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Vows and Consequences

"Life after death can be a complicated place. Holding close to loved ones is the best medicine."

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I'm in a lot of hot water with my wife. Hopefully, she'll get over it, but I suspect I'm going to have to spring for a lavish party where we renew our vows. It's my own fault, and there's no chance that I won't do it, so I guess I'll have to spend the money.

It all stems from my twisted sense of humor. I certainly like dry comedy, and slapstick physical comedy. I like juvenile humor and fart jokes. Occasionally, when the situation really calls for it, I will stoop to off-color and morbid jokes.

Tell me if you don't think my humor was right this time.

I took a date that was not my wife to a swinger's party. The couple that was hosting the party were well aware of the relationship between me and my date and my wife, and they were good with it. We expected to have a good time.

There was another guest that thought she could create some drama at my expense. She had been chastised in the past for bringing dates that were cheating on their spouses, and she tried to goad me into admitting that I was cheating. I politely refused to be baited, and she persisted until she was asked to leave.

After she left, one of our closer friends couldn't leave things alone. I think he thought that a good joke would get people laughing and having fun again. His words to me were spoken in a whisper, but loud enough that everyone in the room heard.

"So, John, your date sure is pretty. Are you sure having her here won't wreck your marriage?"

I couldn't stop my morbid self.

"You know I won't ever leave my wife. You also know we've both exercised the escape clause in the marriage contract, yet we're still together. If our deaths can't separate us, a pretty woman has no chance!"

We all laughed, the party got moving again, and everything was good.

Everything was good, except my wife heard about the joke, and she didn't like it. I look forward to renewing our vows.

'Til death do us part.'

That's supposed to be a declaration of commitment. I love the one comedian's joke where he asks, "When did that change from a commitment to a goal?" It was never a goal for us. It just happened.

My wife died fifteen years ago in a car accident. Luckily, it wasn't a permanent thing. All joking aside, I will never be able to give enough thanks to the life-saving people at Freodert Medical Center in Milwaukee. With the internal injuries that she had suffered, there was less than one in twenty chance of her surviving. I will always be thankful for their belief in her recovery at a time when all I could do was pray.

I died earlier this year in a winter storm. Luckily, it wasn't permanent for me, either.

It had been a crazy week of weather leading up to that storm. It is normal for southern Wisconsin to get a January thaw near the end of the month. This year, the temperature set record highs and the snow-cover melted quickly. That was followed by a day of heavy rain. The ground was still frozen, and there was flooding everywhere.

On the day that I died, the rain was supposed to stop well before the temperatures fell back below freezing. I'm sure a meteorologist could explain why the rain continued and didn't turn to snow. By the time I left work, there was ice everywhere and the roads were treacherous at best.

A smart man would have taken the day off. I guess I'm not smart. A smart man would have 'sheltered in place'. I guess I'm not smart. A smart man would have stuck to the main roads. I guess I'm not smart. Except for the dying part, it was a good thing that I was stupid.

On a country road in the middle of farm fields, I came upon a police squad car parked on the edge of the road with all of its lights flashing. It was parked at an odd angle next to a steep ditch, and something looked wrong. Not that I had been going fast, but I slowed down even more to get a closer look. The squad appeared to be all alone, and there was no sign of the officer.

I stopped my car in the middle of the road and turned on my flashers. As I stepped out of my car, I nearly lost my footing on the ice. As I rounded the front of my car, I could see the back end of a pickup truck submerged in the water in the ditch. I could just see its tracks in front of the squad car. I started to worry when I saw a portable police radio on the ground at the edge of the ditch.

Things turned rather frantic after that. The officer heard me and started flailing about in the water by the truck. She saw me and she tried to call out for help. I slipped on the ice and almost joined her in the water. I grabbed the radio and started calling for help as I slipped and skidded my way back to my car. The voice on the radio promised help was coming. I grabbed a tie-down strap and headed back to the edge of the ditch.

I attached one end of the strap to the bumper of the squad car and threw the other end down to the officer. She caught it, but she could barely hold it and she couldn't pull herself free. She cried out that her foot was trapped. She looked to be having trouble keeping her eyes open, and as I watched, they rolled closed.

I didn't take time to think. I dropped over the edge and slid down into the water with her. The water was heart-stopping cold, and I couldn't believe she was still alive. I had to plunge under the water to free her foot. It took two tries.

Things got really bad after that. By the time her foot was free, she was completely unresponsive, but her body was still shivering. To make matters worse, I couldn't find any traction to get us out of the ditch.

The agony seemed to go on for hours. I had to use my arms and the end of the strap to hold her close as I butt-scooted backwards up the side of the ditch. There was barely any traction, so I had to struggle to move my grip a couple inches up the strap, and then haul both of our bodies up a bit. Inch by inch, I struggled.

I heard sirens, but they never seemed to get any closer. My hands got so numb that I couldn't feel the strap any more, but I just kept going. The cold pressed into my shoulders and chest, and I thought my lungs were going to explode. The sirens faded away, and I nearly gave up.

Suddenly, a man appeared. I saw that he was wearing a uniform, and he was screaming at me, but I couldn't hear a thing. I think he wanted me to let go, and I tried to tell him that if I did, the female officer would die.

For some reason, he started yelling angry words at me, but I couldn't hear them. He pulled something from his belt. There was an inaudible pop, and then lightning struck my shoulder and everything went black.

I woke up in a hospital room, with a lot of gadgets attached to my body and beeping away. I had a hard time keeping track of how many nurses and doctors were milling about, but they all seemed happy to see my eyes open. After a couple of hours, they pulled the breathing apparatus out of my throat, and I was able to thank them and ask questions.

It turns out that because the accident had been right on the county line, the first officer to arrive had been from the other county. The dispatch had not been clear, and he didn't realize I had been saving the officer, and not trying to strangle her.

When he fired his taser, the pins had separated, with one hitting me and the other hitting the female officer. Given the cold and the strain on our bodies, the jolt had stopped both of our hearts. Luckily, more officers and a rescue squad had arrived, and we had both been saved.

They kept me at the hospital for a couple of days, and then sent me home for a week of bed rest. I didn't start feeling normal until nearly the end of the week. In the end, I was cleared to go back to work, and everything mostly went back to normal.

My commute takes me past the scene every day, and it doesn't bother me. I was offered some kind of recognition award, and I declined. It seemed prudent to hire a lawyer to ensure my medical bills were paid, but I didn't want big money and I didn't want to ruin anyone's career. I really was ready to put it all behind me.

Apparently, others weren't as ready.

A couple weeks had gone by. Just as I turned onto County Line Road, a squad car pulled in behind me and turned on his flashing lights. I muttered to myself about no good deed going unpunished, and I pulled over. I hadn't been speeding, and I hadn't rolled through a stop sign, so I wondered what the officer wanted.

It was the officer that had tasered me. He understood that there was a possibility of a lawsuit, and he had been asked unofficially not to contact me. He said he understood what was necessary on my part, but he wanted to unofficially apologize for his actions. I told him that officially or unofficially, I accepted his apology, with no hard feelings. We shook hands and parted ways.

Three days later, at almost the exact same spot, another squad car pulled in behind me with lights flashing. I muttered to myself about unnecessary harassment, and pulled over.

The tall, dark-skinned, female officer that I watched get out of the car was definitely not the officer I had pulled from the ditch. She simply introduced herself as Officer Culpepper, and then she apologized for pulling me over. Before I could say something sarcastic, she said she had an unofficial favor to ask of me.

I was getting tired of taking care of unofficial business this way, but I politely asked what she wanted.

She was close friends with the officer I had pulled from the ditch. The officer was having continuing health problems from the incident, and was unable to leave her home. Officer Culpepper wanted to know if I would be willing to go meet with the other officer. Officer Culpepper thought it would do the other officer some good to be able to thank me in person, and to see that I was doing well.

I thought it was odd that while her words were saying one thing, her body language was saying another. I couldn't tell you why, but I was pretty sure that Officer Culpepper didn't want me to go anywhere near the other officer. In spite of her body language, she repeated the request twice as we spoke.

I agreed to go, mostly because I didn't have any reason to object, and also because I knew that it would help us both in moving on. She handed me a card with a name, an address, and a phone number.

Somewhere along the line, I became aware that the officer I had rescued was named Officer Brown. I couldn't say why, but I was pleased to suddenly have a first name for her. It was Judy.

I made the call, and two days later, I stopped by her home on my way home from work. She had asked to make me dinner, so I let my wife know I was going to be late.

Officer Judy Brown lives in a small farmhouse nestled in a woodlot surrounded by fields. You probably wouldn't even notice her driveway unless you were looking for it. The house is set off the road and is nearly lost in the trees, which gives it a cozy, isolated feel.

I saw her waiting at the window when I got out of my car, and she opened the front door as I approached. She was wearing jeans, a sweatshirt, and thick socks. I could see her shoes on a mat by the door, so I kicked my shoes off as we introduced ourselves. My sense of humor jumped right into gear.

"So, you're a lot smaller and prettier than I remember from the last time we met," I joked.

"I was covered in mud and I don't think we ever stood side by side," she laughed.

"It's not that," I said. "I bet I could lift you with one arm, now, but I seem to recall struggling to drag you even an inch."

She laughed indignantly.

"I don't know if you took time to notice," she pointed out, "but I was wearing a waterlogged parka, a heavy protective vest, and a full utility belt."

"You were a bit overdressed for swimming, to be sure," I said with a smile.

"The next time I ask you to rescue me, I'll be sure I strip down first," she replied with a grin.

I couldn't stop my eyes from undressing her. Her jeans showed off a nice shape to her waist and hips, but her sweatshirt completely hid her upper body. If I had to guess, her breasts were not small, and if her legs were any indication, she was in good shape.

"Are you done?" she asked sarcastically, but with a pleased smile. "Looks like that might get you in trouble."

I blushed, but I still managed to apologize.

"I am most sorry for that," I said with a straight face. A grin threatened to show as I added, "You started it."

She had been smiling the whole time. Suddenly, in an instant, her face changed from flirting fun to pain and fear.

"Fuck, no," she gasped through clenched teeth as she staggered sideways a step and grabbed the back of a chair.

She was still grimacing when her eyes shot up to mine. I'm sure she saw shock and concern in my eyes.

"Please, help me," she said in pain. "The couch!"

As I raced over to her side, I noticed that her left leg was trembling. She reached for me and I had to catch her before she fell. Her leg started shaking violently, and if her grip on my arm was any indication, she was in a lot of pain. She clutched me tightly as I walked her over to the couch where we sat together.

"I'm sorry," she managed to get out. Her eyes pleaded with me as she barely managed to say, "Behind me. Hold me."

There was no chance I would refuse. I jumped up and slid in behind her. She pulled my arms around her body, and then she tried to turn to snuggle against me. Her leg continued to thrash about as I held her.

I didn't even think as I pulled her down to lay in front of me on the couch. That allowed me to start rubbing along her hip.

I guess I was thinking that sometimes when my wife gets leg cramps, she likes for me to massage the spasm away. Judy's attack looked like an epileptic seizure, but it was confined to just her left leg. I was hoping that rubbing it would help the spasms end.

As I rubbed, a low growl sounded from her throat, so I slid my hand back to her stomach, where she had been holding it.

"Don't stop," she growled.  She pushed my hand back to her leg and I started rubbing again.

It lasted for several minutes, and I held her the whole time. I didn't know what else to do, so I held her and rubbed her leg. After a while, her breathing eased up, and although her leg was still kicking and tears were still streaming down her face, she half-turned to give me a grateful look.

Her eyes implored deeper, and she watched my eyes closely as she said, "Don't stop."

I hadn't planned on stopping, but suddenly she popped her jeans open and pushed them down over her hips. I struggled to keep my face passive as my hand suddenly was gliding over very smooth and very warm skin. She managed to use her right leg to kick her jeans onto the floor, and I managed to keep rubbing.

The amazing thing was that I was able to ignore the lust that was exploding in my groin. With my hand on her flesh, I could feel the areas in her leg that were cramping, and I was able to properly feel just how hard I needed to rub to break the spasms. She growled again, but she pulled my other arm tighter to her body. It felt really good to hold her.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "Usually I can feel it coming on soon enough to get comfortable before it hits. This one came on really fast, and it felt like it was going to be a bad one. I think your rubbing ended it faster than normal."

I was concentrating on willing away my growing hardness, so I didn't answer right away.

"The doctors say it's nerve damage from when I fell on my tailbone, but it starts right below where the taser hit me," she said.

I kept concentrating, and I kept rubbing, but I managed to find words as well.

"My left arm feels funny sometimes, and I can't tell if I'm imagining it or if I'm having a heart attack," I said softly.

She half turned in my arms to look at my shoulder. She had to have felt my hardness pressing into her side. She blushed and turned away again, but she pulled my arm tight around her body at the same time. The spasms in her leg had slowed considerably, but I kept rubbing.

"I want to see where it hit you," she said lightly.

"I don't think there's anything to see anymore, but you can still feel a bump there," I answered.

"Yeah?" she asked. I could almost hear the smile in her voice.

Suddenly, she rolled in my arms to face me.

"Hold me while I see if I can find it," she teased as she pushed the front of my shirt up.

She kept pushing until my shirt went up over my head. She moaned softly as she snuggled into my chest. Her hands felt hot on my skin as one stroked my right ribs and the other reached under to explore my left shoulder.

At first, I was at a loss for what to do, and so I wrapped my arms around her as she had ordered. Then I felt her leg muscles as they twitched against my leg. My hands slid down her body in unison to massage her lower back and her hips. On their own, they decided to loop around and massage her butt before working their way back onto her back.

Her fingers found the bump and explored it for moment, and then she snuggled against me as her hands caressed my skin.

We held each other like that for several minutes, with my hands squeezing and massaging and her hands exploring. Her leg tremors all but disappeared, but I continued to rub. She took several deep breaths as if she were going to say something, but she let them out without speaking.

On the next deep breath, she asked quietly, "Do you dream about the cold?"

My body shivered, and I tried to pretend I hadn't heard her. I didn't want to speak about the nightmares. I was afraid to talk about how my wife had moved to the guest room because of the way I would wake up screaming and thrashing at the blankets.

"Yes," I managed to answer.

Her body shivered, and her hands stopped caressing for a moment. She understood.

"Have you had other dreams?" she asked in an even lower tone.

I frowned. I had no idea what she was asking.

"What do you mean?" I asked. When she didn't answer I added, "I don't think so?"

"Don't ask, or we really will get in trouble," she answered. I could hear that she was smiling again.

She seemed to quickly change the subject. "Being held like this is nice."

I was too worried about the dreams that I wasn't having to simply enjoy holding her.

"The dreams about the cold are bad enough," I complained. "I don't think I could handle anything else."

She gave an exasperated sigh. "Being held like this is nice," she repeated.

I dragged out the words as I asked, "Yes, but...?"

Her body flexed against mine.

"I just told you not to ask," she reprimanded me in a very pleased tone.

I could feel the smile that I couldn't see, and as she caressed my ribs, I could feel her smile fade.

"It always starts with the cold," she said reluctantly. We both shivered. "Sometimes, it starts with the truck, and the ditch, and the water. Other times, I dream I'm at work, and my legs start to shake, and I try to call for help, but the cold surrounds me, and..."

I could feel her eyes squeeze shut as she clutched my sides and pressed her face against my chest. I slid my arms around her and held her close, letting her feel the warmth of my body. I felt her take several breaths before her eyes opened again. She snorted a disgusted laugh at herself.

"It always starts with the cold," she repeated. She started rubbing her cheek against my chest, and her tone changed completely. "In my dream, I tell myself that you will save me. I tell myself that your arms will hold me, and you will lift me, and I will feel your warmth."

She lifted her head, and she started teasing the tip of her nose against my chest. She seemed to be breathing in the warmth of my scent. I probably could have held her and safely enjoyed our closeness all night. When she started using her lips to gather the warmth, I knew we were going to get in trouble.

"Judy!" I warned her, and she chuckled as she kissed her way up to my neck.

"You should try this dream," she teased. "I love how things happen in dreams. One minute, I'm begging for your arms to pull me to safety..."

With a wicked smile, she arched her back to lift away from me. She was between my legs, and we could both feel her pressing her mound against my hardness. Just in case that wasn't distracting enough, she pulled her sweatshirt up and off and she threw it aside. She was bra-less underneath it, and I barely was able to get a glimpse of her breasts before she fell back down on top of me.

"... and the next, you're nearly naked, and begging for more," she finished.

If I could have spoken, I would have begged. All I could manage to do as I struggled to make sense of what was happening was to slide my hands up her naked back. On their own, my hands slid to her ribs on the way up, and my thumbs caressed the fullness along the sides of her breasts. She pressed her breasts into my chest as she kissed her way up my neck.

"This is better than the dream," she gasped. "Feel how much heat is radiating out of your body, warming me up!"

All I could feel was the heat of her body burning into mine. My hands slid down her back, and all on their own they slid into her panties to squeeze her ass. She moaned and thrust herself against my hardness.

Her hands raced down between us and she quickly ripped my pants open.

"Help me," she moaned as she frantically tried to push my pants down over my hips.

I would have kicked them off, but as soon as she felt my hands take control of my clothes, her hands slid away. As I tried to get my pants further down my legs, she was busy getting her legs over the top of mine so she could straddle my body.

"Your heat is going to fill me," she gasped.

I don't know if she meant that as a warning, a threat, or a promise, but I was eager to help her out either way. In one smooth move, she managed to push her panties aside, catch my shaft, and then guide me inside as she dropped her weight onto me. She quickly started thrusting her hips to drive herself down on my cock.

"Judy! Judy, wait! Stop!" I cried out.

She gasped as she froze, and she lifted her face to give me a surprised look. Her look quickly changed to a teasing smile.

"Your wife said you would last longer than..." Her words trickled to a stop as I frowned and shook my head.

"You trapped my boxers and they are strangling me," I answered. "You spoke to my wife?" I teased.

She gave me a surprised look as she quickly lifted up, much to my relief. The waistband of my boxers had been cutting sharply into my groin, pinching both my shaft and my balls. As she lifted, the pressure eased. She considered how to answer my tease, and the smile returned to her face.

"Do you know that commercial for the satellite TV service?" she asked, "the one where they hit pause, then move to another room to continue watching?"

"I guess?" I replied. I had no idea where she was going.

"I just hit pause, and then rewind, so the last minute or so didn't happen," she declared. "Now, carry me down to my bed, and be ready to resume when I hit play."

As she spoke, she carefully fell forward and turned to roll onto the couch beside me. It was a bit awkward, but I slid out from under her.

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"Couldn't you just lead me?" I teased. "I'll play the game any way you like, but that would be easier."

The slightest bit of pain touched her eyes. "If I could feel my leg, it would be easier," she explained. "After an attack like that, my leg might be numb for hours. That's why I'm not allowed to drive, and why I had to move my bed to this floor."

Her eyes commanded, and I lifted her into my arms. I started to carry her in the direction she had indicated, but I nearly tripped. We both laughed as I stopped to kick my pants and boxers off.

Although it was clear to see the difference between the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen, they really were all one big room. The only other room on the first floor, besides a small bathroom, looked like an office. The desk had been pushed aside to make room for a bed and a dresser.

I made sure I didn't whack her head on the door frame as I carried her in, and she reached out to push back the blankets as I deposited her on the bed. I helped her with the blankets, and then stripped her panties off so that she was as naked as I was. I tried to move on top of her as I bent to give her a kiss.

"Uh-uh," she said, although she accepted a quick kiss. "Get on your back and help me get on top of you, just like we were."

She was in charge, so I happily did as she said. It took more effort than I thought it should to get her where she wanted to be. Her leg was warm and firm to the touch, but she had no control over it. She stopped me before I could slip inside of her.

"The rewind took us back to me talking about dreams," she said softly. "This distraction stole some of your hardness and a lot of my readiness. I bet it doesn't take long to get back to where we were."  She caught my hands and pushed them onto her hips as she said, "And... play."

She pressed her body onto mine and started kissing my chest.

"I love how things happen in dreams," she said in a sing-song tone. "One minute, I'm freezing and praying that your arms will save me, and the next, we're naked in bed and begging for more."

"This time, I think I can find my voice to beg," I teased as my hands slid over her body. One cupped her ass while the other slid up to measure her breast.

"Why are your lips talking when they should be kissing?" she demanded.

Her lips met mine. Any heat that we may have lost on the move had returned, and we could both tell that if the kiss lasted much longer, we were both going to be breathing fire out our noses. She groaned and slid up as she pushed her breast to my lips. She moaned in pleasure as I latched on to her nipple.

"So much heat between us," she moaned. "Your heat is going to fill me!"

Once again, her hand shot down between us. This time, there was nothing in her way, and she easily engulfed my cock. I grabbed her ass with both hands and started pumping into her. I was kissing my way up her neck, with plans to make it to her lips, when she pushed me down onto the bed. There was a look of worry in her eyes, even though they seemed to look right through me.

"Why did you do it?" she begged. "Why would you come into the cold? Help was coming!"

"You needed help," I answered. "There was nobody else." She didn't hear me.

"Save me, save me, save me," she chanted as she started thrusting harder.

I caught the hair at the nape of her neck with my fingers. As I gave a squeeze, her words stopped, and her eyes found focus on mine again.

"Yes," was all I said. She understood, and she exploded into an orgasm, knowing that I was there for her.

She collapsed onto my chest, and she nearly bit me as she let her pleasure race through her body. I held her close and continued to thrust into her until her own thrusts stopped. She held me as her body shook with aftershocks and quiet sobs.

When she finally got control of herself, she quietly whispered, "Every time?"

My 'yes' had carried a lot of words with it. Her words carried volumes, and we both understood.

"Every time," I answered simply. I waited half a beat, and then said, "You spoke to my wife. What did she say?"

"I thought I hit rewind," she answered softly, but I could hear the smile in her voice. "Those words never happened."

She started to lift her head to give more of an answer. At the same time, her hips rolled, and she felt my hardness inside herself. Her eyes flared and she gave me a big smile as she started rocking against me.

"Maybe I should be jealous of her," she marveled. "Do you fuck her like this all of the time?"

"Not every time," I laughed. "Her style is a bit different than yours." I raised my eyebrow to remind her that I had asked a question first.

"What do you mean, 'different'?" she answered with a smile. I started meeting her motion with a gentle thrust as I let her dodge again.

"It takes a fair amount of time and patience to get her to cum," I answered. "I've never seen her get jealous, but I've seen her be amazed at what I can do to other women with the skills I have learned in order to please her."

"Does she loan you out very often?" she asked with an indignant laugh. She pushed back to let my cock angle a bit deeper, and I couldn't stop my hands from sliding up to catch her breasts.

"On my own, like this? Almost never," I said with a catch in my breath. Her insides had flinched when I pinched her nipples, and the temperature inside of her surged even hotter. "We hang out with some interesting friends every once in a while," I added.

"How do I become one of your interesting friends?" she begged as she pushed back even farther. Her insides started trembling, and I knew there was no way I would maintain control through her next orgasm.

"Which brings us back to my question," I teased, but I'm not sure she heard me.

I had sat halfway up to meet her thrusts. She caught my neck and pulled me up to her breast as she started to explode. As my teeth brushed her nipple, she cried out, and her hot juices started gushing out to soak us both. I couldn't hold back and I flooded her insides with my heat. Her cries went shrill, and then she soundlessly clamped on to me with her arms and her pussy. We held each other tightly until we collapsed onto the bed.

Both of our bodies continued to have spasms for several minutes. I caressed her back and her hair, and she gently kissed my chest. Once again, she took a deep breath several times like she was going to speak, but the words never come out.

Finally, she took a deep breath and said, "She said she was jealous of me."

I couldn't think of any reason why my wife would be jealous of her, but I couldn't find the words to say so.

"For her, it's not the cold she dreams of," she whispered, and we both shivered. "She said that for her, it's gravity. She said she used to dream that all of the weight of the world was on her chest, and she couldn't get out from under it, no matter how she tried."

"She used to wake up with a bellowing moan," I said. "She would vault out of bed, and then stand there gasping for air and crying. It's been a long time since she's had that dream."

No words were spoken, but we both shivered, and we understood what I was implying. Maybe someday we would stop dreaming of the cold.

"She says she used to fantasize about the person who had saved her," she eventually said. "She said it was a team of doctors and nurses, and there was never any one person she could thank."

"You know, all I did was pull you out of the water," I said quietly. "There must have been a team that saved you, just like the ones that saved me."

"It's not their arms that I dream about," she answered. I could feel her smile, even though her face was still snuggled against my chest. "It's not their heat that I feel inside me," she laughed, but she ended with a gasp. "It's not their hands I feel rubbing both of my legs," she said in an amazed tone. The look on her face when she pushed up matched her tone.

"What?" I teased as I rubbed my hands on her legs.

"It's already back!" she laughed. It took me a moment to understand, and her excited words helped. "Usually it's numb for hours, and when it starts to come back, I feel the worst pin-and-needles ever. We have to figure out what we did!"

She quickly levered her feet around and placed them by my hips. She lifted herself into a low squat that lifted her off of my spent cock. She laughed at the pleasure she felt as it popped out of her.

"Come on, stud, I need you hard," she laughed as she rocked her pussy against me. When that didn't get the results she wanted she vaulted around to catch my cock with her hand and her lips. She didn't waste any time in devouring me. She started to laugh as I started to grow in her mouth.

As soon as I was close to hard, she pulled at me as she rolled onto her back.

"Make me cum like that again," she demanded as she pulled me on top of her body. "I love how I taste when I cum that hard, and you're the first guy to ever do that for me. Go hard and deep! Make me cum again!"

I almost had to laugh at her urgency. I started to understand when she wrapped her legs around my hips and she started spurring me on. I easily slid inside her, and I quickly grew to full hardness for her. Although she was obviously enjoying our endeavors, she was singularly focused on how her left leg was actively directing our motions.

In almost no time at all, she started to lose control, but it was due to pleasure overload. Her next orgasm came on quickly, and she was practically crying with joy through the length of it.

I decided to see just how far she had gone in creating an erogenous zone on her leg. As her orgasm slowed, I pushed back onto my knees. I pulled both of her legs up to put her heels on my shoulders. I had to lift her ass off the bed a bit, but I was able to keep thrusting into her.

Her eyes went wide with expectation as I started teasing my touch up and down both of her legs. Sometimes I rubbed with my hands flat. Other times, I used just my fingertips, but caressing or pressing in. I also teased her with letting my fingernails barely scratch her skin.

I could feel her next orgasm approaching, so I turned my head and gently kissed her left ankle. She gasped in pleasure beyond what we were already feeling, so I just had to give her more. I used my teeth to nibble from her ankle to her calf, and she exploded.

She grabbed my head and pulled me down on top of her body so she could kiss me. She begged me to give her more heat, and I couldn't hold back. I think I managed to find just as much heat as I had found in the first round.

We held each other for quite a while. As soon as she could, she started caressing my leg with her foot. I think she was still tripping with pleasure at being able to feel it.

Without getting in her way, I slid down a bit to take my weight off her body. While she caressed me with her foot and her hands, I gently kissed and teased her breasts. We both enjoyed how good it felt when I nibbled at her nipple with my lips and tongue. It wasn't going to arouse us for another round, but it just felt playfully good.

When she started taking deep breaths to speak, I knew to wait for her. I could almost feel her smiling to laugh at the things she chose not to say.

"I really only called her to make sure I could make a meal that you liked," she finally said. When I simply kept teasing her breasts, she took several more deep breaths.

"She was the one that brought up the dreams," she continued. We both shivered. "I had no idea she had been through the same thing." She gave a single quiet laugh, and then said, "There's a cold lasagna on the stove when you get hungry. It's a good thing I didn't put the garlic toast in the oven."

"Mmm, garlic toast or teasable nipples - that's a tough choice," I teased. I also continued to tease her nipples. She laughed.

"I'm not sure which of us brought up our hero fantasy first," she said. "I think I was telling her about my dreams, and they were probably heading that way. Because of that sharing, I thought I understood why she said I was welcome to enjoy my fantasy. She didn't say anything about 'interesting friends'."

"I suppose you're going to side with her," I accused in a teasing tone. "I think I should be mad at her for not giving me a hint of what I was in for. I suppose I should thank her for letting me enjoy the surprise." I paused to thank Judy by planting a kiss between her breasts. "I'm surprised she didn't say something about our friends. She has a way of over-sharing."

"Over-sharing?" Judy asked.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I mimicked my wife's voice. "You look just like my friend, Gina, and you sound like her, too. We're swingers, you know."

Judy looked shocked as she laughed at my imitation.

"She does not!" she exclaimed indignantly. She gave me a light push to move off of her body.

"Maybe not that bad, but, yeah," I said with a shrug. Even though she pushed me to my feet, she stood and wrapped her arms around me.

"So would you say that you are swingers?" she asked. She managed to hold me close while leading me out of the room.

"How do I say this without scaring you too much?" I teased. "Yes, we are swingers, but we are not sex-crazed maniacs." She led me across the hall into a small bathroom.

"So how many lovers do each of you have?" she asked. "Too many to have room for me in your life?" She tried to make it sound like she was teasing. There was a small walk-in shower in the bathroom. She reached in and turned on the water.

"I've never died with any of our 'interesting friends'," I reminded her. In a much more serious tone, I said, "I think my eyes told you that I will always make room in my life for you when you need me."

She almost looked embarrassed that I would put that look into words. Without saying anything, she pulled me into the shower. We both took a turn getting wet, and then she started lathering up my body.

"So, how do I become an 'interesting friend'?" she asked. She handed the soap to me, and I started lathering up her body.

"You keep asking that, and I keep asking what my wife said," I laughed. She smiled. "Sometimes, my wife likes to stay home to play out sexual fantasies," I continued. "I have to be careful when our playing gets close to her hero fantasy. I think she might do anything for the hero she has never met. I'm not sure at all how far she would let you go for yours.  I'm not much of a hero, you know."

She turned us both into the stream to rinse off.

"I am much more confident in asking how far you would be willing to go," I said. "If you joined us in swinging, we could do just about anything we wanted, sexually. We would be able to have almost any kind of relationship you want as long as we don't make her feel left out."

She turned off the water and reached for a towel. She looked thoughtful and serious as she helped me dry off. She smiled as I moved to dry her off at the same time.

"I guess I didn't think past trying to seduce you," she finally said. "I've had some rough relationships with men, and I've managed without for a while. I knew I would get emotional, but I also knew I shouldn't get attached. I'm having second thoughts right now."

I took a moment before I answered her. I didn't want to coldly brush her off, but I knew better than to lead her on. We definitely had an emotional connection, but I wasn't going to leave my wife for her.

Before I could answer, she asked, "How many other men do I have to have sex with, if I go meet your friends?" She pressed her naked body to mine for a quick kiss before she started to lead me around the house collecting our clothes.

I was happy to be back on safer ground. "You don't have to have sex with anyone," I answered. "You would get to meet a bunch of people, and if you feel a spark, it is safe to explore whatever physical pleasure you desire." As an afterthought, I added, "My wife is very straight, but if you are so inclined, there are women that like to explore as well."

She gave me a naughty smile. "That sounds interesting," she answered. With a slight head shake, she added, "My current girlfriend was very reluctant to indulge my fantasy about you. I don't think she would like me exploring other women."

She laughed at my surprised look.

"Officer Culpepper is a very pretty woman," I teased, and I could see in her eyes that I had guessed correctly. "She would be eagerly welcomed to join us if you wanted her to join you on that adventure."

I could tell the idea intrigued her, but she refused to show if she wanted to make that offer.

At her direction, we put our clothes on the couch, and she seemed happy enough for us to maintain our nakedness as she led me into the kitchen. She pushed me to lean against a counter by the stove while she grabbed a fork.

She plastered her body next to mine and her eyes demanded that I wrap my arms around her to share my body heat. She carefully cut a bite out of the lasagna that was cooling on the stove. She smiled at me as she fed me the bite.

She switched back and forth, feeding us both a bite at a time. She didn't seem to want to talk, and every time I tried, she pushed more food into my mouth. I finally gave up, and simply enjoyed holding her as we ate until we were full enough.

As she set the fork down, she softly said, "Oh, I forgot the garlic bread again."

I gave her a smile as I lifted her to sit with her butt on the edge of the counter. "I think I already told you what my preference was," I teased as I bent to kiss her nipples. They were at the perfect height.

"Stop that," she laughed as she pulled my head close and pressed her nipple forward. I laughed with her as I nibbled and licked. After a moment, she pulled my head back.

"You should tell me what you want," she suggested in a quiet tone. Without raising her voice, she said, "I can feel myself wanting to give you anything you want, and I know that's just the hero worship fantasy talking. Abigail and I were already drifting apart before the accident happened, and while I'm enjoying how it brought us closer, I think it will be temporary. If..."

She frowned and looked at the floor.

"If she leaves me, I don't want it to look like I jumped to you on the rebound," she continued. She laughed and raised her eyes. "Not that your wife would like that either."

I smiled into her eyes as I caressed her cheek. On the one hand, she was right. My wife rarely acts jealous, but I've never had any indication from her that she would allow me an extended one-on-one relationship with another woman. On the other hand, Judy had described words that I would never have imagined coming from my wife. I was more worried about how the words rang true than wondering if Judy was lying.

Looking into her eyes, I realized that there was almost nothing I wouldn't do for her if she asked. I was very sure at that moment that I wouldn't leave my wife for Judy, but the temptation would always be there if she asked. I was stuck, and there was no way I could answer either way. A mean thought popped into my mind, and I smirked as I imagined dumping the whole thing on my wife to decide.

Actually, that wasn't as bad of an idea as I thought it would be.

"I have an idea," I suggested.

"Anything, just tell me," she replied.

"Let's make a date to have dinner with my wife," I suggested. Judy's eyes lit up, and I knew I was making the right choice. "She works in town, so she can get here early so you two can have a nice chat." I caressed Judy's jaw again, and gave her a teasing smile. "Don't turn on the porch light until it's safe for me to come in," I suggested. "That way, if you end up having a catfight and killing each other, I won't be involved."

"As much as I enjoyed talking with her," she answered in the same teasing tone, "You should be more worried that she and I will dump you to go meet your interesting friends." She pressed her palm to the side of my face. "Would you be willing to meet with Abigail?" she asked. "I promised to take away her baton and service weapon before you get here."

"Absolutely!" I promised.

She smiled and pulled me close for a gentle kiss. We held each other for quite a while.


The story of that night ends there. Eventually, she made me get dressed to go home.

Our dinner date with my wife happened much sooner than I suspected, and they surprised me by having it at our house. That's a story in itself, and the good part started when my wife made me drive Judy home with instructions to spend the night with her.

Our meeting with Officer Culpepper went much better than either of us imagined, and that's another story, too. Suffice it to say that it had been a long time since I'd had a three-way with two women, and I think I represented myself admirably. When we were finished, Abigail suggested to Judy that since they'd had sex with Judy's new beau, she hoped they could have sex with Abigail's new guy friend.

Apparently, they did, it didn't go well, and yet they were still both happy. They both accepted that Abigail had been searching for something new, and they sort of parted on very happy terms. I say 'sort of', because Abigail still joins Judy and me on occasion. She was not interested in anything else related to swinging.

I have yet to figure out my wife, which is probably as it should be. We never exclude her, but she sometimes goes out of her way to ensure that Judy and I get time alone. I asked her about it once, and she wouldn't answer.

The closest thing to an answer I ever got occurred on the anniversary of my wife's accident. She was desperate to get to bed and then to fuck every which way until the early hours. Near the end, she collapsed against me and started crying.

I held her and kissed her and quietly begged, "Tell me."

She shook her head, and she tried to laugh it off. I kissed her again, and she sighed.

"I'm so jealous of her," she whispered.

"Then we should stop," I suggested, even though I knew it would hurt.

"Not on your life," my wife cried as she thumped her fist on my shoulder. She laughed again, and then kissed the spot where she had hit me. "I just wish I knew," she whispered softly, adding, "Someone must have saved me."

I didn't have an answer for that, so I kissed her, and we both let it go.

Most of our swinging friends accept that my wife and Judy and I are a family unit. They generally expect all three of us to show up and have fun, and they don't seem to mind if only two of us show up. Sometimes, I tease that they prefer when just the two women show up, but then, I have a juvenile sense of humor.

Thus it was, that Judy and I showed up at that fateful party, and I made my ill-fated statement about death.

Oh, and, you might be interested to know that my wife just informed me that we're renewing our vows on the beach at a swingers' resort in Cancun. If you see us there, you're all invited to join us!

Written by bad_mann_ers
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