Wow. Cutler. I didn’t expect to see him there. He looked good in a brown leather jacket, standing tall near the door of the corner convenience store. He shook the still-falling snow from his thick blond hair and swapped his phone from one ear to the other. We hadn’t spoken for two years. I waved at him about a year ago, back home, but he pretended like he didn’t notice.
New Year’s Eve was the absolute worst time for the weather guys to get it all wrong. “It will be a wet one,” they said. “Temperatures will stay above freezing. The rain will taper off before midnight. There will be no significant weather events.”
Nobody saw it coming. The mercury had dipped below thirty-two before sunset and the rain turned into snow—a lot of snow, all at once, and with no end in sight. Traffic came to a standstill and the city streets were blanketed with snow and littered with fender-benders, including the ones blocking the store’s tiny parking lot.
I debated whether I should approach him. Our breakup didn’t go well, and it was my fault. I stepped and froze in the cold when he turned toward me, looking down and texting. I couldn’t chicken out because he nearly bumped into me.
“Oh, sorry,” he said, pacing past without looking up.
“That’s okay,” I meekly said. “Hi, Cutler. Long time.” I pulled my hood away from my face. “Happy New Year.”
I smiled and did a little “ta-da” with my hands. “Yup. It’s me.” I wanted to give him a hug, but he backed off.
“Yeah. Happy New Year.”
He clearly was of the mind that old loves should be forgot, and that hurt because a part of me still loved him. He was almost my first, and he was my first for so much. My sister and I had spent countless hours planning each other’s weddings. The difference was that she married her high school sweetheart, and I cheated on mine a half a year out of high school.
In my defense, Dan was six years older than I was. He was and is, dashing and charming. He was also quite persuasive. Cutler deserved to know why I wasn’t with him that New Year’s Eve and on New Year’s Day, I confessed. Also on New Year’s Day, we were done.
Even though we were getting covered with snow and he was looking for a way out, I offered a cup of kind conversation. “So. You’re in town. That’s nice. Where are you off to?”
“Nowhere.” He motioned toward the blocked exits and the snow-hidden street. That’s when I saw his parked car, the same old one with the big back seat where I repeatedly almost lost my virginity.
“Hey, I’m going to a party,” I blurted. “You should come too. It’s at Barbie’s. You remember her. They won’t mind. It’s a short walk.”
“No. Thanks.”
I convinced him, eventually, by appealing to his sense of self-preservation. “Look, this store closes before midnight. You can wait in your car or come with me and be warm and around people when the ball drops. If you want, I’ll leave you alone after we get there.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
He didn’t say “no,” which I took as a good sign, and pressed my luck by asking him if he’d buy some beer for me to bring. “I’ll pay,” I told him. “I promised I’d bring some, but the store here proofed me and said no, even though, you know, I’ll be twenty-one in two months.” He bought the beer, and then he retrieved two bags from his car with more beer, snacks, and some liquor. “Oh. Were you already going to a party?”
“I am going to a party.”
That’s all that I got out of him. I was used to it. He never talked much when we were going together. I guess I talked enough for both of us. I put my arm through his and chatted as we trudged through the snow. “And if you still can’t get your car out later, you can stay at my place.”
My friend Barbie and a couple of her friends lived in the whole top half of a house, and I swear that it was built for parties. The kitchen and living room flowed together into one huge room. “Barbie!” I shouted over the music as soon as we let ourselves in. “Look who I ran into! You remember Cutler, right? I hope it’s okay.”
“Hi. Where do you want these?” he asked.
Barbie directed him toward the refrigerator to cram things wherever he could find space. She conspired with me once he was out of earshot. “How did you run into him? Oh my God, he’s gotten even cuter. And where’s Dan? Wasn’t he coming?”
“He was, but they declared a state of emergency and closed the roads before he could make it home.”
Barbie had to tease me. “Funny how two years ago you were at my New Year’s party with Dan instead of being with Cutler. Now you have your apartment all to yourself, and your old boyfriend is back in town.”
I’d be lying if I said that it hadn’t crossed my mind. When Cutler and I were together, I fantasized all the time about making love with him and still felt guilty that I never said yes.
I also felt that I would have deserved a pass if I were to sleep with Cutler tonight, considering our history, but that wasn’t going to happen. Dan and I were happily engaged and living together, and the sex was perfectly fine. I opened a beer, and Barbie and I introduced him to her roommates.
“This is Karen, and this is Claire, and this is Claire’s big sister, Marie. She’s visiting from Auburn.”
Marie shoved her sister aside and wouldn’t let go of Cutler’s hand. “Hello, handsome! It’s so nice to meet you. ‘Cutter,’ was it?” She unzipped his jacket, slid it off his shoulders, and put it on herself. Now, I had no right to be jealous, but there I was. And there he was, with a big ol’ curious grin.
It didn’t help that Marie was gorgeous. Barbie didn’t look like a Barbie doll, but Marie sure as hell did. I used to be intimidated by girls like that. I’m tastefully small on top and fashionably bottom-heavy. She seemed nice enough, though, but a little slutty.
“Hey, who brought this tequila?” someone shouted. Cutler said that he did and asked if anything was wrong with it. “No, man, this is the good stuff! Who wants a shot?”
I wanted one and another beer.
As the evening progressed, I mostly kept Miss Slutty Big Tits away from Cutler. It was a good thing, too, because not only did she keep screwing his name up, but I didn’t like how she was toying with him. I saw her and another girl sharing a chair, and their faces were kissing-close.
Cutler let me insulate us from the others, and I got him to open up a little about his life. He had a new girlfriend (of course) and had moved to the south of Syracuse. I apologized for what happened to us. “I didn’t mean to fall in love with someone else,” I told him. “I still loved you, too. I didn’t know what to do.”
“Splitting up was for the best.”
It upset me that he was so blunt about it. “Well, yes,” I agreed right away, although I wasn’t sure that I meant it. I stroked his cheek and told him that I still thought about him. I brushed my lips against his, then I caught him looking toward Marie, who blew him a kiss. I acted like it didn’t bother me.
“Do you ever think about what we’d be like? You know, be like together?”
I expected him to be blunt or even dismissive, but he gave me an honest answer. “Not anymore. I used to think about it all the time—in my car, on the couch, cumming on your stomach on the floor behind your father’s big chair and thinking we’d never get caught there.” He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “I hadn’t thought about it again until I saw you tonight.”
We would have kissed then, but the first of many corks popped across the room. “Come get some Champagne, everyone. The ball is about to drop!”
Three…two…one…Happy New Year! Should auld acquaintance…
I didn’t think. I threw my arms around Cutler’s neck and kissed him hard, and he kissed back. Ours wasn’t only a New Year’s kiss; it was a kiss to make up for the missed years. I put as much passion as I could and all my amassed guilt into that kiss. It would have lasted longer, but my phone rang, and Cutler got a text, and even Marie took her tongue out of that girl’s throat long enough to look at her phone.
“Yeah, Baby, I love you too. Miss you. Happy New Year,” I said sadly and hung up. I didn’t think it was important to tell Dan about Cutler. “So.”
“You, that, you were always a good kisser.” I stumbled for words.
“We practiced a lot.”
“We did. Do you know what your kisses did to me? Do to me? I mean, tonight? They make me…”
“Wet?” Blunt.
Without breaking eye contact, he took my hand and placed it below his belt. “This is what you did to me.”
We’re doing this, I thought. “So?”
“So, I’m getting another beer and finding my jacket.”
As soon as he was gone, Barbie came up and slapped me on the shoulder. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Bullshit. You’re engaged.”
“I know.”
“To Dan.”
“But it’s Cutler.” That was my argument: Cutler. I looked for him; he was with Marie, negotiating for the return of his jacket.
“You need to stop or leave before you attract any more attention. Kissing like seventeen-year-olds in front of everyone—what were you thinking?” She yelled at me some more about Dan and pointed out that someone was sure to say something to him. “If you’re actually going to be with Cutler, don’t be stupid and leave at the same time.”
Barbie was right, but I wasn’t thinking with my head or even my heart anymore.
Out of the blue, before I could look for it, Marie marched up to me with my coat in her hands, still wearing Cutler’s jacket zipped all the way up. “Here. I’m not giving cutie Carter’s coat back unless I get a kiss.”
Marie didn’t seem drunk. I figured she was naturally obnoxious. I snatched my coat from her and said, “Fine. Kiss him. Why should I care? I’m not his girlfriend.”
“Not him. You.”
“Ugh! Fine!” I gave her a peck on the cheek and told her to give him his jacket. Frankly, I was surprised that she was able to zip it up past those boobs.
She shook her head and pointed at her lips. “Uh-uh. Right here.”
“Look, just give it to him.”
She giggled. “I wanted to. I wanted to give it to him, but he seems to want to get it from you. But he’s not going anywhere unless I get that kiss.”
I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She wasn’t exactly scowling at me after that, but her attitude softened, and she slowly and gently but firmly spoke to me. “I. Want you. To kiss me, like we just got home from dancing all night, and you made up your mind to finally fuck me.” Her voice was so sexy and alluring—and persuasive. She pulled me close, and my eyes closed, my head tilted, and my lips parted without another thought.
Her lips were soft, and she tasted like bubblegum and Champagne. Our mouths were open, and the tips of our tongues barely touched. It was a gentle kiss, but an eager one. I was sure that I wouldn’t have kissed her like that if I hadn’t been so turned on by Cutler already.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I couldn’t help but look at Marie’s tits pop up as soon as the zipper was drawn past them. “They’re real,” she said and let the jacket fall to the floor.
“Hey, I’m sorry about that,” Cutler said. “It’s not like I could have stripped it off her.”
I told him, “No prob,” and hoped that he hadn't seen the kiss. I gave him my address and directions. "I live in the building on the right in the back.” I told him that I’d leave first and look for him to follow.
The closer I got to home, the more I was trembling and not from the cold. I wasn’t scared about doing it. God knows I wanted this, but I was practically a virgin. That’s not quite right, but I don’t know any other way to say it. Even though Dan and I did it like bunnies, I had jumped from not fucking Cutler to fucking Dan and only Dan. I kept thinking, what if I’m not good enough? I didn’t want to embarrass myself or disappoint Cutler.
“Hey! Wait up!” Cutler was dashing through the deep snow, and when he caught up to me, we kissed under the snow-sprinkled streetlight. He walked me up to the second floor with his hand on my butt like he used to, and I let us into our apartment.
I hung my coat, and he just tossed his aside. “Where’s the bed?” He approached me, kicking his shoes off.
The way he asked made me shiver, and I took a couple of steps back. “The bed?”
He unbuttoned his shirt and kept coming toward me. “Yeah, the bed. Unless you want to do it on the floor.”
“The floor?” I swallowed hard. “No, the bed. The bed.” He coolly warmed his hands under my leggings and panties and gave my bare butt a squeeze. “Over there,” I showed him.
One of his hands rounded my hip, and he slipped a frigid finger into my hot, wet pussy. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you naked.” He wasn’t smiling. He was giving me the once-over.
I could only whimper and nod. Cutler was different—good different. He led me into my bedroom and took off his clothes. I silently did, too. He was quite uninhibited, proud of his manhood, but I was painfully self-conscious.
The reality of what I was about to do hit me when he asked which side was Dan’s side. Unable to voice an answer, I dutifully pulled the covers back on my side and got in. Cutler buffed his cock with one of Dan’s pillows. For a second, I thought he was going to masturbate with it, and deny me what I had denied him. Instead, he handed it to me and took the man’s side of the bed.
He had his moves when we used to be intimate, and he comforted me with them that night. He kissed my neck, my shoulder, and then between my tits. He took a breast into his mouth and sucked on it gently at first, and then harder—much harder. All the while, he fingered me and mashed my swollen pussy.
My hips squirmed under his firm hand. “I can’t wait,” I breathed. “I won’t make you wait.”
In the past, when he climbed on top of me, we only humped a slick, wet hump, and he always kept his promise to do no more. Very early that New Year’s morning, in the bed that I shared with my fiancé, in the bed where my fiancé made love to me not a day before, my first true love poised his steely staff.
This was to be our first time. In many ways, I was more nervous than I was on my first time, with Dan. My heart thudded in my chest, and I raised my hips ever so slightly.
Is a push still a push when there’s no resistance? He took his sweet time. My God, he was too slow, almost cruelly slow, sheathing himself one unhurried inch after the other. I wriggled impatiently, and he withdrew just a touch as a reprimand. He was right. It was better his way.
I accepted and savored the moment, taking pleasure in the contradictions between anticipation and satisfaction until I was ultimately filled—fulfilled.
I was his virgin no longer.
He playfully teased me as he drew back even more slowly than he went in. I braced myself for that first powerful plunge, but it didn’t happen. It was gone. He had pulled it all the way out, and I was empty. I got anxious. “Baby?” I begged.

Cutler’s tantalizing cock, wet from my cunt, slapped against my thigh and floated above my leg. He answered my appeal with another kiss between my breasts, and another down my belly, to my belly button, above and below. The Cutler from my past had never kissed me down there, but the new Cutler, this year, lazily wove his tongue around my lips, flicking my clit and licking my slit.
The devouring began when the grazing stopped. I couldn’t keep still. My heels kicked against the sheets and Cutler again and again had to push my ass back down onto the mattress. I thrashed my head and wrung my tits as I desperately approached a climax.
He settled me with a simple, insistent press of his thumb against my cunt. My orgasm wasn’t out of my reach—it was under his thumb and his mouth, and released by his tongue.
As the euphoric waves subsided, I refused to care that he had learned how to do that with another woman—or women. I stalled for only a second before I let him kiss me afterward. My scent and taste in his mouth excited me in a way that I never would have imagined.
I took hold of his rigid phallus and moistened it with the dribbling from its tip. “Your turn. Cum in my mouth. I always promised and always broke my promise before, but now I want to.”
“You will,” he said softly, “but not now.”
The immodesty of lifting my knees and spreading myself was at odds with the timidness of my shaking voice. “Make love to me, then.”
My God, he got so angry! He leapt from the bed and yanked on my leg, almost pulling me off the edge, and flipped me onto my front. He climbed behind me, between my legs again, and I saw him raise his hand. I readied myself for the slap that never came.
Instead, he dropped all his weight on me and growled into my ear, “Your claim to love or make love are long gone. I’m gonna fuck you. Do you want me to fuck you?” I trembled under him, too shocked to answer.
He got louder. “Do you?”
“Yes!” I cried, and it was the awful truth.
He lifted me to my knees and forced my shoulders down. I crossed my arms under Dan’s pillow, the one that Cutler claimed, and waited with my head resting on it. He was neither loving nor rough when he penetrated me. I gasped at how quickly he did it and I moaned lustfully after only a few insistent thrusts.
He was everything I never thought he’d be. I wasn’t a woman to be loved. I was a cunt for him to enjoy, and I enjoyed each single-minded thrust. I screamed my demands for more into the pillow, so that he wouldn’t hear me, and when I came, I lifted my face from the pillow so that he could.
“Cum in my cunt!” I shouted, but he pulled it out. I remembered my promise then and told him to cum in my mouth, but he held me down. I heard the fap-fap-fap of his fist on his cock and a low, drawn-out raspy groan right before the first splash of his fiery fluid landed on my back.
I lay as I was, out of breath, until he finished. Cutler rested beside me and brought me to him to cuddle. Without another word, he kissed my forehead and pulled the top sheet over me, soiling it with the cum from my back. I felt loved, despite his intentions.
“Happy New Year. You need to leave before Dan gets home,” I barely managed to say before I fell asleep.
“Dan?” My steamy dreams drifted away, and I rolled, still half asleep, toward the middle of the bed.
“About time.” A woman’s voice cut through the haze. I shot up, suddenly wide awake. Marie from the party was naked, in my bed, and sitting and grinding on Cutler’s lap. “I’ll bet you didn’t expect to see me again.” I hadn’t, not to mention so much of her. She was too cheery and a little smug. “Don’t mind me. I’m just keeping his dick warm for you. You ordered hot spermies for breakfast, am I right?”
“Good morning,” Cutler said. It might have been morning, but it was still before dawn. “I believe you’re acquainted with Marie—my girlfriend.”
I couldn’t blink this nightmare away and embarrassed myself by flapping my jaws, unable to form a question.
“Some texts came in for you a little while ago,” Marie said. She was truly there, impaled on my ex’s cock, big tits and all, and I had to come to terms with that fact. “I didn’t look at them,” she said as she handed me my phone and crawled under the covers next to me. “I respect a girl’s privacy.”
Dan! I looked at the time, just after seven, and looked at the texts from half an hour ago. “Crashed at Jimmy’s. Roads are better. Hanging for coffee. Miss you. Happy New Year!”
“Everything okay?” Cutler asked. He kissed my head, and then my shoulder. Marie snuggled closer and kissed my other shoulder.
Another text from Dan came in. Marie read it over my shoulder and told Cutler, “He won’t be here until ten.”
I set my phone aside. “The party.” It took me a shaky minute to figure it out. “Cutler, why didn’t you tell me that you and I were invited to the same party?”
“I didn’t know for sure until we got there. I had guessed that it probably was, and I figured you’d leave me alone after I introduced you to Marie. But once she knew who you were, she pretended not to know me and made her sister play along. You kept getting cozier, and she suggested that I go for it.”
Cutler kissed my breast and stroked my pussy. I shoved his hand away.
“Last night was special to me,” he said. I was surprised that he said that, but I knew it in my heart.
“He’s telling the truth,” Marie said. “You hurt him with what you did back then, you know.”
I knew. I didn’t need some big-titted bimbo to tell me. “No shit.”
“He told me about your promise that New Year's Eve.”
Cutler kissed me again. I kissed him back, and I almost forgot that his girlfriend was in bed with us. I moaned when I let him caress my pussy.
“She’s prettier than you described, and you never told me what a good kisser she is.”
Remembering my kiss with Marie at the party made me kiss Cutler harder.
“Or that she liked girls.”
He left me with my mouth open mid-kiss when he told her, “She doesn’t.”
“You could have fooled me.”
The scent of my sex on his hand wafted by as Cutler stroked my cheek. “I’m going to cum in your mouth now,” he said.
I had made a promise, and I wasn’t going to break it again. “A promise is a promise,” I said, and then I insulted Marie. “Let me get a washcloth first."
“For what?”
I reminded her of where his cock had just been. “It won’t take a moment.”
“Oh, for God’s sake!” she huffed and proceeded to lick his cock clean. “Are you really that uptight about a little pussy juice, or is it personal?”
How does a person respond to that? I didn’t mean anything by it.
“Because I have a very tasty cunt,” she said and began to earnestly suck him. “And Cutler has a very tasty cock. Maybe I should finish him off, you know, and make you work harder for yours.”
How does a person respond to that? “N-no!” I said with all the authority I could muster. He was mine first. And I promised. And I wanted his cum in my mouth.
“You’ll have to take him from me.” She gobbled his cock back up before I could, smiled around it, and taunted me with mad, laughing eyes.
So I shoved her.
“Well look at that.” I know that surprised her, and the way she said it sounded like she was proud of me.
I swiftly took him into my mouth, holding him tightly between my lips. “Fuck you,” I tried to say, but my words got muffled by a mouthful of cock.
“Did you just growl at me?” Marie laughed. “Look at us—two bitches fighting over a bone.” She stopped smiling.
I thought she was going to shove me back, so I swallowed him a little more and glared at her. I gagged but held firm, and she backed away.
She watched as I gave Cutler the blow job of his life. “Maybe,” she said as she crept close, “Maybe we could share.” I stopped sucking and held all of him in my mouth, making sure that there was no cock for her to share, but then she licked and kissed me by my mouth.
“Have you ever shared a cock? What am I thinking, of course, you haven’t.” I didn’t appreciate her condescension, but then her voice got low and husky. “Kate? Katherine? Katie? Katie-kat? Let me tell you something—sharing a blowjob is like kissing with three tongues.”
Marie backed away, and her face softened. Her eyes pleaded. I let it go. She kissed it, then I licked it. Our lips met across his shaft as we slid our mouths up and down. Cutler moaned, and I giggled sheepishly over how bizarre, how surreal, this was. Never had I ever…
I wanted to outdo her so badly! We took turns and, my lord, his cock was absolutely drenched with our drool. “Isn’t this hot, two girls blowing a man?” I nodded up and down his knob in agreement. “A girl and a boy are even hotter.”
I couldn’t have heard what I thought I heard. “I love watching one man blow another, but sharing is even hotter.”
I imagined Dan and me here at Cutler’s crotch. Cutler moaned, and I wanted someone, anyone, in my cunt.
“I’ll let you finish.” She seemed reluctant as she climbed over and spooned me. “Bon appetite.”
I was bobbing and slurping like a madwoman, jerking on him whenever I forced myself to breathe. Marie watched over my shoulder; her breasts crushed against my back; her cunt crushed against my ass.
“Oh, fuck!” Cutler hollered.
I clamped my lips just past his tip and shut my eyes tight. I felt his load pulse through his cock right before it splattered against the roof of my mouth. My every instinct yelled at me to spit it out, but I wanted to take all of it. I was so proud and aroused.
“Don’t swallow it, Katie-kat. Share it!” Marie rolled her head onto Cutler’s belly and opened her mouth like a baby bird.
My mouth, for the first time ever, was filled with sperm. I couldn’t believe that she was asking for what it sounded like she was asking for, but then she made it very, very clear.
“Spit it out!” Marie yanked a fistful of my hair and shook my head over her wide-open mouth. I looked down at her beckoning tongue and jutting jaw, and spit. A long, thick glob hovered from my lips between us, and I spat again. For a second, she and I were bound by a string of Cutler’s cum. It finally fell free, and she lapped it up. “More!”
There was more, swirled about my tongue. I swiped and squeezed it out through pursed lips. Marie gobbled it with the rest and showed me the wad on her tongue and the webs hanging from her palette. I touched the corner of her mouth to stem the flow of thick, white drool, but she stopped me with a turn of her head and a mischievous look.
I tried again, and she blocked me again with a glare and a firm grip on my wrist. I finally caught on, and with the tip of my tongue, I lured the errant dribble back toward her mouth. That’s when she persuaded my errant tongue into her mouth.
Oh, the decadence of that kiss! I wasn’t as shocked at myself for kissing a girl again, but I couldn’t have imagined how exciting it would be to fight a girl for her fair share of a man’s cum. I climbed onto her, between her legs, and I wedged my comparatively meager chest into the valley of her monumental breasts. He was mine before he was hers, and I insisted on every drop.
Cutler dragged me off and flopped me onto my back. His cock was right there, softer but not soft, and I needed to taste it again.
“You want to know something else, Katie-kat?” Marie kissed the inside of my thigh. “About sharing?” Cutler coaxed my other leg aside and joined her, kissing up, up, up... “Sharing a cunt is like kissing with three mouths.”
My logical and rational brain refused to accept what was to come, and I covered my eyes with my arms. But my cunt, well, she was open for anything. I had to watch.
Their lips met and met mine. Two tongues delved into my pussy. They kissed my cunt, and she kissed them back, gushing her juices in exchange for their slobber. I wriggled beneath them to exploit whatever drenched flesh my clit might reach.
Marie was always glancing up at my face. After she gave my cunt one last lick, I was certain that she was going to kiss me again, and I wanted her to. She nipped at my nipple as she rose, then she sucked on it, then she sucked on my tit.
Cutler’s fingers flirted with my pussy, inside and out, as Marie sidled alongside. I wasn’t offered the kiss I expected, no. Instead, she hoisted a hefty breast and offered that, baiting me with a long, dark, stiff nipple.
And she waited.
And Cutler waited.
They didn’t wait long. I latched on and sucked her tit as if my life depended on it. She held my head, I held onto that tit, and Cutler held my ass as he drove his tongue back into my cunt. She moaned, I moaned, and he noisily, voraciously ate me.
That was too much for me, and I came hard, bucking under Cutler’s mouth. I collapsed against her chest, and she stroked my hair. “That’s my girl, that’s my girl…”
Marie reached for my phone and held it for me to see. “It’s Dan,” she said. Lost in my head, I never heard it. “He says he’s on his way.”
“’Can’t wait to get my New Year’s kiss from you.’ There! That sounded like you, right? Should I add some heart emojis?”
I was angry that Dan was coming home, and I was angry at Cutler because I wanted to fuck him again and I was angry at Marie because I wanted to fuck her too, and I didn’t even know what that meant. “You need to leave,” I said instead and snatched my phone back.
“Or we could stay. We could get some Champagne and shout, ‘Surprise! Happy New Year!’”
No, I had to tell myself. “No. You need to get out. Dan can’t find you here.” I had to be sensible and wrest control from my sopping libido. I had to change the sheets. I had to get dressed. I had to get them out. There was cum on my back. There was cum in my mouth. I had to brush my teeth.
“Please,” I begged, as Cutler embraced me. His cock was hanging heavy at his crotch and on my mind. “I’ll call. I promise. I want this. The three of us.”
“The four of us?” Cutler said with his finger in my cunt.
What if Dan caught the three of us? He’d join in, right?
“Yes, the four of us. We can seduce him.” I all but convinced myself. “Please. Please, you need to leave.” I said it, they knew that I didn’t mean it, but they left anyway.
I stuffed the cum-soaked sheets in the washer and re-made the bed. I showered and dressed. The bed still smelled like cum, the air still smelled like cum, and I still smelled like cum. There wasn’t enough toothpaste or mouthwash in the city to stop my mouth from tasting like cum. I was convinced that he’d guess everything the second he walked in the door.
When he got home, my fiancé made love to me, but I fucked him. Then I sucked him. Then I let him cum in my mouth and I showed him when I swallowed it. I owed him and, not surprisingly, he appreciated it. “I didn’t expect that,” he said.
We held hands on the way to the shower when he found Marie’s ginormous bra on the floor. “Where the hell did this come from?”
I tried not to stammer. “Oh, that,” I said. “Do you remember Cutler? I ran into him and his girlfriend at Barbie’s party. Funny, right? Anyway, we talked and kind of made up.”
“Kissed and made up?”
“Pfft. What? No. Ew. They spent the night here, you know, ‘cause they couldn’t drive anywhere. They left while I was still sleeping.”
“Her tits are this big and she forgot her bra?”
I let his question hang, and we had a lazy, dull, comfortable day. I considered and rejected a number of ways to suggest that the four of us go out sometime. Then I convinced myself that Cutler and Marie didn’t mean it and were playing games with me again.
Then I got a text from Marie: “BGBG BBGG GBGB Saturday. Don’t bring Dan.”
It took me a second. Boy-girl… “Yes,” I typed.
“Who was that?”
I deleted the texts. “Marie. She asked if she left her bra here. She’s a little silly, but I think you’d like her.”