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Repopulating the World...The Final Chapter

"The survivors find that they are not alone."

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It had been 4 months since we last met our survivors, Allie, Tina, Rich and John, oh and of course Adam the first achievement in repopulating the world. Since our last visit, tragedy struck the survivors. Allie, who had been pregnant with her second child, had miscarried. The loss of the child had allowed depression to move in on her. She lost all sexual interests in the guys and even Tina. Tina had stepped up in Allie’s absence and had pleasured the guys, but recently she had missed her time of the month and the group suspected that she had been impregnated. Unfortunately, the suspension of Tina being with child just drove Allie farther away. In hopes to bring Allie out of her depression, John suggested that the group move from the ranch house they had called home for months and move west while Tina was still in shape to walk.

The group packed their food and what few items that they could carry and headed out. The journey was hard. The terrain was rough and dry. They had a hard time finding water. Some where around New Mexico, tragedy hit again, while searching for water, John had been bitten by a diamond back, and with no first aid, he eventually died from the poison injected into him by the snake. The group was in a state of distress. John had been their strength, and now he was gone. Rich tried to step up, and did the best he could to protect the girls from the predators of the night.

One night while Rich and Tina were having sex in the tent, a pack of coyotes circled the camp. Allie was frightened and began sobbing. Rich heard her and rush out the tent. He took one of the burning branches from the fire and scared them off.

Early in the morning Rich raised Allie and Tina and served them the usual rations of a hunk of bread and some dried meat. To which Tina complained as usual.

"Meat and bread again?" Tina said with a sigh.

"Yeah meat and bread, if you don't like it go and sort your own god damn breakfast out," Rich growled.

Allie stepped in warily, "Now guys come on, we need each other too survive there is no reason for you to be like this with each other." Allie was still getting over her loss, but due too the lack of clothes available, she was still wearing a ripped shirt that showed most of her breasts beneath, and shorts that barely covered her ass cheeks.

"How long until we reach the coast?" Tina asked.

"Should be there tomorrow," exclaimed Rich.

"Hopefully we can find a real building to stay in."

"I guess so' better get started long day ahead."

Rich stomped out the fire while the girls gathered up there tents and packs.

They arrived at the west coast about three hours before darkness fell. The group rushed to the water, diving in cooling from their long journey. That night, after feeling refreshed from the water, they decided to make camp on the beach.

As Rich and Tina began to set up camp, Allie wandered off down the sandy beach. Once the tents were set, Rich and Tina embraced. Tina slipped her hand inside Rich’s torn shorts and fondled his heavy balls. Rich sighed, as he loved Tina’s touch. Her green eyes stared straight into his eyes as she slowly moved down, planting her knees in the course sand. She lifted his hardening cock to her lips. Opening her mouth slightly she grazed her tongue over his head before moving her head forward to allow his cock to slip into mouth. She wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and moved her lips from his head to her fingers, and repeated. Rich held her head between his hands and rocked his hips toward her face. He gripped her tight as his balls released a heavy load of crème into Tina’s mouth. Just as Rich pulled his cock out of Tina’s mouth they heard Allie yelling.

Rich looked up and she was rushing toward them and pointed behind her. By the time she reached camp, she was out of breath. Concerned about what had spooked her Rich rushed to her.

“Allie, what is wrong?”

Allie just looked at him as she gasped for air.

“Rich give her time to catch her breath,” Tina said handing Allie the canteen of water that she had purified.

Allie took a long drink. When she took the canteen from her lips, she began to speak.

“There are hundreds of them, just around the bend about 2 miles from here.”

“Hundreds? Hundreds of what?” Rich pried.

“People! There are hundreds of people! They have a tent city, with a gate, and markets.”

“Really? You can’t be serious.”

“Go look for yourself, asshole, if your don’t believe me!”

The three rush in the direction to which Allie had come. Sure enough, about two miles from their camp was a city. Around the city was a fence of old rusty cars and trucks, at the gate of the city was a fence that had been constructed from palm trees and branches from other trees. Inside were people, men, women and children, hundreds of them. The three looked at each other, speechless. Finally Rich spoke.

“I think it would be best if we go back to camp. It is late and darkness is setting in. In the morning, at daybreak, we can come back and enter the city and see if they will accept us.”

Tina nodded her head in agreement.

They turned and went back to camp and went to bed. Allie lay on her blanket and looked at the stars in the sky. She was too excited to sleep. Finally after all this time, they had found other survivors. They were no longer alone. She just hoped that the people in the city would accept them.

The next morning, at first light, Allie woke Rich and Tina from their slumber. Her excitement had not subsided. They gathered up camp quickly and placed their packs on their backs and headed toward the city. They rounded the bend and stopped. The gate of the city was open, not like the night before. Two men stood on both sides of the gate. The men were bare chest, and wore only a wrap of animal skin around their genitals. Each held a spear made of bamboo with metal blades. One of the guards was a short chubby man with a bald head. The other was a slender, younger man with dark locks that flowed down to his shoulders.

Rich, Allie and Tina slowly approached the gate. The short chubby guard saw them first.

“Hey! You three kids, come here!”

The trio slowly headed toward the men. When they arrived at the gate, the guards stopped them.

“Where did the three of you come from?” the slender guard asked.

Allie stepped forward. “My name is Allie Thomas; my friends are Rich Martin and Tina Smith. Rich and I are survivors from Georgia. We have traveled looking for others who survived the meteor. Along the way, we found Tina, and another friend, John Brown, who met his demise on our journey when he was bitten by a poisonous snake.”

The guard listened as Allie talked to them. Although worn and battered from the journey, the men noticed her shapely figure. Their eyes moved from her bare feet, up her tanned and toned legs, up to her ocean blue eyes. Her blonde hair was matted, her shirt was ripped to the point it barely covered her breast. When she had finished the introduction, she crossed her arms over her chest and lowered her head.

The slender guard ordered that they follow him. He turned and went inside the gate. The trio followed close. As they walked they took in their surroundings. The other people of the city stopped what they were doing and watched as the new comers past by. Many whispered, some smiled, but the trio did not slow down. They followed the guard to a big wood built hut in the center of the city. He stopped at the door.

“Stay here!” he ordered.

He went inside the hut. Rich and Tina turned and took in city. Most of the city consisted of make shift tents, four legs and a cloth tarp stretched across the top to shade the sun. Inside the tents were items that the people had found, or made. Other tents consisted of food or water. Next to the hut was the largest tent. Inside this tent were animal skins that had been made into clothing.

The guard came back to the door of the hut. “Come,” he ordered.

Allie led the others inside the door. The hut was empty except for a large desk on the back wall. On each side of the desk, were two more guards. Behind the desk were a wooden chair, and a door. Allie and the others walked up to the desk and stood. One of the guards went to the door and knocked, then returned to his post. In a few minutes, the door opened. Allie raised her head. He eyes widened as she saw the man step from the door and sit in the chair. The man stood about six foot. He looked as if he had been chiseled from granite. His arms were big, his chest was broad. He had brown hair and hazel eye. Allie smiled as he looked up at her.

“Are you the leader of this group of survivors?” The man said in a deep voice.

“Yes sir I am,” she replied politely.

The man leaned back into his chair and looked at the three of them, then back to Allie.

“Welcome to Genesis.” The man stood up and walked to the window. “Genesis is the new beginning. We like you are a group of survivors, who were fortunate enough to survive the Apocalypse. My name is Joshua, and I have been placed as care taker of this new city. Genesis is a place for all to come and feel safe. We hope that you will stay with us and become part of the new beginning.” Joshua turned from the window and look at the trio.

“Sir, we are honored to have found Genesis and hope that we can do our part to make it prosper,” Allie replied.

“Good. Now first of all we need to get the three of you cleaned up and properly covered. Tonight we will have a festival to welcome you.”

Allie, Tina and Rich looked at each other and smile.

Joshua walked to Tina. “You are with child?”

“Yes sir.”

Joshua turns to Rich. “Congratulations, we have a midwife that can assist with the birth of your child. Now the three of you follow me.”

Joshua walked out the door, guards on each side of him, and the three followed close behind. As they walked down the street, the people of the city brought their goods to Joshua to test; he would nod and smile then continue on. They walked to a large sheltered area. Inside the shelter was a large pool where people of the city bathed. When Joshua and the new comers entered, the people in the water all got out, covered themselves and stood on the edge.

“This is where the people of the city clean themselves. Please clean yourselves. When you are done, Judy will help take you to the clothing tent to get you proper covering.”

A young woman stepped forward and helped Tina undress and get into the pool. Rich undressed and followed. Allie stepped forward and began to unbutton her shorts, but was stopped by Joshua.

“Allie, if I may. Please come with me. I have something special for you.”

Allie looked at Joshua and then back at Tina and Rich. She turned and went with Joshua. Joshua led her into a room adjacent to the pool. Inside was a large tub, surrounded by four naked women. Allie stopped as they entered.

“Allie, this is my private bath. These ladies will help you to clean up and get you clothed appropriately.”

“Why am I allowed to bathe in here while my friends are out in the public pool?”

“Allie, I do not want you to be nude in public. I would prefer a woman of your beauty to stay in private. I understand that you are confused, and I hope that I do not scare you, because that is not my intentions. You Allie possess a rare beauty, and have the superior traits.”

“Superior traits?”

“Yes. You have blonde hair and your eyes are blue. This has been noticed as a sign of supremacy for ages. I do not want the men of the city to be tempted by you.”

Joshua took Allie’s hand and led her to the tub. He motioned his hands and the ladies surrounded her. One slowly unbuttoned her shorts and slid them down her tanned legs. Another lifted her ragged shirt up over her head. Allie crossed her chest with her arms, but another lady took her hand and pulled her gently into the tub. The ladies again surrounded her. Each with a sponge of soap in their hands, that they begun rubbing over Allie’s body.

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They washed every inch of her tired body.

Allie looked around at the ladies. Each had ample breast and fair faces. She shuddered as she felt a hand rub her vagina. The touch was not one of sexual intent but the touch brought a light moan from Allie’s lips. The hands of two ladies began to wash her breast. The touch sent Allie over the edge as her orgasm approached but was interrupted as a large amount of water was poured on her head. The ladies then proceeded to wash her hair.

When the bath was over, another naked woman came and took Allie by the hand. She led her to a padded table. The woman patted the table and Allie climbed onto it, and lay on her back. The woman rubbed a sweet smelling ointment all over Allie’s body. Allie closed her eyes and drifted into a restful trance. She almost jumped off the table when she felt the woman applying a crème over her pubic area.

“Excuse me, what are you doing?”

“Sorry Ma’am. I was preparing you to be shaved.”


“Yes Ma’am, Mr. Joshua requested that you be shaved.”

“Mr. Joshua? Why would he want me shaved down there?”

“I think Mr. Joshua has taken a special liking to you, Ma’am.”

“Please call me Allie, and I am sure Joshua has a nice little lady that takes care of him. He is a man of power and a hunk too.”

“No Ma’am, I mean Allie. His wife did not survive the meteor. He has not been with a woman since then. He is pleasured by us at bath time, but only with our hands. He will not penetrate us with his penis.”

The lady proceeded to shave Allie’s pubic area. She moved the razor with a gentle hand, her fingers grazed her lips. Allie tried not to moan, but could not help it. As the lady continued, Allie began to move her hips, adding the pressure on her lips and clit. The lady sensing a state of arousal from Allie slowly inserted her finger into Allie’s pussy. She fingered Allie slowly, her thumb pressed on the clit. Allie’s hips moved with more force. In a matter of minutes Allie’s body tensed and her orgasm hit. She gripped the side of the table as she exploded over the ladies fingers.

After the bath, shave and clothed, Allie rejoined Tina and Rich. They moved along the street and met a lot of the people until they heard a bell ring. When the bell sounded everyone moved toward the center hut. The trio followed the crowd. At the hut they saw Joshua standing at the door. Everyone gathered around.

“People of Genesis, I want you to help me welcome three new survivors that has graced us. Allie, Tina and Rich have traveled many miles. Their journey ends with us.”

The crowd cheered.

“Please make them welcome and let the festival begin!”

The crowd cheered and began to dance. The music was loud and everyone came by and welcomed the trio. The party lasted until well after dark. Allie was standing watching Rich and Tina dance when she felt a hand on the small of her back. She turned and it was Joshua.

“Having a good time?”

“Yes sir thanks for welcoming us like this.”

“It is my pleasure, Miss Allie.”

Allie smiled and pushed her hair behind her ear.

It was very late when the festivities ended. Allie, Tina and Rich laughed and hugged as the musicians began to put away their instruments. Joshua walked over to them and led them to their bedding quarters for the night. It was the barracks where Joshua’s personal staff lived. The building had a long hallway with openings on each side that led into rooms. In each room were four beds and four desks with chairs.

“The right side of the hall is for male staff, the left for women. As you see there are no doors. We have no need for doors. Rich, in room 4, you will find an unoccupied bunk, Tina your bunk is in room 7. In there you will find Audrey, the city’s midwife.”

Tina and Rich both hugged Allie and departed to their assigned bunks. Allie turned and looked at Joshua.

“Joshua, thank you for taking us in, I am happy we are no longer alone.”

“It is my pleasure Allie. Now come, I will show you to your quarters.”

Joshua took Allie by the arm and led her down the hallway and into the opening at the end of the hallway. When they entered, Joshua struck a match and lit a lantern. As the room was illuminated by the small flame, Allie looked around at her surroundings. In the corner of the room was a table. On the table was a basket of fresh fruit, grown from the city’s vineyards and groves. In the center of the room was a large bed with lush pillows and coverings. Beside the large bed was a smaller bed.

“I apologize for not having another bunk available for you in the general quarters. The only free bunk is the bed beside mine. I hope you find it comfortable.”

“It will be fine. Thank you Joshua.”

Allie walked to the bed and lay down. The bed was so soft. She turned to express her appreciation, but when she turned, her eyes widened at what she saw. Joshua had begun to undress for bed. Unlike the guards at the gate, Joshua’s upper body had been partially covered by his animal skin covering. His back was to her as his right hand untied the straps on his left shoulder. As the straps loosened, the covering top fell and overlapped the bottom. Scars covered his back. As he pushed the covering down his buttocks, Allie gasps as the firmness of his ass and legs. She gazed as her stretched his arms upward. Between his legs she could see his balls as they hung down. His skin was so smooth, not a sign of hair any where. Josh reached and pulled the covering back from the bed and turned toward Allie and sat down. As he sat he noticed Allie looking at him.

“Please Allie, prepare for bed. If you wish, I will turn my back until you get under your bedding.”

Without a word Allie stood up from the bed. She faced Joshua as she untied the bikini like covering that covered her breast. As the covering fell, Allie noticed Joshua’s eyes focus on her breast. Her breasts were still firm, but not as perky as they had been due to her giving birth and nursing, but they had very little sag. Her nipples hardened instantly from the cool room and the presence of Joshua. She turned her back to him as she pushed the bottoms of her covering down her legs. She bent over, with her bare ass and pussy in Joshua’s full view. She picked up her clothes and laid them at the foot of the bed, before she looked back at Joshua. He was smiling.

“You are a beautiful woman, Allie.”

“Thank you Joshua.”

Allie lay in her bed on her side and faced Joshua. They talked until they drifted off to sleep. In there conversation, She told him of their journey and the adventures that they encountered. Joshua told her of the family he had lost and how the city had been built.

Allie woke up at first light the next morning. She didn’t want to open her eyes because she was afraid the previous day had been a dream. When she finally opened her eyes, she smiled when she realized it had not been a dream. She turned over toward Joshua’s bed. He was still asleep. In his slumber, he had kicked his bed covers from his body and lay in full view of Allie. He lay on his back. She watched his toned abs move up and down as he breathed. Her eyes wandered down. His cock was fully erect. Allie thought it was the most beautiful cock she had ever seen. It was at least eight inches and looked smooth. As she gazed she felt her body react to her thoughts. Her juices began to lubricate her pussy walls, as her nipples hardened to the point of uncomfortable. She moved her hand over her nipples to try and get some relief. For over 3 months, she had no interests in sex, but now she was on fire, but was afraid to act on her lust, no knowing how Joshua would respond. Her hand moved down her body. As her finger touched her engorged clit she gasps. Her body tingled all over as her back arched.

“Allie, are you ok?”

Joshua’s voice brought her back to reality, and into embarrassment. She felt her face become red with shame.

“I am sorry, Joshua.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for Allie. Please come to me.”

Allie stood from the bed. Her bare feet moved from her bed across the cold floor to Joshua. He had not attempted to hide his erection and lay watching the naked Allie come to him. Allie crawled onto the bed. She crawled over his body. She felt his hands touch her skin as she moved toward him into a kiss. As their lips touched, a feeling of warmth and ecstasy flooded over Allie’s body. Joshua turned and placed Allie’s back on the bed. His kisses moved from her soft lips down her neck. Allie arched her back as her head bent back. She moaned softly as she felt his kisses move down her neck and across her chest. Allie placed her hands on his shoulders as she felt his lips on her nipple. He sucked her nipple into his mouth so gentle. His tongue circled her nipple, and made her moan louder as her legs moved up and down against his hard body.

She placed a pillow under her head and watched as Joshua left her nipple and kissed down her flat stomach. Her hand moved to the breast he had just left. She rubbed his saliva into her skin, sending waves of pleasure through out her body. She looked into his hazel eyes as he moved between her legs. Her back arched as she felt his tongue come in contact with her clit. It felt amazing. He was very gentle. His tongue slowly moved in small circles on her clit. The feeling almost put over the edge, then she felt his tongue penetrate her lips. Her fingers enter twined into his brown locks as she pressed his head down against her. Her legs tightened around his head, as her head tossed back and forth into the pillow. She raised her hips while she pressed his head against her. His tongue snaked deep inside her velvety walls, her juices flowed freely. Allie’s breathing became intense; she whined and moaned uncontrollably, she raised her back from the bed as the most intense orgasm hit her. She gritted her teeth and groaned as she felt her juices flood out of her. Joshua continued to lick and suck her lips, until she collapsed onto the bed, and continued to moan.

Josh raised himself onto his arms. With his right hand he wiped the excess juice from his chin. He crawled up Allie’s body, lightly kissed her stomach as he did. His hands were on the bed beside her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He gazed into her blue eyes as he moved his hips. Allie felt the head of his hard cock graze her drenched lips. She smiled. He moved his hips forward and pushed his cock between her lips. Allie closed her eyes as she felt his cock enter her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he began to move slowly. He gently pushed until their pelvises met. Joshua lowered his lips to hers. They kissed passionately as his hips moved back and forth. Allie pressed her tongue against his lips. He opened his lips and allowed her in. Allie had never felt anything as wonderful. Joshua took his time. She felt every inch of his cock inside her. He moved his lips to her neck.

Allie pressed her hand against his chest and shifted her hips. With little effort, she rolled Joshua over onto his back. Her pussy muscles clichéd his cock, not letting it withdraw from her. She sat up on his hips. She placed her hands on his stomach as she began to move her body up and down. She closed her eyes as she slowly moved her wet pussy up and down his hard cock. Joshua’s hands cupped her breast. His fingers gently pinched her nipples and caused her to moan. Her hands move to the bed as she worked only her hips. Joshua began to meet her thrust. She closed her eyes as her breast swayed with their movement.

Joshua sat up in the bed. They kissed as Allie moved up and down. He pushed her on to her back. He positioned himself on his knees. Allie’s legs lay against his chest as he began to pump his cock harder. Allie knew he was close. His arms squeezed her legs as he increased his paced. Allie felt her body begin to tremble with another orgasm. Then with one last forceful thrust, Allie felt his cock begin to inject her with his cum. The feeling pushed her to her own orgasm.

Joshua collapsed on the bed beside Allie, sweat droplets all over his body. He rolled over onto his back. His chest rose and fell from exhaustion. Allie laid her head on his chest; she felt his heart pounding in his chest. She smiled as she drifted off to sleep. Finally, she was home.

Written by alliet14
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