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An Unexpected Rescue

"A fast-paced tale of seduction and betrayal between two friends. Which one will win the prize?"

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It’s interesting how our lives can rapidly be changed when a new person enters our social circle. Comfortable daily routines which have long been taken for granted may suddenly fail us, as we are plunged into turmoil and uncertainty. Such was the case when my housemate and best friend, Amy, brought her younger brother over to stay in my home for a week in order to search for an apartment. Jake was enrolling in an undergraduate degree program at the state college, starting as a junior. I agreed to let him stay in Amy’s room while she was away for the week attending the wedding of another friend in Boston.

Jake was about five feet ten inches tall. He had clear blue eyes, a freckled face, and light brown hair, faintly tinted ginger. My early impression of him was that he was rather immature and naive, tormented by his hormones, horny all the time and somewhat of an exhibitionist. But he was sexy. Everything about him exuded sexuality: his muscular, athletic build, the way he looked at you, the way he smiled and the way he dressed, or more accurately, didn’t dress.

Upon his arrival, he decided to go into town, check out the campus and visit the town library. He was clearly excited about being at a major college. I offered him a ride into town, given the record-setting hot weather that day, but he decided to ride his bike instead. I gave him a slip of paper with my cell phone number in case he was going to be late, or if he needed assistance. We agreed on 6:00 for dinner. Then he was off, cycling down the highway in the searing, midday heat.

Later that afternoon, around 6:00, Jake called to let me know he was running late, and that he would be home in twenty to thirty minutes. He arrived at 6:30, crimson-faced, and dripping wet from head to toe with sweat.

“Do you mind if I take a shower first?” he asked. “It was hot, just like you said.”

After telling him to go ahead, I set the table and put dinner on the stove. A short while later he scampered down the old, wooden staircase from the second floor, two steps at a time, and presented himself at the dinner table.

“Sorry for holding you up,” he remarked.

“No problem,” I replied. “You certainly look a lot cooler and drier. Have a seat.”

He was clad only in running shorts and a pair of flip-flops, but nothing covering his chest. I felt that his attire was inappropriate. After all, he wasn’t sitting at his parents’ table.  We were still strangers, having met for the first time just six hours earlier. Was he trying to seduce me?

During dinner, Jake informed me about his childhood and his life since reaching maturity, and what relationships were like in his parental home. His parents both worked full time, so were often away from home. They usually disagreed over how to raise their kids. Early on, Amy had assumed some responsibility in mentoring him, teaching him manners and whatever else one needs to learn while growing up. At twenty-one, Jake was six years younger than both Amy and me. He hadn’t yet decided what he would major in, but thought he may want to go to law school after graduation. I asked him if he played baseball in high school. He was surprised that I guessed correctly.

“How did you know that? Did Amy tell you?” he asked.

“No, you’re too short for basketball and not brawny enough for football or wresting,” I explained.

He didn’t say much about his academic accomplishments, however, so I assumed that’s why he started his post-high school education at a community college.

Did he have lots of girlfriends? Only a few, and no one for the last two years, since starting college.

I should also mention that apparently, Jake wasn’t wearing anything under his running shorts, judging by a conspicuous bulge in front. I was curious why he didn’t seem the least embarrassed by the condition. I had boyfriends and male housemates over the years, but none of them ever put their arousal on display so readily.

That night, while trying to fall asleep, my thoughts lingered on Jake. Was he really trying to seduce me? Was he prurient, or worse, a sexual predator? Was it appropriate for me to feel lust for a man six years younger than me? I was too horny to fall asleep. After trying different sleep positions, with no success, I finally decided to relieve the nagging ache in my groin with the help of a fantasy I made up involving Jake. It worked, and I got off to sleep in no time.

I awoke the next morning just as the day’s first light streamed through the bedroom window, along with a welcome, refreshing breeze. I crawled out of bed right away and hastened to the bathroom, careful to walk softly to avoid waking him. On my way back, I noticed that the door to Amy’s bedroom was open wide enough for me to be able to glance easily into the room. Even in the dim, early light, I was able to discern that he was lying on his back, snoring softly, with nothing on but a pair of skimpy briefs that scarcely concealed a robust erection that was desperately striving to escape its confinement.

I stood at the doorway, mesmerized, for what seemed like several minutes, just gazing at him, before tip-toeing back to my bed. It was the time of day when I’m usually horniest. It would have been great to linger in bed all morning and indulge in fantasies, but I had to get to work soon. I showered, had breakfast and left a note on the kitchen table to let Jake know he was welcome to have anything for breakfast that he could find in the refrigerator or cupboards.

At work that day I found it difficult to keep focused on my responsibilities. Associates told me I seemed unusually distracted. Visions of my young guest lying in bed, sexually aroused, persistently flooded my stream of consciousness. On the drive home that afternoon, I reflected on the situation. I began to feel a disturbing tug of war between my better judgment and the irrepressible surge of hormones propelling me toward a potentially risky sexual encounter.

“At this age, you should know better, Allison,” I kept reminding myself. “A mature woman doesn’t jump into bed with a strange man right away for quick fun.”

But Jake exhibited an inherent sexual quality that I found irresistible. Why couldn’t I throw caution to the wind, just this once, just for the few days that he and I would be together?

I wrestled with my dilemma that night, and had difficulty falling asleep once more. The next morning, on the way to the bathroom to shower, I could hear Jake snoring softly. I peeked into his room again, and noticed that he was lying on his back, naked this time, his turgid manhood beckoning me to come over and pet it. Of course, there was no way I could do that without waking him.

I was just finishing breakfast, ready to leave for work, when Jake sauntered into the kitchen, sleepy-eyed, dressed in running shorts and flip-flops.

“Morning,” he mumbled.

“Good morning, Jake.  Did you sleep better last night?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Sweet dreams, or were they wet dreams?”

“A little of both,” he replied, grinning.

“You know, Jake, you don’t seem to have an ounce of modesty, do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you leave your door wide open when you sleep, and don’t cover up with anything, not even underwear.”

“It’s too hot in that room. What do you expect?” he replied.

“Well, it’s just as hot in my room, but I still wear a nightgown.”

“Allison, you’re starting to sound just like Amy now.  ‘Don’t do this and don’t do that.’  Well, I’m sorry I offended you, but that’s how I always sleep. Besides, it’s not polite to be peeking in on someone.”

He won the point. I decided it was best not to antagonize him, and just let the matter drop. But he had additional thoughts.

“Alright, Allie, you’re a really great looking woman; make that sexy, okay? I get horny and fantasize about you.”

I was floored and didn’t know how to respond, or where to take the conversation. Things appeared to be getting out of control.

“Listen, Jake. What you’re doing isn’t very subtle. Most women appreciate at least a little subtlety. There are many women who would really be offended by what you’ve been doing, and could even report you for sexual harassment. Don’t just go out there with your dick hanging out and expect someone to come onto you.  It might have the opposite effect. In fact, you could even be kicked out of college for misbehavior.”

“But . . .”

“Listen to me, will you. I know what I’m talking about. Try to be more creative in how you approach a woman. I need to leave for work now. Shall we carry on this discussion this evening during dinner?”

He nodded. “Sure. 6:00?”

“That’s perfect. Try to look at things from my perspective.”

* * *

Jake was home that evening when I returned. He immediately greeted me with positive news about his apartment search.

“Hey, I found an apartment today and signed a lease. I’ll be sharing it with a senior. He seems like a nice guy.”

“Great news! When will you be moving in?”

“As soon as Amy gets back. The landlord is letting me move in a week early.”

“Have you had a chance to think about what we discussed earlier?”

“A little,” he replied.

“Well, I appreciate that you’re fond of me, but we just barely met and don’t know much about each other. It isn’t best to jump into bed with someone too soon. There are also concerns about unexpected pregnancy, which as a woman are always on my mind.”

“I didn’t ask you to go to bed with me, did I?” he protested.

“That’s what you implied when you told me you were having fantasies about me while you masturbated. And your almost constant hard-ons, which you don’t exactly hide from me, also make me think that’s what is on your mind.”

“I’m only going to be here for a few days, so thought I could have an opportunity to be close to you before leaving.”

“So then, exactly what are your expectations for me? Get me involved with you, and then walk out of my life, as though we never met?”

“Well, how about if you could just sit next to me while I jerk off. Maybe put your arm around me. Just something simple like that. Nothing major.”

“Jake, you didn’t answer my question.”

“I think you’re being too cautious?” he argued.

“I’ve learned the hard way; believe me.”

Jake frowned, obviously frustrated.  “Okay, it’s up to you, but I’m still going to fantasize about you.”

I was exasperated. “Let’s sleep on it, alright?”

That’s where our conversation ended Tuesday evening. I had trouble falling asleep again for the third night in a row, so decided to pleasure myself to drain tensions. It didn’t help this time, and I ended up getting only a couple hours of sleep. At daybreak, I quietly headed to the bathroom to shower. Along the way, as I passed his room, I glanced in to see what he was up to. He was awake this time, playing with himself. On the way back to my room after showering, I made a point of walking with heavier footsteps to warn him that I would be passing by, but he was expecting me.  He stared right at me, grinning when I reached the doorway.

“Come in,” he said in a quiet voice. “Pull up a chair.” He pointed to the chair with one hand.

I entered, carried the chair toward his bed and sat down. I kept my legs together to avoid showing him how wet I was, and tugged on my nightgown to pull it down at least to my knees. My heart raced. The last time I had sex with someone was nearly three years ago.

“Could you sit a little closer?” he asked.

“I can see well enough from here,” I replied, resisting.

“No, I would like you to be right next to me.”

I hesitated.

“Please, Allie.” He stared at me with his big blue eyes, pleading.

I couldn’t resist.

“Did you sleep well last night?” I inquired.

“No, it was hot and humid. I tossed and turned for some while, thinking about you and what we talked about. By the way, aren’t you hot in that nightgown?”

“No, I’m just fine.”

“Please,” he insisted.

“But you’re only going to jerk off, right? Nothing else on the agenda?”

“Nope, nothing more serious. Besides, after cumming, I won’t be able to keep going anyway.”

I lifted off my nightgown and tossed it onto his face. Surprised, he started laughing, and threw it back at me. We both giggled. I threw it back at him again. This time he kept it, placing it on his face, and inhaled its scent. That was the last time I ever saw my nightgown. Who knows what he did with it?

“Mmmm. This is intoxicating, Allie. Put your hand on my head; play with my hair while I stroke myself. That’s why I wanted you to be right here close to me.”

“Is this your fantasy about me?”

“One of them,” he replied, smiling.

I shuddered, wondering what some of his other fantasies involving me were like. By then I was hot, really hot, and wet. It took a great effort to restrain myself from pleasuring myself at the same time.

The disturbing conflict that had haunted me the last couple days still raged within: between my desire to be cautious and safe, and the opposite, equally strong pull to throw caution completely to the wind and submit to my intense lust for Jake. I was reminded of a nightmare I had a while ago. It goes like this:

_“I was swimming in a river and noticed a strange current out in the center of the channel. When I swam closer to investigate I saw that it was a whirlpool, swirling rapidly around, sucking everything into it. I became frightened and turned about in order to swim away from it. But to no avail, it was pulling me closer and closer. Resistance was futile, and soon I was being sucked in by the strong vortex. I screamed for help, but no one was nearby. . . ."_

That’s how the nightmare ended. And now in a similar way I felt the same sense of helplessness, of being sucked into something I may never be able to get out of. I made my choice, leaped into an abyss and hoped for a safe landing.

Jake began by stroking his rigid shaft with his right hand, hardly touching it at all, as if he were trying to make it firm. After a short while, he formed a ring between his thumb and forefinger, rapidly moving his hand up and down across the rim at the base of its swollen head.

“Allie, do me a favor, please get my cock wet with your saliva. It'll work better that way.”

I was astonished. “You just told me we weren’t going to have sex. I’m not going to give you a blow job, Jake. I tried that three years ago with a man I was dating, and hated every minute of it. His cum was disgusting, and I spit it out right away. I vowed, never to do it again.”

“He was probably drinking heavily,” Jake explained.

“Yes, he was. We both were.”

“You don’t need to give me a blow job. Just let some saliva fall into your hand, and then rub it on my cock.”

“But even then . . .”

“I promised you I wouldn’t harm you or force to you have sex, and I meant it,” he repeated.

Resistance seemed futile. I did as he asked, leaning over him with a palm-full of saliva, my long, wavy hair tumbling onto his abdomen, and my tits just barely grazing his chest. I carefully poured the saliva onto his cock, and spread it over him with my hand. By then I was more excited than ever, and felt as if I would come spontaneously.

“Is that better?” I asked him.

“Yeah, much better, thanks.”

He resumed stroking, beginning with the same techniques as before, with apparently greater pleasure. He then switched to stroking his shaft with a full hand, using greater pressure, especially as his hand passed over the head of his staff. He varied the strokes, sometimes twisting his hand around its head, or even completely around the shaft.

“Allie, look at my eyes, please,” he asked. “Keep looking into my eyes now.”

I tried to do as he asked, but couldn’t resist peering in the other direction to watch what he was doing with his hands. He began fondling his balls as he quickened the pace of stroking, tugging on his loose sack, pulling his balls outward. I sensed he was about to reach orgasm, and combed his hair with my fingers. Soon, his whole body grew tense, and he began breathing louder, sometimes wincing, as if in pain. He closed his eyes, groaned quietly, and came with a suddenness that both surprised me and took my breath away. A couple long strands of thick, white cum shot out of his pulsing organ, arching away, and splashing down onto his chest, as if from a water fountain. Soon, the remaining cum gushed out less vigorously, dripping down onto his abdomen. He gasped for breath, and then held his fingers motionless around his withering manhood for a while, breathing hard, as though he had just run a hundred yards. Finally, his body collapsed.

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“Thanks. You were perfect, Allie,” he whispered.

“Thank you for doing this for me. That was amazing. Now I know where the expression, ‘to peter out’ comes from.”

He laughed. “That’s how it's done, so you’ll know.” He was apparently giving me a lesson in how to do it to him later.

I looked at the clock on Amy’s chest of drawers. “Sorry, but I do need to get ready for work now, Jake. See you this evening.”

* * *

Nothing eventful happened Wednesday or Wednesday night. I had hoped that Jake and I could have enjoyed a mutual show-and-tell session, but he was away until late, probably in town drinking. I had to settle for pleasuring myself. By the time he returned, I was fast asleep.

Thursday morning, my workplace confidante, Crystal, stopped by my desk to invite me to have lunch with her.  We met in the third-floor employee lounge at noon. We had the room to ourselves.

“Allison, what’s this you were telling me yesterday about having a sexy jock staying at your place this week?”

“He’s Amy’s younger brother, getting ready to start school next week. He found himself an apartment already, and will be moving out of my home this Sunday.”

“How old is he?”


“And . . . ?“

“He’s kind of immature, over-sexed, and lacking sophistication. Hasn’t got a clue how to relate to a woman. He’s sexually aroused most of the time, and not the least embarrassed about letting you see that. His running shorts, which he wears most of the time, are permanently tented. I told him he should consider a career as a porn actor. He’s got the good looks, a wicked smile, and the stamina.”

Crystal’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. “What did he say when you told him that?” she asked, giggling.

“He laughed.

“Yeah, I find him irresistibly sexy. He’s nicely muscular; has an athletic build, and keeps fit.”

“And what else?”

“Light brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, and freckles all over his face and shoulders.”

“Wow.  And you’re ogling over a boy six years younger than you? That doesn’t sound like you, Allie. I’ve always known you to be rather prudish.”

“I can’t help it. He’s seductive. As you know, I haven’t had a boyfriend in almost three years. My better judgment tells me to resist his advances and be cautious. But I’m drawn to him and ready to jump in head first and have a quick affair while he’s still living with me. It feels like I’m starting to come onto him, starting to care about him, feel empathy for him. I know I shouldn’t be feeling that way, but I’m feeling trapped. What do you think I should do, Crystal?”

“Hell, if he’s as sexy as you say he is, I would have had him in bed the day he moved in,” she remarked, laughing.

“Really? You can have a quick affair just like that and say good-bye to him a couple of days later? I wouldn’t have the heart to do that to him. Besides, his sister is my best friend, and shares my home.”

“Of course I would. If you let him, that’s what he’ll do to you, Allie. He’ll fuck you and discard you for his next conquest. You’re so incredibly naive.”

“That’s how I was brought up.”

“To be naive?” She chuckled.

“You know what I meant. Actually, one morning this week he asked me to sit next to him while he jerked off in Amy’s bed.”

“What?” Crystal practically choked on her sandwich. “No shit? And you sat there and watched?”

“Honestly it really happened.”

“Good for you. What was it like?”

“It was fascinating. I’d never seen a man ejaculating before; his cum shot out wildly all over him.”

Crystal confessed. “I’ve been to bed with men more times than I can count, but I’ve never watched them wank off.”

“It’s a real show.”

“Do you think he would do it for me if I asked him?”

“I’m sure he would. He’s such an exhibitionist.”

“Could you introduce him to me?”

“Sure, but the clock is ticking. In less than three days, Amy will return to take him away to his new apartment.”

“Well, I can’t come over Friday night, and I will be out of town all Saturday. So what about this evening?”

“I was hoping to have Jake for myself this evening,” I replied.

“I don’t blame you, Allie, but do you think he would mind jacking off for both of us? And then you and Jake can have the rest of the night with each other?”

“I suppose that’ll work, but he may be wiped out after he jerks off. You’ll have to work your charms on him. Is 6:30 convenient for you?”

“That’s perfect. It’ll give me time to get refreshed and change into something more informal.

“I’ll text him later this afternoon to confirm he’ll be home. If you don’t hear from me, assume it’s a ‘go'.”

At 4:00, I contacted Jake. He was home. He ordered a pizza to be delivered to us by 6:00. When I told him I was bringing a friend over, he decided to order a second one.

* * *

On the way home, I continued thinking about my options. I should probably listen to Crystal’s advice. I made it home by 5:30. Jake was in the kitchen preparing a large salad. As expected he was naked, but this time not visibly aroused. What a relief! I rushed upstairs, took a leisurely shower and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I was still brushing the tangles out of my wet hair when I reached the kitchen. By then he had finished the salad. He asked about Crystal.

“Crystal and I have been working together for about two years, and are best buddies at work. At twenty four, she’s three years younger than me. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology. What else? She’s about 5’5” tall, has natural, blond hair and blue eyes. She’s easy to converse with, and has an infectious smile. She’s cute, Jake, and I’m sure you’ll like her. I’ve overheard guys at work referring to her as a ‘sweetheart’. But, she does have a boyfriend, just to let you know.”

Jake grinned. “Great, I can’t wait to meet her. Did you tell her about us, what we did yesterday?”

“Nope. I’m keeping that private for now. That’s none of anyone's business, not even Amy.”

“Good,” he noted, seeming relieved.

“Aren’t you going to put on something to wear, Jake?”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Well, I think you should. The way you are right now is no way to meet someone who’s coming over for dinner. So why don’t you go upstairs and get presentable?”

He complied, scowling, “You’re just like my sister, Amy.”

While he was upstairs, the pizzas arrived, and I paid the driver. Just as Jake came back down, wearing loose-fitting running shorts and a polo shirt, Crystal arrived. I introduced the two to each other, and left it up to Crystal to carry on the conversation. We shared stories about our student days, and tried to give Jake some advice on how to make it through the curriculum, and court women. As we finished the meal, Jake rose to refill his glass of soda. He asked if either of us needed a refill. We both did. It was obvious that he had another erection, judging by the conspicuous bulge in his shorts. I was waiting to see how Crystal would steer him onto the subject of masturbation.

“So, Jake, do you often get hard in the presence of young ladies?” she asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“Well, that’s what it seems like,” she replied, pointing to the protuberance in his shorts.

“I suppose.”

“A lot? Like every day?”

“I guess, about that often, sometimes several times a day.”

To my surprise, Jake actually started blushing. I think he was trying to be on good behavior. Apparently, he was quite impressed with Crystal. I could see the fascination with her in his eyes. Crystal cross-examined him like a prosecutor.

“Do you ever get embarrassed when someone sees you’re obviously horny, like this?” He was standing close to her at the time, with a large bottle of soda in his hand. She reached over and touched his shorts, exactly where the tip of his cock was tenting the fabric.

“Not usually."

“Doesn’t it get uncomfortable to be hard for a long time? What would you do to put down the stiffy?”

“I suppose I’d go to a private place and jerk off.”

She relentlessly probed. “Uh huh, and that relieves the pressure and the erection goes away for a while?”

I was astonished by how easily Crystal got to Jake, knowing exactly how to corner him.

“Yeah,” Jake answered.

“So Jake, a lot of women don’t like a man to come on too strong. They expect him to be more subtle. Showing off one’s schlong first thing isn’t a great way to turn her on. Agreed?”

“But you know, I don’t have a lot of control over this, Crystal. It just happens automatically at certain times, like now. I can’t give it a command to ‘Sit!’ as to a dog, and then it’ll magically go away.”

“Good analogy, but couldn’t you wear something beneath your running shorts, like underwear?”

He didn’t reply.

“So why don’t you go upstairs and relieve yourself now? It makes me uncomfortable to see you like this, and prevents me from making good conversation.”

Jake sighed, taking a few seconds to gather his thoughts. “Okay, I tell you what. I can do that for you, but it would help if you were there to watch me.”

Crystal and I looked at each other and grinned. “What do you say, Crystal?” I asked. “Do you want to go up there with him?”

She paused, pretending she was deciding whether to go or not. “Sure, but I want to remain dressed.”

He smiled, feeling relieved, oblivious to the fact that this twenty-four year old cutie cleverly seduced him.

We all ascended the stairs. “Jake, let’s go into my room instead of Amy’s this time.”

He promptly removed his shorts and shirt, tossed them aside, then stretched out on my bed on his back, his rigid member standing at full attention. My bed was lower than Amy’s bed, so Crystal and I were able to sit next to the bed on opposite sides and rested our arms on the mattress. He began playing with himself, but only for a minute or so.

“Hey Crystal, would you like to take over for me?”

Crystal glanced in my direction, looking for support. I gestured that she should give it a try.

“But I don’t know how to do it, Jake. I’ve never done it before, so don’t know how you like it.”

“Just do what comes naturally to you. It’s not that difficult to bring a guy off. I’m so horny I might even cum as soon as you touch me.”

“Well, I hope not. That would spoil the fun? Alright, just show me first.”

Jake applied saliva to his cock, and went through a few strokes to show her what he liked. “You can play with my balls too, like this.”

He then jumped off the bed and stood next to Crystal, dwarfing her. “The woman usually kneels down for this,” he suggested.

Crystal thought about it for a few seconds, then replied, “I guess I’d rather you stay on top of the bed, and I can do it from there. I’d feel more comfortable that way.”

Jake readily complied, lying on his back again. She climbed onto the bed (still clothed), positioned herself atop his legs, straddling him, facing forward, and dug her heels into his legs. She leaned over him, grasped his straining member in her hand, and guided it through her lips, taking in as much of him as she could. She swung her head about, bobbing up and down, lubricating him with her lips and tongue.

My eyes popped wide open in amazement. I knew she was uninhibited, but didn’t think she would move on him that fast. She began to perform the strokes Jake showed her previously, alternating from one to another, steadily, getting settled into a rhythm, pumping his meat, all the while cuddling his balls with her other hand. Jake gazed into her eyes, mouth wide open, panting softly, as if in a trance. It didn’t seem to take very long for him to start moaning. As he approach orgasm, he stretched his legs taut. Suddenly, he groaned and began shooting his load. Crystal continued stroking him more feverishly, causing his cum to fly wildly about. As his ejaculation began to ebb, and his cock began to feel sensitive, he gasped loudly and winced. He wanted to tell her to let up on him, but couldn’t get the words out. Crystal kept up the pace, unconcerned about his discomfort, until his pride and joy finally collapsed from exhaustion and rapidly deflated in her hand.

At that point, she turned toward me with a broad, radiant grin spread across her face, winked and gave me a thumbs up to say she was proud of her conquest.

Jake lay quietly in place beneath Crystal for some time, completely drained, trying to catch his breath. I began to realize that during those few moments of his ecstasy, he started falling in love with her. I could see it in his eyes. I reflected on all the mistakes I had been making. Obviously, I hadn’t been playing my cards right, trying to seem hard to get. It was a big error to have invited her over. Basically, Crystal stole the man of my fantasies.

After toying with the small pools of cum on his chest for a couple of minutes, spreading them into larger circles, Crystal decided it was time to leave. “It’s starting to be late, and I’d like to go home now,” she noted. “Do you think that’ll hold you for a while, Jake?”

He smiled, nodding his head.

She wished him a good night and sweet dreams, and descended the stairs. I escorted her as far as the front door.

“Well, thank you so much for making the arrangements, and the introduction, Allie.”

“Are you going to leave Rick (her current boyfriend) now?” I asked.

“Maybe,” she replied, nonchalantly. “Jake’s quite a stud, isn’t he?”

“And you’re quite a seductress, aren’t you?” I responded, sarcastically.

Crystal stared angrily into my eyes for a few seconds, then feigned a sympathetic smile and whispered, “I’m so very sorry, Allison.  See you at work tomorrow.”

With that, she pushed the screen door open and stepped into the darkness of the sultry, late August night.

It wasn’t until I began ascending the stairwell to the second floor, that the full implications of the preceding events hit home hard. My eyes quickly filled with tears. I bit my lower lip, trying to avoid crying.

“Allison, don’t cry.  Be strong.” I commanded myself, as I reached the second-floor landing. “Don’t let Jake see you crying.”

What was I to do?  He was lying on my bed, the bed we both would be sharing tonight. This was not at all how I imagined the evening would end. I asked him if he was ready for bed. He replied that he was. I turned out the light, disrobed and cozied up to him.

“How are you doing?” I whispered.


I grasped his head in my hands and began kissing his face and neck passionately. He draped one arm around me and slowly massaged my back. After a while, I reached for his groin to determine if the affection I was giving him brought his member back to life. Sadly, it didn’t seem to have aroused him at all. He didn’t seem to care anymore. It was like a stab to my heart. My eyes rapidly filled with tears again and my lips puckered, as a wave of sorrow washed over me. I quickly turned over, leaped out of bed and rushed toward the bathroom. “I’ll be right back in a couple minutes,” I noted.

Once inside my small, temporary sanctuary, I locked the door and burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably for what seemed like an eternity. I recalled all that had transpired, and reviewed all the mistakes I had made. Eventually I calmed down, regained composure, and prepared to return to my bedroom. Fortunately, Jake was sound asleep by the time I returned. I carefully crawled into bed and lied down on my side, my back toward him. As soon as my head rested on the pillow I was off into dreamland, too exhausted and weary to care any longer.

* * *

I awoke Friday morning before Jake, as usual. He was on his back again, legs outstretched, sporting another erection. I was tempted to crawl on top of him and fuck him hard, but fortunately this time my better judgment prevailed over my foolish heart.

“No! Don’t go there, Allison.” I warned myself. “Don’t swim back to that treacherous river again. Crystal rescued you yesterday from the dreaded vortex. For better or worse, he belongs to her now. You cried your heart out last night, but you’re safe now. There’s nothing more you should do. It’s time to move on and stop tormenting yourself.”

I resolved to avoid contact with Jake as much as possible during the next two days. I would be at work all day today, stay there until later in the evening, and tell him I have to go into work again on Saturday due to an emergency. Amy will return Sunday morning and take him out of my life.

I cried again, all the way to work that morning, desperately needing to distance myself from the source of my grief. Ironically, my boring, dead-end job would serve me quite well today.

Jake moved out on Sunday, as planned. Strangely, I’ll miss him and the excitement he brought briefly to my life. I never told Amy anything about the events of the past week. Crystal and Jake connected with each other again shortly, as I suspected they would. They’ll be good for each other. I can’t wait to learn who wins the seduction war, and whose heart gets broken first.

Copyright © Sammy Lavan, 2019. All rights reserved. This story is for viewing only on Lush Stories. If you find it elsewhere, it has been copied without consent. No part of this story may be distributed in any form or by any means, digital or in hard copy, without prior permission of Sammy Lavan.



Written by SammyL
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