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The Wolf Man And The Wheelchair

"A man befriends a wolf pup then through an accidental finds love"

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Every Sunday, weather permitting, you can find Mike Phillips and his dad Mike Senior under the hood of a car, or under the car.  Mike’s mom, Alice, said if anything happened to either of them, the only way she could identify them was by the butt in the jeans.  Mike Senior worked as a mechanic, so Junior was born with cars in his blood.

That’s the way it was until that day in November when Mike Junior went off to the Navy.  Most of the town was there for the send-off, including the Mayor.  The town was cheering and waving, waving banners, and American Flags.  Alice, well she was there, with tissue in hand, collecting her mixed tears.  Some pride, some for missing Mike already.

During his time, Mike would stay in close touch with his dad.  Mike had his eye on an acre and a half of land by a wooded area owned by the county.  When He had sent enough money home, his dad bought the parcel and titled it in his name.  When Mike returns, he would transfer the title to his son.

Mike Junior sent home the plans for his home.  It wasn’t big, just three rooms.  A getaway if you will.  Dad would send pictures showing his son the progress of his house.  Mom always encloses a letter.  Well, someone has to remind you to brush your teeth and wash them behind your ears.

Five years and four months later, Mike sends his letter home telling his parents he is being discharged in three weeks.  He said he should be home within the month. Dad was jumping for joy, and mom, well you would think she was an expectant mother.  Fresh curtains, and bed linens.  Hot water and vinegar to clean the windows, well you can imagine the rest.

Mike came home to a proud town.  Especially mom and dad.  Sally, his best friend in high school, ran up and jumped in his arms.  The Pastor at the Church held a social for Mike’s return.  Mike’s buddies had a homecoming for him at Uncle Louie’s, the town bar.  Their hero was home safe and sound.

Mike and his dad went back to their favorite pastime, car mechanics.  Mike would go out to his house several times a week.  He was taking furniture and other items he bought from the local shops and church organizations.  After three weeks, Mike moved into his house.

He would sit on the porch with his coffee in the early morning, and just listen to the woods wake up.  One spring morning, the was a yelping sound coming from the edge of the woods.  Mike thought it sounded like an animal in distress.

He went to investigate.  There entwined in a snare was a wolf pup crying for help.  Momma was not far away.  She was watching Mike’s every move.  Mike went back to the house to get some wire cutters and other tools he may need and some bologna to distract the pup. 

As he was trying to free the pup, the pup would snap at him and growl like a big wolf.  He put the bologna in front of the pup, that was enough to keep him busy.  Mike used the cutters to free the pup’s leg, then wrapped it in a gauze bandage.  The pup went limping to momma. 

The female stood there looking at Mike for a while, turned to leave, then turned to look at Mike again.  Mike didn’t stand up at first.  He sat on his heels and waved at the two beautiful animals.  In what seemed to be a gesture of gratitude, the female wagged her tail slightly.  The wolves and Mike headed home.

Four days went by since freeing the pup and Mike was walking onto his porch for his morning coffee.  As he was shutting the door he stopped.  When he looked over his shoulder, the wolf pup was sitting there looking at him.  Mike smiled at the sight and sat down.  If he wants to get closer, he will.  After about fifteen minutes, the pup went back to the woods.  Mike waved.

“Goodbye, Little Wolf.”

Every two days or so, the pup would return, only he would be a bit closer to Mike. 

“Good morning, Little Wolf.”  And Mike would drink his coffee.  It seemed that the pup was staying a little longer with each visit.

“Goodbye, Little Wolf.”

Mike would go into town to run his errands.  He would stop by and see his mom, they would chat.  Of course, he had to stop by his dad’s job and kibitz on the problem the car was giving its owner.

After one afternoon in town, when Mike got home, the pup was sitting even closer than before.  Mike was happy to see his neighbor.  Maybe tomorrow morning, I will try something different.

  The following morning, Mike went out on the porch, but he didn’t sit in his chair.  He placed his cup on the porch floor and walked about ten paces from the porch.  There he placed a saucer and put some milk in it.  He walked back to the porch but didn’t sit in his chair.  He sat on the deck and waited to see what the pup would do.

The pup finally came up to drink the milk.  Every day he would come to Mike’s house, Mike would move the saucer closer to the porch.  Within a couple of weeks, the pup would come on the porch for his saucer of milk. 

Little Wolf would come to the house and follow Mike around like a house pup.  Mike thought he’d take a chance and see how Little Wolf would react to being in his truck.  Mike opened the passenger door, Little Wolf looked at it apprehensively.  But he walked away.  For the following week, Mike would open the door, Little Wolf would stretch his neck and sniff.  He wasn’t sure about this big object.  Then Mike got an idea.

Mike left the door open, walked around to the driver’s side, and got behind the wheel.

“Wanna go for a ride Little Wolf?”  then Mike gently patted the seat.

Little Wolf tried to get in but just couldn’t get enough lift to jump in the truck.  Mike got out of the truck and walked around to the other side of the truck.  He knelt next to the pup and lifted him slowly into the seat.  Mike left the door open for the pup and got behind the wheel again.  Little Wolf curled up on the seat.  Mike reached over to the pup and quietly closed the door.  Little Wolf watched every move.  When the door was shut, he laid down again.

Mike started the truck, and the pup looked up, but the noise didn’t seem to bother him.  When Mike started moving the truck, Little Wolf looked up and started looking around.  He was scared.  Mike put his hand on the pup, and he settled back into the car seat.

The trial and error went on for a couple of weeks.  It worked out very well.  Mike decided to take Little Wolf to visit his mom and dad.  When he pulled into their driveway, he opened the door and let Little Wolf out.  The pup stood next to Mike looking around sheepishly and sniffing the air.

Dad wiped his hands and smiled, “Who is your buddy?”

“This is Little Wolf.  We became friends after I cut him loose from a snare.  This is his first road trip.”

Dad called to Alice, “Hey Honey, we got company.  Mike has a companion.”

When Alice came to the back door, she stopped.  “Michael, is that a wolf?”

“Not just any wolf Mom, this is Little Wolf.”

From then on, when Mike and Little Wolf came to visit, Mom always had a treat for the pup.  When Mike let him out of the truck, he would go to his dad and wag his tail, then go to the back door of the house.  He would sit down, and bark once.  Then Mom came out with his treat. 

One Sunday, Sally was at the house.  Little Wolf got out of the truck and went over to Dad, but then he saw Sally.  He walked toward her sniffing at her.  Sally sat on her heels and put her hand out.  He cautiously sniffed her hand, gave it a quick lick then headed for the back door.

When Little Wolf came by the house, Mike took him everywhere.  The townspeople began calling Mike, Wolf Man, not in a malicious way.  They got to know Little Wolf and he got to know them.  If Mike went into a store, the pup would curl up outside or go off to do wolf stuff.

Mike was walking out of the drugstore when he saw Sally.  He could tell she had been crying.  Mike ran over to his best friend to find out what was wrong.

“Mike, you know I lost my uncle Conway about three years ago.  Aunt Martha never got over his passing.  Two days ago. Aunt Martha and Stella, my cousin, were coming back from the big city.  A car crossed the median and hit them head-on.” 

Sally continued, “Aunt Martha was dead at the scene, and Stella was taken to Benton Hospital in the city.  She is being released tomorrow.  She has lost the use of her legs.  She knows her mom was killed, and she has been told about her situation.  She is severely depressed.  She is coming to live with us.

A commotion started and they all turned to see what was happening.  A middle-aged man was beating and insulting an older man.  Little Wolf came out of nowhere and knocked the attacker down.  He stood in front of the old man, growling at the attacker.   Mike was there in a second.

“Are you all right, sir?  Are you injured?”

The old man turned to look at Mike.  “That is your wolf?” he asked.

“Well, in a way, we’re buddies of a sort.  I cut him out a snare about two years ago and we just kind of became friends.  I hope he didn’t hurt you.  He’s never done anything like this before.  I take full responsibility,”

The old man looked at me.  After a moment he spoke, “My grandfather had told me about people like you.  You understand some carry the souls of our Ancestors.  My grandfather would call you “Wolf Adadoda” It is Tsalagi meaning Wolf Father.  I am in your debt, my friend.

The following day was Sunday.  Mike went to Church with his parents, Mom did a little persuading.  The Reverend always had a good sermon about helping others.  He was very big on people being a community of one. 

With the Service over, Mike was going to his truck.  Little Wolf was lying next to it.  On the way, he saw Sally with a lady in a wheelchair.  He didn’t know the lady but was sure it was Sally’s cousin.  He walked over to introduce himself.

“Good morning, Sally.  How are you ladies doing?  The girl in the wheelchair turned to look at Mike.  She said good morning, smiling.  She was shy.  But Mike was intrigued by her.

Sally said, “Good morning, Mike, I’m fine.  This is my cousin, Stella.  Stella Stratford, this is Mike Phillips.”

Stella smiled at Mike, “I’m pleased to meet you.  I understand you have a new title in town.”

It was right then; Little Wolf joined the group.  He sat right next to Stella.

“Well, isn’t this a fine howdy-do?  Upstaged by my buddy.  And I guess you want me to walk the ladies to their car? “Little Wolf whimpered and then gave out a short bark.

“Well, I’ve been put in my place.  Sally, may I?”

“Absolutely,” Sally said with a wide smile.

When they reached Sally’s car, Mike opened the door but wasn’t sure how to help Stella into the car.  He looked at Sally for help.

“Mike, she has to do it herself.”

Once Stella was in the car, Mike said goodbye to her.  He walked Sally to the driver’s side and opened her door.  As he always had since high school, he kissed Sally on her cheek.  When she got in the car, she rolled the window down.

“How stupid did I look?”

“Not at all Mike.  We’re all learning.  Especially Stella.  She is having a rough time, but I think she likes you.  It was the way she giggled when you didn’t know what to do to help her in the car.”

“Can I see her again?”

“Hey Stella, Mike wants to take you out.  What do you think?”

“Sally!”, Mike piped up, “What are you doing?”

“Do you two want to go on a date or not?” Sally was talking in a very loud tone.

“Yes, I would like –“

“Good, here’s her phone number.  When you decide to stop blabbing and start asking, call.”

Sally drove off and Stella turned to look out the back window.

“Well Little Wolf, can I drive you home?”

Tuesday Mike was back in town.  Little Wolf was doing wolf things, so Mike was on his own.  He went straight to his friend Ed.  Ed had physical therapy practice.  When Mike walked in, Ed was just finishing with a patient.

“Hey Wolf Man, how’s it going?  What can do for you?  Are you hurt?”

“No, Ed.  How would you like free mechanical work on your vehicles for the rest of your life?  You, Karen, your mom and dad, in-laws all your kids, cousins – “

“Woah! Mike hit the binders.  What’s up?”

“I want you to show me what life is like if I can’t use my legs. Like I am destined to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.”

“I’ll tell you now, Wolf Man, it’s not an easy life.  Just changing chairs is a chore.  Why do you want to do this – wait a minute.  Stella?”

“Yea, Ed.  I’m nuts about her.  I looked like a damn fool Sunday when I walked her to the car.  I opened the door for her.  Then I stood there looking like a damn idiot.  I was so pissed off at myself, and I still am.  Ya gotta help me, Ed.  I think I love this girl.”

“Can you be here Tuesdays through Thursdays at four?”


Tuesday Mike was at Ed’s ready for anything.  He didn’t care if he pulled every muscle or broke every bone in his body.  He wanted to understand Stella’s life.  When he walked into the gym, Ed had a sweatshirt with “Wolf Man” on the back. 

“Are you ready Wolf Man?  This is going to be a different world for you.  I still have trouble understanding life in a wheelchair.  Here we go.”

For two straight hours, Ed put Mike through the rigors of wheelchair life.  Every time Mike messed up, he got madder and madder.  Ed told him that was only one aspect of wheelchair life.  The trials and the failures.  But you must conquer it. 

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When Mike got home, Little Wolf was on the porch waiting.  He sprang right up to meet a worn-out buddy.  Mike went into the house, and Little Wolf followed.  Mike put his saucer of milk down and grabbed a beer.  Sitting there thinking, her life must suck. He was getting ready for bed when Little Wolf let out his bark to go out.  Mike let him out and went straight to bed.

When Mike got up the next morning, he didn’t have a muscle that wasn’t screaming obscenities at him.  He thought if she must go through this, so will I.  And Little Wolf was barking for his milk.  That was fine until Mike bent to put it on the floor.  Oh, that hurts.

Sunday was coming fast and so was the Church Picnic Mike promised to take Stella.  Mike went to his dad for help.  He knew that between the two of them, he could make Stella’s life a little better.  What Mike had in mind was to make the passenger seat of his truck swivel out, so when Stella transferred to it from her chair, she only had to unlock the seat and it would go back to the normal position.

Dad came up with the design, and Mike went to work to reconfigure the seat.  When his dad got home, he would check on the progress.  Dad would take over so Mike could eat.  Mom made his sandwich and brought a beer.  She was so proud of her son.  Little Wolf supervised the entire operation.

Sunday morning was just beautiful.  Mike was leaving to pick up Stella when Little Wolf appeared.  Mike opened the door and Little Wolf jumped in.  When Mike pulled up in front of Stella’s house, Little Wolf moved to the jump seat behind the passenger seat.  Mike was amazed, he had never done that.

Mike went up to the door and asked for Stella.  She was looking so beautiful in her blue sundress.  When they got to the car, Mike positioned the chair in just the right place for Stella’s transfer.  She looked at Mike and smiled.  He opened the door, and Stella inhaled sharply in surprise.  The seat was facing her. 

Mike removed her arm from the chair, and Stella moved into the truck with relative ease.  He showed her where the catch was to let the seat swivel to its forward position.  Stella was holding back tears.  Sally and her mom let the tears flow, and Dad smiled with approval.

From the back seat, Stella got an unsuspected wet kiss.  Little Wolf was happy to see her.  Stella started to laugh.

“So, Wolf Man, I see you brought the militia to make sure you behave yourself.  I’m happy Little Wolf is here.”

Little Wolf spent the day right next to Stella.  It was like he was on guard.  She would reach down to pet him, and he would sit up to make it easier for her than lie down again.  After a while, Little Wolf trotted off for a while.  Wolf stuff I’m guessing.  He was back well before it was time to leave.

When we got back to Stella’s, it was just dusk.  Mike helped her out of the truck and walked her up to the door.  They were holding hands and talking.  Then Stella gave me a little devilish smile and winked.

“Sally, if turn on that porch light I will never speak to you again.  Do you hear me!”

From behind the door, we could hear their laughter.

“Stella, may I speak freely?”

“Sure, Mike.”

“I don’t give two hoots in old man Conner’s holler if the damn porch light is on or not.”

Mike bent over and gently kissed Stella.  When their lips parted, Stella looked into Mike’s eyes.  They were beginning to tear up.

“I love you, Wolf Man.”

“And I love you, Stella.”

He kissed her again and wrapped his arms around her.   Then they looked into each other’s eyes. 

The heat of summer was giving way to the cooler days of autumn.  Mike had made changes to his house for Stella when she would visit as did his Mom and Dad.  Little Wolf seemed to be around less, but he was maturing, and time for him to start his family.  Mike started thinking. 

It was an early light frost, and Mike went to his porch with his coffee.  He had Little Wolf’s saucer, but he had a funny feeling he wouldn’t need it.  As he sat there with his hands around his coffee mug, out of the corner of his eye he was Little Wolf.  But he wasn’t alone. 

Little Wolf approached Mike, he turned to see if she would follow.  She didn’t.  Little Wolf went up to Mike and sat next to him.  Mike put the saucer down, and Little Wolf whimpered.  Mike picked it up.  Little Wolf put his front paws on Mike and put his head in his lap.  Mike was stroking his thick fur, winter was coming.

Little Wolf got down from Mike’s lap and started down the ramp from the porch.  He turned to look at Mike.  He gave a quiet bark, then started to walk toward his mate.  When he was almost at his mate, he turned to look at Mike one more time.

“’ Go on Little Wolf.  Go with your Little Lady.  Live a long and happy life together.  I’ll be here if you need me.”

Little Wolf joined Little Lady.  They looked at Mike and Little Wolf let out a lonesome howl.  They turned and walked toward their home, the woods.  Mike cried.

When morning came, Mike knew what he had to do.  Last night only proved what he already knew.  He loved Stella, period.  He went to talk to Ed.

“Ed, no one knows this but you.  I am going to ask Stella to marry me.  I want to dance with her at our wedding.  You design it, I’ll build it.  Keep this under your hat.”

“Wolf Man, I’m so happy for you.  I am sure, she will accept.”

Mike didn’t say a word to another human being about asking Stella to marry him.  He went into the city to buy the ring, he went directly to the bank and put it in his safe deposit box.  He was trying to think of a way to get his Mom and Dad, Sally and her parents, and Stella together without tipping his hand.  If only he could be like Little Wolf and go off with his mate.

Damn it.  There must be a way.

During Sunday’s Service, the Reverend announced they were going to start planning for the Halloween party.  Mike had an idea.  He knew he could trust Ed, but who else could he trust?  THE REVEREND!  Of course, why hadn’t he thought of this before?

Monday morning, Mike was on the phone with the Reverend.  He told him what he wanted to do, and asked if he had any ideas.

“Wolf Man, your love for Stella is the worst-kept secret in this town.  What do you have planned to ask her without telling anyone else?”

“Sir, I have no Idea.  I did tell my friend Ed, he would die before giving up the secret.  I’m stuck.”

“Michael, He gives us opportunities, we have to see them and grasp them.  The meeting for planning the Halloween party.  After we have all of the activities planned and have volunteers to cover them, what if we have one more activity that you will be in charge of?  That being asking Stella to marry you.”

“Reverend, just how close are your ties with Him?”

“He loves romance too, Michael.”

The meeting was set for the fifth of October.  Everyone was there and everyone was ready and willing to give their services.  The Reverend methodically worked through the list of activities and those who would be there to work them. 

After the list was completed, the Reverend asked for a volunteer for one more activity.

“Michael, would you like to ask for a volunteer for your activity?  Please be sure to choose carefully.  This is probably the most important one of the evening.”

Michael got up and walked to the front of the room.  Everyone could tell he was nervous.

“My asking for a volunteer goes a bit past the Halloween Party.  I can’t plan it alone. I need a special person to help and guide me through this.”

With that, Michael walked up to Stella, got on one knee, opened the small jeweler’s box, and offered it to Stella.

“Miss Stella Stratford, will you marry me?”

The room went dead quiet.  Stella sat there looking at Michael and then at the ring.  She turned to look at Sally and her aunt and uncle.  Stella was just staring at Michael and shaking. 

Stella was still staring at Michael.  It was thought she was ignoring the ring.  Then in a split-second, Stella yelled out:

“Yes, yes Wolf Man I love you and I will marry you!”

The hall erupted in cheers.  Stella shoved her chair from under her and flung herself into Michael’s arms.  He caught her and was kissing her.  Her legs may have been limp on the floor, but her arms had all of the strength she needed to hug and kiss Michael.

Well, you have heard how Wolf Man and I met and got married.  But I, Mrs. Stella Phillips, want to tell you the rest of the story.  Well, maybe not the rest but let me bring you up to date. 

The Reverend gave us a beautiful ceremony.  And, as he was known for, stressed family and community.  The day was glorious for August.  Everyone was there.  I wish my mom and dad were there, but I think they were. 

Sally was my Matron of Honor, and her daughter was my flower girl.  The Reverend’s youngest son was a perfect ring bearer.  Michael’s cohort in crime, Ed was his best man.  When Ed finally fessed up and told me Michael spent seven weeks, three nights a week, and three hours each night to find out what my life in a wheelchair was like.  What kind of man does that?

When it was time for the bridal dance, I looked at Michael.  I was scared.  I didn’t want to ruin our wedding because of my, my oh god damn it my condition.  As always, Michael was there for me.  He, Ed, and his dad had configured some contraptions.  Michael asked the band to be patient.  Ed rolled out this, this upright wheelchair.

Michael picked me up and placed me on the seat of the chair.  Sally took my train and draped it over the back of this chair.  After they had finished with the straps, Michael asked the band to play.  He had them play, “The Wedding Song”.

Michael took me to the center of the floor.  I was almost standing upright.  He reached out to me, I grabbed his arms.  Somehow, our bodies were touching as we danced.  And we danced and danced.  At one point, he gently pushed me out and brought me back into his embrace.  And we danced and we danced.  For the first time since high school, I DANCED!!

I know some of you what to get to the wedding night.  So here ya go. 

After the reception, Michael took me to his house.  When he carried over the threshold, he said it was now our home.  He had a chair by the front door so he could sit me down until he brought in my wheelchair.

Michael opened the champagne that was left by his parents, with glasses etched with our wedding date.  We drank a couple of glasses while we listened to the soft romantic music Michael found on the radio. My heart was pounding.  Our wedding night was just beginning.

I asked Michael if I could freshen up, and he smiled and kissed me.  He said not to hurry, we have a lifetime ahead of us. Despite all his reassurance, I was still scared.  I knew what was going to happen, or what was supposed to happen, I am not like other women. I have limitations.

I told Michael I had finished in the bath, and it was his turn.  I heard him in the shower, I was getting more apprehensive.  I did not want to disappoint a man who had gone through all that he had gone through to be left unsatisfied.

Michael came out of the bath, with our glasses and the waning bottle of champagne.  He poured what was left and we had our toast. 

When the champagne was finished, I pulled back the covers.  I was wearing a barely see-through nightie and robe.  Michael cuddled up next to me.  I have never known a more gentle, thoughtful man. He gently made me his wife.

With our marriage consummated I curled into his strong arms.  I loved the feeling of his body next to mine.  I love his scent, his being.  I am safe.  My mom and dad are happy.

Today, Michael and I are celebrating our two-hundred-and-seventy-ninth-day anniversary.  He is bringing me home from the hospital with Michael Phillips III.  It’s a beautiful spring day.

Michael comes into my hospital room and kisses me.  The nurse brings in Michael the third.  He’s hungry, just like his daddy.  Michael is at my breast, and his father is looking at us.  I have never seen a more peaceful look on a man.

We’re on our way home.  I’m wondering if Grandma will be able to identify three butts in blue jeans.  I think she will. I’m looking at my husband, the man whom I was able to give a son.  His son is sleeping in my arms, but he thinks it’s lunchtime.  Just like his father.

We pulled into the driveway.  Michael gets my wheelchair ready.  I handed him our child.  He holds him and tries to help me.  Since he changed the seat in the truck, getting in and out is much easier for me.  I’m settled in my chair, and he hands me our baby.  We are heading to the front door, and we hear a bark.

On the hill by the woods are Little Wolf and Little Lady.  I guess they came to welcome us home. No, wait.  They have two little pups with them.  But how would Little Wolf know that we -.  Silly me.  Wolf Man.

I have Michael turn me so they can see us.  I show them baby Michael.  Little Wolf howls.  It’s as though he is telling them about us.  I’m sure he is. He pushes his pups in front of Little Lady.  He is wagging his tail like a proud pappa would. 

He starts to turn, his mate turns with him.  She starts to slowly head for the woods, Little Wolf is lagging behind.  He turns to look at us one more time.  He raises his head to the sky and gives a long loud howl. 

Our two families have met.  I wonder what lies ahead for us and Little Wolf’s family.

Thanks for listening.

Written by DepartedSoul
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