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Passion Unveiled

"From playful banter to whispered confessions, their journey from friendship to love is a sexy dance of discovery and longing."

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Author's Notes

"Join April and Jack on a rollercoaster ride from scarf shenanigans to a sizzling encounter, as they navigate the quirky twists and turns of love, laughter, and lust. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Get ready for a tale of a new adventure and a whole lot of heart-fluttering fun!""

"Good morning, and welcome to The Book Worm," I said as the door chimed. "I'll be right with you." 

"But I need help right now," a familiar voice insists. 

 Swiveling around, I spot April standing at the door, also known as my boss. 

"I don’t know how you've survived a year with that kind of customer service," she teases, walking over with a cup and a pastry box in hand. 

"Happy 1-year anniversary. I thought a cupcake and coffee would be a perfect way to celebrate," she says with her beautiful smile. "You're my favorite employee, after all." 

 "Well, I am your only employee, but I'll gladly accept the compliment and this delicious treat," I bantered back, accepting the box and cup from her hands. 

April's smile has a magical quality that never fails to lift my spirits. Since the day we first met a year ago, I've been completely mesmerized by her. How could I not be? 

April is a vision of beauty in her early thirties, with blonde hair cascading midway down her back, captivating blue eyes, and curves that could rival a rollercoaster's twists and turns. 

She doesn’t need to try, but she effortlessly exudes charm. Whether dressed in jeans and a tee or a flowy sundress—my personal favorite on her—heck, she could wear a potato sack and still radiate sensual beauty. 

Her love for books, beer, and hiking only adds to her allure, not to mention her dry sense of humor. 

Every day I walk into work, I feel grateful for taking a chance on a job at a bookstore. 

About eighteen months ago, I was itching for change. Tired of working away in cubicles for big corporations, I wanted the great outdoors. So, after much thought, I said goodbye to my corporate gig and set off for Colorado. 

I'm not a big spender, so I had money saved up. I took the plunge, rented an apartment sight unseen, and moved with no clear plan in mind. 

It turned out to be a nice little town filled with small shops owned by genuine people rather than faceless corporations. 

The plentiful hiking trails and welcoming locals reaffirmed that I'd made the right choice. 

Once I knew I wanted to stay, I realized I needed to find work. Unsure of what I wanted besides an escape from cubicle life, I thought I would try a few jobs until I found what I liked. 

That was the plan until a year ago when I was walking around town and passed The Book Worm. It was right down the street from a coffee shop I liked but never took notice of it. 

 This time I saw a help wanted sign in the window. 

I loved to read and spent a lot of time in the library when I was little. I thought it would be nice to get away from e-books and e-readers and get back to something that felt more real. 

And that’s when I met April and her beautiful smile.  She had a similar background of working in corporate jobs, although with more success than me, but had burned out. 

She always wanted to own a bookstore and decided to open The Book Worm. The interview was more of a conversation between friends, and she hired me. 

And here I am, enjoying this cupcake and coffee against the counter. 

"It looks like I picked the perfect cupcake, judging by how you're wolfing it down," April quips, appearing from the back, having dropped off her bags. 

"It’s delicious. Maybe we could have a pizza and beer party later," I manage between bites. 

 "Being my favorite employee only gets you so far!" 

 Ah, that beautiful smile again. 

“Would you take a look at this?” she asks, flipping open her tablet. “I know you're not exactly a fan of online clothes shopping, but this is a little different.” 

 With an exaggerated eye roll and a smirk, I reply, “Sure thing, anything for the boss lady.” 

“Ha Ha, you know I can't stand that,” she teases. 

With a chuckle, I step closer, peering over her shoulder. 

Now, I like to think of myself as a gentleman, but she's sporting a shirt with a scooped neckline that leaves little to the imagination. Part of her beautiful curves includes a pair of firm D-Cups, and I can't help but look at her cleavage. 

“You know I've got a weekend trip coming up soon, and the weather's starting to cool down,” she mentions. 

“So, I've been on the hunt for a new hat or maybe a scarf. Sure, I've got plenty, but treating myself to something new sounded like a good idea.” 

“Let's check out these scarves and see what you think. They're from a site where everything's handmade by small businesses. Just like us,” she continues. 

Finally tearing my gaze away from her cleavage, I turn to the screen and can't help but grin to myself. 

“These are really something. So many colors and styles,” I remark. “Whoever's behind this has got some serious talent.” 

 Glancing back at her, she catches my quirky smile. “Are you poking fun or being serious?” she chides. 

“I'm serious. They're all fantastic, and any one of them would look stunning on you. But I might be a tad biased,” I admit with a playful wink. 

 “What do you mean?” she questions, curiosity dancing in her eyes. 

 “That's my handiwork. I made them,” I confess sheepishly. 

 In a near-perfect 'Different Strokes' imitation, she exclaims, “Whatcha talkin' about Willis?” 

 “I know, it's a bit embarrassing to admit, but I've been crocheting since I was about 10. My mom taught me, and I've been hooked ever since. Thought I could turn it into a little side hustle,” I explain. 

 “Why am I just hearing about this now and are you saying you need a raise?” she retorts, spinning around with a playful scowl. 

“I don't need a raise; I just had so many lying around that I needed to do something. And as for why I've been keeping it a secret, well, as a guy in his late twenties, it's not exactly a topic I bring up often with beautiful women,” I confess. 

 Her scowl melts into a smile. 

“Let’s just say that woman seem to want more of a lumberjack than one who crochets” I continued. “So, I just keep it to myself” 

 “Firstly, you've got a real talent, and you shouldn't hide it. And secondly, not every woman's looking for a lumberjack,” she reassures me with a wink. 

 “I'm sorry for not mentioning it sooner,” I apologize, offering a gesture of reconciliation. 

 “To make it up to you, I'll bring over a bunch for you to look at, and whichever one you like is yours.” 

 “I'd love to see them,” she softens, her tone warmer. “But I insist on paying for the ones I choose. Though a 'best boss in the world' discount wouldn't hurt.” 

 “Ok, ok... we'll figure out the details when I get back. I've got to run home at lunch and bring a package inside. I'll bring them back,” I promise. 

 As noon rolls around, I run home and return with an armful of scarves. 

 Her eyes widen as I walk through the door. "You weren't kidding about having a bunch, and they're even more beautiful in person." 

 "Hey, sometimes I get lonely at night and it's just me, a beer, and my yarn," I chuckled, handing her the scarves. "Glad you like them." 

 With a laugh, she says, "Mind if I take these home now? I want to see how they look with my outfits."  

"Need to make sure I coordinate in case a charming lumberjack wanders into camp," she adds with a wink. 

"Go on, get out of here, but wash that dirty mind before you return," I tease. 

 With her arms full of scarves, she heads towards the door, and I can't help but admire the sway of her hips and the graceful movement of her curves.  

A sudden surge of excitement stirs in my chest, sending a thrill down to my core. As she waves goodbye, her smile, only intensifies the feeling. 

 Hours later, my phone chimes, signaling a message from April. She has sent several photos of herself wearing different combinations of the scarves, and I can't help but be amazed at how stunning she looks in each one. 

 "They all look beautiful on you. Maybe you could be the model for my website," I write back, hitting send. 

 "I thought you were aiming to sell these, not scare customers away," comes her playful reply. 

 "Your beauty could sell anything. My sales will probably skyrocket," I respond. 

I froze for a second. I can't believe I just sent that. 

 As I wait thirty minutes before she sends her next message, I can't help but reflect on our flirty interactions. Despite being just friends, there has always been an underlying tension between us. Today, however, something has shifted, and I find myself taking a chance with my responses. 

Let's hope this isn't the end of my days at The Book Worm. 

 Summoning the courage, I opened the message, and instantly, my entire body tingled with anticipation. My heart raced so fast, I feared it might leap out of my chest. 

 The first message was a picture of her topless, wearing only jeans with a scarf draped over each breast, teasingly concealing them, barely. Her bare cleavage, coupled with a seductive smirk, left me weak-kneed. 

 "I don’t think this one is big enough," read the message, adding to the allure. 

 In the second photo, she stood naked, with my longest scarf wrapped around her neck. Covering her breasts it cascaded down her body, skimming her curves, and coming to rest between her thighs, leaving just enough to the imagination.  

Her naked form was a masterpiece, every inch perfection. 

 "I think this one needs more material also," the message read, her finger pressed to her lips in contemplation. 

 The third image took my breath away.  

She was naked, facing away from the camera. The scarf draping down her back and stopping just below her buttocks. Covering just the middle, leaving an ample part of the most beautiful cheeks I have ever seen uncovered. 

 "I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I still feel a draft," she confessed. 

 I struggled to concentrate as a hunger pulsed through me, my mind consumed by her image.  

With each heartbeat, the throbbing in my groin intensified. My length started to strain against my zipper. 

 Finally gathering myself, I scrolled to the last one. She was facing the camera, naked, with a scarf tied around her chest and one around her hips covering her most intimate parts. Her hands were on her hips, and a quizzical look graced her face as she posed provocatively. 

"Now I have really done it. I can’t seem to get out of this. I think I need someone to come untie me and show me how to wear these. Do you know anyone that can help?" Her playful plea ignited a fire within me. 

Not long ago, I worried that I had crossed a line with my comments. Now, as I looked at messages from this stunning woman, I realized that was not the case. 

Collecting my thoughts, I replied, "I’m pretty sure I know just the person for the job!" 

"I hope it’s the sexy guy who made all these scarves. He seems like the right man," she replied, stoking the flames of desire. 

My mind raced, hoping this meant she felt the same for me as I for her. 

"It is definitely the same guy. He just needs to make sure his boss is okay with him closing. She can be quite the tyrant, and I don’t want to get on her bad side," I joked, hoping to ease some of my throbbing. 

"Real funny! She is going to be very mad if you don’t hurry up. Don’t forget to pick up a pizza and some beer. We will have that party after all." The message concluded with a playful winking kiss emoji. 

Still reeling from what had just occurred, multitasking became my priority. Closing the store entailed turning off the lights, cashing out the register, ensuring the doors were locked, and setting the alarm. 

Meanwhile, I was also ordering pizza, deciding where to stop for beer, and still trying to convince myself that this was real. 

It took forty-five minutes before I arrived in front of April’s house. Ample time for waves of panic to wash over me, followed by brief surges of courage, only to be overtaken by panic once more.  

Despite being in my late twenties and having had previous romantic encounters, I found myself feeling like a nervous teenager on prom night, heart pounding and palms sweaty. 

 With pizza and beer in hand, I made my way to the front door, uncertain of what awaited me but eager to find out. 

 As the door swung open, revealing April, I nearly stumbled over my own feet in awe. She stood there, hand on the door, hips slightly cocked, exuding sexiness. 

Strands of her blonde hair framed her face, the rest cascading down her back. Her light blue eyes sparkled, her enchanting smile gracing her slightly plump lips, captivating my entire world. 

 Finally, I realized she still wore the two scarves around her chest and hips. The photographs had not done her justice.  

Her pale skin, adorned with light freckles, hinted at a natural beauty. Her breasts, barely contained by the scarf, teased at the edges, revealing bare flesh. A sexy belly button marked her slightly soft stomach, leading down to her beautifully wide hips. 

 The knot on one hip accentuated the curve of her waist, while the scarf struggled to conceal her most intimate spot. 

Yet, it was losing the battle, and I was desperate to see more. 

 Despite holding pizza and beer, my sole hunger was for April. 

 Meeting her gaze, I hoped her desire for me matched my own for her. 

 “I didn’t realize pizza delivery guys could be so handsome,” she quipped. “I hope you’re good with knots too because I’m really stuck.” 

 With a smirk, she turned towards the kitchen, teasingly suggesting, “Follow me. I think you need to put those down before you drop them. You seem to be having some trouble.” 

 Having been to her home a few times, I knew the kitchen was at the back, affording me a few seconds to gather my thoughts.  

Instead, my eyes traced every curve of her figure, from the freckles on her shoulders to the flare of her hips. 

 My eyes stopped at her ample bottom barely covered by the scarf, the top of her crack peeking out, and the bottom of her luscious cheeks beckoning. 

I finally continued down her shapely thighs to her toned calves. 

Caught in my gaze, she responded with the sexiest smile. 

Entering the kitchen with the pizza and beer, I placed them on the counter. April approached, a mischievous glint in her eyes, closing the gap between us, setting my heart racing. 

"I've been waiting an eternity for this," she whispered, wrapping her arms around my neck, her toes barely grazing the floor as she leaned in to kiss me. 

A jolt of excitement surged through me as her lips pressed against mine, igniting a spark between us. 

My arms wrapped around her, hands resting snugly on her lower back, pulling her in close. 

 Our tongues met in a passionate dance, feeling like old lovers. 

 Reluctantly, we finally pulled away, breathless and grinning like two kids who had just stumbled upon a hidden treasure. 

“Well, that was something," I teased, unable to wipe the smile off my face. 

 She chuckled, her eyes sparkling, "Definitely worth the wait." 

 Before I could say anything else, she gave me a sexy smirk, grabbing my hand. “I don’t just want you, I need you,” she breathed, leading me to the stairs. 

As we climbed, I couldn’t tear my eyes from her figure, her curves, the sway of her hips, and the gentle bounce of her buttocks. 

“You know,” she quipped, “if you keep staring at me like that, we'll never make it to the bedroom.” 

With those words, my heart raced, and we started climbing faster. 

With a playful grin, I followed her into the bedroom, feeling the air thick with anticipation. 

As we shared a brief, heated kiss, she leaned in close, her voice a seductive whisper against my ear, "I want you to untie these scarves." 

My pulse quickened at her words, eager to indulge in her tantalizing request. With trembling hands, I reached for the scarves, ready to explore every inch of her with playful abandon. 

As the top scarf fell to the ground, revealing her full, heavy breasts, my breath caught in my throat at the sight. 

Her areolas, a delicate shade of light brown, adorned with hard nipples the size of the tip of my pinky, beckoned to me with a magnetic allure. 

Unable to resist, I reached out, my fingertips grazing her skin, and with a feather-light touch, I ran them across her nipples, igniting a firestorm of sensation as goosebumps raised on her skin. 

With a low, breathy moan, April shivered urging me to continue. 

My fingers started tracing her curves coming to rest at the edge of the scarf tied around her hips. I could feel the heat radiating from her skin. 

Her eyes locked with mine, filled with desire, as I slowly untied the scarf, letting it fall to the ground. 

With each passing moment, our cravings grew stronger, charged with a primal energy that seemed to fill the air. 

As the scarf slipped away, revealing her most intimate spot, a surge of heat rushed through me, my body aching for more. My gaze fixed on the sight before me, taking in every detail in awe. 

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 Her perfectly trimmed dark blond curls rested on top of her lips, barely peeking out between her thighs, inviting me to explore further. I felt a hunger that could only be sated by the touch of her against me. 

I reached out, my fingertips grazing her soft skin as I traced the contours of her body. April's breath hitched in anticipation, her body trembling with desire as my touch sent shivers down her spine. 

Pulling her against me, my hands wrapped around to grab her buttocks, squeezing them firmly as our lips met in a tender kiss. In that moment, the world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the heat of our passion and the electricity that crackled between us. 

I could feel the urgency between us as April pulled away. With nimble fingers, she began to remove my clothing, her touch both urgent and gentle as she revealed my skin beneath the fabric. 

As her hands ran over my body, tracing the lines of my muscles, a surge of lust coursed through me; I wanted her more than anything. 

 Standing fully nude before her, April's eyes blazed with heat as she gazed upon my erect, throbbing shaft. With a gentle touch, she wrapped her hand around it, I could feel it pulsating beneath her fingertips. 

 I let out a low groan of pleasure. "You have no idea how much I've wanted this," I whispered, my voice husky. "I've been dreaming about this moment." 

 As she began to stroke it slowly, a tiny droplet of pre-cum glistened at the tip, evidence of the desire that coursed through me. 

 As April's urgency became palpable, I felt a rush of anticipation surge through me. She gently pushed me back on the bed, her touch both commanding and tender. 

 "Lie back," she whispered, her voice thick with passion. 

Settling onto the bed, I watched as April took in every detail of my body. Her eyes traced the lines, her gaze lingering on my hard length and the drop of pre-cum that landed on my stomach. Her naughty smile made my cock twitch. 

As she climbed onto the bed, her movements were deliberate and sensual, and I could feel the heat between us intensifying. 

With each step closer, the anticipation grew, electrifying the air around us. 

When she finally straddled me at the waist, I could feel her warmth against my skin, the wetness and heat of her lips pressing against my swollen shaft. Shivers ran down my spine. 

Our eyes locked, and in that moment, I knew that we both craved each other. 

With a hunger I could not contain, I pulled her down on me. My lips capturing hers, a passionate kiss full of heat and wanting. 

My hands caressed her back as she gently ground herself against me. My cock getting slick with her juice. Our moans mixed between our lips.  

As April pressed hard against me, we reluctantly broke our kiss, parting with a lingering sigh. 

“I love feeling your bare skin against mine,” I whispered. 

April’s eyes met mine, the blue seeming deeper. 

“I love the way it feels too,” she murmured. “It’s like we were made for each other.” 

Those words filled me with need, a sense of euphoria I had never experienced before. Every fiber of my being vibrated. 

With a soft, longing look in her eyes, she began to slide down my body, her lips trailing a path of fire on my skin. 

Starting at my neck, her feather-light kisses sent shivers down my spine. 

Moving lower, she teased my chest, her lips and tongue dancing over my skin. 

When she reached my nipples, she teased them with gentle flicks of her tongue. I let out a low groan of pleasure from deep within me. It was absolutely exquisite. 

Continuing her journey, she moved down my stomach, driving me crazy as she tantalizingly avoided my cock. Every inch of my body wanted her touch. 

Finally, she settled between my spread legs, and April’s eyes met mine with an unmistakable hunger. With a soft, knowing smile, she leaned in closer, her warm breath against my balls as she whispered, “Are you ready?” 

Before I could nod yes, her lips enveloped me, taking my balls into her mouth. Her gentle suction sent ripples of pleasure and desire through my body, and then as her tongue slowly traced the length of my throbbing shaft, I couldn’t suppress a low groan of satisfaction. 

 The sensation was overwhelming as she teased the underside of my swollen head with delicate kisses. I was doing everything I could to not explode. 

April looked up at me with a mischievous smile as she noticed the glistening pre-cum that had pooled on my stomach. I watched, my body tingling as she leaned in, her tongue darting out to lick it up. 

“You taste so good,” she murmured, as she licked her lips clean. 

As she grabbed my thick shaft, I watched with rapt attention as she lowered her head, her lips parting to take me into her mouth. Her tongue flicked across the slick opening. 

She began to swallow more of me, inch by tantalizing inch. The sensation of her warm wet mouth enveloping me sent waves of pleasure crashing over me as a low moan escaped my lips. 

With each slow, purposeful movement, she worked her way up and down my cock, her tongue swirling and teasing, sending sparks of delicious pleasure along my skin. 

Her teeth grazed gently across the ridge of my throbbing head. I squirmed and groaned louder. 

I closed my eyes, lost in the incredible sensation of her mouth on me, but needing to watch, I looked down to see her staring up at me. 

The look of hunger in her eyes threatened to push me over the edge. 

April seemed to sense it too. With a knowing smile, she withdrew her mouth, giving me a moment to catch my breath and calm my raging erection. 

“God, you know just what I need,” I whispered, my voice thick and deep. “But I need more of you. I need to be inside you.” 

Gently, I reached down, my hands finding her shoulders and coaxing her to climb back on top of me. 

With sensual grace, she complied, straddling me once again, her eyes dark with passion as our gaze met. 

As she settled herself, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her, taking in every curve of her perfect body, every inch of her pale skin as she hovered above me. 

 With a slow, deliberate movement, she reached between us, guiding me into her as she lowered herself onto me. The incredible sensation of her warmth enveloping me was pure bliss. 

With April now lying on top of me, her body pressed against mine in a perfect fit, her words sent tingles down my body. 

“I love the way you stretch me open,” she breathed, her voice husky with passion, “how deep I can feel you in me.” 

As our lips met in a feverish kiss, she began to rock back and forth on my shaft, each movement sending waves of pleasure through us both. 

I could feel us slick with her juices as she quickened her pace. Every thrust, every movement was taking me to the edge. I knew I couldn’t hold back much longer. 

“I’m close,” I managed to gasp out, my voice straining. 

Her response was a soft whisper in my ear, filled with a year's worth of longing and desire. “I want you to come in me,” she murmured, “fill me completely.” 

With those words, I lost all control, and I gave in to the overwhelming pleasure. My body tensed as I started to come. 

With each wave of my orgasm, I could feel her trembling on top of me.  

“God, I can feel you pulsing inside me,” she gasped, her breath ragged and heavy. “You feel so good, so.... perfect.”  

April’s body tensed as her orgasm hit. I could feel her inner muscles tighten around my shaft, gripping me with overwhelming intensity. Each contraction coaxing every last drop from me. 

Her moans grew louder, echoing my own, filling the air with each wave of our climaxes. 

Her smooth movements became jerky as I tried to match her with my own thrusts. 

As our orgasms finally subsided, April collapsed completely onto me, her weight pressing deliciously against my chest. 

My skin tingled with every touch, every slight movement. Our breathing was heavy, our hearts still racing. 

Running my hands gently down her back, I reached her buttocks, squeezing them gently and pulling her in even closer. 

I could feel the slight sheen of sweat on her skin, evidence of the heat we generated. 

As she kissed my neck, her lips soft against my skin, my manhood reluctantly slid out of her as I softened. 

She lifted her head, and our eyes met. We both knew that this was more than just physical pleasure - it was a deep intimacy. One I had never felt before. 

“That was amazing,” I said, my voice tinged with genuine wonder. 

“That is an understatement,” she breathed. 

With a wicked wink, I couldn’t resist adding a playful tease. “And you know what? We are not done yet.” 

Wrapping my arms around her, I rolled us over so that I was on top, eliciting a surprised yet excited laugh from her lips. I couldn't help but smile at her reaction, fueled by the thrill of taking charge. 

Eagerly, I leaned in and kissed her hard, the intensity of the moment lighting a fire in me. 

Sliding my kisses down her neck, I relished the taste of her skin, the softness beneath my lips. 

Moving lower, I planted kisses between her breasts, teasingly nipping at each stiff, thick nipple, eliciting sensual moans from her. 

Continuing my journey southward, I trailed kisses down her stomach, pausing tenderly at her belly button to plant a gentle kiss before playfully darting my tongue inside. 

Positioning myself between her thighs, I took in the sight before me. 

Her curly hair was damp with our juices. Her thighs and lips glistened, a tantalizing sight that fueled my hunger. 

As I leaned in, I could smell the intoxicating scent of us on her skin, thick and heady. It enveloped me, pulling me closer with each breath. 

Kissing her inner thighs gently, I took my time, savoring the moment as I slowly worked my way toward her most intimate area. 

When I finally reached my destination, I planted gentle kisses, wetting my lips and craving more. 

Running my tongue from the bottom of her pussy to the top, I savored the wonderful taste that greeted me. It was salty and a bit sour, but to me, it was perfect. 

With each lick, I could even taste a little bit of my own cum that had leaked out onto my tongue. 

Finally, pausing at the top, I ran the tip of my tongue under her hood, gently caressing her bud with slow, deliberate movements.  

As I looked up at her, I saw pure desire and longing in her eyes, a moaning plea escaping from her lips for more. 

Wanting more of her, I spread her lips open with my thumbs, revealing the beautiful deep pink inside. 

Slipping my tongue in deeper, until my lips pressed against hers. I began to lick at her hungrily, wanting, needing more. 

Continuing to drive my tongue in and out, I lost myself in the rhythm, my nose pressed against her pubic hair as I became engulfed in her scent. It was heady and intoxicating as I indulged in her. 

I replaced my tongue with two fingers, feeling her heat and wetness enveloping them. 

I relished the sensation as she gasped at my touch, groaned as I explored her. 

As my thumb exposed her clit, I wrapped my lips around it and started gently sucking. She shuddered in pleasure. 

Moving my fingers in and out with a slow, deliberate rhythm, I continued to suck and lick at her clit. With every suck and stroke, I felt her response, her body arching with pleasure. 

“Oh fuck,” she whispered, her voice a soft, breathy murmur. “Just like that....” 

Her words drove my passion, and I reached deeper into her, licking and sucking a little harder. 

I wanted to bring her to the brink of ecstasy. I could feel her trembling with each movement, she was getting closer to going over the edge of bliss. 

Suddenly, I felt a hurried touch.  

She lifted my head away from her, and for a moment, I feared I had done something wrong. 

But the look in her eyes told me otherwise. 

“I want you,” she breathed, her voice sultry. “I want to feel you inside of me again, filling me, taking me.” 

 Her words fueled a primal need in me, a need to have her completely. 

 Kneeling upright, my cock, erect and throbbing, pointed at her. 

I positioned myself at her entrance. 

With a teasing smirk, I traced the fat head up and down her folds, relishing the way she squirmed at my touch. 

Her breath hitched as I brushed against her sensitive, swollen bud. Her hands gripped the sheets, her eyes turning dark with passion. 

“Put it inside me... NOW,” she commanded with a sexy grin. 

I obliged her request, slowly sliding into her welcoming pussy. 

I watched in awe as her lips stretched around me, swallowing my swollen shaft, pulling me in deeper. 

As I began to move, I held onto her hips, ensuring I could drive deep into her. 

With each thrust, I watched her squirm against me, her breasts bouncing in rhythm with my movements. 

“God, you feel so good,” my voice husky with need. “So tight and warm.” 

She moaned in response, her breathing ragged with each stroke. 

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded. “I want all of you.” 

I increased my pace, driving deep with each thrust. Her hips rocked against mine, her body undulating in pleasure. 

“Harder,” she gasped, her words a breathy plea. “I need more.” 

Lowering myself onto her, pressing my weight against her, I complied with her demands. 

Thrusting harder and faster, I became lost in our movements, in the rhythm of our bodies. 

Her pussy became tighter, wetter as her groans took on an urgency. 

I wanted desperately to make her come, my single desire to make her feel as good as she makes me feel. 

As I continued my movements, I felt the tension building within her, and energy coursing through her. 

Her moans grew louder, more desperate, echoing around us, mingling with the heady scent of our bodies. 

With her arms and legs wrapped around me, holding me tight, we were lost in each other. 

As her orgasm approached, I sensed a change in her. Then her body went still for a moment, a fleeting pause before the storm. 

And then it hit her, her orgasm washing over her in waves of pleasure. 

Feeling her tight grip around me, her pussy pulsating with ecstasy, I urged her on, wanting her to surrender completely to her orgasm.  

“Give yourself to me,” I whispered, my voice a low growl in her ear. “Let go and let me feel you.” 

As her orgasm consumed her, her body convulsed in pleasure. I could feel her let go, could feel the warmth of her juices covering me. 

Her writhing was bringing me close, I could feel the familiar sensation building within me, a rising tide of pleasure threatening to consume me. 

With each thrust, my movements became shorter, quicker, driven by an irresistible urge to join her. 

Then as I buried myself deep inside of her, I felt it – the surge of pleasure as I began to come. 

With each pulse I whispered words of lust, promising to give her everything I had. 

“I’m going to fill you again,” I murmured, my voice strained with pleasure. “I want to give you all of me.” 

Lost in her passion, she groaned a desperate plea for more, for everything I had to offer. 

With a final, shuddering release, I emptied myself into her. Giving her everything, becoming hers. 

As I lay on top of her, we were spent and breathless, holding each other tight, our hearts beating as one. 

Finally rolling off, I felt the cool air against my damp skin as my breath slowly returned to normal. The aftermath of our shared passion lingered in the air, leaving me momentarily speechless, unsure of what to say after such an intense experience. 

As we lay there in the quiet, I felt her move closer, her leg draping over mine, her hand tracing gentle circles on my chest as she nestled her head on my shoulder. 

Instinctively, I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close, my hand finding a comfortable place on her hip. 

Then, breaking the silence, she quipped with a light chuckle, "See, I told you not every woman wants a lumberjack." 

I couldn't help but laugh, feeling a warmth spread through me at her playful remark. 

"The way you handled my wood, I think you're the lumberjack," I replied, matching her playful tone. 

She gave me a soft slap on the cheek, a sparkle in her eye. "Just as long as you remember who your wood belongs to, I'll always be your lumberjack," she said with a grin. 

 As her words sank in, that I belonged to her, a rush of excitement flooded through me. I couldn’t deny the love that I had for her, and before I knew it, the words spilled out of my mouth. 

“I love you, April. I have for a long time.” 

I was shocked by my sudden admission, but any fear I had dissipated when I saw the tender look in her eyes as she looked up at me. 

There was a moment of silence, filled only by the beating of our hearts, before she responded. 

Her voice, soft and loving, “I thought I’d have to be the first one to say it,” she confessed, her words causing a flutter in my chest. “But I love you too, more than I can say.” 

Feeling a weight lifted from my shoulders, I pulled her close, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, I whispered, “I’ve wanted to hear you say that for so long.” 

In that moment, with her in my arms, I knew that whatever came next, we would be together. 

Written by DadBod1133
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