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Kelly's Sensuous Booking

"Young woman finds herself revealed in a raunchy book and pursues the author"

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Angrily, Kelly Harding slammed the book shut and flung it across the room. It hit the living room door before falling to the floor, open, but face down. For a few seconds Kelly stood there, silently fuming. Was she crazy? She hadn't needed to read that again?

For the hundredth time, the unspoken words howled in her head, how dare he? How dare he reveal their relationship in this way? So, what if it was fifteen years ago? Exposing her with his words, he had revealed her sexual awakening, her secret desires, her passion, and her erotic soul. The sensuousness, the sensitivity of their brief time together was opened out for the whole world to slaver over. And the whole world was no exaggeration. The book had been a massive bestseller.

More interested in law books, she had never bothered with fiction. She’d first heard about this damned book on a newspaper headline acclaiming a raunchy novel called: ‘ABOUT ELLIE.’

Then colleagues in the law firm, where she was a partner, had talked of the sexiness of the book. She had been disinterested in their excited admissions of jealousy at how the hero thrilled the heroine. Then, during the previous week, a year after the book was published, Kelly noticed it displayed in a bookshop window. And there, for the first time, she saw the author's name. Brad Sumner.

Her throat had tightened. Could it really be that Brad Sumner? One thought of as her Brad Sumner? During their short relationship, he, a raw journalist, she, struggling through law studies at York University, he had talked about becoming a novelist. His name prompted her purchase of the book and she started reading it immediately.

From the opening page, she began recognising small details, familiar names, and places. Very soon all doubts were totally removed. His female character was called Ellie. How close was that? The seductive male character was Brian, close enough. Ellie was given tawny, lioness hair. Kelly’s hair was tawny and Brad himself had once said it was 'like a lioness'. Ellie's breasts were 'just a good handful.' Exactly what Brad had said about Kelly's breasts many years earlier.

And the whole scenario of Ellie's deflowering brought it all back to Kelly. The location so accurate and the uncertain twenty-year-old virgin, watching a lusty twenty-two-year-old man strip down to a pair of bulging boxer shorts. Kelly recalled her trembling at that bulge.

Ellie trembled too, as the man, Brian, in the book, kissed her warmly, before slowly and very delicately unbuttoning her blouse.

Reading on, Kelly knew what was coming, her feelings as his eyes stroked over her naked body. It might have been embarrassing, but it wasn't. Kelly recalled how her elation was mixed in there. Brad had not detected that elation, for the book had Ellie feeling shameful. Kelly had never felt that. Nervous, yes, but she had longed to be rid of her virginity. And Brad hadn't rushed her.

Reading of how this Brian lovingly prepared Ellie for the final act, Kelly recalled how experienced Brad had been in handling her body. His touch had created sensations in her that she had never experienced, then or since.

His account of Ellie's first fingering of Brian's erection was fairly accurate. As he wrote, 'Ellie was just a little reticent,' that was true, but that reticence didn’t last long. His fingers on her clit, that had been special, for her, and apparently for Ellie.

The moment of entry involved fearing whether her small part could take his large piston. In reading that, Kelly had a little laugh as he appeared to be stressing how large he was. Kelly had subsequently seen larger, maybe not as accomplished, but larger. Her ex-husband, Larry, had been quite well endowed, but rarely lifted her to heights, she knew, could be hers.

Brad wrote that Ellie yelped with the pain of his entry, and Kelly knew that, although there had been some discomfort, she had not made a sound. But what had followed, the feel of having a cock up inside her for the first time, had been almost joyous. Ellie had experienced an ecstatic orgasm. Not quite, Kelly had thought. Her ecstasy was to come on later encounters.

At that point in her first reading, Kelly had stopped. Much of her annoyance stemmed from the fact that she had, long ago, managed to expunge most of it from her mind. Now here it was, freshened up, and back to haunt her. The thought of millions of people reading about it was maddening. She could only shrug and read on.

As she feared, Ellie's rising lascivious actions were vividly described, and Kelly cringed at being reminded of the many locations their liaisons had taken place. She and Brad had fucked wherever the opportunity presented itself, and with each consecutive occasion her own (and consequently Ellie's) behaviour became more sensuous, more demanding. And she could tell from the writing that Brad had been delighted to uncover, gradually, the many layers in her awakening libido.

Thankfully, there had been no shocked phone calls from colleagues of that time.

Yet there was something unreal in this book. The hero, Brian, was became romantically inclined to Ellie. He even went so far as saying the words, "I love you," to her. Something that Brad had never got around to with Kelly. Perhaps in writing his book it had become a dramatic ploy, and this became obvious when, in the final chapter, Ellie was killed in a tragic motor accident. Brian was left in utter devastation, and grief loaded the final pages. But was this his way of saying, "Get out of my life"?

A tear-jerker? It received little sympathy from Kelly, only something close to anger. Brad had probably made a fortune out of her sexuality. How about that? Finishing the book at two thirty in the morning, she had vowed to forget it, just as she thought she had dispelled most of the incidents reawakened in the book.

So, why, over the next few days, had she kept picking it up, and browsing? Simply, and annoyingly, it was because those forgotten times were back, alive in her mind. It was like a challenge. She read again of the night on the beach, on a blanket among the sand dunes. A warm August night, when he'd removed most of her clothes to apply his tongue to every inch of her body. God, yes, every inch! He had written that Ellie had squealed with wild abandon, and this time he had been accurate. His ministrations had lifted her to desperately exquisite heights. God, his tongue, had she forgotten that?

Another opening, and she was reliving being beautifully skewered, straddling him in his car. How annoying to read that Ellie enjoyed it.

With each random read she would throw the book down, with her annoyance raised once more, partly because of Brad's use of that time, partly because she wanted to believe that the recall was more exciting than the actual event. But she knew she was kidding herself.

Get a grip, Kelly Harding, she had scolded herself. This all happened fifteen years ago, and you have had enough sexual experience since then to eradicate it from your mind. She pulled a face. One failed marriage lasting four years, two short affairs, and a few one-night stands, with none coming close to giving her that bodily sensation that an eager twenty-year-old had revelled in. All stirred up again with the publication of this book.

Now she stood, uncertainly, staring at the book lying on the floor. The black and yellow cover hypnotised her as it lay there. What page was now lying face down? No, stop being stupid, she told herself. You're only upsetting yourself. It is all in the past. Brad came into your life, a journalist with a penchant for backing horses, a charming lover, and then he had taken off without a word. God only knew why. She had no wish to dwell on the hurt of that occasion, of finding his flat deserted. Being told by his newspaper that he was no longer in their employ, had left her in tears.

She never had the chance to tell him that her father's financial advisory work had his parents moving to London, and she was seeking a transfer to a London University to complete her law degree. Did he ever try to find her?

But there lay the book, teasing her, daring her. The damned yellow and black of the cover was like a beckoning beacon. Impetuously she picked it up and turned it to look at the open page.

Just a simple description of her parents’ house reminded her exactly what she was going to read, and her own room was even more definite. With a heaving heart she read:

"Not bad," Brian mumbled, trying to keep his head raised to view her actions. And those actions were already affecting his blood pressure, as her fingers moved back along his hefty erection, and began, it seemed, to juggle with his balls. Her face moved in close to the bulging purple head.

Will she? Her head moved slowly forward, and she gave his cock a closed lip kiss. Brian wondered whether he should tell her exactly what he wanted. But then her tongue ran right along the length of his cock in a full wet lick, before returning along the underside vein. The surprise of it had Brian thinking he might shoot.

Her lips were back at his cock head again, and they were slightly parted as she looked at it. Tentative, was she? Her tongue appeared, licking her own lips, before probing deliberately all around the head, pushing at the withdrawn foreskin. God, had she done this before?

The next second his cock had disappeared, and Ellie's mouth gaped around it. Brian found it most erotically titillating to see her cheeks bulge where his cock head pushed. Her tongue was wriggling like a trapped animal under his erection, and he risked a little push to move to the back of her throat. Her head pulled back slightly, only to push along his shaft more forcefully.

Brian felt huge in her mouth, and his scrotum, with her fingers giving it an occasional jolt, was ready to release. Should he let it happen the first time? Or might Ellie be put off totally? Without further thought, he eased her head back from him, rolled over and entered her deeply."

Kelly put the book down and thought about how he had used the word ‘cock’ quite easily. In the short time they had been together when it was mentioned it was always a ‘penis’. That time was fifteen years ago, and the passing of time showed in the use of more erotic language. Kelly had read a little porn and knew that the word ‘penis’ was rarely used.

Strange that the book should fall open at that section, for it was arguably the one section she could have little to quibble about. The mention of juggling his balls had made her smile the first time she had read it. His testicles were large, and she had not been able to get a good grip on them.

It was interesting to read of how close he had been to cumming in her mouth. That had never happened. Things closed down so fast. All finished with, she thought. Life goes on, and she went through to the lavish kitchen to prepare herself some dinner.

Two weeks later Kelly made one of her occasional Sunday dinner visits to her parent's home in Waltham Cross, near her own home in Enfield. After greeting her fondly, her mother told her, "Your father's having his usual down at the club. He'll be home soon. I'm just finishing off the veg. Go on through to the living room."

Kelly found the lavish living room spoiled by a sideboard, too old old-fashioned for the other furnishings. The bookcase was, of course stacked with books, and, as her eyes passed over it, they were suddenly drawn back, and something pinged in her chest.

A yellow and black cover! There, lying across the top of the neatly shelved other books. It couldn't be, could it? She reached for it, and sure enough—it was—

"You don't want to read that, dear." Kelly's mother had entered without her hearing.

Kelly found herself clutching the book tightly as her heart pounded in her chest. All she could dumbly ask was, "Why?"

Her mother shrugged, "I know you don't read many books. But that one is rather dirty."

Kelly almost laughed, and didn't know why, "Dirty? So how have you got it?"

"Oh, Betty Rogers loaned it to me. Said everybody was talking about it, and I should."

"And have you?"

A guilty look crossed her mother's face, "After what she'd said, I couldn't refuse. We need something to talk about. I found it rather ridiculous."

Kelly worried about what her face was showing, as defensively, she thought, 'It was part of my life, mother. It couldn't be ridiculous,' But all she could ask was, "In what way?"

"Well, the Ellie character goes from virgin to a disgustingly ardent lover in under three months."

"Is that what it's about?" Trying to sound innocent.

"Just about. Sex with an unhappy ending. Sex in every location. One place. Well, you remember your bedroom in the old house? The description was so like that."

Holding her breath, Kelly feared what might come next, but thankfully, her mother was just treating the fact as coincidence. "Daft really." She moved to the door, "I'd better check the veg."

At the door she stopped and said," You could tell that the author thought himself a real stud." At that point she turned back with a wicked grin on her face, "I'm trying to get your father to read it. You never know." And she went out laughing. "A girl can only hope."

Relieved by her mother's light-hearted treatment of the matter, Kelly replaced the book, believing that the subject was closed. But as they cleared up after the meal, and her father had retired to sleep off his session at the club, her mother said, "They're making a film of it, you know."

"Of what?"

"That book, silly."

"How do you know that?" God, exposed on film. How could they do that? Surely, any exact film would be banned.

"There's a piece in today's local paper. He has another book out, and that Ellie book had been purchased by one of the major studios."

Kelly made a big fuss of putting pans away, as she tried desperately to come to terms with what she was hearing, but her mother hadn't finished, "Oh, and he's on a promotion tour now. He's doing a signing of his new book in Enfield at Banner Books on Wednesday."

From that Sunday, Kelly could not get her mind into gear. Property law demanded concentration to detail, taking in all aspects of a case. She just could not afford to have her thinking disturbed in this way. Damn you again, Brad Sumner. Up until two weeks ago her life had been following a normal course. Now, with one step he had plunged himself back into her thinking.

In Enfield on Wednesday, was he? Out of curiosity on the Tuesday she drove past the Banner shop, and saw the poster advertising the book signing. From 2.00 pm until 4.00 pm, she read. Was she intending to go? To tell him what she thought of him, perhaps? Not a good idea, she told herself. She might scratch his eyes out. But there was that insidious curiosity, wondering what he looked like now. Fifteen years meant he would be thirty-seven. Would he still be as handsome? Would she be bothered if she let the opportunity pass?

By 3.15 pm on the following day she had her answer. It had stopped raining, as she sat sipping a latte in the cafe immediately across the road from Banner's, watching a long queue outside the shop, slowly shrink. Across the window a new poster gave the title of the new book: WELCOME TOMORROW by Brad Sumner. (author of About Ellie)

As the queue shortened, she saw, close to the shop window, a man in shirtsleeves sitting, occasionally looking up, smiling, no doubt (he'd always had a bright smile) delighting his, mainly female, followers. Kelly's irritation rose. She was not going in there. But, after a moment's hesitation, she stood and moved to the cafe door. A quick glance through the window wouldn't hurt, just to see how he had weathered, and then, curiosity satisfied, away. Incident over.

Looping her umbrella over her wrist, and dodging the afternoon traffic, she quickly crossed the road. Slowing, she approached the window. There he sat. Brad Sumner, the famous author. Not the boyish, fresh-faced young man, who had opened out her womanhood, before deserting her. No, sitting there, all relaxed, self-confident, his face darker, a more mature set to the mouth, but infuriatingly, more deeply handsome, was the man who had recently plunged her into angry despair.

No, Kelly, don't dwell on it, leave now. As she swung away, the umbrella accidentally hit against the window with a gentle rap. Heads turned, and for the briefest of moments his eyes were locked onto hers. She continued her move away, with her breath now caught up in her throat. Had he seen her? Recognised her?

The voice calling out from behind her, soon answered that question. "Kelly?" It was a half call, containing an element of uncertainty.

Closing her eyes, as she stopped walking, realising that there was no escape but to face him. She turned, as he caught up with her. God, he was so much more mature than the man she had given herself to.

His smile looked genuine, his eyes wide and glowing as he looked at her his whole face a mask of surprise. "It is you. I didn't know if it was. I didn't expect it. God, Kelly, you look fantastic."

Kelly tried to summon up all the pain and confusion she had felt fifteen years ago and mingled it with the anger that his book had aroused in her. The fusion would not evolve. All traffic noise stopped as she looked into his open face. Visions she'd had of screaming obscenities at him just would not happen. In a croaking voice she could only manage a cool, "Hello, Brad."

He raised his hands as though to place them on her shoulders, and she backed away. "Hell, it's so wonderful to see you," he enthused, lowering his hands. "I have so much to tell you."

"About your success?" How was she managing to keep her voice so cool?

"No, no. Not that. About, oh, everything. There's so much. I knew this would be difficult. Can we-?"

Kelly could not believe it. There he stood, all mature and good- looking, a man of some standing now. Yet he was sounding like that youthful lover from fifteen years ago, only more confused and uncertain.

His eyes searched her face, as though seeking some encouragement. Well, she wasn't going to give him that, and she remained silent as she returned his gaze with what, she hoped, was disinterest.

He broke the awkward silence by asking, "You married?"


"It didn't work out?" Why hadn't she just lied and given him no opening? He looked back at the shop window. Several puzzled faces were lined up, looking out at them. "Hell, I have to get back in there, but there is so much you should know. So much you deserve to know. Could we meet this evening?"

In a hurry, wasn't he? But, yes, she did deserve to know a few things. Yet she didn’t want to make things easy for him. "You not married?"

"Never have."

A lie? Maybe. Probably too many women to conquer. So why had that news given her a lift. Control, Kelly, she warned herself. Remember who this is and what he has done to you.

"Could we meet?" he asked again. "Somewhere local if you like."

Kelly hesitated, telling herself that her response had to be unconvincing and without any eagerness. "There's the Dante, just along the road there." And she indicated the green sign jutting out about two hundred yards on the other side of the street.

Brad gave an anxious glance back at the shop before saying, "Fine. Seven thirty, say."

Kelly nodded, and he bid her a hasty farewell and hurried back to the shop. Feeling slightly numb, Kelly used her cell phone to check with the office, and when told that there was nothing outstanding, she made her way home, deep in thought.

That deep thinking lasted into early evening and she decided to wear something formal, and give no alluring hints. A white blouse with a black skirt, her working clothes. But where had her vengeful intentions gone? Lost. Seeing him again had produced that so well remembered churning deep inside her. The evening had to put things into perspective.

Their last night together had a small corner in her memory. His book told of Brian’s use of fingers, lips and tongue to bring Ellie to a wonderful climax. But, in reality, Kelly vaguely recalled that his cock had never seemed fully erect, and all evening he had been rather remote, worried almost. He had insisted everything was all right. Having intended to inform him of her family's imminent movement down to London, she had decided to withhold that information for a more suitable occasion. Such an opportunity never occurred.

Deliberately, she arrived at the Dante at seven thirty-five. She had put a short dark jacket over her blouse and was trying hard to build up a little more aggression than she had shown so far.

Brad, in a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt and dark tie, was already at a table. She returned his warm greeting with a low-key response and told herself that was the way to handle this.

When she was seated, he said, "Do you mind if we order and eat before I go into explanation mode?"

His brown eyes lowered very briefly to the swell of her white blouse, before returning to her face. Get your mind off that track, Mr Sumner, no chance. But in answer to his question, she said, "It might be a good idea."


Very purposefully she said, "One only, small white wine."

A half smile crossed his lips, and she wondered what he was thinking. However, they went ahead and ordered the meal, both choosing pork steaks in a rich sweet chilli and tomato sauce.

While they waited, the talk was all small, the films they had seen, holidays they had been on. He asked how long she had been married, and she told him. He nodded and looked away. Kelly was about to ask tactfully about his unmarried state, when the food arrived.

They ate in silence for a while, only stopping to agree that the food was excellent. With coffee in front of them, Brad sat back, and fixed Kelly with a steady gaze. Reading her mind, maybe. Oh, you don't want to know what's going on up there, Brad, you might get hurt, she thought.

She looked at him questioningly. Brad loosened his tie and leaned forward, "Confession time? Or is it explanation time?" he asked, his eyes holding hers.

"Words shouldn't be too difficult for somehow who's written two books."

"Actually, I've written three."

"Three?" That was a surprise.

He shrugged, "The first one was called, "Memory of a Loser." And if you had read it you would already know why I dropped out of your life--out of my own life, come to that."

He took a sip of his coffee, before saying, "You know how I liked backing horses?"

Frowning, she nodded. She had never paid much heed when he talked about his gambling. It had always seemed low key stuff.

"Not about that, is it?" Kelly said, trying to put some irritation into her voice, to show her annoyance. But from that moment she could only sit dumbstruck, as he told his story. Apparently, he had hit, what he called ‘a losing streak,’ on the horses in July of 1997, followed by an equally bad August, leading him to borrow one thousand pounds from a rather dubious source.

At this point he gave her, what she once called, his ‘little boy lost look’. He had been was unable to repay his debt, and this ‘dubious source’ became more dubious as threatening messages ensued. Then, on the day of their last date, he received a ‘tomorrow or else’ threat. The following evening two sinister looking black limousines pulled up across the road from his flat.

Brad claimed that he hardly had time to think. He had hastily packed a bag, and drove away blindly, not knowing at first where he was headed. Eventually, because he had some ability with spoken French, the continent seemed to be the safest haven. His early efforts to contact Kelly failed, and by the following day he was in Normandy.

"Betting money and living money were always two different pots,” he explained. An estate agent sold his flat but told him it had been badly trashed and he had to take a lower price. "Honestly, Kelly, I was a helpless immature kid, really. When I contacted York University, I was told you were no longer there."

His three year stay in France, was financed by writing and selling articles and some occasional stories to French and English magazines. Then in March of '98 he took a massive risk, his final gamble. A horse race so big it got publicity in France. Brad could not resist a Gold Cup race in which a horse called Cool Dawn was listed.

Brad had read about it pulling up in its last race after two wins. He learned it had had some minor injury to his back. But was fit again. Brad risked a hundred pounds on him at 28-1. Crazy? Yes. Desperate? Definitely. But the horse won and Brad had near three thousand pounds."

He told a stunned Kelly about coming home, paying off his debts, and joining a local newspaper. Another desperate search for her brought no luck.

Kelly took a sip of her coffee and told him that if it was three years then she had become Mrs Harding in that same year. So, he would have been searching for the wrong name. Still, thinking how stupid he had been, she was slightly mollified by his reason for disappearing. She asked, "But you never married. A happy bachelor, were you?."

"If you like. That's the way it would seem. But happy? You may not believe it, but I never found what I'd lost when I lost you." His eyes looked so wide and honest, she felt a strange eagerness to believe him. But was this his new playboy gambit? Plus, there was still one matter that had to be raised.

"So, to get at me you wrote this ‘About Ellie' book. Have you any idea how I felt in recognising all those incidents."

There was a half-smile on his face as he said, "I didn't write about all of them."

"And I should be grateful for that?"

"But I only wrote it in hoping that you might read it. I guessed it might make you angry, but if if you then sought me out to shoot me, at least I would have found you."

Kelly's hand on her cup shook and she didn't attempt to pick it up. "You expect me to believe that you wrote that book just to find me?"

Brad's face appeared to crumble at her disbelief, "I never thought it would be the hit it has become. And thought it a failure when, despite its success, it didn’t ensure your appearance. And it is such a beautiful appearance."

"Never mind the flattery," Kelly snorted, but not feeling so sure of herself anymore.

"Listen, Kelly," Brad pleaded, leaning across the table towards her, "I started writing that book, nearly two years ago. That's, thirteen years since we last met."

"So what?"

"Would you have remembered all those intimate incidents we shared, if you hadn't been reminded by my book."

"Maybe," Kelly replied reluctantly, trying to avoid the truth in what he said.

"But I remembered, and I had no book to remind me—only sweet memories."

Something clutched at Kelly's heart, and there was a sensation lower down that she wished to ignore. Yet she was determined not to make things that easy for him. Yes, he looked so good, and she so wanted it to be right. "I must go now. I have a case to work on for tomorrow."

"Please say we can meet again." Brad said, and something in his eyes, suggested his plea was genuine, that 'little boy lost' look.

"That might be all right," she said, being non-committal.

"Have you a cell-phone?”

"Of course."

Within seconds they were exchanging contact numbers, and once again his eyes held hers, "If only we'd had these contraptions back then." He pushed his phone into a jacket pocket, "I'm sorry I can't fix a definite date, but I'm all over the place at the moment."

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They walked outside and stood beside her Honda Civic. The evening air was pleasantly warm, and for a moment Kelly wondered whether he would try to kiss her. The atmosphere was so right for it. But he briefly touched her shoulder, as he turned away, "I promise you'll hear from me tomorrow." He turned back, "Thank you for letting me talk.”

Those eyes, that full, generous mouth. Damn him, for making her feel unsure of herself. Kelly climbed into her car and sat watching, as he strode to a dark coloured upmarket model. When he had disappeared into the dark inside the car, she drove away.

For the rest of the night, and into the following day she was comparing her state of mind before the meal, with how she felt after his revelations. More than anything she was annoyed at the easy way he had recalled those incidents—"I had no book to remind me." Lying in bed that night she found herself rising to the challenge of recalling something that he had not put into the book

Remembering one episode gave Kelly some satisfaction, but at the same time it was reminding her of just why recall had been so difficult. After Brad's disappearance, she had slowly, unwillingly yet deliberately, tried to shut her whole time with him out of her mind. Only that book had reopened long locked cupboards of her mind.

How long would she have to wait for his phone call? Of course, she had his number, but calling him might show an unwarranted degree of desperation. Come on Kelly, you know you want to see him again. The flame was not totally dead and had been revived by what he had told her.

The call came at 3.15 the following afternoon. Kelly had just come out of a meeting, when her phone buzzed. She had taken several calls all day, all business, so she did not hold out much hope when she looked at the screen, and her heart bumped her ribs when she saw the name 'Brad'.

"Sorry I'm late." His voice sounded deeper over the phone. "Look, I have two tickets for 'The Jersey Boys' at the Prince Edward Theatre. Like to share?"

Would she? Kelly knew her intended iceberg approach had almost melted. She had moved so rapidly, from damning Brad to yes, longing to have his arms around her—and more than that. His phone voice alone set her juices flowing. .

The theatre evening went so well. After a sumptuous meal, they found the show exuberant and foot tapping. It was as they stepped out into the drizzly evening air that he asked, "Would you like to see my London apartment?"

Here it came, the moment of truth, perhaps. But a weak sensibility prevailed as she told him, "Perhaps not a good idea. Not yet."

His smile was warm, and showed no disappointment as he said, "Do you have your car somewhere near?"

She told him as on work days, she commuted into the city every day. "Too much hassle on the roads in."

"But riding the tube at this time of night. Too many dodgy characters."

"I've done it a few times," Kelly replied, but admitted to herself that late-night travel made her uneasy.

"Please, let me get a cab."

"I couldn't—"

He took hold of her hands, "Let me, please. Having found you I don't want to risk-" He leaned forward and planted a swift kiss on her forehead. "—anything happening to you."

"Like happened to Ellie?" she quipped, and immediately regretted it, as his face fell. So, she relented, and he hailed a cab for her. He went around to pay the driver, and when he returned, he said, "Fixed. I'll call you tomorrow. And, Kelly—" His eyes were warm on hers, "—I'm so pleased you refused my flat offer earlier. You were right."

Kelly's head was in a whirl. Surely it couldn't be this straightforward? The touch of his hands on hers, the gesture of that kiss on her forehead, his declaration of worrying about her, all of these things, plus the sheer pleasure of his company were completely breaking down her resistance. More than ever the desire to have him holding her intimately once again was overwhelming.

By the time of their third date she knew what the next step had to be. In their earlier relationship every move they made, from the taking of her virginity to their last night together, had been instigated by Brad. Kelly was determined that this time any progress would be of her volition.

That third date was very simple. A meal, a stroll, and much laughter enjoyed with more intimate conversation. More intimate with regard to the subject matter, her marriage. Brad winced to learn that his return had been a one month too late. Fate. He told her of his longest affair, lasting a dull two years, alongside various one night stands. After the excellent meal of spiced lamb, as they strolled along the busy South Bank, and Kelly felt Brad's hand close around hers, that more details were revealed.

"Larry was always most concerned about his own pleasures," Kelly admitted. "And I was sure that there were other women."

"He must have been crazy"

Kelly appreciated that comment, and thrilled when he added, "No one gave me the buzz that I got from you."

Feeling much bolder, she then asked him, "How long is it since your last -er—encounter?"

His lips twisted as he thought about that, "Oh, it must be four or five months. You?"

She told him, honestly, "About a year." Even as she said it, she was thinking, 'Is it any wonder I'm desperate to be in his arms again?"

For this evening her father had told her that he would be in the city, and said he would give her a lift home, if she was on Westminster Bridge at 10.30. At 10.20 they stood and exchanged warm kisses under the bridge.

"Feels good," Kelly murmured breathlessly, and Brad agreed, his hand lingering on the side of her left breast. Kelly was half-tempted to twist her body to move his hand across. Burying the thought, she said quickly, "Before I go, can I ask you if you'd fancy risking my cooking on Saturday?"

"Not my apartment?" He knows we're not far off something, Kelly thought.

"I want to be on home ground," she said with a grin. “Seven, say?”

"Certainly, sounds appealing--but--"

"But?" she asked anxiously, 'buts' were always ominous.

A smile creased his face. "I'll need to know your address."

They laughed together and kissed once more before going up to see her father.

Driving homewards her father commented, "Seems like a presentable sort of bloke. An author, you say?"

"Yes," Kelly said, and suddenly wondered whether her mother might link the events in the book to her daughter. It was a risk Kelly would have to take.

Saturday seemed that it would never come, and when it did arrive, each hour dragged interminably. This, despite keeping herself busy, by shopping, preparing the meal; lasagne, backed by a Greek salad, and minted baby potatoes. Mid-afternoon, she took a long hot shower, and spent ages on her hair, which, she hoped would be wildly mussed later.

For this evening, she was determined to be Madam Seductress. Choosing to wear a summer dress of thin pastel blue cotton that buttoned up the front, and when she unfastened that top button, she felt that the exact required effect was achieved. Kelly thought of how much she was wanting him. Blame hormones, libido, whatever, the evening had to be a mutual pleasuring.

When everything was done, food cooked, table set, Kelly wished the minutes away. A sudden after-thought had her dashing upstairs to place that black and yellow-backed book on the bedside table. Why? She had no idea.

At five to seven, a large dark car pulled up at her gate, and within seconds she was watching Brad, in open-necked green shirt, his jacket slung casually over his shoulder, striding towards her front door. He was clutching a bouquet in his other hand.

Breathless, she hurried to open the door. Brad stood there looking, for all the world, like some advertising model for men's products. Having his eyes scanning over her, thrilled Kelly, as she took the offered bunch of yellow roses from him.

"Kelly, you look—so—beautiful." He shook his head, "Is that a corny word?"

"It'll do," she said, and as he spread his arms to envelope her, she moved towards him eagerly. They stood there clinging together, and for Kelly it signalled a farewell to time lost.

Standing back, Kelly asked, "Hungry?"

"Very," he said, so fervently, that she knew it wasn't just the food that was on his mind.

Kelly led him into the dining room, and Brad remarked, "Your house is lovely."

"My part of the settlement," she told him.

The meal went well, and Brad was quick to praise her cooking.

From across the table, Kelly gave him what she hoped was a lascivious smile, "I'll bet a good meal is all you came for."

"Wrong," he said, and the look he returned was equally bold as he stated frankly, "What I hoped to gain was access to something that I have been deprived of for fifteen years."

Eyes locked together for only a moment, they were both out of their chairs, and stumbling to crash against each other at the end of the table. Their lips meshed and their tongues tangled. Kelly was aware of Brad's hands stroking her bare arms and shoulders, as her own hands rode up and down his back. Kelly, almost lost in the power of their kiss, was very aware of his hardness against her belly, and her increased moistening.

Longing for a conclusion, she found the strength to pull away, and whisper huskily, "Should we try to make it upstairs?"

His head nodded as he smiled at her, and said, "If we can slow things down."

"If,” she agreed, as, arms about each other they mounted the stairs. As they climbed, she could not resist making the comparison. "Not that many days ago, I was hating you."

"I'm not surprised. You might not believe me, but it was terribly hard to write that book"

They had reached the landing and Kelly pushed open the second door. "There are two bedrooms with en suite," she told him as they moved through the doorway. "This one has no ghosts in it."

"Home ground," he observed, with a wide smile. "Slow and easy."

His hands immediately began working on the buttons of her dress, while she, feeling that the heat of a few minutes ago had eased just a little, unfastened his shirt. As one, they shrugged the garments away. Her bra disappeared, and Brad's eyes were gentle laser beams on her breasts. He hadn't touched her, yet his eyes on her had set small flares sparking throughout her body, as she fiddled with the buckle of his belt.

Brad reached for the elastic of her panties. His fingers had to touch the skin of her hips and belly to ease them down. Kelly's moistness down there was unbearable. Already she wanted that fifteen-year delayed entry, as she pulled at his pants and shorts together.

And there they were, naked, as they had been so often, and so long ago. Brad's chest was more muscular than she remembered, and his erection appeared bigger than she expected.

"Kelly," he said quietly, making the first solid physical contact, by clutching her shoulders, "this may seem rapid but please understand my frustration." With that, Kelly found herself being turned and lowered back onto the bed, and almost in the same motion he was over her, and his solid cock was ploughing up into her hot wetness.

His lips came down on hers, and his kiss, like the movement of his cock inside her, had a note of desperation about it. Yet, despite his ungentlemanly haste, Kelly could not stop herself from responding madly to his pelvic thrusts and to the searching of his tongue. Only seconds, and she felt him cumming inside her. He broke the kiss to heave himself deeper into her, as he grunted, gasped and tried to mouth what sounded like words of gratitude.

Kelly knew she should be feeling used, but what had just happened, although she had not reached full climax, had filled her with a surprising gladness. Brad was here in her arms, and she just knew there was more and better to come. She was telling herself, that she had accepted this because Brad needed it. The consolation was that she, and only she, was his need.

He rolled to one side and Kelly was aware of his flaccid wetness sliding over her thigh. "I hope you can forgive my haste. I actually feared at one point that I would cum before I could get inside you. Just looking at you, your wonderful body, set me throbbing."

"Nothing to forgive, Brad. And it was good for me, too." Kelly knew only the truth would work between them now. "Maybe I was a little surprised at your speed. You always had such good control."

He sat up and his honest face looked down at her, "But it has been a long frustration," he told her. "Fifteen years without an adequate response. Without the only one I've ever wanted."

Kelly reached up and drew his face down to hers and they kissed long and gently. When they broke, he said, "I want to make it all up to you. Go and get a shower and I'll make you an offer you can't refuse."

What a strange request! Laughing she sat up, "Will my taking a shower make a difference?"

Half laughing, he pulled a mock-disgusted face, and gave her a gentle nudge, "Away with you. I can't stand sweaty women."

"And what about sweaty men?"

"After you."

She went and showered thoroughly, wondering what he had in mind, with that offer she couldn't refuse? Out and dried, she splashed some perfumed lotion over her skin before returning to find him standing, as naked as some ancient Greek athlete. He held her briefly at arm's length and said, "Don't let this sweaty man, soil you. God, you smell delicious, as well as looking wonderful." Then he was gone and within seconds she heard the shower hissing.

Kelly lay with her head against the padded headboard, and within five minutes, he was back, cool and looking so in charge as he kneeled alongside her, his cock, Kelly noticed, already half raised.

"Now, what was this offer that I can't refuse," she asked teasingly.

"What I'm offering is this," he said, and he brought his face close to hers as he asked. "Do you remember what I did when we had that session on a blanket on the beach?"

Inside, Kelly was trembling with expectation, but decided to play along with this game. "On the beach? Oh, dear, it was fifteen years ago. Did you skinny dip? No, not that. Did you pretend to be Donald Duck? No, it wasn't that"

Brad shook his head in exasperation and reached towards the bedside table where the book lay. "God, I'll have to read it out to you."

Laughing, Kelly grabbed his arm, "I know exactly what you did. Although it took the book to remind me."

"You forgot? Really?"

This was not the time to afford him any hurt, so she said, "Only some of the details are important."

"So? Want to refuse?"

Still in a slightly teasing mood, Kelly slid down the bed, "Not if you promise to take me as high as Ellie in the book."

Brad shook his head in despair, but then kissed her warmly, and his left hand slid over and around her right breast. That one movement started an extra small spark deep inside her. Their tongues favoured each other for a long time before, his lips moved over her eyes, to the side of her head, and his tongue tickled inside her ear, making Kelly jerk with some delight.

Brad's lips moved down the side of her neck, and back again, repeating the action so that Kelly's face tingled. Tongue and lips caressed over her shoulders, along her collar bone, and the sensuous promise mounted as Brad brought his tongue trailing down onto her breasts, while his hand moved away downwards, stroking over her belly. Kelly was sure she would melt in the fire of the sensations he evoked.

That hand sliding across and around her belly, a circling of electronic delight, so that her senses, given his tongue and lips sucking over her nipples, were in a tangle. Threads of electric impulse were attached from those points to her ever-dampening passage, and that moisture waited to lubricate his penetration.

Moving lower, his hand stroked over her mound, riffling through her bush, dipping into the beginning of the groove. Kelly's breathing quickened. Longing to have her hands on him, she could only ruffle his hair as his head remained near her breasts. His erection, where she longed to reciprocate some of this pleasure, was way out of reach. But she knew, as her brain threw up the long locked away memory of the beach incident, that she was set to simply succumb to Brad's attention.

Briefly, his lips left her breasts and his mouth came up to kiss her warmly, as he murmured, "Thank you, Kelly."

Kelly was panting, and wondering how he could be thanking her, when it was she who was taking all the pleasure. His hand moved out along her upper thigh, and instinctively, her thighs parted, and the hand smoothed over the delicate skin there. Knee to crotch, and back again. Over and over, and on each upward caress, the edge of his hand touched her moist lips more deeply, until, on one stroke, his hand remained pressed against them, and fingers curled gently into her wetness, and Kelly heard herself gasp at the sheer expectation of what was so near.

By now, her whole feminine channel was pulsing for satisfaction, and when his fingers moved directly onto her clit, she couldn't prevent her lower body from wriggling against his hand. She was aflame with his touch, yet knew there was a greater ecstasy to come, as his mouth left her breasts and licked and kissed down over her belly, as Brad slipped his body further down the bed. He was positioned for what was a magical exchange.

Without any warning, his fingers left her clit, and both hands moved up to clutch her breasts, to be immediately replaced by his face, his lips and tongue, burrowing into her wetness. His tongue ploughed around her entry before settling onto her erect clit.

Kelly found herself on the edge of something beyond exquisite. Her hips heaved against his face, as one of his hands left her breast and returned down to finger at her opening. The hand spread, so that, while one finger was entering her, the other stealthily moved back to cover and poke at her anus.

It was a sensation that Kelly had never known before. Her whole body screamed for fulfilment. She had become a lift shaft that had to be filled, her anus squeezed around his finger. This body of hers was no longer in her control. Sensations were pouring in, and nerve ends were straining. Desperately, she managed a bleating, ""Oh, Brad—Brad," as her climax started.

As though awaiting her call, Brad slid quickly up and over her body to feed his pounding cock, hot and strong, into the desperately hungry entry. And that hot rod, rushing up Kelly's eager shaft, was immense, filling her in the way she had craved for so long. Brad's erection must have struck at her cervix on his every thrust, but when he withdrew, each time, she crazily reached down between their compressed bellies, just to touch the hardness of him.

She was in a frenzied orgasmic state for a long time, it seemed, as Brad thrust up into her time and again, each thrust more powerful, more mind-blowing than the one before. Then he gave a final massive heave lifting her buttocks clear of the bed, and with a sense of joy she knew that he was ejaculating, pulse after pulse after pulse.

Both panting, and breathless they lay calming, and Kelly was only sorry to feel Brad limply slip out of her.

"That was—" she began.

"Quite nice?" he queried, his perspiring face grinning down at her.

She punched his arm lightly, "You know what it was."

"Did I please you?"

"You mean you couldn't tell?" And they laughed together.

Brad rolled off her and they lay silent for a moment. Kelly couldn't help thinking of how they had lost fifteen years of this magic, but now she so desperately needed to know that this would go on.

"Better than when it happened on the beach?" Brad asked lightly.

"I had forgotten the details of most things. So, yes, it had to be."

"You really forgot?"

Time for honesty. "Deliberately, Brad. I had to banish those lovely memories, or I might have killed myself."

"I'm sorry, Kelly. Really, I'm so sorry."

He put his hand over hers, and it was comforting. "Your book brought so much of it back to me."

"It was meant to."

A sudden thought struck her, "There was something we did that wasn't in the book. Do you remember what that might have been?" she asked mischievously, sitting up and looking down at him.

"There were a few things," he said doubtfully.

"Think we should clean up?" she said, sliding off the bed. "Then it might come back to you." She hurried into the bathroom, sensing Brad following close behind her. As soon as she turned on the taps to fill the bath, she whispered over her shoulder, “This ring any bells?”.

His head began to nod, "Vaguely. Two in a bath. Much splashing."

Pleased that he hadn’t forgotten, she fed his memory, “We’d walked for miles on a hot day.”

Brad’s hands rested on her shoulders and drew her back against him. His rising cock stroked her buttocks as he said, “You turned on the bath, just like this.”

Without further hesitation, he climbed in and settled in the water, “Lovely. You want some?”

As she climbed in after him, she noticed the purple tip of his cock pointing just above the water, "He looks expectant," she laughed.

"Doesn't know what he might find under the water," he returned her laughter.

"There's a plug-hole he might find accommodating."

"No, there'll be something better than that," he affirmed, and as she settled in front of him, she jerked as his fingers passed over her slit. God, just as it had been all those years ago.

Avidly, they soaped each other's bodies intimately. His hands on her breasts felt exquisite, and she knew that the moisture between her legs was not just bathwater. Kelly leaned back and looked down. That purple tip was showing but looked more determined as it pushed up through the surface. "Save me," she cried. "Is it a whale or a torpedo?

His cock was no longer semi-erect, as her fingers smoothed over and around it, while his fingers reached to probe and find her clit. Pure liquid heaven.

"You better test, before it goes into action." His eyes glowed with passion, as Kelly leaned forward and down to place her lips on the purple, shiny head, and her tongue tip tickled at it, bringing a prolonged, "Aaah," from Brad's lips.

Then Brad reached for her hips to draw her closer. After much giggling and splashing, as they struggled to get their legs into a comfortable position his cock slid so smoothly up into her eager channel. They sat there, joined at the crotch, but she leaned the rest of her body away from him so that he was able to pass his hands down over her breasts, and onto her clit. It only took a minute of that kind of stimulus, for her to be heaving and gasping, her frantic reactions bringing him to a rapid climax.

For Kelly it was total. She wanted that ecstatic surrender to go on and on, and as they heaved wildly together the bathwater splashed over the edge of the bath.

They relaxed, Kelly struggled to turn her glowing body so that she was lying with her back against Brad's chest, and she felt the thudding of his heart, while his arms wrapped around her, hands clutching her breasts.

As she lay totally contented with her back against him, she wondered whether she dared ask a leading question. Or was it too early? Damn it, no, they had waited fifteen years. "Brad, in your book do you remember the three words that Brian said to Ellie?"

"I love you."

"Yes, you guessed it."

"That wasn't a guess, Kelly. That was my honest statement to you." And his hands smoothed warmly over her breasts

Her heart leaped as she twisted her head around to face him. He bent forward to place a gentle kiss on her lips. "Kelly, I have loved you from day one. And it has taken fifteen years for me to be able to tell you. These last few days with you only confirmed it."

The pounding in her chest almost had her in tears of joy. Kelly turned her whole body to face him, "I want to be with you for always," she whispered. "Now I would think you'll need some rest."

Nevertheless, they dried, mopped up the floor, went to lie side by side on the bed, their hands clasped together. Kelly was feeling so good, so enriched, and so comfortable. She snuggled against Brad’s naked body.

She awoke suddenly. No light showed on the curtains. Sleep had come upon them so unexpectedly. Beside her a soft burring noise came from between Brad's lips. Kelly sat up, and her hand smoothed over his hairless chest. His cock lay limp across his thigh, and she moved her hand down to touch it gently. His body twitched.

Knowing what she wanted, given the way he had said those three words earlier, she allowed her fingers to smooth back and forward along his soft organ. Her lips moved over his chest, and as her fingers continued their stroking, she saw that power was being restored. So much so that she was soon able to wrap her fingers around his semi-erect member. Brad moaned, moved, and his head raised, "Kelly, you are playing with fire."

"Oh, good. I'll be a fire eater." And she moved her mouth down to kiss and lick along his length.

"You don't have to, you know."

From having her lips on his hardness, she said, "Don't interrupt, please, I'm working."

Brad's cock was nearly fully erect, and as she licked around the purple head, she was pleased to glance up and see that his head had fallen back on the pillow as though in surrender. That was what she wanted it to be for him, sweet surrender.

She gobbled with open mouth along his length, stopping briefly to nuzzle at his balls, just as large as she recalled. Then, sweeping her mouth back up she enveloped his iron hard cock completely in her mouth, wrapping her tongue over it, and pressing the head into her cheek. It was a return to that time once more, but she intended it to be more. Having her tongue acting as a mattress for his erection, she rode her lips back and forth along it, taking it right to the back of her throat.

Repeating the movement a few times, she sensed Brad reaching for her, but she stayed focused, and began a strong, true, sucking action. Hearing his impassioned groan was an added delight. She sensed the throbbing as her lips moved along it, and her cheeks and tongue drew at the hardness of it.

There were involuntary thrusts from Brad's hips, and Kelly heard his moans, and gasps. Her hands fondled his balls, while she sucked madly at what felt to be a swelling organ. His twitching and his vocals told her that he was close, and she knew he would try to withdraw from her, so she put her hand up to stop him pulling at her head.

"But, Kelly, I'm going to--I'm cumming. Kelly—"

Overwhelmed with the joy of what she was able to do for him, she drew back slightly, before clasping her lips tighter around the pulsing barrel of his erection.She plunged her face forward so that her lips were touching his pubic hair. His cock head struck against the back of her throat and she feared she might gag, but that final movement had taken him, and with his yell, Kelly was overjoyed at the warm wetness of his cum pouring into her throat. She swallowed it eagerly, fondly.

They lay quietly for a long while, with Brad nuzzling at her, while he whispered his gratitude for what she had done for him. Then, slowly, almost secretly, they began again. Now, it was slow and easy. A gradual hardening, a quiet moistening. Touches, licks. Agreed early entry, and tender thrust and heave. Kelly felt herself lost in a dream-world of lascivious pleasure. Then it was all quickening, all gasping and groaning and Kelly knew the sheer ecstasy of Brad’s cock releasing into her, into her womb, into her heart, and into the rest of her life.






Written by redwriter34
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