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E024: Being Apart

"An interesting new dimension about Emma's life is revealed"

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After Donald turns off his computer he decides that he too is rather tired from the last two days of almost constant sex and he is ready to go to bed.  He walks down the hallway, stopping at Emma’s room for a moment, but shakes his head and tells himself, ‘No, you can not keep indulging that way,’ and continues on to his room.

He crawls into bed, and on his back, he sighs deeply, remembering how wonderful it felt holding Emma as he slept.  In the darkness of the night, he admits to himself that he does long for her, and wants her with him.  But that is something she should not know.

Like Emma in her bed, he falls into a deep sleep.

Monday morning arrives, and Donald hurries to shower, dress and have a quick breakfast before he needs to leave for the college.  But in his car, before he pulls out of the garage, he texts Emma a quick message.

“I hope you slept well, have a good day today, I will be in touch this evening.  Do not reply to this as I am on my way to work.”

The ping of the incoming message wakes Emma.  She leans and picks up the phone and reads his message.  She is sorry she is not allowed to send him a message back now, but it is heartwarming that he has texted her to start her day.

Donald, driving to work, curses himself for sending such a message to her.  He is getting in too deep.

Emma looks at the clock and sees it is eight a.m.  She is sleeping in more now, rather than her usual six a.m. arising.  It feels good, all the hours of sleep since going to bed early last night.

She gets up and quickly bags all the piles of clothes, shoes, and undies and throws them down the stairs to be taken to the garage.  That only takes a half hour. She decides that since her meeting today is not until one p.m. she should finally also do what she has put off for so long.

Her parents' room. 

Her mother had died at seventy-three after over five years of being bed-ridden.  Her father followed her less than a year later, though he had seemed in good health until just before the end.  She always felt that he died from the loss of her mother and grieving so.  That had been over a year ago.  But she had never gotten rid of any of their things, nor actually entered their bedroom.

She goes to their bedroom and opens their closet.  There are more suits of her father’s than dresses of her mother’s.  He had been a bit of a peacock.  She takes several suits and puts them in a bag.  All are top of the line and in very good condition.

There are several in garment bags, and as she looks at them, three are brand new, ones he never wore, and five more are almost the same condition.  As she looks at them she realizes that her father and Donald are of the same built.  She ponders for a few minutes, and places these eight suits on the bed, instead of in the bag.  They are of the finest quality in black, navy, grey and even a southern-styled white suit.

Then she starts on her mother’s clothes.  And as she does, she remembers her mother repeatedly telling her to always check clothes pockets before getting rid of them.

She knows there is nothing left in any of her own clothes pockets, but takes the time to go back and check her father’s suits.  She does find a number of twenty- and fifty-dollar bills in them.  She starts piles of each.

When she starts to bag her mother’s rather drab clothes, worse in style or form than even what she had been wearing, Emma begins to find one-hundred-dollar bills in pocket after pocket.  In wonder, she stacks them too.

The pile grows as she discards the dresses into a bag. 

And then, when she starts to bag their shoes, Emma finds even more one-hundreds tucked into the toes of her mother’s shoes.  ‘What is going on here?’

She throws these bags down the stairs too.  It is now going on ten a.m.  She still has another hour until she needs to get ready for her meeting.

She opens the hutch which is her father’s and sees his array of colored ties.  Again, they are in pristine condition and of the best silk.  She takes about twelve of them and places them on the bed; the rest, she bags.  And his shirts, the best quality and in white and pastel shades.  Some never worn, it appears.

Ten of them go on the bed; the rest, she adds to the bag.

Finally, she goes to her mother’s dresser and cleans the drawers of her drab underwear, finding more one-hundreds tucked in among them.  When she finishes she sees a bulge under the paper lining and lifts it.  It reveals a rather large bound notebook.  Emma is curious.

She throws the bags of clothes down with the rest to be taken to the garage.  She counts the hundreds. Emma’s mind boggles; there are over one thousand hundred bills, over $100,000.  All tucked away by her mother.  ‘Where did they come from?’

The money from her father’s pockets comes to another three thousand.  What were her parents hoarding?  She realizes that the money in her father’s pockets was just what he left there when he took a suit off and did not think about, but all these one-hundred-dollar bills from her mother?

She gathers the money and takes it to her room and puts it in one of her dresser drawers which is now empty. 

‘I will deal with this later.  I need to get ready for my meeting,’ Emma thinks.

She hurries and showers, gets her makeup on and dresses.  The grey dress does look wonderful on her, and knowing the lingerie she is wearing underneath, and the feel of the silk stockings on her legs, Emma starts to drip.

When coming back to her room with the money, Emma also brings the notebook.  She has about fifteen minutes until she needs to leave, so she opens it and sees it is a diary of the fifty years of marriage of her parents.  She flips through it a bit and suddenly realizes that it is probably better than the book Donald has been having her read.

She would love to waste her afternoon reading this right now, but her meeting calls her.

She hurries downstairs, kicks the bags out of the way; she will get them to the garage when she gets home, and goes to her car.

She is antsy throughout the meeting, wanting it to conclude the business at hand and adjourn.  But it drags on.  And she does see the others there catching glimpse of her in her new look.

Finally, it is over.  But now several chat her up and tell her how nice she looks today.  A few men and a woman or two all look at her in what she realizes is a lustful way.  Emma just smiles politely and thanks them for their comments.  As soon as she dares, she is out of there.

Wondering, wondering what the diary holds, she does stop at the liquor store and buys wine and several other things.  Yes, she is ready to enter this new world, while she wonders if it is such a new world for her family.

Emma’s mother, Charlette, was always very plainly dressed and seemed to be there only to raise her and take care of her father.  Her mother and father would go out regularly as she grew older, but her mother was always primly dressed.  Her father, Edward, had been the president of a local bank which had been founded by her great-grandfather.  It was the family occupation.  But when he was in his sixties, and her mother grew ill, he sold out to one of the bigger banks in the state and devoted his attention to civic and service organizations.  Which is how Emma is now so involved with them.

As said, he was a peacock, and her mother fawned over him always.  So what secrets does this diary hold that Emma never imagined?

She puts away the liquor and wine, leaving one bottle of wine out, which she opens, and with a tray of cheese and crackers and a wine glass heads to her room.

She is undressed in moments, takes the diary to her bed, and she fills her wine glass and opens it to the start.

It is dated a week before her parents' wedding date.  And next to the date is written 'one-hundred dollars.'

All the entries are a couple of pages or less long, and her mother’s handwriting is rather small.

April 18, 1974

Edward and I have been dating for about four months now.  He seems interested but tells me I am a bit high spirited, flirty and mean to others at the same time.  I have just laughed at him and said, but doesn’t that make me more interesting?

Tonight, though was different.  I admit I was rather catty to the wife of one of the bank officers, but Edward is the heir apparent so if I am with him why shouldn’t I be?

Rather than taking me home after the dinner, Edward took me to his apartment.  I was surprised, as though the seventies now, we had done nothing more than kiss and a little groping. When we got there I learned it was not for us to have sex for the first time.  At least not yet.

Edward led me into his living room and sat on the couch.  He told me to sit beside him.  And then he floored me.

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“Charlette, your behavior tonight was totally unacceptable.  First, you wore such a short dress with too much cleavage as I have mentioned to you to please not do.  It does not look proper for someone who is with me in my position.  Second, you were mean and spiteful all evening even when I mentioned it to you.”

My eyes began to tear some at his harsh comments and thinking he was going to tell me he would never see me again.

He continued, “Charlette, I would so like to make you my wife, but you need to learn to behave properly.  I think I know a way to help you become my ideal, but you have to agree totally with it.  If not, then I think we need to end.”

‘Anything, anything,’ is all I can think, ‘I do not want to end this with Edward.  He is all that I want in a man.  I touch and fondle myself at night thinking about him.’

“What do you have in mind?” I ask him timidly.

“Charlette, when you misbehave I will spank you so you will begin to learn how to be a good wife.  It will be for your own good.”

‘A spanking?  I have never been spanked, ever.  Could I do this to stay with Edward?’ I thought.

I stood up to leave, to see if he would back down.  I was rather spiteful. 

“Charlette, you can leave if you wish.  I will drive you home, but we will never see each other again.”

I melted.  Not to see this man of my dreams ever again?  To possibly see him around town with someone else?  No, I could not do that.  But the alternative.

“What do you want me to do, Edward?”

“Come and lay across my lap.”

I did as he told me, somewhat in a daze.  I positioned myself on his lap, my head on a pillow, and my legs along the couch. I felt him lift my dress, and then told me to lift up, and I felt him lowering my pantyhose and then panties down to my knees.

I am so embarrassed and had no idea what is coming.

Edward rubbed my ass cheeks nicely over and over.  And then when I least expected it I felt my right cheek spanked, hard.  And then my left cheek.  And the spanking really started.  Back and forth between my cheeks, sometimes numerous times on each cheek and thigh.

It was not long before I was crying out and kicking my legs.  Would it never end?  It was stinging so much.

But then suddenly I realized that I was dripping between my legs.  So much!  And realizing while the spanking hurt, I was reaching a sexual summit.

I cried and cried and told him I would be good for him, be all that he wanted.  But then I felt his cock hardening against me as I was dripping away.  He was getting off on this as much as I was!

The spanking continued until my bottom felt raw, and as he told me later, a lovely rosy shade.

He helped me stand and then pulled me on his lap.  My arms went around his neck, and like a little, punished girl, my tear-stained face rested on his shoulder.  He rubbed my back and told me he knew I would be a good girl for him. 

I looked up into his eyes, and while mine were teary I nodded and promised him I would be better.

He lifted me and carried me to his bedroom.  Laying me on his bed, he undressed me completely.  It was the first time he had seen me nude.  He took his time running his fingers all over my body, making me shiver.  But not touching me where I was burning up and needed his touch so much.  But it was heavenly.

We stared into each other’s eyes as he completely undressed.  The sight before me was like a god to me.  He had me completely and totally.  If he sent me away at that moment, saying I had failed and he would not see me anymore, I would have to go to a nunnery as no one else would be able to compare.

He came and kneeled between my legs.  He ran his fingers up and down my soaking slit as I whimpered with pleasure.  Then he did the same with his cock, wetting the head.  Just as he began to press his glans into me for the first time he said, “Charlette, we are about to be married.  From this moment on, you are mine, have whatever ceremonies you want. But you are mine for always.”

And he thrust his cock deep into me.  The first cock I ever felt inside me and I knew it had found its home, and no others would ever enter.

He rode me hard and fast for my first time.  The excitement which had built as he spanked me had grown and I was soon shouting out in pleasure.  This ride went on for a while as he raised me to a cusp, then slowed to bring me down again, only to take me over and over to that point again.

Finally, together we both shouted out in ecstasy and I felt his cum cascading up into me.

We both dropped to the bed, he beside me holding me in his arms.

“Charlette, that was wonderful.  You will learn to be my perfect wife, but while you learn to be, if you continue like tonight in other ways, you will be wonderful as you are educated.”

I just sighed deeply and cuddled closer to him.

In the morning he had me shower with him as he washed me carefully, and then so lovingly rubbed my ass and asked if I was okay as he dressed me.

I told him I was fine, and I did not really have any lasting pain. 

“Edward, I understand that my behavior is far from perfect, and I think what you did last night will have an impact on improving my behavior, thank you.”

Edward replied, “Charlette, I meant what I said.  You are my wife now.  Plan whatever you want for a wedding, but do not take more than a couple of weeks.  I need to be officially and totally married to you soon.”

Then, he handed me a crisp one-hundred-dollar bill and told me that I will receive one whenever I take my spanking, and respond afterward as a proper wife.

I tucked that first one-hundred-dollar bill away, as I will with every one I receive from today forward.

Emma is astounded by what she reads.  Her parents?  Is this why she is so acceptable to what Donald suggests?  It is all so incredible.  But then realizing what her mother’s last line said, she goes back and counts the one-hundred-dollar bills again. She calculates in her mind.

Though her parents had been married almost fifty years, besides the year she was pregnant with her, and the almost six years of being sick, during which she did not think any of that would have been happening, her mother earned at least one, if not two payments each month overall.

Emma does need to read more and more of this diary, and share it with Donald.

Just then her phone rings, and as she picks it up to talk to her prince, she notices that two-thirds of the bottle of wine is gone.  Has she has been sipping that much as she was reading the first entry and absorbing it?

Emma says hello to Donald in such a gleeful voice he wonders what is going on.

He asks how her day was, and she just bubbles forth with what she has discovered.  It is eye-opening to him, but it adds another dimension to Emma and her ready acceptance.

All that Emma is becoming to him, now she adds something new and unique to the documenting of the study of her too.  Never before have he and his colleagues added hereditary leaning into their equations.  Yes, they knew some things run in a family, but to have it actually documented too.  And as a primary resource.

And while he plans only having her earn a small number of pearls, her father seems to have mastered that beyond completion with his monetary prizes.  And why did Charlette never spend any of them?  Did she need to keep them like a bouquet of her accomplishments?

All this leaves him speechless, and he allows tonight’s conversation between them to be Emma gushing out more and more of what she has discovered.

They, well Emma, talks for almost an hour before she winds down.  Donald tells her to save the rest of the diary for them to read together.  She must bundle up the money and deposit it in the bank tomorrow morning.  Yes, he knows it has been hidden in the house for years, but now knowing it is there, and her not being there as much, she must make sure it is safe.

Suddenly realizing, he tells her to look at the dates on the bills to check if any are old enough that they would be worth more than their face value.

He urges her to get to bed now and watches her as she lies down and turns out her light.  When away from her, watching her in darkness is so wonderful.  She whispers to him from the semi-darkness asking if he will stay and watch her until she is asleep.  It is a request he can hardly refuse and he tells her to put the phone on the stand and he will until he sees she is asleep, then he will hang up for the night.




Written by Cammi
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