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Judo - The Gentle Way

"From Zero to Hero"

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Competition Entry: Sporty Sex Stories
Light forced itself behind my eyelids as I woke up with a groan. My head ached and my mouth tasted as if it was a stale ashtray. Reaching out to my side, I found the bed was empty. Vague memories of a floozy blond I had picked up in a bar came back to me.

I swung my legs out of bed and went to splash water on my face. The image that stared back at me from the mirror looked like hell.

“Well, another day in paradise,” I thought to myself.

Two years … It had been two years since my wife, my partner, my one and only love had died of cancer. Two years since I had begun my slide into this pit of self-hatred and despondency. When Karin had passed away, it was as if part of me had died with her.

I let myself go. I no longer trained, no longer taught, and no longer gave a damn. I looked at the picture of Karin on the dresser and felt my eyes water.

In my mind, I heard her voice, “Mike why are you doing this to yourself? I will always be here, darling. You, who were so proud, so confident, and tough. Why are you acting this way? You were always a fighter. Just go out and fight.”

Once I had the most successful martial arts academy on the east coast. Today it barely survived. I had trained dozens of champions and hundreds of black belts. But, today I barely made ends meet teaching the local ghetto kids. Once I was a champion. Now, I wasn’t even a fighter.

I went downstairs to the practice hall below my apartment, and looked at the exercise equipment. I hadn't used it for months. With Karin’s words still ringing in my ears, I picked up a barbell and grunted my way through ten repetitions of my usual routine. I felt exhausted and discouraged. In the past, I could have kept it up for hours.

“Don’t give up, my love. It’s a start.”

My Saturday Judokas class was dribbling into the practice area. They ranged in age from twelve to fifteen and were here probably because they had dreams of being able to defend themselves from the other toughs out on the streets.

Most of them looked like good kids, but they weren’t the one’s I wanted to train. They were keen to learn and I would do my best for them. However, I could see that few showed the determination and grit it would take to go to the next level. I led them through the usual warm up, and practice routine, and then watched them spar. They still thought with their muscles and showed no finesse.

When that session ended, I prepared for my next class, a girl’s self-defense class. This was an older group that ranged in age from sixteen to twenty-four.

As they trickled in, I noticed a young woman who appeared to be around twenty. She was examining the trophy cases and picture boards. Approaching her, I asked if I could help her.

She gave me a sweet smile and asked, “Would you mind if I sit here and watch your class?”

Pointing at a row of chairs next to the back wall I answered, “Please, be my guest.”

When the class finished and my students trooped out, she stood and approached me.

“Hi, I’m Mike, did you find this session interesting?”

She looked me in the eye and said, “Mike, to tell you the truth, I thought it was a bullshit session.”

“Yeah, they aren’t very good are they?”

Without flinching, she answered, “ No, they were fine. It was the instruction which stank.”

I felt my temper rise. Who was she to tell me my instruction stank?

“Who the fuck are you to tell me that my instruction stinks. Did you come to insult me? If that’s the case, you can just get the fuck out.”

“No, I came to ask you a favor,” she replied with a soft smile.

“You want a favor after saying what you just said?”

Again, she offered the soft smile. “Yes, I do. I want you to train me.”

I burst out laughing. “Who are you? If I stink why would you want me to train you?”

“My name is, Marcy,” she answered. “I’m a third-degree black belt. You used to be the best trainer around. I can see that you're not what you were, but I feel that you can coach me to win.”

“How’d you get to be a third degree if you aren’t already a winner?”

“Runner up more times than you can imagine,” She said with a rueful smile.

“Do it Mike. Do it, you need this. Take up her challenge,” Karin whispered to me.

“You just called me a has-been and you want me to coach you. What makes you think I would want to do that?”

“Just look at yourself,” she said seriously. “Would you have led a session unshaved, unwashed and smelling of stale booze in the past? Everyone knows about your wife and how she died right after winning the nationals. That was over two years ago.”

Marcy frowned as her eyes ran over him from head to toe. “Are you proud of what you are now? Would she be proud of you? I believe you still have the genius and talent hidden under that shell you built. I need to believe that. So what do you say?”

“Mike she’s right. Listen to her.” I heard Karin say.

Standing still, I took in this young woman who spoke to me so frankly. “Well, first let’s find out if you have what it takes to be trained? Do you have your equipment?”

“Sure. Never leave home without it,” she answered.

“The dressing room is over there. Get changed.”

When she joined me on the mat, I led her through a warm up and then asked her to show me her five favorite moves. Her execution was faultless. Then we sparred for about ten minutes. Again, she showed great skill, but really no understanding of what I felt Judo was.

“Okay let’s take a break,” I said feeling winded.

“Well, what do you think? Do I meet your highness's exalted standards?”

“Sit!” I demanded pointing at the mat. “How do you want it? Sweet or hard?”

“I can take the truth. Just tell me.”

“What was your name again? Oh yeah, Marcy. Marcy, you have all the basic skills down pat. But when you start to spar, you have all the grace of a cow on skates. You fight with your brawn and not with your brain. You think you can overpower an opponent. That’s why you aren't winning and will only win against weaker opponents. Sorry, but that’s what I see.”

She was sitting on the mat facing me and I could see tears forming in her eyes. For the first time, I looked at her as a woman. My heart gave a lurch as I realized she looked so much like Karin at that age. The expression did it. Her hair color and eye color were different, but the expression and her figure were so similar they could have been sisters.

She had copper red hair that was up in a ponytail. Her eyes were large and bright green. Her lips were sensuous and full. She was simply adorable. From what I had seen of her, she seemed to have long legs and tiny breasts, but who knows with Judo suits.

“Down boy. Behave. She might be a student. You know the rules … never with students.”

“Karin stop peeking into my head. I never intended to break the rules.”

“Yeah, tell that to somebody else. I know that look.”

“So Mike, I'm hopeless? Is that what you are telling me?”

“I said no such thing,” I said honestly. “There’s just a lot of work for you to do.”

“Will you coach me then?”

“Yes, but there are rules you will have to follow.”

“Like what?” she asked.

“Are you ready to do exactly what I tell you to do?”

“Yes.” She nodded and gave me a little smile.

“Okay, here tomorrow morning at six. Do you have music you listen to that has a beat? Something like dance music?”

“Sure,” she smiled.

“Bring it with you.” I turned and walked away; saying over my shoulder, “See you at six.”

After she left, I sat and reflected on what she had told me. I thought about what Karin’s voice kept whispering to me. Was I so noticeably a has been and a loser? Getting up, I stood in front of the mirrors lining the wall and looked at myself. She was right … I looked a mess.

Thinking of her, I felt my cock stiffen. I had not desired a woman this way for the past two years. Yes, I had fucked the odd woman I picked up in bars but it wasn’t the same. I wanted her. I thought guiltily of Karin.

“Mike, don’t stress. You’re my love and always will be, just the same as I will always be yours. I like this one and if something happened, I would be happy for you. I wouldn’t mind sharing you with her because she’s cute and I might even enjoy her as much as you do.”

I could almost hear Karin’s voice giggle in my head.

“Karin my little slut you always were fun. If you were here I bet you would try to seduce her.”

“Mike, I am here. Yes, and if she proves out we will seduce her.”

I smiled at the thought.

I changed into running gear and headed out the door. I was determined to bring myself back to my previous standard of fitness. One hour later, I was back, streaming sweat from every pore. I had only managed to cover a third of the distance I used to travel.

Damn I want to prove her wrong. No more drinking. I can smell the alcohol oozing out of my pores. Daily workouts from now on.

In the shower, as the water ran over my body, I realized that thinking of her had brought me to a full erection. It had been a long time since that had happened.

Soaping my cock, I began to stroke it. My hand wrapped itself around it and my mind dwelt on the image of her. Leaning against the tile my back arched and I could feel my buns tighten as I shot stream after stream of cum across the shower.

The next morning I was up at five thirty and when she arrived at six, I was waiting for her having showered and shaved and wearing a snow-white Judo suit.

“I can’t let myself be controlled by my emotions.” I thought. “I have to be tough on her. I want her to succeed.”

“Mike, you always were a son of a bitch when you trained people. Even to me who you loved. Don’t worry you’ll be fine.” Karin said in my mind.

Marcy smiled at me and handed me a pile of CDs as she wished me good morning.

“What are the CDs for?” She asked

“I just wanted to see what type of music you danced to. These will not do. We’ll use some of my music .” I answered.

“Go get changed. Here’s a white belt. You’ll be wearing it during our sessions,” I told her.

“Mike!” she groaned. “I worked my ass off to get to where I am and now you want me to go back to step one? I practiced for years to learn what I know.”

“Marcy, you have practiced your mistakes for years. Practice does not make perfect, it only makes permanent,” I told her. “And yes … we’ll go back to step one.”

“Okay, if that is what you think I’ll do it your way,” she answered ruefully.

When she came out of the dressing room, I had her assume the kneeling position facing me. We exchanged ritual bows.

“Marcy, you told me you liked to dance. Right?”

“Yes, Mike.”

“ First, let’s get things straight on the mat. When we are training, I’m not Mike to you. Address me as Sensei: master.”

“Sorry, yes Sensei.”

“Today you will dance for me.”

“What! Dance?”

“Yes, dance. Yesterday I told you that you were as graceful as a cow on skates. Remember, in Judo there are only four basic directions. You can go backward, forward, left and right. To these, you can add two variations, which are quarter turns, and half turns. You know that all these foot movements are done in a gliding motion. You never have your feet leave the ground. Now most dances are done exactly like that. So, today you are going to learn the Tango.”

“Why the tango?” she asked with a puzzled look.

“For one, because I said so. Also, when you win I will take you to dance the Tango with me. I always liked that scene in the movie ‘Scent of a Woman’.”

“Careful , Mike. No flirting.” Karin whispered to me.

“Is that the one with Pacino?” she said with a laugh. “ Well, that will be something. The cow on skates dancing the Tango with you.”

“Okay let’s get to work. First, I am going to play some music. I want you to close your eyes and listen to the beat. Don’t listen with your ears only. Feel the beat in you. Notice how it starts with four beats and then the rhythm changes to a 3-3-2 beat then back to four. The four beats are your steps for moving in straight directions either left or right or backward or forward. The 3-3-2 are when you make your turns, two steps and turn. Got that?” I asked.

“Now get up and remember to keep your center of balance directly under you; don’t lean. Keep your back straight and your center of balance directly centered under you at all times. Listen to me as from time to time I will have you move in different directions.”

She started moving on the mats to the music. However, she kept going back to trying to move faster than the beat. After ten minutes, I stopped her. “Marcy, why aren’t you following the beat?”

“I am trying to visualize the movement and speeding into it.” She answered.

“There are no movements. You are just dancing. I don’t want you to think Judo. I want you to dance for me. Again, just dance.”

Forty-five minutes later, I stopped her. Her body was drenched in sweat. “Much better. You look more graceful already,” I smiled.

“Sensei, I feel that this was the hardest workout I’ve ever had, my thighs and legs ache.”


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That’ll help get you in shape,” I told her. “Now take a breather and we will start reviewing just two movements for today. We’ll work on a leg sweep and one over the shoulder throw.”

When we came to the grappling, I was very conscious of the nearness of her breasts to my hands. I tried to wipe those thoughts from my mind as I demonstrated the movements. We decomposed each step and I showed her the errors she was making in foot placement and timing. She was a fast learner and absorbed my way of doing the movement easily.

“Now, Marcy, it’s time to spar with me. I’m going to wipe the mat with you.”

“Ha! In your dreams, Sensei. I don’t fall easily,” she announced with an air of assurance.

“We’ll see. I’m going to cover your eyes with this sash so you can’t see me. In addition, you can only hold on to me with your fingertips till you go into your throw. When you start to throw, grip my suit tightly.”

“I don’t understand why we are doing this?” she told me.

“Well, here is another lesson. Judo is like sex. You have to be conscious of your opponent in the same way as you are conscious of your lover. You have to sense where he is in relation to you at all times. You have to feel his position in relation to you and not try to fight against him, but to use his strength to your advantage. If he pulls, don’t fight his pull use it to go to him and throw him. If he pushes fall back and throw him.”

“But why only your fingertips?” She asked.

“If you grip him hard all your energy is going to that grip, and you lose that sensitivity. Enough talking lets' go. ‘ Hajime ’, start.”

“Marcy, feel the beat in you. Impose it on me,” I instructed her. “Start by following my tempo and then slowly impose your tempo by slight pulls and pushes against me. Follow me in order to lead me.”

Judo is a contact sport. I was very conscious of her breasts brushing against my hand her hip pushing at my groin during throws. I was glad she was blindfolded, that way she could not see the bulge that formed at my groin.

She was getting it and I let her throw me to the mat about a dozen times before throwing her three or four times. Finally, I called a halt and we both bowed to each other.

“Mike … Sensei, that was amazing. I didn't think it was possible to sense the opponent’s position that way. I just love this.”

“ Well, it’s a start. Now go work on weights. There’s a movement chart on the wall I want you to follow. Start with twenty-five repetitions of all twenty movements on that chart.”

“Twenty repetitions?” she groaned. “That’ll kill me. I work out with a seventy-five-pound load.”

“Wrong again, Marcy. You will work out with a maximum of twenty-five pounds. I’m looking for endurance and speed, not muscle mass. You have nice definition and muscles. Let’s keep it that way.”

“Careful Mike that’s close to flirting. Give her time.” The voice in my head echoed.

I joined her for the workout and when it was finished dismissed her telling her to be back at six the following morning.

I worked her butt off for the next three months. After the workout on the third month, I told her to stay kneeling. I went to her and presented her with her black belt. The look on her face was incredulous.

“Sensei, what does this mean?”

“It means that you are now what I consider as a third-degree black belt. Wear it with pride. By the way, there is a regional tournament next weekend. I have entered you to represent my club.”

“You have? You think I am ready?”

“Yes. I think you are… as long as you don’t revert back to your old style.” I told her.

She leaped to her feet put her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss. As her lips brushed against mine, my heart gave a leap. Just when I was going to kiss her back, I heard Karin’s voice.

“No Mike, not yet. That was gratefulness, not passion. Just hold off, big boy. Be patient.”

My cock had immediately become hard, and I was sure she could feel it pressed against her body.

She stepped back smiled at me and said, “Thank you sensei. Thank you, so much. I’ll do all I can to make you proud of me.”

I couldn’t help but notice that when she gave me her bow her eyes lingered on my crotch. I felt myself blush and turned away quickly.


The day of the tournament Marcy was very hyper. I had her sit and do meditation. Seeing that was not working, I knelt behind her to massage her shoulders. She slowly relaxed as I soothed the tension in her. I, on the other hand, felt my excitement mount.

“Forget your opponents for now. Visualize yourself, your moves, and your reactions. Don’t think win or lose. Think of the dance; make them submit to your tempo,” I told her.

She calmed down then turned and smiled at me, “Thank you, sensei, I will.”

My heart rose to my throat at her smile. I was falling in love with her. Not just lust, but love.

When her turn came for her first bout, she took down her opponent in twelve seconds flat. The next fights were a repetition of the first. She was a picture of grace and perfect execution each time.

When the final bout came, her opponent was built like a tank. She was short and squat and her muscles mass was obvious.

As soon as Marcy started to grapple with her, I let out a sigh. She was back to trying to outmuscle her opponent and not doing the dance. The outcome was foreseeable. She was powered down and pinned to the mat. Once again, Marcy was the runner-up. I almost cried.

After receiving her medal, she walked to me and I could see the tear streaks on her face. I raised my hand and wiped the traces as best I could, saying nothing.

“Sensei, what went wrong? It was all so good up to then.”

“Marcy, you forgot to dance, that’s what happened. Remember it is just a fight and in two weeks, you will be in the Nationals. Your second place qualified you for that.”

“I am so ashamed, I let you down. You should punish me for that.”

“Marcy, what should I do, spank you? I admit it is a tempting thought to spank your cute butt, however, that will not make you win.”

The smile returned to her face. “You would enjoy that?”

“I would but not as a punishment, maybe as a reward.”

“Sensei, you are a dirty old man,” She beamed.

“Bingo Mike. Great timing, she’s interested. I can tell.” Karin’s voice whispered to me.


The preparation for the Nationals was a repetition of the past training.

One day after practice, she came to me. “Sensei, something strange is happening to me. I keep hearing a voice in my head. It coaches me each time we spar. It is clear as a bell and corrects me as I fight. What is that?”

“I’m not sure,” I said softly. “It might be you are picking up Karin’s spirit voice. She is always with me and I can hear her when I need her. If it is, you have a great coach. Remember, she was an international competitor and champion. I hope that’s what you are picking up. I’ve noticed some of the moves you are making resemble the ones she used to do.”

“What does she tell you?” she asked with a grin.

“None of your business,” I told her. “That’s between Karin and me.”

“You still love her don’t you?” she asked.

“Yes, and I will for the rest of my life. One of the reasons I chose to train you is that you are so much like her.”

“Really? Could you see yourself loving me that way?” She asked blushing.

“Off with you, for now,” I demanded, avoiding the topic. “Concentrate on your training.”

“Getting there Mike. I believe she’s fallen for you.”

“ Karin, are you fucking around with her mind? Is it your voice she hears?”

“ Well, I wouldn’t call it fucking around. But yes, she’s hearing my voice.”

“How can that be? I don’t see how you can do that. You and I were one, so I understand that part. How is it you can be in her mind?” I asked.

“ Honey, that girl is in love with you. When that happened her mind opened up to me.”

“Did you have anything to do with her starting to love me?” I asked Karin.

“ No, my love but now that she does … I give her gentle nudges in that direction.”

“Karin if she loves me I want it to be for me, not because you are making her do it.”

“You should be ashamed of yourself, Mike. Don’t you think you are lovable? All I am doing is occasionally making her horny for you.”

“Okay but only that. I want her to … “

“ Yes, love I know what you want.”

Marcy doubled her exercise regimen in the following few days. Three days before the competition I told her no more training before the competition. She had reached a peak and I wanted her to remain at that level. More training might have dulled her edge.


This time on competition day, she seemed as calm as a pool of still water. I was the one who was a nervous wreck. She came out of the dressing room and came up to me, smiled and said, “This one we will win for you.”

“WE?” I asked.

“Yes, Karin and I will do it.”

“How do you know it’s Karin?”

“Mike, she and I have been talking all along, not only during practice. We have become very close. I know more about you than you could ever imagine. I hope you are rested tonight. We are going out dancing. Karin and I have worked on my Tango moves for the past three days.”

“Karin what have you told her?”

“Shush love. Just things she should know about you.”

“Like what?”

“You’ll find out. Now sit back and watch.”

I was treated to the most amazing exhibition of skill it had been my pleasure to watch on a competition mat. Marcy literally pulverized her first eleven opponents. The final opponent was the girl who had beaten her three weeks before. She looked at Marcy and growled. Marcy just smiled and stepped right into her and threw her. It took all of five seconds.

She glanced at me and winked before she walked over to the podium to accept the trophy as National Women’s Champion.

With trophy in hand and a bright smile on her face she said, “Mike, we are going dancing. Take me home. I want to shower and change before our date.


I drove to her apartment for the first time. I sat on the couch and waited. While she got ready to shower, I could imagine her naked body under the water and my cock started to throb.

The door to the bathroom opened slightly and she called out to me, “Mike, come here I need some help.”

“What do you need?” I asked.

“Just come here and I’ll show you.”

As I neared the bathroom door, it burst open and there she was naked with her arms stretched out towards me.

“Into my arms lover boy, give me a kiss.”

I stumbled like a zombie towards her. She wrapped her body around mine and lifted her face to mine. I lowered my mouth and sought her parted lips. Her tongue hunted mine and we kissed passionately until we both ran out of breath.

“I need you, Mike, that’s what I need. I need you in my life. I love you.”

All I could do was moan, “Oh Marcy.”

“Come on, you big oaf. Get out of those clothes. I know that’s not a banana in your trousers. Show me your big cock.”

My clothes disappeared in record time. I felt her hand wrap around my cock. She started to stroke it lovingly as she sank to her knees and folded her sweet lips around my raging erection.

“Karin wasn’t kidding me,” She said. “Sensei Mike, you have an instrument there to make me a very happy woman.”

“Shut up, Marcy, and suck. I’ve wanted you for months.”

“Yes sir, but is just the appetizer. I have other plans for us tonight to celebrate my … no, our victory. Come and scrub my back. While you are at it, you might as well scrub my front, darling.”

I soaped her body from head to foot. She came into my arms and used her soapy body to wash mine. Her breasts against my chest … her nipples, two hard nubs brushing against mine.

Lowering my hand, I found her pussy. It was clean-shaven soft and tender. My fingers slowly pried her pussy lips open and entered the tight confines of her hot, wet slit.

“Stop, Mike, I want you to take me to bed … to make love to me.”

I quickly rinsed us off and carried her slender body towards the bedroom. I deposited her on the bed still soaking wet. Gathering her in my arms I rolled her on top of me.

“Kiss me, Marcy, I want to taste you, to love you.”

Oh, yes, Mike, please … do me. Make love to me. Put your cock in my hot pussy.”

“Congratulations, you two. I think I am going to enjoy being part of this threesome.” Karin’s voice giggled in my head.

Marcy looked at me with wide-open eyes. “Mike, did you hear that?”

“Yes, my darling I did. It’s now the three of us against the world. Now do you want to go and Tango, or shall we fuck our brains out.”

“I think the dancing will be here tonight my darling. We’re going to do the horizontal Tango.”

She raised her body and parting her pussy lips slowly lowered herself on my cock. I felt myself sliding into her hot wet tightness. She slowly rocked her body above mine. Grasping her tits, I pinched each erect nipple making her moan.

“Mike, that feels so good. Pinch harder”

I felt her already tight pussy clamp down on my throbbing cock. Her red hair flailing all over the place as she moved her body on mine.

“Marcy, I’m going to cum, cum with me.”

“Yes! Oh, yes, Mike. Cum, cum now. Make me yours.”

I felt myself blast spurt after spurt oh hot cum into her tightness.

“Cumming! I’m cumming for you.” She wailed.


Written by ChrisM
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