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Loving Him Loving Me

"I love the tender moments with my guy, and if they turn hot and wet... well, that's quite fine too!"

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Author's Notes

"Mostly true, from the deer onward! I can only hope you enjoy it a fraction as much as we did - and that if you do, you'll give me a 'Like', 'Favorite', or best of all, tell me why you liked it!"

I watched a small herd of seven deer grazing along the lower edge of our meadow where it met the aspens, the darker pines behind rising up the mountainside, and listened to the sound of the wind in the branches nearby, the leaves on the quakies rattling, twisting back and forth in the breeze like emerald and silver confetti against a deep blue sky. A Blue Jay rasped somewhere alongside the house, and smaller songbirds twittered in alarm, fearing for their eggs or the young in their nests.

The soft, sensuous sound of the water rippling, lapping at Richard’s legs as he moved, thrusting into me, was the perfect complement to all of that, while my moans and the sounds of our flesh slapping together were a very different set of sounds which still somehow harmonized smoothly with nature’s symphony.

I was kneeling on the seat, bent over the side of our hot tub, my husband behind me, his amazing cock moving inside. He’d had me sit on the edge earlier and brought me to an incredible orgasm with his fingers, lips, and tongue; my head thrown back, I’d watched a few huge cotton clouds chase each other across the sapphire blue sky above, lost in pleasure and my love for my man.

I’d started it, fondling and sucking his limp cock to full erection when he’d moved up to the edge of the tub to cool off; I’d intended to finish him, to take his spurts of man nectar into my mouth to savor, swirl about and consume in several small, delicious swallows before kissing him with cum slick lips, but he’d stopped me, insisting on coming deep inside instead. And that’s where we were now, his cock having already brought me off once before he groaned and thrust deep in the rigor of his climax.

It was a struggle, but I held very still, eager to feel each spasm and flex of his straining manhood as he filled me – and, as it often does, feeling his orgasm gave me another. Two of the deer raised their heads, looking up at the house before returning to grazing, and I smiled, wondering if the sounds of our lovemaking had become so familiar that it was a part of their world. I liked that idea!

We remained like that for another minute or two, breathing heavily, his cock throbbing softly inside of me until it lost enough starch to slither out, thick, rubbery, and dripping. I love looking at him like that or sucking him, tasting us while feeling his semen leaking from my body.

When I stepped out of the tub, he asked, “Are we done?”

“Well, you are!” I laughed. “I need something to drink, I’m parched. Come on, you can join me in the shower after, and we’ll see what comes up... if anything.”

He grinned. We virtually always shower after a soak, partly because there are often bodily fluids involved, but also to get the bromine from the tub off our skin before it can cause itchiness and drying. In the kitchen, I poured myself a Gatorade over ice and offered him the same, which he accepted; wise man, knowing he’d better replenish his fluids! I could feel his cum running down my legs as we walked back to our master bath to shower, a delightfully wicked, sensual experience that I deeply enjoy every time.

In the shower, we touched and played, Richard dipping his fingers inside of me to sample the fruits of our labor, tasting us, sharing with me, kissing as we sucked cum from his fingers between our lips, savoring our taste and rich sexual scent. With soapy hands, he touched every last inch of my body, gliding the pads of his fingers over my hard nipples, stroking my neck, my spine, the backs of my knees, and my navel, slipping a soapy finger deep into my anus as he washed my round bottom. A finger between my lips teased my hard clit as I leaned my head against his chest and cupped his heavy sack.

I love the way his big balls move within that soft skin bag, firm and virile, and the way they’d slapped against my clit a short time before, as he’d fucked me. Returning the favor, I stroked that sensitive area behind his big sack, earning a moan, and then a gasp as I roughly shoved my sudsy middle finger inside him. His post-orgasmic cock remained semi-hard, thick, and resilient, never returning to the limp, dangling, four-inch flaccidity of its usual resting condition, and as I probed inside of him, his balls straddling my wrist, I felt him twitch and thicken.

“Mmm, I’m sensing signs of life in this thing, hon’.”

“We’ve known for a long time that you have the power to raise the dead, so yeah…”

“Would you like that blowjob now?”

“Yes, of course, but no. Let’s get out of the shower so I can enjoy you too.”

So we did, continuing to touch and tease as we quickly dried off and finished our drinks, getting our fluids and electrolytes back in order. In the bedroom, I put a pillow against the headboard and leaned back against it, spreading my legs wide. I patted the bed between them. “You sit here.”

“Sit there? Don’t you mean lie there and eat your incredibly horny pussy?”

“No, I don’t… well, OK, maybe later. For now, just sit here and lean back on me.”

He did, leaning back gently on me as I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed the back of his neck and his shoulders as my hands drifted over the firm muscles of his chest and tummy, my fingers finding his nipples, small and hard, which I pinched and pulled. He has sensitive nipples – not like mine, which are capable of causing me to orgasm if played properly – but he enjoys nipple play, and I liked the way they felt and the sounds he made. We’re closing in on forty, and while his body may not be the same taut, whipcord-lean athletic machine it was some years earlier, he’s still in excellent shape, firm and sculpted despite him giving up river-running for a desk job.

I loved the way he felt, his scent, and the heat of his body as he rested between my legs. After exploring him, renewing my mental map of his contours, I slid my hands down, cupping my left beneath his balls and gently squeezing as I wrapped my right around his thick, semi-hard shaft, flopping him back and forth.

“God, I love the way you feel! It doesn’t matter if you’re inside of me, in my mouth, or my hands; I just can’t get enough.”

“Really? It doesn’t matter?”

I laughed. “OK, yes, it matters; to everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven; a time to fuck and a time to suck; a time to play and a time to be played with; a time to spread your seed and a time to lick it away; a time to come and… um, shit, that’s all I got!”

Richard laughed. “Hey, that’s pretty good - you know you’re going to Hell though, right?”

“For fucking with an old Byrds song?”

“It’s a bible verse first, as you know. But knowing you, you might enjoy Hell.

“Probably, all that sin and wickedness! I can only hope that Satan is at least half the man you are.”

“You say the sweetest things. You’re making me hard again, you know.”

“Exactly my point – think Satan could do that again so soon?”

“With you wrapped around him and stroking his cock, yes.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right…”

We both laughed. I was using my best tricks, lightly touching the sensitive underside of his shaft, dragging my fingers up and over his corona ridge, above which, at his tip, a clear bead of precum was building, and stroking that delicate web of skin just beneath his opening. My other hand did its part, too, as I fondled and caressed his heavy, cum-filled balls, and tickled his taint, my middle finger making occasional shallow forays into his anus.

He was very hard by then, and he gasped as I slid my fingertip in the lubrication he’d so thoughtfully provided, using his precum to open his little slit and drag my finger through the tiny pink valley.

“Jesus, baby….!

“Did I hurt you?”

“Fuck no, but you’re going to make me come if you keep doing that.”

“Already? You just did a little while ago!”

“I know, but you’re driving me crazy.”

“Oh, OK… but don’t come.”

“Maybe. I’ll try.”

I laughed and laid my head against his muscular back, closing my eyes, and focusing on him. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest, the rate elevated, and I felt the shudder in his breath. His skin was warm and man-scented, with an overlay of fresh soap, and his cock strained in my hand, his arousal growing. I gently squeezed his firm testicles and lightly caressed his taint, and when I entered him, he groaned and clasped his anus tightly on my finger.

I stroked and teased him for a minute, perhaps as much as two, and felt the leakage of his slimy precum run down over my fingers. I used it to lube his shaft, and my middle finger, then switched hands and slid that slippery digit deep inside of him, returning some of his leaking semen to him via the rear entry.

His body spasmed when I stroked the soft walnut bulge of his prostate, his cock leaping in my hand as he said, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”

“No, don’t!” I squeezed him hard, which I’ve discovered sometimes does the trick. I also slid out of him, since I know his prostate is a major weak spot on his control. This was no time to poke the bear - or the gland, as the case may be. His body had gone completely rigid as he fought to delay his ejaculation, but I felt him slowly relax as he reasserted control. “You OK now?”

“Fuck! That was close… I didn’t think I was going to make the save.”

“I shouldn’t have done the P-spot move, I guess. I know how susceptible you are to that.”

“It felt amazing, though; I loved it.”

“Does it feel that good when you take a cock, or one of our toys?” Richard is bisexual, and we have a couple of male friends and sex partners we engage with occasionally and several toys designed for men who enjoy anal play.

“Oh my god! Yeah, it feels really good. I love the toys, but there’s no substitute for the real thing.”

“Do you like Seth or Jason better? You know, inside of you?”

He considered that as I continued to gently stroke him. He was rock-hard, but we’d backed away from the cliff… for now. “I think maybe Seth, you know? I mean, Jason is so big that it’s really intense – well, you know, you’ve fucked him; huge goddamn cock. Seth and I have been at it a long time, so maybe it’s familiarity and knowing what we both like… That said, if Jason was here, I’d go butt-up and spread in a heartbeat!”

I laughed. “You’re such a man-slut sometimes; I love it! You do have a special connection with Seth, though, which I understand. He’s very sweet and very sexy.” I squeezed him, cock and balls, both hands. “Hey, since you have no control over this thing, why don’t we trade places for a while?”

We did, swapping positions so that he was leaning back on the pillow against the headboard, and I was between his legs, lying back on him. His cock was upright, thick, hot, and hard against my spine, and I could feel his balls, resting warm and comfortably against my ass crack. He clasped his arms around me beneath my breasts and just held me for a moment, nuzzling my neck and whispering love words into my ear. Before too long, his hands moved to my breasts, cupping and gently squeezing as he kissed my neck and shoulders, his nose caressing my ears.

A big part of me wanted that moment to last forever, but another part of me, the wet, tingling, horny part, wanted more – which he knew, of course! Slowly, his fingers homed in on my nipples, which stood erect and hard, needing attention. He stroked them, bumping his fingers back and forth across my rubbery pink nips and making me writhe and moan. He pinched and twisted and tugged, all the tried and true tricks one learns in Nipple Play 101, and my hand slid down to my pussy.

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I was, not surprisingly, dripping wet, my clit hard, protruding, eager, and I knew this was not going to take long at all!

But then he released my breast to pull my hand away from its play. “Bad girl – this is not a DIY project! I’ve got this; you just close your eyes and enjoy – think about Jason’s big cock sliding in and out of you while I lick your clit, or while you suck me.”

I did, for a moment, envisioning Jason’s big, beautiful cock. Funny, I thought more about playing with it, or sucking on him, the sight and feel of him in my hands and mouth having proved more stimulating than the additional mass of his manhood inside of me. Not that it didn’t feel amazing, making me feel so full and stretched, and give me massive orgasms, and leave me feeling well and truly fucked after, but his size was more of a mental stimulation than anything.

I moaned as I considered it, stroking his cock as I looked at it, watching him come. It dawned on me then what Richard was doing. He’d discovered early in our marriage that I was capable of reaching orgasm from nipple stimulation alone – combined with the right erotic thoughts, of course - and that’s where we were going. And getting there quite successfully, I might add!

He knew that to make it happen; he had to tread the delicate line between pain and pleasure, and he treated my nipples roughly, almost brutally, pinching, twisting… they’d be tender tomorrow, but tonight they were going to enjoy every moment!

A nipple-gasm is different somehow, not something that crashes over me but more like an orgasm I slide into and which then consumes me, envelops me - and when it hits, someone had better be playing with my pussy! In this case, both of his hands occupied, that someone was me, and I dropped my hand to my steamy sex and went to town on my clit, rubbing, abusing it, and writhing in orgasm!

Fuck, it felt so good, and my orgasm was now a runaway train with no chance of anything slowing it down! He released one breast and placed his hand over mine, pressing my fingers against my sex before slipping lower and into me. I bucked against his hand, pushing with my heels as I thrust back against him, my body rigid and shuddering in the throes of a massive orgasm.

From a long way away, I heard him mutter, “Ohh fuck… fuck!” and felt him harden and throb against my spine, and then the scalding fountain of his cum spurting up my back, between my shoulder blades, his cock throbbing powerfully with each spurt. The sensation of him climaxing, his cock layering his thick, white cum between our bodies, intensified my orgasm exponentially, and we rode the wave together.

As it broke in the surf of our arousal and washed up onto the beach, gradually losing its energy, we both went limp, hearts pounding, sweating, gasping for breath. I should clarify; despite every bone in our bodies turning to liquid and our muscles going slack, his cock was still quite hard, pulsing softly against my back as his semen ran down around it onto my ass, channeling in my crack. I loved it…

Breathlessly, I said, “Jesus…”

Equally breathless, he replied. “I know… that was very unexpected.”

I laughed. “It often is.”

He apologized! “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come.”

“Oh, hon’! You couldn’t have planned it any better, sweet thing. You spray painting my back like that was perfect timing; fuck, you felt how hard I came! I love it, the way it felt… still feels.”

“I’d have rather come inside of you.”

“Not to worry, I feel certain we’ll do that again soon.”

He laughed. “No doubt. I was sort of looking forward to licking it out of you, however.”

“Well, there is a wet cleanup required on the rear aisle…”

“Oooh, yeah, great point!” He slid down so his shoulders were on the pillow, his head propped up against the headboard, and half-lifted, half-slid me back to him. He began at mid-back, about the upper limit of his jets of cum, and licked the residue from my skin. Much of it had run down, so as he moved lower, he encountered more of his creamy juice, and his progress slowed.

Still, before long, he was licking the upper curve of my cheeks and the top of my crack, running his tongue up and down the valley. It felt very nice, and I felt very loved, and as he cleaned each area, he crept lower. He lifted me so that he could slip further underneath, and I felt him burrow between my cheeks, his tongue unerringly seeking out each streak and drop of semen, burrowing into my ass to be sure he hadn’t missed anything.

His tongue wriggling into me there, in the most forbidden place, made me gasp, and I cried out, “Oh, Richard, fuck!” as I thrust back against his face. I’m not a terrible anal person when it comes to sex – on me, I mean; I do enjoy pleasuring him in that way, but at the moment, in my current state, it was incredibly, delightfully wicked, and I loved the way it felt! Richie doesn’t get the opportunity for ass play with me often, and he was making the most of it, pushing as deep as he could and wagging his very prehensile tongue around!

I was going to come again; I could feel it flaring inside, electric shocks and butterflies, that delicious tightening in my pelvis that foreshadowed a massive climax. He pushed me away and slid further down, my ass on his face and his tongue now in my pussy. He jammed his thumb up my wet ass, and then, with him suddenly flicking and lapping at my sensitive, eager, hard little pink bean with his tongue, the building sensations exploded, slamming into me, my orgasm stunning in its intensity!

From somewhere, I heard my voice cry out, “Ohh, God! Oh my GOD!” and my body went rigid. Unfortunately, with my feet against the headboard, as my legs shot straight out, it launched me off of him – and almost off the bed! Good thing his feet were sticking up because catching them with my bent elbows was the only thing that kept me from going to the floor.

As it was, my head, neck, and shoulders hung over the edge, my breasts right at the edge, hard nipples grinding into the rough texture of our chenille throw. I was shuddering violently, still in the throes of a massive orgasm, my body twitching and shaking as if I had my finger in a light socket. It went on and on, and Richie stretching down to touch my sensitive inner thighs, just short of my sex, was perfect. It was all I could have stood at that moment, the maximum amount of stimulation I could have taken, and it let me ride that orgasm until it peaked… held… waned, and died – and still, I shuddered!

I don’t know what would have happened if he’d touched my pussy or stroked my clit just then, as I was in the midst of such an orgasm. I suspect I would have screamed – I sort of was anyway - but he’d had great instincts and just rode with it, being with me, touching and letting me do my thing. Now, with me on the downside of it, still shuddering, pussy still spasming with aftershocks, dripping, gasping for air, and moaning, he softly stroked the backs of my legs and then gripped me at the knees, his thumbs pressing into and massaging the backs of my knee joints.

“Baby, you OK?”

“Richard, oh fuck! My god!”

He laughed softly. “Yeah, you said that – several times.”

“Jesus! Ohhh… fuck you.” I shuddered again.

“If you think you’re up to it, sure – you may have to apply a little mouth-to-cock resuscitation first.”

I groaned. “God, no! I don’t think I’ll need any sex for the next week or two.”


“Well… for the next hour or two, at least. You’re very good at this whole ‘sex’ thing.”

He laughed again. “I have an excellent trainer. Hey, I love the view from here.”

I laughed. Really? I’m too tired to open my eyes. Describe it to me.”

“Where to start? OK, from near to far; long, sleek, sexy legs, melding into a flawless ass, round and firm and extremely kissable, a perfect ‘V’ between, meant for a man’s tongue. Smooth, feminine hips, narrowing just above, and then the shallow valley of your spine, smooth muscle on both sides, a trace of ribs that I’d like to play a tune on, everything coated in a glistening sheen of sex sweat, messy, wild, mussed blond hair, sweaty and tossed about like you just fucked the whole team…”

“I feel like I did!”

He laughed. “You look it too. OK, returning to the foreground, a pretty little pink pucker, wet and inviting, and soft, puffy pussy lips, slathered in cum, and open puss, wet, rosy pink inside, hard little clit sticking out… Hey, I can see your ass and pussy still pulsing and squeezing like you’re coming!”

“I know…I can’t stop! Jesus, that felt good!”

“You’re leaking jizz… How can you possibly still have cum in you?”

“How? You pumped in about a quart when you filled me outside before we showered; a liter, if you were European.”

“A liter is less…”

“I know, smart ass. Close enough, and either way, it had run clear down to my ankles by the time we walked into the kitchen.”


“I’m not. I love it.” I laughed. “God, I’m such a slut!”

“Yes, but you’re my slut. I still don’t understand how you have cum in you after so long, taking a shower, all that. I mean, I loved finding it when I was licking your puss, but wow, hon’.”

I rolled off him and lay alongside, my feet still up by his head and vice-versa, both of us at that beautiful level of full sexual satiation… even my pussy had finally stopped trying to grasp something that wasn’t there!

I said, “Well, let’s analyze this; you’re what, a smidge over seven inches long…”


“Like I said, a smidge over seven… and you had it jammed way up inside of me when you came. You come like a fucking fire hose, especially the first time, so part of your load was probably still dripping down from the bottom of my tonsils…”

He laughed. “I don’t think it works that way.”

“Trust me – sometimes you come so hard in my pussy I swear I can taste it.”

He slapped my ass, making me yelp. “You’re so full of shit.”

“I thought you said I was full of cum.”

“That too. Hey, speaking of being full, what do you want to do for dinner?”

“Go out somewhere. I’m too shaky-legged to cook.”

“Wear that yellow sundress, and it’s a deal – nothing under it, though!”

“A sundress, after dark? How gauche! But OK - if you’ll wear those short, baggy shorts and no undies.”

“I can do that. Where do you want to go?”

“Someplace with booths. I’ll let you figure that out while I enjoy an appetizer.” I flipped around and curled myself over his groin, then began to lick up all of his cum that had run down my back and onto him when he’d gone all unexpected cum-fountain on me. There was a lot, but I sucked each chunky testicle and licked each crack and crevice around his sack before making sure his cock was also spotless and ready for possible public viewing.

He got sort of semi-hard as I cleaned him up – which got me flowing yet again. Between that and the playing that we’d undoubtedly do in the restaurant, beneath the table, it boded well for later… if we didn’t stop at the bar to shoot some pool. He likes to do that when I wear that yellow sundress and no panties…


Later, as we were going out the door, he said, “It’s been a while since we had Seth or Jason over. Gina, too, for that matter. We should do that.”

“Which one?”

“You pick; I’m open to any of them.”

“Can I pick more than one?”

He laughed and squeezed my ass, reaching under my skirt. “I just love the way your mind works!"

Written by Wet_n_willing
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