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"An unlikely and most enjoyable reunion of friends"

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The common room was almost empty now with one lone couch left facing the window. A young woman sat on the back of the couch looking out the large windows. Her shoulder-length hair swayed across her back as she moved to the music playing in her headphones. She was enjoying her alone time.

Her friend Matt came walking into the room. The two flirted ruthlessly but never took the next step to anything more than a friendship. People always thought they should date but they enjoyed their time as friends so much more.

He tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped and almost fell off the couch.

“Crap, Matt! You scared me!”

“Sorry, Kylie,” he replied. He flung his long legs over and sat on the back with her and gave her a friendly nudge. “So, ya gonna miss all this?”

Kylie smiled and sighed. “Yeah, but I’m looking forward to the next chapter after graduation.”

“Yeah, I hear ya,” he smiled back and turned to look at her and fought the urge to move the errant strand of hair from her forehead. She caught on and took care of it, tucking it behind her ear.

They both had that comfortable silence just looking at each other, unsure of what to do next.

“Well, everything’s packed up. My dad’s waiting downstairs for me. Guess I should head out,” sighed Kylie.

“I’ll walk out with you,” Matt smiled.

They walked out of the common room and out of each others’ lives.

- Ten years and one failed marriage later -

It was a girls' weekend away and Kylie was so excited to have a long weekend, just her and her best friend, Liz. Being away from the kid, as much as she loved her, and the everyday doldrums made Kylie giddy with excitement.

Kylie checked in the hotel and her giddiness deflated a bit when she got a text from Liz saying her connecting flight got delayed. She wouldn't be there until 11 pm. It was 5:00 for Kylie.

“Well, I guess maybe hit the gym and dinner. Somewhere. But where?” she mumbled to herself as she slipped on a sports bra, shorts, and tank.

She made her way to the front desk concierge to ask about a good place to eat. As she approached, she felt a zing go up her neck. She always thought of herself as sensitive with some ESP. She kindly asked the concierge about a good place to grab dinner after her workout. She jotted the recommendations in her phone and as she turned, she saw the reason behind the zing.

Matt. Her friend from college. The one person she trusted, the one she always wondered so many what-ifs especially after her now ex-husband decided to leave her after having their daughter.

He turned the corner around the front desk out of sight and Kylie breathed a sigh of relief. She did not know how she should talk to him. She made her way in the opposite direction towards the hotel gym and pool.

Kylie got a good sweat from the weights and the rowing machine. She returned to her room famished. She changed into a long black sundress and flat sandals, put on minimal makeup, and headed downstairs.

Down in the lobby, she paused at the threshold to the bar entrance and noticed the profile of Matt talking animatedly with a few other guys. Kylie smiled and remembered how he could talk to anyone and find commonalities with all. You’d feel comfortable within one minute of meeting him and would feel like you knew him for a lifetime.

Realizing the bar had a small but delicious-looking menu, she changed course and walked confidently into the bar. She nodded at the bartender and took her place at the bar, perusing the menu of drinks and food.

The bartender sauntered over and smiled. “What are we thinking of tonight, my dear?” the bartender asked.

Kylie looked at the bartender, noticing a bird tattoo peeking under her sleeveless top.

“I love your tattoo first of all. The shading is impeccable. Secondly, I would love an old fashioned.”

“Drink coming right up!” She grabbed a glass and bottles.

As the bartender started making her drink, they both got into a little small talk. The bird was for her grandma who was a wildlife conservationist. Kylie mentioned she was killing time until her friend got in for their girls' weekend away.

As Kylie sipped her drink, she sensed him near. She wasn't wrong.

A low, deep voice said from behind her, ”I never did get over you.” Shivers went up and down her spine.

She slowly turned to look right into his bright blue eyes.

“Hi Matt, how are you?” the mood instantly lifted from smoldering to lighthearted.

“Well, much better now that you’re here. I’m surrounded by a sausage fest here with my team.” He jabbed his thumb in their direction. A couple of the guys in the group were watching their exchange and a few lifted their glasses in the universal cheers gesture. Kylie nodded and tipped her glass as well.

“Your team?” she asked.

“My sales team, yes, we’re here for a convention this weekend. What are you here for?”

She took a sip of her drink and relished the taste of the scotch warming her throat and giving her liquid courage.

He leaned over to put his now empty glass on the bar. Kylie got a whiff of his scent; pine and saltwater. God did he smell good to her. She also noticed no ring on his hand.

“I’m just here visiting with a friend of mine,” she replied.

“Where is your friend?” he asked.

“Well, not here yet, her flight got delayed and won’t be here until probably 11:00 tonight.”

“And it’s only 7 now, whatever will you do with your alone time?” he winked and Kylie felt just about every molecule in her body screaming for him. She never thought she’d want to kiss him as badly as that very moment.

“Want to get out of here?” she asked him with a coy smile. She placed her now empty glass on the bar. Her appetite had changed from food to something quite different.

He smiled and slipped his hand over hers and gave it a quick little squeeze.

“Sure, let’s go for a walk,” he whispered in her ear as she hopped off the barstool, again sending shivers down her spine.

They walked out to the street and strolled slowly and talked for a bit, taking in the scene of the street, laughing at the pigeons fighting over a pizza crust. They took the steps down to the river walkway and found a nice bench and sat down for a bit.

“Seriously though, Kylie, I had a hard time getting over you.”

Kylie put her hand on his lap and chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

Kylie looked at him and changed the position of her hand to his face.

“We never dated, Matt. We flirted, yeah, we hung out but we never dated.”

“I know, but still, we just kind of went our separate ways and never talked. It was weird.”

“Yeah, it was and I’m sorry,” she said and at that, she kissed his cheek.

When she drew back, he took both of her hands and cradled them in his. She shivered from the heat of his hands and the breeze coming off the river.

“I think it’s getting chilly out here. Should we go back to the hotel?” he asked.

“Yes, let’s,” she replied, this time taking his hand, them walking hand in hand back to the hotel.

As they entered the elevator to their rooms, a couple of other guests got in with them. Kylie pressed up against Matt, her backside feeling the desire radiating from Matt behind her. He leaned forward to say something but stopped for fear of making the elevator ride with strangers even more awkward. He just let his lips graze ever so slightly against the nape of her neck. She smelled intoxicating like rosemary and mint.

They both got off on the same floor and discovered their rooms were on opposite sides of the building. He held her at the waist and swayed them in a slight dance and spun her once and then guided them to his room.

The moment the door closed to his room, they were kissing so fiercely. Any skin showing on Kylie was being kissed and she was absolutely melting.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to the couch in front of them. She was laying down and he was on top of her sliding his hands up under her dress. He found her panties but did not take them off. He rubbed her clit underneath to the point she had them doused with her juices.

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Satisfied with his work, he helped her out of her dress and she stood up in front of him in just her bra and panties. She helped him unbuckle his belt and pulled his jeans down followed by his boxer briefs. She started rubbing herself over her panties as well and dipped her finger into her pussy and ran it along his lips. He groaned and pulled her to him for a deep kiss while she teased his cock with the fabric covering where it wanted to go. He pulled his polo shirt off over his head and she kissed his collarbone and then down his chest and turned her focus on his very hard cock.

She ran her hand over it, flicking the tip with her finger, making him breathe even quicker. She then took her tongue to the tip and teased it and then down the shaft so slowly that Matt thought his heart would burst.

“You are so fucking hot. I want you so bad,” he practically begged.

“I want you too. More than you know,” she replied breathily.

He leaned over and in one fell swoop pulled her into his arms and carried her to the bed. As he laid her down, he decided to finally take off the panties and return the favor. He kissed all around the bikini line, reveling in her smooth skin and then he plunged his tongue into her wet pussy and played with her clit with his finger. Kylie was writhing in complete desire and enjoying every moment of it. In no time at all, she was coming on his lips and fingers.

He shifted his weight and entered her. They both looked at each other with such longing and felt the full culmination that brought them to this moment. He didn’t move for what felt like an eternity of just cherishing the moment of being together.

They both held on to each other rocking back and forth so they both could just look at each other. He quickened his pace and she wrapped her arms around his strong shoulders. The combination of the strength of his arms, the pace they kept, she couldn’t contain herself.

“I’m going to come, Matt. God, you’ve made me so wet,” she moaned.

“Come all over me. I want it all,” he moaned back.

At that she just let it wash over her and she came all over his hard cock. The heat and her orgasm made him come as well and he released himself into her. He collapsed into her and they both lay there, arms and legs completely entwined.

“Oh. My. God,” Kylie sighed. She smiled at him as he pulled out of her and flumped to his side.

“Fuck, yeah,” he replied.

Kylie looked over at the clock. It was now 10:30.

“I hate to do this to you, but I should probably head to my room so Liz doesn’t worry if she gets in and doesn’t know where I am.”


She slowly dressed and once dressed, she went over and gave Matt a long kiss.

“Man, I missed you, Matt. Really, I did.”

“Same here.” With that, he gave her bum a playful and light spank.

Kylie grabbed a piece of paper and wrote her number for him.

“Now you can reach me,” she winked as she left the room.

When she got to her room she put on her pajamas and decided to watch some TV. Before long, she was asleep.

“Morning sunshine!” Liz exclaimed, dressed and excited for their girls’ weekend. Kylie laughed confusedly.

“It’s morning?” Kylie rubbed her eyes and stretched.

“Yes, sillyhead! I got in and you were passed out, I didn’t want to wake you,” Liz replied

Kylie shuffled to the bathroom to shower. As she was washing up, she remembered scenes from last night. She ran her hands over her breasts, remembering Matt’s kisses all over them. She ran her fingers around her vulva and tickled the skin just as his tongue did. She smiled and looked forward to hearing from him again.

Kylie and Liz enjoyed their time in this new city, taking in the sights, the sounds, and the food. As the day wound down, they found their way back to the hotel to freshen up for dinner out with family of Liz’s who lived an hour outside of the city.

They got to the restaurant early and put their name on the seating list and went over to the bar to grab a drink. As Liz and Kylie got their drinks and made their way to a bar table, Kylie saw Matt. He winked, she giggled.

Liz caught the giggle, “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing, just remembering last time we were at a bar.”

Liz rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Thankfully, they don’t have a karaoke machine here so you won’t see a repeat.”

An older couple with presumably their grown child came in and Kylie asked Liz if they were her family as they looked related, all of them with their auburn hair and brown eyes and big smiles. Liz turned around and squealed. Kylie walked over with her friend to be introduced to her aunt, uncle, and cousin.

Conversation between Kylie and Liz’s extended family was enjoyable and lively. At one point, Kylie felt that zing in the back of her neck again. She subtly turned her head to see Matt and his sales team from last night and several other corporate-looking individuals talking animatedly. Matt stole a quick glance her way. Kylie winked and returned to her party. No one at the table was the wiser.

While Liz and her cousin were discussing other family members’ drama, Kylie excused herself to the restroom. Once she was washing her hands, she heard a knock on the door. She looked around. ‘There’s three stalls in here? Why is someone knocking?’ she thought.

“It’s open!” she responded to the knock.

Matt snuck into the bathroom. Kylie gave him a fake admonishing look.

“Mens’ room is across the way, sir,” she said with a coy smile.

He took the last few steps to come face to face with her, slide his hands around to her ass and hoisted her up onto the counter. One hand found its way back to the front, sneaking its way up her sleeveless blouse, fingering her already hard nipple through the lace of her bra.

“When I saw you, I got hard immediately,” he whispered into her ear, kissing her neck underneath. She rested her arms on his shoulders and wriggled her pants against his crotch, feeling his hardening cock and then slid off the counter and pulled him into a stall. They were a bit wider than normal so he was able to lean back into the corner of the wall and door. Kylie unbuttoned his pants and wriggled his cock out his pants.

She licked and sucked and teased him until he came into her mouth. It didn’t take long, she was just so sexy to him, letting out this unbridled passion that he’d never seen. Something he thought he’d never find in a woman.

When Kylie stood back up, she wiped her mouth with a little tissue paper and they were able to successfully leave the bathroom undetected. Again, Kylie felt exhilarated. She’d felt more alive these past 18 hours than she had in the 4 years she was married.

When she got back to the table, Liz asked Kylie if everything was okay and that she’d been in there for a while. Kylie replied that she had some serious spinach caught between her teeth. ‘That’s what you came up with on the spot? Sheesh, way to go,’ she thought to herself but didn’t think much of It as things were winding down and it was time to go.

Their girls’ weekend was coming to a close the next day and they were lucky enough to have their departing flights leaving at the same time. They gave each other hugs and headed off to their respective terminals.

Two weeks had passed since her whirlwind weekend and Kylie still hadn’t heard from Matt. She felt disheartened yet still hopeful. She went about her routine, bringing her daughter to and from the grandparents’ house so she could go to her teaching job. She was kicking herself that she hadn’t asked Matt for his number because she knew how most men were with phone calls.

Her workweek was coming to an end and as she was clearing up her desk, her principal walked in.

“Ah, Miss Thomas. I was on my way to check on the delivery of our new school playground equipment. Care to join me?”

Kylie obliged as she genuinely liked her principal. As they walked down the hallway, her principal asked her how her vacation was. Kylie said it was most enjoyable and smiled wistfully. Her principal opened the door and as the door closed, she exclaimed, “Why hello gentlemen! I didn’t expect to see you here! What a lovely surprise! Kylie, these are the gentlemen who helped orchestrate this playground production! This is Jerry and…”

“Matt,” Kylie replied.

Written by CraftyLikeIceIsCold
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