Five o'clock came so fast Friday morning. My trip, to West Virginia, was going to be a seven hour long drive from South Carolina, but it was going to be well worth it.
It was still dark when I pulled the rented Jeep Cherokee out on to the highway. It was a cool, slightly foggy morning. The headlight beams passed through the mist and illuminated the road ahead. As I drove, the nervousness set in even more, knowing what waited for me at the end of my journey; a short stay in a destination with the woman I met online three years ago.
The drive through the mountains was as beautiful as the woman I was going to meet. I kept seeing her lovely face in the peaks of the changing golden-brown and orange-red leaves that surrounded the interstate. They served as a sweet reminder of my awaiting destination I was so looking forward to viewing.
Time was going rather quickly. Before I knew it, the sign for Mineral Wells flashed ninety-nine miles to go. At least the radio kept me company while the miles clicked away. The image of the lovely woman I would see at the end of my long ride helped also. I smiled again as her face entered my mind.
I did not even have to look at the street signs to know I was entering Mineral Wells. The speed limit changed and slowed me to fifty-five, letting me know the turn off the interstate to the Microtel would be coming soon.
Then, there it was. The sign to the Microtel was on my right. I pulled into the parking lot. I chose a spot and sat there a moment, holding the steering wheel. The reality of what was happening set in. I looked at the clock. It was 1:40. I arrived twenty minutes earlier than expected, according to the GPS. About fifteen minutes before I arrived at the hotel, she texted and said she had something to do first and would be there a little after 2:00. However, I could not text back since I was driving. Now stopped, I could.
I checked in, got my bag and entered room 110. It was quite nice. I sat my bag down and texted her I was checked in and the room number. I offered to meet her at her car if she did not want to come inside. If that made her more comfortable, I understood. Now I would have a few minutes to formulate a plan on how we would meet. However, my cell ringing surprised me.
I was not going to answer, but the name on the caller ID, told me I had too. My aunt would have made a big deal if I had not. It was the dumbest mistake. Well, I would not say the dumbest. My aunt had a reason for calling and had no idea I was in West Virginia. Of course then, I had to call my parents to tell them why my aunt called. Yeah, that does sound lame, but my aunt does not ever want to call long distance and since mobile to mobile is unlimited, guess who gets the calls?
What happens while I'm on the phone with my mom? That's right. I get text messages and of course, I could not look at them. I felt so stupid. Here I was, on the phone and the woman I had traveled seven hours to see, sent me two texts to tell me she was at the hotel. I just knew she was going to hate me. Then, as I was still talking, there was a knock on my room door.
My heart sank into my stomach. This was not how I wanted our first face-to-face meeting to go. I wanted to open the door, see her standing there, and take her into my arms and kiss her cheek and escort her inside. Oh no, that did not happen. Instead, I opened the door, phone in hand, and felt like a stupid schmuck. At least she did smile. That was a plus to an already awkward meeting.
She said,"Hi," and I explained why I had not answered her texts. Poor thing even stood outside the door before she knocked. She heard me talking on the phone and told me she was not sure if she had the right room. She thought I was not the only one in the room. I only imagined how she felt as she stood on the other side of the door listening.
She put down her bag and I looked at her and said, "Hi," again to lessen the awkward moment, but I was shaking inside. I could tell she was also. Finally, I told her to make herself at home and she sat on the edge of the bed and me on the stool in front of the chair.
It was a good thing I already told her about my crazy aunt. She laughed as I explained again why I had not answered her texts. It was a good way to break the ice. The more we talked, I began to feel the awkwardness slip away, but I could tell it was a different feeling for her. She was still uncomfortable. I could not blame her. Although we had been texting for three years, meeting in person was a total different thing. I totally understood.
I was hungry, only having a sandwich on the way, so I figured a good way to get to know each other a little more was to ask if we could get something to eat. The Cracker Barrel beside the hotel was a perfect place to chat. We walked to it. It was nice. When early dinner was over, she asked what I would like to do. Seeing I was not in normal surroundings, I relied on her suggestions.
Now, this may sound weird to some, but we actually shopped. She took me to her favorite places and asked if I had them in South Carolina. I told her we had the same ones for the most part, but there were a couple we did not have. So, what did we do? We went into those as well. They were nice, but not as nice as the time I was having. I enjoyed it just because I was beside her the whole time. That's what made it special.
After we looked around, we sat in the food court waiting for "St. Vincent," the movie we decided to see, to start. I was a Bill Murray fan, so I knew I'd enjoy it. She knew who he was, but it was the first time she would see one of his movies. It was definitely a good movie and a perfect role for Bill Murray, but one has to see "St. Vincent" to know why it's titled that.
After it was over, we made our way back to the hotel where, and I'm not going to lie, I had thoughts of using what God had given me for an evening of blissful wonder. One look at her though as she removed the outer layer of her clothing, I knew she was not ready. I was okay with that. Really, I was.
She climbed into bed first. I was hesitant. I looked at her and asked if I could join her and she answered with one word; "Yes." I was happy about that. I took my jeans and shirt off and joined her. As soon as I did, it happened.
At first, I was not going to say anything. I knew, however, that if I kept quiet, I would be wrong. So, with a slight hesitation in my voice, I spoke.
“I want you to know something, I’m ready. I’ve been aroused the whole time I’ve been beside you.”
“I figured,” she answered and smiled slyly.
“It actually started when I held your hand in the mall.”
She giggled. I liked her giggle. I liked her sly smile. Hell, I liked everything about her.
I touched her arm, looked her in the eyes, and said, “But I know you are uncomfortable and I understand. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want too. But I just want you to see,” and as I said that, she smiled and nodded.
I slid out of bed slowly and stood. I took off my boxers with my back to her. I turned around slowly, my cock rock hard, and let her look. I watched her expression and she was giddily smiling. I took that as a good sign. I knew she understood from where I was coming. Furthermore, I knew where she stood on the issue.
After she observed what she did to me, I said, “Well, that’s it. I know it isn’t much, but I wanted you to see. I’ll sleep with my boxers on,” and I slipped them back on and got back in bed.
It was an awkward moment and we both knew it would be best to sleep, so I cut off the television. However, I forgot one thing. I forgot the light. She giggled and said, “You might want to get the light.”
I laughed and said, “Yeah, that might be a good idea.” I got up once again to turn the light off and then found myself beside her, this time, in total darkness.
Before we knew it, we were both out like a light. I was not sure about her, but it sure felt right being beside her. It was a night I was never going to forget. Little did I know, it was going to be an even better morning.
Rays of the sun passed through the cracks of the curtain and illuminated the hotel room slightly, awaking me, and allowing me to look at her face turned my direction. She was still sleeping soundly, or so I thought. I inched closer to her and wrapped my arm around her. She opened her eyes and smiled. I smiled back.
"I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you," I said.
"You didn't. I was awake."
"Well, you don't have to get up, but I need to get some breakfast." She knew why. We already discussed it. "Do you want me to bring you something back?" I asked and she shook her head no.
I brought back a waffle and washed it down with a cup of coffee. I was just about through eating when she got up and started the shower. I did not say anything about going with her, even though I told her days before that if there was one thing I wanted to do, it was to take a shower with her.
She obviously remembered. As I tossed my plate into the trash, she came out of the bathroom and said, "I'm going to shower, you can join me if you like."
She did not have to tell me twice. I waited for her to get in then made my way. I removed my boxers and it landed beside her shirt and panties and I said, "Okay, I'm coming in."
There was a slight hesitation in her voice before she answered, "Okay."
I pulled the shower curtain aside slowly and stepped into the hot mist falling over her naked body. With her arms folded in front covering her breasts, she gave me that shy smile as I stood taking in the nervous moment. Slowly, she let her arms down, still with that shy sly smile showing. She was absolutely beautiful. I could not remember the last time I had seen something more sensual and gorgeous. The water drizzling down her hot pale skin as it dripped from her dark hair onto her body made her even lovelier. It was a moment I would cherish forever.
Of course, the effect on me was immediate. She noticed, but did not say anything. How could she not notice me having risen instantly? However, the civility of the moment entered when she asked for her shampoo and, just as quickly as I had grown, I subsided to my normal state.
I watched as she lathered her hair. Suds fell from each strand onto her shoulders and ran down her body. While she continued to let the shampoo cleanse her mane, I lathered the washcloth with her body wash. After she had rinsed her hair, I asked, "May I wash you?"
Again, she smiled and said through closed lips, "Mmhm."
Slowly, I ran the washcloth over her shoulder, trailed it over her chest where her breasts sloped down, and to her other shoulder. From there, I glided down her side across her stomach to the other side and up where I stopped at her right breast. Before I went any further, I looked at her and asked, "Can I?"
A simple, "Yes," came from her lips, but I could hear the nervousness in her tone. I could tell though she knew I would be gentle.
Slowly, I cupped her breast with the washcloth and massaged over it then under, lifting its slight heaviness gently. I felt her soft nipple through the washcloth as I moved back over it again then made my way to her left one and did the same.
I did not feel it would be right to go lower, so I told her to turn around so I could do her back. When I was done, she turned back around and I asked, "Is that good?"
She answered with, "Uh huh," and I passed the washcloth to her. She took it and began running it over my chest. It felt wonderful to have her hands on me, even if it was through a wet sudsy cloth. Her small hands on my body felt wonderful. I could tell when she went lower down my stomach, she was a little hesitant as she almost touched my manhood. I almost told her to go ahead, but did not want to push it. I wanted her to be comfortable.
After she washed my back, we took turns rinsing off and then grabbed towels. I stepped out first and dried off and headed back into the room. I shivered as the cold air hit me and as she stepped into the room, I looked at her and said, "I've got to get back in the bed a few minutes to warm up."
She joined me and I grabbed her hand and held it and said, "Thank you."
She looked at me and said, "You're welcome."
We held hands while, not saying anything. It was a special moment for both of us. I hoped that she had the same warm feeling I had. Then the silence was broken by the tender tone of her voice.
"Do you wanna?" she asked as she turned her head and looked at me.
I know I looked at her with a stunned look. Finally, words came to my mouth, "Are you sure?"
"I think we need to so we can get rid of the awkwardness," she said. "You do have them, right?"
"Yes sweetie, I do. If you're ready, I'm ready." I answered and slipped out of bed to go to my bag to get the condoms.
When I made my way back to the bed, I was already hard and she was slipping her panties off. I lied on the bed beside her and tore the condom wrapper open and began to slip it on, but stopped and asked, "Did you want to do it?"
She smiled and said, "No, you go ahead."
The condom fit perfectly over my erection and when I was ready, I awkwardly positioned my body, nervously getting tangled in the sheets, between her open legs. I looked down at her and I knew she was nervous. I could see it on her face.
I felt the warmth of her tender womanhood on the tip of my hardness as it lingered near her opening. I knew I was close to entering, but wanted to make sure so I glanced down and saw how her pussy was slightly open. Her labia was a bright pink and quite moist. I reached down and positioned my cock and asked, "Am I there?" Before she could answer, I felt the tip of my cock enter her warm dampness and I answered my own question with, "Oh yeah, I'm there," and her vagina drew me inside on its own.
She sighed heavily as I sank all the way inside her. Her warm wetness gripped me with a gentle touch as I began to slide in and out, feeling her hot well lubricated walls against my hard ridges. I looked down at her as I slowly lifted and landed on her soft body she invited me into. She was absolutely beautiful under me. Her body glowed and her face let me know its satisfaction.
Suddenly though, after only about five minutes, the moment hit me. I felt somewhat ashamed. I actually tried to hold it off and slowed my thrusts a little.
It was still dark when I pulled the rented Jeep Cherokee out on to the highway. It was a cool, slightly foggy morning. The headlight beams passed through the mist and illuminated the road ahead. As I drove, the nervousness set in even more, knowing what waited for me at the end of my journey; a short stay in a destination with the woman I met online three years ago.
The drive through the mountains was as beautiful as the woman I was going to meet. I kept seeing her lovely face in the peaks of the changing golden-brown and orange-red leaves that surrounded the interstate. They served as a sweet reminder of my awaiting destination I was so looking forward to viewing.
Time was going rather quickly. Before I knew it, the sign for Mineral Wells flashed ninety-nine miles to go. At least the radio kept me company while the miles clicked away. The image of the lovely woman I would see at the end of my long ride helped also. I smiled again as her face entered my mind.
I did not even have to look at the street signs to know I was entering Mineral Wells. The speed limit changed and slowed me to fifty-five, letting me know the turn off the interstate to the Microtel would be coming soon.
Then, there it was. The sign to the Microtel was on my right. I pulled into the parking lot. I chose a spot and sat there a moment, holding the steering wheel. The reality of what was happening set in. I looked at the clock. It was 1:40. I arrived twenty minutes earlier than expected, according to the GPS. About fifteen minutes before I arrived at the hotel, she texted and said she had something to do first and would be there a little after 2:00. However, I could not text back since I was driving. Now stopped, I could.
I checked in, got my bag and entered room 110. It was quite nice. I sat my bag down and texted her I was checked in and the room number. I offered to meet her at her car if she did not want to come inside. If that made her more comfortable, I understood. Now I would have a few minutes to formulate a plan on how we would meet. However, my cell ringing surprised me.
I was not going to answer, but the name on the caller ID, told me I had too. My aunt would have made a big deal if I had not. It was the dumbest mistake. Well, I would not say the dumbest. My aunt had a reason for calling and had no idea I was in West Virginia. Of course then, I had to call my parents to tell them why my aunt called. Yeah, that does sound lame, but my aunt does not ever want to call long distance and since mobile to mobile is unlimited, guess who gets the calls?
What happens while I'm on the phone with my mom? That's right. I get text messages and of course, I could not look at them. I felt so stupid. Here I was, on the phone and the woman I had traveled seven hours to see, sent me two texts to tell me she was at the hotel. I just knew she was going to hate me. Then, as I was still talking, there was a knock on my room door.
My heart sank into my stomach. This was not how I wanted our first face-to-face meeting to go. I wanted to open the door, see her standing there, and take her into my arms and kiss her cheek and escort her inside. Oh no, that did not happen. Instead, I opened the door, phone in hand, and felt like a stupid schmuck. At least she did smile. That was a plus to an already awkward meeting.
She said,"Hi," and I explained why I had not answered her texts. Poor thing even stood outside the door before she knocked. She heard me talking on the phone and told me she was not sure if she had the right room. She thought I was not the only one in the room. I only imagined how she felt as she stood on the other side of the door listening.
She put down her bag and I looked at her and said, "Hi," again to lessen the awkward moment, but I was shaking inside. I could tell she was also. Finally, I told her to make herself at home and she sat on the edge of the bed and me on the stool in front of the chair.
It was a good thing I already told her about my crazy aunt. She laughed as I explained again why I had not answered her texts. It was a good way to break the ice. The more we talked, I began to feel the awkwardness slip away, but I could tell it was a different feeling for her. She was still uncomfortable. I could not blame her. Although we had been texting for three years, meeting in person was a total different thing. I totally understood.
I was hungry, only having a sandwich on the way, so I figured a good way to get to know each other a little more was to ask if we could get something to eat. The Cracker Barrel beside the hotel was a perfect place to chat. We walked to it. It was nice. When early dinner was over, she asked what I would like to do. Seeing I was not in normal surroundings, I relied on her suggestions.
Now, this may sound weird to some, but we actually shopped. She took me to her favorite places and asked if I had them in South Carolina. I told her we had the same ones for the most part, but there were a couple we did not have. So, what did we do? We went into those as well. They were nice, but not as nice as the time I was having. I enjoyed it just because I was beside her the whole time. That's what made it special.
After we looked around, we sat in the food court waiting for "St. Vincent," the movie we decided to see, to start. I was a Bill Murray fan, so I knew I'd enjoy it. She knew who he was, but it was the first time she would see one of his movies. It was definitely a good movie and a perfect role for Bill Murray, but one has to see "St. Vincent" to know why it's titled that.
After it was over, we made our way back to the hotel where, and I'm not going to lie, I had thoughts of using what God had given me for an evening of blissful wonder. One look at her though as she removed the outer layer of her clothing, I knew she was not ready. I was okay with that. Really, I was.
She climbed into bed first. I was hesitant. I looked at her and asked if I could join her and she answered with one word; "Yes." I was happy about that. I took my jeans and shirt off and joined her. As soon as I did, it happened.
At first, I was not going to say anything. I knew, however, that if I kept quiet, I would be wrong. So, with a slight hesitation in my voice, I spoke.
“I want you to know something, I’m ready. I’ve been aroused the whole time I’ve been beside you.”
“I figured,” she answered and smiled slyly.
“It actually started when I held your hand in the mall.”
She giggled. I liked her giggle. I liked her sly smile. Hell, I liked everything about her.
I touched her arm, looked her in the eyes, and said, “But I know you are uncomfortable and I understand. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want too. But I just want you to see,” and as I said that, she smiled and nodded.
I slid out of bed slowly and stood. I took off my boxers with my back to her. I turned around slowly, my cock rock hard, and let her look. I watched her expression and she was giddily smiling. I took that as a good sign. I knew she understood from where I was coming. Furthermore, I knew where she stood on the issue.
After she observed what she did to me, I said, “Well, that’s it. I know it isn’t much, but I wanted you to see. I’ll sleep with my boxers on,” and I slipped them back on and got back in bed.
It was an awkward moment and we both knew it would be best to sleep, so I cut off the television. However, I forgot one thing. I forgot the light. She giggled and said, “You might want to get the light.”
I laughed and said, “Yeah, that might be a good idea.” I got up once again to turn the light off and then found myself beside her, this time, in total darkness.
Before we knew it, we were both out like a light. I was not sure about her, but it sure felt right being beside her. It was a night I was never going to forget. Little did I know, it was going to be an even better morning.
Rays of the sun passed through the cracks of the curtain and illuminated the hotel room slightly, awaking me, and allowing me to look at her face turned my direction. She was still sleeping soundly, or so I thought. I inched closer to her and wrapped my arm around her. She opened her eyes and smiled. I smiled back.
"I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you," I said.
"You didn't. I was awake."
"Well, you don't have to get up, but I need to get some breakfast." She knew why. We already discussed it. "Do you want me to bring you something back?" I asked and she shook her head no.
I brought back a waffle and washed it down with a cup of coffee. I was just about through eating when she got up and started the shower. I did not say anything about going with her, even though I told her days before that if there was one thing I wanted to do, it was to take a shower with her.
She obviously remembered. As I tossed my plate into the trash, she came out of the bathroom and said, "I'm going to shower, you can join me if you like."
She did not have to tell me twice. I waited for her to get in then made my way. I removed my boxers and it landed beside her shirt and panties and I said, "Okay, I'm coming in."
There was a slight hesitation in her voice before she answered, "Okay."
I pulled the shower curtain aside slowly and stepped into the hot mist falling over her naked body. With her arms folded in front covering her breasts, she gave me that shy smile as I stood taking in the nervous moment. Slowly, she let her arms down, still with that shy sly smile showing. She was absolutely beautiful. I could not remember the last time I had seen something more sensual and gorgeous. The water drizzling down her hot pale skin as it dripped from her dark hair onto her body made her even lovelier. It was a moment I would cherish forever.
Of course, the effect on me was immediate. She noticed, but did not say anything. How could she not notice me having risen instantly? However, the civility of the moment entered when she asked for her shampoo and, just as quickly as I had grown, I subsided to my normal state.
I watched as she lathered her hair. Suds fell from each strand onto her shoulders and ran down her body. While she continued to let the shampoo cleanse her mane, I lathered the washcloth with her body wash. After she had rinsed her hair, I asked, "May I wash you?"
Again, she smiled and said through closed lips, "Mmhm."
Slowly, I ran the washcloth over her shoulder, trailed it over her chest where her breasts sloped down, and to her other shoulder. From there, I glided down her side across her stomach to the other side and up where I stopped at her right breast. Before I went any further, I looked at her and asked, "Can I?"
A simple, "Yes," came from her lips, but I could hear the nervousness in her tone. I could tell though she knew I would be gentle.
Slowly, I cupped her breast with the washcloth and massaged over it then under, lifting its slight heaviness gently. I felt her soft nipple through the washcloth as I moved back over it again then made my way to her left one and did the same.
I did not feel it would be right to go lower, so I told her to turn around so I could do her back. When I was done, she turned back around and I asked, "Is that good?"
She answered with, "Uh huh," and I passed the washcloth to her. She took it and began running it over my chest. It felt wonderful to have her hands on me, even if it was through a wet sudsy cloth. Her small hands on my body felt wonderful. I could tell when she went lower down my stomach, she was a little hesitant as she almost touched my manhood. I almost told her to go ahead, but did not want to push it. I wanted her to be comfortable.
After she washed my back, we took turns rinsing off and then grabbed towels. I stepped out first and dried off and headed back into the room. I shivered as the cold air hit me and as she stepped into the room, I looked at her and said, "I've got to get back in the bed a few minutes to warm up."
She joined me and I grabbed her hand and held it and said, "Thank you."
She looked at me and said, "You're welcome."
We held hands while, not saying anything. It was a special moment for both of us. I hoped that she had the same warm feeling I had. Then the silence was broken by the tender tone of her voice.
"Do you wanna?" she asked as she turned her head and looked at me.
I know I looked at her with a stunned look. Finally, words came to my mouth, "Are you sure?"
"I think we need to so we can get rid of the awkwardness," she said. "You do have them, right?"
"Yes sweetie, I do. If you're ready, I'm ready." I answered and slipped out of bed to go to my bag to get the condoms.
When I made my way back to the bed, I was already hard and she was slipping her panties off. I lied on the bed beside her and tore the condom wrapper open and began to slip it on, but stopped and asked, "Did you want to do it?"
She smiled and said, "No, you go ahead."
The condom fit perfectly over my erection and when I was ready, I awkwardly positioned my body, nervously getting tangled in the sheets, between her open legs. I looked down at her and I knew she was nervous. I could see it on her face.
I felt the warmth of her tender womanhood on the tip of my hardness as it lingered near her opening. I knew I was close to entering, but wanted to make sure so I glanced down and saw how her pussy was slightly open. Her labia was a bright pink and quite moist. I reached down and positioned my cock and asked, "Am I there?" Before she could answer, I felt the tip of my cock enter her warm dampness and I answered my own question with, "Oh yeah, I'm there," and her vagina drew me inside on its own.
She sighed heavily as I sank all the way inside her. Her warm wetness gripped me with a gentle touch as I began to slide in and out, feeling her hot well lubricated walls against my hard ridges. I looked down at her as I slowly lifted and landed on her soft body she invited me into. She was absolutely beautiful under me. Her body glowed and her face let me know its satisfaction.
Suddenly though, after only about five minutes, the moment hit me. I felt somewhat ashamed. I actually tried to hold it off and slowed my thrusts a little.

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It was no use though. The moment fell all on me since she was so lusciously lubricated, so heavenly hot, and so tantalizingly tight. Plus, it had been so long since I had been inside a woman, I knew it was inevitable.
Right before I let go, I warned, "I'm about to..."
"It's okay," her tender voice said and she patted my arm with her hand.
Immediately, I came extremely hard, the fluid flowing in spurting sequences, through my pulsing hard cock buried deep inside her hot moist center. My core ejected at lightning speed as it filled the barrier covering my sexuality in the depths of her pink walls of lushness. My ejaculation, so damn long and strong, felt as if I was emptying everything I had inside me, into her, and then some extra I did not know I even had. It was that intense.
Now having gone almost soft, I slipped out and collapsed beside her under the sheets. I folded my half back and revealed myself, the condom slick with her sexual stimulant and its tip heavy with my cum trapped inside, so I carefully removed it. I was not sure if she watched me do so and saw how much volume I came. Then I got up and disposed of what had been a little time of our connection and climbed back in bed.
She was now sitting up and I rubbed her back and said, "Now, tell me how I can help you."
She smiled at me and said, "I'm fine."
I was not too sure since I knew she was not able to finish. I wanted her to be satisfied. I asked, "Are you sure?" and again, she looked at me and smiled. That smile said it all. For when I saw that smile, I knew she was truly fine.
Not long after that, she got out of bed and dressed. I followed suit and soon we were out of the room door and into the car and heading to Ohio. She thought of a place she wanted me to see.
After a nice day out, we arrived back at the hotel. We both took stuff off, enough stuff to be comfortable, and I cut on the television. I flipped channels and landed on the Addams Family movie. We watched that until the end and I slipped beside her into the bed. I took her hand as I did and held it tightly. She smiled.
We were still watching television, but I was not concentrating on what was on it. I was thinking of being inside her again. I knew I may have been doing the wrong thing, but I turned to her and said, "I'd like to try again, but I understand if you don't want too, and I'm not gonna make you."
She gave a little laugh with that little smile, but still did not say anything. It was just that look. I pretty much knew where I stood with that reaction.
However, I continued to hold her hand as we watched whatever it was on the television. I was just happy to be beside her.
I then took a few drags on my electronic cigarette and when I placed it back on the bedside table, I was surprised as she said, "We can try again if you want."
I looked at her and asked, "Really? Are you sure?"
"Yes," she answered with a smile.
Immediately, I was instantly erect. I jumped out of bed to get another condom out of my bag. I had it on just as fast as I had gotten hard. I climbed back into bed, but this time, with more finesse than this morning, I was once again between her legs. This time, I entered her nice and slow.
She was just as warm and slick as she had been this morning. I lowered my body onto hers a little more than I had earlier. I could feel her skin on mine when I leaned down and kissed her between her breasts as I thrust deep into her. I felt her labia sliding along my shaft as I slowly slunk into her hot wet chasm. I heard her breaths come long and slow as I landed upon her hot body. I knew this time, I was going to last longer, and right after I thought that, I pulled upward to start thrusting and popped out of her.
I said, "Uh oh" and gave a chuckle and looked down. It was a little dark there, so I had to feel for her entrance.
She giggled and said, "A little to the left," and I slid my erection over and found her opening again and sank slowly into her, starting where I left off.
I was moving in and out of her warmth at a steady rate. She wrapped her legs around me as I moved. I felt her legs tighten against me. I took that as a good sign I was pleasing her. I glanced down at her and watched her body jiggle as I entered her in long slow even strokes. Again, her body glowed as we tenderly connected.
Suddenly, she began to get wetter and I began to slide easier into her and I felt myself getting close. I said in a very soft voice, "I'm getting close."
"It's okay," she announced easily.
I continued to penetrate her in a slower fashion, but the spasm hit me quicker than I thought. "I'm gonna cum," I responded and made one last stroke into her.
Again, she replied, "It's okay," and I let go.
The pulses exited me again like they had in our morning session. In strong long twitches, my cock pulsed inside her. If I had not been wearing the condom, I was sure she would feel the splat of my climax land inside her hot core.
Once again, I cleaned up and got back in the bed beside her. I looked at her and asked, "Want to cuddle?"
"We can. How do you want to do it?"
"Like this," I said and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close to me. She felt so good next to me. Her body fit into my arms nicely. It was evident that she was meant to be there.
We talked a while as we held each other. I began to also rub her back softly. Then I kissed her just below her neck and said, "I really do love you," and squeezed her tighter.
"I love you too," she answered and we both fell asleep holding on to each other.
Sunday morning came quicker than I expected. I knew there was something wrong with her, but I kept quiet. She kept moving more than she had during our two nights together. She was more restless. When she leaned up, I knew I could not keep quiet.
I patted her on the back and said, "What's the matter, sweetie?"
She answered by asking if I had any headache medication. Of course, that was the one thing I did not think about bringing with me. So, I went and asked the hotel concierge, but there was none, so we headed to the convenient stores. I was going to make sure she was cared for properly.
When we got back to the hotel, she took what I drove her to get and got back in bed. I went for some breakfast and afterwards, I slid in beside her again. I wrapped my arm around her and held her while she slept. I wanted her to know I was there.
A couple hours later, she opened her eyes and looked at me. I looked back at her and asked, “Feeling any better?”
“Yes. I’m sorry about this morning.”
“Aww, sweetie, don’t be. I knew there was something wrong. I knew you woke up a few times, and I wanted to say something then, but I didn’t know if I should have. When I saw you lean up that one time, I knew I had to then.”
“I was going to say something before you did, but I didn’t want to disturb you.”
My arm, still around her, I squeezed a little more and said, “Sweetie, you will never disturb me,” and she responded with that sweet smile I loved.
We then got up and headed to the Cracker Barrel across from the hotel for an early lunch or a late breakfast, in my case, and when we were done, we decided that Sunday would be our lazy day.
And it was. All we did was watch television. Well, I watched television because my favorite sporting event, NASCAR, was on and she studied for class. The time went by rather quickly and we both were getting hungry, and there just so happened to be a lull in the race, so I said, “Let’s go eat. There is no telling when the green flag will wave again.”
She tried to convince me to stay, but I told her we did not have to and ended up at Texas Roadhouse for dinner for the second night in a row. While there, I made the mistake of looking at the live leaderboard of the race on my cell. It became quite humorous as we talked about it. It was even more humorous when my favorite driver won.
Of course, we headed back to the hotel and we got comfortable. I was flipping the channels on the television and landed on "Ghost Adventures." We watched while I held her hand the whole time.
I turned to her and smiled and asked, "Can I kiss you?"
She giggled and smiled and said, "Yes."
I turned to face her and scooted closer and kissed her tenderly. Her lips were soft and warm and touching them felt right. When we came apart, I said, "I've been wanting to kiss you for so long, just didn't know when the time was right." She only smiled. That was enough for me.
I turned back to the television and began watching again when she surprised me by saying, "You want to? You have one more right?"
"Yes, I do. Are you sure sweetie?" I asked.
"Yes. I want too."
I looked at her and asked, "Before we do, can I try and arouse you a little?"
She smiled and giggled that giggle again and said, "Yes."
I got up to get the last condom to have it ready and when I climbed back in bed, I turned and kissed her and said, "If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, you tell me."
She answered with, "Okay," then I ran a finger between her breasts. I felt her shiver a little. Her skin was soft and warm and she took a deep breath as my hand fell over her right breast and began to massage it slowly.
I looked into her eyes as I pressed into her tender mound. Her nipple rubbed my palm as I moved in circles over her soft tissue. I kissed her as I did then found my lips lower to her left breast. I kissed her breast gently and licked her nipple and she took in a deep breath. Her nipple was warm, soft, and supple. I tasted the heat in it as I closed my lips around it.
I slid my other hand from her breast and slowly trailed over her stomach and down between her legs. I stopped as my hand rested on her mound and asked, "This okay?"
She looked at me and said, "Yes," and I moved my hand lower.
I felt the short hairs prickle my fingers as I massaged over her natural incision. Her labia were hot and wet as my finger slid between them. I felt her vaginal opening ooze stimulation as my finger glided through it back to the top. I let my finger linger there a few seconds, rubbing in circles, and she breathed deeply. I went lower again and this time, when I found her damp opening, I slid my finger slowly inside. She shuddered as I did.
Back and forth, I stroked inside her until her stimulant covered my digit. She was hot and soaked and I could tell she was ready.
I looked at her and said, "I can feel you are there."
She giggled that giggle again. "Are you ready for me now?"
"Yes," and I leaned over and tore the condom package open and slipped it on my throbbing hard cock.
I moved over and she opened her legs once again and before I entered her, I slid my erect head through her hot wet slit, up and down, making sure she was ready. When I knew she was, I slowly inserted myself into her for a third time during the weekend.
This time, she was hotter, was wetter, and was breathing deeper as I thrust slowly into her. I leaned down upon her body a little more than I did the last two times and felt her wholeness under me. It felt so right with her there.
In slow even strides, my body connected to hers naturally, but also in more ways than just one. We were touching each other in ways than we had before. She wrapped her hands around my arms as I braced myself to keep pushing. Her hands felt wonderful there as I continued to share myself with her as she shared herself with me.
Suddenly, the moment hit me and I leaned up to feel my spasm form. I said, "Sweetie, I'm gonna..."
She already knew and answered, "I know. It's okay."
I pushed one last time and this time when I released my center, I felt it flow from deep within myself in jets of hot pulsing desire. As I came, I felt her hot walls squeeze me, pulling every drop deep into her. On my last pulsing spasm, I moaned deeply. I had to catch my breath before I exited her. I looked down at her as I straddled her body. She was still holding my arms with her hands. She looked so beautiful doing so.
I slipped out of her again and disposed of our barrier and collapsed beside her. She turned and faced me and I kissed her soft lips again. She was ever so beautiful when she glowed. I took her hand and said, "I wasn't gonna ask to do it again. I'm glad you did. I'm glad I came to see you sweetie. I love you."
"I'm glad you came, also. I love you too," she answered and I took her into my arms and there, in the hotel bed, we cuddled, still naked, enjoying what we had shared.
She held on to my hand as I held her tight. She kept rubbing the top of my hand with her fingers gently. It felt nice and beautiful as she caressed me there as I kept her close to me.
I knew sleep was on the way, so I said, "Ready to sleep now?"
"We can," she replied.
I turned the television off and cuddled a little closer to her and there we stayed until sleep filled our bodies. However, as sleep entered us, it was in the back of our minds that the morning meant my departure.
When the sunrise began to show through the cracks of the hotel room's curtain, it meant my time to go was near. We both got up at the same time, I got the shower ready, and we both showered together one last time. It was a very quiet moment. I knew we were just taking it in without saying anything.
We got breakfast and then began packing our things. Once all together, we walked out to the concierge desk and I said, "We're checking out," and I was given a receipt.
We walked out to our cars and I put my stuff in the rental and she put her stuff in her car. We looked at each other first and then I took her in my arms, knowing it was going to be the last time for a while. We held on to each other for a long time. There were no words.
When we finally let each other go, we looked at each other again. I kissed her once, came apart and said, "I love you," and then kissed her again.
"I love you too," she answered when we came apart that second time.
Neither one of us wanted to get in our cars, but it was something we had to do. We both knew it would not be the last time we would see each other though. As I drove down the road knowing this, I smiled because this had only been the beginning; the beginning of a long life together. I could not wait.
Right before I let go, I warned, "I'm about to..."
"It's okay," her tender voice said and she patted my arm with her hand.
Immediately, I came extremely hard, the fluid flowing in spurting sequences, through my pulsing hard cock buried deep inside her hot moist center. My core ejected at lightning speed as it filled the barrier covering my sexuality in the depths of her pink walls of lushness. My ejaculation, so damn long and strong, felt as if I was emptying everything I had inside me, into her, and then some extra I did not know I even had. It was that intense.
Now having gone almost soft, I slipped out and collapsed beside her under the sheets. I folded my half back and revealed myself, the condom slick with her sexual stimulant and its tip heavy with my cum trapped inside, so I carefully removed it. I was not sure if she watched me do so and saw how much volume I came. Then I got up and disposed of what had been a little time of our connection and climbed back in bed.
She was now sitting up and I rubbed her back and said, "Now, tell me how I can help you."
She smiled at me and said, "I'm fine."
I was not too sure since I knew she was not able to finish. I wanted her to be satisfied. I asked, "Are you sure?" and again, she looked at me and smiled. That smile said it all. For when I saw that smile, I knew she was truly fine.
Not long after that, she got out of bed and dressed. I followed suit and soon we were out of the room door and into the car and heading to Ohio. She thought of a place she wanted me to see.
After a nice day out, we arrived back at the hotel. We both took stuff off, enough stuff to be comfortable, and I cut on the television. I flipped channels and landed on the Addams Family movie. We watched that until the end and I slipped beside her into the bed. I took her hand as I did and held it tightly. She smiled.
We were still watching television, but I was not concentrating on what was on it. I was thinking of being inside her again. I knew I may have been doing the wrong thing, but I turned to her and said, "I'd like to try again, but I understand if you don't want too, and I'm not gonna make you."
She gave a little laugh with that little smile, but still did not say anything. It was just that look. I pretty much knew where I stood with that reaction.
However, I continued to hold her hand as we watched whatever it was on the television. I was just happy to be beside her.
I then took a few drags on my electronic cigarette and when I placed it back on the bedside table, I was surprised as she said, "We can try again if you want."
I looked at her and asked, "Really? Are you sure?"
"Yes," she answered with a smile.
Immediately, I was instantly erect. I jumped out of bed to get another condom out of my bag. I had it on just as fast as I had gotten hard. I climbed back into bed, but this time, with more finesse than this morning, I was once again between her legs. This time, I entered her nice and slow.
She was just as warm and slick as she had been this morning. I lowered my body onto hers a little more than I had earlier. I could feel her skin on mine when I leaned down and kissed her between her breasts as I thrust deep into her. I felt her labia sliding along my shaft as I slowly slunk into her hot wet chasm. I heard her breaths come long and slow as I landed upon her hot body. I knew this time, I was going to last longer, and right after I thought that, I pulled upward to start thrusting and popped out of her.
I said, "Uh oh" and gave a chuckle and looked down. It was a little dark there, so I had to feel for her entrance.
She giggled and said, "A little to the left," and I slid my erection over and found her opening again and sank slowly into her, starting where I left off.
I was moving in and out of her warmth at a steady rate. She wrapped her legs around me as I moved. I felt her legs tighten against me. I took that as a good sign I was pleasing her. I glanced down at her and watched her body jiggle as I entered her in long slow even strokes. Again, her body glowed as we tenderly connected.
Suddenly, she began to get wetter and I began to slide easier into her and I felt myself getting close. I said in a very soft voice, "I'm getting close."
"It's okay," she announced easily.
I continued to penetrate her in a slower fashion, but the spasm hit me quicker than I thought. "I'm gonna cum," I responded and made one last stroke into her.
Again, she replied, "It's okay," and I let go.
The pulses exited me again like they had in our morning session. In strong long twitches, my cock pulsed inside her. If I had not been wearing the condom, I was sure she would feel the splat of my climax land inside her hot core.
Once again, I cleaned up and got back in the bed beside her. I looked at her and asked, "Want to cuddle?"
"We can. How do you want to do it?"
"Like this," I said and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close to me. She felt so good next to me. Her body fit into my arms nicely. It was evident that she was meant to be there.
We talked a while as we held each other. I began to also rub her back softly. Then I kissed her just below her neck and said, "I really do love you," and squeezed her tighter.
"I love you too," she answered and we both fell asleep holding on to each other.
Sunday morning came quicker than I expected. I knew there was something wrong with her, but I kept quiet. She kept moving more than she had during our two nights together. She was more restless. When she leaned up, I knew I could not keep quiet.
I patted her on the back and said, "What's the matter, sweetie?"
She answered by asking if I had any headache medication. Of course, that was the one thing I did not think about bringing with me. So, I went and asked the hotel concierge, but there was none, so we headed to the convenient stores. I was going to make sure she was cared for properly.
When we got back to the hotel, she took what I drove her to get and got back in bed. I went for some breakfast and afterwards, I slid in beside her again. I wrapped my arm around her and held her while she slept. I wanted her to know I was there.
A couple hours later, she opened her eyes and looked at me. I looked back at her and asked, “Feeling any better?”
“Yes. I’m sorry about this morning.”
“Aww, sweetie, don’t be. I knew there was something wrong. I knew you woke up a few times, and I wanted to say something then, but I didn’t know if I should have. When I saw you lean up that one time, I knew I had to then.”
“I was going to say something before you did, but I didn’t want to disturb you.”
My arm, still around her, I squeezed a little more and said, “Sweetie, you will never disturb me,” and she responded with that sweet smile I loved.
We then got up and headed to the Cracker Barrel across from the hotel for an early lunch or a late breakfast, in my case, and when we were done, we decided that Sunday would be our lazy day.
And it was. All we did was watch television. Well, I watched television because my favorite sporting event, NASCAR, was on and she studied for class. The time went by rather quickly and we both were getting hungry, and there just so happened to be a lull in the race, so I said, “Let’s go eat. There is no telling when the green flag will wave again.”
She tried to convince me to stay, but I told her we did not have to and ended up at Texas Roadhouse for dinner for the second night in a row. While there, I made the mistake of looking at the live leaderboard of the race on my cell. It became quite humorous as we talked about it. It was even more humorous when my favorite driver won.
Of course, we headed back to the hotel and we got comfortable. I was flipping the channels on the television and landed on "Ghost Adventures." We watched while I held her hand the whole time.
I turned to her and smiled and asked, "Can I kiss you?"
She giggled and smiled and said, "Yes."
I turned to face her and scooted closer and kissed her tenderly. Her lips were soft and warm and touching them felt right. When we came apart, I said, "I've been wanting to kiss you for so long, just didn't know when the time was right." She only smiled. That was enough for me.
I turned back to the television and began watching again when she surprised me by saying, "You want to? You have one more right?"
"Yes, I do. Are you sure sweetie?" I asked.
"Yes. I want too."
I looked at her and asked, "Before we do, can I try and arouse you a little?"
She smiled and giggled that giggle again and said, "Yes."
I got up to get the last condom to have it ready and when I climbed back in bed, I turned and kissed her and said, "If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, you tell me."
She answered with, "Okay," then I ran a finger between her breasts. I felt her shiver a little. Her skin was soft and warm and she took a deep breath as my hand fell over her right breast and began to massage it slowly.
I looked into her eyes as I pressed into her tender mound. Her nipple rubbed my palm as I moved in circles over her soft tissue. I kissed her as I did then found my lips lower to her left breast. I kissed her breast gently and licked her nipple and she took in a deep breath. Her nipple was warm, soft, and supple. I tasted the heat in it as I closed my lips around it.
I slid my other hand from her breast and slowly trailed over her stomach and down between her legs. I stopped as my hand rested on her mound and asked, "This okay?"
She looked at me and said, "Yes," and I moved my hand lower.
I felt the short hairs prickle my fingers as I massaged over her natural incision. Her labia were hot and wet as my finger slid between them. I felt her vaginal opening ooze stimulation as my finger glided through it back to the top. I let my finger linger there a few seconds, rubbing in circles, and she breathed deeply. I went lower again and this time, when I found her damp opening, I slid my finger slowly inside. She shuddered as I did.
Back and forth, I stroked inside her until her stimulant covered my digit. She was hot and soaked and I could tell she was ready.
I looked at her and said, "I can feel you are there."
She giggled that giggle again. "Are you ready for me now?"
"Yes," and I leaned over and tore the condom package open and slipped it on my throbbing hard cock.
I moved over and she opened her legs once again and before I entered her, I slid my erect head through her hot wet slit, up and down, making sure she was ready. When I knew she was, I slowly inserted myself into her for a third time during the weekend.
This time, she was hotter, was wetter, and was breathing deeper as I thrust slowly into her. I leaned down upon her body a little more than I did the last two times and felt her wholeness under me. It felt so right with her there.
In slow even strides, my body connected to hers naturally, but also in more ways than just one. We were touching each other in ways than we had before. She wrapped her hands around my arms as I braced myself to keep pushing. Her hands felt wonderful there as I continued to share myself with her as she shared herself with me.
Suddenly, the moment hit me and I leaned up to feel my spasm form. I said, "Sweetie, I'm gonna..."
She already knew and answered, "I know. It's okay."
I pushed one last time and this time when I released my center, I felt it flow from deep within myself in jets of hot pulsing desire. As I came, I felt her hot walls squeeze me, pulling every drop deep into her. On my last pulsing spasm, I moaned deeply. I had to catch my breath before I exited her. I looked down at her as I straddled her body. She was still holding my arms with her hands. She looked so beautiful doing so.
I slipped out of her again and disposed of our barrier and collapsed beside her. She turned and faced me and I kissed her soft lips again. She was ever so beautiful when she glowed. I took her hand and said, "I wasn't gonna ask to do it again. I'm glad you did. I'm glad I came to see you sweetie. I love you."
"I'm glad you came, also. I love you too," she answered and I took her into my arms and there, in the hotel bed, we cuddled, still naked, enjoying what we had shared.
She held on to my hand as I held her tight. She kept rubbing the top of my hand with her fingers gently. It felt nice and beautiful as she caressed me there as I kept her close to me.
I knew sleep was on the way, so I said, "Ready to sleep now?"
"We can," she replied.
I turned the television off and cuddled a little closer to her and there we stayed until sleep filled our bodies. However, as sleep entered us, it was in the back of our minds that the morning meant my departure.
When the sunrise began to show through the cracks of the hotel room's curtain, it meant my time to go was near. We both got up at the same time, I got the shower ready, and we both showered together one last time. It was a very quiet moment. I knew we were just taking it in without saying anything.
We got breakfast and then began packing our things. Once all together, we walked out to the concierge desk and I said, "We're checking out," and I was given a receipt.
We walked out to our cars and I put my stuff in the rental and she put her stuff in her car. We looked at each other first and then I took her in my arms, knowing it was going to be the last time for a while. We held on to each other for a long time. There were no words.
When we finally let each other go, we looked at each other again. I kissed her once, came apart and said, "I love you," and then kissed her again.
"I love you too," she answered when we came apart that second time.
Neither one of us wanted to get in our cars, but it was something we had to do. We both knew it would not be the last time we would see each other though. As I drove down the road knowing this, I smiled because this had only been the beginning; the beginning of a long life together. I could not wait.