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Our Mantra Was Some Day, Mya made it come true, 3.

"Women are the stronger sex"

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 I wrote a previous story about meeting someone from Lush. I got to thinking, 'What if it hadn't happened that way?' All of them stand alone but the shift in settings is fun. I did use some personalities that I know quite well. I hope you enjoy this and I plan to write about a few more ways. If you have some neat ideas send them to me, I am interested. I won't do violent ones and I'll give very thankful credit if you want me to.

Thank you for reading.


I was crouched down, peering over the sill and could see her through an opening in the curtains covering the window next to the back door. She always closed them at night when she cooked but left that gap all the time. I'd seen her through there before. That night she stood at the stove, stirring something in a pot. There was another next to it, both with steam rising and I could see it swiftly sucked up in a swirl by the hoods exhaust.

God, she was sexy as hell. I wanted her badly, and that night I'd have her any way I wanted. My cock was hard enough to strike sparks with and I'd needed to move it, but I was afraid I'd make a noise she'd hear. I was nervous as hell then too, I'd never even thought about doing that, let alone done it. God, her ass, I planned on fucking that until she screamed.

Her caramel-brown skin, caressed by the pale, silky gown she'd had on made it obvious she had nothing on under it. Her breasts stuck out, big, with large protruding nipples, pushing the fabric out into little tents that shuffled around as they swayed, moving when she did. 

She'd been dancing, moving her hips to whatever music played in her mind but keeping her feet in place. I'd seen her do that before and I liked it. I could see her ass move under the gown and I wanted to lick it, bite it then fuck it until I exploded. Her breasts moved from side to side as she turned, reaching for something, and I wondered if she was getting aroused by her nipples rubbing against the gown. 'Were they getting sore?'

She stopped the dance and took the pot to the sink, taking a strainer down from the spider over it, placing it in the sink and pouring the contents of the pot into it. Spaghetti was what she'd been fixing and the pan of sauce was still simmering on the stove. 

'I'll have a dish of that after I've fucked her,' ran through my mind then and I'd licked my lips. I was licking them mostly because of her, but the thought of sitting there, eating, afterwards and talking, explaining it to her, made me squirm. Damn, I was getting more excited thinking about it. My need was growing and I didn't want to wait much longer but the anticipation was really stoking my fires.

She'd turned toward the window and I had to move to the side so she wouldn't see me. I didn't want her to know yet. I wanted to see the startled look in her eyes when she first saw me. I wanted to watch some more, too, so I waited for a short time before peeking back around the edge again. She was back at the stove and stirring the sauce but not dancing now. She had a big smile on her face though, and I'd wondered what she was thinking.

'Soon,' I thought and smiled, licking my lips again. Yeah, I'd bite her ass before I fucked it. I'd lick her there too until she couldn't stand it and screamed at me. She was a screamer, I'd heard her before. Then I planned to put my cock there instead of my tongue and do what I'd been thinking until she screamed again. Pounding into her, my hands in her hair pulling her head back because I knew she liked that too.

I'd been very apprehensive about doing it, she was black, living in a black neighborhood and I'm so fucking white I glow in the dark. But, there I was, crouched down on her porch wearing a stupid Lone Ranger mask. Shit, if a cop had driven by they'd have shot me just on principle. I'd hoped to get inside before anyone spotted me and raised hell. I'd wanted Mya's fantasy to be good for her.

She'd finally moved to the fridge and opened it, blocking her view of the back door. I stood and quietly took the two pair of cuffs I'd bought out - they were already coupled together - then opened the back door and stepped in. I closed it softly and dropped my shorts and underwear.

As she closed the fridge I'd grabbed her from behind and hand-cuffed her. I had her against the door, pressing hard and pulling her gown up in the back with one hand as I held hers above her head with the other. She had to help a little with that, holding them up as I fumbled around.

My very hard cock was pressed between her ass cheeks and I started thrusting, sliding it up and down against that tight little ring of muscle. It felt so good when she squeezed me with her ass I considered coming right there. I didn't though because she'd wanted something different.

I held her hands up high, with her help, and bent my legs, shifting my cock to her pussy getting ready to enter her. She was so wet that when I pushed she'd pushed back and I slid completely in, my balls bouncing against the backs of her legs. Damn, she was squeezed tight, like a fist, and I'd had to push hard to get into her with each thrust. I loved every second of it and she did too from the moans I heard, and the grunts each time I'd lunged into her

"Oh God, Paul, you feel so fucking big. I think it's the biggest cock I've ever had." That was nothing but a pending orgasm talking and I knew it, but I started thrusting faster right then, a grimace on my face as I concentrated on giving her what she wanted. My ego did back flips for a week after that but, right then, all I cared about was fucking her and I did that with a deranged need, slamming her against the refrigerator.

I started thrusting harder, faster and she tilted her ass back when I did and we fucked our brains out. I had my right arm around her, mauling her huge breasts and pinching her nipples, pulling on them like she wants. I could see my pale hand on her caramel colored skin and as my excitement built I started driving into her faster and harder.

I knew she liked it in her ass so I leaned down and whispered, "I want to be in your ass baby, OK?" She shook her head sharply to tell me 'no!' and moaned louder, so I kept fucking her. She was dripping down both our legs as I went faster, slamming into her when she suddenly pushed herself back onto me and clenched every muscle in her body as she came.

She moaned and shuddered, squeezing and relaxing, pumping herself back and forth on my cock. Her pussy gripped me hard, then released, stroking me and it felt like I was fucking her clenching hands or her very tight ass. I'd had both before and they felt like that.

I came in a long hard orgasm. Pumping in and out, slamming into her in a frenzy, feeling like the world was ending and I was going to miss all of it. It felt like lava pouring out of me and she almost screamed when she felt it splatter into her, and she swallowed me. I do not know how else to describe that. I could feel the muscles slide along my cock as she did it, like I was in her throat.


Paige, my wife of 43 years, had finally lost all her memories from Alzheimer's and I'd been going crazy. I detested that disease with a passion that consumed me. It seethed inside, bubbling like a boiling pot until I thought I'd explode.

She was in a home and well taken care of. She talked and was friendly and everyone there liked her, but when I went to see her she'd look at me and smile, asking my name because she didn't remember me anymore. I still adored her though and whenever I got home I cried myself to sleep, sobbing so hard that I couldn't breathe sometimes.

She'd given up on all things sexual five or more years before and I hadn't, so the frustration levels were high at times. I took care of that myself, which is why I found Lushstories. I like to read erotica and I read for several months before finally joining. 

Right after I'd joined, an African-American woman contacted me because of my interest in black women, so I replied and we ended up very good friends. We eventually got to sex, and it turned out we fit together quite well. We chatted many times, and she'd said she came like a burst dam every time it was sexual. I'd had very similar results so we kept it up.

Her name is Mya, from a Greek name meaning 'Great Mother', and she was a great mother. Her twenty-eight year old daughter was in a PhD Graduate program in Genetics and Plant Biology at Stanford University, about a hundred miles south of where I lived and owned a small store.

Her name is Ada. Mya said it meant wealthy, noble, or sometimes it was just the name given to first born females. It's from the Igbo language of Nigeria, where her ancestors are from.

Ada is a marvelous young woman. Strong and capable, like her mother, almost scary smart, and I like her a lot. I think she likes me too, because she took me aside when we'd first met and asked me to take care of her mother, not hurt her. When I told her I'd die protecting her, she'd hugged me tight for a long time and kissed me very gently, holding my head in her hands and looking deeply into me. We both cried a little and she became another daughter to me.

Mya'd shown a lot of concern about my wife and been very supportive. She'd been married then, but her husband was not interested in her and they'd lived in separate rooms in the same house. She was unhappy, I was unhappy and we'd made each other feel better. If there's harm in that then I'll move because I'm living in the wrong world.

About a year after we'd started talking, she kicked her husband's ass out, it was her house. It doesn't matter what causes it, divorce is traumatic. She felt like she was a failure and I'd had to convince her that she wasn't.

I spent a lot of time comforting her and succeeded, but all I really did was allow her an outlet for the frustrations and anger. She'd railed at me a couple of times, and she was very pissed, but I knew it wasn't about "Us", it was "Them" that she had to get rid of. She healed herself.

It took a couple of months and we finally talked ourselves into her flying out to California from Florida for a couple of weeks. She did and it was wonderful. Learning all those little things to touch, to do for her. Where to lick for the best results, where to kiss. Where and how to use my cock. It was a wonderful time, the start of a new life.

We did all of this while she helped me get my wife into a home in Southern California, closer to three of our kids. She helped pack and clean, sorting through things that I couldn't bring myself to touch, crying so hard I couldn't see. She held my head as I cried myself to sleep each night, remembering 45 years of living with my own personal goddess.

Paige and I had done all the things couples do. We'd had kids, we enjoyed each other, we argued but we talked about everything and worked it out. She'd get angry about something or I would. She'd swear at me. 'You fucking asshole!' was her favorite, but I never swore at her, I couldn't. We shouted and stormed off, slamming doors, but we'd always talked. I'd give whatever years I have left of my life to have never been angry and shouted at her.

I was so maudlin for a while I couldn't stand myself. But Mya was there, touching me and telling me we'd work it out, holding me and helping me. An anchor for me after I'd been cut adrift on very stormy seas. It wasn't about sex then, but a friendship and trust that gently took hold of my soul and hasn't let go. Sex was there but it was secondary. I think I'd have killed myself if Mya hadn't been there.

She'd met all of my kids during this mad scramble, talking to them for hours as we cleaned and sorted. Paige and I'd accumulated so much crap it took six of us a week, and by the time we'd gotten close to finishing, my kids loved her too. I'd already decided I did. I think we'd been in love with each other for some time but were afraid to use that word too soon. It quickly became a habit telling her though.

Every time I visited my wife she'd gone with me and my kids liked that. They liked her because she was a lady and it was obvious she cared. Paige seemed to smile more when Mya held her hand and I liked thinking she approved of my choice.

We stayed with my oldest daughter, Tina, in Simi Valley where we'd put Paige.

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Another daughter and our youngest son lived there too, as did a bunch of grandkids, but she was having trouble remembering them too.

She was getting good care and the kids would be there, so when Mya asked me if I'd like to come and stay with her in Florida I talked to my kids, then said yes. We decided we'd spend six months in each place and all of our kids liked that idea too.

Before leaving we spent a week in Stanford to be near her daughter, she really needed that and I made sure she got every minute with her she could. I'd get them together, then leave so they could talk about all that stuff moms and daughters do that they don't want the guys to hear. The last four months had been pretty much all about me. Now I wanted it to be all about her for as long as she needed. Everything was about us by that time though.

I'd been renting a studio apartment to my store manager and offered her the entire house if she'd make sure that Mya and I could have the studio for a couple months while we were in California. I said I'd pay half the rent then and she'd jumped at it. She was another one of my adopted daughters too. I loved her, and her 6 year old daughter was my granddaughter.

So, again, Mya helped me. We got rid of a lot, the kids got whatever they wanted, then garage sale, Goodwill, and we shipped a whole bunch of my crap to Florida. I left a bunch stored and tried to split it so I wouldn't have to carry stuff back and forth and I did get that worked out, for both of us eventually.

We took nine days to drive there, stopping when we wanted and spending time together. We stopped and screwed our brains out in the desert just west of Blythe, before leaving California. We screwed in 10 states before we got there. Twice in the same day in two different states, Georgia and Alabama.

One was in a favorite place I'd seen years before. About fifty miles west of Flagstaff we got off Interstate forty and stopped twenty miles north on Arizona seventy-one, finding a spot that was just bare sand with trees far enough away to get an almost limitless view of the stars. There's virtually no lights and the stars on a clear night shine with an almost blinding intensity, and I introduced Mya to sharing sex with the universe.

I carried blankets and a bottle of wine up, and we lay there, sipping wine, talking and holding one another while staring up at the stars. It was midnight, the sand was still warm and we just enjoyed each other and the night sky. We necked and touched, then I got on my back, she mounted me reverse cow-girl and we screwed for a while until I gripped her shoulders and pulled her back to lay on top of me, looking up.

As I slowly pushed myself into her and pulled back out she gasped and said, "My god, Paul, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It feels like we're floating in space, surrounded by stars."

I reached up and caressed her breasts, pulling on her nipples and she moaned very loud. When I pinched lightly she gasped and let out a loud noise, a small scream. I whispered in her ear, "There's no one for twenty miles and you can scream as loud as you want." She is a screamer but we'd never been where she could really belt one out.

As I pulled her large breasts up, squeezing the nipples and pulling until they'd slipped through my fingers, letting her breasts fall back, I could feel them when they landed. Soft thumps that made me more excited and I spread my hands, squeezing them, then did it again. I could feel her excitement build and she gripped me with her pussy, rocking her pelvis and pushing with her feet.

When she came, she screamed so loud it startled me, and I exploded into her, then I screamed too. I'd never done that before. I moaned and grunted, making noise, but never screamed and it felt like we kept it up for an eternity. When we stopped, I had my arms around her, holding her tightly to me, breathing in explosive gasps and we were both shaking like leaves in a violent storm.

We spent another hour there, relaxing and cuddling. Looking at the stars and just being us. We slept for a short time but it got chilly so we left and stopped in Flagstaff at a motel.

We stopped to see my brother Bob and his wife Danette in Nowata, Oklahoma for two days then down to my other brother, Jack's, farm just north of Austin, Texas for another two. I wanted them to meet Mya and they'd all liked her immediately. Jack married a Thai woman a few years back and they spent half their time there with her family in Thailand like Mya and I'd planned.

Once we got to her house we settled into a pretty easy life. It was fifteen miles south of Crystal Springs, and we planned on April through September in California because it get very hot at her place. Besides, I loved the spring in Sonoma County with the vineyards.

We were both happy as hell and life just seemed to get better each day. How can one guy get so fucking lucky to fall out of a shitty life and into a paradise, twice in one life time too? That's what it felt like to me. 

We fit together like Paige and I had. We argued and fought, all the normal couple stuff, but neither of us swore at the other and we always talked and we always slept in the same bed Like Paige and I had. After-argument-fucking is some of the best.


I had her pressed hard against the fridge, my cock still pulsing, breathing, chuffing like a steam locomotive and wondering how I'd get her over to the table. I wasn't sure I could still walk.

I'd figured I was good for two more orgasms. I am seventy-one and those three would take me half the night. I had time and I'd make sure she did too. We'd been planning this for almost two years now and I knew what she liked, she'd told me many times, and tonight I'd do her two favorite ones. 

We'd just done the holding her hands over her head, pressed against something and fucked standing, the big, stainless-steel fridge had worked for that. We had the hand-cuffed over a table and taken from behind left and the small kitchen table was perfect for that.

I'd been looking forward to that the most. I'd get her pussy and her ass then around the table and down her throat. I was so excited that maybe I'd get four tonight. A very full evening.

When we finally calmed down a little I put my hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear, "Ssshh, Don't say anything, I'm going to lay you over the table and hand cuff you to the legs, then I'm going to fuck you until you need to scream."

She nodded her head and I held her close, my left arm around her middle. I reached across her with my right, gripping her left breast and pressing the other with my forearm. I was careful not to bruise them too, because I'd planned on sucking on them later. She still had the robe on as I frog-marched her to the table, holding her tight and pressing her forward until her stomach and breasts were flat, stretching her arms out.

I walked around the table and un-coupled the cuffs, then fastened them to the table legs, spreading her arms. She looked up at me with eyes that were deep, dark pools that I wanted to swim in. I reached out with my right hand and ran my fingers gently along her cheek, seeing the contrast and feeling the incredible softness. I love women's eyes, I can get lost in them and wander around in a sexual bliss for a long, long time.

As I touched her they changed, her arousal showing desire and a very deep need. They became like twin calderas, those flooded lakes in extinct volcanoes. Some are green or blue, beautiful pools to swim in and get lost in for a while. Some are a black so deep I don't know if I'll find my way back out. Hers were that black, and I didn't want to find my way back, because I was very happy being there.

My cock was pointing at her face and pulsing with my heart beat, jumping each time it beat when she looked at it and licked her lips. This meant, 'I really want to suck you,' so I stepped forward and when she opened her mouth I slid my cock in along her tongue.

She is very good at sucking cock and her throat was straight. When she relaxed it, I sailed all the way in in one push. She loved this, it was a favorite, but we'd never done it with hand-cuffs before. I bought them when she told me her fantasy was to be taken by a masked stranger. Wearing a mask in her neighborhood scared the crap out of me, not all of her neighbors knew me yet. I hoped they'd all like me when they did. I still had the dumb thing on, it's her fantasy.

She'd told me, "I like it when you pull my hair and control my head as the tip of your cock touches the base of my throat.", so I put my hands on either side of her head, gripping it, holding it still as I started easing my cock into her throat. She was moaning loudly, and when she suddenly stopped, I knew I was in.

I started fucking her then, rocking my hips as I slid into that wonderful tight place. God, when she swallowed I thought I'd lost it. I didn't want this to end to soon, she'd said she liked it to last but I was having a hard time controlling myself.

She'd said, "I prefer a noisy partner just because it turns me on. I think it's a way for him to express the joy he's feeling as he not only receives but is also giving me pleasure."

I said in a gravely voice, "I'm going to fuck your face until I come, then I'll pull back until just the head is in your mouth and you'll suck very hard. I want to feel like you're turning me inside out." And I started grunting, moaning and getting louder as I drove myself in quickly and pulled back slowly. She'd let out a very loud moan and take a quick breath each time, and that excited me a lot.

I came very quickly though, telling her to get ready then pulling back, and when she started to suck, I thought I'd exploded. My mind just stopped. It stood still and I could feel her suck and swallow as I came, but it was all just one very hot flame I was standing in, an intense feeling that washed over my entire body.

I slowly calmed, shaking very hard, feeling like I was going to collapse because my legs seemed to have left me. I couldn't feel them and knew if I tried to move I'd fall, so I stood there trembling and still oozing cum as she sucked until it was all gone. I felt like I'd been pushed through a wringer on a washing machine, one like my mother'd had years ago.

I caressed her head, stroking softly, kind of mewling sounds at her until I had a voice again. I pulled completely out and crouched in front of her, looking into those beautiful eyes again then gave her a very tender kiss. "I'm sorry." I finally said, "I couldn't hold out any longer. When you swallowed I lost it. Thank you for that, I will make it up to you later."

"You don't have to make anything up to me, I am very happy and I came again when you did. Now let me lose so we can take a shower, my cum is running down my leg. I'll start the shower and you join me after you stir the sauce and turn the heat down, I don't want it to burn."

And then she laughed very hard. It brought tears to her eyes and I joined in. I let her up, us kissing and touching, and the switch to domesticity was a real contrast to what we'd just done.

So we did that and it was a wonderful meal, like I knew it would be. Later I did make it up to her and I did get in her ass. We're still at it too, getting closer and more settled. I know a lot more of her neighbors and mostly they liked me as soon as they found out I was not the typical 'White Guy' they'd encountered over the years. There were a couple hold-outs but we were working on them.

Now all I really worry about is my age. I am twenty years older than her and I never want to be a burden, but we'll work that out too as long as we keep talking and loving each other. She says it's not a problem and she'll always be there.

Sometimes I lay awake, staring into the black void over the bed and think about us, how we met, and I'm very thankful. Then I fall asleep holding her.

Life can be great if you work at it!
Written by LASARDaddy
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