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My Best Friend 16 - The Surprise Pt. 6

"We finish our experiment and decide to attend a party...."

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I flopped over onto the couch and tried to catch my breath as Amanda continued to lay half on the couch in a heap trying to catch her breath. I sat there trying to figure out how we got from friends to boyfriend/girlfriend to lover and now we’re master/slave.

Something about the dynamic still boggled my mind. I figured that no matter how many times I went through the changes Amanda and me have gone through will probably be better left for a theorist to figure out because I’ll probably never figure it out.

I looked over at Amanda who was still wearing her collar and satin mask and smiled to myself. It’s obvious that her orgasm was too big for her to comprehend. I looked over the damage or euphoria I caused her and smiled at my accomplishment.

I looked down at my dick still seeing that the cock ring was still on it. Even though I had came my dick was still hard as a rock because the ring wouldn’t allow the trapped blood to escape from my dick. I thought about leaving it on and making Amanda clean off our romp together. Even though we had sex it wasn’t our normal love making session, it was a straight on hard core fucking that we took part in. Well at least the beginning of hard core fucking.

I took off the ring from my dick and felt the relief rush through my body as my captured blood escaped its confinement. My dick started its process of becoming soft because of the removal of the ring and instantly felt my dick tingling like it was being awoken from its slumber.

Note to self use the ring for only these Master/Slave situations and not all the time. It hurt too much and probably wouldn’t be something that I’ll never get used to.

Just then my cell phone chimed. I got up from the sofa and gingerly waltzed over to my pants where my cell phone was.

I fished out my phone to see I had gotten three texts at the same time. One was from Sam obviously about the party that was happening later. And the others were from my pigskin big brothers.

I immediately opened the texts from my Varsity brothers.

Mike: Hey Jay there will be a party tonight. You coming?

Charles: Hey Jay. Party Tonight. You coming? It’s going to be wicked.

I sighed as I read the two texts. Obviously what Sam had told me was true. Normally when the Varsity players threw a party the JV and Frosh, freshmen, were never invited in the past. But because of the Coach’s wild ideas of us working together the Varsity players were beginning to regularly invite the JV players to the parties. The Frosh still were never invited because the Varsity players knew the Frosh would still rat them out.

I opened the text from Sam.

Sam: Hey Jay. Party starts at 9pm. 456 W. Sherman Dr. Just follow the noise if you come. See you there if you come.

I knew the address that Sam was talking about. It was the address of our cities fine hotel that was just recently built.

I wondered how the Varsity was able to throw a party at a hotel. I wondered if they rented a whole floor or something. Not only that if that was true how were getting the funding to rent off an entire floor.

I sighed and tried not to think about it.

I looked at Amanda who was still a big heap half laid along the couch. “Well it looks like the party starts,” I looked at the cable receiver and saw that it read 7:42pm, “in an hour and eighteen minutes.”

Amanda turned her head towards my general directions, “Huh? Sorry can’t hear you.”

I looked at her and laughed, “Why can’t you hear me?”

Amanda pulled off the mask so that she could actually see me, “What? I can’t hear you.”

I laughed at her. I walked up to her, bent down, and massaged just behind her ears.

After a few moments I smiled at her, “Better?”

She looked at me with intense eyes that I had ever seen on her as if she were hearing for the first time. She just nodded instead of answering.

I just chuckled, “Why couldn’t you hear me?”

She smiled at me, “Because the orgasm was so big my ears were ringing.”

I chuckled again, “Ok. I take it the orgasm was fantastic?”

She nudged against me, “Of course. We have to do things like that more often.”

I smiled at her, “So I take it you want to be my slave more often?”

Amanda giggled at me, “Yeah. But I think we need to explore that a little more. Over all it was fun.”

I smiled at her, “Well we have plenty of weekends to perfect our technique.”

She nudged me again and giggled, “What were you saying when my ears were ringing?”

I scratched my head, “Well I guess the party starts in an hour and fifteen minutes.”

She looked into my eyes as if trying to find my answer before I spoke, “I don’t know. I’m not too sure about it.”

I could see in her eyes that my answer wasn’t what she was looking for, “What aren’t you sure about?”

I sighed, “I don’t know. I guess I just don’t want to get into trouble if we get caught. And you’re parents just started letting you sleep over without us having to sneak around behind their back. The last thing I want is to ruin that if we do go and get caught.”

She smiled at me and rubbed her hand in my hair, “How cute? My boyfriend trying to think five steps ahead.”

I tried to get my head away from her hand while she was giving me a light noogie. I laughed, “Well you know me. Like you said I’m always stuck in my head over thinking things before they even happen.”

She smiled at me, “But you know we have to attend.”

I looked at her now with a serious look on my face, “And why is that?”

This time it was her turn to sigh, “Because your friends and team mates already think that you are pussy whipped. And I don’t want your friends to think that. Besides it has been a while since we went to anything resembling a party. I think it will be fun and it’ll give us a chance to mingle.”

I ran my hand through my hair trying to fix what Amanda messed up. I smirked at her, “I guess you’re right. Alright lets get ready and we’ll go for a little while. The first sign of trouble and we’re gone. Ok?”

Amanda simply nodded in agreement, “I guess I should take a shower before we go. Want to join me?”

I smiled at her, “Always.”


Amanda and I drove to the address that was texted to me in my dad’s classic Corvette. The entire drive I was concerned that we might be pulled over or I could be in a wreck. If I were to get in a wreck I’m pretty sure my dad would kill me. Seeing how Amanda enjoyed the drive in the classic car all my worries and fears just melted away.

We arrived and I wasn’t surprised that the address was indeed one of the town’s finest hotels. I was mind blown that the Varsity team was throwing a party at this hotel. I expected there to be police there breaking up the party already and telling us to head back home seeing how we were already an hour late. But in the parking lot stood one of the squad members standing there in his bright green football jersey.

At first I didn’t see who the guy was but the closer we got to more I recognized him. It wasn’t until we fully pulled up next to him I recognized who it was. It was Zack Morriarti. I knew Zack played wide end for the Varsity team and knew he was a little bit of a rebellion but that’s all I knew about him.

Zack leaned down to see who was in the driver’s seat, “Private party man. Turn around and go back home.”

I cleared my throat at him, “We were invited to be here.”

He looked at me then at Amanda. He smiled at Amanda then back at me, “Who invited you?”

I wanted to punch Zack for looking at Amanda but I simply stated, “Bradley and Hinkler.”

“And you would be?”

I cleared my throat, “Jay Chenlie.”

I watched as Zack pulled out his cell and quickly typed a message. I assumed that he was texting Mike and Charles that I was outside waiting to be let in. I wasn’t surprised that Zack didn’t know who I was because he was like Sam. He didn’t think his shit stunk which always made me want to not hang out with him whenever possible.

I had to admit the way they were handling things I was really impressed. The whole situation made me feel like I was trying to get into some exclusive club or something.

After a few moments Zack looked at his phone again and the looked at me, “Go on in. Welcome.”

Before I could put gear in first, Zack’s hand reached in and I saw two things in his hand. I heard him speak, “The card will get you up to the penthouse and the stub will allow you to park in the garage.”

I was surprised to hear that the party was in the penthouse. How the hell could the get the funds to throw a party in a place like this astounded me. I looked at Amanda and could tell she was as surprised as I was. I looked over at Zack and simply said thank you before driving off.

The elevator opened to a scene that reminded me of a mix from Animal House and some club scene in a movie.

The penthouse was completely dark except from the strobe lights and the footballs being thrown from one side of the room to the other had flashing LED’s attached to them. The music was pounding so loud it actually felt like someone was trying to punch through my chest forcing my heart to skip a beat as each thump of the music blasted through my body.

I looked over at Amanda to see that she had already started dancing in place. She was swaying her hips and moving her arms to the music. Her dancing didn’t surprise me.

I have to admit as much as I loved Amanda and everything I may be possible of doing dancing isn’t one thing I’m good at. Doubt I’ll ever be good at dancing.

“Hey Chenlie you made it.”

I looked over to see Charles and Mike approach me with their girlfriends under the arms. Both of them were holding a beer in their hand while their girlfriends were holding cups in the hands, probably some type of mixed drink.

I smiled at them and had to raise my voice so they could hear me, “I wouldn’t have missed it. Thanks for the invite.”

Charles approached me first, “No problem man. You remember my girlfriend Morgan.”

Morgan has been dating Charles since early last year. She stood about 5’4’’ compared to Charles’s 6’1’’ and she weighed maybe a buck ten if that. She had brown hair with blonde highlights, brown eyes, very slender, and was like Amanda a B cup. Just the typical features of any white girl. Other than those facts I didn’t know her very well, just all the rumors going around which I didn’t believe. But after Sam and Jeanette’s little show earlier I might have to second guess the rumors going around about Morgan.

I’ve Morgan following Charles around here and there so whenever I was hanging around Charles she wasn’t too far away. I have to admit that Morgan was cute and everything but because she was with Charles I never really gave her a second thought.

I nodded to Charles and offered my hand to Morgan so we can shake.

Mike followed behind Charles, “And you remember Nanette.”

Nanette much like Morgan was short compared to Mike and probably weighed the same as Morgan. The only real difference between Morgan and Nanette was darker than Morgan. If I had to guess she was either a mix or had some Indian in her or was really really tanned. I never really asked Mike what her background was nor did I really care. Unlike Morgan, Nanette was captain of the drama club so every once in a while Nanette would blow things out of proportion whenever I hanged out with Mike.

I offered my hand to her so we could shake.

I wrapped my arm around Amanda forcing her to stop dancing and turned her to Mike, Nanette, Charles, and Morgan. “And you guys remember Amanda.”

All of them said their polite hellos to Amanda.

Both Charles and Mike spoke at the same time, “Alright let us break this down for you. Up here in the penthouse is the main party and alcohol. It’ll cost both of you $50 to drink for the rest of the night.

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The floor below us is reserved if you drink too much or want some alone time. If that happens just go to the bar and talk to James, he’ll supply you with a room key. Other than that enjoy everything.”

$50 dollars was pretty steep and would tap me out until my parents get home. I looked over at Amanda, “Do you want to drink?”

She smiled at me, “Only if you are drinking.”

I looked back at Mike and Charles, “Who do we give the money to?”

Both Mike and Charles pointed to the bar, “James is in charge of the money and the room keys. He’s also the bartender if you want mixed drinks.”

Amanda spoke up, “Is he any good?”

Both Mike and Charles shrugged, “Ask them,” as they pointed to their girlfriends.

Amanda and I looked at Nanette and Morgan as they sipped their drinks, “It’s not bad. A little strong but good.”

I looked back at Amanda, “So do you still want to drink?”

She smiled at me and I knew the answer. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out $50. I handed her the money, “You might as well get a room key so we don’t drink and drive.”

Amanda giggled, “Ok. Do you want anything?”

I thought about my answer, “Just get me a Jack and Coke.”

Amanda quickly hurried off weaving her way through the crowd to get to James the bartender. I only watched for a few moments before turning my attention back to Mike and Charles.

“How did you guys achieve this?”

Charles boomed out with his normal laugh that I swear you could be in a mall on one side and clearly hear his laugh if he were standing on the other side of the mall as if he were standing next to you. “I assume you mean how did we get the penthouse and the floor below for our party?”

I only nodded.

This time Mike spoke, “Hank’s father paid for everything. His way of apologizing for not being able to make it to the game earlier.”

I knew Hank. Hank was one hell of a player and has been nice to me. Whenever I was having problems on or off the field if Mike or Charles couldn’t help me he was there if needed, and he was one hell of spotter in the gym. Hank would push all the JV harder in the gym more than our training coach ever could.

Even though I knew Hank I wasn’t too sure of his personal life. He never really talked about his relationship with his parents. It was always about the game or pushing us hard in the gym.

I sighed, “So how is Hank taking it?”

Mike and Charles turned me around to face the dance floor, “You tell us?”

At first I didn’t see much but various couples and females dancing in the middle of the floor. Took me a minute to finally find Hank. He was dancing with a small crowd on the dance floor like he was part of music video. Hank along with a few guys were battling against some girls, obviously their girlfriends.

To be honest the whole scene reminded me of that part in that dance movie that Amanda made me watch a couple of weeks ago. I had to laugh at the scene happening in front of my eyes. It looked like Hank was having fun and the whole situation wasn’t phasing him.

“I guess he’s having fun.”

Mike and Charles both slapped my back, “Damn straight he’s having fun. Just like you should. Go have some drinks, dance with your girl, and later fuck your girlfriend’s brains out. Enjoy yourself man. We all deserve it.”

I stood there mesmerized watching everything happening. I barely notice Mike and Charles go onto the dance floor with their girlfriends.

Just then Amanda came up with two cups in her hands. She smiled at me and handed me one of the cups.

“One Jack and Coke my love.”

I looked at her, “What did you get?”

She smiled as she took a drink from her cup, “Bahama Mama.”

I wasn’t too sure what that was. I’m still new to the drinking scene so anything beyond beer, margarita, jack and coke, and gin and tonic I was clueless to. I imagined it was some girlie drink but didn’t know if I was right or not.

I smiled at her as I took the drink. “Did you get a room?”

She smiled at me and held up the card, “We got room 2823.”

I smiled at her, “So do you want to hold onto the card or should I?”

She handed me the card, “I don’t have any pockets so you hold onto it. Just remember our room number.”

Amanda turned around and started swaying her hips to the music while she sipped her drink. I took my first sip of my drink and instantly took a double take. Fuck this drink was strong. Probably too much Jack and not enough coke.

After a little while Amanda turned to me with her intense eyes. I could tell she was going to get me to do something I wasn’t going to like.

I was right. She grabbed my hand and led me out onto the dance floor. At first I slightly protested about going onto the dance floor, but after half my drink was in my system I didn’t care.

We danced for a while Amanda swayed and actually danced to the music. While I allowed the music to move me. For all I knew I probably danced like a jackass or like a guy with two left feet. Actually I was pretty sure I was dancing like a guy with two left feet because that’s how I normally danced but because I had alcohol in my system I couldn’t tell.

Every once in a while during our dancing I would catch Brandon wandering around the dance floor with a handheld camcorder getting people to do outlandish things for the camera. He talked Amanda and me to bump and grind a couple of times. A few times he talked Amanda into kissing another girl next to us, her boyfriend would high five me as our girlfriends would make out for the camera.

I kept an eye out for Brandon and would see random girls flash the camera their boobs or occasionally pull down their pants to show the camera their butt. A couple of girls would bend down and lightly nibble their boyfriend’s pants where their dick was. Some girls who were only wearing dresses would bend over fully to show their nether region, a couple of which weren’t wearing panties.

After a little while and plenty of drinks later, a small crowd was beginning to form on one side of the penthouse. Amanda and I looked at each other for a moment and I could tell she was as curious as I was.

We started walking towards to small crowd that was beginning to get bigger. As we got closer I could hear people hootering and hollering. I grabbed Amanda’s hand she we could get through the crowd to see what was going on.

I had to use all my football knowledge to get Amanda and I through the crowd so we could see what was on the other side. And find out why the crowd was forming.

Finally I was able to get passed the entire crowd and get in front to see what the fuss was about. What was in front of the crowd completely made me stop dead in my tracks and just stare what was in front of me. I had to break away from the sight to look at Amanda to see that she was as dumbfounded as I.

We saw to girls eating each other out. One was on the couch just enjoying what was happening between her legs. The other was chowing down on her meal in front of her.

Both girls had lost their clothing somewhere. I wanted to look and find out where their clothing was but the sight in front of me begged me to not turn away.

The girl on the couch I had no idea who she was. It was hard to tell how tall she was from sitting on the couch with her legs spread and slightly elevated. I assumed the girl was about 110lbs and possibly 17 or 18 years of age but it was really hard to tell. The girls hair was brown and completely in her face so it was hard for me to actually tell who it was sitting on the couch. The rest of her body I could easily tell that she did keep in shape and had a decent rack…possibly a B-cup. The girl kneeling in front of her licking her way to Eden kept me from seeing what she looked like down below.

The girl doing the licking looked really familiar to me but I couldn’t exactly tell who it was. The girl had blonde hair and had a very slim figure. She weighed maybe about 110 or 115lbs at the most. From the way she was kneeling she was about 5’4’’ or 5’3’’ but I couldn’t be too sure until she stands up.

Something about the girl kneeling nagged at my brain. I knew this girl but from where I was completely clueless. Everything about the girl reminded me of someone but without seeing her face I couldn’t tell who it was.

The smell of freshly eaten girl and intoxicating sex sweat began to fill my nostrils. I looked around to see what the effect was doing on everyone.

Every where I was looking I could see couples hollering at the Sapphic scene going on in front of them. Some of the couples were beginning to play with each other not really caring if anyone noticed. Some guys hands were down their girls pants and playing with them. Some girls hands were down guys pants playing with them. Some couples were kissing trying to make their own scene but the two girls going at it deterred others noticing another scene about to take place.

I looked at Amanda and could tell that her own hand was inside her own pants as she watched the two girls go at it.

Then in the corner of my eye I saw it.

Sam was kneeling on one side of the crowd yelling along with everyone else. I looked around to see where Jeanette was.

Then I heard Sam’s yelling begin to ring clearly in my ears.

“Go on Slave make her cum like no one else has. Go. Go. Go.”

That’s why the girl looked really familiar to me. The girl doing the eating was Jeanette. No wondering everything tugged at my mind why I knew her.

This has to stop. Sam was making Jeanette do things that even I wouldn’t force Amanda to do. Not in my wildest dreams. This was beyond some simple Master/Slave role play. This was something completely different.

I took my first step over to where Sam was so I could fully teach him a lesson.

My second step was interrupted when Amanda grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into her. I heard her speak into my hear, “Remember Jeanette likes this.”

It was as if Amanda knew what I was thinking and was stopping something that I might regret later. What Amanda had said reminded me what Sam had told me. He was like me. They were only doing normal sex things when one day they watched some pornos to get ideas on how to spice up their sex lives when one of them fancied Jeanette. Since then Jeanette has told Sam to do whatever deranged thing he could think of so their sex would be amazing. At first Sam was reluctant to do anything but lately he has broadened what he was willing to do.

For all I knew Jeanette told Sam that she wanted to eat a girl out in public but was too scared to do was unless told to by her ‘Master’. Maybe Sam wanted her to try something different to see if it had the same effect on her.

All these questions began to form in my head. But the scene in front of me made my questions run off and disappear as quickly as they formed.

Amanda looked at me and spoke in my ear, “I’m horny. Let’s go to our room now.”

I smiled at her and simply nodded.

As we exited the crowd and headed towards the elevator so we could go to our room. As we walked I wondered if Amanda was going to be wanting to expand our sex lives like Sam and Jeanette. Was she going to want to have sex in public just like Jeanette had done for Sam? Was our toy collection going to grow?

Then something else hit me. My mom was going to be home the day after tomorrow. Was Amanda still going to be there when my mom got there? How were my parents going to handle my girlfriend spending the night? Were my parents going to enforce some rules if Amanda were to spend the night during the weekends?

Too many questions invaded my head. I shook myself and decided to worry about it when the time came for each question to be answered. All I knew for sure was I was going into a hotel room with the girl I love and we are at the height of our sexual endeavors. I guess we’ll have to wait to see how high the bar is going to be raised later.


Author’s Notes: This is the end of Jay’s and Amanda’s chapter. For now at least. What will happen in the next installment of Jay and Amanda’s life? Will Amanda make Jay do more and more devious sexual acts to her? Will Jay become more dominant in the relationship? What will they do next? You’ll have to wait to find out. Be on the look out when the next installment of My Best Friend continues.

Written by Lightning454
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