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Old Times

""Just one more thing," he added, "trust me?""

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Author's Notes

"Based on true events a long time ago. Enjoy!"

The woman strolled along the sidewalk dappled with morning sun and shade, enjoying the scent of flowers, trees, and earthy things. The sky was a deep blue behind the Flatirons, and the fine spring day promised to be a warm one. 

She had taken the day off work to enjoy just for herself and to think about things. She decided to get a latte and walk around the neighborhood, letting her feet choose the way.

A block or two away from the old coffee shop, the throaty low rumble of a motorcycle caught her attention as the rider slowed, looking for a parking spot up ahead. He stopped and backed in at an angle into the curb in the shade of a big oak. Her eyes lingered on him as he dismounted and removed his helmet and faded brown leather jacket. 

She found herself standing still, puzzled, as something about him was familiar, but she couldn't place him. Maybe something about the broad shoulders under his t-shirt, or the cute butt and lean muscled legs under his jeans. His close beard had lots of silver in it, but it was his eyes that finally gave it away. 

He must have felt her looking at him, because his blue eyes swiveled to hers, his own puzzled smile matching hers. The crinkles of his eyes deepened as he searched his own memories, and then they widened, and she knew he remembered. 

She stood, unable to move, as his eyes were locked onto hers and he strode purposely to stand in front of her.  

He shook his head slightly as if shaking off disbelief, and she asked, quietly, "Do you remember?"

The years had gone by so quickly. Her son had just graduated from high school and was looking forward to a road trip with his buddies before heading to the Midwest for his first year of college. She kept herself in good shape, though she unconsciously sucked in her tummy just a little and smoothed the pretty yellow sundress over her hips all the same. Her dark brown hair was shiny, almost black, matching the deep brown of her eyes. 

He nodded, "Of course I do," and took a half step forward and let his gaze finally take in the rest of her. "And if I may say so, you are even more beautiful now, if that's possible."

He ran his hand through his short brown hair and she noticed the absence of a ring on his finger. 

"Not married?" she asked, direct.



"Absolutely. We’re so much better not being together,” he said. “I didn't like myself much back then or the person I was becoming.” Gesturing to the ring he saw on her finger, he asked, "You?"

She looked down, suddenly awkward. "Widowed." Seeing the look on his face, she added softly, "Killed in the line of duty, five years ago. I like keeping the ring on."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It can't be easy." He nodded slowly, looking around at the old houses and big old trees, and then finally back to her brown eyes fighting to hold the tears in. 

Tilting his head to one side, a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth, he unconsciously cracked his knuckles and asked almost teasingly, "So…I have a proposition for you."

Unlike the first time she had heard those words from his lips, without hesitation she smiled and said, "Yes." And again, "Yes, I'd love to." She had no clue what she might be getting into but nonetheless had no reservations.  

She thought back to that night years ago and decided that their paths had crossed today for a reason. No matter what, today was a beautiful and wondrous day that would stand apart from the rest of their lives. "Why are you here?" she asked.  

Holding out his hand, he said, "Tell you what. Let's go grab a cup of coffee and we can talk. I haven't been here in a very long time." 

Hearing his voice and feeling the strength of his hand in hers brought back a flood of memories, and she relaxed, smiling, as they continued to the coffee shop. As they stepped through the door onto the creaky wooden floor of the shop, the smells of roasting coffee, nutmeg and clove cigarettes washed over them. 

Sitting at the little wood table, she was struck by how handsome he had become while at the same time he looked just like he had before. A little heavier, maybe, a little beefier in some places, but somehow just the same. She was glad she had gotten her nails done last week and that she had paid attention to her dress today. She wondered if he noticed the few extra pounds she had put on even though she knew that she was in much better physical condition than she used to be, thanks to her routine gym workouts. 

He explained that he had just had a feeling seemingly out of nowhere and decided on a whim to ride over to spend the day, and cruise down memory lane, so to speak. He was completely surprised to have seen her. He added that he was glad that she stopped, and he had an idea. "Let's go on a ride, get up in the hills for a while and then come back. I would love the chance for both of us to feel, well, maybe to feel a little of what I think we felt back then, at least for a little while. What do you say? For the rest of the day it's just the two of us."

She just smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "Hey, eyes up here, mister," she teased. 

He just shook his head and grinned, "You remember what I told you?" 

"Yes, I remember," she said, a blush reddening her dusky cheeks. 

"I meant it." Leaning forward, he said again, "And I still do. You have the most beautiful breasts." Laughing, he added more thoughtfully, "But you know the most beautiful part about you?" She shook her head. "Those eyes. I've never seen such beautiful eyes." She looked away, suddenly aware of a warmth in her chest, and even more heat building down a little lower. 

Before she could reply, he took a quick breath, scooted his chair back and said, "Let's go, I want to get you something." Once outside he asked, "Is there a second-hand ladies' store nearby?"

Allowing herself to press herself closer to him, she was distracted by his scent, a mingling of fresh air, woodsy aftershave, and some undefinable man-smell. She was shocked to find herself growing damp between her thighs. Shaking herself mentally, she said, "Sorry I lost myself there for a minute... what did you say?"

He laughed and nudged her with his hip and said, "I was asking you if there was a women's used clothing store somewhere close by, you know, one where all those college kids who are too young to know how good they all really look go." 

"Oh. Um, yes, I think there’s one over on the next block," and she kept his hand in hers as she led him down the street. She wondered what in the world did he have in mind?

Inside, he found the cute little shirt rack and in no time had picked out a tiny white button-down blouse. She shook her head as she eyed it, as it was at least one size too small. And he then picked out a small pair of blue jean cut-offs, fraying on the edges. She was sure it might barely contain her ass cheeks. A cheap but sturdy pair of boots completed the outfit. She rolled her eyes and just looked at him. 

"Look," he said, "I still think you're one of the sexiest women on the planet, and I want you to know it." Looking at the shirt and shorts in his hand, he added, "And I want everyone else to know it too," and he winked. 

As soon as he winked at her, she felt something she hadn't felt in a very long time and noticed her pussy tingling and growing damp again. 

"Fine!" she quipped, grinning, and she grabbed the small bundle and marched into the changing room. A short while later she emerged, a little self-conscious. She looked for his reaction warily and was inwardly pleased to see his eyes widen as his jaw dropped, and he just pursed his lips and whistled silently. 

"Just one more thing," he added, "trust me?" She nodded, suspicious. With a small smile on his lips, he untucked the shirt, quickly undid the buttons and tied the shirt tails tightly under her full breasts. "Oh, yeah," he said softly, "Wow."

For the first time in a very long time she felt sexy, desired, and even better; inside, she actually felt desirable. Without thinking she found herself giving him a fierce hug. 

"Thank you," she whispered, fighting back tears for the second time since meeting him that day. 

"All right then!" he said cheerfully, "Let's ride!"

As he was fitting the spare helmet onto her head, she looked over at the motorcycle, feeling exposed, and in more ways than one. During the short walk from the store to the bike, she noticed several young men giving her appreciative glances. She hadn't noticed those looks in a very long time, she realized. Also, the bike was a big V-twin, old, with graceful lines and understated maroon and black colors. She realized that she was wearing short shorts and not quite a whole shirt and would be fairly close to the road. When he fired her up, the bass roar and then rumble surprised her even though she'd been expecting it. 

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"Is that a Harley?" she asked, inspecting the big bike. “Have you ridden much with passengers before?"

"Nope to the first, I've never been a brand type of guy. But it sure sounds good, doesn't it? And yeah, I have a fair amount of road time with passengers. We won’t be taking any chances though, and if you feel nervous or want a break, just let me know, OK?”

She nodded. Looking up at this stranger, whom she felt as if she knew, she wondered what life might have been. Shaking those thoughts out of her head, she stepped on and wrapped her arms around his strong waist, pressed her mostly bare breasts against his back and smiled. He eased the bike out into traffic and turned towards the mountains, heading up Clear Creek Canyon. 

She had ridden on small-town scooters before but never a big road bike, and she experienced a thrill when he rolled on the throttle and the powerful V-twin surged ahead, effortlessly. She was comforted by how steady and solid the machine felt on the road. They left town and were soon winding among the curving roads up the canyon, and she soon felt comfortable enough to lean back against the small back support for the passenger. 

She felt the sun and wind on her breasts and legs, appreciating the beautiful mountains and deep blue sky above the Rockies. Sometimes the wind buffeted her shirt, revealing even more than before.  She knew her breasts were barely contained and that her shapely legs were on display, and she discovered that she loved it.  Leaning forward, she let her hands wander inside his jacket, pressing against his defined chest.

Perched up on the rear passenger seat and having leaned forward, she noticed that the bike's vibrations shot right up through the engine and frame into the seat where her legs spread over the saddle. She realized that her pussy was responding, that the vibrations centered on her clit. She tried to adjust herself so that she didn't feel it, but now, try as she might, she couldn't not feel it, and she realized that she might actually be building up to what could be an orgasm! 

She suddenly remembered another conversation she and he had all those years ago, the one about her secret. She had never told anyone before or since. But the sensation she was having right now was undeniable and getting stronger. Delightedly giving in to her feelings, she wrapped her arms tighter around his waist, feeling an amazed excitement as the intensity grew. 

She even found herself pressing her pussy into the seat. She couldn’t believe it, but it felt so good! Without warning, her body clenched, and a strong tickly feeling washed over her, radiating from her core. Hanging on, she let it move over her, slowly subsiding as the big twins sent their rumbling through her body, leaving her with this warm fuzzy feeling, her cheeks flushed and hot. She was very glad she was wearing panties and that the shorts were made of decently heavy denim. 

Up on the peak-to-peak highway, he let the bike have a little more gas, the pavement smooth and solid, and the big hog dug into the broad curves of the road with ease. She was feeling not only warm and fuzzy but incredibly horny, and she began to get increasingly aroused again. She allowed her hands to wander down his chest, over his stomach and then down to his crotch, where she raked her fingernails along the growing bulge in his jeans. 

She hoped it would become both uncomfortable for him as well as exciting. Certainly she was edging closer to another orgasm. He responded by shifting his leg so that his cock extended down the leg of his jeans, and she began to stroke him through the denim. 

She teased the tip until a small wet spot grew in his jeans. Was he coming already? Or was it just precum? Either way, he grew rock hard and she could feel it pulse. Her nipples grew hard too, showing through the white fabric, and she wanted nothing more right now than to rip off his clothes and fuck him. But she settled, for now, with teasing him. She didn't want to cause a crash after all. 

They rode for a while longer before arriving at a small mountain town, and he pulled into the parking lot of a cozy roadside bar. Her butt, legs and abs were sore when she stepped down from the seat, and not just from the ride. As she stretched, she realized his eyes were on her body, taking in everything that had happened so far, and she realized she really liked how he looked at her, and she liked looking at him. She wondered if he had noticed her orgasm. 

"A little wobbly?" He asked, a small grin on his face. 

She nodded and decided to come clean. Stepping close to him, she asked, "You remember that other thing we talked about?" 

He smiled gently and replied, "Yes, I actually do remember that." 

"I can't believe it, quite, but I just had my first orgasm." He raised his eyebrows. "On the bike." She noticed that his erection was still visible down his jeans leg, and she stepped into him, rubbing it again, a wicked grin of her own. "I really liked that!" she whispered. 

He slid his hand down her backside and gave it a good squeeze, cocked his head to one side and said, "Thought so, but honestly wasn't sure. Well, hey, maybe we should ride more often! Come on, let's have some water and a drink, I'm parched," and he opened the door for her. 

She walked confidently into the bar, grateful for the low light and cool air washing over her body. She was acutely aware of the amount of skin she was showing, and it turned her on. Her body was still aroused from her orgasm, and her large nipples stiffened, showing through the tight thin blouse. 

He ordered a local beer, and she ordered a red wine.  They sat for a while quietly doing their drinks and taking in their surroundings. 

"That waitress was sure checking you out," she said.

"Really?" He asked, surprised. "Hell, I thought she was checking you out!"

"Weren't you paying attention?"

"Hm, I tend not to notice things like that."

"Well, she was. Just like those guys over there are checking me out." 

He just shook his head slightly, and said, "I don't blame them. You are very beautiful."

She blushed. He grinned at her, and she loved it. "Where have you been all this time?" she asked, and he began filling her in. 

He spoke of his deteriorated marriage and how that ended, of his drinking, but also of how there were certain people he met during that journey that for some reason or other made an impact on him.  He spoke of turning his life around, finding himself and finding meaning in helping others. He hoped others could find peace as he had.

She grew a little sad at that, and also happy as she understood. You give things up to gain a meaningful and loving life. He drank his beer, and she drank her wine. She spoke of her husband, her career as a nurse, and the ups and downs of raising a child, most of it as a single mother. 

He looked into her eyes as she spoke. She felt alive and sexy and loved this small window of time. Glancing over at the old-fashioned jukebox, he asked, "Care for a dance?" 

Her smile was big as they danced, and she loved how it felt to press her body into his. She felt his cock stir again against her lower belly as they slow-danced, and she again felt a sudden rush of heat and desire, plus something else that she hadn't felt for a long time. 

At that moment, he leaned down and kissed her, searchingly at first, and then, as she kissed him back with such passion they stopped dancing. 

A little flustered, she looked up into his eyes. "Do you remember the last thing I told you that night?" 

He just smiled, leaned close and whispered one word. She hugged him, and he said quietly, "Your name is just as beautiful, and unforgettable, as you are."

Looking up into his eyes, she grinned and said, "Let's ride!"

Written by Joescott
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