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The Bun also Rises Chapter 3 - Liz and Prince Malcolm

"Mary has a night at home with her sister and makes plans for her date."

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Mary came bursting through the door at home. “Liz! Liz are you sleeping?”

“How could I be with all that shouting? Jeopardy's on, so shut up!”

Mary walked through the entry hall in the front of the house into the kitchen and threw her bags on the farmhouse table.“Oh, who cares about Jeopardy? I've got big news!” She was mindlessly flipping through the mail, discarding junk, and adding to the bill pile at the end of the table that served as her home office.

“Two minutes, Final Jeopardy is on.”

Done with the mail, Mary went through the dining room and down the short hall to the bedrooms. She pulled off her parka, put it in the coat closet and continued till she got to Liz's room. She leaned against the jamb with her arms crossed. “What is the Count of Monte Cristo?”

“Son of a bitch Mary, I was just about to say that.”

“Yeah, sure you were.” Mary laughed.

Liz muted the T.V. “Well now that you've ruined Jeopardy for me, what's this big news you have?”

“Well... I had a date tonight.”

“Shut up!” Liz said in mock indignation. “Why didn't you tell me you had a date?”

“Because I made the date this morning.”

“So I assume that your phone is broken. When are you going to get a new one?”

“No, my phone isn't broken, sorry I didn't call.”

Liz rolled herself to her side and looked at Mary. “Well shit little sister, it must have gone well. You are absolutely beaming!”

Mary took the few steps it took to get to the bed and sat down on the side. “Before we get into that, tell me how was your day?”

“Same as usual.”

“What time did Tess leave?”

Tess was the afternoon home health aide. She was in charge of making sure Liz got a shower and did all of the personal hygiene necessities. In Mary's eyes Tess was an angel sent from heaven above. She was the person that had made it possible for Mary to become Liz's sister again.

“She left around six. She had to go and get her niece from daycare.”

“That's fine. You're on schedule with your meds?”

“Yep, she gave me the last shot for the day before she left. I just need my PM pills tonight, but she left them on the nightstand. I'm all set. So you've put me off long enough. Spill.”

“Scooch over.”

Liz wiggled over to one side of the bed and Mary laid down next to her. This was her most favorite time with her sister, cuddled together in the same bed, just like when they were kids.

“His name is Joe Ferguson. He's working up at the new bridge project in Chester. He's a bit older than me, forty-five. He's tall, dark and handsome. He's got a good build, muscular, got a little bit of grey in his hair. You know, the George Clooney sexy hair. He's got beautiful grey eyes and he's a really nice guy.”

“So did he ask you out?”

“No, I asked him out!”

“Well isn't this a day of surprises. My sister has grown a set!”

“I know!”

“I don't know if I believe you. Really, you asked him out?”

“Yep, when he came in this morning for coffee, he said that I looked really nice. I remarked that I had dressed up for him. He was obviously stunned by my beauty. I, cool, calm, and collected, inquired if he would care to join me for a cup of coffee after work. He said he would love to.”

“Yep. I call bullshit. I'm going to assume that you stammered, and stumbled your way through it, possibly vomited on his shoe, and was incoherent for most of it. All while red as a beet.”

“Oh dear sister, you know me so well.”

Liz put her arm around Mary. “That's what I thought. So when do you get to see this Joe again?”

“Saturday night, he asked me out on a dinner date. He's going to take me over to Tom's in DeSoto.”

“Aren't we living high on the hog.”

“Trying to make a good impression, I think. He knows I'm a bit of a foodie, and didn't think Reids was a first date option. I told him the food was good comfort food, but he wanted something fancy. So I'm not complaining.”

“Well, you're going to have to find something fancy to wear. What do you have in your closet that would work?”

“Nothing that doesn't have flour on it. But I'm sure I can find something to wear. What about that brown dress?”

“Mary, you look like a big old turd in that dress. Absolutely not.”

Mary sat up in bed and gave her sister a look. “Wow Liz, just wow.”

“Well, you know what I mean. It's just... well it's turd like and there's no other way around it.”

“Why in the hell didn't you tell me earlier? I've been going around town looking like a turd!”

“Ahh don't worry. None of those were dates, so they didn't really matter.”


“Whatever. Listen go shopping tomorrow night after work. As a matter of fact why don't you close a bit early and go. Friday is always slow in the afternoon anyways. Get everything ready for Tommy and take off.”

“You know, I think I might. I own my own business for a reason, after all. If I can't do this once in a while, then why the hell am I killing myself?”

“Right on sister!”

“Hey, I'm going to make dinner. Got any ideas?”

“Yeah, gnocchi with pesto and garlic bread.”

As Mary stood in the kitchen and cooked dinner, she thought about her day. She couldn't believe that it had really worked. It had been a while since she had been on a real, honest to goodness date. Sam the car salesman was the last one. What a smarmy, handsy jerk he'd been. On the car ride home from the diner, where their date was, he tried to put his hand up her skirt.

He got a hand slap and no kiss at the end of the night. What had happened to chivalry? What happened to opening doors, and pulling out chairs? Was it dead? It seemed like it was in this town. All these men wanted was sex for a cheap dinner and maybe a beer down at Moof's. Why couldn't life be like all those romance novels?

Mary plated up dinner and put in on the tray and carried it down the hall to Liz. They ate and watched TV, a nightly routine in the Hemingway house.

Liz was the first to break the silence. “What are you going to wear?”

“I don't know. I guess I'll find a dress to wear. It's a shame that Misselhorns closed up. I guess I'm going to have to go over to the Factory Connection in Perryville. Maybe find a nice black dress.”

“Know what you should get? How about a nice new panty set, with a pair of suspenders, and some real silk stockings. Maybe even a fancy new pair of fuck me stilettos.”


“Oh stop, when was the last time you had sex with a man? The bathroom shower head and the vibrator in your room doesn't count either.”

“Jesus Christ Liz, can we not talk about this. You're embarrassing me.”

“Oh stop being such a prude. You're thirty-eight, you masturbate. I'm forty-one, and I masturbate too.”

“I can not believe we are having this conversation, as a matter of fact, we're not having this conversation because you are going to stop talking.”

“Listen, it's been a while for you. There is nothing wrong with double clicking the mouse. Hell it's been what seems like an eternity for me. And well, every so often, I'll get the urge to flick the old bean. There's nothing wrong with it. As a matter of fact, it just means that you have a healthy sex drive.”

“Why?” Mary just blankly stared at Liz. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“We all have to have some outlet, especially if we aren't getting boned on the regular.”

“That's it!” Mary stood up, “I'm done with this conversation.”

She grabbed the dinner tray and headed off to the kitchen.

Loading the dishwasher, Mary was still shaking her head. She really didn't want to think about her sister. Doing what she said she was doing. That was just... Nope.

She got the counters wiped off and lit the tangerine dream candle, turned out the lights and headed to the living room to watch some television. She wanted to do a little research and see what was on sale at the dress shop and check her emails. Not to mention she had an email that she had to write to Lou to tell him all about her date.

Mary flipped through the channels and found an old rerun that she didn't really have to pay attention to. She opened up her email, and read the few that had come in during the day. Most were just crap, but there was one from an old high school friend, Sherry. She wasn't her favorite person, but she was nice enough. It was getting to be time for their twentieth reunion. Good god could it really be twenty years already? It seemed like yesterday.

There were a couple of cute dresses on sale. She couldn't spend too much, but Liz was right she needed to treat herself just a little bit. She was going to take her sister's advice and get herself some new lingerie too. She needed a smart little set; everything she had was old and a bit worn.

Perfect. If she could find a dress tomorrow, she could wear it again to the reunion.

After an email to Lou, some dress shopping and looking for a new recipe for the bakery, Mary was done for the night. She turned off the television and headed to her room. She stopped in to check on Liz before she went to bed. It looked like Liz had been asleep for a while. It was times like this when it hit Mary how sick Liz really was. She did such a good job of being upbeat and fun it was easy to forget. She was a really good big sister.

When they had got the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, Mary had nearly died inside. She couldn't believe that her own sister had gotten such a raw deal. Liz was too nice to get something that would slowly take everything from her. Mary had no idea how it all worked, how fast her sister would loose control of her body. She didn't know there were different kinds. She didn't know anything, but she learned, she learned fast.

For the most part now, Liz was doing great. They were controlling relapses with medication. She had good days and bad days, but really doesn't everyone? Their next big hurdle was going to be working on the house so it could accommodate a wheelchair. They had a small one for trips to the bath, etc. But with the small halls and narrow doors of their 1950's ranch, getting a motorized wheelchair was difficult.

They still had a while before that would be necessary. Liz could get around but she needed a hand. She stayed in her room most of the time because she became so easily exhausted. But the time would come, hopefully later rather then sooner, where her mobility would be so reduced she would have to depend on a wheelchair. Mary was dreading that day. She wasn't sure how she could pay for the house to be reconfigured.

While the thought of moving to a better suited house had crossed her mind, that was going to be the absolute last possible option. Her grandparents had built this house and she had lived her all her life. She didn't want to give it up, but in the end she knew that she would do what was best for her sister. If that meant moving, so be it.

Mary slipped into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She looked at the shower, and decided that she would take one in the morning. As she brushed she mentally made notes for tomorrow. If she left early she would have to get a little bit of extra work done in the morning. That meant no goofing around. She could always leave a list for her one and only employee, Tommy. He was a good worker; she could really depend on him.

Mary turned on the little lamp beside her bed, took off her clothes and crawled under the covers. It was sad, but to her this was the best time of day. She relished her alone time. No one needed her or asked her questions. She could just be. As she snuggled down in her cocoon of blankets, she grabbed her book. She loved her trashy novels. The sex was decent and the stories were always ridiculous and predictable. Mary just ate it up.

She was in the middle of “The Passion of Prince Malcolm.” It was basically the same story as every other trashy novel. Man sees woman, he must claim her as his own. Headstrong woman will not be possessed by a mere man. Fiery battle of wit and word commence. Man finally wins over woman’s heart, but not without what could be the longest session of fornication known to man. Woman will finally pledge her soul to this man, but we all really know who wears the pants in that family.

Malcolm grabbed Rhona by the arm. "Dammit woman, why must you be so pig headed?"

Pig headed? Pig headed, oh I'll show you pig headed, you great oaf. You can kiss the chance of us ever being together goodbye.” Malcolm pulled Rhona in. She could feel his hot breath against her cheek. The scratch of his whiskers against her delicate snow white skin. His arm encircled her waist, and his hand came up to the front of her bodice.You will be mine, Rhona. Mark my words. You will be mine.”Get your hands off of me. I will not be treated in this way.”Don't you understand, you fiery woman? I want you, I must have you.”You don't get to have me. I will not be possessed like that. I will never be yours.”

Malcolm mauled her breast with his giant hand, and brought his lips down on to hers. Crushing her and taking her breath way, he was relentless as he devoured her mouth.

Rhona moaned under his touch. She drew deep breath and steadied her resolve, she would not give in to him. Her hands balled into fists and beat at his broad chest. She broke free from him. “Damn you. Damn you to hell.”Woman, while you may be my hell, you are also my heaven. You are my breath and the beat of my heart.” With one swift motion, he scooped her up into his arms. “You are the light in my soul, and now you will be the fire in my loins.” He climbed the stairs up to his chamber and kicked open the door.Put me down. Put me down right now.”As you wish my lady.” Malcolm strode over to the bed and dropped Rhona in the middle of it.

Rhona was seething with anger.“Now lets get some things straight. I love you, and I know that you love me too. You just have to admit it to me and to yourself.”
I will do no such thing.”Malcolm grabbed her arm and pulled her across the bed to him. “You'll tell me you love me.” His great hand encircled her wrist and he brought her hand to his lips.

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Ever so gently he began kissing the tips of her fingers.Rhona's eyes closed. She drew a deep breath as his lips moved from her finger tips to her palm and then from her palm to her wrist, and up her arm.You'll tell me you love me.”Still Rhona's lips were sealed.He pushed her sleeve up and kissed the crook of her elbow. He found the ribbon that cinched her bodice tight and pulled. As he worked his way across her bare shoulders towards the rise of her collar bone he whispered, “Tell me.”The only sound that came from Rhona was a deep moan as he kissed the hollow of her neck.

Malcolm worked the bodice ribbon and pulled it away, letting it fall to the bed. She sat there in her chemise and skirt.

Tell me.” Malcolm traced the curve of her breast. His thumb grazed her nipple. He could see it become ridged under his ministrations.

Breathlessly she whispered,“I can't.”He laid her back on the bed, “You can, and by the time I get done with you, you'll be screaming it.”Rhona's eyes smoldered with need. Her hand tentatively came up to the side of Malcolm's face. Softly she caressed his cheek. She looked into his eyes. Shaking her head, “I can't, Malcolm. I can't give my heart to you. You won't know how to take care of it. I need a rock in my life, and the only thing that you will bring me is life on a stormy sea.”Malcolm eased off of her and lay next to her on the bed. “Oh lassie, I'll be your rock. My roving days are over. Stand with me and I will protect you from the storms that churn the sea. Be my woman and want for naught from this moment on.”She looked deep into his eyes, piercing the outer shell and looked right into his soul. “Aye.”

Rhona could feel the truth in this man, see the purity of his soul. “Aye, but so help me God, I will burn you if you treat me poor.”This is my solemn vow. You'll not have to worry about a straying eye, or a wandering heart. Right now, I give them both to you. They are yours till they carry me down into the glen to bury me. Even in death, they will be yours. Forever, I'll promise you that.”Then take me Malcolm and make me yours.”Malcolm pulled at the strings that tied her skirt. She lifted her hips and he pulled the skirt down. Her full length chemise was loose and hid her lithe body. Her fiery red hair hung all around her shoulders in tight ringlets framing her doll like face. Malcolm stared into her green eyes, “Are you sure?”As sure as I've ever been.”What changed your heart?”I can see it in your eyes. A mans mouth may lie, but never his eyes. You have sworn a vow to me. You know the consequences should you decide to wander.”Aye, that I do.”So I'll not ask you again, Malcolm. Take me. Make me yours.”Rhona sat up in bed next to him and pulled at the ribbon that held the chemise on her. She never took her eyes off of Malcolm as she slid it over her shoulders and down her arms. Slowly the material slipped over the perfectly round globes on her chest. Her puckered rosy nipples stood out, begging to be touched. So very lightly, her fingers started to trace over the tops of her breasts as she stared down Malcolm. Her eyes now were black with lust.

Malcolm could take no more. His manhood strained against his britches. He needed her. Reaching for her, his fingers threaded through her thick mane, pulling her down to him. He began to drink her in. First her mouth and jaw, then neck, chest, breast, and nipple. Paying attention to each.

Rhona could no longer contain herself and the fiery vixen emerged. She became wild with passion. She rolled herself up onto Malcolm, straddling his large torso. Her mound wet on his stomach and his thick pulsing cock resting, waiting, against her rear. Nibbling and biting at his neck and shoulders, she began to work her way down. She took his tight little nipple into her mouth, tugging and pulling at it with her teeth.

Malcolm took in a sharp breath. “Damn woman, what are you doing to me?”Shh. Just lay back and enjoy. You'll have your time to enjoy me.”Rhona lifted her hips and moved back, letting his cock slid through her wet mound. A slow groan escaped Malcolm's mouth.

Don't worry, I'll let you explore there some more in a bit.”As she slithered down his body his hardness slid up along her belly, coming to rest between her breasts. Slowly back and forth Rhona moved, letting his sex fuck her.

Oh Rhona. Oh God, that feels so good.”Well then, this should feel better.” On the last upward thrust she caught the top of his manhood in her mouth. Taking just the head in her mouth, she sucked. Rhona sat back on to Malcolm's lap and grasped his shaft in her little hands. It took both together to get all the way around it. How was she going to get it inside of her? Her hand and her mouth in unison, she took as much of him into her mouth as she could.

He was far too large to take it all. She did the best that she could. From his groans and moans she figured that she was doing an alright job. With a steady rhythm she continued till Malcolms hands came to her shoulders and stopped her.

No more, woman. You are undoing me. I canna take it any longer. It's your turn.” As he said it, he rolled her on to her back.

Crouching over her, he began. His head dropped to her chest and in turn took each nipple into his mouth. Rhonas body responded to his touch. His fingers traced the curve of her breast, down to her round tummy and over her full hips. Cleaving her thighs with his thumbs, he rested his hands upon her knees and pushed them out to the side.

Rhona lay before him in all her heavenly glory, her delicate lily fragrant at full blossom. Bowing his head, he breathed deep her musky scent, a mixture of wanton sex and rose water. Her milky white skin shone like alabaster in the flickering firelight. And like a peach her mound was delicate of flesh and slippery with the nectar of lust.

At first just tasting the fruit, and then eating the succulent ripe peach with abandon. Malcolm gazed at Rhona as she lay in his bed, her ginger hair spread across the white linen like flames licking at the soul of his manhood.
Mary was chuckling to herself. “My god, this is so bad!” The writing was just so cheesy, but that was what she expected, and slugged through looking for the good part. Malcolm was about to give Rhona the what for. She snuggled a bit deeper into the blankets and kept reading. For a moment, she thought about putting her hand in her panties, then decided not to. Honestly, she was just too tired to make the effort. Also, she was having a hard time getting her sister out of her head. Still, gross.

Rhona's back arched to meet her lovers mouth. “Tell me Rhona. Tell me and I'll take you to heaven.” Rhona rested herself on her elbows and looked at Malcolm. His deep tan against the creamy white of her own was almost startling. He was so handsome with his dark hair and his beautiful clear blue eyes. “I don't know why it's taken me so long. I love you, Malcolm.” Hovering over her, his muscles rippled as he supported his weight. She spread her legs wide to give herself to him. Ever so gently, he pushed his manhood into the velvety cave. More and more till she was filled to her molten core. Then they began the dance. Moving in time with each other, as millions of couples had done before them and millions of couples would do after them. Rhona's arms out stretched to grab at anything that would steady her as she rode though wave after wave of orgasm. Feverishly Malcolm pumped into her, making up for all the lost time that she had pushed him aside. She was his now, he had taken her body and soul. This coupling would never be broken as it was forged in the fire of passion.
Mary rolled her eyes. She stuck her bookmark in and threw the book on her bedside stand. Turning off the lights, she pulled the blankets over her head and drifted off to sleep.

In what seemed like no time at all the alarm was letting her know that her day was about to begin. She lie in bed and tried to shake the cobwebs off. She was still in that special place in the morning when you can remember in vivid detail every moment of your dream. But as you recall each scene it drifts away and you can't quite remember it in total again.

She sat in bed in the dark, and she could swear that Joe was on top of her. There was a fire in the background and she had red hair. There was a moisture between her thighs and she had that lowness in the pit of her womanhood.

Mary leaned over and flipped on the light. The dream was gone.

Dragging herself to the shower, she labored through her morning routine. Mary made sure she looked decent just in case Joe came in this morning. She couldn't show up to work looking like a schulb anymore. She passed Liz's room and peeked in. Still asleep. Once in a great while Liz would be up when Mary went to work, but it was rare. Grabbing her coat, she hit the lights and was out the door. She could be pretty quick in the morning even when she had to take a shower.

The morning went on as usual. Usual customers and usual orders. At 8:45 she popped back to the bathroom and checked herself in the mirror, and hoped that Joe would make an appearance. Right on schedule 8:56 came around and so did he.

“Good morning! You're looking delectable this morning.”

All of the sudden, Mary realized that everything had changed. What once was a flirty, but not serious, salutation had become very serious. She could feel her cheeks blush.

“Good morning Joe, how are you today?” She had already put his croissant in the oven to warm and was busy making his cup of coffee.

“I'm really good Mary, really good. I'm excited about tomorrow night. I've called and made reservations. Seven o'clock is good for you?”

“I'll be ready. I'm really excited too, Joe. I'm even headed out this afternoon to do a little shopping.”

“Really? What are you shopping for?” He gave his eyes a little twinkle and his brows did the little dance that said 'Oh please let it be lacy and sexy!'.

“A dress, and maybe something else. We'll see.” She was already starting to blush.

Joe let out a deep laugh. “Well whatever you buy, you're going to be beautiful.” He was making his way towards the door, he stopped turned around and went back to the counter. He stood in front of Mary and hoisted himself over the counter and gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Tomorrow night, seven pm, be ready.”

Mary could feel the heat rising. A broad grin crept across her face. “I will be.”

She watched him leave, and as soon as he was out of sight she jumped up and gave a whoop. She hadn't been this excited for anything in a long time. The rest of the day flew by; Mary had her nose to the grindstone. She wanted to be out and on the road by 1:30 at the latest. It was only about twenty minutes over to Perryville, but she wanted as much time as she could for shopping. She still needed to get back to relieve Tess by seven or so.

Tim stopped by for lunch. She always enjoyed his company for the few minutes that he stayed. He was a good friend, and it was always nice to make friends with the police. You never know when their services would be called upon. He had seemed a bit distant today, not his usual jovial self, but she didn't have the time to worry about Tim at the moment.

Mary got everything together. She left a list for Tommy, put a sign in the window, and locked up. A Friday afternoon off. As she waited for her car to warm up, she took out her phone and called Liz.


“What's up?”

“So I'm on my way to shop, wanna come with?"

“Oh tempting. I mean it's frigid, there is 4 inches of frozen slush on the ground, and I'm in a wheelchair. How could I pass up such a lovely afternoon?”

“Well, I'm sorry I called!”

“No, I'm glad you did. If it would have been any nicer out I would have jumped at the chance to get out of this house. But it's not worth the hassle for you to cart me around.”

“That's bullshit. It's not a hassle and it's been a long time since I went shopping with my sister. I want you to come. So be ready in ten minutes. I'm on my way home to get you. Besides who else is going to keep me from looking like a turd?”

“Fine then, you drive a hard bargain. Tess! Tess! I'm going out. Can you come and please give me a hand?”

“Good. I'm on my way.”

Mary hung up as she heard her sister and Tess discussing what she was going to wear. She would give Tess the rest of the afternoon off, but make sure she still got paid. That woman was so good to them, it was the least she could do. She always tried to bring treats home from the bakery for her and her niece. Tess would groan every time Mary walked in with a bakery box. She'd say that her ass was about as wide as the Mississippi, but she still took that box home!

Mary pulled up in front of the house, left the car running, and went into get Liz. She grabbed a set of crutches and ran them out to the car. It would be easier for the short trips. Mary planned on taking Liz out to dinner, another treat that didn't happen that often.

Liz came out into the living room. “Are you sure you want to take me?”

“Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't sure. Besides, when was the last time that we went out shopping together? If you so much as mention the trip to Walmart last week, I'll kick you in your shins.”

“Fine if you're sure.”

“No more talk about that. What do you think about a full-fledged girls' night out?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Well, instead of going over to Perryville, I was thinking about heading up to St. Louis. They have a lingerie store up there, that I've been dying to go to. I haven't had a reason, till now. It's going to make for a long evening, but are you up for it?"

“Hell yes! It's been too long. Let's go, and we can go out to dinner, my treat. Someplace fancy too.”

Mary turned the car around and got on route three going north. Liz picked out the music, eighties hair bands, and they rocked out to Def Leppard and Quiet Riot all the way to the city limits.

Written by MamaScribe
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