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From A Glance To A Kiss

"A quick one shot showing an intense sex scene between a love obsessed couple..."

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Author's Notes

"So this is like 20% one of my personal fantasies, 80% writing exercise. Or maybe its the other way round, I don't know. Anyways, this story came out from my desire to try my hand at writing a super intense, really romantic sex scene. The romance angle in my other stories has always been more subtle and relaxed, so it was interesting going full-on love-story and seeing what would come of it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I think the results are pretty good, not perfect but not a bad start. Not sure about the vagueness of some aspects of it, but we'll see. I do like the romance stuff, so I'll probably do more like this in the future. Hopefully. I am a romantic at heart..."

It began with a glance.

He hadn’t even meant to do it. He had been busy working on his desktop when his eyes had started to hurt. He had looked away for a few moments to rub them, then absentmindedly decided to look over the top of his screen around the living room. That’s when he saw her.

She was sitting on the couch opposite him, her ravenous beauty deserving of a place in any museum, at least in his eyes. She was like one of the great sculptures given life, and took his breath away each time he saw her, especially now, in these moments where she wasn’t trying or worrying about looking good for others. She was completely relaxed, wrapped up in loose casual clothes that did nothing to highlight her sleek form beneath.

Her long hair was up in a ponytail, and she had a little smile on her face as she lost herself in the book she was reading. He could have lost himself in watching her, but then she seemed to sense his gaze. She looked up and shot him a curious smile.

“What?” She asked. He smiled back at her.

“Nothing, just perfection,” He said simply. Her smile grew larger, but she rolled her eyes.

“Get back to work,” She said as she returned to her book.

“Yes ma’am,” He replied, smiling to himself. He let himself slip back into work mode as he looked back at the screen, but a small part of his mind couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was amazing. Just being in the same room with her was a blessing. He wasn’t sure how long had passed when she finally got up from the couch, but he knew he hadn’t completed as much work as he had wanted.

Placing the book to one side, she stretched and jumped up, then strolled past him. Their eyes met for a moment. She shot him that same magnificent smile, the one that could light up any dark room. Then she was gone. He settled himself down to focus. His deadline was still far off, but he wanted to get as much done as he could.

Plus he was lucky; he enjoyed what he did, and it came easily to him. Within a few minutes he was typing away, his fingers dancing over the keyboard, and the minutes began to tick by. Ten minutes, then fifteen, and then even longer, though with each second that ticked by that little voice in the back of his head grew louder and louder. His thoughts kept going back to that accidental glance, to her siren-like beauty and to how much he loved her.

And to how much he wanted her.

He tried to block out the feeling, to focus on his work, but the more he tried to deny it the more the feeling grew, until he found himself practically bouncing in the chair, his foot tapping wildly. Finally, he’d had enough. He’d earned a break. Saving his work, he pushed away from his desk and went to get up.

That’s when a pair of hands covered his eyes.

“Close your eyes,” She said mysteriously.

“Ok,” He said softly. A moment later her hands moved away. She slid them down over his cheeks, just her fingertips grazing his skin. The sensation of her touch vanished for a moment as she moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him. She leant in closer. He could smell the scent of her shampoo, some kind of mixture of coconuts and fruit. Then came the kisses. They were soft, small, delicate touches as her lips moved slowly up his neck. Even the feeling of her breath sent shivers down his spine. His mouth fell open as a gasp of pleasure escaped him.

As she continued to kiss him her hands fiddled with the buttons on his shirt, popping them open one by one, pulling it open. She then ran her hands slowly over his chest, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind her. It felt so good. All he wanted to do was touch her. He lifted a hand, but she instantly slapped it away. She then stepped away. He frowned but didn’t open his eyes, and a second later he felt her climb on top of him.

Thankfully, his desk chair was strong and wide, and she was easily capable of putting her legs over his as she settled on to his lap. Still, he didn’t open her eyes. She pressed her his arms into the chair rests, making it clear he was to keep them there. Then she leant in close, her arms around his neck. But then she stopped. He could practically feel her hovering there, just in front of him, her breath on his face. The seconds passed agonisingly slowly. He pushed forward, mouth open, searching for her, but every time he got close she would move backwards or to the side, small, naughty giggles filling the space between them as she continued to tease him.

She knew just how to push his buttons, riding the line between frustration and excitement. He bit his lip. That only seemed to make her more impish. She ground her pelvis against his groin as she pushed her body close to him for a moment, brushed the thin fabric of her bra against his chest. He groaned out loud. That seemed to be the thing she was waiting for. With the tips of her fingers, she guided his chin into position. Then she put her lips to his.

The kiss was as powerful now as the very first time they had embraced.

It was the kind of kiss only two people who know each other, as well as they knew themselves, could share. It went beyond the physical, even as their tongues flickered against each other like two entwined dancers, more a greeting of souls that for a single precious moment blocked everything else out as they lost themselves in each other. A simple act, revealing just how much they were to each other.

He lifted his arms up from the side of the chair, wrapping one around her while lifting the other up to stroke her hair. They continued to kiss as they held each other for a few moments longer, then she pulled her away. He opened his eyes, greeted by her smiling face.

“Hey,” She said in that cute voice she reserved just for moments like this. He smiled.

“Hey yourself,” He said, still gently stroking her hair. He glanced down, taking in the black lingerie she was wearing. She had swept open her gown, revealing a stylish set of underwear that was made of carefully placed strips of fabric that almost seemed like black trapped wrapped over her skin, carefully designed to leave just enough details on show to excite and entice. He admired her for a long moment, like taking in the glory of a masterfully crafted painting. The truth was though, she didn’t need to dress up to look beautiful; she could walk into a garden of roses and the very plants themselves would turn to stare at her.

“Like what you see?” She asked, bringing him back.

“No, I love it. Just wondering what’s the meaning of all this?” He asked. She shrugged.

“Does there need to be a reason?” She said, lightly running her fingers over his chest as she bit her lip.

“No, I guess not,” He said, his smile growing wider. He loved it when she was spontaneous, and even now he could feel that spark of impulsiveness flowing from her to him. The spark flared. Without warning, he pushed himself up from the chair and grabbed her by her rear, bringing her with him. She giggled excitedly as she wrapped her legs around him. Without thinking, he pushed her up against the nearest wall, her hot body pushing tight against his.

They erupted into another round of passionate kissing, their breathing hot and quick. With her pinned against the wall, his hands were free to touch her. He ran them up the sides of her body while she squeezed him with her legs and held his face. It was amazing; he could have stayed there forever, if not for the simple fact that he wanted more.

With a great effort, he tore himself from her lips and moved her away from the wall. She stared at him with her sparkling, lake-like eyes as he carried her through to the bedroom. Carefully, like he was placing down a precious bundle of flowers, he lowered her to the bed. She kissed him once more for a moment before scooting back over the large bed towards the pillows. Her every movement was dripping in natural seduction. As he watched her, he shrugged off his shirt and threw it aside, then climbed onto the bed. She beckoned him forward, that naughty smile filling her face.

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Slipping between her open legs, she buried he head into the pillows as he settled on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into another intense kiss. The warmth of her body beneath him was like a fire that spread through him, and with every flick of her tongue, every frantic breath, every press of her lips against his, the fire only grew hotter.

But he wasn’t done yet.

Breaking away from the kiss, he instead pushed his lips to her neck, tilting her head back. He kissed her skin, feeling her rapid heartbeat beneath his fingers. He moved lower, cupping her breasts and squeezing gently before running a finger beneath the seem of her bra to tease her nipples. They were already hard, but he resisted the urge to linger and moved down, to her waist, kissing and touching as he went. She squirmed slightly from side to side as anticipation built inside of her, her legs bucking up beneath him. He moved lower, feeling the silky material of her panties against his skin.

He paused for a second, considering his next move. Considering what he wanted most. Running his hands up her legs, he slipped his fingers under the sides of her panties and pulled them down a fraction. It wasn’t much, just enough to make the muscles in her stomach tighten as she sucked in a breath.

He placed a line of kisses along the newly exposed skin; they were long and lingering, almost as if he were reluctant to move on. The seconds passed as he moved back and forth, edging downwards agonizingly slowly, using his chin to push her panties down even further. His efforts worked.

She couldn’t take it anymore, and he felt her fingers running through the hair on his head, pushing him downwards. A wicked smile crossed his face. He pulled upwards, taking her hands in his for a moment as he watched her groan in frustration. She glared at him with a desperate need, but he edged backwards and took her legs, pushing them upwards so they were resting on his shoulders. He stroked them while he kissed her calves; her skin was so soft and smooth. There wasn’t an inch of her he wouldn’t worship, but she seemed to have other ideas in mind. Scooting down the bed slightly, she pushed herself into his waist, feeling the bulge that was held prisoner there, yearning for release. Her eyes met his.

I want you, she said without speaking. Don’t make me beg.

A massive smile crossed her face when she heard the sound of his zipper being pulled open. The bed erupted into a flurry of activity as the two rushed to pull off what was left of their clothes. It could only have been seconds, but seconds could feel like aeons when you were apart from the one you loved more than anything else in the world.

The relief they both felt when they touched each other again was almost palpable, like static filling the air around them. They came together like the merging of the tide and shore, fitting together perfectly in each other’s arms. Almost on their own, their lips found each other. The kiss was softer this time, slower, letting them explore more of the moment as they found their rhythm. Their breath become as one; he loved the feeling of her now bare breasts pushing up into his chest, and she found comfort in his weight atop her.

There was no need for talking now, only an unspoken urgency for more, for a release. They stayed like that for a long moment, feeling each other, but then her hands slipped from his back to his sides, then further down. He lifted his hips slightly, then let out a sigh of relief when he felt her fingers wrap around him. His sigh was joined by hers a moment later when he felt himself engulfed in her warmth.

He started slowly.

In a way, it was almost too much. He could feel every part of her, and with each inch that slipped further inside her, his senses were set alight with ecstasy. But with every sensation that hit him, he wanted more, if for no other reason than to see the look of pleasure on her face. He kissed her neck as he gently moved, listening to her sharp intakes of breath as she pushed her head back. But then she wrapped her legs around his waist again and squeezed, her sign that she wanted more. Instantly he sped up, the sound of her cries of lust matching his motions.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, at the man she loved. They shared a love that even gods would be envious of. He was her other half in every way, and with every thrust, he reached past the physical and touched parts inside of her that nothing else could. It was like poetry in motion, like they could move the stars and the heavens with the energy building between them.

Almost on cue, a series of hard and fast thrusts erupted from him. She smiled as she watched him moan from the effort, not realising similar sounds were coming from herself. He looked down and their gazes met. Love me, she thought, her face red with passion and eyes misty. Love me with all that you are, and allow me to do the same.

She gently placed her hands on his chest and pushed him up. He instantly followed her lead, and rolled off of her and onto his back. She kissed him again quickly, savouring the taste of him as she climbed on top of him and lowered herself down, easily finding him and the right position. Her rhythm was faster than he had been. She threw her head back as she ground her hips against him, as if this was the last time they would ever be together.

Beneath her, all he could do was watch in amazement at the incredible being atop of him, the one filling his mind and body with such wondrous pleasure. His hands reached up and cupped her breasts, but that only seemed to make her movements more intense. She never looked more beautiful then she did now, when she allowed him to see her at her most vulnerable, her most powerful. If someone had offered him the world in exchange for this moment, he would have told them no.

A growing sense of urgency began to fill the pair. It was like a shot of adrenaline, a touch of fire from within them. She pushed herself faster, and in return, he pushed up to met her. They matched their movements perfectly. It felt amazing, but the feeling grew greater still. It wouldn’t be long now. She arched over, her head only a few inches above his. She bit her lip.

“I love you,” He said as he grabbed her hips, unable to resist any longer.

“I love you,” She replied before slamming her lips to his. Their tongues touched as their minds exploded. Every muscle in their bodies tensed as the world fell away, as pleasure as intense as the forging of a star flooded their bodies. It was like drowning in a way; all they could think about, all they could feel, was the sensations that were flooding into them, wave after wave that completely consumed them as they came into each other in all the ways possible.

In that moment, it felt like their very souls touched, flowing and merging into one as their bodies screamed out with a pulsing, throbbing ecstasy. Again and again, it hit them, pushing them to heights of paradise that made them feel like they were flying amongst the clouds.

They could have stayed in that moment for eternity, but all too soon they started to drift down from their lofty heights. The vivid sensations gave way to a more relaxed, constant sense of bliss that wrapped itself around them like a warm blanket. Soon, the sound of their heavy breathing came into focus, with her collapsed on top of him, and he with his arms wrapped around her, their heads resting next to each other. They stayed like that for a long time, but then she let herself half roll, half fall to the side. She nestled up to him, resting her head on his chest, smiling to herself in contentment.

“You’ve got to get back to your work,” She whispered. He kissed the top of her head.

“It can wait.” With that, he wrapped his arm around her tighter. The two settled into a quiet stillness, lost to the world, only caring about each other, their love keeping them warm.

Written by SimplySeductive22
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