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Love For An Older Man - Chapter 4

"Bob and Michelle sail to Cabo."

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Michelle and Bob got up early the next morning and got ready for their month-long excursion.  The plan was to sail to Cabo San Lucas, a week-long sailing trip, and then spend two weeks in Cabo enjoying what the Mexican resort town had to offer.  Most of the packing had been done in the previous days, so all that was left was to bring any last-minute additions and stow them aboard. Bob had fueled the 'Michelle' and charged all the batteries the day before.  The galley was stocked and all their luggage had been stowed.

After they had eaten a hearty breakfast, the couple grabbed what was left to be taken to the boat and headed out the door.  Michelle took one last look around to make sure everything that needed to be turned off or unplugged was and then locked the front door behind her.  They had given Amy a spare key in case there was some type of emergency.

Michelle had just finished stowing the rest of their gear when Bob popped his head through the cabin hatch.  “Hey, babe, after you’re done down there, do you feel like taking the helm while I cast off?” he asked. Bob had been teaching her how to handle the 'Michelle,' but this was the first time he had, actually, asked her to take the boat out from the dock.  She was happy that Bob trusted her with doing this task.

After returning topside and taking the helm, Bob cast off the bow and stern lines and yelled, “take her out slow and easy!”  Michelle put the boat in reverse and, slowly, began backing away from the dock. Bob stayed at the stern and kept a lookout for any crazy boaters or jet skiers that might be in the channel. 

Once the Michelle had entered the channel, Michelle put the boat in forward and began the slow trek out of the bay and into the Pacific Ocean.  All the while, Bob let her stay at the helm and control the boat. This was the easy part, though. They were on engine power and hadn’t even raised the sails yet.  That wouldn't happen until they reached the ocean.

Once they had passed the last jetty, Bob told Michelle to turn south and get ready to hoist the sails. She did as he said and turned the Michelle towards the south, waiting for his command to hoist the sails. After checking wind direction and speed, Bob looked at Michelle and nodded.  She turned to the touch screen and hit the buttons that would hoist the sails. She watched in awe as the sails unfurled and raised to the correct height.  She, then, shut off the engine.

The wind caught the sails almost immediately and Michelle could feel the boat begin to pick up speed.  Bob took over the helm and let Michelle have a break. It was a little cooler on the ocean and she went below to grab a windbreaker.  In the meantime, Bob programmed the computer with where they were going and turned on the autopilot. Their plan was to sail to Ensenada and take on extra provisions and to top off their fuel tanks. 

That first leg, depending on wind speed and direction, would take them sixteen hours. This meant that they would not arrive until about 2:00 in the morning. They had planned on anchoring in the bay and going to town the first thing in the morning.

Having sailed all day, they were now watching the sunset off the starboard side of the boat.  Bob turned on the running lights and got ready for night sailing. They had only sailed at night one other time and it was close to the city, so there were lots of lights along the shore.  This part of Mexico was sparsely populated, so there were very few lights along the shore. Not that this was a bad thing. With it being as dark as it was, the night sky was filled with stars. 

Michelle grew up in the southwest and thought that the night sky there was amazing, but she was in complete awe of what she saw now. She had seen pictures of starry nights that looked like this, but she never thought they were real.  She just had to have a picture of this to share with her friends, so she went below to get her camera.

When Michelle came back topside, Bob helped her steady her arm as she took her pictures.  After she got finished, Michelle turned towards Bob and just hugged him tight. They stood together like this for several minutes until she broke her hug and stood next to him, her arms around his waist, the both of them looking at the sight before them. “Seeing all these stars makes me feel rather small and insignificant,” Bob said.

Michelle nodded in agreement and said, “that may be so, but my world is right here with you, right now. And there’s nothing insignificant about that.” Bob looked at her with a look of adoration that she had seen in his eyes so many times before, but this time it was different.  It seemed more intense, more meaningful.

Michelle look at Bob and said, “I love you, Bob.”  

Bob seemed surprised at first, but came back and told her, “I love you, Michelle.  I have for a while now. Even before we met in person I knew that I needed you in my life, that I would never be happy if you weren’t.  You have made me the happiest man in the world.” Michelle smiled at him and they kissed deeply. More deeply than they had ever kissed each other before.

Time seemed to stand still on the 'Michelle' that night.  With it being so dark, it was hard to judge the distance they had traveled, or if they were moving at all.  The only thing that gave it away was the sight of the sails full of the northwest wind that was pushing them along.  Finally, Michelle saw what appeared to be a lighthouse and asked Bob if that was where they were headed. He checked the GPS and told her that it was, indeed, where they were heading.

Bob took over the helm and shut off the autopilot.  He guided the 'Michelle' into the harbor and found a safe place to anchor near several other sailing vessels. After being sure everything was secure, they retired to the cabin and got ready for bed.  It was a little after 1:30 in the morning, so they had made good time.

Bob poured a glass of wine for each of them and they sat on the sofa with Bob’s arm around Michelle and her head on his shoulder.  They didn’t say anything for a while. Bob had turned on some soft Latin Jazz and they both just enjoyed their wine and the music.

After having drunk most of her wine, Michelle set her glass down on the coffee table, turned to Bob and took his glass and did the same with it.  “Hey!” Bob said in a playful way. “I wasn’t done with that yet!”

She just smiled at him and said “You are now!” With that, she leaned into him and began kissing him.  They just kissed for a while and then they added their hands to the equation and they started roaming all over each other's bodies. Bob’s hand had found its way into her shorts and Michelle’s hand had found its way into his.

They masturbated each other for several minutes before Bob got up and started removing his clothes.  Michelle wasn’t far behind him. When they were both naked, their lips found each others’ mouths again and the deep passionate kissing began again.  Michelle grabbed Bob’s cock and began stroking it again. She felt Bob’s hand reciprocate and begin fingering her pussy. The first time they had sex was intense, but it seemed so much more tonight.  Michelle and Bob got up and went to the big king bed and continued their lovemaking there.

Maybe that was what the difference was, Michelle wondered.  Before tonight it was just sex, but tonight was about them making love.  She thought that she had made love before, but not like this. It never meant as much as it did tonight.  Michelle just let herself get caught up in it and went wherever it was taking her.

Bob had made his way between her legs and was eating her pussy with, what seemed, much more passion than before.  His tongue just felt amazing working her cunt the way he did. It seemed to be everywhere. It was licking around her labia and then it was in her love canal.  He seemed to drink all of the juices from inside her as if it was the wine that she had deprived him of when she took his glass away from him.

Michelle felt herself get wetter and couldn’t wait until she felt his tongue on her clit.  “Oh god, Bob! Please lick my clit!” she cried out. “I need to feel that talented tongue there! Please, Bob, please!”  Suddenly his tongue touched her clit and she thought she was going to go through the roof. “Ooohhh! Don’t stop doing that!  Keep licking my clit!” Michelle took both her hands and grabbed Bob’s head, making sure that his tongue would stay where it was.  She started grinding her pussy on his mouth and felt herself lose control. “Ooohhh! I”mmm cumming! I’mmm cuuummminnng!”

Michelle held Bob’s head until she couldn’t take the feel of his tongue on her clit anymore.  It was just way too sensitive, so she pushed his head away and put her hands over her pussy until the sensitivity went away and her breathing went back to normal.  She raised her head and looked at Bob, whose face was covered in her juices, and told him “That was amazing!” He just smiled.

After she had recovered, she pulled Bob up next to her and began working on his cock with her mouth.  Using her lips, she pulled his foreskin back and began licking the head of his dick. She alternated that with licking his shaft down to his balls, which she sucked and licked like never before.  Bob’s head was thrown back in ecstasy as she was working his cock with her skilled mouth.

It seemed that Bob could only take so much of this, as he took Michelle and put her on her hands and knees.  He, quickly, got behind her and began rubbing her cunt with the head of his dick until it was wet enough with her juices to insert into her waiting love canal.

Michelle moaned as his cock found its way into her hot pussy and waited for him to begin that stroking she knew so well.  That stroking that other guys with much larger cocks had never been able to do. That stroking that made every part of her pussy feel filled and touched.  He said he had learned how to make love to a woman from a book he read as a teenager. She only knew that, wherever he learned it, she was glad he did.

Bob’s cock moved in and out of her pussy at a slow pace for a few minutes and then, without warning, he sped his timing up.  It was as if he knew, instinctively, when he needed to speed things up or slow them down. This man was the perfect lover. Michelle looked over her shoulder and watched this man; this man that had chosen her, make love to her.  and she felt as if she was in heaven.

Michelle lay her chest and head on the bed and Bob got up on his feet, aimed his cock at her waiting pussy and started jackhammering it into her with all that he had.  This man, that was old enough to be her father, had more stamina than any young stud she had ever been with. And she realized that, before Bob, she had never been in love.  Not really. Not like this. And she didn’t ever want it to end.

Bob’s jackhammering was having its desired effect on her.  She felt her pussy get wetter and the warm glowing feeling that comes with a major climax begin.  “Ooohhh! Don’t stop doing that! It feels sooo good!” Bob just sped things up a little more. “Oh god, I don’t ever want this to stop!  Keep doing that! Keep doing that! I'm going to cum soon!” Michelle cried out. Bob showed no sign of wanting to slow down and Michelle felt herself go over the edge. “Ooohhh, Bob!  I love you sooo much! I’m cuuummming! Oh, oh, oh! I’mmm cuuummming!” And as she was climaxing she felt Bob’s cock begin to swell as he unloaded his semen deep into her pussy.

When her pussy muscles stopped contracting, Bob pulled out of her pussy and fell to the bed.  Michelle did the same and kissed Bob passionately. Bob pulled away just for a second to say, “I love you, Michelle.” 

“I love you, Bob,” and they returned to their kissing. It was getting a little chilly, so Bob pulled the covers over them.  They ended up falling asleep in the same position they always did, but it seemed a little more intimate this time.

Michelle woke up to the smell of eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee.  Actually, she smelled the coffee first, because she really wanted a cup.  Bob looked over at her smiling and said, “good morning sunshine. How’d you sleep?” 

She smiled back at him while stretching and said, “like a baby.”  

She got up and poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the dinette.  Bob had already set the table, so there wasn’t anything to do but enjoy her coffee while she waited for breakfast to get done.

A few minutes later, Bob brought two breakfast plates to the table and set one down in front of Michelle, while he set the other down where he was going to sit.  Michelle held her head over her plate and inhaled deeply through her nose. “It sure smells good!” she said. Bob smiled and took a bite of eggs. They both ate their breakfast in silence.  Not because they didn’t have anything to say, but because they were both hungry after sailing half the night and from their lovemaking session afterward.

When they had both finished their breakfast, Michelle began clearing the table and got ready to wash the dishes.  Michelle looked at Bob and thanked him for the great breakfast. Bob just smiled and said, “you’re welcome, sweetheart.”  She smiled because that was the first time he had called her that out loud. The only other time was when she was still working at the cam site and he had used it in their chat.

After they had their showers and were ready to go, Bob took the helm, raised the anchor and headed for the Harbor Master’s office so that they could get their visitors visas and other paperwork that would make it legal for them to be in the country.  

It took almost half the day just to get the necessary paperwork.  They were both glad when that was over. Michelle and Bob, then, headed into town to find a restaurant to eat at and a grocery store to buy any foodstuffs that they might need.  While they were walking through the outdoor market, Michelle saw some very pretty turquoise jewelry and she just had to stop and look. Bob ended up buying her a bracelet that had, both turquoise and pearls.  She put it on immediately and hugged Bob profusely. The lady street vendor looked at Bob and said, ”you have a very pretty daughter.”

Michelle looked at her and said, “oh, no. This is my boyfriend and the love of my life!” 

The lady looked shocked at first, but then smiled and said, “it is true. Love has no age boundaries. Vaya con Dios pequenos tortolitos.”  

They found a little family-run Mexican restaurant nearby and ordered a couple of margaritas before ordering dinner.  Bob told Michelle that, since it was getting late, they would spend another night in the harbor before continuing their journey to Cabo.  Their dinner turned out to be very delicious. Michelle had ordered the chicken enchiladas, while Bob had the Carne Asada. They, of course, tried a little of each other’s food and complimented each other on their choices. 

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The restaurant’s music came from a solo guitar player/singer. When the owner noticed how Michelle and Bob were carrying on, he sent the musician to their table to serenade them. Michelle thought it was the sweetest thing and thanked the man very much when he was done singing.  Bob tipped him $20. The owner came over and told them that he could see how much in love they were and that such love needed a love song to go with it.

After dinner, they walked back through the outdoor market and bought some fresh veggies and fruit before heading back to the boat.  Bob had paid someone to top off the diesel and water tanks before they had come into town, so the Michelle was ready to go when they got there.  Michelle stowed their produce and other treasures below while Bob took them to the spot where they anchored the previous night.

It was getting close to sunset and Bob was programming the navigation computer for the next leg of their trip.  Michelle grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses and headed topside to join him. She poured them each a glass and then waited for him to finish what he was doing.  It was only a couple of minutes before Bob put the tablet down and sat next to Michelle, raising his glass and declaring, “here’s to smooth sailing for the next part of our trip.”  They bumped their glasses together and took a drink of their wine. Michelle put her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her.

They sat in silence, drinking their wine and listening to the sounds of the night.  There was a slight breeze, so there was a slight swell, causing the water in the bay to hit the side of the boat very softly.  Michelle was really beginning to love the sea, but she thought that she wouldn’t feel the same way if it wasn't for Bob. He had told her that she was the reason for how he was today, how he had decided to stop getting old and start living again, how he had gotten his health back. 

She now realized that, before Bob, she was just living day to day, doing the same thing day in and day out without real purpose. She felt alive now, something that she couldn’t remember feeling before. In the same way, she gave him his life back, he gave her a life. A real-life, one that she never wanted to end.

The night air had started to get chilly, so they both retired to the cabin.  They sat on the sofa together, talking about the events of the day and what tomorrow might be like.  Bob told her that the next several days were going to be rough on the both of them. He explained how he was planning to sail day and night until they reached Cabo.  This meant that they would be taking shifts at the helm during the night while the other slept. He suggested that they enjoy this night together since it would be several days before they would be able to sleep together again.

Michelle and Bob retired to their bed and Michelle wasted no time in attacking Bob.  She went straight for his cock and started licking and sucking for all she was worth.  He had told her, once, that none of the women he had ever been with was able to make him cum with her mouth.  She was determined to be the one that did. She felt that she wasn’t merely giving him a blow job, but was making love to his cock.

Her tongue worked his entire cock, from his balls, up the shaft, around the head and then back down again.  She kept this up until it was glistening with her spit. She made one more pass at his balls and shaft before swallowing his entire cock.  She was looking at Bob the whole time and she watched as he threw his head back in ecstasy and moaned. She knew what she was doing to him.  She knew what would make him squirm with pleasure. She knew how to control him with her mouth.

Michelle started bobbing her head up and down his cock, being sure to suck hard on the way back up.  She felt his hands grab her head and begin controlling the speed in which she was moving up and down.  She just wondered how long she could keep this up, because Bob could take a long time before cumming.

She surmised that that was one of the reasons he was such a good lover.  His stamina made it possible for her to have several orgasms in one lovemaking session. Now she hoped that her actions were enough to push him over the edge, that she would be able to make him cum down her throat.

Bob, finally, let go of her head and she began licking his shaft and sucking his balls again.  With her eyes still looking at him, she moved her tongue down to his asshole and started licking it.  Bob gasped when her tongue hit his asshole. “Oh, you play dirty!” he said. She just kept licking away at his bunghole and stroking his shaft with her hand.  His cock jumped every time her tongue touched his sphincter and this made her smile, because she knew what was happening to Bob.

After several minutes of manipulating his asshole, Bob asked her to go back to sucking his cock.  “I feel like I’m getting close,” he said. Michelle kept up her attack on his asshole. Bob started to moan louder and more often.  He pleaded with her to go back to sucking his cock. “Oh, please! I don’t know how much more I can take!” She finally relented and took his cock in her mouth.  “Oh, yeah! Just like that!”

Bob’s hips began bucking to her face and she took his entire cock. Suddenly, his bucking became shorter and faster. She knew that he was going to blow his wad soon.  Michelle licked the underside of the head of his dick, knowing that it was really sensitive. “Huh... huh... huh!” he managed to get out of his mouth. “Oh geez, I’m cumming!” and with that, Michelle felt his viscous semen spray in her mouth and down her throat.

A few minutes passed by before Bob finally lowered his hips to the bed and relaxed.  He took Michelle’s chin and pulled her up to his face. “That was amazing,” he told her.  “You managed to do what over two-hundred women have never been able to do.” With that, he pulled her lips to his and began kissing her deeply.  Michelle was sure the taste of his cum was still in her mouth, but he didn’t seem to care.

His hands began to caress her back and ass cheeks, causing goosebumps to form on the back of her neck and arms.  She felt so safe and secure in Bob’s arms and when he caressed her like he was doing, she couldn’t help but get turned on.  Her breathing started getting erratic and her kissing more passionate. She hoped he would take her soon, because she needed the release.

Bob did not disappoint and turned her over on her back, never taking his mouth off of hers.  His hands then began feeling her tits and shoulders. He removed his mouth from hers, looking deeply in her eyes, and moved down to her breasts.  Bob began licking her nipples, which were already hard from his hands playing with them earlier, and she felt a wave of pleasure pass over her entire body. 

Her arms and legs felt so weak, she couldn’t even move them and she succumbed to Bob’s manipulations. His mouth found its way to her belly button. He began tonguing her piercing, which elicited some moans from her throat.  She couldn’t help it. He was driving her wild.

After spending several minutes on her belly button,  Bob sat up on his knees and lifted one of her feet to her mouth.  The entire time, he had never taken his eyes away from hers. This man had learned her body so well, that he didn’t even need to see what he was doing.  His mouth closed over her toes and she felt his tongue licking them on the inside of his mouth, while he sucked deeply on them. Her pussy was getting so wet and the pleasure so intense, she wasn’t sure if she could keep from cumming before he got to her pussy.

Bob’s toe sucking did not seem as if it was going to end very soon and Michelle just decided to go with the feeling.  “Oh, oh, oh, I'm cumming,” she cried out. “I'm cccuummmiiinnnggg!!!” Bob didn’t let up until her body had calmed down.  Then, still looking in her eyes, He put her foot down on the bed and moved toward her pussy. Michelle’s breathing started getting deeper with the anticipation of his tongue on her pussy.  She felt it dripping with the juices of her recent orgasm and couldn’t wait to feel Bob’s tongue lapping them up.

Michelle sat up on her elbows and watched as he took his tongue and licked up, from her asshole to her clit.  He then moved his mouth back to her love canal and began licking and sucking her love juices from it. She felt herself getting weak in the arms and legs again, but fought to stay up on her elbows so she could watch him work on her pussy.  He was still looking in her eyes when she felt the tip of his tongue touch near her clit. Bob was licking all around without actually touching it.

“Oh, please, baby, don’t tease me anymore! I need to feel your tongue on my clit!” And with that, he lifted up for a second and then dropped his whole tongue on her clit, causing her to gasp and hold her breath.

Bob began a merciless attack on her clit with his tongue.  It felt so good that Michelle had to raise her hips up off the bed and mash his head into her cunt with one hand.  “Oh, my god, baby! It feels sooo good! No one has ever eaten my pussy as good as you!” she cried out. “Keep doing that!  Yes! Yes! Oh, my god! I'm going to cum again!”

And with that, she grabbed Bob’s head with both hands, her hips still in the air, and climaxed hard against his mouth.  It felt so good that all she could do was make small noises from deep in her throat. Her breath would not escape her lungs until her climax finally wound down.

Finally, she let go of Bob’s head and let her hips drop to the bed.  Still trying to catch her breath, Michelle pulled him on top of her and said, “fuck me, baby.  Fuck your woman’s sweet little cunt!”

Bob just looked at her, smiled, and asked, “you haven’t had enough yet?” 

She smiled at him, said, “I will never have enough of you!” and pulled his cock to the opening of her wet cunt and waited for him to begin giving her the fuck that she needed.

Bob pushed his cock into her sweet vagina and she raised her hips up to meet him.  He began to slowly stroke his cock in and out of her pussy while Michelle bucked her hips up and down in time with Bob’s fucking.  She loved when he fucked her slow and gentle. It made her pussy tingle like no other man had been able to do. She felt her juices drip from her cunt and soak Bob’s balls whenever he drove into her.  Bob kept up the slow pace for several minutes before he started speeding up. Soon his strokes were so fast that his balls were slapping against her ass.

Michelle grabbed the sheets of the bed with both hands, waiting for the inevitable to happen.  She felt the climax start washing over her entire body. “Oh, baby, I’m going to cum again!” Michelle cried out. “Oh, yes! Fuck me harder!  Oh, yes! It feels sooo good! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

Bob gave it to her as hard as he could and Michelle just kept taking it. Suddenly, she stopped bucking and lifted her hips one last time and just held them there.  “I’m cccuuummmiiinnnggg! I’m cccuuummmiiinnnggg!” she yelled. Bob, suddenly, went rigid and she felt his cum shoot deep inside of her. It still amazed her how he was able to time his climaxes with hers, almost as if he could come on cue.

Bob was still on top of her and she just caressed his back and kissed his shoulders until he was able to recover.  He turned to face her and they kissed long and deep. It took Michelle a minute to realize that he had not pulled out of her and that he had begun to slowly move in and out.  She couldn’t believe it, but Bob was still hard, or had become hard again while still inside her, she wasn’t sure which.

His strokes started to get longer, which caused Michelle to start feeling those familiar pangs in her pussy.  Those feelings that said, “Hey! I want to be fucked!” She felt herself begin to meet every thrust into her still wet pussy by Bob’s hard cock.

Bob, all of a sudden, got up on his knees without pulling out of her pussy and pulled her legs up over her head.  This caused her ass to be up in the air and, also, caused Bob to have to squat over her with his cock pointing straight down into her pussy.  He began to pile drive his hard cock into her cunt. Michelle grabbed her legs and held on for the ride, crying out, “Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!  I want to cum all over that hard cock again!”

Bob did not disappoint her. His thrusts were so hard that her clit just went into overdrive and she felt her orgasm coming on strong and fast.  “Ooooooh! I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Don’t stop! Don’t you dare stop!”  

Michelle felt his cock continue to pound her pussy, even after her orgasm, and the feeling against her pussy and clit were so strong that she felt another orgasm coming on.  “Oh, oh, oh! What are you doing to me? Oh, oh, oh! I’m cumming again! And, even though she really couldn’t move in the position she was in, she felt her hips wanting to thrust up and try to take even more of Bob’s cock into her.

“Oooohhh my god, Bob!  I’m cumming so hard!” Bob kept up his relentless attack on her cunt. No sooner had she finished with one climax, another one would begin. Michelle lost count after her fifth orgasm and couldn’t believe that Bob still hadn’t cum. She began to believe the stories he told her about his stamina as a much younger man.

Finally, it seemed that her string of orgasms had subsided.  Michelle was glad, because she wasn’t sure if she could take anymore.  But now, she figured it was time to take care of her man. It was time for him to orgasm and fill her up with even more of his cum.  “Does my pussy feel good around your cock?” she asked. “Do you like how wet it is? Mmmm, it feels so good to have your cock thrusting in and out of my hot, wet cunt.” 

Michelle used one free hand to reach up and caress his balls. “Does that feel good? Do you like it when your baby girl does that? Cum for me. Cum in my hot, wet pussy.  Let me feel that semen fill me up.” Bob’s ragged breathing and look of pure bliss on his face let Michelle know that he was getting close. “Oh, yes, Bob! Fill my cunt up with your jizz!  I want to feel it hitting inside me. I want to feel the heat of your cum. Cum, Bob, cum!

Michelle then tightened her pussy muscles around his cock and Bob suddenly cried out, “oh my god!  I’m cumming so hard! She felt his cock jerking inside of her every time he shot his load into her. “Your pussy is so good! I just can’t stop cumming! Oooohhhh! So good! So good!” Michelle felt his cock begin to twitch less and less until he just stopped with his cocked buried deep inside her.

Finally, Bob pulled out of her and she was able to bring her legs back down on the bed.  Michelle sat up, grabbed his head with one hand and kissed him harder than she ever had. “You make me feel like no other man has ever been able to.  I love you so much!” she told Bob.

He looked at her and said, “and no woman has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. And I love you for it. I love you!”   

After taking a quick shower, as they needed to preserve their water supply, they lay down and went to sleep, with his arm around her and her head on his shoulder… The same position they had fallen to sleep in every night since the first night they physically met.

Written by RachelsGuy
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