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E025: Tuesday

"Emma and Professor Donald after being apart come together again"

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Somehow knowing that Donald is there watching her, and perhaps the pale glow of the phone with his wonderful face looking down on her Emma does drowse off to sleep rather quickly.  Well, the almost full bottle of wine she had drunk while reading her mother’s story didn’t hurt either. 

Since spending the night with Donald holding her in his arms, Emma is now able to again sleep on her side, with a pillow at her back to imagine it is Donald there against her.  For Donald, seeing her face in front of him, even in the shadowy light of her room somehow comforts him as he watches her fall asleep.

And though he told her he would hang up when she is asleep, he watches her sleeping for almost an hour until he forces himself to hang up and go to bed himself.

Emma’s revelation about her parents amazes him, and he must write all of this up tomorrow.  He so wants to share this with his colleagues but he finds himself hesitating about doing so.  This is his Emma’s story, and does he want them to know that much about her?

It is the first time that he has thought of her as his Emma.  And it feels so good thinking of her that way.  And tomorrow he will see her again.  This day apart has been agonizing for him.  He falls asleep imagining how things will be between them.  In the morning he will curse himself for such indulgence, but as he nods off it is so wonderful to just imagine.

In the morning, clearer headed after a good night’s sleep, Donald sends Emma an email for her to see when she wakes.  Which he knows will be soon when she hears the sound of an incoming message.

He tells her to come to his house tomorrow at five p.m.  Go to her room and wait for him.  He wants to see her in her rosy dress.  And he reminds her that she must deposit that money in the bank first.

He wonders if he should have offered to accompany her to do this, but then decides she should do fine on her own.

Emma does awake when she hears the message come in.  Reading it she smiles broadly learning that soon she will be with her Donald again.  But then realizes how much she needs to get done before then.

She hurries and gets up.  Her shower will wait until she gets ready to dress.  She does love how wonderful it feels now to just go around the house doing things nude.

She goes downstairs and carried all the bags of clothes to the garage.  The coolness of the garage does harden her nipples which excites her some.  It is several trips, but the bags are now all pushed to one side of the garage.

Back inside she first calls a local hardware store and arranges for them to come Thursday to put a garage door opener in.  Then she calls an antique auction house nearby.  She explains that she has several perfect condition furniture over one-hundred and fifty years old, along with china, and many other things which she wants to sell.

The auction house knows who she is, and has heard about the treasure chest of things in her house and jumps at the chance.  She schedules them to come Thursday also to give her an estimate.  She is so satisfied with what she has accomplished this morning.  She is going to get rid of much of the old, and move forward. 

Only then does she go and fix herself some breakfast, chuckling to herself that she guesses she will have to be dressed on Thursday here at her house.

After breakfast, feeling a sense of accomplishment over all the things she is setting in motion, she indulges herself in watching the DVD Donald had sent home with her on Sunday.  It is the 1975 French film the Histoire d'O (Story of O).  Donald taped a note inside the jacket.

“Emma, you will get to read this book too, which far surpasses this film, but I think visually seeing some of this will help you.”

For the next almost two hours she watches is film, her fingers keep starting to reach for her pussy to stroke herself like Donald had, but stops herself in time fearful of what the outcome would be if she so indulges herself.  By the end, her eyes are wide open. 

Does Donald want to take her this far into things?  Could she go that far?  Donald has captivated her, but she is not sure she could submit to all that.  Or is that what she really lusts?  Is she so like, or more so, than her mother?

Too many thoughts are running through her head. 

Then she realizes that she has forgotten one more place she should have called earlier.  The charity shop to pick up all the bags of clothes.  She does so quickly, arranging one more Thursday event.  That out of the way, and the other things too, she feels like this forty-year weight is beginning to lift off her shoulders.

Emma finds a large purse, well almost a carry-all, and counting and recording the money one more time she places it all in the bag to take to the bank.  She then showers and dresses.  The rosy dress does look wonderful on her.  The deep neck, held up only by the shelf bra she has under it, does give an excellent peeking view of her breasts.

She shudders suddenly and wonders if she could wear this outfit into the bank?  The bank her family owned?  All the officers from President down know her so well.  But a sly smile comes to her lips as she thinks perhaps this fresh look, and the $100,000 she will surprise them with, is just the jolt the old place needs.

When she counts out the hundreds, she finds many with unusual color seals on them.  And the release dates are from over one-hundred years ago.  These might be worth more than their face value.  As she packs her bag she bundles them separately. 

Deep down she knows everything she is doing today is for Donald.  Will he appreciate all she is doing?

The money now took care of, she goes back to her parents’ bedroom and takes her fathers huge leather suitcase and packs the suits, the shirts, the ties for Donald.  She moves the luggage to the top of the stairs.  Only then does she remember she needs to pack the suitcase Donald sent home with her to take back. 

‘What did he want her to include?’

She remembers now that not really much is to be returned in it.  But she places the DVD in the sleeve and her book, which she will have to confess with her mother’s diary she did not finish the last seventy-five pages.  She hopes her professor will not punish her for that as she has such wonderful things to share with him.  Oh yes, and her mother’s diary, that she must take to him.  So that filled with what must be returned, she closes and carries this light suitcase to the top of the stairs too.

She goes back into her bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror.  The darker shades of makeup do create a totally different look to her.  She knows it is erotic and inviting.  Oh, what will happen looking like this at the bank?

She picks up the purse with the money, carried it downstairs with the suitcase Donald has given her.  Then up the stairs for her father’s suitcase.  She looks out the front door, and it appears the neighbors are elsewhere as first she carries the two suitcases to the car, then back in the house for her purses and hurries to her car with them, putting them on the front passenger seat.

She has a couple hours to deal with things at the bank before she is due at Donald’s.  And thinking this, she caresses her now filling pearl necklace.  This she knows she will never take off.

She drives the five minutes to the bank.  Her father’s bank.  She knows it so well from growing up with it being so central in her life.  But never has she looked this way, or could have conceived of what she now has to do.

Big bag in hand, she walks in, her high heels tapping on the marble floor.  Good golly, just that sound, knowing it is her heel doing it, makes her start to drip between her legs.

She walks up to the front desk and tells the woman there that she needs to see the President for something important.  The woman, Grace, sees the seriousness on Emma’s face and knows who she is.  She worked at the bank under Emma’s father for several years before he retired.  She presses the buzzer on her desk, and the President arrives to greet her in only a few moments.

It is hard for him to hide his surprise in Emma’s new appearance.  Truth be told he has always yearned for Emma, and now how she looks in front of him now, he feels himself hardening and hopes it is not obvious.  But somehow Emma’s eyes drop and she does see.  And this inner smile spreads through her realizing her new power over men.  And she feels herself dripping even more.

He leads her to his office.  He so wants to touch her but knows he must not.

In his office, Emma does stammer a little trying to explain how she found this money – but NOT why it was there.  He just smiles condescendingly at her, thinking it was a couple thousand dollars she is worried about.  But when she opens the bag and he sees how much it is, he is flabbergasted.

She shows him the bills she wonders about and he knows immediately yes, all of the ones she has put aside are worth much more than their face value.  And how much there is to deposit into her account.

With the new bank corporation, this bank is now part of he realizes he is going to well over his goals for increased deposits by tenfold this year.  This gives him even more of a rush.  And when he stands to take the money out of the bag and looks at Emma, he can see a bit down her dress.  Her nipples are just peeking out at him and he is so afraid he is going to cum before he finishes this.

He pulls himself together enough to call a teller to his office to count out the money for a deposit.  As the teller does, he pampers himself with imagining caressing Emma’s loving boobs, pinching her nipples and running his hand up her silken thighs to find her wet welcoming slit for him to soak his fingers in.  He shook his head to rid that thought before he came and embarrassed himself.

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The teller finishes counting and writes the deposit slip.  She, herself, is rather shaking at how much there is.  The president calls a bank guard to take the money to the vault after he adds the amount to Emma’s account.  He then escorts her to her safety deposit box, telling her to put the special bills in there for now until he can find some broker to deal with them for her. 

Emma feels him rub just a bit against her as they walk to the vault, and an unexpected rush goes over her.  She had seen his lustful look at her while the money was being counted and now begins to realize the power she has over men.

Finished now, she thanks the President for his help and he walks her out to her car.


Meanwhile, Donald wrestled with himself all morning and afternoon about Emma going alone with that much money.  And just before her leaving for the bank is just down the street from her house watching.  He is in a small sedan which she will not recognize.

He follows her to the bank, watchful of anything which might happen.  He does wonder about the big suitcase she puts in her car, but his concentration is on her completing this transaction safely.

Sitting outside the bank, wondering why it seems, to him, taking longer than it should, he wonders about her.  He had seen her in her rosy dress, and even the makeup for him.  Should he have let her go out in public alone looking like that?  He is hard in his car from just what he could see.  How would it affect someone up close to her?

When he sees her leave the bank finally, with the President at her side, and a little to close to his Emma, he is livid.  How dare another man try to pouch his Emma?  But as he watches, he calms as he sees her rebuffing any of his advances.


At her car, the President does open her door for her and stands a little too close as he chats his goodbyes.  She quickly gets into the driver’s seat and puts on her seatbelt.  He starts to ask her if she would like to go out to dinner sometime, but stammers finishing seeing the look of alarm on her face.

Emma is nice, but firm, telling him that her schedule right now is very full, but thanks him for the invitation.  She pulls the door close and turns the car on.  The look of disappointment on his face does touch her, but no, only Donald is who she wants touching her now.  

But this is a learning experience for her as she discovers more and more about the sexual world.  A wry smile appears on her lips as she realizes that after their interaction he is probably going back into his office and jerking himself to happiness.


As Donald sees the President start to walk away from Emma’s car he hurriedly starts his and drives to his house quickly.  He knows he could arrive after Emma, but he so wants to watch her, on camera, arrive and enter her bedroom.

He gets there in time and situates himself at his command center to watch her entrance.

He sees her pull into his drive, lift her phone to press the app to open the garage and pulls her car into its place there now.  Watching her do so sends a wave over him for some reason.  It is like he suddenly is a woman, and the car pulling into his garage is Emma entering him as a man.  The sensation of that rush running through him is as arousing as actually cumming.  He never experienced anything like this before.

He watches her lift the two suitcases from her car and walk down the hallway to her room.  The large leather suitcase which he is unfamiliar with seems to be heavy for her to carry, and again he wonders what it is.  She sets her suitcase on the dresser, but the other, she puts on the bed. Then standing by the bed, her back to it, her hands folded across her waist, she just waits.

After zooming in on her a couple of times to see how lovely she looks, and admire her makeup, Donald, in a full suit, hurries to her room.  Well, he would not admit he was hurrying, but he is.

The wide smile of greeting on Emma’s face as he walks into the room is devastating.  He feels his heart pounding.  What is coming over him?

His overwhelming lust for her right now gets the better of him and he comes up to her and envelopes her in his arms and kisses her long and passionately.  This goes on for several minutes.  Emma’s lipstick is smeared, some now on Donald’s lips and chin.  As they pull apart she lifts her fingers and wipes the smears away for him.

Her gentle touch doing this is more erotic to Donald than that impassioned kiss.

He presses her to sit on the bed and undoes her necklace, and their ritual is completed for the eleventh pearl she earned while they were apart.  When he clips the necklace back on her, her warm smile of gratitude fills his heart.

He doesn’t care how far gone he is at this moment.  He has his Emma back with him now.

Emma shyly tells him she brought some gifts for him, which she hopes he will like.  If not, he can get rid of them in any way he likes.

He looks at her quizzically as she moves to open the suitcase.  As he stands beside her as she does his eyes widen.

“My father had many, too many, suits and clothing.  He was the one who always shined and stood out in our family.  These are some of the newest clothes he had bought, and hardly or never wore.  I think you are both of the same sizes, and rather giving these away to charity I thought you might enjoy them,” Emma tells him as lifting some of the things for him to see.

Donald is overcome by what she is offering him.  Not so much from how wonderful all of it looks, and his enjoyment to come in wearing them, but just that she is presenting him with such lovely gifts, letting him know how much she cares and thinks about him.

He kisses her again deeply, and in a voice cracking with emotion thanks her.  He closes the suitcase and moved it near the door.  Then he comes up to her and tells her she needs to undress him. 

Emma takes off his suit jacket and places it over the arm of the couch.  Then undoes his tie, pulling it off him.  Then slowly unbuttons his shirt and removes that.  She actually leans to his chest and kisses it and sucks on both his nipples as she does.

Then as she continues to suck and lick his chest, her fingers lower and undo his belt.  Then unbuttons him and lowers his zipper.  The spurt of adrenaline running through Donald as he feels her lowering his zipper is like an aphrodisiac to him.  He feels himself harden even more.  Emma lowers his trousers and boxers to the ground, lowering herself to be in front of his crotch as she does.

She helps him out of his shoes, lifting one foot at a time, pulls the pants aside, and lift each foot again to take his socks off.  Before she rises she takes his hardening cock in her mouth for a minute and lovingly sucks on it, letting Donald know how much she is yearning for it.

She stands and takes the rest of his clothes to the couch, folding them properly.

When she comes back to stand in front of him, now nude, he turns her and sits on the bed, her in front of him.  Donald had so wanted to undress her himself, but right now he wants her to put on a show for him.

“Emma, undress just like you did me.”

And she does so eloquently.  She reaches behind her and unzips her dress, it falls off her shoulders, over her breasts, her waist, her thighs, until it is laying on the ground beneath her.  She bends and picks it up and carries it to the couch too.  Donald relishes in the sight of her ass swaying as she walks away from him, and the lovely view of her front coming back to him.

Standing again in front of him, she undoes her bra and lets it fall down her arms. He reaches out and she hands it to him.  Then her panties down over her thighs, calves and off.  Again, he holds out his hand to take them.  Then motions her to him, and Emma standing between his legs, his cock so hard and throbbing for her, he reaches behind her and unclasps her garter.   Then slowly, so slowly, feeling the softness of the silk as he does, he lowers her stocking to her ankles. Her hand on his shoulder for support, she steps out of her high heels and then stocking.  Which with her underwear Donald tosses to the floor beside the bed.

He grabs Emma and pulls her down on top of him, kissing her over and over.  Then rolls her over and is deep within her wet cunt before she knows it.  She gasps with pleasure as he begins to rock and thrust into her.

It is a feverous coupling as both have been so in want of each other for what seems like forever, but was only forty-eight hours.  Donald realizes that for a while he will have to be away from her for a day or two at times, but as he thrusts into her over and over, he wonders if he can handle such separation from his Emma anymore?

As he comes hard in her, and she cries with pleasure, he realizes in the back of his mind, for the first time in his life, he is totally and fully smitten with someone.  It is incomprehensible to him how this has happened, but he longs for, lusts for, Emma completely.  And seeing her today with the bank president brought it all home to him how much he wants her. 

Oh, she will have to learn how to be shared with others, which will eat at him some when he makes her, but she must be his completely now.

Little does Donald know that as they cum, all Emma is able to think is, ‘Yes, I am yours completely, do with you want you want, but these feeling rushing over me, feeling your touch, your cock, it is all that I want.’

So, as they fall together, finished, laying in each other’s arms, not telling each other what is going on in their minds, they seem to know from the energy between them that they have reached a point together of no return.



Written by Cammi
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