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Love at the Masquerade

"This is a coming of age story of 30 year old woman called Bella"

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Competition Entry: Masked

It had been little over a week since the fateful day when Bella had broken up with James, her long-term boyfriend. She'd heard rumours that he’d been cheating on her with a waitress at his catering firm. When confronted, James would neither confirm nor deny the gossip — and so Bella ended the relationship on the spot.

In that following week, a distraught Bella thought hard about the next step to take in her life. Eventually, she decided to seek advice from the one friend she trusted the most, Dani.

Bella headed off to Yorkshire and the visit to her best friend proved fruitful. Before the end of the weekend, they were in bed, making love. That wasn’t anything new as they always seemed to finish in bed when something had gone wrong.

The comfort of that weekend was all that Bella needed to discover the spirit and courage to move on with her life, to make a fresh start. But, initially, she had to move back into her parents home while she sought a house to buy or rent. 

She found the perfect house in a village called Krystallake in Dorset. It was about an hour’s drive from her parents’ home in Hampshire and she told them she'd be moving out within a month.

Bella quickly settled into her new surroundings and became friends with Katie, a near neighbour who was of similar age. And it wasn’t long before Bella felt a growing attraction to Katie. Despite the long relationship with James, Bella knew she was much more comfortable with another woman. She certainly preferred a woman’s softer touch when it came to sex and she generally thought they were more attentive in the bedroom.

One day, about noon, Bella knocked on her neighbour’s door and it took a couple of minutes before Katie arrived to let her in. Katie headed to the kitchen to brew a pot of tea and when she entered the living room, she placed the tea on the coffee table and sat on the sofa alongside Bella. During the next half hour, they had an excellent chat, even giggling about everything that had gone wrong in their lives.

Katie decided she needed to use the bathroom and, when she got up to walk away, she guessed that Bella would fixate on her derriere.

“Are you staring at my ass again?”

“Oh dear,” chortled Bella, “you caught me red-handed.” 

When Katie returned, she asked, “Bella, are you free a week on Saturday?”

Bella took a diary from her bag. “Yes, I’m free. What would you like to do?”

“I would like you to come with me to the masquerade ball at Krystallake Manor.”

Bella was surprised but pleased. “I’m honoured to be asked,” she said and Katie kissed her cheek to say thank you.

They instantly decided on a shopping trip the next day to buy outfits fit for princesses to wear at the ball. They wanted to turn heads, steal the show, and they arranged to meet at the bus stop at ten. 

Back home, Bella watched television while she ate her evening meal and, when she went to bed, she wondered what it would be like to have Katie make love to her. She imagined Katie between her legs, licking, fingering and invading her nether regions.

She slid a hand over her stomach to between her legs and cupped her breasts with her other hand. Imagining that it was Katie pinching her nipples and rubbing her clit, she brought herself to an almighty orgasm. Once satisfied, she drifted off to sleep…

After a morning shower, Bella inspected her body in the full-length mirror. Even at thirty, she liked the way she looked naked. From working out in the gym, she had a toned body and she held her firm breasts and pouted at her reflection before brushing her silky soft waist-length brunette hair. With her natural good looks, she hardly used makeup and didn’t need much time to get ready.

Bella recalled her friend Dani had encouraged her to enter a competition when she was eighteen years old. It was supposed to find the next big glamour model and Bella had even had topless photographs taken. At the time, she loved the pictures of her very perky and round breasts. Even though she didn’t win the competition, it was still one of her fondest memories.

Bella now selected matching pink lace bra and panties. The uplifting bra made her breasts look even bigger and she finished dressing by putting on her favourite ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

Walking down the road to the bus stop, Bella was excited to see Katie already waiting. 

“What time do you call this?” Katie joked.

“Five minutes to ten,” Bella said, glancing at her wristwatch. “I know it’s cutting it close but I like to be fashionably late.” 

On the bus, Katie asked, “What style of dress are you going to choose, Bella?”

Bella was slightly annoyed because she’d told Katie that she wanted to keep her outfit a secret. She replied firmly, “I won’t say, it’s a surprise.” 

Katie smiled. “Guess we’ll be shopping separately then. But I look forward to the surprise.”

Off the bus, they walked to the nearest boutique and, inside, they split up to search for their dresses. Bella headed for the evening dresses and selected a few ballgowns and several masquerade masks that she felt complemented the dresses. 

A store assistant offered to help Bella while she tried on the dresses and asked, “Is this for the masquerade ball?” 

Bella confirmed it was and the girl said she was also going to the event. That broke the ice and Bella glanced at the assistant’s name tag. She was called Debbie.

As one garment slid over her body, Bella looked in the mirror. At that moment, she knew she’d found the perfect dress: it was fit for a princess. She was so excited that she turned to Debbie and said, “This is the dress. It’s just right.”

Debbie blurted, “Wow, you look hot, Bella. Very hot. The dress looks perfect on you. If you don’t already have a partner for the ball, I would love to go with you.” 

This sudden outburst caused Bella’s cheeks to turn a crimson. Flattered, she replied, “I’m sorry, but a friend has already invited me.” 

Debbie was evidently disappointed but she smiled and said, “I will see you there, then.” 

Bella returned her smile. 

Debbie then asked, “Would you like to go for a coffee sometime?”

“I would love to, Debbie. Give me your number and I’ll text you when I’m free.”

Debbie jotted her number onto a piece of paper and Bella changed back into her jeans before going to buy shoes.

After making her purchases, Bella waited for Katie. By the time she saw her, it was time to get the bus home.


A few days later, while rummaging through her bag, she found Debbie’s piece of paper. She felt a little sad at not having sent a text but she messaged Debbie, offering to meet for coffee later that afternoon. Debbie responded quickly and said she was free.

This time, Bella drove into town to meet Debbie at a Costa coffee shop. Inside, Bella scanned around and was glad to spot Debbie sitting at a table.

She walked over and said: “Is this seat taken, Miss?” 

“Well, it is now,” said Debbie, grinning. 

After a few moments chat, Debbie softly asked, “How old are you, Bella?” 

“‘I’m thirty.” Bella almost whispered. “How about you?”

“Twenty-six.” She smiled. “I hadn’t seen you around here before. Where are you from?”

“Over in Hampshire, only about thirty minutes drive away. I moved here to get a fresh start,” said Bella, a slight nervousness creeping into her tone.

“Why did you feel the need for a fresh start?”

“I wanted to get away after I broke up with my boyfriend.”

“Oh dear, sorry,” sighed Debbie. “What happened?” 

“I heard that he’d cheated on me with an employee of his. When I confronted him, he wouldn’t deny or confirm the rumours. So I broke up with him. It really was the last straw.” Bella wiped a tear from an eye. “Please, can we not speak about this. It’s still very raw.” 

“I understand… I can feel your pain,” said Debbie, leaning across to hug Bella.

“Thank you,” said Bella as her beautiful smile started to return.

Debbie had noticed that Bella seemed comfortable with other women and decided to move the subject in that direction. With some confidence and hope in her voice and posture, she said “I can tell from your body language, that you find other women attractive. Yes?”

Bella was slightly embarrassed but replied, “I am bisexual… so, yes, I do find other women attractive. Really, I prefer being with women.”

“You’re so full of surprises Bella; I’m enjoying getting to know you.”

As they chatted, Bella’s confidence grew stronger and any shyness disappeared. Debbie needed the bathroom and, while she was away, Bella got a big surprise: Dani was sitting at a table looking out of the window. 

Going over and putting a hand on Dani’s shoulder, she said, “Oh my God, Dani, what are you doing here?” 

“I thought I’d come down and give you a surprise.” She beamed at Bella. “But you weren’t at home and I popped in here for a coffee.”

Bella felt awkward. “Ah… it’s lovely to see you, Dani but I’m here with Debbie. Can we meet later?”

“Debbie? Who’s Debbie?”

“She’s a new friend. I should get back to her. We’ll catch up soon.”

“I won’t keep you and, yes, we will catch up. See you later. Here, take this,” said Dani and put a slip of paper in Bella’s hands.

Back at her table, she read: Remember, Bella, you are the only one that controls your destiny, not anyone else. Remember, you are a wonderful strong woman. It was signed, Your BFF, Dani. A new phone number was printed at the bottom.

Debbie came back at that moment and they chatted for a little while longer before deciding to call it a day. 

“I will see you at the masquerade ball next Saturday.”

“You most definitely will see me there,” said Bella and they exchanged cheek kisses as goodbyes.

At home, Bella reflected upon on her day. She was happy that she could quickly make new friends nearby and was pleased with her decision to move. Then she looked at Dani’s note one more time before tossing it away. She’d decided to make Dani wait before she made contact. It was a game Bella occasionally played on Dani — but, usually, she would only leave it a day. Sure enough, next morning she got hold of Dani and arranged to meet at a club on Saturday.


When Saturday rolled around, Bella was looking forward to having a girly night out. So she texted Katie and Debbie to see if they were available that night too. They were.

Bella walked to Katie’s house, from where they ordered a taxi. When it arrived, they drove to pick up Debbie. She was waiting outside her home.

Bella introduced her friends and they gradually got acquainted and seemed to be getting along fine when the taxi pulled up outside the nightclub. The driver was to pick them up around one in the morning.

After waiting in line for a few minutes, the trio entered the club and went to the bar to get a complimentary drink. They found a table, surveyed the surroundings, and decided to make their way to the dance floor. While they danced, gyrated and moved to the music, they had many eyes on them.

While Bella danced sexily, one man tried to grab her ass. She pushed him away, slapped his face and snarled, “Fuck off, asshole!”

Katie and Debbie rushed over to comfort a visibly upset Bella. They both hugged her and Katie said, “That guy was a fucking creep the way he touched you, Bella.”

One of the doormen came over. “Hey girls, what’s just gone down here?”

“The guy over there in the green shirt just groped my bottom,” said Bella, wiping away a tear.

“Leave it to me,” he said — and proceeded to eject him.

A still tearful Bella noticed that Dani had arrived and was at the bar. She let Katie and Debbie know where she was going and then pushed her way through the crowd to give her friend a big hug.

“Pleased to see you but why the big hug?” Dani sensed something was wrong.

“I’m delighted to see you, Dani, after what has just happened to me,” said Bella, still visibly shaken.

“When I was still outside, I noticed some guy had caused a ruckus after being thrown out. I’m guessing that had something to do with what’s happened.” 

Bella explained about the dance floor grope and Dani said, “I bet you gave him a mouthful and gave him one.” 

“Yes, I did. I slapped him across the face and told him to fuck off.” 

Dani quipped, “It must have had its desired effect, then.” 

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A slightly muffled laugh escaped Bella.

Dani knew precisely what was needed and she told Bella a few jokes. Quite quickly, she was in a fit of hysterics. Feeling better, Bela spent at least the next half an hour catching up with everything that had happened in the month since they’d last been in touch. Eventually, Katie and Debbie came over and Bella checked her watch: it was past midnight.

Bella introduced her new friends to Dani.

“It’s finally nice to meet you after all the nice things Bella has told me about you,” said Katie.

“Hope she didn’t tell you anything embarrassing.” 

Katie laughed as Debbie said, “Hi Dani, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too Debbie. It’s nice to put a name to a face after the other day at the coffee shop.”

“Oh, you were there? Bella never mentioned she’d seen you there,” said Debbie, puzzled and glancing at Bella.

They chatted until Katie suddenly pulled Bella away for a few moments. “How are you doing after that incident earlier?” She was clearly still concerned about her friend.

“I’m a lot better, thanks. Dani cheered me up,” said Bella, flashing her bright smile.

Then Katie caught Bella by surprise. “In the few short weeks since I first met you, I’ve discovered that you’re a very motivated woman, as well as a strong and lovely woman. That’s something I would love to be. But, remember, you are the one that controls your destiny.”

It was very similar to what Dani had written to Bella.

Bella almost kissed Katie but pulled away. She was still a little confused about her feelings towards Katie. They returned to their friends before heading outside to wait for their taxis. While waiting, they decided they would go to the masquerade ball together.

When Bella got home, she tossed and turned as she tried to sleep. She had too much on her mind, especially the moment she almost kissed Katie. She was confused. Who did she want to be with?

She had a rotten night, but over the next week, Bella knew she must decide which of the girls she wanted in a relationship. She didn’t have one suitor for her heart, but three.

She had no chemistry with Debbie. She saw her as a friend and nothing more. There wasn’t a problem in turning down Debbie. But it was tough to decide between Katie and Dani. Her head said Dani — her heart said Katie.

Ever since Dani had returned from Yorkshire, Bella secretly wanted to be with her. She finally realised that the only times she’d sex with Dani was when she was going through a bad patch and needed comfort. It occurred to her that Dani was her rebound, and this was something she no longer needed.

When she remembered what Katie had said to her in the club and how she'd nearly kissed her, she knew that the chemistry between them was something that she couldn’t ignore. She recognized that she was in love with Katie.

Bella decided she would let Katie know how she felt on the day of the masquerade ball. She would ask Katie if she would like to be in a relationship, be her girlfriend.

Even though Bella wanted a serious relationship with Katie, she wanted to remain friends with Dani and Debbie; even if they were upset about her decision. If she handled things sensitively, they could still be friends. Whatever happened, she knew she would have to move on with her life.

By the end of the week, with her mind made up, Bella managed to get a good night’s sleep. In fact, she overslept. On the day of the ball, the ring of the doorbell woke her. Being half-asleep, and without a thought that she slept naked, Bella answered the door.

“Good God, Bella, put some clothes on, girl,” said Katie.

Embarrassed, Bella tried to cover up her nakedness. But she gave Katie a wink when she noticed her staring at her body. When Katie walked in and put her bag down, Bella saw a wet patch between her legs. Bella smiled and felt good about herself. 

Bella couldn’t wait to ask Katie to be her girlfriend. As Katie had already seen her naked, Bella was desperate to see Katie undressed and on her bed.

As Bella’s old farmhouse was the largest of their homes, the four girls had decided that it would best to converge there to get ready. It was also only a few minutes walk to the manor house where the event was being held.

Makeup applied and ballgowns on, the girls were ready to reveal their outfits. Bella wanted to be the last one to show her dress.

Dani was the first one down. Her dress was a strapless peach ballgown, which showed just the right amount of cleavage and left much to the imagination. The mask matched her dress and had a single pink feather next to her right eye.

Debbie was next to descend. Her dress was in royal blue satin and flowed elegantly across the floor. She seemed to be floating and her mask had a single blue feather.

Katie’s gown was a shade of grape purple with a plunging neckline. She hoped that might catch Bella’s eye at first glance. Her mask had a purple flower over one eye.

As she stood at the top of the stairs, Bella was a little nervous but she grew more confident with each step. Her outfit was a stunning: a strapless burgundy dress which she knew would garner plenty of attention from any would-be admirer. But the only person she was out to impress was Katie. The mask that she’d chosen had a single red feather next to her right eye.

When Bella entered the living room, her friends’ jaws all suddenly dropped. They couldn’t take their eyes off Bella. A spell had been cast upon them.

Katie blurted, “Wow, you look so beautiful, Bella.”

Debbie and Dani agreed simultaneously. Bella’s cheeks turned a rosy red. She was also slightly emotional and pleased that she’d managed to impress Katie the most.

Katie could tell from Bella’s body language, that she must like her dress and it was confirmed when Bella gave her a wink which the others didn’t notice.

On the short walk to Krystallake Manor, they turned heads and they couldn’t contain their excitement at all the glances in their direction. When they went inside, classical Mozart played in the background. and they mingled with the other guests, splitting up for a while.

Bella had loads of fun as she chatted with the guests in her vicinity. She was blissfully unaware of her surroundings as she danced and, before she could react, she bumped into a waiter carrying a tray of champagne on his arm.

A boss suddenly appeared and reprimanded the waiter for being clumsy. It was then that Bella saw the boss was, of all people, James. Painful memories flooded back.

James said, “Bella, can I have a word?”

“Not now, James. Haven’t you had enough of trying to humiliate me?” she said and rushed for the nearest exit.

Jame went to follow but Dani stopped him. “Leave her alone,” she said sternly.

Katie, Debbie, and Dani all decided to follow. They found her on a bench, tears streaming down her cheeks. They each gave Bella a hug.

“I’m fine,” said Bella, even though her friends could tell she wasn’t.

Before Dani could console her best friend, Katie sat next to Bella and wiped a tear off her cheek. “James is here only to work and not to cause trouble.”

“I guess you’re right, Katie,” said Bella.

Every reassuring word that Katie said over the next ten minutes hit home and a smile returned to Bella's face. Bella took all this as confirmation that she’d correctly read the signals from Katie. She leaned in and kissed Katie on her lips… to the surprise of Debbie and Dani. But Katie didn’t even try to pull away and it was a couple of minutes before they finally broke their passionate kiss.

Bella now believed that Katie must have wanted the same thing. “From the first moment I laid my eyes on you, Katie, I felt there was a connection between us. I couldn’t stop how my heart felt about you, and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I had to kiss you.” She finished with a big smile, unable to contain her excitement.

“I’ve felt the same way about you,” said a delighted Katie.

Without a second thought, Bella said, “Would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“Yes, I would love that,” said Katie. They kissed again and to them it felt like an eternity. Debbie and Dani clapped at the unfolding events.

“You’re not angry then?” said Bella.

“We’re pleased for you,” said Dani as Debbie nodded. “I had a feeling that something was going on between you two.”

Bella decided to find James and apologise for the way she’d acted. She asked Katie to go with her for support.

When Bella found James, she said, “Sorry, I need to apologise for my behaviour earlier.”

"No need to apologise, Bella,” he said. “If I were in your shoes, I would have done the same thing. If anything, it’s me who needs to apologise.”

That surprised Bella but James continued, “I sincerely apologise for not coming clean with you. When you confronted me about my affair, I didn’t know what to say. But if I could turn back time, I would have acted differently. Bella, will you accept my apology?”

Bella instantly accepted and James added, “The only thing that’s important to me is that you’re happy.”

“Thank you, James. I’m pleased that you have my best interests at heart.“

All the bad memories of their breakup were finally dismissed and Bella had found the comfort and peace that she needed. Almost forgetting, she added, “This is Katie, and we’ve recently started a relationship.”

“Congratulations,” said James with a smile. “Now, if you’ll both excuse me, I’d better get back to work.”

It came the time of the evening for the slow dances and Bella led Katie onto the dance floor. She put her hands on Katie’s neck and looked into her eyes so lovingly and sincerely. They moved, swayed, and twirled to the music. As they looked at each other, so much in love, they kissed passionately while they danced.

James had noticed them kissing and gave an approving smile before returning to his duties. Bella and Katie had noticed his acknowledgement but what really mattered for Bella was that she was in love with the most beautiful woman she’d ever met.

Bella and Katie finally decided to call it a night but they had more on their minds than sleep. They had been through the door at Bella’s house for only a few seconds when Katie wrapped her arms around her. She gazed into her eyes and moved lips towards her new love’s mouth. Soon their tongues were wrestling while Bella cupped Katie's ass and ground her groin against her.

"Oh my," Katie said with a smile. "Do I feel a needy kitty who wants to come out and play?"

Bella didn't answer but led Katie by her hand up to the bedroom. They helped each other out of their dresses and went back to kissing passionately while unclasping bras. Erect nipples rubbed against each other before Katie pushed Bella onto the bed and climbed on top, their breasts pressing against one another. Bella moaned when Katie sucked a nipple into her mouth and slipped a hand inside her panties.

She felt Katie’s fingers run along her slit before one penetrated her pussy. She moaned as Katie’s fingers invaded her and curled inside. Bella writhed in ecstasy, feeling her juices bubbling within her. She eagerly sucked on Katie's finger as they shared the copious warm offering.

Katie kissed down Bella’s stomach and then slowly drew down her panties to reveal a freshly-shaven mound and very moist pussy lips glistening in the half-light. She could not help but lick her lips in anticipation.

Bella moaned as Katie kissed her way up the insides of her thighs before feeling warm breath on her pussy. Katie’s tongue flicked through her labia and against her clit. She groaned and bucked uncontrollably when Katie’s tongue invaded her pussy, going deep and sliding against her velvet walls. Bella felt Katie’s thumb rubbing her clit and it wasn’t long before she came, her body jolted by a fierce orgasm.

"I love you, Katie," she sighed.

"I love you,” Katie said with a smile. "Has anyone told you that you have a yummy pussy?"

"Aw, really? Well, I'm glad you like it because you will spend a lot of time with it. I hope so, anyway! Now, enough chit chat. It’s my turn to taste your honey, my love. I've wanted it for so long now."

With that, she turned Katie on her back and plunged towards the smooth kitty below her face. She returned the favour, giving Katie the best orgasm she’d ever had.

Sated, they fell asleep, breasts touching and their arms around each other. Bella smiled when she heard her new girlfriend purring in her arms as she fell into a deep sleep. 

Her smile widened at the thought of things to come.

A year later, Bella finally had the wedding of her dreams when she married Katie in the village church.


Author's Note: I had initially planned to enter this story into the masked story competition. But due to work commitments, I had failed to get the story published in time for the competition closing date.  Hope you all enjoyed reading this story.

Special thanks to jwren for taking his time in editing my story



Written by farmerroger
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