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Don't Drop Anchor Here (Part VII)

"Our saga comes to an end....."

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It had been a hard hot last two weeks of August for Ronnie. Carl had been in an ill-tempered rough mood. His last trip to DC had not gone well. Veronica had been in her own surly mood. Not being able to spend time with Robert meant her body was perennially aquiver. She now craved her young neighbour’s touch, his kiss, and his love. Deprived of this she became upset, moody and angry.

Veronica had seen Nixon on the CBS evening news talking about the Vietnam War. Seeing the TV news footage of young men dying had disturbed her deeply. She couldn’t help thinking of young Rob soon to be shipped off to war. The pretty young blond wife had said something derogatory about Nixon. In her anger she had lashed out at the cruel looking leader of her nation as he blathered stupid comments on TV.

Veronica couldn’t help blowing up. She was too upset. She couldn’t tell anyone her secret and all her emotions were bottled up inside. Rob would be leaving soon. She hated Nixon and she hated the Vietnam War. The young wife had all this incoherent anger that just had nowhere to go.

Carl had struck her harshly on the face for the first time. He idolized Nixon. His hand had struck out so fast the petite blonde hadn’t even seen it coming. Body blows were common, but this was the first time her husband had cuffed her directly on the face. Ronnie had cried out in shocked anger and retreated to the bedroom to cry her eyes out.

Later Ronnie touched the still-tender bruise on her cheek. A cavernous distance was growing between husband and wife. Was it the love she felt for young Robert next door? Was her love the cause? No the estrangement had occurred a long time ago. Veronica could not blame Robert for her unhappy marriage. In fact he was the first man to truly make her feel loved and joyful.

Sometimes Ronnie felt like a tramp when she thought of all the illicit sex she had been having behind her husband’s back. The young wife felt guilty for hoping her husband would leave on more business trips. She just wanted to be alone with Robert. Just the thought of Carl going out the door made her feel chirpy and cheerful. Veronica would blush thinking of how wild she had become with young Robert in bed.

The pretty young blonde wife previously virtually chaste now loved flaunting her nakedness and her womanly needs with her new passionate young lover. In Robert’s arms she felt no shame as a woman. Her body was his to adore. Veronica loved to shed her clothes and let young Robert lavish her skin with kisses and teasing touches. Unlike her earlier self, Ronnie could now easily spread her legs for Robert’s hot blissful kiss, or even better his hard young cock.

Ronnie looked around her tiny southern California bungalow and realized the terrible smallness of her life. She would never be one of the glamorous women featured in Life Magazine or on the cover of Cosmopolitan. She would never wear expensive dresses or jewellery. And yet now, with handsome young Robert in her life, in her heart, she felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

The small black plastic Panasonic radio was tuned to her favourite top-forty radio station. The number one song in the last week of August was “Make It With You” by Bread. Ronnie loved David Gate’s soulful voice. The troubled young wife sang along softly to the lyrics.

“And if I choose the one I’d like to help me through, I’d like to make it with you…..I really think we could make it, girl….”

Veronica was startled from her reverie. She heard a car honk from outside. The pretty young blonde looked out the front living room window. She called out to her husband Carl.

“Gordon is here.”

Carl’s heavy footsteps could be heard as he lumbered down the narrow hallway. The surly husband did not offer even the pretence of a goodbye kiss for his sexy young wife. He did not even approach to hug her. Veronica looked up with her soft pale blue eyes hoping her husband would show a tiny sign of recognition or appreciation for her. But again she was disappointed. Nothing. Carl grunted as he exited the door.

“I’ll be gone two weeks.”

That was all her husband said to her as he carried his suitcase out the door. Ronnie smiled and waved weakly. There was no emotion or feeling in her half-smile. The hollowed-out wife gazed out the window as she watched her husband get into Gordon’s white Ford Fairlane.

All the fighting, Carl’s short-tempered moodiness, the blow to her cheek; it had all made Ronnie her self quite touchy and moody. She was down in the dumps. The young wife felt like her period was coming, but she knew that wasn’t the case. It had come almost ten days ago now. She was touchy and miserable and sad and worried and the last twelve days without Rob had been the worst of her life.

What was making the beautiful young blonde so emotional? She needed her Rob. She needed some passionate love making. She needed some attention and some hope. She needed to be held and comforted. She needed a kiss. She needed to lie in his strong muscular arms. She needed to shed her clothes and feel his lips make love-tracks on her naked skin. She needed to orgasm and feel her heart pound wildly.

Veronica stood still by the window in her tan coloured suede leather mini skirt wondering how long it would be until the doorbell would ring. She had worn the mini skirt because she knew how much Robert loved it on her. Every time Rob saw her in that mini skirt he would get immediately horny. She smoothed a crease in her cream coloured blouse. Veronica was nervous and fidgety.

The world seemed to stop turning as she waited. The seconds were passing like hours. Veronica was filled to the brim with intoxicating—and yet conflicted—strong emotions. She wanted to be chipper and happy. She wanted more than anything to put a smile on her face for her Robert. He would be with her in minutes. But the light upbeat mood she was seeking eluded her.

In his bedroom next-door young eighteen-year-old Robert was watching Ronnie’s house intently. It had been so long since he held her. Twelve days felt like eternity to a man in love. They had not had a single chance to be alone for almost two weeks. It was so long since he and Ronnie had been intimate. It felt like forever. Rob’s hard cock was throbbing with pent-up desire. His balls were sore. His heart was racing. He saw the white Fairlane pull up and he grinned. It wouldn’t be long now.

Ronnie’s husband Carl was off to DC again to work on his napalm dispersal system. Carl’s company, a large defence contractor, needed to get budget approval from the Defence Department for the increased cost of the system. As the white car pulled away from the front of her house Ronnie smiled. It was a smile tinged with sadness and melancholy. Yes now they could be together, but these few stolen days would be the last time for a long time. She dreaded perhaps forever?

Young Robert would be off to Vietnam. And then what Veronica wondered? Would the man she now loved ever return? Ronnie was terrified of their uncertain future. Dark clouds appeared on the horizon and Ronnie felt her body shiver from some inarticulate fear. “Don’t leave me alone,” she whispered to her self in an internal dialogue.

Veronica kept waving until the white car had receded down the block into the distance and turned the corner. She didn’t know if Carl looked back or waved in return. She didn’t care anymore. Her heart was thumping. The young straying wife brushed a strand of blond hair off her cheek. Her nipples were hardening involuntarily. Her body was getting ready for Rob’s arrival.

Ronnie fidgeted her fingers. She was nervous. Her sullen mood was lifting, but still her nerves were making her testy. What if he died? What if he was injured? She hated Nixon. She hated Melvin Laird. She hated a lot of things. She hated Vietnam. She was angry and sulky and cantankerous. Why did she have to lose Rob when she had just found him? Life was so unfair.

Ronnie was wound-up and on the verge of tears by the time the doorbell finally rang. The sharp-pitched “ding-dong” of the bell made her jump. Her mind was consumed by dark fears. She giggled at her own skittishness trying to lighten her mood. Veronica gently reached up and touched the bruise on her cheek. The young wife wished she could cover the bruise better with her Avon cream. Veronica always wanted to look beautiful and perfect for her Robert.

Opening the door the pretty young blond had no time to contemplate the darkness of life. The rush of enthusiasm and desire that her young teen lover brought through the portal overwhelmed her. Robert scooped Veronica up and almost ran with her to the bedroom. Ronnie yelped in surprise and giggled. Whatever thoughts had been in her brain was lost.

Her strong young teen lover carried her like she was a little China doll. She felt so feminine and delicate cradled in his strong arms. For a second she forgot her prior dark mood. For a second a playful perky sparkling moment seemed to pick her up and carry her like a wave carrying a surfboard. She pressed her face into his chest to block out the world.

And yet like every wave it soon crested and collapsed. As Robert gently set her feet on the floor in the bedroom the dark clouds returned. The whoosh of excitement was gone. Ronnie pushed him away.

“You shouldn’t do that.”

Her voice was unusually testy. Veronica looked down and turned her eyes away from Robert. She was frowning and he was confused. The grin on Robert’s face evaporated. He was more experienced now, but still he had not been around a woman’s “moods” yet. The young man soon to report to the army was disoriented. He lost his smile and his happy mood. His hard eight-inch cock kept throbbing in his pants.

“I’m sorry, darling. Did I do something wrong?”

His soft loving words were like another stab in her heart. Why did he call her darling? He was leaving her. He was abandoning her. Ronnie was angry and confused and hurt. The off-balance and confused young wife had lost her moorings. Why was she being hurt so much? Why did life make her feel so much pain? Why was she losing Robert?

“Don’t call me that. You’re….”

Veronica’s harsh words faltered. At that moment she hated him because she loved him so much. Her eyes were on fire with a confusion of anger, fear and sadness. She wanted to be rescued but had no idea how to find a life ring to cling to. She just loved him so much it ached.

Rob looked at the clearly distraught blond beauty he had been dreaming of for the last many days and nights. Young Robert was crestfallen by Veronica’s wild anger and the way she was pushing him away. He had dreamed of them being back together. He had dreamed something very different than this.

Poor confused young Robert had dreamed of holding beautiful Veronica tenderly in his arms. This was their last few precious days before he left and he wanted them to be happy together. He had written Veronica a poem. It was folded in his pocket. He touched the paper nervously.

Now everything seemed wrong. Robert looked around confused and shot to pieces. What did he do wrong? Why was she so angry with him? Ronnie’s reaction to his arrival was so unexpected he was thrown off balance. The poor teenager had no idea that the woman he loved wasn’t angry with him—she was angry at the world. She was railing against fate—against the gods if they existed.

Without warning Ronnie started to cry. A flood of tears erupted. Robert was confused. He reached out to take the woman he loved in his arms. Yes he was green and immature, but he needed to grow up fast. As he wrapped his arms around her Veronica lashed out. She balled up her tiny fists and began pounding on his hard chest.

The troubled young wife might as well have been thumping on the black marble she would thump upon decades later. Robert’s young body was hard and chiselled. Her pathetic pounding made no impact. He held her more tightly to stop her flailing about. She wiggled and twisted and protested. The tears flowed like a river. Her tiny body was too small a vessel to contain all her grief and fear.

“I hate you.”

She protested as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Why are you leaving me alone?”

Finally there it was. The elephant in the room had been revealed. Her sobs began and her body was wracked by heaves of despair. Young Robert hardly knew what to do. He held her tightly and shushed her with soft tender sounds. He brushed her hair away from her tears and wiped her face.

When finally Veronica had calmed enough Robert moved his face forward. She was still whimpering weakly as the young man-boy place his lips on hers. The soft kiss muffled her whimpering. Slowly she stopped. His tongue moved forward tentatively. He let it slide along her plump bottom lip. The young lover was exploring, testing, to see if she would respond.

In a hunger of desire Ronnie tugged her arms around his waist. She pulled her body in tightly and suddenly she opened her mouth to receive him. Her tongue probed into Rob’s mouth. Her whimpers turned into soft half-moans. Rob pressed his hardness into her hips. She closed her eyes and held on.

“Oh god I’ve missed you.”

She gasped in a husky raspy “please-fuck-me-now” voice. They tumbled onto the bed in a tangled ball of limbs and mutual need.

“Oh Ronnie. I know darling.”

Robert whispered his mouth laying hungry lusting kisses on her neck as his hands found the zipper for her mini skirt. They twisted and turned on the bed as Rob ripped off her clothes. Every second she was not naked was a second too long.

Robert’s mouth bit down on her neck and shoulders. Ronnie’s fingernails raked Rob’s skin as she pulled desperately at his polo shirt. Her hand reached down under his belt in a desperate search to locate his throbbing cock.

Ronnie more than anything wanted to hold the evidence of Rob’s hard erect need for her. She wanted to feel his hard throbbing cock in her slender feminine hand. Finally clasping his hard rod in her hand she calmed. To feel his hard erection pulsing with blood made him feel real and permanent. A woman holding a hard cock knows she is needed and wanted. Ronnie relaxed.

Her skirt gone, her panties ripped off, her blouse open, young Robert made a furious assault on every inch of Veronica’s slim sexy body. Ronnie’s bubble-gum pink nipples seemed to burn with need. They were hard as small pink bullets. Her pussy slit was leaking juice. Rob slid a finger inside her. She gasped and spread her legs. Whimpering Ronnie slid her hand behind his head. She pulled Rob’s head towards her and kissed him on the lips as hard as she ever had.

When the kiss had ended Veronica pushed Robert’s head down her body. He kissed her breasts making her hot and horny. He kissed her stomach teasingly, but she pushed harder forcing his head down even further. The young blonde wife spread her legs wider and whimpered. She couldn’t wait any longer. She pushed with two hands on his head until his hot mouth was poised over her pussy.

Young Rob smelled his lover’s musky deep female scent. It has been so long. Twelve days without drinking pussy juice might as well have been a century for the horny teen. The musky female scent inflamed his cock. It thumped and jumped in his briefs.

Young Robert grinned as he moved his face down and began licking on her outer puffy lips. One hand reached up and rolled a nipple while the other gripped his lover’s taut firm ass. Ronnie moaned and her eyes rolled back into her head as she felt the first glorious sensations.

“Oh god I’ve needed this, Rob. I’ve needed this so badly.”

After several orgasms from her lover’s tongue and fingers Veronica finally pushed her young man onto his back. Her face was wearing a playful grin now. She straddled his hips. Like the more experienced woman she was she mounted his eight inches of hard steel-like cock. Veronica gazed down as she rode him gently shifting her hips in a rocking motion.

If there was such a thing as cloud nine then Ronnie was sure this is what it must feel like. Rocking her hips her final orgasm approached. When Veronica squeezed Rob’s cock with her pussy muscles she giggled as his face contorted.


He gasped.

“I can’t control it if you squeeze me like that.”

The older blonde grinned. She squeezed his cock again by contracting her inner pussy muscles. The blonde wife had found that with practice and a loving partner she was actually a very talented and imaginative lover.

“You mean like that?”

Ronnie giggled as Rob’s face twisted in pleasure-agony. He reached up and pressed deeply on her left nipple.

“YES! Like that, you witch.”

He chortled trying to count sheep or think of anything to avoid a premature release.

Ronnie’s pale sky-blue eyes connected with Rob’s chestnut brown eyes. The two pair of eyes locked in an intense link of love. A deep connection was formed. Her orgasm was building. It was ever so close. Veronica’s manicured fingernails dug into Robert’s chest as she attempted to hold onto him forever with her claw-like grip.

Her eyes rolled back into her head. It was so close. Ronnie bit down on her plump bottom lip. The horny sexy wife thrust her hips forward faster and faster. Ronnie’s heart was pounding wildly and her breathing was deep and ragged. The sexy blonde made raspy gasping sounds as her lungs sucked for oxygen.

“Please don’t leave me alone.”

Veronica whimpered as her body tensed. The slender wife arched her back thrusting her hips forward to take his hardness as deeply as possible. The wave of ecstasy began to consume her in a fireball of bliss. A squeal of delight erupted from deep in her throat.

Rob heard the squeal of delight pierce his own delirium. The young teen felt Veronica’s body begin to shudder and shake on top of him. Robert’s balls contracted and his cock began to burn with his own uncontrollable need.

“I won’t, baby. I won’t leave you alone……ever.”

The word “ever” was gasped in a half-growl. Rob’s own release began in a fury of hot passion. He drove his hips up into her thrust. A huge volume of lava-like cum erupted and shot out of his hot cock into Ronnie’s throbbing and wildly contracting pussy.

Robert could feel Veronica’s inner walls contracting in wild spasms to suck down onto his hard thick rod. Her pussy seemed to want to draw his special love juice deeply into the depths of her womanhood. Robert groaned and his fingers dug into Ronnie’s smooth skin as she rode his explosion.

Veronica ground her hips down into Rob’s hipbone as she sought to stimulate her clitoris to the max. Rob reached up and pressed simultaneously and firmly on both of her protruding pink nipples. The nipple stimulation made Ronnie’s huge orgasm peak even higher. Her chin dropped open and she let out a huge scream of release as her body arched.

Robert looked up in awe as Veronica’s body shook and then suddenly formed a rigid arc as she came. He felt his balls sagging as they emptied of their massive load. He groaned and growled and thrust his hips up a final time lifting Veronica’s slender body right off the bed as she thrust for her final few times.

As suddenly as the fierce storm of passion had erupted they both collapsed in a sweaty heap of naked sweaty flesh. Ronnie fell forward onto Rob’s heaving chest, her body coated in a slick sheen of sweat. Her own chest was rising and falling heavily as she gasped to replenish her body’s depleted oxygen.

The rampant tempestuous confusion of anger, love, lust, need, delayed desire, fear, frustration—the entire concoction of intense emotion that had led in a slow burn to this massive conflagration of huge orgasms had now consumed itself in the fireball combustion of lust. Both of them were completely sated. Ronnie was gently drifting back to reality in the soft after-glow of her huge orgasm.

Robert reached out tenderly and brushed a sweat-soaked strand of blond hair away from Ronnie’s face. She smiled weakly. Her mouth was dry and parched she was breathing so heavily. She felt giddy with love again.

“Oh my god, Rob. That was so big.”

Ronnie giggled and blushed. He chuckled and touched the tip of her nose. Then he kissed it softly.

“Me too.”

Rob smiled and spoke softly. He knew she was still feeling emotional and tender. He knew she needed to be taken care of. He was young, but he had the instincts of a real man. He was growing up. He knew what he needed to say.

“I love you, Ronnie. Don’t worry. Okay?”

She turned her eyes away embarrassed. She did worry. She worried all the time. Her anxiety that had disappeared during the hot wild sex returned. It had simply been lurking close by.

The two lovers slept together that night. Rob held the young wife in his arms and finally she could sleep. The next morning they gathered their small bags of clothes and went to the blue Mustang in the driveway.

“Are you sure you are okay to drive.”

Ronnie smiled. Rob grinned.

“Yeah I’m okay. My friend, Dave, his dad taught me. He even took me on the freeway. Don’t worry.”

Ronnie patted his shoulder and gave him a quick hug. She didn’t care about what the neighbours thought anymore. There was so little time left.

“Okay well I’ll read the map.”

Rob reached out and opened the passenger door for the sexy blonde. She was wearing cute white shorts for the sunny fall day. It was still hot and Veronica’s salmon coloured top was a tight Lycra blend that showed off her firm young breasts. Before they left the driveway Ronnie pointed to the map she was holding in her lap.

“So we go up the 405 through Torrance and Inglewood all the way to Culver City. Then we turn onto Highway 10 and go west to Santa Monica.”

She looked at Rob with a playful grin. She swatted him teasingly.

“Are you paying attention, young man, or are you looking at my breasts?”

Rob laughed and blushed. He had been looking at her breasts. Rob loved Ronnie’s breasts.

“Okay in Santa Monica we get on Highway 1 and that will take us to Santa Monica State Beach Park. We follow the Pacific Coast Highway. It’s easy. We can’t get lost once we are there.”

Veronica looked up and noticed how handsome young Rob was. She was so happy and in love. She loved they way his brown eyes looked at her in such an adoring way.

“There’s only one road.”

Ronnie lifted her pale blue yes again. Robert was wearing a huge grin. Veronica blushed.

“What are you grinning about, young man?”

Rob leaned forward. He put his moist warm lips to her ear.

“I want to make love to you in the back seat of this car.”

Ronnie jumped back shocked.

“You do not!”

The blonde wife wore a faux shocked expression. Inside her heart was thumping madly and she was feeling thrilled. She had never made love in a car before.

“Hurry up. Let’s get on the road.”

She giggled and looked bashfully at her young man-boy. He was so crazy. He was also so handsome he took her breath away. Her cheeks were still pink and hot from what he had just said.

Sex in a car? She giggled nervously. What a crazy idea. Veronica slid her slender feminine hand into Rob’s lap. The horny young blonde rubbed his khaki shorts and felt that he was hard already. She gasped and giggled a second time.

“You are such a naughty man.”

They had the convertible’s top down and so the wind was blowing. With the sound of the wind and traffic they didn’t talk as they drove. Rob reached over and held Ronnie’s hand once they were on the freeway. They did good time since September first was a Tuesday and traffic wasn’t too heavy. They reached Santa Monica just before lunch.

In 1965 Third Street had been turned into Santa Monica Mall. This was a three-block pedestrian only retail mall. Ronnie said she was hungry so they decided to stop and walk around the Pier. It was a sunny fall day by the ocean and perfect for a casual romantic walk.

The two lovers strolled hand in hand feeling confident that no one who knew them would be this far from home. By this time in 1970 the fitness freaks were starting to populate the Santa Monica beach. Ronnie and Rob stood and watched as trampoline experts did amazing tumbles and soared into the air. In a couple of years there would be the Santa Monica Track Club opening along with many new gyms.

“I’m hungry, Rob.”

They looked around the motley crowd of beach people. Soon enough they found a hot dog vendor and bought a hotdog each. A firm steady breeze was coming off the Pacific Ocean. The two lovers sat on a bench and gazed at the pier and the grey bluish horizon of the ocean.

As Rob ate his hot dog he got some ketchup on his face. Ronnie giggled and leaned in to lick the dab of red away from his cheek. Robert slid his arm around her trim waist. Tugging her forward he planted an impetuous kiss on her soft lips.

Ronnie felt dreamy and was oblivious to the bystanders. She just kissed the man she loved in return. Veronica felt the sun on her arms and the salty air breeze blowing her blonde hair. She felt Rob’s lips on hers. The day felt perfect.

“I love you.”

She murmured into his ear. He grinned proudly.

“I love you too, Ronnie.”

Later they made their way back to the car and kept going along the coast highway. Ronnie checked her map. She turned up the car radio. They were driving slowly now and there was little traffic so she could listen to music.

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“Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder came on the radio. As Veronica heard the words she looked over adoringly at young Rob. “I am truly yours,” she whispered to her self as she gazed at him lovingly.

They were driving slowly now along the single lane coast highway. It was really just a simple two-lane road that wound along the coast, not really a “highway” at all. The ocean and sky seemed to blend together in the horizon to the west, matching shades of blue-grey that fused in a fuzzy line far in the distance.

The next song to come on the car radio was “Hand Me Down World” by the Guess Who. Ronnie squeezed Rob’s hand as she looked up the road.

“We’re almost there, honey.”

Rob squeezed her hand back, but a very gentle squeeze. They had passed the Getty Villa and gone past Tuna Canyon Park and Cross Creek Road. They had stopped the car at Corral Canyon Park to sit by the beach to rest for a bit. The besotted couple were just revelling in being alone together. The Pacific Ocean seemed so huge as they took in the panoramic view.

Continuing on they were now approaching Dune Drive. It would be here they would find the tiny collection of huts and beach houses where Skye had her little get-away beach house. The key to the door would be under the potted plant by the front. They would be alone.

“Here it is. Turn towards the beach down this road.”

Where Ronnie was pointing wasn’t much of a road actually. There weren’t any billionaires populating Malibu yet. It was more a dirt track for the dune buggy aficionados like Steve McQueen to get their buggies down to the beach. Rob slowed the low-slung Mustang to a crawl. He was afraid he might damage the car on a large rock or deep pothole.

Cresting a small rise covered in scrub grass there it was. Finally they could see endless sand and the ocean and nothing else. Off to the right was a weather worn wooden shack that would be their home for the next few days. It was tiny and didn’t look like much, but to the couple in love it looked like paradise itself.

Rob could see a telephone pole and power lines leading off from the shack. Both lines ran strung on knotty wooden poles leading into the distance. At least the small beach house seemed to have power. Ronnie squeezed his hand tightly. Her heart was pounding with excitement. They could finally be together like a young married couple.

The wind off the Pacific Ocean blew harder here with no trees or hills to shield you. Ronnie could feel the strong wind pick up her blond hair as it blew over the windshield of the Mustang. She grabbed at her flying hair and giggled. Rob pulled the car into the small flat area covered with scrub grass that obviously served as the driveway of sorts.

Both of them were excited as they grabbed their small bags from the car. Ronnie dropped to her knees by the worn greyish wooden door. There was a pot with a large cactus in it. That must be where the key is she thought to her self. She slid her hand under the red clay pot and pulled it back holding a small brass key. Her face wore a silly “I love you so much” grin.

After settling their bags down Ronnie opened the fridge. Realizing the perilous state of the provisions they quickly used the car to run back to the convenience store they had seen just down the road. They bought some food and beer. As a last minute thought Veronica added some marshmallows to their collection. Ronnie looked at Rob with wide pale blue eyes.

“Can we make a beach fire and have toasted marshmallows?”

Rob’s eyes were soft and loving in reply. He took the bag of white puffy marshmallows from her hand and added it to their basket. They smiled at each other. Rob looked older and more mature than he ever had. Ronnie’s love and the responsibility of caring for her had turned him into a man.

Rob took his collection of items to the teenage girl who was working the checkout. She looked up and smiled. She was a pretty brunette who, if life were different, Rob should be dating. She looked perhaps sixteen. He pulled out the items and put them by the manual National cash register. Ronnie approached from the aisle where she was looking at magazines.

“Is this all you want or is your wife bringing more?”

Rob was about to correct her when he heard Ronnie giggle behind him. He felt Ronnie’s arms slide around his waist. Her delicate lips were warm placing a soft kiss on the back of his neck. It almost tickled it was so soft and made him feel a shiver.

“Oh no, young lady. That’s all. I can assure you this wife just wants to get her husband home.”

Veronica looked over Rob’s shoulder with a mischievous grin and looked the young pretty teenager right in the eyes. With a playful glint she added.

“He has chores.”

She paused a very theatrical pause.

“If you know what I mean.”

With that Ronnie winked wickedly at the pretty young teen. The young brunette blushed furiously and tittered covering her mouth with her hand. Ronnie giggled and the sales girl couldn’t help giggling as well. All this laughter made Rob chortle.

“I’m just trying to buy groceries and you women are….”

Ronnie tickled Rob in the ribs making him jump. The salesgirl gave a yelp of surprise when the man in front of her till suddenly jumped.

“We are what, darling?”

Rob squirmed and twisted to get away from Ronnie’s tickling.

“You’re making me blush. That’s what.”

Ronnie turned to the salesgirl with a faux “serious” look on her face.

“Oh we had better control ourselves. We are making my husband blush.”

The two women laughed a conspiratorial women’s only laugh. Ronnie reached out her hand.

“My name's Ronnie. This is my husband, Robert. We’ll be up here for ten days.”

The sales girl beamed a friendly smile.

“I’m Annie. Yeah sure. Nice to meet you. You guys seem like a fun couple.”

With that Robert pulled the rumpled green bills out of his khaki shorts and paid for the food. Ronnie waved at young Annie and took Rob’s hand as they pushed open the screen door. They heard the bell above the screen door tinkle as they exited. She hugged into the side of Rob’s firm body.

“I think we just got married.”

Veronica giggled with a tinny high-pitched edge to her flirtatious giggling voice. Her eyes danced with happiness. To be called Rob’s wife had filled her heart with jubilation. She wanted to get back to their beach house and rip his clothes off. Being called Rob’s wife had made Ronnie very, very horny.

Back inside the beach shack there had been no time or inclination to make food. The mutual hot desire had led them both quickly to the bed. Rob had practically ripped Ronnie’s clothes away. She had been equally uncontrollable in pulling off his shorts and shirt. Veronica felt wild and unrestrained.

They were far away from civilization, far from neighbours, and far from conventions. Ronnie knew she could do whatever she wanted and no one would know. It was just the two of them. She tugged down Robert’s cotton briefs. His large thick cock jutted out with its bulbous engorged purple-red head. She licked her lips.

Veronica pushed Robert back onto the bed. He half stumbled and fell on his ass. She giggled and dropped to her knees. Her pale blue eyes looked up bashfully as she wrapped her red lips around his cockhead. With her fingernails she teased the tender underside of his balls. Rob leaned back on his elbows and groaned a throaty guttural groan.

Ronnie leisurely sucked her lover’s long thick cock and examined it in detail. She was fascinated by how different Rob’s hard male body was from hers. And yet she knew they fit together like lock and key. After a long session of sucking and licking Robert was unable to control his desires. He grabbed her hips and lifted them over his face. Robert let her legs straddle his face as he lay back on the bed.

With Ronnie’s puffy pink pussy lips positioned right above his mouth he thrust his tongue out and licked along her outer lips. He felt her body shiver at the touch of his teasing tongue. Then he felt her suck down on his cock taking almost its entire length into her throat.

“Oh fuck, Ronnie. Don’t….oh god baby….I can’t….”

She lifted her mouth off his rod and giggled. He tried to regain control over his tingling erection. He’d almost erupted.

“You can’t what, baby?”

Veronica asked still giggling.

“I can’t take it, darling.”

Her hand was now holding is hard cock lightly, rubbing it up and down slowly. The tingles were so strong he had to moan.

“You can’t take what, baby?”

Ronnie sucked down on his cockhead and swirled her tongue around the mushroomed head. She flicked her tongue on the sensitive underside and felt her lover’s body tense.

“That, baby? You can’t take that?”

Ronnie giggled as she heard him groan deeply. In a sudden swoosh she felt her hips being pulled down by his big male hands pressing on her taut curved ass. Her slick aroused pussy was pressed on his mouth. Rob’s tongue began lashing her engorged clitoris. She squirmed and tried to move her hips, but his strong arms held her firmly in position. There was obviously no escape.

With only a few tongue strokes Rob had easily distracted the young blonde from her main task of sucking his cock. With new wild sensations coming from her pussy her eyes closed and she whimpered.

“Oh Robert, that feels so nice.”

Ronnie murmured softly as her young lover’s tongue danced its magic on her pussy. Veronica forgot about Robert’s hard thick cock and just held it lightly with her hand. The young blonde felt her body begin to drift away on a magic carpet of Rob’s tongue and finger strokes.

As her first orgasm got closer Ronnie felt something new. Rob’s finger was wet and slick with sex juice. While his tongue was flicking across the tip of her clitoris his finger was teasing her bum. She wiggled her ass nervously and squealed a skittish squeal.

“Rob, what are you doing?”

Her voice was breathy and nervous. No one had ever touched her bum hole before. And yet Rob held her tightly over his mouth and did not stop teasing with his slick wet finger. Veronica gasped nervously and yet she was secretly thrilled. Her orgasm was coming closer and closer. How could she stop him? Did she want to stop him? It felt so good. It felt so naughty.

Robert rolled his tongue and drove it deeply into Ronnie’s tight pussy. At the same time he pressed down on her ass with his left hand. She groaned deeply murmuring strange sounds. She was so close. The sensations from her pussy had momentarily made Ronnie forget about Robert’s slick wet finger. It was still poised at her puckered light brown sphincter making tiny teasing circles. Everything for Ronnie was just burning and throbbing and wild desire now. Her pussy was ready to explode.

Veronica grunted and ground her pussy down onto Rob’s frantically licking mouth. She pushed her hips urgently down onto his face. She held onto his hard cock like a handle. She was about to come. Her clitoris was hard and erect and making her body shudder and shake at the slightest touch. As the first wave of her release came she felt something unexpected. Rob pushed with his finger and suddenly he was an inch up her tight ass and pushing deeper.

Ronnie’s body exploded. She squealed a high-pitched squeal in delight. The young wife reached back with her left hand and flailed away feebly trying to swat his hand away from her aroused bum.

With her other hand Ronnie’s nails dug into Robert’s muscular thigh. She pressed her face down against his thigh. This one was so huge. She bit down on Rob’s hairy thigh to muffle her scream. Veronica’s whole body shuddered and rocked. Her ass and vagina seemed connected in a wild fireball of burning lust. Her flailing hips became a searing orgasmic tidal wave of intense ecstasy as his tongue lashed her clitoris and his wet finger drove in and out of her bum.

Rob moved his finger in and out of her ass in rapid thrusts making her orgasm peak ever higher and higher. At the same time he lashed her clitoris faster and faster with his tongue using a variety of strokes. Suddenly he felt Ronnie’s body collapse on top of him. Her limbs went limp. Her orgasm was over. His tongue was exhausted by now so he stopped licking and panted for air. Her body felt heavy lying on his face.

Slowly with her remaining strength Veronica rolled off of him. She sucked for air and giggled.

“What did you just do?”

He grinned.

“I don’t know.”

His face was blushing a hot pink.

“I read about it in Playboy. They said some girls like it.”

He looked and sounded nervous, like a little boy who had been caught being naughty.

“Was it okay?”

Ronnie giggled and ran her fingers lovingly through his hair. Her eyes were dancing with happiness.


She smiled and grinned.

“Are you kidding? It was amazing. It was huge.”

She pulled Rob’s head toward hers. She kissed him on the lips.

“Can we do it again sometime?”

Rob grinned a big proud grin. Nothing makes a man prouder than satisfying the woman he loves sexually.


He gulped nervously.

“If you like.”

Rob’s cock was still rock hard. Veronica pushed him back and sat up on her knees. Her eyes were fixated on his cock. Ronnie straddled his face with her legs.

“I want some more of your amazing tongue first. Mr Cock will need to wait. He’s next.”

Rob’s tongue was tired but he did his best to please her. The young blonde put one knee on each side of his face. Slowly she lowered her wet throbbing pussy back onto Rob’s waiting mouth. Ronnie was so aroused by what Rob had just done to her bum that she was able to quickly have her second orgasm. Veronica held onto the metal bedframe to steady her self as her orgasm washed over her body. Her second orgasm was not as big as the first, but still felt wonderful.

Her pussy tingling wildly Veronica eased her body back down her lover’s torso. She positioned her hips over young Robert’s prone muscular body her pussy directly above his jutting hard cock. She reached down and held his cockhead at the entrance to her now very slick and wet waiting pussy. She grinned a satisfied grin as she eased her hips down and impaled herself on his hardness.

Robert watched in wonder as his long thick cock slowly disappeared into the soft warm pink folds of his lover’s vagina. It felt so amazing. The gaze of her soft pale blue eyes made him feel so loved. He groaned as she took him completely into her and he felt her pelvis hit his.

“Oh god you’re so big, Rob. You fill me…..arggh…I love the way you fill me.”

Veronica closed her eyes and slowly rocked her hips. The sensations built quickly. She bit down on her bottom lip as a wave overwhelmed her. Ronnie groaned and whimpered as she rocked her hips faster and faster driving her pussy down onto his hardness. Robert gripped her hips. He let his hands roam up and tease her nipples with light touches and firmer pinches. She opened her eyes and giggled.

“Oh that feels so….”

Ronnie gasped and ground her pussy down. She leaned forward resting her palms on Rob’s firm muscular chest. With each new spasm of pleasure her nails would dig into his skin a little deeper. Her lover was also getting excited. His hips were now thrusting up to meet her downward motion. They built a cadence that gained momentum as their passion built. They were each uttering animal-like sex sounds.

“Oh fuck, Rob…..I…..I…..”

Ronnie’s pale blue eyes rolled to the back of her head. She was so close to coming. Her nipples were on fire, her pussy was ablaze, and her mind was lost somewhere in the cloud of intense bliss. She watched Robert’s face. His eyes were closed and his expression was contorted as he fought the desire to explode into her tightness.

Veronica leaned forward. She truly loved this handsome man. She put her soft lips on his and the kiss began. It was so fervid and intense. They were connected as only man and woman can be linked. Like lock and key Rob’s cock was filling her and completing her as a woman. His tongue probed into her mouth and suddenly, in a spasm, her body gave in. Ronnie erupted.

Veronica’s feline-like scream was muffled by their wet kiss. Her hips flailed wildly against his hardness. Rob’s large male hands held on tightly. Ronnie’s perfectly curved taut ass was driving up and down like a piston on his hard cock. The sexy blonde’s pussy walls contracted in wild spasms of total release. Rob felt his cock being squeezed as if by a loving boa constrictor. He was lost in sexual delirium.


Rob drove his hips up lifting his lover’s slender feminine body off the bed. She was now riding him like a pony, his cock her saddle. Robert’s hard cock was so deep inside her it felt like it was rubbing her cervix. Her orgasm peaked in a huge peak of intensity. Rob’s balls contracted up tightly. The young teen’s whole body felt like it was on fire as the hot lava spurted out in two or three huge spurts of cream.


Robert was gasping for air. His brain was lost in the moment of the simultaneous orgasms. They were both thrusting and rubbing and gyrating wildly as they came. His cum shot deeply up into Ronnie’s convulsing pussy. She drove her hips and pussy down onto his rod and her nails ripped into his skin in an uncontrollable fury of passion. Veronica’s body jerked and shuddered in ecstasy as the tremors washed through her taking her to some other place.

Ronnie’s hand grabbed a fistful of Rob’s thick brown hair. Her hot pink lips smashed into his as her tongue drove down his throat as if looking for his tonsils. Her whimpers and moans filled his mouth with vibrations. He groaned back even more loudly.

Their orgasms seemed to go on forever. Then they both just collapsed: sated, exhausted, and emptied. Finally gasping for some oxygen Rob could finish his sentence.


He needed air. His chest was heaving up and down. She giggled. Her face was covered in a sheen of sex-sweat. Rob brushed a strand of wet blonde hair away from her face.

“Yes, darling?”

Ronnie answered. Rob opened his eyes still trying to collect him self. His eyes were so soft and loving.

“I…..well…..I really love you.”

She smiled.

“I mean Ronnie that was so intense. I mean….really……”

She giggled softly. She put her finger to his lips to shush him.

“I know baby. Don’t talk. It’s okay. Just hold me.”

Rob cradled her and Ronnie felt truly loved. She felt truly like a woman. But fear lingered so close by. She turned to look him in the eyes as he rested.

“Don’t die, Rob. Don’t leave me alone.”

He grinned foolishly the way young men do who do not really know war, when they do not really understand the fragility of life and love.

“I won’t, Ronnie. I promise.”

Well Robert would break one promise. He would die in Vietnam. But Robert would indeed not leave her alone. The young man she loved would leave Ronnie with a son. A loving son who would carry Robert’s name and fill the void in Veronica’s life as much as he could.

The beautiful days by the beach carried on. The couple walked and held hands. They built log fires at night and listened to the waves. They toasted marshmallows. Rob made paper airplanes and let them fly. Ronnie burned his toast in the morning and he ate it without complaint. Rob made Ronnie giggle and laugh. They ran barefoot in the sand and fell down with their arms wrapped around each other laughing.

Each night they made passionate love. They tried everything and explored each other fully. Ronnie began to love a finger in her bum when she had her orgasm. She would always thank Hugh Hefner for that little trick. When did Ronnie conceive her child? Who knows? It could have been the week before; it could have been during the stay at the beach. It doesn’t really matter.

Don’t get it wrong. It wasn’t all roses in Malibu. Of course there was terrible fear and stress. Robert had to grow up fast. One day Ronnie got so scared she tried to run away and cry alone. Rob followed her and held her. Sometimes Veronica would flare up for no discernable reason. She would flail wildly at Robert with her clenched fists. Again he would hug her and hold her until she calmed down and stopped struggling. Then he would kiss her and fuck her until she was too tired to be mad.

No matter what Ronnie thought he did wrong he didn’t care. Young confused Rob would simply say “sorry” even if he didn’t understand her anger. He would just smile and say “sorry” in the softest voice possible. No matter how crazy Veronica acted Rob seemed to understand it was because she was scared. It was because she had to stay behind. Perhaps it was harder to stay behind he thought to himself in the harder moments as she was crying in his arms.

The time passed too fast. It was beautiful and yet harder than anything either one of them had ever done before. Letting go of something so beautiful and so strong was not easy. The drive back was difficult. Ronnie didn’t remember any of the songs on the radio. She didn’t remember that drive back at all.

Before they left the beach they had looked out at the ocean one last time. It had been a hard night for Veronica the last night before leaving. That morning her eyes were puffy and red from crying all night. She remembered how the paper airplanes had plunged into the ocean. She remembered how she had wanted to run to Canada. Ronnie squeezed his hand. He squeezed hers back to reassure her. He was stupid and brave, too brave.

At the end of the drive home they knew it could be their only time alone before he left. Rob handed Veronica the folded piece of paper he had been keeping. He looked deeply into her eyes. The young man who didn’t seem so young anymore instructed her not to read it until he was gone. It was a letter and his poem.


There would be no purpose in drawing out the ending of this sad tale in a prolonged manner. We all know what happens. In April of 1972 as part of a small protective unit for a Sundog FAC (“Forward Air Controller”) at the Battle of An Loc young Rob would lose his life.

At sometime in September of 1970 the young beautiful blonde wife Veronica Robinson had conceived a child from young Robert. She decided it was completely unfair to tell her young lover that he had a son while he was away at war. Remember there was no Internet or Skype or any of this at this time. Communication was not easy. How do you write a letter like that? Ronnie had no idea.

Veronica was also not ready to tell her friends about her affair and to deal with Carl. Luckily her brute of a husband was so arrogant and egotistical he assumed the child was his. The boy was born on May thirty-first 1971. Carl had no idea why his wife wanted to name his son “Robert” but it seemed like an okay name. He didn’t really give a shit what she called the brat.

Baby Robert was eleven months old when his real father was killed in action. Neither of them would ever get to know the other. Was it just bad luck or was it serendipity? For some reason Veronica was at home looking out the kitchen window when the olive green army car pulled up to the neighbour’s house next door. Fear struck her at that moment.

She knew instinctively her Rob was gone. She watched the man in uniform walk up the front walk towards the door and knock as if it was in slow motion, as if in a slow motion nightmare. The baby was sleeping. She started to sob her body wracked by pain. The black Panasonic radio was playing “Heart of Gold” by Neil Young. That song could always make her cry forever after that.

Soon enough the whole neighbourhood knew the young boy most of them had hardly known had died in the killing fields of Vietnam. By this time the war was winding down and most people thought it was just damned bad luck. Life was moving on. History was moving on. No one really gave a shit anymore about Vietnam.

Ronnie had cried a lot. Carl had not understood why she cried so much. He started to drink more. In her darkest moments Veronica had taken out Rob’s letter and poem and read it quietly alone. The final lines of the poem read:

“Whatever happens remember I love you,

Don’t let fear take away what we have found,

Find a new place to smile and laugh,

I will always be with you,

Remember you don’t belong where you are—so

Don’t drop anchor here.”

Within a year of Robert’s death Ronnie summoned the courage she needed to do what Robert had asked. Skye let her stay in Malibu for a while. And then she went north. She pulled up anchor and headed to Oregon. She had always known they should have gone north.

In her own way Ronnie made a life for her self and her beautiful son. She had new lovers. Some were good, some in the way life is, were terrible. But Veronica was a strong independent woman now. She made her way in life. At some point the man was just about right. She married again. He was not Robert, but he was a wonderful caring man. He became a good father to Robert.


Life had been bitter and sweet for Veronica. She pressed her cheek to the black marble surface for the last time. She whispered an unspoken goodbye to the Robert from long ago. Ronnie reached out and touched his inscribed name tenderly. She felt the sharp chiseled edges. Her son Robert approached and reached out his hand. She smiled realizing how much his hand looked like his father’s.

With the help of her son’s hand Ronnie rose up from her knees. She brushed her cotton dress to smooth the fabric. Her heart ached, but she was okay. She looked at her son and smiled.

“I have a lot to tell you, Robert.”

The middle age man held his mother tenderly as they walked away slowly from the endless black expanse of the Vietnam War Memorial.


Written by flytoomuch
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