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Pitching A Tent: Road Trip

"Ryan and Skye make use of the 7-hour trip"

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Author's Notes

"This is just the beginning for Ryan and Skye, so come for the sex, but stay for the romance."

As I sat in my apartment with my bag packed up and ready to go, I tried to stay positive about the weekend ahead.

"It'll be just as fun as it always is," I kept telling myself. But the message rang hollow. It didn't seem like that was going to be possible.

The trip I had packed for was the annual McCormick boys camping excursion, and it was typically something I looked forward to every year. At its inception, it started as a family thing. All four of us — mom; dad; my brother, George; and myself — packed into our car and drove to Pisgah National Forest in the Appalachian Mountains for a weekend under the stars.

Back then, I was far less enthused about the whole thing. I was only ten, and the idea of four days without screens was unfathomable to me. It honestly felt like I was being grounded. The seven-hour drive certainly didn't help.

It took all of one night to completely change my mind, though. I fell in love with it all. The crackling campfire, a sky full of stars that you couldn't see back at home, and the sugar overload from eating my weight in s'mores. We have gone back every year since then.

Well, at least my brother, my dad, and I have. My mom decided it wasn't her thing after the first year. She didn't enjoy being eaten alive by bugs, so it became an annual boys' weekend. Still, it was the biggest constant in my life as things changed around me. It didn't change when George left for college, when he graduated and moved from Richmond to just outside Washington DC, or when I finally shipped off to college myself — we always made sure to carve out time for this trip. Just the three of us.

Not this year, though. It started last month when George said he was bringing his new husband, Colin, along. Their wedding was this past fall, and Colin is a huge outdoors guy himself. I was excited about the addition, honestly. Colin is a lot of fun, and all of us got along really well. There was also the fact that he had his own tent, which would mean we no longer had three people sleeping in a two-person tent. An all-around win.

But three days before the trip, something else happened to change the roster. Dad threw out his back lifting weights (at least, that's what he told us). It wasn't anything super serious, but it was enough of an issue that he couldn't come with us. Sleeping on the ground doesn't help a slipped disc, I guess. And that's how our McCormick boys camping trip went from being the highlight of my year into something I was dreading. The way I saw it, I had become the third wheel for two newlyweds.

** BUZZZ **

I looked down at my phone and saw a text from my brother.

"Running a bit late. Be there in 30. Colin brought Skye btw"

What?! I quickly texted him back asking for an explanation.

I wasn't the only one that was concerned about the new group dynamic. George didn't want me feeling like I was the add-on, so he talked to Colin about it, and they decided that bringing Skye along would make it less awkward.

That worked for me! I had only met Skye one time — during George and Colin's wedding — but it was a good time. She seemed like a nice girl, and we spent most of the reception talking. And I wasn't sure, but I also thought that I could detect a hint of flirting. We even danced a little.

There was also the fact that Skye was truly stunning. Skye and Colin's family was first-generation Chinese, yet she had a few freckles that really popped from her golden skin tone. It made her look a lot like Lucy Liu, if you are looking for a comparison. She had the most luminous smile I've ever seen, and the first time I saw it, my brain short-circuited. Even though I was a good fourteen inches taller than her 5'1" stature, that smile made me feel like I was about three feet tall. At the wedding, she wore a bright red dress with a very deep slit that showed off her legs, and she had her jet black hair up in a bun. I rarely took my eyes off of her.

I looked in the mirror and at the string bean with a crow's nest for hair.

Oh God, I look like a troll.

I wasn't expecting any female company on this trip, so it would be an understatement to say that I looked rough. I did what I could; I untangled the mess that was my curly black hair, and I shaved. Sure, my stubble would come back while on the trip, but I at least wanted to make a good first impression.

At 11:45 PM, an hour after George sent the text, his Subaru finally pulled up to my apartment. I grabbed my bag and headed down to greet them, only George beat me to it and was in the lobby waiting for me.

"What's up, little bro?! Ready for an epic weekend?!" he said, punching me a little too hard in the arm.

"I'm just glad to be done with finals. But yeah, this should be fun. Even without Dad," I added.

"Don't be such a downer. It's gonna be a blast. And don't act like replacing Dad with Skye is necessarily a downgrade. I saw you two at the wedding."

That got a chuckle out of me. For the record, George wasn't implying that he was glad Dad wasn't going to be there; I'm sure he was as disappointed as I was. But George had always been the most positive person I'd ever met. He is the kind of guy that can find a silver lining in the worst of situations, and his enthusiasm is infectious. He could convince me that a trip to the lowest circle of Hell would be a blast.

We walked down to the car and saw Skye and Colin getting out, both rubbing their eyes. I guess they had slept most of the two-hour drive from D.C. to Richmond. Colin greeted me with a handshake and went to help George figure out how to cram my bag in the already very tight trunk.

Even half-asleep, I have to say, Skye was absolutely stunning. She was wearing a flowy denim skirt that went down close to her knees, and a black camisole. Her hair was up in a ponytail. She gave me a big hug and then flashed that smile of hers. Just like that, my brain was unable to function again.

"Hey...uh...Skye," I said, rubbing the back of my neck with my right hand.

"Hey, yourself! I hope you don't mind me crashing your guys' trip."

"For sure!...I mean... no, not at all..."

Jesus, why is talking so hard right now?

"I know what you meant," she said, smirking at my inability to say words correctly. "Just think of me as one of the guys this weekend." And with that, Skye turned around to get in the car.

Holy shit! look at those legs!!

I guess that her dress at the wedding was more conservative than I remembered, because I DEFINITELY didn't remember her having legs like the ones I was looking at. They were sculpted out of marble. Absolutely perfect. One of the guys? Fat chance.

We hit the road shortly thereafter, with George getting back behind the wheel. Colin fell back asleep immediately, but for the first hour or so, Skye and I caught up in the back seat. It was like we were picking back up from the wedding. We were cracking jokes and just generally enjoying each other's company.

It turns out that Skye has been a world-class gymnast in high school, which explained the legs. Had she not torn her ACL her senior year of high school, she would probably be at an elite gymnastics school like Oklahoma. Her competing days weren't over, though. Skye went on to say that she had joined a gymnastics club team at GW, and they went to meets with other schools in the region. It was inspiring to see how passionate she was about it. That even after suffering a setback that must have been devastating, she got back on the pommel horse and continued doing what she loved.

"Do you want to see the video from our last meet?"

"Absolutely!" I replied, with maybe a little too much enthusiasm.

She whipped out her phone, leaned over, and showed me a video. I know next to nothing about gymnastics, but it looked impressive. She tried to explain the nuances of how it was scored to me — how the routine itself wasn't as challenging as she typically did, but since it was almost perfect from a technical standpoint — but I was having trouble keeping up. All I could really focus on was how her ass looked in her leotard, especially when doing the splits. I am just a man, after all.

From there, we talked about typical school shit. Skye was a sophomore pre-med major. Her ultimate goal was to be a physical therapist, something that she fell in love with when rehabbing after her injury. I had to laugh at that, since I had done some PT last year, and the therapist I worked with was the Devil incarnate. Seriously, the woman was a sadist and seemed to get off on me being in pain. I made Skye promise she'd never be like that, and she laughed. Eventually we talked about me. About how I was going to be the managing editor of the VCU newspaper next year, and how I was really excited to start my internship at the Baltimore Sun in June.

At about 12:30, my exhaustion caught up with me, and I felt myself dozing. I had my eyes closed and was almost asleep when I felt Skye's head on my shoulder. She had never returned to her side of the car after scooching over to show me the video, and whether intentional or not, she was now leaning comfortably on me and soundly asleep like her brother was in the front. As for me, well, feeling her on my shoulder sent a jolt of electricity through my entire body. If I was sleepy before, I was wide awake now.

What does this mean? Was it intentional? Does this mean she likes me?

I spent a lot of time asking myself every question under the sun, but the only real conclusion that I could come to was that this was DEFINITELY not something that "one of the guys" would do.

We stayed that way for about thirty minutes or so, until a small pothole on I-85 startled Skye and woke her up. Unaware that she had drifted towards me and fallen asleep on me, she was super embarrassed.

"Oh my God, I didn't realize that I had gravitated towards your side. I'm sorry."

"No worries. I have that effect on people," I said, trying to be as smooth as possible. I guess it worked too, because she seemed to like that enough to get even more comfortable. She decided to put her legs up on the seat and splay across the back seat, resting her head on my right thigh.

OK, that's DEFINITELY a sign, right?

I tried playing a game on my phone to take my mind off the fact that this gorgeous woman had her head in my lap, but nothing I did worked. I looked down on her, and did my best to not leer, but I couldn't help but notice that her change of position had caused her skirt to bunch up a little around her waist. Her legs were on full display.

Given how short she was, she obviously didn't have the "legs that go on forever" that models do, but they were perfectly toned and without an ounce of fat on them. There was not a doubt in my mind that they could crush a watermelon with those babies. The more I stared, the more I was willing to volunteer to be that watermelon.

With that line of thinking, my body began to betray me. I felt myself getting hard. I stared down at her head in my lap and started to get nervous. If she woke up to my dick poking her in the ear, the weekend would be over before it began.

Dead puppies. Dead puppies. Baseball.

I began thinking of anything that would stunt my growing problem.

Hotel Rwanda. Grandma in the shower. Oooooh, Skye in the shower — FUCK, THAT'S THE WRONG WAY, DAMMIT! — Dead puppies.

I looked to the front of the car to see if the adults were aware of the scene developing behind them, but they seemed to be blissfully unaware. Colin was still passed the fuck out, and George was listening to some podcast on college baseball. I tried focusing on that to keep my mind off of Skye and the G-string thong that I had just noticed creeping out from the top of her skirt. Apparently some pitcher had just thrown a perfect game and was now projected to be a first-round pick. I think they said that he played for Coastal Carolina? I don't know. It wasn't working. It was only a matter of time before she noticed little Ryan and made a scene. Fucking kill me.

BUMP. Another pothole. I braced myself for the scream, only it didn't come.

In fact, the opposite happened. She nuzzled into my lap MORE. I could feel her rubbing her left cheek into the head of my now fully erect cock. It felt amazing.

This isn't really happening, is it? Maybe she's still asleep? Yeah, I'm sure that's it. ... That was a pretty big bump, though.

This was killing me. I had to do something to see. Something to test if she was awake or not. So I decided to take my right hand and place it on the small of her back, right where her cami had started to ride up and expose her back.

OK, nice and slow. Nice and slow.

I could feel my forehead start to sweat. It was like I was performing surgery. After about an hour of hovering over her back (OK, it was probably like forty-five seconds, but it FELT like an hour), I finally made contact.

Nothing. No movement at all.

What do I do now?

Without an answer to my "Is she actually awake?" dilemma, I decided to move my hand down her back. First by about a millimeter. Then another. My heart was beating so hard that I could feel it in my throat.

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After a few minutes of the slowest migration you could imagine, the tip of my finger had reached her thong, and I could feel the crest of her voluptuous rear end. The realization made my dick involuntarily twitch. Just like that, Skye answered my question.

As my dick let its presence be known again, Skye nuzzled into my lap once more, this time adjusting her position so that her lips were resting perfectly against the head of my cock. I could feel her breath through my basketball shorts, and the thought of her taking me in her mouth emboldened me to go even further.

Now pushing my hand under the waistline of her skirt, I got my first real feel of the ass I had spent the last hour trying (and failing) to keep out of my head. It was everything I imagined it to be and more. I spent the next few minutes caressing and kneading her ass as if I was a blind person trying to create a mental image of it.

It wasn't long until I could feel the heat emitting from between her legs, and I began creeping my hands further down her backside to greet it. As I brushed past her rosebud and towards her need, I could feel two things. The first was that she was absolutely soaked. She was as into this as I was. And if her arousal wasn't a certainty from what was going on there, there was the second thing I felt: her mouth opening slightly and her tongue starting to flick against my raging erection. It was on. At least it WAS...

"Hey guys, we are going to stop at this exit and get some gas," George interrupted from the front seat, waking up Colin and causing Skye to shoot upright from her previous position. "There are bathrooms and a place to get some snacks too, so it might not be a bad idea to get up and stretch your legs."


I had never hated my brother more than in that moment. More than when he duct-taped my mouth shut when I was eight years old.

When the car came to a stop, Skye got out to use the bathroom. Meanwhile, my hard-on wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, so I did the only thing I could. I tucked it up into my waistband and got out to do the same. I thought about "taking care of it" in the bathroom, figuring that it would make the remaining trip more comfortable, but I couldn't get myself to be THAT guy. I had lived my entire life avoiding the title of "guy who rubs one out in a rest stop bathroom," and I really wanted it to stay that way. Ten minutes later, we were back in the car, as if nothing had happened. The moment was over.

As we hit the road again, it was George's turn to take a nap in the passenger's seat, and Colin took over to drive us the rest of the way.

"You guys don't mind if I put my air pods in, do you?" Colin asked us.

"Are you allowed to drive with earbuds in?" I asked, knowing the answer was in fact a no.

"Not sure, but I'm a little tired, and it'll help wake me up."

I didn't like the fact that he was clearly still tired. Normally, I would have volunteered to drive, but I was nervous that if Colin took my seat in the back, he'd get a whiff of the previous activities. There was also the fact that even if the moment HAD passed, I was still really enjoying sitting next to the gorgeous girl to my right. So I kept my mouth shut and said that his air pods were cool, as did the rest of the group. George put earbuds of his own in, and as for Skye, she began leaning against her passenger side door and away from me. I was concerned by that development.

Yes, there was a part of me that was really hoping that we would continue where we'd left off, but at this point, I was concerned there was more at play now. She hadn't so much as made eye contact with me since getting in the car again.

Did I go too far? Does she regret it now? I am about to spend the next four days with this girl. Did we just make things super awkward?

I was actually starting to panic. I was racing through all of the worst-case scenarios, but then Skye adjusted herself again. Her legs were in the middle seat now, meaning her feet were in my lap. I exhaled, as I took that as a sign that she was fine with what happened earlier. I figured that if she was really uncomfortable, she'd avoid me altogether. I still was disconcerted by the fact that she had still yet to look at me, but one step at a time.

I looked over at her, trying to see if I could read her. I thought I could see a small smirk on her face. My mind was running in hyperdrive trying to decipher what that could mean, and that's when I saw it.

Remember that thong of hers? Well, it wasn't there anymore.

I now had a clear view of Skye's awe-inspiring and glistening entrance. She hadn't turned away from me because she was embarrassed or uncomfortable. She was presenting herself. That minx.

No longer afraid of misreading things, I began massaging her, starting with her feet, then moving to her calves, and then finally her thighs and hamstrings. I took my time, enjoying every second of getting to feel up these wonderful haunches. If you couldn't tell already, I am a legs and ass man, and these were the best legs I'd ever seen. I was in no rush.

As I got closer and closer to the heat between her legs, that half-smile on Skye became a full one. That is, until I reached the target. When I finally had kneaded my way up her legs and felt my fingertips brush between her moist folds, Skye's expression changed, as she elected instead to bite down on her lip, presumably to keep herself quiet.

I looked back to the front seats to see if there was any indication that they were on to what was happening, and I saw nothing of the sort. George was passed the fuck out, and Colin was still driving with his earbuds blasting music — I could faintly hear the Blink 182 he was listening to, so I knew that it was loud. He had also turned the AC up in an attempt to stay awake, which was good, because I'm pretty sure the back seat was starting to reek of sex.

Convinced things were all clear, I turned back to the mission at hand. With my right hand still in the same place as before, I gently folded her skirt up with my other to get a full view. It was a sight to behold. So much so that it took all of my strength to keep myself from burying my face in it. I wanted to taste it so bad, so I did the next best thing: I dipped my middle finger into her enough to coat it with her essence and brought my finger up to my mouth.

Upon retracting my finger from her, Skye's eyes opened for the first time, and she gave me a look that was a combination of both burning desire and betrayal. As if my temporarily leaving her wanton sex was akin to stabbing her in the back. That look lasted just a heartbeat, though, as the realization that I was merely going for a taste of her juices turned that look into her now-signature smirk.

After licking my digit clean, I returned it to its previous position between her thighs. With my palm facing the front of the car, I slowly began fingering her with my pointer and middle fingers. I didn't want to get too aggressive with it — I feared any rapid movement would catch the eye of Colin in the rearview more — but it was enough to make it difficult for Skye to stay quiet. Every few pumps, she would be unable to control her mewls, and she was biting her lip so hard that I was waiting to see blood.

As I continued my assault, Skye began using her feet to have some fun of her own. She found the head of my throbbing mushroom with her right foot and began playing with it. It wasn't a lot of simulation, and it's not like I have a thing for feet, but given the last few hours and the state of arousal I was in, it felt incredible. I wanted more. I wanted to feel her feet on my cock.

I never got the opportunity. As I used my free hand to free my throbbing dick from my basketball shorts, Skye saw what I was doing and got wide-eyed. And after seeing that the beast had been freed, she sat back up.


At least that's what I thought. Until Skye leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "I've been waiting for this since I felt it on my hip at the wedding."

As she began lowering her head into my lap, I mentally thanked George for marrying into this family.

Skye was now in an identical position to the one she was in prior to our bathroom break, only now there was nothing between those luscious lips of hers and my dick. I waited for her to suck me into her mouth, but she just stayed there. She was teasing me. Every time she exhaled, my dick would twitch from the warmth of her breath. I willed my dick to magically grow an inch and pierce her lips, but I'm no Mr. Fantastic or Inspector Gadget. I would have to wait for her to open the flood gates herself.

Speaking of flood gates, with her in this position, I had returned my hand to where it was before — under her waistband and firmly on her ass. The side of my palm resting against rosebud. My ring finger, if I extended it completely, could reach her deliciously soaked folds. I closed my eyes and fantasized about what it would feel like to have my mouth there, lapping up everything she had to offer. I imagined the feeling of those perfect thighs squeezing my head as she came on my face.

I was brought back to reality with a jolt of electricity that shot from the tip of my cock straight to my brain. My eyes shot open to find Skye flicking the ridge of my head with the tip of her tongue. It was time for the main attraction. Sky took one last look up at me, and with a wink, plunged my dick down her throat in one swift motion.

Holy shit did it feel incredible. So wet. So warm. I lost the ability to think, as I groaned.

"Did you say something?" Colin asked, temporarily removing an earbud and looking in the rearview mirror.


"Nope." I stuttered, as Skye had the presence of mind to hide my exposed penis under her face as she pretended to be asleep.

"OK, well, we have another hour or so before we get there. No need to wake the sleepyheads yet."

I nodded, as he gave one last loving look over at George, and popped his earbud back in.

When the coast became clear, Skye reopened her eyes and shot me a look that could pierce Kevlar.

"SORRY!" I mouthed, trying to express how stupid I felt.

"Not yet you aren't." And with that, she returned my dick to the depths of her mouth.

Skye was a pro. Even though she couldn't bob up and down on my cock for fear of alerting her brother again, the way she used her tongue to swirl around my dick again and again was a feeling unlike any other. It was like I had put my dick in a cyclone. I wasn't going to last long, especially when she began massaging my balls with her right hand.

No, Ryan. You will NOT be the guy that lasts thirty seconds.

I tried to distract myself by focusing on HER pleasure, sinking my ring finger and middle finger into her pussy. It had the opposite effect though, as it caused her to moan on my dick, pushing me further toward nirvana. Every muscle in my body began tensing up as it prepared for the fireworks about to be set off.

As I reached the point of no return, I placed my left hand on her head and tried to indicate I was close to bursting. I then started to look around to see if there was anything that I could possibly blow my load into. I certainly didn't want this to end with me cumming all over myself. Skye had other plans for me. Taking her hand from my balls, she placed it on top of my left hand and impaled herself with my cock.

It was too much. The entire situation. The thrill of doing it without getting caught, the hours of teasing and mental anguish, her technique, oh, and the fact that I had been too busy with finals over the last two weeks to jerk off — it was the most explosive orgasm I have ever had. You know those tiny specks of silver you see in your vision when you stand up too fast? That's all I could see, as my dick pumped rope after rope into the mouth of the eager seductress that was now looking up at me and smiling around my cock. After the best twenty seconds of my life subsided and my tank was empty, I felt one last swirl of her tongue around my mushroom before Skye released me from her mouth. And with a lick of her lips and coy look on her face, she got rid of all of the incriminating evidence, swallowing it all. I was in shock.

"Hey Col'," Skye called out to her brother in the front, as if everything was completely normal. "How much longer until we get there?

"Twenty minutes or so. You get some sleep?"

"Not really. Ryan's lap is way too bone-y to really get comfortable." Her double entendre was not lost on me. The way that Colin looked at me made it seem like it didn't get by him either.

"Well, the sun is just starting to rise. I figure that after we unpack and set up camp, we will all take a nap. I know I'm going to need one."

I was with him on that. I couldn't remember being more tired than at that very moment. I was drained in truly every sense of the word. Mentally, physically, and sexually. Still, what a start to the trip...


Written by Rounding_Third
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