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Sex With My Mom's Friends--Brandon and Sasha--Part 2

"Brandon explains his past with his Mom's friends"

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The telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information.

Jeri, thanks for the offer, but I've met someone while on tour. It is the real thing and we are madly in love with each other, so we cannot have relations. I'm going to have backstage passes ready for both you and Brenda for any show you like. I'd like for you both to meet Sasha. Perhaps a late dinner after the show. Just let me know, so I can make plans. Love, Brandon

There was no other way to let them know, so I hoped that the straightforward approach would work. I dearly love both Jeri and Brenda, and I'll always cherish the memories of four years ago and our time together in bed, but I couldn't jeopardize my relationship with Sasha that way. Sasha was going to meet me for tea after the sound check. I would come clean with her about everything and hope that what happened in the past wouldn't put our future together at risk.

The sound check went well. Since we have three nights in Paris, the band has decided to mix up the set each night, adding some of their older, more obscure songs they haven't played in a while. That are also giving the backup singers a chance to showcase their talents, giving each of the three ladies a bit of a solo over the three nights. Sasha is first up, at tonight's show, so I'm very excited and happy for her. These girls work very hard every night, so it's nice that the band is giving them each an opportunity to show the audience what they can do. It also can help their careers, as a favorable review from a music critic can help open some doors that might not have been open previously.

On my way to meet Sasha for tea, I stopped by the front desk to check on messages. Sure enough, there is one from Jeri and Brenda. They got into Paris late this morning and wondered if I could have tickets for them at the box office for tonight's show. I replied that it would be my pleasure and told them where to meet me so that I could give them their passes.

When I got to the café Sasha was waiting on me. She seemed very excited about her solo turn tonight.

"Hello, darling," I said to her as I bussed her cheek and sat down. "We've got a lot to talk about today, but first I want to tell you how happy I am about your chance in the spotlight tonight. You aren't nervous, are you?"

Sasha smiled. Her smile seems to put me at ease and tells me that all is well in our world. "Thank you, Brandon. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't a little nervous, but it's a good kind of nervous. Can you understand that? It's just butterflies, and if I didn't have them there would be something wrong with me. I have to ask you though; did you have anything to do with the decision to have us take turns doing solos?"

"No, not at all. It was entirely the band's decision. They only asked me if I would be able to adjust your mike levels when you did the solo."

"Okay, I just wanted to be sure that this isn't because my boyfriend is the sound engineer. It wouldn't look good if the crew knows we are sleeping together and then I get special treatment. What else do we have to talk about?"

"Well," I began. "There are a few things. First, would you like to bunk with me for the rest of the tour? I can have the tour manager arrange for it. It wouldn't be any trouble, and it would put our relationship out in the open for the rest of the crew. What do you think?"

"I'd love to play roommates with you, Brandon. My roomies already guessed that we were involved, so they are cool with us being together, so, yes. I'd love to wake up next to you in a different city each day."

"Good, I'll make all of the arrangements. I'll have the hotel staff get your bags and move them to my suite. Then when we hit the road on Sunday our stuff will be kept together and we'll share a room the rest of the way." Since there were a lot of dates across Europe this would be exciting for both of us. Not only would we have each other, but we could also explore the many cities as a couple. I really wanted this.

"Now this next part is a little tricky," I said. "You have to promise me that you'll hear me out and understand. Four years ago, when I visited my mother back in the San Francisco area, I became involved with two women during the week that I was there. Ordinarily this wouldn't have been such a big deal, but they were my mother's best friends, both in their 50's and both former teachers of mine."

Sasha sat upright and leaned closer to me, as if to better hear me and understand. there was no change of expression in her face, which I took as a good sign.

"It turned out that not only were they involved with me, they were involved with each other, and also with my mother."

"Wait a minute," Sasha interrupted. "You mean that you got it on with two older women who also happened to be bisexuals and they were sleeping with your mother as well? That's pretty complicated, Brandon."

"That's exactly what it was. I was shocked that Mom was into women, but they had been life-long friends. When Dad died I didn't expect Mom to become a hermit, but I was more than a little surprised that she would be sleeping with two women, much less the two women who had seduced me. We have since moved on from that, and I sat down with Mom to tell her that I approved of her lifestyle choice. I even had the three of them in Los Angeles for a weekend together and a concert I was working. Everything is good between us and I haven't seen them since."

"Wow, Brandon, that's quite a lot to absorb, but it was four years ago. What's past is past, I like to say, so it doesn't change anything as far as I'm concerned. If anything, I love you even more for telling me about it."

"Well, there's more. Earlier this morning I received word from them that they are vacationing in Europe and they wanted to see me here in Paris."

Sasha's brow wrinkled upon hearing this. "What did you tell them?"

"I told them that I had found someone and that we were madly in love. I told them that I would arrange for them to get all-access badges for a show here, but if they expected to be alone with me they had better get used to the idea that I was spoken for."

"Brandon, my heart is so full of love right now. I'm impressed that you would come to me and explain all of this. I'd like to meet them. When are they coming?"

"Uh, they are already in Paris and they want to come to tonight's show. The timing couldn't be more perfect, because your solo shot is tonight. I thought they could join us after the show for a late dinner and I would get a chance to show off the woman I love."

Sasha blushed after hearing me gush over her. "Well, I'll just have to knock their socks off, won't I? I'd love to meet them, Brandon."

What a relief it was for me that Sasha was so understanding, but that was just one of the many qualities that I love about her. I would have to pull some strings and get us a table at a fine restaurant tonight so that we can celebrate in style.

Jeri and Brenda arrived at the venue about an hour before the concert was scheduled to begin. I brought Sasha with me and we met them in the lobby. They were both excited to see me and they wanted to know all about how Sasha and I met. I told them that we would have plenty of time to talk after the show. They really liked Sasha, judging by the way they gave her the "head to toe" eye treatment.

"Brandon," said Jeri, looking better than I remembered. "Have you had a chance to tell your mother about Sasha? She's gonna love her to death, I just know it."

"I haven't had a chance to call her, but we e-mail quite often and I've told her about Sasha. She wants me to bring her by for a visit when the tour is over."

"I told him that we have to make that a priority," said Sasha. "Brandon seems so close to his mother and I can't wait to meet her. She seems like such a nice person."

"Oh, she is," said Brenda, not knowing that Sasha knew the whole story about us. "We tried to get her to join us on this trip but she wasn't up to the whole tourist thing. We return to the States next week and we'll have a chance to get together with her and give her all the juicy details about our trip. She'll be jealous that we got to meet you first, honey."

We took Jeri and Brenda backstage, where they got to meet the band and the other backup singers. They were impressed, not only with the thrill of everything, but also when they found out that Sasha would be featured in a solo piece. Brenda took me aside while Jeri was talking to some of the crew.

"Brandon, I can't believe how successful you've become. I want you to know how proud we are of you, and Sasha, God, I don't know where to begin. She's just a sweetheart, and I couldn't be happier for both of you. You know, Jeri and I were hoping we could rekindle some of the old passion we shared with you, but this is even better. Do you think she's the one?"

"Yes, Brenda, I really do. I know it's early for us, but I just light up when I see her. You know that you and Jeri will always have a special place in my heart and, under different circumstances, we would be hooking up, for sure."

"I know that, Brandon. Just so you'll know, there will always be room in my bed for you, anytime, anywhere."

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek.

The show was incredible, possibly the best performance of the tour. The band was in rare form, probably due to having a couple days off, but also because of the setlist changes. The older, more obscure songs were met with enthusiastic cheers and even sing-alongs. I think that some of them will remain in the list for the duration of the tour.

But the undisputed star of the show was my Sasha. She absolutely nailed her solo spot, earning her a standing ovation that lasted three minutes. When she was finished, she tried to return to the large pedestal she shared with the other singers, but two of the band members were determined to let her bask in her glory and they kept her out front while the audience went wild.

I really struggled to keep from bawling my eyes out as the applause and cheers for Sasha went on and on. I was so happy for her, so proud of her and so much in love with her at that moment. Since the sound board is located about two-thirds back on the main floor, and is surrounded by the audience, I was able to hear some of the comments following her solo. They were all raving about her and wondered why she hadn't recorded anything.

After the show ended and I wrapped up my duties, I literally ran backstage to find Sasha. She was surrounded by the other singers and some of the crew. When they saw me coming, they parted and allowed me to sweep her into my arms and give her a big, old kiss. Then the singers and crew began to applaud as we kissed and hugged.

As we left to go find Jeri and Brenda, I asked Sasha if the other singers were okay with her successful debut.

"Oh, they were so happy," she said. "They are thinking about going to the band and asking them if I can just continue doing that."

"You mean every night?"

"Yes. They loved it and they both feel that they can't top it. I told them that it isn't a competition but they feel strongly about it. They were so happy for me!"

We met up with Jeri and Brenda and they were blown away by Sasha's performance as well. I had a large taxi waiting for us and we got inside and headed to the restaurant, Le Cinq, in the Four Seasons Hotel.

Le Cinq was recommended to me by our hotel manager.

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He said that any fan of fine French dining simply had to dine there, and he went out of his way to secure me a table. The ladies were very impressed from the minute we walked inside. The service was impeccable and the food was to die for. It was during dessert that we had a chance to talk. I asked Jeri and Brenda how their trip was.

"Well," said Jeri. "Our tour guide takes us to the usual tourist traps, but we've had a wonderful time. Of course, this has been the highlight of the entire trip, catching up with you, Brandon, and meeting this lovely creature with the voice of an angel."

Sasha blushed as Jeri went on and on about her performance tonight, but Brenda nodded her agreement with everything Jeri said, so there must be something to what they saw while they were here. Our seating arrangement had Sasha and I on opposite sides of the table, allowing both Jeri and Brenda the chance to fuss over Sasha. They hugged her, kissed her cheeks and squeezed her hands, just showering her with affection every chance they could. I was going to protest and ask them to give her some room, but they meant well. Besides, they would only have tonight to see us, as they would return to the hotel. I offered to get them a room at our place, but they said that it would be too much trouble to pack a bag for just one night.

After dessert and coffee I settled the bill. Jeri and Brenda protested, but I wouldn't think of having them pay for their meal. They were our guests and I wanted to show them a good time. I knew they would brag to Mom once they got home. Before we got up to leave I asked them about their living arrangements back in Sunnyvale. I know that Mom was thinking about the three of them share her house, but I didn't know if she had broached the subject with them just yet.

"Well then," I said. "Have the three of you decided to move in together yet?"

Jeri and Brenda shared a look of horror. "Uh, what are you talking about, Brandon?" said Jeri.

"It's okay, ladies. I filled Sasha in on everything that went down four years ago," I said. "She knows everything."

As if to emphasize my point, Sasha sat there and smiled while nodding her head.

"I decided that if Sasha and I were going to go forward then I had to be honest with her about everything. She seemed okay with it, at least she never told me if she wasn't."

"I'm good with it, " said Sasha. "Brandon didn't go into much detail, but I'll get all the juicy stuff out of him one of these nights. It all sounded so hot."

Everyone, myself included, shot an eyebrow up when Sasha said that. Could my love be curious about threesomes, about sex with women, or was she just trying to get a rise out of all of us? That might be a good topic for discussion when we get into bed one of these nights.

"Well, it was very hot," said Jeri, the color returning to her face. "And we have been talking to your mother about the three of us getting a place we can all live in. She's been reluctant to make the jump, but we're confident that we'll be able to get her to come around to the idea."

I smiled at that comment. "Jeri, I know that Mom has tinkered with the idea of the two of you moving in with her. Any thoughts about that?"

Brenda shook her head. "No, Brandon, we don't think it will work. It was a very kind and generous offer, but there's so much history there for your mother. I mean, you grew up there, she and your father lived there for so many years. We just feel that a move like this deserves a fresh start, and that means buying someplace we can all call our own. That's not unreasonable, is it?"

"No, not at all, Brenda. I think it's the only thing that you should do. It makes perfect sense. Are you hoping to stay in the area, or is relocation a possibility?"

"I've brought up the idea of finding a small town with a very liberal view of same-sex marriage," said Jeri. "Things have grown so much in Sunnyvale. It's like there's no break between communities all the way to San Francisco now, just sprawl. I would like to slow down the pace."

"There's a lot to be said for that," I said. "I hope you can all agree to something and then find what you're looking for. You deserve to have it your way, all three of you."

And that concluded the evening. We all shared hugs and kisses as the girls boarded the taxi to take them back to their hotel. Sasha and I grabbed a cab of our own and headed back.

Once inside my, er, our suite, Sasha was happy to see that all of her stuff had been brought to the suite. We shared a kiss, and one thing led to another and, before we knew it, we were naked together in bed.

Our lovemaking that night was sweet bliss. Sasha was on top again, but she was able to take more of me inside her. She was much more aggressive in her lovemaking tonight. She squatted above me and lowered her pussy onto my cock. When she had as much as she could take, she began moving her hips lewdly back and forth, allowing my cock to make contact with her clit. This made it much hotter for both of us and she responded by talking loudly to me. "Oh, baby, how's that? You like me doing that? Oh, God, Brandon, you feel so good inside me!"

My response to that was to thrust my hips just a little to move my cock inside her. Not too much, as I didn't want to hurt her, but enough that I felt like an active participant.

"Baby," she cried out to me. "I want it from behind. Can we do that?"

"Anything, honey, anything for you."

Sasha got off my hard dick and turned around, getting on all fours. I carefully slid the head of my cock into her hot and wet pussy, an excruciating inch at a time, until she stopped me. Sasha began fucking back on my cock, rocking herself back and forth so that she got as much of me as she needed. She was burning up inside her pussy, making my cock hotter as we continued. "Oh yes!" she cried out. "I'm going to cum, baby!"

I resisted the urge to shove it all inside her, but it was difficult. I probably did give her more than she wanted, but the heat of the moment was driving us both crazy. I wasn't going to be too far behind her when she came.

"Oh, baby, oh Jesus, oh FUCK!!!" She began to move faster as her orgasm made her pussy shudder. The intensity of her orgasm made her even hotter and wetter, which pushed me over the edge.

"I'm going to cum, Sasha!" I screamed. "Just about there, almost there!"

Hearing that, Sasha pulled away before I could cum inside her and swung around quickly and took the head of my cock into her mouth, stroking my shaft with both of her hands.

I shot a large stream of cum inside her mouth, so large that she couldn't hold it all and globs of my seed spilled out of her mouth and ran down her chin. She caught it in one of her hands and rubbed her tits with it, working it into her breasts as if it were lotion.

As I continued to shoot my cum into her mouth she suddenly pulled away, cum running out of her mouth as she began laughing uncontrollably. There was cum spurting everywhere and I began laughing even as I kept cumming. The whole scene was unbelievable and we were both covered in my cum. Finally, Sasha fell into my arms and we embraced, kissing and laughing and holding on to each other for dear life. Finally, the moment passed.

"So, what was that?" I asked. "You pulled off and started laughing and I was shocked at first, but it was so much fun!"

Sasha tried to catch her breath. She was still giggling, but explained it as best she could. "When you came I was gonna be this big-time porn queen and take it all down my throat, but I suddenly pictured myself as a porn queen and it was so hilarious I couldn't keep from laughing. It was either let you go or choke to death on all of that cum."

"Baby, it was great! I looked at you and then at my dick, still spewing cum, and then I started laughing with you. That was a first!"

Afterward we pulled off the sheets and took a shower together. Once we dried ourselves off I got us some wine. We got in the stripped-down bed and just lay together, sipping wine and smiling.

I looked at Sasha. "I do love you, even though I made you laugh."

Sasha kissed me lightly on the lips. "And I love you because you make me laugh."

A few minutes later Sasha asked me a question.

"Brandon, how was it for you with Jeri and Brenda? How did you not go crazy with two women in bed with you?"

"Well," I began. "It really is every man's fantasy to have two women in bed, both for the things you can do with them, but also to watch two women make love to each other. It's a big-time ego boost to see two women taking turns sucking on you, but I just accepted it for what it was and tried not to get carried away. Why do you want to know about that?"

Sasha was hanging on my every word, but suddenly began to blush. "I've never done anything like that, and I've never been with a woman. Never. But that doesn't mean that I don't have fantasies about both of those things. Is that wrong, or do you think it's normal to think about that?"

"No, not at all, baby. We all have fantasies, but we all don't get a chance to act them out. Is that something you just think about, or is it something you want to try with me and another woman?" I was being careful not to sound too eager, as I wasn't sure if she was that serious about it.

"Oh, I think that with the right woman, or women, I could see myself doing it. Of course, you would have to be a part of it. And it couldn't be a stranger it would have to be with someone we felt comfortable with. You were fortunate to have Jeri and Brenda. I wish we could find someone like that."

Of course, if Sasha had expressed a desire to be in a threesome to Jeri and Brenda they would have taken her up on it in the blink of an eye. Fortunately we wouldn't have to worry about that, as they were leaving Paris in the morning.

"But it's just a fantasy for now," she said. "Right now I've got everything I need right here in this bed."

I kissed her and we put down our wine glasses. Fortunately we took off the blanket and comforter before we had sex, so they were dry. Sasha fell against me as we bundled up under the blanket and she fell quickly to sleep.

I lay there thinking about her fantasy for a long time before sleep overtook me.

You can guess what I was dreaming about that night.

Our run in Paris became a memory, and the remainder of the tour flew by. Sasha continued to wow the crowds as the backup singer with the solo turn and our romance only deepened with every stop. Finally, the last concert came and went. The tour was over.

Everyone was going their separate ways, the other singers, the crew and the band. Sasha and I were going to fly to Los Angeles, where I asked her to move in with me. I had plenty of room and Los Angeles was a great place for her to interview with some recording executives who wanted her to lay down some tracks on a possible solo album.

Just as things were settling down for us, I received a phone call from Mom. She was scheduled for surgery in one week to have a couple stents placed to relieve some mild blockage in her heart. She reassured me that it wasn't a big deal, but I was having none of that. It was serious enough, even if it was not life-threatening right now. Nevertheless, I wanted to be there.

Fortunately, Sasha didn't have anything going on, so she was thrilled to be able to go with me. I had hoped to introduce her to Mom under better circumstances, but this would have to do.

As I made plans I thought back to Sasha's fantasy. She never mentioned it again after that one night in Paris, but now we were going to be in Sunnyvale for a few days or even a week. With Jeri and Brenda so close by, would she be able to resist thinking about it then?

Written by prairiedogg
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