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Meeting Ron

"I travel to Lyn's place to meet Ron and get a couple of big surprises"

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The story until now.

Lyn and I had just returned from the US. During our trip, we had gained a new friend and lover Julie who was also a barefoot water skier. Julie had returned to Australia with us on the pretext that I would coach her in her sport. I was looking forward to it.

On our return journey, Lyn had announced to me that she had met a friend, Ron. She had asked me for my blessing to enter into a relationship with him. I understood that it was her way of calling off our relationship so that she could continue her journey through life without hurting me while avoiding us becoming enemies. 

That night for the first time in many years, Lyn and I were to sleep in different bedrooms while we were in the same house.

The story continues.

We were all worn out from our trip so we retired early. As I lay beside Julie I felt as if a part of me had been ripped from my heart. I realized though that I had Julie with me but I wondered how Lyn felt all alone with Julie and me in the next room.

Julie had her head resting on my shoulder and was watching me intently while I simply stared at the ceiling seeing nothing in particular. I thought that Julie would go to sleep but she didn’t. After quite a long time she spoke.

“You can go to her if you want to. I won’t mind.”

“Go to who?”

“Go to Lyn of course. She will be feeling the same. She still loves you, you know.”

“Why don’t we both join her?”

“No, this is your moment... And her’s of course. She is just being stubborn, trying to prove a point. She would actually like you to cuddle her on your last nights together. She talked to me a lot during our trip. She told me that if your wife would make her decision to move on with her life, she would never think of splitting up with you. I told her that she’s a fool. I can’t understand why she is doing what she is.”

“Yes, I know its complicated but I do understand her. You see, like many people who are approaching forty years of age, she is reevaluating her life. There becomes a point in time when you look back and ask yourself what have I achieved in my lifetime?”

“For Lyn, it is a broken marriage to a guy who only ever thought of himself. They had three children together and I believe that the last one may not even be his. Since their separation, she had clung to the hope that the father of her last child would realize it and leave his wife to live with her. She now has to decide if she will spend the next ten years living out what she thinks may be a false hope or finding someone else to spend the rest of her life with her.”

“My God, her son is your son? You’re his father. She told me that her son was not her husband's child but I had no idea. Fuck me, I can’t believe this.”

“Yes, her husband Jon was away. My wife wanted another child so I had a vasectomy reversal. My wife was out chasing some donkey dick around town so Lyn and I spent a couple of nights together. The doctor told me that I wouldn’t be able to father a child for some weeks after the operation so we didn’t use any protection.”

“I knew that Lyn was not using the pill but I thought I would be safe. When she became pregnant she told me a story about how Jon came home and she got over excited and they had unprotected sex. I know her and I knew that was not likely to happen because at that stage she hated Jon. She only put up with him for the sake of the kids.”

“I’m pretty good at maths. I counted back when he was born and I worked out that he would have been conceived during that week that we spent together. Once I saw him I knew for certain.”

“But didn’t you talk to her about it?”

“No, if she wanted to talk about it, she would have told me.”

“You have to tell her that you know. It’s totally unfair to her and to her son to pretend that you don’t know. I’m disappointed in you. I thought you were a better person than that. Now get out of bed, get in there with her and talk to her about it. If not for her sake do it for yourself. You often tell me that you have to get out of bed every morning and look at yourself in the mirror. If you don’t do this and do it now you will never be able to do that with a clear conscience.”

I knew she was right but there was more at stake here than just my conscience. Lyn was trying to break free. She wanted to move on with her life. I had no right to do something to stop her from doing that. I felt that to talk to her about our son at this late stage might interfere with that. I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I had no control over it.

“Fuck you, if you don’t tell her that you know then I will. She is too important to both of us to do this to her. Fuck you!”

She got up and headed toward the door.



“Come back here. I’ll go.”

She walked slowly back to the bed. She lay down beside me and saw my tears. Her tongue snaked out and she licked them from my cheeks.

“Just give me a little time to regain my composure and I’ll go in and speak to her. Would you come with me?”

“No, this is your responsibility. You have to do it alone. When you come back or should I say if you come back, I will be waiting for you.”

After a few minutes, I got up and moved towards the door. I heard Julie say something but didn’t hear well enough to understand what it was.

“What did you say?”

“I said I love you and I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait for you even if it takes me till I’m a hundred years old.”

“Thanks, Julie. That means a lot to me. Wish me luck.”

“Good luck big boy.”

I tapped gently on Lyn’s bedroom door. In some ways, I hoped she would be asleep and I wouldn’t have to confront this issue. I wasn’t concerned for myself. I was concerned with how it may effect Lyn and how she saw her future. I knew that without Julie forcing me I would never have the guts to raise such a delicate issue with Lyn at such a time.

“Come in, Goyse.” She obviously was still awake to answer so quickly.

“There is something that we need to discuss, Lyn”

“Can’t it wait until morning?”

“I don’t think so. I think we have to discuss it now or never talk about it. If you turn me away tonight I may not have the gumption to raise it with you later.”

“OK. Come over and lay down beside me.”

I moved over to her and when I looked at her face I could see that her eyes were moist and red.

“You have been crying.”

“Yes, just having a little sniffle, that’s all. You look as if you have been doing the same.”

“Yes, we need to talk about our son.”

“Our son?”

“Yes, our son. We need to talk about him and there may be other things to discuss as well.”

“So you know then?”

“Yes, I’ve known from the day he was born. I’m sorry, Lyn. I really didn’t know that I was capable of producing a child at that stage. I should have known better.”

“So you’re sorry you gave me your child. Well, I’m not. I don’t love him more than my other children but I know that there is a bond that I never ever developed with my two girls. Perhaps its because he’s a boy. I don’t know.”

“I didn't mean it like that. I’m not sorry you had my child. In fact, I’m glad. I just feel so guilty about it. About not realizing that you could conceive. Over the years, I felt that I had deceived you in some way. I felt that I had let you down.”

“You didn't deceive me. I knew there was a chance. I hoped I would conceive. If anyone deceived anyone it was me that deceived you. That’s why I have never told you the truth. I wanted your baby and I got exactly what I wanted. I couldn’t tell you because I thought that you would get angry with me and dump me and I needed you.”

“I should have talked to you before now. I’m sorry for not telling you that I knew.”

“Don’t worry. I suspected that you might know. I watched you with him a number of times. I watched how you held him and how he cuddled up to you. I could see that you and he had a bond that was more than with my other children.”

“What happens now, Lyn.”

“Nothing, except you know that I know and I know that you know. It gives me the opportunity to bring the pair of you together whenever we can but otherwise, it changes nothing.”

“We should set up some financial arrangement for his future. I’ll organize it through my work when I get home. I’ll start it off with a cash deposit. There must be things he needs for school.”

“I don’t want your money, Goyse. He could do with your love though. He could do with knowing that his father cares for him.”

“The money thing is not about you. Lyn. It’s about our son. About my loving him, how would he know I was his father unless……   Have you told him?”

“Of course I have. Every child has a right to know who their father is. Noone should go through life not knowing who they are and where they came from. I wouldn’t do that to my son. Surely you and Sue have told your daughter... You haven't, have you.”

“No, I wanted to when she was five years old but Sue told me that if I did that she would pack her clothes and leave me so I didn’t. I always thought it was the wrong thing to do but when Sue decides something Heaven and Earth can’t change it.”

“Stupid bitch. I don’t know why you are wasting your life with her but I guess you know what you are doing.”

“Hhhmmm, that’s a bit of an overstatement. I should never have married her but I did and now I am stuck with it. I can just hope that one day she will pack up and leave like you keep telling me.”

“I know she will. I can even tell you roughly when she will do it. By my guess, you will be a free man in about five years time. She is staying until the kids are considered adults. The only reason why I’m making the break just now is that in five years time I will be almost forty-five and I’m not willing to wait that long. If you look after Julie she will be there to help you through it when it happens.”

“How can you know all that?”

“Because women who are very close to each other talk.”

“I’d better get back to Julie. She will be missing me. She’ll come looking for me soon.”

“Stay with me Goyse. I’ll go and fetch Julie.”

“I thought you wanted to be alone tonight.”

“We all make mistakes and do silly things at times, Goyse. I just thought that it would be easier if I made the break now rather than next week. I’m just another crazy mixed up woman stumbling my way through a minefield of emotions, I guess. Come here and hug me and I’ll go get Julie.”

We hugged and kissed and she got up to go. Just before she opened the door she turned towards me and said, “no sex, Goyse. With us travelling, I haven't been able to get the pill. I really want this thing with Ron to work. I can’t afford to destroy the opportunity by getting pregnant again.”

“If that’s what you want then you know I’ll respect it.”

“Yes, I know. I’ll get Julie. She’ll be waiting for us to call her in.”

The girls were back ten minutes later. I knew they would be talking about what Lyn and I had discussed. I was surprised they were back so soon. The thought of Lyn being unprotected had aroused me. I understood what Lyn had said about not having sex with her but I guess nature doesn't always understand the English language. When they returned, I was slowly stroking a huge erection.

“Oohhh, someones horny,” Julie said looking at the lump in the bedsheet. “What have you done to him, Lyn? Are you going to look after that or will I?”

“Well, if I start you can finish or you start and I will finish. Your choice.”

“I’ve been playing with myself while he was talking to you. I think I should start.”

I realized that if Julie started then it was very likely that when Lyn joined in I would be close to reaching my orgasm. It didn’t make sense for Julie to be first.

“Lyn, remember what you said. You should start.”

“I told Julie she could if she wanted to. It’s my bed, I’ll make the decisions in it.”

“But what you said earlier. Don’t you understand what that could mean?”

“That was before. Things change.”

“I guess you know what you are doing. I just hope that you’re not making a serious mistake.”

By this time Julie had pulled back the covers off me and was suspended over the top of me. She took my cock and rubbed it up and down along her slit a couple of times and then pushed down onto me. My head popped inside her. She lifted and dropped and I slid in another inch. She repeated the process over and over until I was totally embedded inside her.

I looked over and saw Lyn had taken a seat over by the wall. She was watching Julie working me over. 

Julie stopped moving and then she whispered in my ear. “Lyn wants a present off you before we leave at the end of the week. She wants your fertile sperm. She just told me when she came to get me. That’s so erotic.”

“It's not going to happen. She’s crazy. She can’t purposely fall pregnant at thirty-eight years of age without a partner. If she gets pregnant this Ron bloke will take off for the hills.”

“She said that he won’t know. He’ll think it is his. The thought of it makes me feel really, really horny. I’m going to watch you impregnate her. Fuck I feel like cumming just thinking about it. Doesn’t it do the same to you?”

“Of course it does but I can’t let it happen.”

“Why not? I thought all men dreamed of impregnating their partners.”

“I’m not every man. I can’t do it because I care too much about her. I won’t allow her to destroy her life or anybody else’s for that matter.”

“So you think you can take away her right to decide what she does with her body. If she didn’t tell us we wouldn’t know and you wouldn’t have hesitated. So because she is honest you think you have the right to decide for her.”

“That’s not the point. Because I know it makes me implicit in what she is doing. That gives me a say in the matter. Bringing a child into the world is not something that gets decided on during a five-minute discussion with a friend especially so if the potential father is not a party to the decision.”

“Bullshit! Around thirty percent of parents of children didn’t even make the decision to bring them into the world. They were only seeking sexual pleasure.”

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“Neither am I thirty percent of parents. Not that thirty percent anyway and neither is Lyn.”

We had forgotten Lyn was even in the room. We were whispering but I wasn’t even sure that she couldn’t hear what we were talking about. Lyn made us aware of her presence by saying.

“What are you pair whispering about? Get on with it will you.”

I was starting to lose my erection. That had never happened to me before. Julie was still trying to work on me but every so often my cock would slip out of her. She would get hold of me and poke me back in just to have me slip out of her again after a few strokes.

“Looks like he has died, Lyn. Maybe you can make him stand up. It looks like I can’t.”

With that, Julie swung her leg over and got out of the bed. She then walked out of the room. Lyn came over and sat beside me on the bed.

“So what’s that all about? Your first lover's disagreement?”

“I couldn’t get it up for her. I think that I’ve insulted her. Hopefully, she will realize that there are some things that a man doesn’t feel sexually inclined about.”

“So what’s that?”

“About her telling me that I have to impregnate you.”

“She did, did she? Now, why would you lose it over that?”

“It’s not something that you and I decided together. If it is going to happen then I at least want you to discuss it with me.”

“OK then, let's talk.”

“I think it’s a bad idea. If you are pregnant your friend Ron will not be happy about it.”

“He may not know. He may think that it’s his child.”

“No, it’s not right that you do that to him. I know you and you would not do that to someone. When he does find out he will walk away.”

“Sue did it to you. Did you walk away?”

“No, but I was young and stupid and you are not Sue. He’s not young and he is probably not stupid.

“I want this child. Are you going to give me the opportunity or not?”

“I don’t understand why you would tell me that you didn’t want me to have sex with you and then you go away for ten minutes and you have changed your mind. What happened in that ten minutes?”

“When I went into Julie, I was actually thinking of it but was undecided. I told her and she said that she would love to be present when it happened. I told her that I had told you that we were not to have sex. She said that you had been crying because I had broken up with you and it was only right that I let you make love to me.”

“I said to her I will do better than that I would give you the child that you and Sue tried to have.”

“So, bang, just like that you are going to bring a child into the world. You've screwed up Lyn. It’s not something you do on the spur of the moment.”

“It’s not a spur of the moment thing at all. I have been thinking about it for over two years and we only have a few days left. I want your child.”

“You already have my child.”

“I want another child and I want you to be the father. I have always wanted four maybe five children.  As for Ron, if he doesn’t want me with the child of the man that I’ve loved and waited for over ten years then he can’t have me at all. He’s a good man. He will understand.”

“So you won’t accept no for an answer?”

“No, I won’t.”

“OK, you had better go and get Julie back in here if she wants to watch.”

Lyn got up and left. My erection had returned. Time passed, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, almost twenty minutes. All the time I was stroking myself. It had to happen soon or it might be too late. I got up and went looking for them.

They were both on the bed naked. Lyn was laying over the top of Julie dead still. I moved in close and realized that Lyn was asleep and so was Julie. I was near to reaching orgasm and my two lovers had passed out on me. I moved in behind Lyn as quietly as possible and placed my cock against her pussy. I rubbed the tip up and down her slit two or three times. Her pussy opened enough for me to push the head of my cock into her.

Lyn woke up and turned her head around to kiss me. I returned the kiss. I then whispered, “It’s decision time. Are you sure that you want our baby? You have about ten seconds to decide.”

“Yes, I do but pull out. I don’t want it like this. I want it in my bed and I want Julie to watch us.”

“You had better wake her up in one hell of a hurry then, honey because I’m almost at the vanilla stroke.”

“Please Goyse, pull out. I want it to be special for us both.”

I returned to Lyn’s bedroom. Shortly after Lyn and Julie entered. It was obvious that Julie was unhappy with me. Julie went to one side of the bed Lyn to the other. Lyn kissed me and swung her leg over me and placed my cock at her entrance.

I tried to push into her but she pulled back so that I couldn’t do so. I could feel that she was very wet which suggested that she and Julie had been making love and it was probably why she had not returned. I tried to push into her again but she pulled away from me again. She changed her position so that when I tried to push into her my cock slipped down along her slit. I could feel her big clit against the side of my cock.

I gathered that she needed to be stimulated more so I started humping up towards her so that my cock was sliding the full length of her slit. This went on for some time. I was worried that I would cum before I entered her. I started thinking of what I needed to do when I arrived home. It was enough to delay my orgasm.

Suddenly Lyn changed her position and my cock slipped into her to the hilt. At the same time, I felt Julie take one of my nipples into her mouth. My initial response was to try to pull away from her. She noticed that I was uneasy with it so turned her head to kiss me. 

“Give it to her Goyse. She wants your baby. Let go and send your little wrigglers searching for her egg. Fill her little cunt with your sperm. You want it, Lyn, don’t you.”

“Oh yes, Oh fuck, oooohh fuck, ooohhh fffuuuccckkk, I’m cumming. Cum in me, Goyse. Shoot your cum into my pussy. My eggs are waiting for them.”

It was too much for me. Especially when Julie kissed me again and ran her tongue around my mouth and pushed it almost down to my tonsils.

“Aaahhh, aahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, fuck.”

My first eruption must have been enough to fertilize a million eggs. The ones that followed seemed to be just as large. I had been tormented for ages with all the talk about impregnating Lyn as well as the time that I had stroked my cock almost to cumming and then backing off over and over again.

It was a strange night. Very emotional for us all. Lyn because of her desire to make love with me to become pregnant but at the same time wondering if she should or should not. Julie had interfered. This had turned me off which she took as a personal insult to her. I like Lyn, was on edge because of our impending split. While I didn’t really know what to think about it all, I ended up so sexually charged that I went and hunted down Lyn to have sex with her.

We slept peacefully together. I awoke to the sound of Lyn preparing breakfast for us. Julie awoke when she felt me move. She yawned, put her arms around my neck and pulled me down to kiss her.

“I’m sorry I got angry with you. I shouldn’t have got between you and Lyn. I know now that it wasn’t your fault that you….. you know, lost it. I put you under pressure. I won’t do that again.”

“It’s not your fault Julie.  I was just stressed about Lyn wanting to break up and then wanting my baby. That’s all.”

“Don’t worry about it, she probably won’t take anyway. She’s a few days away from ovulating. It’s just something that she really wants but she knows it’s a long shot. Don’t let her know that I told you though.”   

We had breakfast and cleaned up. Lyn was on tender hooks because Ron was due at nine o’clock. By the time the washing up was done and the dishes packed away it was a few minutes to nine. Lyn had snuck away to make sure she was looking her best.

When the knock came I was closest to the door so I did the honours. I looked up into his face and shouted, “Holly fuck! It’s you.”

“G’day, son. Lyn told me about her friend, Goyse and I guessed it was you. How have you been mate?”

“Great, Ron. I’ve never been better. This is a bit of a surprise. I had no idea when Lyn talked about Ron that it might be you. Come here.”

I shook his hand then took him in a bear hug. When I turned around both Lyn and Julie looked stunned.

“You know each other.”

Ron answered. “Yep, we go back a long way. I think we first met when we were about thirteen years old. We played football together. Later on, when I moved here we were neighbours for about five years. My missus pissed off on me and Goyse and his wife helped me out by looking after my two sons after school till I knocked off work. We are great mates.”

“What the hell are you doing here with Lyn. Where is Sue? Have you finally grown some balls and dumped the slut?”

“No, Ron, she is still up to no good. I decided that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Lyn and I have been friends for a long time and well it just happened that’s all.”

“I’m sorry, mate. If I had known I would not have made advances on your girlfriend. Mates don’t do that to each other.”

 “Hey, Ron, it’s OK. Lyn wants to move on and I respect her right to do so. I’m just pleased that she has picked such a great guy. I was a bit worried but now I know she will be OK. Meet Julie. She has come out from the states to be coached in barefooting.”

“He’s bloody good, Julie. You won’t find a better coach than Goyse.”

“Yes, I know. He has taught me things that I didn’t think I would ever learn.”

Lyn was quick off the mark. “And they weren’t only on the water. Some of what she has learned has been under the sheets.”

“You can talk, bitch.”

We all laughed. Ron’s laugh was a little hesitant. I sensed that he was uneasy about the situation.  I thought it may be best if I left Lyn and Ron together for the morning to talk about things in private.

“Look, Lyn, I have some people that I want Julie to meet. Would you and Ron mind if Julie and I slipped away. Maybe we could meet for lunch. Is that OK with you, Ron.”

“Yer, no worries. I was thinking of taking Lyn downtown to help me pick out some gifts for my family. There is also something that I want to show her.”

Lyn cut in, “Ron, we need to talk before we go out. There is something that I need to tell you and a couple of things that we need to discuss in private. Wait for me here, I’ll run Goyse and Julie around to pick up their car.”

As Lyn drove us around I looked at her and said, “You’re going to tell him, aren’t you?”

“Yes, of course, I am. My name is not Sue. I’ll tell him that you and I have been sleeping together and there is a slight chance that I might be pregnant. I’ll tell him that if I am I want to carry your baby to full term. If he wishes to form a relationship with me then he may have to accept your child as his own.”

“Don’t you worry that you may frighten him away?”

“If he is the great guy and close friend that you say he is then he will accept it. If not then I guess I can always move over to the west and give Julie some competition.”

“What can I do to frighten him away. What do you think, Julie?”

“As you would say, Goyse, bloody-oath. Give him up, Lyn and come with us. Noone will give you better orgasms then Goyse and I do.”

“Sorry folks. I’m going to go through with this but if it doesn’t work out then I’ll definitely consider moving over to the west.”

Julie and I spent that morning looking at the sights. I took her and showed her where I used to live. I showed her where I caught my biggest fish.  Showed her where I met my wife and where we first made love. She asked me would I bring her back one night and make love to her while I told her about it. Of course, I agreed.   

  We were both wondering if Ron would be with Lyn when we met for lunch. In my heart, I hoped that she had frightened him away but for Lyn's sake I wanted him to accept his fate. When we arrived at the restaurant Lyn was standing outside alone. I looked at Julie and she smiled at me.

“It looks as if Lyn and her kids might be coming over to the west with us, Goyse.”

We parked the car and walked back towards Lyn. She looked up as we approached and said, “You’re a little late. Ron has gone in and booked the table for us.”

I looked at Julie and said, “Sorry mate. Looks like we are going back alone.”

She shrugged her shoulders then smiled. She put her arm around Lyn, kissed her full on the lips and said, “I’m going to miss you, bitch.”

 Julie and I stayed at Lyn’s place for the remainder of the week. Each day Lyn and Ron went out together while Julie and I found ways to keep ourselves amused. Each night, Lyn came in and joined Julie and I making love. Every time she insisted that Julie start and she go second which meant that she accepted my sperm each and every time.

I asked her about her and Ron. She explained that she had told Ron that they could not have sex until she knew if she was pregnant or not. She said that he wanted to but she had told him that if she was pregnant it was the only way that she could be certain of who the father was.

I asked her did Ron know that she had continued to have sex with me. She just smiled, shook her head and said, “It’s my body until I choose to give it to him.”

Julie and I caught the plane across to the west at the end of the week. I looked out the window as the plane taxied down the runway. Lyn stood stock still watching the plane. I don’t think she could see me but I waved anyway. I wondered if I would ever see her again. Just before I lost sight of her she dropped her hand down and held it on her stomach. I knew what she was thinking because I was thinking the same thing. Would it be a girl or a boy?

When we landed in Perth the sun was shining brightly. It was a lovely spring day. I had made arrangements for Julie to move into a fully furnished unit around five kilometres from our home. Far enough away that it was unlikely that Sue and she would meet accidentally but close enough that I could drop in and see her occasionally.

Julie loved the unit. I promised to take her over to meet Ronny, my administrative assistant before Monday. I gave her instructions on where and when to report to work then asked her to drop me off at home. This left her with the hire car for transport. I felt sad as she drove away leaving me standing in my driveway wondering what lay ahead of us.

When I turned to move towards the house, Sue was waiting at the door. In recent times it was unusual for her to come out to meet me when I returned home and it surprised me. What didn’t surprise me was that I felt empty. Any feelings that I had for her had vanished during the last month away from her. I wondered how I was going to live with someone who I no longer had feelings for.    



Written by goyse
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