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My Fertile Wife Bears My Boss' Progeny

"My elderly, widower boss uses my wife as his surrogate wife and mother of his child."

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Author's Notes

"This is not a typical love story, since it includes not only a love theme, but also cuckold, and bisexual elements. It chronicles an elderly man’s success at exploiting another man’s wife to recapture at least part of the lost love of his departed wife, and to provide him with a son."

My name is Justin, and I graduated summa cum laude in my high school class. Not having wealthy parents, I used a partial scholarship, but mostly student loans, to attend Harvard Law School. I graduated from Harvard at the top of my class as well, and with a focus on criminal law, I went into practice with a classmate back in my hometown in upstate New York.

In my first three years of practice, I quickly gained a reputation for winning the highest-profile criminal cases in our small town. I married my beautiful wife, Monica, when I was twenty-eight years old and she was twenty-five. She was working as an event planner and was remarkably successful, with many of her events being featured in local newspapers, along with her picture. My earnings were good, but not lucrative enough to allow me to pay down my crushing student loans of almost three hundred thousand dollars.

Being Recruited to New York City

Not long after we were married, I was being recruited by a major and prestigious law firm in New York City, and they insisted that Monica accompany me on the interview. I wasn’t that happy with the idea of leaving my small town for the big city, but thought it made sense to at least hear them out.

They made the firm seem like a happy family, and I interviewed in the morning with one midlevel associate, Kevin; a junior partner, David; and the senior partner for criminal matters, who would be my boss, Colin. Monica was entertained by Kevin’s and David’s wives, Jennifer and Judy, respectively, and given a tour of the offices and residence areas in the thirty-story building owned by the firm.

For lunch, Monica and I convened in the executive dining room with Kevin, David, their wives, Colin, and the founder and managing partner, Benjamin. That lunch experience was both cordial and intense. Monica and I were obviously being probed, to determine if we would fit the culture of the firm. They had done their research into our lives, and already seemed to know the answers to many of the questions they asked.

And Benjamin, who asked us to call him Ben, was especially attracted to and attentive to Monica, and couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Ben appears to be in his early-seventies and very distinguished and fit. He looks a lot like the actor, William Hurt, except with a full head of silver-gray hair.

I couldn’t blame Ben for being attracted to Monica. She’s beautiful, five feet and seven inches tall, and weighs one hundred and thirty-five pounds. With her luscious, light-olive complexion, brown hair and light-brown eyes, she looks amazingly like the Italian actress, Monica Bellucci, who you might remember from the movie, ‘Tears of the Sun’, as Dr. Lena, and many other movies. She also has an amazingly full and sculpted ass and 34DD breasts that look like melons on her beautiful body.

Lunch went on for almost two hours, and then Ben excused the others so he could talk with Monica and me privately. That’s when he made us an offer and I learned why they gave Monica a tour of the residential areas in the building.

Ben is charming and has an outgoing personality, as you would expect for someone in his position, although I thought there was a sadness in his eyes that I didn’t understand at the time. He was still undressing my wife with his eyes, as he said, “Your work and success speaks for itself, Justin, and I know that you will be very successful here, with much higher profile and lucrative criminal cases. We will pay off your student debt and offer you a junior partnership, at a starting salary of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, with an opportunity for bonuses at least that large.”

He saw that we were shocked by the offer, and waited a few moments to continue, saying, “But that’s not all. It’s awfully expensive to live in Manhattan, and since we want you to be close to the office, you’ll be living rent-free in one of our spacious apartments on the twenty-fifth floor in this building. We’ll also take care of selling your home, paying you full market price, and with no commissions. I trust that you found the accommodations adequate, Monica?”

Monica could hardly contain herself, when she replied, “My goodness, Ben, those apartments are larger than our home upstate, and the views are amazing.”

Ben smiled, and said, “If you agree, you’ll be earing your way here too. We read several news articles about your work as an event planner upstate, and we’re offering you that role here for an annual salary of one hundred thousand dollars. Our partners have many functions with clients, prospective clients, and with inhouse staff, and we’re adding this position to help serve that need. I’ll also need your personal services to help with the special client relationships that I maintain and other administrative tasks.”

That role for Monica seemed unusual to me, and I was just getting ready to ask more about it, when Monica said, “My goodness, Ben, that is very generous, but I hope I’ll still have time to support Justin in his work.”

Ben replied, “Justin will be working long hours, and it will be good for you to have something to keep you occupied after you get settled in your apartment. You two need to be comfortable here, and you’ll also be given a generous allowance to remodel and furnish the apartment to your liking. So, what do you say? Will you two be joining our happy family?”

I’ll admit to feeling a little uneasy with his generous offer, and the vibes I was getting from his attention to Monica. It all seemed somehow familiar to me, and I couldn’t help comparing it to a similar scenario in the movie, ‘The Devil’s Advocate’. I certainly didn’t think that Ben was the devil, but I wanted to discuss it with Monica before accepting. What we eventually learned about Ben is far different from that movie.

So, I said, “This is all very generous, Ben, and frankly, more than we could have expected. But would you excuse us for a few minutes to discuss your offer privately? This will be a major change in our lives.”

Ben excused us, and Monica and I went out to a small conference room to talk. I said, “This is all so amazing, honey, but I just wanted to be sure that you’re comfortable with everything, and willing to uproot our lives and move here. I think the only things that bother me right now are an eerie vibe I’m getting from Ben, the way he’s looking at you, and a kind of sadness that seems out of character.”

Monica replied, “I don’t see how we can pass up this opportunity, honey. And don’t be so worried about Ben. He just seems like a horny old man, and I’ve been used to boys and men ogling me since my junior year in high school. My vote is that we accept his generous offer, but it’s up to you. We’ll be living in style in one of the most expensive cities in the world. But I noticed Ben’s mostly well-hidden melancholy too, and I guess we’ll learn more about that over time.”

Ben was ecstatic when we accepted his offer, and Monica and I returned to Manhattan three weeks later, after wrapping up a couple of cases and our affairs upstate. We lived in a guest apartment while ours was being remodeled and furnished, and Monica was busy with the architect, builder, and decorators while I began work on a major corruption case.

Monica Gets to Know Ben

Monica finally finished with our apartment and began work on several events for the office. She also started working closely with Ben, including spending time in his penthouse apartment. One day after she had been working with him for about three months, I asked, “How’s it going working with the big boss, honey?”

She made me aware of a couple of events she was planning for him, and some of her other administrative duties, and then said, “Ben is even more despondent when he’s out of the public eye, and now I know why. He told me that his wife of forty years, Eleanor, died five years ago. They were best friends, and she was the love of his life. In addition to losing Eleanor, his painful regret in life is that she was infertile, and unable to bear him a child.”

I said, “Wow, he sure doesn’t mind sharing his personal life with you.”

Monica smiled, and almost whispered as if she had a big secret, saying, “I think I also know why he’s so attracted to me. He has pictures of Eleanor all over his apartment, even a couple of huge paintings, and I look so much like her when she was younger that we could have been twin sisters. The other interesting thing is that David’s wife, Judy, also looks a lot like her, but not as closely as I do. I almost have to wonder if…”

She let her voice trail off, and I encouraged her to continue, saying, “Come on, honey, tell me. What are you wondering?”

Monica continued, “Please don’t think I’m crazy, but he mentioned at lunch during the interview that he had read several articles about my work. Those articles all have pictures of me, and I wonder if my appearance is part of the reason he interviewed you? I know that you’re an amazing attorney, and he’d have every reason to want to hire you, but maybe I’m the icing on the cake, since I remind him so much of Eleanor.”

It did sound like a bit of a reach, but the possibility that Ben was that interested in my wife was intriguing to me. I asked, “Wow, honey, I don’t think you’re crazy, but has he done or said anything else to give you that impression?”

She thought for a moment, and replied, “Well, Ben is much more deferential to me than you’d expect from such a powerful man, and he’s incredibly open with me about his personal life. It’s almost as if he wants me to feel his pain and have empathy for him. And I must admit, even though he’s old enough to be my grandfather, I do feel an attraction to him, even if it’s sympathy. And in some ways, he almost treats me as his wife.”

That really got my attention, and I asked, “Holy shit, honey, what do you mean by that?”

Monica answered, “When he made us the offer, he said that I’d be doing event planning for many of the partners and for a variety of events. But since we finished the remodeling, I’ve only done four events with other partners, and I’m working with Ben almost every day. Since you’ve been working so late, he usually wants me to attend his events and he doesn’t introduce me as a planner. I think he wants his guests to think that I’m his date or significant other.”

“A good example is a dinner party he had with an old client last week, and he didn’t even try to explain who I was. I think the client saw how much I look like a younger Eleanor but didn’t want to be rude and ask who I was, likely thinking I could be his date or a new wife.”

She thought for a few seconds and continued, “There are other things too. When I first started working with him and going to his apartment in the mornings, he’d usually be ready for the day and wearing business attire. But over time, he’s gotten more and more casual, having me up on some mornings when he’s still in his bathrobe, or just getting out of his hot tub with a towel wrapped around his waist. He’s obviously comfortable with me, in the ways I’ve explained, and treats me like his wife.”

I asked, “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?

Monica replied, “You’ve been working so late and so many hours, and I didn’t think there was any harm in an old man fantasizing about his past with a wife he dearly loved. And in a way, it’s been flattering to me being treated that way by such a handsome and wealthy man. I didn’t want to rock the boat and mess up this wonderful financial situation we’re in. We’re living way beyond the means we had upstate, and I want to continue our lifestyle.”

Monica seemed to be very accepting of her situation with Ben, and I had to ask, “Where do you see all of this heading, honey? Do you really want to let him continue fantasizing about you as a surrogate for his departed wife?”

She laughed and said, “Don’t worry, honey, I think it’ll take its natural course and he’ll lose interest. Ben told me that David’s wife, Judy, used to help him with some of the administrative duties I’m doing, but it eventually ended, just about the time we came for the interview. Why don’t you talk with David about it, to see if it gives you a little peace of mind?”

David Fills in the Blanks

I didn’t know David that well, since he specializes in corporate law, but he didn’t seem to be that surprised when I invited him to lunch the next week, at a quiet restaurant away from the office. It was embarrassing bringing the issues with Ben up to him, but I finally told him about my conversation with Monica.

He listened quietly and I ended it, saying, “Monica said that Judy also performed some administrative tasks for Ben, at least until we moved here, and I was hoping you could give me some insights into what’s going on.”

David smiled, and said, “I’m surprised it took you this long to seek me out. I’m going to tell you everything, if you promise to never let Ben know that I told you. I can also tell you how happy I was when I met Monica, seeing that she’s a spitting image of Eleanor, and assumed that you would be joining the firm.”

Then he started explaining, “I was recruited to the firm much the same as you were, and it was apparent from the start how attracted Ben was to Judy. She learned about Eleanor like Monica did, and Ben was treating her same way you described for your wife. Ben is a very patient man, and it took him several months of letting Judy learn more about his personal life, before he revealed what he really wanted.

“Ben's grief at missing Eleanor seems unbounded, and he also laments not having a child with her. There’s no way to sugarcoat this; he wanted Judy to become a surrogate mother and have his baby. We’re not talking about in-vitro fertilization either. Ben wanted to fuck and inseminate my wife, as many times as it took to impregnate her, and then he wanted to continue fucking her. He wanted to continue treating Judy as his surrogate wife, and be a part of our lives, as Judy and I raised his child with him, until his death. He offered us three million dollars, in addition to the already great compensation package we have.

“I was against it, but Judy was seriously considering doing it. We would’ve been set for life financially, and the idea of raising his child didn’t seem that distasteful to her. I let Judy have her way, and we had given our decision to Ben, just about the time HR found you as a recruit, and they saw the photos of Monica after doing their research. The amazing thing is that Ben was so appreciative of our willingness to let him impregnate my wife, that he gave us the three million dollars anyway.

“He also said that I had a job with the firm as long as I wanted it. The only thing he withheld was a senior partnership, which would have allowed us to move to a much larger apartment on the twenty-ninth floor, with a private staircase and elevator to his apartment, to give him perpetual access to Judy and the baby.”

I sat there in shock listening to David, and then said, “Holy fucking shit, David, that’s an amazing story. How close was Judy to letting Ben breed her when he found Monica and me?”

David responded, “We told him on a Wednesday, and were planning on him fucking her the first time on that weekend; so, it was close. As I said, I was happy when you and Monica came into the picture, and now you have the same decision to make. By that time Judy had already seen his soft cock when he was getting out of the hot tub, and she said it’s unusually large.”

“But he also said that he has psychological impotence, which is erectile dysfunction (ED) due to psychological issues and depression related to Eleanor’s death, in addition to some issues caused by his medication. I asked if that also meant that he wasn’t virile, and he explained that despite the ED, he has a condition called hyperspermia, where he produces much more semen and sperm than average. His psychiatrist indicated that I would need to be involved in a very intimate way each time he fucked my wife, at least at first. I’m not sure what that meant but forewarned is forearmed.”

Everything David told me sounded so surreal, but I didn’t think he’d lie to me about it. I wanted to know more and said, “You said that Monica’s story was like what Judy experienced. But when did Ben finally make the proposal? What precipitated him feeling confident enough to breach such a question?”

David thought for a second, an answered, “Like Monica said, there was a progression from him being dressed in business attire to finally getting out of the hot tub with a towel on in front of Judy, and I think that was his way of desensitizing her and trying to judge her willingness to be intimate with him. Then one day he called her up to his apartment, and after having just gotten out of the hot tub with a towel wrapped around his waist, as Judy approached him to ask about her assignment, he dropped the towel.”

“She was momentarily shocked, but said that seeing his huge cock turned her on. I’m well-hung with a thick eight inches, but I paled in comparison. I think the way she handled the situation is what gave Ben the courage, a few days later, to invite us up to his apartment to make the offer.”

“Judy looked longer than she should’ve at his big cock and huge, low-hanging balls swinging between his legs, and said, ‘Oh my, Ben, you should cover that big thing up. You might give a girl the idea to be unfaithful to her husband.’”

I said, “Holy shit, so it was really Judy’s positive reaction that precipitated everything?”

David replied, “Yes, it seems that way, but it was pretty clear that Ben was going after what he wanted, and he would’ve found another way to approach it. But if Judy had gotten offended and raised a stink, that would’ve ended it, and probably my career.”

He could see that I was in deep thought about the things he told me, and said, “Listen, Justin, whatever you and Monica decide to do is none of my business, and I won’t think any less of you either way. But seeing how much Monica looks like a younger Eleanor, I don’t think he’ll let you two off the hook with a big cash payment. Judy might be a little jealous, but maybe our mutual knowledge about Ben’s arrangement can allow us to be good friends and have something in common.”

David looked like he thought of something else, and said, “If you guys do go through with it, I’d sure appreciate knowing what Ben meant when his psychiatrist said I’d need to be involved in a very intimate way. I’ve got my suspicions, since he has ED, but I’d like to know for sure, unless it’s too embarrassing for you to talk about.”

That really made me curious, and I was so naïve at the time that I had no idea what he was alluding to. So, I asked, “What do you mean by that, David? What exactly are you suspicious of that I could be embarrassed about?”

David leaned in closer, and whispered, “Okay, I’ll tell you if you really want to know. Since Ben’s ED is mostly psychological, I was thinking that maybe he can only get a hard on to fuck your wife if he has his cock sucked, and your participation would be needed. Knowing the way he cherishes the memory of Eleanor, and by proxy Monica, he might not want her to suck his cock. But in a weird mind twist, it might get him excited knowing that the husband of the woman he was impregnating had fluffed his cock.”

I was shocked that he had assumed that’s what Ben meant, and I said, “Whoa, David, that’s really out there. I’ve never had any interest in men sexually, and I can’t imagine that he’d want that. But we’re way out over our skis here. Nothing’s happened yet, and may never happen, even though I believe your explanation of what occurred with Judy and you.”

He laughed and said, “Even so, if things do proceed as I expect, then I’d really like to know what he meant, if you’re willing to share.”

Breaking the News to Monica

It was late in the evening when I got off work the day I had lunch with David, and after eating a takeout Chinese dinner and relaxing with a couple of glasses of wine, Monica and I went to bed. She was just starting to read her novel, and I said, “You might want to put that down for a few minutes, honey, while I tell you about my incredible conversation with David today.”

I had no idea how she would react, but as I related my conversation with David, telling her everything except David’s suspicions, she cuddled with me. I’m decently hung with a thick, uncut, seven-inch cock, and I had a raging hard on in seconds as she began stroking my cock as I rubbed her breasts.

It was obvious that she was aroused, and when I finished, I asked, “My goodness, honey, does that really turn you on? I mean, shit, Judy was going to repeatedly fuck Ben with no protection and have his baby.”

She leaned down and sucked my cock for a minute before saying, “Knowing how close I’ve gotten to Ben, and the way he treats me so gently, if he did the same thing for Judy, I can see how she could fall for him that way. He’s a very sexy older man, and he must have had her under his spell. And it’s interesting that David agreed to it. The other thing is that you’re the only man I’ve ever had sex with, and I love your thick cock, but it is intriguing how he described Ben’s cock as being unusually large. I wish he had given you more details.”

I said, “Damn, honey, it almost sounds like you’d be agreeable to an arrangement like that.”

Monica continued stroking my cock as she said, “I don’t know, honey, but maybe it’s because I’ve spent so much time with Ben, and am comfortable with him, that it doesn’t seem so far fetched to me. He’s so lonely and despondent much of the time, and I really feel his pain. I mean, we’d be set for life financially, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d leave even more money to us in his will, to ensure that his child is well taken care of. Would it really be that big a deal for me to carry his child and let him be a part of our lives, for the rest of his? That would almost be like having my grandfather living with us.”

I was surprised by her acceptance of at least the concept of having a surrogate relationship with Ben and realized that she must have gotten much closer to him emotionally than she let on. I was almost afraid to know more, but asked, “Holy shit, honey, are you saying that if Ben made us the same offer, you’d agree to it too?”

She leaned down to suck my cock again, and then replied in a way that I knew she was avoiding giving me her true feelings, by saying, “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s possible that David wasn’t even telling the truth, although I don’t know why he’d lie about something like that. I’ll have to decide how to react if he exposes himself to me like he did to Judy, but I have to admit to wanting to see how big his cock is after hearing about it.”

Things were much the same for the next three weeks, except that Monica seemed unusually horny when we got into bed at night. I asked her what caused her arousal, and she said, “It’s much different being around Ben now, after hearing David’s story and wondering if Ben is going to make us the same offer. I probably look at him too hard when he’s in his bathrobe, hoping for a glimpse of his big cock, and it kind of keeps me on edge. I can tell Ben’s noticed me looking at him, but he’s been too polite to ask me about it.”

It was the beginning of the fourth week since we talked about my conversation with David, when Ben exposed himself to Monica. She came home that night all excited, and said, “You won’t believe what happened honey. The first part was just like David described, and when I went out to get my assignment by the hot tub on the enclosed patio, he was just standing there before dropping his towel. His cock and balls are enormous, which I’ll describe more in a minute, and all I could do was stare for about ten seconds, which is a long time when you’re staring at a naked man’s cock.”

“What was different from Judy’s experience, is that he spoke first, asking, ‘Do you like what you see, Monica? You’ve sure been staring at me long enough.’”

“I was stammering and stuttering like a schoolgirl, as I answered, ‘Oh my, Ben, uh, I’ve, oh my, uh, I’ve never seen such a …, uh maybe you should put the towel back on before I do something I’ll regret.’”

“He laughed and said, ‘Oh, sweetie, there’s nothing to regret about fulfilling your fantasies, but I’ll cover up for you.’”

I was curious and said, “Now you’ve got to tell me everything, honey. How did he look?”

She answered, “He’s very fit and lean, as you would expect from someone with a home gym, and that makes his cock look even larger. It’s uncircumcised, and almost as thick as a shaving cream can, even on soft, and appeared to be almost eight inches long. There are thick veins all over the surface, and his bulbous cock head is even thicker, looking like a plum with a helmet on the tip. His big, lemon-sized balls were hanging down even lower than his cock, and the whole package was swinging between his legs as I stared at him. Sorry, honey, but my pussy was getting wet just imagining what that thing would feel like on hard and inside me.”

I asked her what he did next, and she said, “He went to his room and got dressed, like nothing had happened, and nothing more was said about it. But I’m sure that he got the reaction from me that he was hoping for.”

It was obvious how excited my wife was about his cock, and equally clear to me that she would fuck him, given the chance. So, I said, “It seems to me like you’ve already made up your mind if he makes the offer to us. Are you sure that you’d want to let him impregnate you?”

She didn’t answer me, except to say, “Let’s just see what happens.”

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Getting the Offer from Ben

Ben called me to his office on Wednesday of the following week, and said, “I invited Monica this morning, and I’d like both of you to join me for dinner at 7:00 pm tonight in my apartment. I’ve got a personal issue to discuss with you, and my psychiatrist is coming over as well, to answer any questions you might have.”

I of course accepted his offer for dinner, and was thankful that I had talked with David, and had a good idea what the dinner meeting was all about. Monica and I were both on pins and needles as we got dressed for dinner, and I was determined to question Ben and his Doctor to further explain some of the issues that David might not have covered.

The catered dinner had been arranged by Monica, and we all had several glasses of wine along with the delicious meal. Then we went to Ben’s living room, where Monica and I sat on one couch, and Ben and the Doctor sat across from us on the other.

Ben started off, saying, “I’m not sure how much Monica might have told you about my personal situation, Justin, but I’ve been under my doctor’s care for psychological issues since the death of my beloved Eleanor. I think about her every waking moment, and as you can see by the photos in my home, Monica, looks amazingly like her when Eleanor was younger. I’m so happy to have both of you in the firm; you for your brilliant legal mind, and Monica for the joy she gives me by reminding me of my Eleanor.”

He paused for a moment, and began again, “One of my deepest regrets is that Eleanor was unable to bear me children, and that magnifies my loss several-fold. This is embarrassing to admit, but these issues have caused erectile dysfunction, and I couldn’t enjoy being with a woman, even if I wanted to. But after years of therapy, Doc has convinced me that I can find happiness again, only under a special set of circumstances, that you two can help me with.”

Monica and I had been listening intently, even though we knew what was coming, and since we had no comments at that point, Ben continued, “What I’m about to propose may sound outrageous, but please hear me out before passing judgment or saying ‘no’ out of hand. Doc feels that if I could find a surrogate mother to have my child, a woman who looks much like Eleanor, then I might be able to find happiness in my remaining years. And, Monica, you are so luscious and almost the spitting image of Eleanor.”

“What I’m asking is that you, Monica, with Justin’s blessings, become a surrogate mother for my child and companion to me in my final years, sharing your time with Justin and me. I know that is asking a lot, but I’m offering you two a payment of five million dollars, in addition to a promotion to senior partner for Justin. You’ll also be moved to one of the two large apartments on the twenty-ninth floor, with direct stair and elevator access to this apartment.”

Even though we were prepared, it was still a shock hearing the actual offer, with an even higher payment than David and Judy were given, and I finally recovered enough to ask a few questions, most of which I already knew the answers to. I asked, “Pardon me for being a little confused, Ben, but would my wife be impregnated with in-vitro fertilization?”

Ben blushed a little as he answered, “Well no, Justin, the whole point is that I want to be able to function sexually again, and I would be intimate with and breed Monica to impregnate her.”

Still acting in shock, I knew it was a stupid question, when I asked, “But, doesn’t the ED affect your virility too?”

Doc stepped in to explain, “No Justin, one doesn’t have anything to do with the other. In fact, we had Ben tested, and he has a condition, called hyperspermia, which causes him to have much larger semen and sperm production than average, and he was found to be virile.”

Then Monica spoke up, and I know that she was trying to appear surprised and still confused, as she said, “I’m still trying to wrap my head around your generous offer, Ben, and don’t yet know how I feel about all this, but I have a question. If you have ED, how do expect to get an erection; just magically by being with me in bed, as you seemed to imply earlier?”

Doc stepped in again, saying, “All of this is obviously very personal and confidential to Ben, but Justin will also have a part to play. It’s my judgment that Monica just being with Ben will not be enough to allow arousal, at least at first. He’ll also need to see and feel the commitment and involvement of Justin in support of Monica before he could be relaxed enough to achieve an erection.”

He was getting to the question that David had, and I asked, “What exactly does that mean, Doc?”

Doc cleared his throat, and said, “This part may be hard for you to take, but you would need to subjugate yourself to Ben, and give him physical proof that you are supportive of him breeding your wife. That may not be necessary forever, but at first, you would need to assist in getting Ben’s cock hard, and not with your hand.”

I could hardly believe that David was right, and I know I looked exasperated when I blurted out, “Holy shit, Doc, are you saying that I’d have to be a fluffer for Ben? If so, I’ve never had a homosexual thought in my life. I don’t think I could do that. I mean, Ben is the big boss and all, but I don’t think I could be that subservient to him. Why couldn’t Monica prepare him that way since we practice oral sex in our marriage?”

Ben quickly answered, “In all my years of marriage with Eleanor, I never wanted to disrespect her by asking her to do that with me. And if I’m lucky enough to be with Monica, then I want to keep her pure to Eleanor’s memory.

Then Doc tried to diminish my concerns by saying, “Part of my practice is dealing with sexual deviancy, and I can tell you there’s a world of difference between men being attracted to men in a romantic way, and having sex with them, and the types of bisexual play that occurs with married couples; for example, with swingers or a cuckold situation, where like sexes satisfy each other orally. I think being there with and supporting your wife and Ben, as she is being bred, in memory of his beloved, departed wife, could be a very satisfying, rewarding, and even spiritual experience, that you might come to enjoy.”

Ben then spoke, saying, “I know this is all a big ask, and it’s understandably shocking to you. But I must tell you that I’ve gotten close Monica, and I did get the feeling, when I exposed myself to her, that she might be receptive to it. I love my Eleanor so much and am eager to be with her through Monica.”

“But I think Doc and I have explained the offer as well as we can, and I understand if you need some time to think it over. I know that I’ll literally be inserting myself into your lives in a major way, and my seed into Monica’s womb, but I feel that you would be more than fairly compensated for it, and we would undoubtedly become a happy family.”

I shook Ben’s and Doc’s hands, and Monica hugged them when we left for our apartment, as I said, “Your offer is very generous, Ben, and I know that Monica has grown close to you over the past months. But this is just a lot to digest, and we need to think it over. I have to ask, though, if we decide not to take you up on your offer, what will that mean for my employment with the firm?”

Ben gripped my hand firmly, and answered, “I want you to make this decision with no undue pressure, because if we enter into this very intimate arrangement, I want to know that you are in it with your whole hearts and minds. Your position with the firm is secure, no matter what you decide.”

Monica and I Decide

Monica and I stayed up half the night discussing Ben’s offer, and it soon became clear that Monica wanted badly to accept the offer. I was warming up to it, except for one thing. I couldn’t see myself sucking Ben’s cock to get it hard for Monica, and she pulled out the stops to convince me.

First, she sucked me off, and with my cum still smeared on her bottom lip, she began an almost endless series of arguments for me to consider. For example, she said, “Come on, Justin, it’s not that big of a deal to suck a cock. I’ve been sucking your cock and swallowing your cum for years, and I really enjoy the taste of it. But you wouldn’t even be sucking him off, and the only way you’d taste his full load of cum is if he wanted you to clean my pussy and his cock after we fuck. But shit, honey, you like to eat me out after we fuck anyway, so what’s the big fucking deal?”

Then she said, “I’m not sure what our positions will be, but it’ll be three of us in bed, in a very intimate setting. You’ll smell my wet pussy and know that I want Ben’s huge cock inside me, and it will be the most natural thing in the world to take his big cock into your mouth and suck it hard for me to fuck. Then you can watch, as he impales me with that thick cock with the mushroom head.”

Another argument she made was, “I’ve really developed feelings for Ben, and want to fuck him and his big cock in the worst way. I want to see the smile on his face when he’s ejaculating into my pussy, giving me his baby, and thinking of Eleanor. If you do this for me, I can promise that you’ll never have to beg me to fuck you again. My pussy and mouth are yours forever, except when Ben wants to fuck.”

I had one more concern, and said, “You really want to do this, honey, and the way you talk about being so close to Ben, I’m worried that this might totally alienate your affection for me. Can’t you see that as a possibility?”

She answered, “I do have strong feelings for Ben, and I understand your concern. This is new territory for all of us, and I can’t claim to know how it will unfold. I just know that this is an amazing opportunity for us, and I don’t see how we can pass it up.”

Monica wore me down, and I finally agreed, in the wee hours of the morning, to accept Ben’s offer. She was going to tell him in the morning, and I expected that he’d want to consummate the deal on Friday night.

Ben Breeds My Wife for the First Time

It was a little embarrassing and uncomfortable facing Ben on Friday night, but he welcomed us with a smile, saying, “Come on in. Let’s sit and talk for a little while and have some wine to calm our nerves. I’m probably as nervous as you two are, and I’m just hoping that Doc’s right about me being able to perform.”

We talked about mundane things for a few minutes, before Ben said, “I’m so very appreciative of you, Justin, and Monica, making this old man incredibly happy. I not only want your help in producing my progeny, but I also want to recapture at least some of the intense love that Eleanor and I shared.”

“I so hope, Monica, that you won’t mind me calling you Ellie, which was my favorite, loving nickname for Eleanor, and I’d like to address you that way whenever it’s just the three of us together, or just you and me. And, Justin, I hope you’ll understand that I’ll be treating your beautiful wife as my own in every way, trying to garner her genuine affection and love, as a surrogate for my sweet, departed Ellie, even while seeming to ignore you.”

We didn’t say anything, and Ben continued, “There’s one other thing that I must ask of you, Justin. During the time I’m trying to impregnate my sweet Ellie, with what I expect will require at least once daily coitus, you and she must refrain from having sex of any kind, either oral or genital, in order to keep her pure for me.”

“The only exception will be when you clean Ellie after we have sex. In the meantime, if you feel the need for close feminine companionship, and don’t have the time or inclination to seek it out, I’ll be happy to arrange a suitable lady to facilitate your relief, maybe one who favors Monica very closely.”

Monica said, “I understand the deep love you have for Ellie, and how devastatingly lonely you are. I’ll do everything I can to make myself into her, for you. And, I’m sure that Justin won’t mind all your conditions, considering that both of us have willingly accepted your proposal, and especially with the amount of compensation involved.”

We were sitting in a loveseat across from Ben on the couch, and he patted the seat next to him, saying, “Please come sit with me, Ellie.”

Ben put his arm around my wife as she sat next to him, and then he leaned down to kiss her. It was unsettling at first, as their tongue-probing kiss lasted for several minutes, and then I became aroused, seeing my wife in the arms of another man. I had heard about cuckold and wife lover’s relationships and could never understand how a man could allow his wife to fuck other men. And there I was getting excited watching them kiss, as a prelude to me sucking his cock and him fucking my wife.

After kissing and hugging for about ten minutes, Ben took my wife by the hand and led her to the bedroom. I followed, and as they began undressing each other, Ben looked at me, and said, “I’d be more comfortable if you stayed fully clothed, Justin. Just sit in the chair by the bed and watch, until we call you over to do your part.”

Monica looked as beautiful as ever lying back on the bed totally naked, and I was impressed with Ben as well, with his lean body and that enormous soft cock and huge balls swinging between his legs, as he got on the bed with my wife. He kissed her again as he fondled her pendulous breasts, and Monica reached down to rub his cock. They kissed and fondled each other for almost ten minutes, until Ben was ready to fuck her.

Ben broke their kiss, and said, “Oh, Ellie, I love you so much, and want you to have my child. Please, Ellie, let me inside of you as we join in our sweet union.”

He then looked over at me, and said, “It’s time, Justin, time to make me ready for Ellie.”

I moved to the bed and squeezed between them, as he moved slightly away from my wife, and I was faced with his huge, soft cock. I had never even thought about sucking a cock before and wasn’t sure how to start. I just laid there looking at it, as Ben took it in hand and raised it to my lips

Ben said, “I know this is the first time for you, Justin, but I’ve been told that some men find it quite enjoyable to suck other men, especially the type of men willing to share their wives. Do it for me; do it for Ellie and take my cock into your mouth.”

He slipped the big head of his cock into my mouth, and since it was already leaking precum, I got my first taste of another man’s juices. I liked the feeling and taste of his huge cock head and the foreskin, as I went farther down on his cock and began sucking it. Ben showed his appreciation, saying, “That feels wonderful, Justin. Just keep sucking, and hopefully it’ll get nice and hard to fuck my sweet Ellie.”

The first twinges of erection didn’t happen until I had been sucking him for about five minutes, and I was going far enough down on his cock to feel it in my throat. Then it got thicker and longer as it hardened, and my mouth was stretched to the limit around his girth. He pushed me off his cock before rolling on top of my wife to fuck her, and I saw his cock obscenely huge cock, at what looked like over ten inches long and over six inches in circumference.

I didn’t know how Monica could take such a huge cock inside her, and I moved between her legs as I saw it enter her. Ben pushed a little at first, until I heard the crown of his mushroom cockhead enter her vagina. She squirmed a little and moaned at first, and Ben slowed his assault as he slowly pushed inch after inch into to her. She began to moan louder and said, “Oh my, Ben, you’re filling me to overflowing with your manhood. Give me more, honey, give me more.”

Ben started fucking her with abandon then, as he said, “My sweet Ellie, it’s been so long and now we’re together again. I love you so much.”

I had never seen my wife so aroused, and she wrapped her legs around his ass and swiveled her hips as she made mewing and gurgling sounds I had never heard from her before. I was in awe watching his huge cock slicing into my wife, as his ass flexed, and his massive balls were swinging and noisily slapping against her ass and inner thighs.

They were rutting like animals, and after pounding my wife for what seemed like eight minutes, he buried his cock to the balls in her, and I saw his bulging perineum and the base of his balls throbbing as he pumped her full of his semen and sperm. He kept his soft cock soaking in their combined fuck slop for another ten minutes, and some of his huge load was oozing out around his cock.

He rolled off to the side, with a loud slurping sound as his spent cock pulled out of her pussy, and he said, “My seed has had time to plant if it’s going to, Justin, so you can clean my Ellie now, before cleaning me.”

I knew that he mentioned something about cleaning Monica, but I hadn’t focused on the fact that I’d be eating his cum. But I eat my own cum out of her anyway, and I felt that we had gone that far, so I moved between her legs and started sucking her pussy. He wasn’t kidding about the hyperspermia, as Monica’s pussy was matted with cum, and it was heavily flowing out of her. I sucked and slurped up his cum, and was surprised that it tasted good, and I loved the slimy texture and smell of it.

It was embarrassing then as Monica was looking down at me smiling, as I sucked Ben’s slimy cock into my mouth, but I must admit that I enjoyed that too. Then he started kissing her again, as I continued sucking his cock, and it was like I was just a useful third wheel in their love affair, sucking his big cock while he kissed my wife.

We were relaxing afterwards, and Ben said, “That went better than I could have hoped, Ellie, and I’d like to suggest a different way going forward. I want you to live with me as my wife, while Justin stays in your apartment on the twenty-fifth floor, while your new apartment below me is being refurnished. Justin can come up when it’s time to prepare me for making love to you and for cleanup, and I know just the perfect companion for Justin to seek relief with.”

At that point, I was already so deeply involved, after surrendering my wife to Ben, and I said, “Okay, Ben, I guess I can live with that if Ellie can, but after watching you two together, I’m going to be needing relief right away.”

Ben smiled, and said, “Our Ellie is hard to replace, but I think I can motivate David’s wife, Judy, to give you comfort. I learned that he already told you about the offer I made to them, so their willingness to share can likely be reawakened with a little more monetary incentive. I’ll have a chat with them tonight, and you can expect a call tomorrow.

Getting My Relief with Judy and David

I felt like such a loser for leaving Monica with Ben to play house, but the compensation made it worthwhile. And besides, Judy is a beautiful woman too, looking a lot like Monica, and I was anxious to fuck her.

David called me at 11:00 am on Saturday, and he sounded more cheerful than I expected, when he said, “I got a surprising call from Ben last night, and I think you need to come over to our apartment to discuss things, Justin. And damn, it sounds like you guys went through with it. We’ll see you about noon.”

It was a little embarrassing facing David and Judy, with all of us knowing that I had given my wife to Ben to use, but it helped that they were going to do the same thing. We talked in generalities at first, and then David said, “Before we get to the deal Ben made with us last night, you have to tell me what the psychiatrist meant by being involved in an intimate way with them.”

I was reluctant to admit sucking Ben’s cock, but at least I would be able to fuck Judy, so I said, “It might have been as bad as you were thinking. I had to fluff Ben to get him hard to fuck Monica.”

They looked at each other, laughed, and Judy said, “Oh my goodness, Justin, does that mean that you sucked his cock? If so, I guess at least you didn’t have to suck him all the way off. But was there anything else to it?”

I felt a little sheepish after her comment, but I was truthful, answering, “I didn’t have to suck him all the way off, but I might as well have. He made me clean Monica’s pussy with my mouth, after he creamed her with his huge load, and then I cleaned his cock too. Tell me, though, what kind of new deal did Ben make with you two?”

David replied, “Ben offered us another million dollars if we would share Judy with you, while he’s enraptured and playing house with his new Ellie. We agreed to do it, especially since we both think you’re a nice guy, but after hearing what happened with Ben last night, I’m adding another stipulation.”

“If you’re going to be fucking my Judy, then you also have to suck my cock anytime I want you to, even after your life with Monica normalizes. My thick eight inches can’t compare to Ben’s monster, but it should be easier to suck.”

I said, “Come on, David, that wasn’t part of Ben’s deal, and it’s not like I’m a cock sucker. What would Ben think of your amendment to the deal?”

He smiled and said, “Well, you’re a cock sucker now, buddy, if you want to fuck my wife. I don’t think we need to risk upsetting Ben with these details. It’s just another cock for you to suck and shouldn’t be that big of a deal. If you want to fuck Judy today or tonight, then you can start by sucking me off right now, because Judy wants to watch. And you can even suck her pussy after we fuck if you like the taste of my cum.”

I didn’t want to admit that I liked sucking Ben’s cock and wanted to suck David’s, so acted reluctant, as I said, “Okay, I guess I’ll do it, if that’s what it’s going to take to bed down with Judy.”

David stood before pushing down his pants and underwear, and then sat back on the couch. His thick, soft, uncircumcised cock was six inches long and laying across his thigh, and his lemon-sized balls were hanging a little over the edge of the couch. I got on my knees between his legs and took his meaty cock in one hand, and his balls in the other.

They smiled as I leaned down to suck his cock, which was much easier to suck than Ben’s monster, especially once hard. David held my head and said, “It’s going to be fun having a cock sucker around when Judy’s on the rag or just not in the mood to fuck. That feels so good, Justin, and it seems like you know what you’re doing, and enjoy it.”

I sucked his cock for about three minutes, before he held my head more tightly, while thrusting in my mouth, and said, “Oh fuck, yeah, suck it, cock sucker and swallow my fucking cum.”

His cock throbbed and jerked, shooting squirt after squirt of his tasty cum into my mouth, and I kept swallowing and sucking as his softened, to get every drop of his cream. I hadn’t sucked Ben’s balls, but I moved down to suck David’s, as he said, “Shit yeah, suck my fucking nuts.”

When I was through sucking David, I said, “Some nights I’m going to want Judy to sleep with me, and at other times I’ll stop by your apartment when I’m horny. And right now, I’m horny. Let’s go to your bedroom, Judy.”

Judy led us to their bedroom, and I was pleased with her fit body, with tits only a little smaller than Monica’s, and a nice thick-lipped vulva, covered with a neatly-trimmed layer of brown hair, just waiting to be sucked and fucked. We kissed and I sucked her breasts, before moving down to suck her sweet pussy. Then I fucked her, as David watched stroking his soft, spent cock.

They both laughed when I went down on her after ejaculating, and David said, “No doubt about it, buddy, you do have a taste for cum.”

We talked for a few minutes afterwards and made plans for a few nights coming up when I’d want to have Judy sleep over with me. Then, on the way out, David said, “Don’t forget about sucking my cock, and I’d like you to fluff me sometimes before I fuck my wife. Then you can clean us both.”

The Weeks Ahead and Monica Getting Pregnant

It felt strange not having Monica in my bed, but I saw her at least once a day when I was called up to the penthouse to fluff Ben and clean them afterwards. I was also finding that it was a lot of fun fucking Judy and sucking David’s cock, and he stopped by for a blowjob almost every day that I wasn’t fucking Judy.

Our apartment was ready on the twenty-ninth floor in only another month, and it was a lot easier then to go up to service Ben and my wife. I was getting used to the bachelor’s life but was getting concerned about how close Ben and Monica were becoming. She came down to talk with me sometimes, and I felt the distance growing between us.

I asked her when she thought she’d be moving back in with me, and she said, “I love you, honey, but I’m also falling in love with Ben. We’re together much more than you and I were before with our busy schedules, and Ben wants me to live with him, even after our baby is born. He loves me, almost worships me, and treats me like a princess. And it looks like his psychiatrist was right. He was able to get it up and fuck me this morning, without your help, and even though we won’t be needing you anymore for that, I’ll still miss watching you suck Ben’s cock, and then having you clean my pussy.”

I panicked, and asked, “So, what the fuck, Monica, are you leaving me?”

She kissed my forehead to clam me, and responded, “No, honey, I’m just living with Ben as long as he needs me, so we can raise our child for as long as he lives. I just found out that I’m pregnant and am due in eight months. But I talked with Judy the other day and she said she’s taking care of you in bed, and that you’ve also become quite the cock sucker for David. You have your freedom to fuck Judy or any other women you want to, and even suck all the cocks you want, until we can be together again to raise Ben’s child.”

I said, “Well, how long was Ben’s deal with David and Judy supposed to last? Was she supposed to fuck me until some specific date, or for as long as you lived with Ben?”

Monica laughed, and replied, “I don’t think there was any time limit discussed, but you shouldn’t worry about it. Judy said that she loves fucking you and having you eat her out after both you and David fuck her. And besides, you’re a handsome man with a good job, and it wouldn’t hurt for you to find some pretty slut to live with you. And again, there’s always more men you could suck. The busy attorneys in the firm could use a little no-strings, quick relief from time to time.”

That was the beginning of my new life for the foreseeable future, and I tried to make the best of it. I found two other partners who heard about me being a cock sucker from David and wanted to be sucked off on a regular basis. One of them has an open relationship with his wife and is willing to share her wife with me for the blowjobs.


Written by edlangston
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