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My Love: The Final Chapter

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“I do,” I said nervously as the entire room watched me.

Time seemed to freeze for a few moments as we both stood there at the altar. I gazed into Kyle’s eyes, as always, they were big and beautiful. I had always had a thing for baby blues and even now they had me mesmerised. His short, spiky brown hair went well with his suit and slim physique. He was my perfect man and I felt like the luckiest woman on Earth as we stood there in front of our family and friends.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the woman said. “You may now kiss the bride.”

A huge cheer echoed around the room as our lips met. For the first time, Kyle had found the perfect balance of tongue and passion. The room broke out in applause whilst we kept on kissing like it was our last. I could have stayed there for a thousand lifetimes, but remembering that many of the people wanted to celebrate by other means, we broke it. The guests were still applauding as we walked back down the aisle towards the hotel’s lobby and bar. One by one, the rows followed us.

As I walked back into the lobby, all eyes were on me and my stunning white dress. I blushed slightly because of all the attention I was receiving, I had always been shy and having the entire hotel look at me wasn’t helping. Fortunately, it was only a short walk to the hotel’s bar and as I stepped inside, I noticed a large table with glasses of champagne and orange juice on top. Then to the left were our glasses which were nicely garnished with fruit.

We both took a quick sip of our drinks and turned towards the queue forming behind us. Resting the glasses back down on the table, the guests began to approach us one by one, congratulating us on our marriage. For some reason, it just felt so surreal. Leading up to the wedding, time seemed to go slowly but now that the big day was finally here, it seemed to be going in the blink of an eye.

The last guest congratulated us and joined the rest of the guests drinking their champagne and mingling with each other. Kyle and I looked at one another and shared another loving kiss whilst the photographer set his equipment up. Quickly, we broke it and I nestled my head on his shoulder and together we watched the photographer. Kyle insisted on hiring the most expensive company to capture the true spirit of our love and he wasn’t disappointed. The weddings we had been to over our engagement had showed us that cheap companies weren’t exactly the greatest.

“If I can just have your attention please,” the photographer said with a husky voice. “I’m going to ask you all to pose for a few photographs.”

A muffled voice shouted from the back followed by a crowd of laughs before people began to move. The children moved to the front with the shorter guests whilst the taller people moved to the back. Kyle and I stood arm in arm surrounded by them all as the photographer snapped a few shots of us. Each snap was followed by a witty remark from the jokers of the group and then more laughter. Thankfully being a professional didn’t make the photographer lose his sense of humour.

“Okay, fantastic. Now, can I have the bride’s family?” He bellowed.

The guests comically sauntered off into the bar area, leaving my parents and siblings with us. He quickly positioned my family members around us and took a few more snaps before bringing Kyle’s immediate family back into the picture. He took photos of us with them and then photos of both families being united as one. All the while, I couldn’t help but feel slightly upset that the day was just speeding past like a bullet.

After the final snap was taken, we hurried into the bar, joining our guests once more. The men were all watching the sports on TV where as the women grouped around a table gossiping.

“I’m going to watch the footy with the lads,” he said as my hand slipped away from his.

“Okay, have fun.” I smiled. “I love you.”

“Love you too,” he replied.

I stood there, watching as he joined the group of men gathered around the TV watching the football. I sighed slightly before walking to the women. As I approached, they separated and allowed me to sit down in the middle of them. Every one of them smiled and looked at me, like they had never seen a bride before.

“So,” Lisa, my best friend, asked.

“So what?” I replied.

“What’s it like to be Mrs. McKnight?” She responded.

“To be fair, it feels just like yesterday. Only today, I have a different name.” I laughed.

The other women chuckled amongst themselves at my answer. Lisa smiled and gave me a short hug, congratulating me during the embrace. As we pulled away from one another, she gave me a small peck on the cheek. I sat back in the warm, leather sofa and watched the bubbles rise and burst in my champagne whilst the other women talked. I loved the attention but I was beginning to tire and I was just wanting some alone time with my husband.

My eyes moved to Lisa as she stroked her curled dark brown hair between her finger tips. Her teeth were almost digging into her lip as the minutes trickled by slowly, it felt like we had been there for days. She then rubbed her stomach through her elegant, blue dress. I couldn’t help but feel hungry myself, I hadn’t eaten a thing all day and it was beginning to show.

“So when’s food Sarah?” Lisa asked as her belly rumbled.

“I...” I started as a member of the hotel staff entered the room.

His shaggy hair looked somewhat out of place as he stood there in a suit and tie. He definitely didn’t look as classy as the other staff and his fuzzy beard gave him the whole dirty look compared to the clean shaven, short haired colleagues of his. I wasn’t that bothered by it all seeing as I worked in retail and saw men like him on a daily basis but just seeing him in a five star hotel seemed a little strange.

“Members of the McKnight party,” he started. “If you would like to follow me into the function’s room.”

At once, everybody stood up and grabbed their drinks as quick as possible. Kyle came rushing over and grabbed my arm as we lead the other guests to the room. I could already smell the carrot and coriander soup cooking in the kitchen as we stood at the door, allowing everyone to move into the room. I watched as everyone found their places at the dinner tables before allowing the door to shut.

“If you can please stand for the new Mr and Mrs. McKnight,” A muffled voice sounded over the speakers.

Kyle held my hand delicately and led me into the room to a full room of people clapping and cheering. I couldn’t help but notice that my mother was still trying to hold back the tears. Everyone’s eyes were still focused on me and my beautiful white dress, the attention was truly overwhelming. As Kyle and I reached our seats, the applause stopped and the guests watched as we sat down before sitting down too.

The room was immediately filled with laughter and chatter as the guests waited for their food. As I watched everybody enjoying themselves, I felt Kyle’s hand on my leg. I turned to him and kissed him gently as the photographer snapped his camera before moving around the dining room. The aroma of the starters filled my nostrils and right on cue, my stomach began to growl. I could tell everyone else was feeling the same way as every now and then, heads would turn to the kitchen door.

Just as I leant my head on my hand, the door burst open and waiters flooded out. The scent of carrot and coriander filled the air as the first wave of dishes hit the tables. One by one, tables were filled with laughter and the sounds of spoons hitting the china. A few moments passed before our table finally got their starters.

Kyle and I both looked at our dishes with excitement. The smell and sight of our soup was a delight to the senses. It looked amazingly rich and creamy with little green leaves on top to give it that professional appearance. In sync, we grabbed our spoons and started to eat. When the first drop touched my taste buds, I was in heaven, I wanted to shovel the entire dish into my mouth as quick as possible but with a whole room in front of me, I had to keep it as polite as I could.

Within minutes the waiters and waitresses were back out, collecting the dishes and cutlery. The photographer set up his shot as the best man stood up. He quickly grabbed the attention of the guests and started his speech. Kyle and I looked over at him as he talked about how we met, with the occasional cheesy joke thrown into the mix. It wasn’t really the best speech I’d ever heard but he did a good job. As he finished with one final joke, the main course came out of the kitchen.

The aroma of the wild mushroom sauce which covered the chicken breast and vegetables flooded my delighted nostrils. This place had been expensive to book but it was certainly delivering on the price we had to pay. The guests were once again overjoyed as they stuffed their faces with the main course of their meal. Kyle and I tucked into our meal as soon as it was placed in front of us. The taste of it was truly exquisite and a delight to my senses.

It was unbelievable how quickly the day was going. Just like before the waiters and waitresses flooded from the kitchen when they were sure that everyone had finished eating. I looked out of the window and watched as the sunlight finally faded away and turned to night. It was almost time for Kyle and I to share our first dance as husband and wife but before any of that, we had dessert.

A large slab of red velvet and white chocolate cheesecake with double cream was sure to please everyone in the room. The chatter continued around the room as the dishes were handed out. Clanging of spoons against the china once again filled the air as everyone devoured their pudding. The white chocolate melted in my mouth and it was just absolutely orgasmic as I ate spoonful after spoonful. It seemed to just disappear along with the day.

Feeling bloated, I looked down at the empty dish, which still had remnants of red velvet and a small puddle of cream in it. I then looked back at the guests as I cuddled closer to Kyle. He ran his fingers through my hair delicately as one final time; the dishes were taken from the tables. I watched as two waitresses came sauntering out of the kitchen towards a small bar at the back of the room.

The waitresses started setting the bar up as the DJ came into the room and moved to his booth. The waitresses gave a quick signal to Kyle to let him know that they were ready for the bombardment of guests.

“Firstly, I would like to thank you all for coming to witness mine and Sarah’s special day together. We are very honoured for you all to have made it but now it’s the time you’ve all been waiting for. The mini bar towards the back of the room is now ready and is twenty percent cheaper than the regular bar so let me be the first to say this, let’s party!” Kyle announced.

Astonishingly, everybody got up from their seats and huddled around the bar as music started to boom from the loudspeakers. Large grins were coming from everyone as they got their beverages for a much more satisfying price. Children were playing on the dance floor as some of the older couples shared a quick dance with one another. I spotted Lisa at a large, empty table and as I stood up, Kyle handed me my favoured drink of Amaretto with cranberry juice.

Almost tripping over my long, white dress, I walked towards Lisa. With a cheeky smile on her face, she pulled a chair from under the table and offered it to me as I set my drink down on the table.

“Having fun misery guts?” I asked softly.

“Just waiting for the queue to die down.” She replied.

“Why didn’t you ask the others to get you a drink?” I laughed.

“I never thought about that,” she said with a blank look on her face.

Lisa had never been the brightest spark but I loved her regardless. I watched as the other girls got to the front of the queue and thankfully, they had a bit more common sense about them. Seven drinks to their group of six. I took a sip of my Amaretto as they all made their way back to the table. They each plonked down on a chair and started to converse around the table.

“Are we not havin’ cake Sare?” One of them asked.

“Of course we are,” I replied. “Just don’t know when they’re bringing it out for us to cut.”

We all started sipping our drinks with an awkward silence around the table. The silence was only broken when a familiar song came on and then went back to it. It was as if they didn’t know what to say now that I was married. I was the baby of the group but the first to get a ring on my finger and I felt like they were kind of jealous of me.

“Can we have the bride and groom to the dance floor?” The DJ announced with a gravelly voice.

I kind of felt relieved as I heard him. I took one last sip of my drink and slammed the empty glass down on the table as I stood up. As I made my way to my husband, I saw a wonderful cake with three platforms.

“Get your cameras ready folks as these two lovebirds take the first cut of the cake.”

A pity laugh came from the crowd as they gathered round us. Flashes were going off every second as the staff gave us the knife. Together, Kyle and I dug the knife into the delicate sponge of the cake. A loud cheer followed by applause filled the air as Kyle and I started to kiss passionately in front of them.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and swirled around my tongue as our eyes closed. He had never kissed with as much passion as he had today. It was truly wonderful and I could keep replaying this day forever. As we remembered where we were, we broke the kiss but still clung to one another, never wanting to let go. We gazed into each other’s eyes as the cake was wheeled away to be cut into segments for everyone.

“Now I want to hear a cheer for the happy newlyweds as they take their first dance.” The DJ announced as he started to play the song that Kyle and I heard when we first met.

Tears formed in my eyes as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor. We faced one another and started to dance whilst everyone watched and took photographs. Even to this day I knew every single word to the song and I couldn’t believe how much it meant to me as we slowly turned together. Every few moments, he’d plant a kiss on my forehead and we whispered to one another whilst everyone watched on.

As the song came to a climax, couples began to join us on the dance floor. One by one, they surrounded us as Kyle and I shared one more passionate kiss in the middle.

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His fingers stroked my hair as I placed my hands on his chest. Our tongues locked together whilst the music faded into background noise. We were completely lost in the moment as our love poured out in front of everyone. We carried on kissing after the song had ended.

“I hope you two have many happy years ahead of you.” The DJ said as he put on a classic song.

“Want to go upstairs?” Kyle asked as we broke the kiss.

“What now?” I replied.

“No, in three hours,” he laughed. “Of course now.”

“What about everyone?” I asked. “Like my mum and dad?”

“Sare, it’s our wedding night. They’ll understand,” he reassured.

I nodded as he grabbed my hand. Nobody seemed to notice us slip out of the door, even with the massive white dress. We almost ran through the hotel lobby with excitement. The other guests couldn’t help but look at my elegant gown as we moved into the elevator. Kyle placed his hand on my bottom as the doors shut and the elevator started to take us up to our floor. His hand squeezed and cupped my cheek through the soft material of my dress. For a few seconds he was lost in his own little world until the doors opened on our floor.

We rushed down the corridor to our room and swiped the key card. The light from the corridor shone enough of the room up for us to catch a glimpse at the champagne and roses left for us. As we shut the door, a blanket of darkness covered them. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck as we moved towards the bed. It was but a mere outline inside the darkness. The springs squeaked as Kyle jumped onto it and crawled to the top. I was dazzled as he flicked the lamps on.

I stood at the base of the bed as Kyle sat up. He quickly unravelled his tie and threw it at me playfully. He then pulled his jacket off and started to unbutton his shirt, revealing his muscular torso. Just seeing his finely chiselled body made me tingle, the perfect grooves between his six pack had always flattered me. I reached out and placed my hand on his body. With an outstretched finger, I traced each of his grooves making him tense them so I could feel the muscles.

Whilst I was mesmerised by his six pack, he lifted his body off the bed to pull his trousers and boxer shorts down. His seven inch cock sprung to life as my fingers continued to dig into his torso. His bulbous head made my eyes widen with anticipation, I couldn’t wait to have it.

“Time to get you out of that dress Mrs. McKnight.” He laughed.

“Hurry up then, Mr. McKnight.” I responded with a giggle as he stood up.

I turned around and together we started to take my dress off. I felt the material begin to slide away from my body. A shiver went down my spine as he stroked his finger along it whilst my dress went down further. His hands admired my curves through the dress before letting it drop to my feet. He admired my white bra and panties set with matching stockings and garter belt.

I turned back to him, watching as he nursed his erection slowly. We gazed into one another’s eyes as we kissed once more. His tongue slipped into my mouth as I rubbed his cock between my fingers. He twitched with each delicate touch as I started to slide my hand with his. Our tongues wrestled whilst we masturbated him in sync. I could feel his heart thump in his chest as we pressed together slightly. A few moments later we broke the kiss and he pushed me back onto the soft bed.

I laid there giggling as he stood over me. His fingers found their way under the waistband of my panties before slowly starting to pull them down my slender legs. Whilst he uncovered my tight, bare pussy, I unclipped my bra, revealing my hard, brown nipples. I looked up at him lustfully. He was my lover, my knight in shining armour and now my husband.

Kyle pressed his lips against my cheek, loving the profile of my cheekbones before kissing along my jaw. His hands roamed my body whilst he continued to kiss around my neck and collarbone. Soft whimpers left my mouth with each fondle and kiss.

“Mrs. McKnight.” He said as he moved his head away from my skin, “You can’t imagine how long I’ve wanted to call you that.”

He pressed his lips against my skin once again. I gasped lightly with each delicate peck whilst my hand brushed through his hair. I tilted my head back as he started to kiss my exposed breasts. My heart started beating quicker as he took my nipple between his teeth and ever so slightly nibbled on it. His hands carried on admiring my curves as his tongue began its assault on my aroused tit. I let out a soft moan as he circled my areola, coating it with saliva.

I was getting more and more aroused with each suck and lick that he gave my breast. More moans and whimpers left my lips as he lovingly suckled at my chest. Before long, he was on the move again. He started to press his lips against my silky smooth skin as he moved down my torso. Gentle kisses were placed all around my nicely toned belly. His hands continued to run along my body as he pecked around my stomach repeatedly.

I breathed heavily as I felt his lips touch my hips and move down onto my legs. He delicately kissed the insides of my thighs, teasing me. I closed my eyes as his lips brushed closer to my labia, but just as quickly as he moved up my thigh, he moved back down. His teasing was sending me crazy. Shivers were shooting up and down my spine. With a few more kisses, he finally made his advance on my sweet, bald pussy.

He pecked each lip of my pussy before starting to make out with it. His tongue slithered from his mouth and into my hole as I looked down into his eyes. I placed my hands on his head as he started to eat me with a delightful look on his face. I moaned loudly in approval as his tongue swirled around inside me. My heart was pounding and my breaths were long and harsh as pleasure overtook my body.

The aroma of my sex filled the air whilst he continued to devour my tight, pink slit. He replaced his tongue with his long middle finger as his tongue moved up to my clitoris. He made tiny circles around my pearl as his finger pumped up into my body. My hands moved from his head and stretched out over the bed as I jerked my body with the amazing pleasure. He inserted another finger into my pussy and his lips pressed down on my clit, sucking it gently.

With his free hand, he started to grope my breasts again. I was taking sharp breaths as my orgasm loomed. I closed my eyes and let out a moan louder than ever before as his fingers began to rub against my g-spot. My body started to erupt with satisfaction as he removed his fingers and his tongue lashed down my slit back to the hole. He licked my pussy hard as my juices started to seep out onto my labia.

Kyle hummed loudly as my sweet nectar coated his taste buds. He quickly started to devour my pink interior, trying to get each drop of his prize from my body. His nose pressed against my clitoris as he drove his tongue deeper into my snatch. My heart was racing as he lapped up the last drop of my cum.

“You’re so tasty,” he said softly as he brought his head up from between my legs.

He slid on top of me quickly and began to kiss me once more. I could taste the sweetness of my pussy on his tongue as it slowly swirled in my mouth. Our bodies rubbed against each other and within a few seconds, he’d moved to the bottom and pulled me on top during our kiss. Our lips slapped a few times before I finally broke away from him. I looked deeply into his eyes, remembering each and every second of lust we had to this point. None could compare to the intensity of our wedding night.

Kyle gently tapped his chin with his fingers and started to pull my body up by my legs. My pussy stroked against his belly, then his chest before halting above his face. I hovered above him, just out of reach of his outstretched tongue. I turned around slowly, making sure my knees were either side of his head before lowering myself slowly.

Once again, pleasure shot through my body as his tongue impaled my hole. My hands rubbed his chest softly before moving down his body. As my hands went further, I leaned over allowing my hard nipples to stroke against his torso. His cock was swaying with excitement as my warm breath smothered it. Kyle’s tongue continued to lick and eat my pussy as my hands wrapped around his length tightly.

I started to stroke his cock with both of my hands. My wrists twisted with each stroke as I started to lick the helmet. I could taste the salty precum as my tongue ran over the eye of his cock. Together, we moaned as we began to sixty nine. My mouth encased his helmet whilst my hands continued to jerk his dick. My tongue started to circle his entire helmet as I took more of his appendage into my mouth.

It wasn’t long before the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat, making me gag slightly as I sucked his shaft. His groans were muffled by my pussy and my moans were muffled by his cock. I cradled his testicles as I bobbed my head back and forth slowly. My cheek bulged with his head and my lips popped as I carried on sucking. He placed his hands on my back and pushed down hard, wanting to get further into my pussy as I started to rock my hips, riding his face.

My lips glided back down his cock slowly until my forehead rested against his balls. I held his cock in my throat for a few seconds, gagging slightly before moving back up. As I caught my breath, I sat up and began to slide my body down his. I came to a stop just above his crotch. His helmet pressed against my stomach as I sat there, playing with his cock in my hands.

I leaned backwards, placing my hands on his chest and planting my feet on the soft mattress. With one hand, I grasped his cock and started to rub it up and down my slit, teasing both of us. He started to breath heavily as I teased him more and without warning, I let it slide into my velvet hole.

“Oh god,” I moaned as my pussy slid all the way down his shaft.

My body pressed against his balls with my pussy full with his cock. I paused for a few moments, loving the new sensation of being filled. Kyle placed his hands on my hips and together, we began to work my body up and down his dick, making me squeal with delight. My hair was starting to go into a wild state as I rode him harder. My pussy seeped with juices as I pounded it down on his crotch. Playfully, he slapped my ass as his helmet was visible for a split second before disappearing back into my hole.

Just as I had found my rhythm, he started to turn my body. Kyle had always loved the fact that I was petite and that he could just spin me around without taking his cock from my pussy. I looked down at him with my hands firmly planted on his chest, I was in control of him and he couldn’t resist. I moved back down to my knees and waited for a few seconds with his cock fully inside me. Cradling his head in my arm, I started to kiss him again.

“I love you,” I whispered between kisses.

“I love you too,” he responded as he started to rock my hips again.

We carried on kissing as he fucked me softly. Our lips slapped, our tongues entwined and our bodies connected as one with him inside of me. My fingers stroked his jaw as his fingers began to stretch and stroke my bum.

“I especially love your ass,” he laughed as our lips parted once again.

I gave him a gentle slap on the chest as he spanked me sharply. A yelp left my lips followed by a giggle as I went back to kissing him. He started to gradually move his hips up and down to meet mine and for the first time, a soft slapping noise filled the air. His cock started to smash against my cervix with each thrust he made. The immense pleasure started to build once more within me. His helmet hit my cervix once again, forcing me to move my hand between my legs.

I started to rub my clitoris as his cock bulldozed my hole. His balls were starting to flail as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts. Our kisses began to get harder and more passionate whilst he fucked me faster. My heart started to thud in my chest, making me feel like it was about to burst with excitement. His cock hit my cervix one final time and in an instant, I felt my body shut down.

An intense orgasm started to overtake my body. Kyle carried on fucking my pussy as I rode the waves of my climax. I broke the kiss and moaned fanatically as I rest my head on his chest. My pussy felt red hot as he continued to pound it. He quickly flipped me onto my back and started fucking me at a faster rate as my moans turned into screams of pleasure. I looked up at him with lust whilst he carried on splitting my lips with his shaft.

I was paralyzed with pleasure for a few moments but that didn’t stop Kyle. He wanted to cause that kind of reaction over and over again. He wanted to give me the most intense romp of my entire life. He didn’t realise that he had already given me that.

As my grogginess subsided, he removed his cock from my opening and helped me onto my hands and knees. He unclipped my garter belt and began to pull down my stockings whilst he kissed my ass and legs. I gasped as I felt the cool air against the lower parts of my legs. Kyle then positioned himself behind me. He started to kiss my shoulders and the back of my neck as his helmet rubbed against my slit once more.

He slowly slid back into me from behind and from the get go, was fucking me rampantly. A squelching noise was coming from between my legs as he forced my juices out with his cock. He held my hips tightly and every few thrusts he would give me a playful slap on the ass.

“You like that baby?” He grunted.

“Oh god yes,” I moaned as he started to really hit the spot.

I looked over my shoulder at him and couldn’t help but notice that his face was beginning to turn red.

“Are you going to cum for me baby?” I moaned as he carried on fucking.

“Not yet,” he groaned.

“You look like you are,” I giggled.

He quickly pushed my body down onto the bed and laid me on my side. He laid behind me and his cock was still between my legs. Spooning or forking as Kyle called it was our favourite position, we always did it, especially when he was about to cum.

He pushed my left leg so that my knee was bent, giving him better access into my vagina. He then started to thrust softly and slowly into me. I twisted my torso and faced him. My eyes stared deeply into his whilst he made love to my pussy again. His hands admired my curves and my ass whilst my pussy admired and worshipped his cock.

I started to kiss him one last time as I squeezed my muscles around his manhood. His balls began to tighten and his body began to shudder. The next thing I felt was his jets of cum flowing deep into my womb. Our family had finally started as we laid there, kissing into the night.

Written by Jasmine_x
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