducing him to such a desperate state. Slowly, deliberately, she trails her fingers through her folds once more.

"Since you asked so nicely..." she purrs out. "Go ahead then. Cum for me." The broken groan he lets out is utterly obscene. He doesn't need to be told twice, fist flying over his rigid length with renewed urgency. She drinks in every flex of taut muscle, every bead of sweat trailing down his heaving torso. He's utterly captivating in this state - wild, wrecked, held under her spell. She can feel her own climax building low in her belly as she works herself in time with his frantic strokes.

"That's it, baby..." she rasps out, breath coming in harsh pants now. "I want to see you fall apart..." With a strangled cry, she plunges two fingers knuckle-deep inside her molten core, hips bucking shamelessly to meet her thrusts. He watches, transfixed, as she throws her head back in rapture.

The sight is his undoing. With a guttural roar, his release crashes over him in searing waves of ecstasy. She cries out at the sight of his cock pulsing, ropes of thick cream spurting over his clenched abdomen.

"Oh fuck...yes!" she keens out, increasing her pace as that familiar tightening becomes an insistent throbbing. "I'm gonna...I can't..."

He's still shuddering through the aftershocks, but manages to rasp out, "Do it, baby...cum for me." Those gritty words are like a spark setting her aflame. She bucks wildly against her hand, fingers working furiously as the tension inside her builds to a crescendo...

Her entire body grows taut as a bowstring, muscles quivering, breaths coming in shallow pants. She's hovering right on the knife's edge, every nerve ending alight with searing pleasure-pain.

"Look at me," he growls out, still stroking his spent cock almost punishingly. "I want to see you let go." She forces her eyes open to meet his heated stare, and that's what finally shatters her restraint. A broken, keening wail is ripped from her very core as her orgasm crashes over her in shattering waves. He drinks in every moment, watching with rapt hunger as her back bows off the bed. Her fingers are buried knuckle-deep, hips jerking erratically as she rides the crest of her release. Harsh, sobbing pants rip from her parted lips, eyes squeezed shut in rapture.

"That's it, gorgeous..." he rasps out, voice utterly wrecked. "Let me see you fall apart. Fuck, you're so beautiful like this..." She's only vaguely aware of his gravelly words of praise; everything narrowed down to the blazing ecstasy consuming her. It seems to go on and on, every nerve ending still firing as aftershock after aftershock rolls through her.

Finally, she crests that endless peak and slumps back bonelessly, her entire body still quivering. She lays there for several moments, chest heaving, eyes slowly fluttering open to find him watching her with dark, heavy-lidded eyes.

For several endless moments, there's only the sound of harsh, ragged breathing filling the air, her whole body still trembling with the aftershocks.

She manages to peel her eyes open and finds him watching her with a look of pure, smoldering satisfaction.

"Was it worth the wait?" he husks out with a lopsided grin.

She can only let out a breathless laugh in response, utterly spent yet somehow still craving more of this delicious torment. "God, always leave me wanting more."

Written by expressomarkie
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