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Scenes from a Marriage (7)

"Seeds of deception"

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Lisa and Bernard sat together that evening drinking scotch and talking. Late in the evening Lisa said, "Elizabeth has asked me to care for you after she dies. There are some things you need to know. You'll be making the most important decision you've made since your vasectomy."

She waited while Bernard poured them each another tumbler before continuing, "Elizabeth has always loved you dearly, Bernard, and you must remember that. Some of what she has asked me to tell you may be painful, but you need to know ..." She paused and waited until he looked at her. Holding his gaze, she continued, "You need to know that she wanted to marry you. She comforted and supported you throughout your marriage just as she protected you. She has asked me, and two of her friends, to comfort and protect you when she is gone."

Bernard was completely perplexed. He waited, apparently calm, for her to continue wondering whether he would survive the damage she might do.

"There were things about her marriage to Ian she never told you and most of what she did tell you wasn't true. You'll wonder how I know this. You and I have become the closest of friends over the years but there has been an aspect to our relationship completely unknown to you. Elizabeth insisted you be kept unaware, until now. She has always shared your most intimate thoughts and secrets with me. And I never allowed her to deny me her sex."

She paused giving him time to interrupt, but Bernard sat silently looking sadly at her with lively, sensitive eyes. Nothing he could do or say would make this easy for either of them.

"Do you remember the first time you visited her at her home in Concord, Bernard?"

--------------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------

Bernard had come to Elizabeth's house, a large Victorian on a small lot on a downtown street, a week before their marriage. He knew she expected him to stay. She had told him there were a few things they needed to work out before the wedding.

Elizabeth kissed him at the door dressed in a light summer dress which flowed from her waist and finished just above her knees. Bernard wore black linen slacks and a gray silk shirt. She had prepared lunch, and they ate together in her sun room at the rear of the house off the kitchen.

"Do you remember when I told you I appreciated that you wanted to obey me but that I would teach you to need to obey me?"

Bernard remembered. He had had no idea what she had meant when she had said it. She led him upstairs to her bedroom and sat beside him in a floral love seat in a bay window overlooking her front yard. "Ian built a special room for me off the master bathroom before we were married. It's where I secured his submission. It's where I'll confirm yours. Come along. I'll show you."

She led him to a closed door on the far side of the master bathroom, the only entrance to the room. Opening the door revealed a leather covered table about two feet wide and eight feet long set before a floor to ceiling mirror about eight feet wide framed by floor to ceiling windows on the wall opposite the door. A bare wall to the right was painted like a partly cloudy New Hampshire summer sky. A brick fire place painted white was set in the center a of a wall painted like a partly cloudy New Hampshire summer sky to the left of the fireplace and white drawers lined the left side of the wall almost to the height of the mantel. The lingam Elizabeth had brought with her to the lake cottage adorned the mantle with an identical one in black. A riding crop: a two foot long taws; a narrow, flat wooden paddle; and a curved handled, thick rattan cane hung from the wall to the right of the fireplace.

Elizabeth closed the door behind him. Reaching under the table, she raised the third of it nearest them and bent it away from them fastening it about a foot and a half above the remainder of the table bent over until it formed a forty-five degree angle with the main part of the table. She motioned Bernard to walk to the table and bend over resting his chest on the raised portion. The lower part of the table struck him in mid-thigh and his navel rested against the bottom of the raised part of the table.

"Would you like to begin your training?" she asked.

"Yes, please, Elizabeth."

"Undress yourself. From now on you will be naked whenever you enter this room. There will be no exceptions."

Bernard undressed.

"Now back to where you were on the bench, please."

As if to demonstrate his exposure, she pulled down rather hard on his balls as she stroked his cock. She removed four strands of soft, white rope from one of the drawers and tied his wrists to eyelets conveniently place on either side of the top of the raised portion of the table and his ankles to eyelets installed in the floor near the bend in the table. His cock was erect and dripping.

She took the wooden paddle from the wall and, standing to his side where she could clearly see his cock as it reacted to her blows, struck him twenty-four strokes on his bottom as hard as she cared to strike a man turning his bottom from pale white to hot pink. His erection hardened and released a steady stream of fluid throughout his beating. It wasn't going to be easy to punish Bernard.

She replaced the paddle and took the crop. She gently tapped the crown of his cock, lifted and lowered his balls a few times, and struck each of his buttocks fifty strokes as hard as she would ever strike them. His cock strained and struggled and grew fierce continuing its steady flow. He jerked and spasmed with each of her later blows and his bottom turned a fiery crimson. She replaced the crop and removed her dress standing in a white bikini pantie and white sandals. Her panties were soaked. She took the taws from the wall and walked to him. Laying the taws over his back, she squeezed his cock tightly just above his balls and at the same time as tightly just below his crown. When he had stopped leaking and shrunken just a bit, she released him.

"You're enjoying yourself, Bernard."

He moaned his assent.

She left the playroom returning half an hour later with a pitcher of ice water. She untied Bernard's hands and let him drink a glass.

"Are you sure you want to marry me, Bernard?"

"I'm sure."

She retied his hands and took the taws from his back. Ten full strokes on each buttock as hard as she would ever strike him turned his bottom purple. Deep moans followed each stroke, but his cock hardened and leaked steadily. She realized she would finally have a real use for the mahogany humbler Ian had built her.

She replaced the taws and took Bernard's cock into her mouth. It was larger than she was used to but she took it effortlessly into her mouth and down her throat. She sucked him while she caressed his balls until she felt him begin to throb. She released him, took the cane and struck the back of his cock fiercely. He screamed his attention.

"Six on each cheek," she smiled when he had regained his composure. She was surprised to see his cock remained erect and leaking and it remained erect and leaking after she had drawn welts on each cheek with strokes as hard as she would ever strike. She replaced the cane, took him again in her mouth and down her throat, and sucked him dry.

When she had untied him and returned the table to its original position, she led him to her bed where he knelt between her legs and licked her through several orgasms. She held him in her arms as the sun set and quietly told him he would learn tomorrow what it would mean to need to obey her.


"I remember well," Bernard answered.

"Ian built the room for me, not for Elizabeth," said Lisa, "and he built it before they were married. She met him while he was building it. She was blindfolded and nude. I had tied her wrists to eyelets in the wall and her ankles to eyelets in the floor. Her legs were spread and her back was bent at an angle to the wall. Her bottom showed the welts from my cane. I guided his cock deep into her and he fucked her for over an hour. He gave her a beautifully aggressive fucking. I fingered her clit the entire time. She was delirious when we finished with her. When he pulled out of her his cock was as erect as I ever was to see it. A couple of firm strikes with the cane finished him off. He licked his cum off the floor while I untied her and left before I removed her blindfold."

Lisa explained to Bernard how she had maintained a stable of female submissives throughout her life and still did. Elizabeth and Bernard's sister, Marie, had been her two favorites and the only two submissives she had never released from her service. Marie had never desired to marry, although with Lisa's guidance and consent she had regularly taken male lovers. Elizabeth's desires had been more complicated, but her submission may have been more complete than Marie's. Lisa could not remember Elizabeth ever having been disobedient.

"I used the private room Ian built off Elizabeth's bathroom to discipline my fillies and to take pleasure from them, much as Elizabeth did with you. But perhaps you are more interested in how I used the room with Ian and Elizabeth. The next time they were together in the room he was blindfolded and nude, bent over the table. After I had beaten him severely with the taws, reducing him to tears and his cock to a pathetic limpness, she gradually inserted a ridiculously large plug into his anus. To our pleasant surprise, his cock sprung to life as she inserted the plug. In a true moment of inspiration, she whispered in his ear and he moaned his delight. I asked her what she had whispered and she told me she had told him, not asked him, that what he really wanted was a firm, erect cock up his ass. Strangely that is when she decided to marry him.

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She knew the man who would fuck him."

They sat quietly sipping their drinks until Lisa spoke again.

"You and Elizabeth enjoyed sitting in hotel common areas discussing the sexuality of the couples you saw come and go, seducing or being seduced depending on the couple you chose to meet. But you did have your limits." Bernard thought only he and Elizabeth and one or two of the couples they had met when engaged in this pleasantry had been aware of their past time. Perhaps Lisa did know everything about his relationship with Elizabeth. "Do you remember the time at the Mt. Washington Hotel you met Ingrid and Gerhard?"

Bernard remembered.


He and Elizabeth had arrived late the previous night. After breakfast in their room, she had dressed in a sky blue bikini. The bra tied behind her neck pushing her breasts together to create an attractive cleavage. The bottom barely covered her pudenda. The full back barely covered her bottom and was held together by silver rings on each hip. She wore a sheer white beach cover over it as they walked through the hotel to the pool.

Bernard dressed in his white speedo. Elizabeth stroked him to erection through his suit before they left the room and continued stroking him as they rode the elevator to the pool level. His erect cock was clearly apparent to everyone they passed as they walked to the pool. 

When they reached the pool Elizabeth had Bernard apply her sunscreen while she relaxed in a poolside chaise lounge, stroking his cock whenever it was easily within her reach. She sent him for drinks when he had finished compelling him to walk, erect and leaking, past several other couples already at poolside. She continued displaying him until they left the pool around four in the afternoon to dress for dinner.

Elizabeth dressed in high rise black panties and a matching underwire half bra which left her nipples uncovered and visible through her semi-sheer white silk blouse. She wore pink linen slacks and white sandals. Bernard wore identical panties, a matching suspender belt with sheer black stockings, black linen slacks, a black silk turtleneck, a charcoal gray sport coat and black loafers.

They sat side by side in the main lobby watching people come and go until Elizabeth drew Bernard's attention to a married couple descending the stairs on the far side of the lobby. "What do you think of them?" she asked.

Both were about five foot six inches tall. The wife wore three inch black heels standing much taller than her husband. She wore her blonde hair cut boyishly short. She was broad shouldered, large breasted and thick hipped wearing a smile which lit up her bright blue eyes. She had high pink cheeks. She wore black stockings and and a short-sleeved, rose colored shirt dress buttoned to between her breasts and coming to just above her knees. Her husband wore a manicured beard, dressed in taupe linen pants and a green silk shirt and a brown sport coat. His shirt was unbuttoned to reveal a graying chest. He walked comfortably in his wife's wake.

"She's quite a woman," Bernard answered. "She is completely comfortable in her own skin and radiates eroticism. She knows it and exults in it. There's no way they're monogamous. Her needs are too great and she is not one to go unsatisfied."

"And him? The woman you describe might make a difficult wife."

"Look how he follows her lead yet carries himself with complete confidence. In his own way he is as sexually compelling as she is." Bernard paused as if thinking and continued, "No, all things considered, I think their marriage is happy. Are they the ones you want to meet?"

Whenever Elizabeth and Bernard stayed at a hotel, which was often, they would sit in the lobby and observe other couples, speculating about their sexuality, and choose one to approach.

"Oh, quite certainly, yes," Elizabeth answered. Her cunt had moistened just watching them walk down the stairs. "I think you have described them quite accurately for such a limited observation. If anything I think you may have understated their attractiveness. I just hope you are right. Do you want to waive our rules?"

Bernard and Elizabeth allowed each other unlimited flirting once they had chosen a couple on their hotel jaunts. They could run their hands over any part of another's body that was clothed and they could kiss just enough to keep the flirtation interesting. They could also allow themselves be touched wherever they were clothed. But they went to bed together. They were always surprised, once they explained their rules to another couple, to see who was willing to play by them. It was not to everyone's taste although they found the rules essential to their marriage and erotically stimulating.

"I'll fuck him, if you do," she continued. "There's something about him. You should feel my cunt!" She knew he wouldn't waive the rules. He never did, and she would be hurt if he had. But this time she decided to make him pay for her fidelity. She needed him to beg her and she knew he would.

"Please, Elizabeth, you established the rules and you know how much I need them. May we please keep them?"

"Let's see if they're interested before we decide, dear," Elizabeth equivocated knowing the pain even this uncertainty would cause her husband. "Who knows? They may even have rules of their own." She sent Bernard to the bar and when he returned she deep in conversation with them. A couple of minutes passed before she realized he had returned.

"Oh, here he is now. Bernard, I was just telling Ingrid and Gerhard about how we like to observe couples and speculate about their relationships. It turns out they do the same. I didn't see them at the pool today, did you?"

Bernard reddened.

"I was especially impressed by your obedience and your devotion to your wife's comfort," Ingrid said. "Gerhard, pig that he is, couldn't keep his eyes off your bottom. Or your cock. Tell them what you said about his bottom, Gerhard."

Gerhard looked at Bernard apologetically before turning to Elizabeth and saying, "We had been watching you both for quite some time and it was clear to us Elizabeth was your Domme. Ingrid grew wet watching you and asked me what I was thinking. I just muttered exactly what was going through my mind. It's not important."

"It is to me," said Elizabeth.

"And me," added Ingrid.

Bernard lowered his eyes.

"I said if you framed that lovely ass with a garter belt and stockings, put three inch pumps on his feet, spread his legs and bent him over a sofa, there isn't a man in the world who could resist buggering him," Gerhard confessed.

"And I added," Ingrid laughed, "and very few women who could resist that cock. And then Gerhard and I noticed Elizabeth start to giggle to herself. I asked her what was so funny. Can you guess Bernard?"

Several thoughts had run through Bernard's mind, none of them particularly pleasant, and he just shook his head.

"Your wife got her laughter under control," Ingrid continued, "and said, 'I was just thinking. Bernard doesn't wear pumps!' Well, we all had a good laugh at that before getting more serious. You have probably figured out by now that we are interested in sex with you."

"We've started without you, Bernard," Elizabeth confessed. "I've explained our rules and they were just going to explain theirs when you returned from the bar. Why don't we continue this over dinner?"


Dessert was served when Elizabeth asked Ingrid to explain their rules.

"We like to have sex with others but we don't want the worry and jealousy that comes with it; or at least we want to try to keep the worry and jealousy under control. We only play with people who are married. I can do whatever I want with a married woman and Gerhard can do whatever he wants with a married man. If a married woman wants to fucks Gerhard, or even to just play around with him, she has to give herself to me first for a night or two. My choice. If a married man wants to fuck me, or just play around with me, he has to give himself first to Gerhard for a night or two. Gerhard's choice. No exceptions."

The band began to play as they were finishing their coffees. Ingrid smiled at Elizabeth and asked, "Your rules?" Elizabeth nodded and Ingrid took Bernard by the hand and led him to the dance floor. Elizabeth moved next to Gerhard and rubbed his cock through his trousers. She whispered in his ear, "Ingrid and I both wore panty hose tonight. We intend to leave you and Bernard high and dry but we each expect at least one orgasm before we call it a night."

Gerhard knew Ingrid would make good use of him after a night of teasing no matter how many times she came. He wondered whether Elizabeth would do the same for Bernard and asked her. She leaned into him and whispered, "I'll ride his cock but I'll leave him as frustrated as Ingrid leaves him.''

They left the dance floor and found a quiet spot on the porch where Gerhard lifted Elizabeth's skirt folding it into her waist, Elizabeth spread her legs and Gerhard caressed her bottom and cunt for the next hour bringing her off several times. They made plans for the following morning before returning to their table.

Shortly after they arrived, they saw Ingrid and Bernard enter the dance floor from a door across the room which led to another part of the porch. When they reached the table, Elizabeth asked Ingrid whether Bernard had behaved himself. Ingrid laughed. "Oh, goodness yes! He was quite the gentleman. Smell his fingers!"


"I see you do," Lisa smiled. "I need to go away for a few days. Let's take up this discussion when I return."

Written by mollflanders
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