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If You Know Your History

"She was a teacher, they wrote their own history"

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Life works in funny ways. Or, should I say, two ways.

Let’s just say, what you sow, you reap, and considering that, the two ways factor comes to play.

What you sow either comes back one day and bites your ass or, it comes back with rewards never anticipated. And that is where I am on this sunny Friday morning. Whether I’m going to have my ass chowed or whether the rest of my life from here will be a reward, I don’t know yet.

A month ago, I turned fifty and while still between the cotton sheets of my king-sized bed - alone - I took a few minutes to take stock of where I was.

I was fifty, been single for a good fifteen years, no kids, financially stable, good house of which the mortgage is settled, a good income and a healthy lifestyle. I was fit and healthy as well. I looked after myself because no one else did that. I was happily single but that did not mean there was a shortage of pussy in my life.

Residing in an affluent neighbourhood, I had it all close at hand. A great supermarket with all the goodies to live on and live well plus, a lot of feet dressed in tight yoga pants and running shoes, gracing the same mall. It wasn’t that I had a reputation, but I was well known not to disappoint; and those who kissed, didn’t tell either. Though I am sure notes were compared sometimes.


Then, two weeks ago I received a call. From the past.


“Grant, I am not sure If you can remember…? It’s Elaine. We used to stay across the street for you?”

My mouth turned into a knowing smile. How could I forget?

“I do remember, Elaine, you taught History and you finished your year here before moving down to Cape Town to join your husband. How is Bert doing?”

“He’s good thanks, though we got divorced and I am returning to Johannesburg the end of the month.”

“Oh? Sorry about that.”

She laughed heartily, “No, don’t worry. I have a very beautiful daughter who’s my life now. I’m up there the weekend to hunt house and I was wondering if we could meet?”

Suddenly I saw flashes of alimony lawsuits and being haunted to do my part as a parent. Unexpected? Nope, not really.


Rewind six years.


The foundation of the house was slightly elevated necessitating the five steps into the lounge of the small but luxury two-bedroom apartment. That put her abs directly in front of my eyes.

She was barefooted, a pair of black tracksuit pants and a white tank top. Showing above the waistband of her pants were the unmistakable trim of a pair of red lacy panties. She had the cutest navel and defined abs though further up she had little to offer but her nipples were long, and at that point, like pebbles on top of the small rises of her braless 34B breasts. Her breathing was slight but a bit more than normal. She was smiling as our eyes met, a wicked expression telling me she knows I’ve been measuring her up.

“Like what you see?”

I blushed at being called out. “Certainly.”

At that point, Bert and Elaine had been married for a few months; he was down in Cape Town having already started his new career as Software Engineer. She still had to complete her year at a local high school before joining him.

I felt my heart racing as I took a slow step forward, bringing me within reach of her hips. Reaching out, my index finger slipped inside the red lace trimming, feeling the warmth of her skin against the back of my finger as I followed the garment from one hipbone to the other.

“Grant, I am married,” she gasped, her breathing deepening at my touch.

“I know, but the way your body is challenging me, I’d be a fool not to act.”

My feet found the first step on my way closer to her, my hand slightly pulling her panties to wedge into her mound. She gasped at the action and then I was against her; our lips separated by a few heated inches.

My hand slipped up her fit torso, encountering a hard nipple which I pinched between my thumb and index finger, causing her to gasp and moan as I rolled the nipple between my fingertips.

I let go before slipping my hand around her waist and down to her firm buttocks, cupping one and squeezing hard.

“Grant… I…” she breathed.

“Your husband isn’t he here, is he?”

“No, but I am still married.” She paused, “He’s not here, but…”

“But ….? I am?”

“Yesss….” She breathed with difficulty.

“So? Then I can claim you here, now, as he isn’t here to do so instead?”

I pushed her back slightly into the small lounge before claiming her lips for the first time.

Her lips were warm, soft, and opening immediately at my insistent tongue. Her mouth was warm, wet, her tongue urgently dueling with mine. Her hands tugged at my hair, her body searching mine for closeness, her groin grinding against the hardness in my pants.

She pulled back, looking deeply into my eyes before speaking.

“I want you now, here,” she breathes before leaning in and kissing me again, softer, with less urgency.

As we locked lips, my hands slid inside her pants, feeling the soft skin on her firm buttocks, the muscles flexing in my hands as she pushed herself against me. Further below, heat was emanating from her sex as her urgency continued building. My hand slipped down, following the crease between her butt cheeks, along the lace of her panties. Her heat obvious as my fingers searched her sex. She was drenched.

She moaned as my fingers slipped below the lace and found her slippery entrance. She trembled as my fingers slowly teased the nerve endings.

It became too much for her and her body succumbed to my touch, shuddering in her first release.

Her fingers started fumbling with my belt as I slipped my shirt over my shoulder, dropping it behind me. Her hands trembled as she gripped my hard man flesh through my boxers. “Fuck, so big,” she breathed, and then I pushed her down on her knees.

“Go, taste the cock that will claim your pussy as its own.” She shuddered at the word but obeyingly slipped my boxers off my hips and down my legs. I was leaking pre-cum which she smeared over her lips before engulfing at least three of my hard eight inches into her mouth.

It was my turn to groan as I experienced the warm, wetness of her oral cavity in a different way than kissing. I grabbed her short brown light brown hair and pushed down while flexing my buttocks and slipped another two inches deeper. She gagged slightly but held it, painting the underside of my cock with her tongue.

She pulled back and looking up to me, indicated I should seat myself on the couch. As I reclined, she removed the rest of my clothes before returning and slathering my balls with her tongue. My cock twitched in her grasp as she slowly jerked me in time with her efforts on my bagged orbs.

She was surely competent in the art of pleasuring a man and I thought briefly about what a lucky guy Bert was. I pulled her off me as I was getting close and did not want to bust it too early in the game. My first offering to her was not going down her gullet, I was getting it into her abdomen - the right and proper way. I patted on the couch next to me and did the same to her though she only had her panties left.

As I pulled it off, I looked at the soaked gusset and brought it to my nose. Our eyes met as I smelled it before licking at the slippery wetness. Her eyes retained their dreamy expression, but she still managed to utter a deep moan. She was high as a kite with lust.

She stared at me with heavy-lidded eyes as I kissed up her thigh toward the apex of her legs. She seemed frustrated with the fact that I skirted around her needy pussy, kissing down her other leg as I relished the softness of her skin. I kissed my way back up her leg and gently licked around the soft down of her pussy. She wasn’t very hairy, and I supposed it took little grooming on her part. Her frustrated moan was rewarded by a long lick of the entire length of her slit. I pushed her long legs back and moved my tongue over her taint before tickling her rosebud with my tongue. She stiffened but seemed to like the idea as she relaxed again and sighed loudly.

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She was streaming juice down her taint, which I gathered with my tongue, relishing the slightly salty taste of her wetness. Paying more attention to the nerves at her entrance her hips started bucking, indicating she was close. licking toward her button. I covered her clit with my mouth sucking slightly while circling the button with my tongue.

Her hands were in my hair, her fingertips digging into my skull as she came with a long, guttural grunt; her pussy gushing her orgasm against my face and neck.

I inserted a finger and continue my assault on her clit while massaging her g-spot. She came again, letting out a high-pitched shriek and thrashing against my face.

My nuts were churning, and I was surprised I did not lose a nut at all the action between us.

Her eyes were still close when she uttered softly, “I have never cum like this, never been eaten either…” she drifted off and I thought she might have fallen asleep or passed out. While licking her softly, enjoying her juices, my hands caressed her body, legs; she was covered in a slight film of perspiration.

“Grant?” she whispered.

“Yes?” I replied softly. I looked up and strands of hair were plastered to her forehead.

“Please, make love to me?”

It was scary the way she said it, but I knocked it off against that emotion that came with contentment.


If we’re going to make love, we were going to do it properly, so I picked her up and carried her upstairs to her bedroom and the bed she used to share with Bert. She planted little kisses on my neck as we moved upstairs, making soft mewing sounds.


Placing her on the bed I took time to caress her body before kissing her deeply. I moved between her legs and sat back on my heels. My cock was standing erect like a flagpole.



“What about Bert? You know if I enter you, there is no turning back… ever? Once I am inside you, that is where I will expend my seed. Are you okay with that?”

“Bert’s not here, is he? I want this, wanted it so many times seeing you around. We’re okay for now, I am not on contraception but it’s safe for now. I want you to cum inside me, fill me with your seed.”

I was dripping, she was oozing. I rubbed my cock around her opening, mixing our juices in s slippery cocktail to ease my penetrating her. I had to take it slow, I was on the edge of my endurance, my body was losing the battle of patience with itself.

I entered slowly, her muscles slowly relaxing to accommodate my girth. She started hyperventilating at the intrusion into her sex. Her cunt was tight as a vice. It took a minute or two before I bottomed out inside her, feeling the firmness of her cervix against my cock. I pushed slightly against her, and she came again. I leaned over and kissed her softly as soon as she was down from her orgasm.

It was a soft kiss, like lovers, without haste but with emotion and feeling. Her arms glided all over my back and her legs became a soft embrace around my hips. I was as deep as I could ever be inside her. I was taking her, owning her while she wasn’t mine to take and own. But she did it willingly, wanting to offer herself to me.

“Grant? Cum inside me, make me yours. Take me, please?” she breathed against my lips.

We looked at each other as we made love. The expression on her face was one of utter contentment and love. I so wished but, she belonged to Bert even though I was owning her for now.

I kept a slow pace to make sure I did not cum too soon. But in the end, these things never last and after a good fifteen minutes and another orgasm on her part, I warned her. One final time she urged me, “Cum inside me, please?” I held on for a handful more strokes deep inside her and while we kissed deeply, I splattered my seed against her unprotected womb.

Afterward, we basked in our fulfillment speaking softly and sometimes even without words. I mentioned about me never being able to have her, own her. She sighed and kissed me softly.

Playing with me idly while naked together in bed she got me hard again and mounted me, riding me slowly, relishing each moment.


We made love three times that first afternoon and continued our affair up until the day she left to join Bert in Cape Town. We exchanged a few calls afterward before it dried up. I was hinting that she put all in her marriage even though she expressed at some point her feelings as being confused.


Now, six years later, I would see her again. I wondered if I was ready for it. I regarded our relationship as serious but never revealed to her my true feelings. I wondered if those feelings would return and complete me in the same way I felt at the time.

Little did I expect how my life would be turned right side up in so many ways.


We arranged to meet on Saturday for a late brunch and see where the day would take us but, on Thursday, I got edgy and called her. I wanted to clear up logistics but I wanted to hear her voice.


“Grant? Seems somebody can’t wait till Saturday. Don’t worry, neither can I. It would be so good to see you again.”

She was staying at a guest lodge not too far from where I had been staying for almost four years. They would do the airport transfer as part of their service, and she would Uber around to the handful of places she planned to view. I made the offer.

“Grant, while I appreciate it, I can’t possibly intrude on you, you have a life as well but thanks for the offer anyway.”

Friday morning Elaine called me. “Can you cook at least? Are you ready to have two women invade your privacy for a weekend?”

I heard the PA system in the background and realized something. “If you are staying with me for the weekend, it also means I have to pick you up at the airport?”

“Please Grant, I would really appreciate it.” She paused, “And one other thing, I am coming with a little bundle of joy and she’s dying to meet you.”

“Are you trying to tell me what I think you’re trying to?”

“Yes, is that a problem?”

“No, it’s not.”

“She’s only a little girl but she knows what’s going on. She is so excited because her and Bert’s relationship was never what you’d expect. Anyway, gotta run, my flight is called. See you in two hours?”

“You bet.”

I took time to sit back, finish a good coffee while processing the fact that an old flame and the result of our affair will be with me in a little over two hours. I reflected on sleeping arrangements, had a quick run through fridges and grocery cabinets. The house was clean and neat. I was ready.

I caught a sudden tightness in my throat… Was I ready; really ready?


In the end, it turned out she was pregnant before she left. With Bert wanting another child, which Elaine just could not conceive, she lived with the secret for two years before Bert went for extensive testing. He would never be able to father a child and there, was where the trouble started.

I was not surprised how much of myself I recognized in what came to turn my life topsy turvy. But I enjoyed it, had a brilliant evening. Elaine filled out in a few places but later that night after relieving her of yet another red lacy wisp of clothing I found she was just as tight as the first time I skewered her pussy six years ago. The abandon we experienced in making love as two free individuals set us free completely and for once, we could love without guilt: openly, without shame, without hiding, without fear of getting hurt.

Was I hacking it as a Dad? Once I managed to successfully squeeze myself into a pink yurt, yes.

As a full-time lover inside one pussy? Elaine is happy, so am I. For once in my life, I am not scared to love neither to be loved in return.

If I look at history, we are very cautious not to let history catch up with us again; not that the few near misses caused me to have heart palpitations. And still, Elaine doesn’t think it necessary to go on birth control.

Written by Gallo
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