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To Lust and to Love

"Billie has a choice between lust or love, will she choose wisely?"

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Billie stood in front of the printer waiting for the fifty-page report that her boss needed for a presentation in the next hour. Over the monotonous hum of the printer, she started to daydream.

Since Tamara and Kent made their relationship official, Billie found herself with a rare emotion -- jealousy. Not that she was jealous of Tamara or Kent, but of their relationship. Being a first-hand witness to the power of love, Billie longed for the same in her life. Ironically, she had spent most of her life avoiding such commitment, opting for quick flings and no strings attached sex. Now seeing how Tamara and Kent managed to have it all, a deep love connection along with a scorching hot sex life, Billie thought it could be attainable for someone like herself.

Billie was so distracted by her far-fetched daydreams that she didn’t realize that a co-worker had approached her.

“Are you going to let anyone else use that printer?” Claire from accounting asked.

“Huh? What?”

“The printer. Are you finished?” Claire spoke as if Billie was a nuisance.

“Yeah, sorry.” Billie pulled the freshly printed and correlated report from the print bin.

She headed back toward the office with her head in a fog. She was thinking about the impossible, settling down and finding a love like Tamara and Kent’s that she did not see him coming until an accident was unavoidable.

Billie collided with the young mail room clerk and his cart as he was on his rounds delivering mail to the offices. In the process, the fifty-page report scattered all over the hallway.

“Damn it, Billie!” she cursed herself.

“Oh, I’m sorry. That’s was entirely my fault,” Guy said as he knelt to help her retrieve the pile of papers.

“No, it was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention,” Billie apologized.

“Well, I was paying attention. Too much attention and could you blame me?” he grinned at Billie.

Billie smiled at the young man who was obviously attempting to flirt. Getting a first real look at him, she thought he was definitely attractive with smoldering dark brown eyes and a charming smiling. She recognized that smile. It was the smile of a guy who was used to bedding every woman who he flashed it toward.

“In that case, I guess it is your fault.” Billie gathered the disheveled report from him.

“Yeah, and so maybe we can do this again, you know, bump into one another. Maybe after hours, after some drinks?” He grinned at what he thought was a clever pick-up line.

Billie rolled her eyes as she continued down the hall to the office, but she couldn’t help but smile from the brief flirtation. Friendly flirting always lifted her spirit, especially coming from a handsome young man. She gave a quick look over her shoulder as she walked away and saw that he was still watching her. She walked with more sway to her hips then she normally would at work. If she was going to have an audience, she didn’t mind giving him something to look at.

When she walked into Tamara’s office and sat the report on her desk, Tamara just stared at her in disbelief.

“Billie, what is this?”

“The Heinz report,” Billie stated.

“Why does it look like it just came out of the recycle bin? What happened?”

“Oh, sorry. I just had a little run-in with someone in the hall and paper flew everywhere,” Billie said as they tried to make some order to the report.

“Who did you run into? A Mack truck?”

“That new mail room guy. We didn’t exchange names or anything, but he’s a tall, young, white boy with sexy brown eyes. I guess he was too busy checking out my ass and I didn’t see him, then we just kind of collided. Who is he anyway? He’s kind of cute.” Billie gave a mischievous smile, “He was practically undressing me with those eyes.”

“Were you flirting with someone at work, Billie?” Tamara teased her.

“Well, he did ask me out for dinner and drinks, but he’s way too young -- not that I’m that old.” Billie quickly pointed out. “Besides, young men like him just want one thing -- sex. And I’m trying to change my status for the long term, like you and Kent.”

Tamara shouldn’t help to smile at the mention of Kent, “Well, it would be nice if you found someone, too. I’d be happy for you, and terrified for him,” Tamara laughed. “Oh! You should bring a date to the party tomorrow night. We can double date.”

“What? The company holiday party? Really? You are really going to make me attend that thing, again?”

“Come on, Billie. It’ll be fun and I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a date.”

"Oh, that's not the problem. The problem is that I hoped we could have a girls' night, you know like we used to, before Kent. Just me, you, a couple bottles of wine, and some girl talk."

Tamara looked at the time before she pulled on her blazer. “That sounds fun, but we'll have to talk about it later. I have to go or I’ll be late to this meeting."

As Tamara rushed out of her office, Billie sat at her desk and scrolled through her phone. She looked through her contacts seeking a suitable date for tomorrow night's party. After a few minutes of scrolling through past booty calls, she decided to delete a few of the numbers. She had zero interest in bringing a fuckboy to her work function. She'd never realized until now that almost all the contacts in her phone were mostly hook ups. With a nearly empty contact list, Billie let out a heavy sigh. If she couldn't find a date worthy of a work party, how was she going to find love?

Billie walked into the party with a forced smile on her face. She hated these staff parties; she only attended because Tamara made her. Everyone just talked about work or their families and kids. Billie decided she would make an appearance to appease Tamara, but as soon as she could she would escape.

“You have been sulking around all day, Billie. Where’s your holiday spirit?" Tamara asked as she entered the party by her friend’s side.

“I guess this time of year always gets me a little down. I’m happy for you and Kent. Really, I am, but we don’t get to hang out as much as we used to. You’re so happily in love. I miss my best friend. You kept me sane and out of trouble.”

Tamara laughed. “Well, we are hanging out tonight, just the two of us. I told Kent it’s just me and you since you didn’t want to bring a date. It’ll be fun like old times, like before Kent. And besides, there’s no trouble for you to get into here.”

Just then Kent walked over and wrapped Tamara in his arms. After a kiss, he whispered naughty thoughts into her ear, then he gave a nod of acknowledgment to Billie.

“Hey, Billie. Happy Holidays,” he flashed his sparkling smile.

“Hi, Kent. Happy Holidays to you, too,” she smiled then gave Tamara a look of ‘I told you so'. “I see how this is going to end up, so I’m going to do myself a favor and get a drink.”

“No, Billie, don’t go. Hang out with us,” Tamara said.

“And be a third wheel? I love you both, but even I have my limits.”

Billie made a beeline to the complimentary bar and sighed at the weak offering of holiday themed drinks. She resorted to the traditional eggnog as she removed her cardigan she'd been wearing in the office all day, revealing a fitted sleeveless sheath dress of fuchsia. It fitted her curves like a glove and made her stand out among the others dressed in holiday red and green, but Billie was used to standing out in a crowd.

With a drink in hand, Billie scanned the room looking for anything to pique her interest. She saw that Tamara and Kent went to chat with several other executives and their spouses. They looked so perfect together. Billie let out a heavy envious sigh. Love was in the air for everyone.

Everyone except me, she thought.

Just then Guy strolled up to Billie with his charismatic smile, “Mind if I join you?”

Billie looked around at the empty seats around her after a sip of her drink, “It’s a free world.”

“I just thought you might like some company, or I can leave you standing here all alone sipping your -- what is that?”


He grimaced in disgust, “And that’s why I brought my own libations.” Guy showed her the silver flask from the inner pocket of his blazer.

Billie smiled as she offered her cup to be spiked, then took a sip. “Mm, now that’s good. I’m Billie Logan, by the way. I didn’t catch your name the other day when we, um, bumped into one another. ”

“My name’s Guy,” he grinned then added, “And here I thought this was going to be another one of those boring office holiday parties, that was until you caught my attention. I can’t help but think what a shame, how sexy you look in that dress, yet standing here all alone. No plus one for you for the holiday party, huh?”

“I barely wanted to attend myself, but my boss made me,” Billie stated, then added, “Look, Guy, I think you’re kind of cute, too, but you need to cool it with the flirting. I mean, you just started working here so you might not know it’s kind of frowned upon here. You know, sexual harassment, and all.”

Guy nodded towards Kent and Tamara, “Tell them that. You know how many times I’ve caught them in flagrante? That guy has some serious game. I want to be like him when I grow up.”

“Yeah, that’s another thing. Don’t you think you’re a little too young for this ride?” Billie said with her hand on her hip.

Guy stepped in closer, “Don’t worry, I have lots of experience, um, riding.”

“Really? And what kind of experience is that?” Billie asked curiously. She knew she shouldn’t encourage him, but he was laying it on thick and the alcohol was loosening her up. This was exactly the kind of trouble that Tamara would’ve saved her from.

“For starters, I know that a beautiful woman like yourself would like help out of that dress. Hopefully, I can be that help.”

Billie laughed. She liked his directness and was reminded of herself in her younger days. She found herself leaning closer to him.

Guy grinned as she slid her hand inside his blazer. As her hand pressed against his hard chest, Billie was impressed with what she felt. Of course, he was young, lean, and in great shape. She liked that he wasn’t one of those young guys who wore overpowering men body spray. His scent was spicy and masculine, and very arousing. She let her fingers linger a bit longer before further exploration. She came away with his flask and flashed a smile at him.

“Ah, I see, you are just using me for my whiskey,” Guy said disappointed that she had stopped fondling him. He quickly added with a wicked smile, “And I’m okay with that.”

Billie tipped the empty flask at him, “Bummer. Looks like you’re all out. Know somewhere we can get another drink?” Billie’s smile was full of innuendo.

“Of course, I do. Let’s get out of here,” he said as he led the way out.

As Billie and Guy crossed the room towards the exit, Tamara started for them.

“No!” Kent grabbed her arm to stop her.


“That is not our business. Billie is a grown ass woman, and if Guy thinks he can handle her, more power to him.” 

Tamara rolled her eyes, “Of course you don’t see anything wrong. I bet you were the same at his age.”

Kent flashed his megawatt devilish smile, “Worse, actually.”

“Make yourself comfortable,” Guy said as they walked into his condo apartment. His place was nicely furnished in a sophisticated modern style, yet definitely a bachelor pad. Billie thought the style levels were above what she expected from a young man fresh out of college and working in a mail room.

Billie was equally curious and cautious about Guy. One voice in her head wanted to write him off as a flirt and a player while the other louder voice in her head wanted to explore what he had to offer.

Guy headed to a small silver bar cart, sat out two rocks glasses, and poured two fingers of amber liquid in each before returning to Billie. She smiled as he handed her a glass and sat next to her on the leather couch. She took a sip before setting the glass on the side table.

“Thanks for the drink, but do you honestly think I came all the way back to your place just for another drink?” she looked at him through thick lush lashes. It was obvious to her which voice to listen to.

Guy returned the smile, setting his drink on the table next to hers, “I didn’t want to be presumptuous. I figured a woman like yourself would want a little romance, a bit of anticipation, and maybe a little liquid courage.”

Billie leaned forward, placing her full lips to his earlobe, “And you would be wrong. Tonight, all a woman like me wants is sex.”

Guy turned to her with a big grin. “I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong,” he said before capturing her lips with his. His kiss was casual at first as he slowly tasted her lips flavored by the booze. As she returned his kisses, Guy turned up the heat, invading her lush mouth with his tongue, seeking to show her how much he could pleasure her.

A soft moan escaped Billie as she enjoyed his kisses. She moved her hand from his neck, traveling down his hard chiseled chest and abs. Billie smiled when her fingers landed on his hard package. She hadn’t expected that he could back up his cocky attitude. It was often her experience of guys that came on really strong had very little to offer. So far, Billie was quite impressed and eager to get the full experience. She began unzipping his pants, but he halted her hands in mid-action.

“Not so fast, we have all night. Besides, the lady is always first with me,” Guy said as he turned her back towards him as he playfully nibbled at the nape of her neck before sliding the zipper of her dress down. As the zipper made a slow journey down, he pressed hot kisses down her spine. He was very attentive, slowly covering every inch of her smooth dark skin with his lips. His lips traveled down the length of her back, ending just above the full curve of her derrière.

Billie pulled her arms through the armholes of her dress, releasing the garment as it slid down her hips. When she turned to face Guy, he unclasped her bra and immediately devoured her thick chocolate nipples.

“Ah, yes!” Billie moaned as his teeth grazed her nipples.

Guy continued, trailing kisses down her flat belly as he wrapped his hands around her plump bottom and pulled her even closer. He knelt before her and kissed her inner thigh, knowing she was waiting for him to taste her sweetness. He pulled her tiny lace thong off and decided not to keep her waiting any longer as he stroked her wet slit with the tip of his tongue.

Moaning, Billie reached down to caress his hair. She wanted more. She needed more and wasn’t afraid to let him know. She dug her fingers into his scalp to hold him steady. His tongue lapped at her sweet lips eager to please her.

Guy loved her taste but more importantly, he loved making her moan out loud. He pulled her moist brown lips apart causing her pink clit to protrude. He drew the small bud between his lips and hummed.

“Yes!” Billie screamed.

Spurred on by her excitement, he laid her back on the couch, pushing her thighs apart as he buried his face between them.

“Oh, my God! Don’t stop!” Billie cried out as she dug her toes into his back, sliding her heel down his back and over his tight firm ass.

Guy had no intentions of stopping anytime soon as he pushed two fingers inside her as he simultaneously stroked her clit with his tongue.

Billie laid back and enjoyed his talented tongue, one minute sweetly teasing and tasting her, the next plunging deep inside her cunt pushing her to the brink of ecstasy on multiple counts.

Recovering after an orgasm shook her body, Billie sat up grinning from ear to ear. She leaned forward and pulled him up to her lips. She loved the honeyed smell of her juices on his lips as she licked his lips before kissing them.

"Mm, that was so fucking good," she smiled.

"Yeah? You liked that?" Guy smiled back against her lips.

Even if that was all he had to offer Billie was content, but she knew that Guy had a rock hard shaft waiting for her and she wanted a ride. Taking control, she sat Guy back against the couch as she pulled his pants and boxers off. His shaft was thick and loaded as it curved up against his washboard abs. His skin was smooth, lightly tanned, and newly clean-shaven. Like a kid in a candy store, she had a hard time deciding where to put her mouth first. This young virile young man and his hard cock were like living out her wildest sex fantasies. She lay across the couch as she took him into her hands.

"Ah, baby!" Guy moaned throwing his head back in pleasure as her hands moved up and down his shaft. She parted her lips and licked the thick veins running the length of him, eliciting a deep moan from him.

Billie smiled, enjoying that she could make him moan with every stroke of her tongue. She had no hang-ups about taking him deep to the back of her throat, only releasing him for a gasp of air then to continue again. She watched as his eyes rolled back as she sucked his swollen pink tip oozing with pre-cum.

Guy had to grab on to something and refocus or he was going to erupt into her skillful mouth.

"Fuck me, baby," Guy groaned grabbing her ass.

"Mm, yes!" Billie moaned.

She straddled his lap, pushing his thick tip between her moist lips. She immediately moaned out loud as she slid down his shaft, fitting him nice and deep inside her love canal. Bracing herself, she placed her manicured hand against his rock hard abs as her hips rocked back and forth on him.

As she rode him, Guy watched mesmerized as her round brown tits bounced in his face at the same time her plump ass slapped against his thighs.

Guy grabbed her waist as he lifted his hips, pushing deeper.

"Oh, fuck! Yes!" Billie cried out.

"You like that?"

"Yes! More, please!" Billie moaned as he raised his hips again, driving his head deeper and harder into her slippery wet core. "Fuck me!"

"Baby, I'm just getting started," Guy smiled as he held her tighter and started an endless pounding of her pussy.

Monday morning, when Billie walked in with coffee, Tamara grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the office, closing the door behind them.

“What’s all this? Did I forget some important meeting or something?” Billie asked concerned.

“No, but you did forget your common sense.”

“What? Tam, what are you talking about? What did I do this time?”

“The other night, at the party. You were looking very cozied up with Guy Stephens.”

Billie smiled, “Yeah, well, he made a boring party really interesting.”

“Did you know that Guy Stephens is Mr. Stephens’ nephew. I tried to stop you from leaving with him, but Kent held me back.”

“What? Guy Stephens? He didn’t tell me his last name. He didn’t mention that he was related to Mr. Stephens either. What is he doing down in the mail room while his uncle is President of the company?”

Tamara shrugged, “Apparently, he just finished university and Mr. Stephens wanted to help his only nephew out. Actually, that’s all I really know about it from Kent. I can’t believe he didn’t tell you he was related to Mr. Stephens?”

“Well, we didn’t exactly spend a lot of time talking,” Billie said with a wicked smile.

“Oh, my God! Billie, you slept with him!”

“We didn’t exactly spend a lot of time sleeping either if you know what I mean.”

Tamara couldn’t hide her curiosity any longer and if the tables were turned Billie would definitely do the same. “So, how was it? Was it worth the possibility of getting fired?”

“Hell yeah! It’s true what they say about the young and the restless,” Billie grinned as she reminisced about the night spent with Guy. She couldn’t stop thinking about how long the night went on. It wasn’t until the dawn light peeked through the curtains that Billie finally had strength and willpower to pull herself away from her young insatiable lover. Even then he followed her into the shower, pushed her against the cold tile and ravished her again from behind.

“Billie? Um, hello, earth to Billie,” Tamara snapped her fingers in front of her friend’s face bringing her out of her sex-fueled daydream. “So, I know you didn’t ask for my advice, but I have to give it to you anyway. He’s young, Billie. What is he, like twenty-one, twenty-two and you are thirty…”

“Um, I know how old I am.”

“The point I’m trying to make is, don’t go catching feelings for someone you know isn’t meant for long-term,” Tamara reminded Billie of her relationship goals.

“Of course, I know. It was fun and all, but just a fling,” Billie agreed. “Just someone to play with until I meet the one like you met Kent.”

Billie was thankful for her talk with Tamara as she headed out for lunch. Tamara helped her put things in perspective. Billie had to start thinking with her heart and head, not just her hormones. She sighed heavily, recognizing the uphill battle she was facing.

“Going somewhere?” Guy asked as he walked up from behind her and grabbed her waist.

Billie’s smile was instantaneous upon seeing Guy, “Yeah, I’m going to lunch. Where are you going?”

“To lunch. Come with me,” he smiled as he took her hand.

Billie hesitated for a second. “Why didn’t you tell me that you are the nephew of the President of this company?”

Guy shrugged.

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“Because girls either have two reactions when they find out. Either they turn into money-grubbing gold diggers and see how far they can use me to further their own goals. Or, think I’m a rich entitled playboy out to just sleep with them and break their hearts.”

“Good thing I’m not one of those little girls,” Billie smiled.

“No, you are definitely not a little girl. You are all grown and sexy, and I just want to make you come again and again.” Guy pulled her into his arms as he kissed her neck.

Any thoughts she had about finding a more meaningful and loving relationship took a backseat as Guy and his unslakable appetite won out. His kisses were a reminder to her how talented he was with his tongue.

“Mmm, where are we going?” Billie grinned as she followed him down the stairwell.

“Right here. Lunch is being served!” He pressed her back against the cold concrete wall then knelt down before her.

A week later, as Billie was leaving the building after a long day of work, she toyed with the idea of giving Guy a call. He always knew the right way to relieve her stress. She was just about to send him a text when she bumped into an old familiar face.

“Donald? Donald Jackson?” she asked the tall, dark, and handsome man that stood before her.

His smile broadened as he took in Billie. “Billie Logan? I haven’t seen you in ages!”

Billie was genuinely excited to see Donald. It’s been years since they’ve last seen one another. It was like time hadn’t passed. Their connection was instant and by the way his eyes drank her in, they still had that spark of chemistry.

“We should get together for dinner and drinks some time,” he suggested with a familiar sexy smile.

“I’m available tonight unless you have other plans,” Billie smiled back.

“Tonight's perfect.”

A few hours later when Billie showed up at the restaurant, she saw the whites of Donald’s eyes enlarge and knew she picked the right dress -- a fire engine red strapless dress that defied the laws of gravity as it clung to her hourglass figure.

“You look amazing, but you’ve always known how to wear a dress well.” Donald greeted her with a hug and kiss on the cheek before he escorted her inside to their table for two.

During dinner, in the middle of their conversation, Billie’s phone buzzed.

“I’m sorry, that’s rude. I’ll just turn it off,” Billie said as she picked up her phone. She noticed that the caller was Guy. Ignoring the call, she turned her phone off and returned her attention to Donald. “So, where were we?”

After catching up over dinner and several glasses of wine, Donald walked Billie to her front door.

“Well, tonight was unexpected. It was so great running into you today, and you agreeing to have dinner with me. I know it was last minute and you probably had other plans,” he stated.

“No, I didn’t really have any other plans,” which was sort of true since hooking up with Guy usually wasn’t anything she ever planned, it just happens. She continued, “Yeah, it was nice to catch up with you. We should do this again.”

“Yes, that would be nice.”

Billie lingered at the door with her keys in her hand, pondering whether to invite him in for a nightcap. “So, the night is young, and I have a bottle of Scotch,” she offered as an open-ended invitation.

Donald smiled, “Um, that’s a tempting offer, Billie, but I have an early morning tomorrow. Raincheck?” he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her check.

“Sure,” Billie smiled.

She'd been hoping to pick up where they left off years ago but settled for this being goodnight for now. If she wanted something more with Donald she would have to wait. Love was worth taking it one step at a time, she thought with a big smile.

A week later, Guy caught up with Billie alone in the elevator at work.

“Hey, so I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days now. You haven’t replied to any of my texts lately.”

“Because I have other things to do.”

“What’s more important than doing me?” Guy grinned as he stepped closer to pull her into his arms.

“Lots of things.”

“Ouch! So, what’s up? I thought we were having fun, Billie. I thought we had something going here.”

Billie sighed, “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but sex isn’t the only thing I want. I’m at a point in my life where I want something more, something more long term.”

“Why can’t we just have some fun until that something comes along?” he placed soft seductive kisses on her neck as his hands made their way to her round ass.

Billie tried really hard to resist moaning from his touch and kisses. It was hard to deny the effect he had on her, but she had to make a choice to find love. “Maybe it has. I’ve been seeing someone else, Guy. An old friend from college. We just reconnected last week and I like where things are going between us.”

“Mm, you taste so fucking good,” Guy said ignoring her as he nibbled her neck.

“Guy, you’re so young and very, very attractive. Mmm," she lost the battle and let a soft moan escape as his moist tongue flickered against her earlobe. "Um, you still have wild oats to sow. Believe me, I was that way myself, but I can’t do this with you anymore. I want something real. I want to be with someone with potential.”

Guy finally slowly backed away, “Potential, huh?”

“Sorry Guy. I really did have fun with you,” Billie said as the elevator opened and she walked away.

Tamara saw the sad look on Billie’s face when she sat at her desk.

“Billie, what’s wrong? You look like you just lost your puppy.”

“I did, in a way. I just broke things off with Guy, not that there was anything anyway. Just hot, sweaty, nonstop toe-curling sex. Oh, my God! What’s wrong with me, Tam?” Billie laid her head in her hands as she whined.

“I don’t know. Are you running a fever? Someone’s possessed your body?” Tamara joked.

“Being an adult is so hard!”

Tamara just laughed at her friend's troubles.

“Why can’t I have my cake and eat it, too? Like you and Kent. I know it took a minute to realize it, but you found real love and passion. All I want is someone to lust and to love, and for him to lust and love me. That’s all I want really. I deserve that.”

“Well, don’t they say admitting it is the first step. You did the right thing ending things with Guy.”

“Yeah, I know, and this thing with Donald is just starting. I just want to do it right, you know.”

“Aw, look at you. You are finally growing up and joining the rest of us adults,” Tamara teased.

"Shut up!" Billie playfully nudged her friend away. Yet, she was still in doubt about the choice she just made.

Billie and Donald were sitting on her couch making out like college kids, again. Billie couldn’t help but think how lucky she was. She definitely had unresolved feelings for Donald. She also liked that their chemistry had not waned over the twelve years since college. She remembered the wild times they had in her dorm room. It was about time that they rekindled that, she thought.

She slipped her hand down to the bulge in his pants, but Donald immediately pulled away from her frisky hands.

“What’s wrong?” she asked pressing kisses on his neck and jawline. She still knew his sweet spots and exploited them to full advantage.

“Um, nothing. I just, um, maybe we should cool it a bit for tonight,” Donald stated.

Billie smiled mischievously, “Why would we do that, Don? It’s not like we haven’t fucked before.”

“Maybe I should have told you earlier before we started all this. Billie, I’ve taken a vow of celibacy. I’m abstaining from sex until marriage.”

“Oh, wow! Um, okay.” Billie was nearly rendered speechless by his announcement. “So what does that even mean? Like no sex, ever? Even hand jobs and oral, too?” Billie asked concerned.

“Yes, all of that,” Donald said, then added, “I was hoping that you would understand and would be worth waiting for.”

“Me?” Billie stared at him bewildered.

“Yes, you Billie. I know this is a weird and awkward time to tell you now, but since we’d ran into one another I kind of felt like it was fate. Billie, I think after all these years, we finally made our way back to each others and I don’t want this to end again. I think we are both mature enough to handle a real relationship.”

Billie just stared at him flabbergasted.

“So, what do you think? Do you think I’m worth waiting for, too?”

Billie hesitation went unnoticed, “Um, Donald, of course, you are worth waiting for.”

As soon as Billie spoke those words she knew she had put her foot in her mouth. She frowned a bit inside when she realized that would be the only appendage she would be putting into her mouth anytime soon.

“Good,” Donald smiled. “I’m glad you see that kind of future for us. So, I guess we can call it a night.”

"Um, yeah, sure," Billie walked him to the front door. He planted a kiss on her forehead before he left. Billie leaned against the closed door and let out a heavy sigh. She had always been willing to wait for love, but waiting for sex? That was a whole new thing, she thought.

Billie and Tamara were strolling down the shopping aisle, Tamara was going on and on about Kent, their engagement, and plans for their wedding. Billie barely heard a word said as she was off daydreaming, again.

“Billie, you haven’t heard one word I’ve said,” Tamara waved her hand in front of her friend’s face.

“Huh, what? I’m sorry, I guess I was off in la-la land.”

“What’s wrong? How are things with you and Donald? You two are getting really serious now, huh? It’s been, what? Two months? That’s a record for you,” Tamara teased.

“Yeah, two long months,” Billie said unenthused.

Tamara took note of her tone, “Uh-oh, sounds like trouble in paradise.”

“The only trouble is he isn’t visiting my paradise.”

Tamara grinned, “Are you saying what I think you are saying?”

“He, um, we are abstaining,” Billie revealed to her best friend.

“From sex?” Tamara couldn’t control herself and burst out laughing, “Billie! That is so hilarious! You mean to tell me, you, Wilhemina Daniella Logan, and 'Long Dong' Don haven’t had sex, yet. In what, two months?”

“Two months, one week, four days. But who’s keeping track?” Billie said with a heavy sigh.

“Wow, I mean, like how is that even possible? Are you okay? Is Donald okay? I’m being serious here, what is going on?” Tamara asked concerned.

“Donald took a vow of celibacy before we rekindled. He’s waiting until marriage to do the deed, again.”

“And, so you are waiting with him, too? I didn’t know it was that serious, like marriage serious. Is that what you want? Is Donald the one for you?”

Billie shrugged, “Yes. I don’t know. Maybe. I mean, we have some history together and I really care about him. You remember how love struck I was and we were freak number one and two back in college. Now it’s like none of that. Now, anytime things get a little heated, he backs off. And, you know what makes it even worse is that I know what he’s packing. It’s like being in a water park, at the same time being thirsty as hell!”

Tamara couldn’t control her laughter at Billie’s analogy.

“C’mon, Tam, I’m serious. I just might have to propose to him just so that we can screw!”

“That bad, huh?”

As they stood in the checkout line, Billie eyed the battery display, “So, do you think spending nights with my Magic Wand is considered cheating?”

Tamara just shook her head and laughed at her friend.

Billie walked into Kent’s office to deliver some files that he requested from Tamara. She stopped short when she saw Guy standing next to Kent. It's been a while since they had last seen each other. Billie couldn’t help but take in how good he looked in a nice suit and tie, and how just his smile made her wet, er, sweat.

“Hey, Billie. Are those the Douglas files?” Kent asked.

“Yeah, they are,” Tamara said handing them over to Kent, trying to avoid direct eye contact with Guy.

“Guy, can you take them and go over them for me?”

“Sure thing,” Guy said all the while smiling at Billie.

When Guy left the room, Billie lingered.

“Did you need something else, Billie?” Kent asked.

“Um, no. I just -- What is he doing here?” Billie finally asked.

“Guy? He’s my new assistant.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you finally hired someone.”

Kent shrugged, “Guy seemed like the perfect choice when he applied. He had expressed to me how he didn’t want any favors because of who he was and genuinely wanted to learn from me as a mentor in this company.”

Kent looked at her concerned, “Hey, look, I know you and Guy kind of had a thing, Billie. Do you think that is going to be a problem? You know, you two might have to work together and all.”

“No. It’s not a problem. We’re adults, kind of. Things that happened in the bedroom or in the living room or the shower doesn’t affect what happens in the workplace, right? Oh, and let’s not forget the elevator and stairwell.”

Kent looked at her with a raised brow, “I think I know a little about that, you know.”

“But this isn’t like you and Tamara. I mean, I’m not in love with him or anything. It was just sex. Hot, wet, dripping all night...”

Kent held up his hand, “Billie, you know I adore you, but I do not want to hear about your sex life with Guy.”

Billie frowned at the mention of her sex life which at the moment was non-existing with anyone.

“Good, because there’s nothing. I’m with Donald, who I would love for you to meet, by the way. Oh, we should do a double date thing, you know, you and Tamara, me and Donald. It’ll be fun.”

“Sure, we're free tonight. Just let Tamara know when." Kent noticed that Billie was still lingering around his office. "You have to pass him at some point, you know."

Later that day, Guy sat at his desk, prepping some files and reports for Kent when he noticed Billie pass by. It was hard not to notice, especially while she wore that body hugging dress. Even if she didn’t intend to dress drop dead sexy, it was inevitable to come off as sexy with all those curves, he thought. Guy dropped the file on his desk as he smiled at her.

“What are you doing?” Guy finally asked.

“What? I was just going to the print room,” Billie said innocently.

“For the fifth time in just two hours?” he asked as he stood and moved towards her.

“I have a lot of things to print,” Billie took a step back. Just the nearness of him brought back memories of their endless nights.

“Sure,” Guy said skeptical, “If I didn’t know any better, I would think you were trying to get my attention.”

Billie smiled, “Why would I do that?”

“I don’t know, you tell me. Is there something you want from me?” he stood just inches away from her. His hands were itching to touch her again in ways that made her lose control.

Billie was sure her nipples were strained against the fabric of her dress and wondered if he noticed. She definitely noticed the sudden ridge in Guy’s pants. It took all of her willpower not to move in closer and fit her curves next to him. It’s been over three months but felt like forever. She had to remind herself of her commitment and promise to Donald.

Billie cleared her throat before she spoke, “Well, since you’ve asked, there is something I need from you.”

“Yeah?” Guy smile grew bigger.

“Kent said you would have the McNichols' report done by noon,” she took a step back, putting distance between them.

Guy was jarred from the swift change of subject. He was quite sure she wanted something more physical. “Um, yeah. I’ll bring it over once I double check the numbers.”

“Sure, okay,” Billie swiftly walked away.

Not even an hour later, Guy approached Billie’s desk.

“Hey, so here’s the McNichols' report you needed,” Guy placed the file folder on her desk.

“Okay, thanks.”

Guy turned to walk away, hesitated, then turned back to her, “So, I know this is crazy inappropriate, but I think we crossed that line a long time ago. Would you like to have dinner with me?”

Billie just stared at him, “Are you asking me out on a date?”

“Yes, I am. This is weird and maybe I should have lead with that months ago. I totally understand after everything we did, and because we kind of work together now, if this seems kind of weird and you don’t…”

Billie cut him off mid-sentence, “I’m free tonight. How about tonight?”

Guy smiled, “Tonight’s good. Tonight’s great.”

Billie smiled back, “Okay, then it's a date.”

Guy walked Billie to her door to say goodnight after their dinner date.

“Tonight was fun, Billie. We spent so much time inside, we should have done this a long time ago.”

“Yeah, we should have.”

“So, maybe we can do it again? You know sit down somewhere nice and quiet and just talk,” Guy suggested.

“I would like that,” Billie smiled.

“Okay, goodnight.” Guy leaned forward to place a kiss on her cheek. Billie tilted her face at the last second and the kiss landed on her lips. Guy pulled away but Billie moved with him. “Um, I should probably leave now,” Guy said against her lips.

Billie placed her hand on his chest as her lips lingered on his. “You don’t have to leave.” She pressed closer to his young hard body as she moved her lips along his chiseled jawline, down his neck, up to his earlobe where she whispered, “I don’t want you to leave.”

Guy wrapped his hands around her waist, “If I stay, you have to promise me that this isn’t just sex, Billie.”

Billie moaned, rubbing against the growing bulge in his pants, “I’ve been making a lot of promises lately that I can’t seem to keep, so I don’t want to make that promise to you, Guy. I can’t promise you it’s not just sex. I mean, I’ve been doing this celibacy thing…”

“Yeah, right?” Guy couldn’t control his laughter.

“Don’t laugh, I’m serious. Donald and I have decided to abstain until marriage…”

“Really? Is that what you want? So, he’s the one for you?”

“No, I mean, I don’t know. But I made him a promise, to wait with him. And, and I can’t do that anymore. I can't wait and I can’t make any more promises.”

Guy moved his hands down to her voluptuous ass pulling her closer, “Okay, so, we'll make no promises tonight. Just sex.” He lowered his mouth to hers as they kissed.

"Yes!" Billie pulled him through her front door and they immediately started undressing one another.

“Ah, Billie, you have no idea how much I miss this. How much I miss being with you,” Guy moaned as he buried his face into her cleavage.

Billie moaned as she undid his pants, “Just shut up and fuck me!”

“Hell yeah!” Guy said as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around him as he carried her off to her bedroom.

In the morning, Billie moaned as she snuggled closer to the warm body next to her. Since dating Donald, she’d missed the intimacy of a warm naked man in her bed. For her, there was nothing more intimate than skin on skin. The sense of vulnerability as two people lay bare against one another. She thought only then could true intimacy be revealed. She smiled as she opened her eyes and saw Guy smiling back at her.

“Hey, good morning beautiful,” Guy said as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

“Good morning to you, too. I didn’t realize that you stayed the night.”

“Why would I leave when this is exactly where I want to be?”

Billie leaned forward to kiss him. “Mm, I miss this so much,” she ran her hand across his hard chest, sliding down, fingering his rippled abs. She slid her hand further south, but Guy grabbed her wrist, stopping her exploration.

“Is it just the fucking you’ve missed or you missed me?” Guy asked. “I could be any warm body and hard cock after the three months you went through. Billie, I know why you pulled away from me the first time. You thought that I was too young and just out for sex. You didn’t see the possibility of having an actual relationship with me. But you couldn’t be more wrong. You never gave us a chance to develop into something. I've always wanted to be with you, Billie. I want us to be what you are looking for, not just something only for fun, although making you come all night long is hell of fun.”

“Yes, I’ve missed the sex. The hot sweaty marathon, fucking all night long sex. I’ve also missed you, Guy. I like you. I like being with you, maybe more than I care to admit sometimes. And maybe I can love you."

Guy smiled as he released her hand, "I won't make you wait."

Billie continued her hand down to his thick cock, smiling as she did so.

Five months later, Billie stood next to all the screaming ladies pushing and shoving to get in the best spot. She didn't believe in the time old tradition of whoever caught the bridal bouquet would soon find themselves in nuptial bliss, but as the maid-of-honor to Tamara, she decided to pretend.

"Ready ladies?" Tamara yelled as the single ladies gathered to catch her bouquet. Tamara spotted Billie on the fringes of the crowd. She had watched her friend struggle and come to terms with their friendship and her relationship with Kent. She knew that Billie looked up to her as an example of true love, a love that she once thought was unattainable for herself.

Just a few paces behind Billie, Tamara saw Guy Stephens. In the beginning, she had some doubts about him, but he had proved her wrong. Not only was Guy a great assistant to Kent, but he'd proved himself to be a loyal boyfriend to her best friend. From the way that he looked at her, Tamara was happy to see that Billie had finally found someone to lust and to love her. With that, Tamara turned her back and tossed the bouquet of flowers, knowing it would find its next happy couple.

Note from author: Billie Logan first appeared in the Love is Stronger than Pride series as Tamara’s assistant and best friend. This character has bugged me to tell her story for so long. Reading the previous stories will give more background on her character, but isn’t necessary before reading this story. Enjoy!

Written by missluv2write
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