Gabriel banged on her door for about five minutes. She’d locked him out.
“Abigail, god-damn-it,” he yelled at the door.
“Give her time to cool down, man,” Rafe said behind him.
“Shut-up. This is all your damn fault,” Gabriel snapped pounding the door three more times. If it weren’t for his three broken ribs, a busted leg, and a barely healed collarbone he’d have busted the door down by now.
Michael leaned against said door frame, eyes flashing in irritation. “Would you calm the fuck down, you idiot? All you’re doing is making things worse.”
Gabriel glared at him, trying to get his ragged, infuriated panting under control. He had a point.
Gabe gripped his crutches with knuckle-whitening intensity as he directed his hostile stare at the door accusingly.
She’d gone to him. Daniel. When she’d texted him back that she was at the Montenegro estate he’d almost sent his phone through the glass doors of the downstairs game room. Trying to keep a grip on his volatile temper, he immersed himself in music.
At Michael’s insistence, they’d worked on the first song he’d written for Abigail. He’d pretty much spilled his pathetic guts in that song. Christ. Mike was right. He had it bad, like never before.
And then she tells him she’s at Daniel’s house. Knife straight to the heart, kick to the balls.
He didn’t need to look behind him to know the rest of the guys were standing there, witnessing all the drama. How he hated drama.
Taking a deep breath, “Erica, get me the ring of keys I have by the fridge up in the kitchen.”
Dainty footsteps sounded up the stairs.
Michael’s quasi-unibrow almost touched across the bridge of his broken nose. “Seriously, Gabe. What are you doing?”
Gabriel gave him a calm face, despite his roiling inner emotions. “I’m gonna talk to my girl.”
Behind them, Angelo snorted.
One of Mike’s brows rose a bit. “Talk?”
Gabriel pursed his lips. “Yeah, talk.”
They stood there staring at each other. Mike didn’t believe him, but he’d show them he could handle this. It wasn’t going to be like the time… Gabriel frowned, trying to remember a time when he’d been able to remain cool.
Michael’s brows rose a bit more.
“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” Gabriel hissed.
Erica skipped over with the keys.
Gabriel found the right one and unlocked the door.
Turning, he glared at the guys. “Privacy, please.”
They stayed right where they were; Rafe leaning against the pool table texting his buddies currently sitting around the outdoor lounge area waiting for him to give them the signal things had calmed down inside. Angelo was sitting on the pool table even though he knew Gabriel hated that. Erica stood near Mike, who was still leaning against the door frame with his bulky arms now folded over his chest, dubious expression still irritatingly fixed on his mug.
Gabriel entered her room and almost stepped in puke.
He wrinkled his nose. “Shit.” She’d gotten sick? A healthy dose of guilt now beating him up from the inside out, he hobbled over to where he heard water running.
Abigail leaned over one of the double sinks, splashing water in her face. She looked pale, eyes closed and breathing open-mouthed.
He did that. To her. The girl who’d made him glad he opened his eyes every morning.
Grabbing a face towel and tossing it over his shoulder, he made his way to her.
She finally straightened, their eyes meeting in the mirror.
He offered her the towel. Without turning to face him, she took it, mumbling her thanks and then dried her face.
So many things he needed to say. He didn’t know where to start. He was still pissed she’d gone back to the mansion in Laguna Beach. Scared of her reaction in knowing he’d had her living in his beach house with the pretext of being a housekeeper to some secret person. He really didn’t want anyone to know his secret hideaway. Just the guys and his grandmother. Now Rafe had brought a bunch of people over via the bay.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said, needing to know.
She blinked, her teeth nipping her lower lip. Her gaze darted away from his, disconnecting from him.
Not good.
He crowded her, blanketing her back with his body, lips almost brushing her ear. A violent shiver went through her.
“Abigail,” he breathed out, the heat of her already making him hard. “I was going out of my mind knowing you were with him.”
Her eyes snapped open. He slid his gaze back to the mirror to see how wide her pupils were. He affected her too. It wasn’t just his blood flowing like lava through his veins right now.
“I already told you. Mikayla called me.”
He closed his eyes, turned his nose to sniff at her fragrant hair. How he wished it were unbound so he could bury his face in the golden mass.
“Abigail, I love you.”
She made a strangled sound in her throat.
He turned to look at her reflection again. Her eyes were closed, glittering wetness flooding her lashes.
“You lied to me,” she got out through clenched teeth.
“About who owned this place?” Her eyes snapped back open, full of hurt, anger, and accusation. “I try to keep that information secret, Abigail. I didn’t want anyone to know this place is mine. I was going to tell you. We just hadn’t gotten around to talking about it. I was scared you’d leave and go back to Laguna.” Just thinking about it made him want to go ape-shit.
She let out a pent up breath, her eyes focusing on the silver faucets in front of her.
“I was going to get a job, a little apartment,” her voice sounded small. “I was finally going to stand on my own two feet.”
Gabriel frowned, not understanding. He’d given her a place to stay. His home. Their home. And he’d given her money. She didn’t need a fucking job.
Her eyes rose to meet him in the mirror again. He didn’t really like what he saw in them. “I need to leave, Gabriel.”
No. Time to change tactics.
His face fell. “You’re going to abandon me? When I need you most?”
The deep tone of his voice, so soft, made goose bumps rise on her arms.
“You’re hardly alone, Gabriel.”
His lips pressed together, green eyes full of hurt and disappointment. “Mike has his hands full with Erica and her condition. Ariel is a manic depressive, drunk most of the day, asleep the rest. Rafe? I don’t want Rafe here with his shit. Who does that leave? My eighty-nine-year-old grandmother? No way am I making her have to tend to me. She’s done enough for me. Sharmane takes care of her. Diamond?”
Abigail winced. Oh-God, not that woman!
Gabriel snorted humorlessly, “Yeah-no.”
He stared at her through the mirror until he turned away, head down. “Yeah, Abs. I get it. You need to get on with your life. Don’t worry about me. I can get through this alone.”
He made his way slowly toward the door, his right crutch catching with the throw rug in the middle of the stark white bathroom. After a bit of a wobble, he continued slowly, head down, just tearing her up inside with guilt at the sorry picture he presented. Before she could stop herself, she darted in front of him. Half-shuttered green eyes bore into hers, his face blank, black hair tumbling in loose waves around his face.
Her tongue froze, her eyes drifting down over his naked upper torso. Tattoos decorated his pecs and arms. A tribal sun in sharp black ink circled his belly button, set within the rock hard six-pack of his abdomen. His heat called to her. She felt herself swaying forward, a fuzzy memory of touching and tasting most of that glorious male flesh tantalizing her.
He licked his lips and turned his head away a bit, eyes focused on the white tiled floor.
“I…” she began. “I guess I can stay and care for you until you get better.”
His gaze slid back to her, face still adorably pouty. “I’ll be fine alone. Mike can sneak by every once and a while. As long as someone leaves some water and crackers nearby, definitely a lamp on. If I need to go take a piss I can always crawl outside and aim for the edge of the dock. Hopefully I won’t fall in.”
She frowned at him, despite her alarm at his words. “Oh, Gabriel. Stop being so dramatic.”
When he refocused on the tile again with a soulful sigh, she couldn’t help reach up and stroke back his thick hair. It only spilled forward again over his muscular shoulders.
He needed her. He’d been wrong to trick her into living in his house and fill her bank account with money, but the bottom line was he really needed someone to stay with him. He could hire a full time nurse, but then he’d run the risk of his privacy being invaded. The person might tell someone and before anyone knew, there’d be a horde of fans swarming the house.
“I’ll stay, Gabriel.”
He looked at her again. “Abigail, are you not still my girlfriend?”
She blinked at him. Somehow, she’d never really thought he’d been serious. He’d said twice now he loved her, but they barely knew each other. Didn’t they?
“Are you?” he whispered.
“I…I thought it was just pretend.”
He came closer, looming over her. She blinked up at him, eyes wide. The black in his pupils almost swallowed the green of his eyes. "I’m not pretending.”
“Oh,” she replied with a gulp. “Okay then.”
“I’ll forgive you, because you obviously don’t know about the girlfriend rules.”
“Oh, yes,” he replied, one brow arching beautifully. “Girlfriends are supposed to take care of their man. I’m your man, Abby, and right now I need you.”
A shudder went through her at his words. Her man. Her eyes drifted over the masculine beauty before her. All that? Hers?
Wow. Okay then.
Finding her voice again, she asked, “Are there boyfriend rules?”
His grin was pure evil. Gone was the pouty boy. Now she wasn’t so sure she wanted to know what the boyfriend rules were.
He dipped his head to brush his lips over hers. Movement to her right had her turning to catch Michael in the room hefting handfuls of what looked like sawdust on where she’d heaved.
Embarrassment had her gasping and rushing out of the bathroom.
“Oh, I can take care of that,” she blurted.
“Already got it,” Mike mumbled straightening. “Just let that stuff soak it up a few minutes. Then it only needs to be swept up.” He looked at Gabriel over her shoulder. “I got rid of all those goons Rafe brought over.”
She turned to look at Gabriel who was making his way to the bed. His face looked a little ashen.
“Good thing I didn’t get attached to this place,” he replied tightly.
Micheal cocked his head to the side, eyes on Gabe. “Already had the talk with him. Let’s just wait and see what happens.”
Gabriel shook his head. Michael just sighed. Abigail wondered what they were talking about. It almost sounded as if Gabriel was considering getting rid of the beach house.
“Shit,” Michael huffed. “With the practice and drama, I forgot about your meds.”
Abigail’s eyes widened as she saw Gabriel settle gingerly on her mattress before leaning sideways to lie down.
He was in pain.
“I’ll live,” he replied, but Mike had already walked out.
It was already nighttime. “Have you had dinner?”
He rolled onto his back. She saw him wince, but he remained silent and just shook his head side to side.
Michael came trotting back into the room, bottle of pills in his hand and glass of water.
Abigail turned and made her way out. Erica followed her up the stairs.
“Everything okay between you two?”
Abigail smiled at her over her shoulder. “Yeah. We talked a bit.” They needed to talk more though. “He hasn’t eaten. I’m going to make something for all of us.”
“Ooh, can I help?”
Abigail grimaced but nodded her head, turning toward the kitchen. “Suuure.”
Angelo and Michael helped him back up to the main floor. His bedroom had been unlocked and Abigail had the pleasure of finally seeing it. It was no wonder why he’d had it locked. His scent was everywhere even though, according to Mike, he’d barely ever stayed there. The huge walk-in closet had a few clothes, but there were pictures of his grandmother and another of a very beautiful blonde woman holding a baby, a little boy with humongous green eyes and raven curls. Gabriel as a one-year old and his mother was too precious for words.
She’d prepared some tenderloin steaks and lobster tails, and had Mike cook them out on the grill. Potatoes were in the oven as she prepared asparagus stalks in a huge skillet. Erica set the table - to Abigail’s surprise - with Gabriel’s white square plates and silverware. In the living room, Angelo and Ariel played with the Xbox, shouting insults at one another over some game until the scents of food drew them to the kitchen like hungry children.
“God, I hate Gabriel so much right now,” Angelo suddenly exclaimed, looking over Abigail’s shoulder.
She looked up at him, eyes wide. “Why? What did he do?” Looking back out into the living room, Gabriel laid sleeping on his inflatable mattress again. It was a shame there wasn’t a bedroom on the main floor.
“I saw you first, damn-it. You’re gorgeous and you can cook more than Chef Boyardee.”
Abigail rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Please go back to the living room and let me finish this.”
About an hour later, they all congregated at the outside dining table. Michael had lit the fire pit and turned up the fairy lights on the deck. The warm breeze brought with it the scent of the ocean and the sounds of the sea. Millions of stars winked from a velvet black sky the moon, a sliver of white low in the sky reflected off the shimmering water. The bay was breathtaking, surrounded by the twinkling lights of the glamorous houses around it and fancy crafts of all sizes in its waters.
Gabriel still had a sleepy face when she put his plate before him.
He rubbed his eyes and frowned. “Who ordered take out? Smells fucking good.”
Mike smiled at him. “No take-out, man. Abs made it.”
Gabriel looked at his plate again. “Jesus-christ, woman.”
Abigail bit her lips, wondering if there was something wrong.
Everyone ate almost in silence for a few minutes, nothing but the sounds of appreciation with every bite.
Gabriel watched her with every bite he took, his serious stare making her nervous. What was going through his head? At one point he reached over and took her hand, pressing a lingering kiss over her knuckles, his eyes so intense, she felt herself blush from head to toe.
Everyone conversed, tales of the outrageous things that happened to them on their tours or at shows had Abigail gasping in shock or laughing until her sides hurt. One their first shows before a big crowd had ended up rather abruptly when the entire stage had collapsed. Another time some woman kept accusing Gabriel of being Bret Michaels incognito.
“Fucks-sake,” Gabriel groused. “I look nothing like the dude. I’ve got green eyes and black hair. Real hair mind you.”
Abigail smiled looking around the table. “Who’s Bret Michaels?”
Angelo’s white wine sprayed from his mouth as he choked. Ariel snickered and Michael shook his head in dismay. Gabriel just stared at her in concern.
“He’s the guy from Poison,” Erica giggled. “Total eye-candy when he was younger, not too bad now either actually.”
“You know,” Angelo began, wiping his laughing mouth off with a napkin, “Now that I look at you, Gabe, I kinda see it.”
Gabriel scowled at the drummer. “Eat me.”
“Look! You see?” Ang exclaimed, jabbing a finger in Gabriel’s direction. “It’s those hooker lips of yours, and those big fuck-me eyes. You’re a dead ringer for him. All you need is the blond hair and eyeliner, man.”
Even Ariel laughed, which was probably the first time she’d seen him show his teeth. Gabriel looked down shaking his head, but he chuckled too and then he yawned. The medication made him drowsy.
Erica shoved her cell phone under Abigail’s nose.
“Bret Michaels.”
Abigail blinked as she took the proffered phone from the girl despite Gabriel’s protest. She looked at the video of the handsome blond man and smirked.
“Well, maybe the nose and the mouth.”
Roaring laughter sounded around her. Gabriel just rubbed his face with his hands in defeat.
“Seriously, Abigail? You too?”
She giggled. No. Gabriel was way better looking than the pretty blond man in the video singing about roses and their thorns. For one, Gabe gave off a pure masculine vibe that made her toes curl. So-what if his lips were what Angelo accused them to be. They were surrounded by manly scruff at the moment.
He gave her a slow blink, looking like he was ready to nod off at any minute.
Michael stretched ad stood. “Rafe, help me clean up. Ang and Ariel, help Sleeping Beauty here to the bath. It’s getting late.”
Angelo scoffed. “What? I am not helping a man bathe. What-the-hell!”
Ariel just shook his head, sipping at his beer.
Gabriel looked at Abigail.
Her eyes widened. Who would bathe Gabriel when Michael couldn’t come over?
“I can make it into the bathroom, but I definitely need someone to give me a hand in there.”
“He could slip and kill himself,” Michael added without a hint of a smile.
Abigail cupped her throat in horror.
“Think of me as your patient,” Gabriel added slowly getting to his feet as Rafe handed him his crutches.
Every eye was on her.
Well, he was her boyfriend, and he was hurt enough to need assistance and who better than she?
“Okay,” she said, her voice a horse whisper.
She left the guys from the band cleaning up as she followed Gabriel into the bathroom on the main floor behind the kitchen.
It was not as big as her bathroom downstairs, but roomy enough for both of them to fit without bumping into each other.
Gabriel still had no shirt on, just a pair of black drawstring pants. When he leaned against the sink, Abigail turned and began fixing the water.
“How do you like the temperature?”
“However you like it,” he purred.
She ignored the sexy growl and shoved her trembling hand beneath the warm spray of water. This bathroom was tiled in natural stone and had a walk-in bathing area. Niches were tucked in the corners stocked with soaps, sponges, towels, and bottles of products of every kind. There was also a sturdy metal and plastic chair she guessed Gabriel used when he showered in there.
“Well, I made it warm, but not too much. It’s a cool night…”
Her words died on her tongue when she turned.
He was in the process of stepping out of his pants. He wore nothing else underneath. Her jaw dropped, her eyes gaped, her face grew hot as well as every other part of her.
Sweet-baby-Jesus, the man had the body of a pagan god, mile long legs, exquisitely muscled, and dusted in a layer of fine dark hair that matched the treasure trail leading from halfway down his tight belly to the nest surrounding his half erect cock…his half erect monstrous cock. Good-lord, it was another limb practically. As she stared at it, it grew longer and thicker.
“This is going to get really embarrassing if you keep looking at me like that, baby.”
She wrenched her eyes from his groin to his face, and then closed her mouth to keep from making the famous fish-face that turned him on so much. Why? She had no idea.
“You’re naked,” she blurted.
“Well, I am about to shower.”
“You could’ve worn underwear at least,” she continued to protest, doing her best to keep her eyes on his face. It didn’t matter though. Her eyes were focused on his face, but she could still see that serpentine beast pressed against his abs. It was like another person in the room.
He wrinkled his nose. “Well, how the hell am I supposed to wash my jewels wearing underwear? Come on, Abs. We’re both adults here. Seriously?”
Her face felt like it was on fire, and why not? She’d just seen her first completely naked man…and he was…there were no words.
“Baby, the shower’s running.”
“Yes! Oh-my-god, yes! Sorry.”
He chuckled darkly. “My little Poptart.”
She stepped aside, wringing her fingers as he gripped his crutches and hobbled forward toward the chair.
She watched him grimace a bit as he settled himself on the white plastic and handed her the cumbersome crutches. Once settled, he looked toward one of the shelves in the corner.
She gripped the showerhead, handed it to him, and then retrieved a bar of soap and a washcloth.
Her mouth literally watered as he lathered himself. Realizing she was staring inappropriately, she turned to gather a large towel and fold it neatly on the counter next to the sink.
“First time you see a naked man?”
She jumped at his voice. Leaning closer to the mirror to smooth her hair back, she replied, “Of course.”
“Did you ever kiss Daniel?”
Abigail turned with a frown. “Gabriel, those are private matters.”
He frowned right back, but winced when he lifted his right arm to soap under it.
“You can ask me anything, you know,” he said after a while.
“Do you remember your mother?”
He stiffened, a mere second, but kept right on lathering himself. “Vaguely, but yeah. I remember she liked to play the piano, and she had the voice of an angel.”
Abigail sighed, wondering about the events that lead to the deaths of three people, leaving a toddler practically orphaned.
“I remember pieces of that night when Brendan Brinks shot her.”
Abigail stared at him aghast.
“I think it was my birthday. Mother came into my room to tuck me in, but Brendan followed her. He was screaming at her, hit her and they began to struggle.” His gaze was faraway, lost.
“The bang was so loud. It’s what I remember the most…that boom. Made my ears ring.”
“Honey, you shouldn’t think about that,” she told him approaching slowly.
He turned to her, held out the soap. “Would you do my back?”
Such a simple, innocent question. Her belly tightened and something clenched low, making her shiver.
His cock had gone down, resting docilely between his strong thighs.
She took the soapy washcloth and circled behind him.
“We should’ve put your hair up,” she commented, running the cloth between his shoulder blades.
He snorted, “Like one of the frilly, flowery plastic things my grandmother uses? Geez, baby. You trying to emasculate me?”
She rolled her eyes and pulled her hair free from the tie she used to keep her bun in place. Gathering the thick strands of his hair, she pulled it up and tied it securely.
“There. Now it won’t get soaked.”
Gabriel touched his hair and chuckled. “Abs, shit. I must look like a total ass.”
She slapped at his hands when he tried to pull the hair tie off.
“I should just wash my hair again,” he argued.
“It’s late, and you were barely able to keep your eyes open out there.”
He grunted.
She continued to scrub his back and shoulders, briefly looking sown to the twin swells of his backside resting on the chair.
“Abigail, god-damn-it,” he yelled at the door.
“Give her time to cool down, man,” Rafe said behind him.
“Shut-up. This is all your damn fault,” Gabriel snapped pounding the door three more times. If it weren’t for his three broken ribs, a busted leg, and a barely healed collarbone he’d have busted the door down by now.
Michael leaned against said door frame, eyes flashing in irritation. “Would you calm the fuck down, you idiot? All you’re doing is making things worse.”
Gabriel glared at him, trying to get his ragged, infuriated panting under control. He had a point.
Gabe gripped his crutches with knuckle-whitening intensity as he directed his hostile stare at the door accusingly.
She’d gone to him. Daniel. When she’d texted him back that she was at the Montenegro estate he’d almost sent his phone through the glass doors of the downstairs game room. Trying to keep a grip on his volatile temper, he immersed himself in music.
At Michael’s insistence, they’d worked on the first song he’d written for Abigail. He’d pretty much spilled his pathetic guts in that song. Christ. Mike was right. He had it bad, like never before.
And then she tells him she’s at Daniel’s house. Knife straight to the heart, kick to the balls.
He didn’t need to look behind him to know the rest of the guys were standing there, witnessing all the drama. How he hated drama.
Taking a deep breath, “Erica, get me the ring of keys I have by the fridge up in the kitchen.”
Dainty footsteps sounded up the stairs.
Michael’s quasi-unibrow almost touched across the bridge of his broken nose. “Seriously, Gabe. What are you doing?”
Gabriel gave him a calm face, despite his roiling inner emotions. “I’m gonna talk to my girl.”
Behind them, Angelo snorted.
One of Mike’s brows rose a bit. “Talk?”
Gabriel pursed his lips. “Yeah, talk.”
They stood there staring at each other. Mike didn’t believe him, but he’d show them he could handle this. It wasn’t going to be like the time… Gabriel frowned, trying to remember a time when he’d been able to remain cool.
Michael’s brows rose a bit more.
“Well, there’s a first time for everything,” Gabriel hissed.
Erica skipped over with the keys.
Gabriel found the right one and unlocked the door.
Turning, he glared at the guys. “Privacy, please.”
They stayed right where they were; Rafe leaning against the pool table texting his buddies currently sitting around the outdoor lounge area waiting for him to give them the signal things had calmed down inside. Angelo was sitting on the pool table even though he knew Gabriel hated that. Erica stood near Mike, who was still leaning against the door frame with his bulky arms now folded over his chest, dubious expression still irritatingly fixed on his mug.
Gabriel entered her room and almost stepped in puke.
He wrinkled his nose. “Shit.” She’d gotten sick? A healthy dose of guilt now beating him up from the inside out, he hobbled over to where he heard water running.
Abigail leaned over one of the double sinks, splashing water in her face. She looked pale, eyes closed and breathing open-mouthed.
He did that. To her. The girl who’d made him glad he opened his eyes every morning.
Grabbing a face towel and tossing it over his shoulder, he made his way to her.
She finally straightened, their eyes meeting in the mirror.
He offered her the towel. Without turning to face him, she took it, mumbling her thanks and then dried her face.
So many things he needed to say. He didn’t know where to start. He was still pissed she’d gone back to the mansion in Laguna Beach. Scared of her reaction in knowing he’d had her living in his beach house with the pretext of being a housekeeper to some secret person. He really didn’t want anyone to know his secret hideaway. Just the guys and his grandmother. Now Rafe had brought a bunch of people over via the bay.
“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said, needing to know.
She blinked, her teeth nipping her lower lip. Her gaze darted away from his, disconnecting from him.
Not good.
He crowded her, blanketing her back with his body, lips almost brushing her ear. A violent shiver went through her.
“Abigail,” he breathed out, the heat of her already making him hard. “I was going out of my mind knowing you were with him.”
Her eyes snapped open. He slid his gaze back to the mirror to see how wide her pupils were. He affected her too. It wasn’t just his blood flowing like lava through his veins right now.
“I already told you. Mikayla called me.”
He closed his eyes, turned his nose to sniff at her fragrant hair. How he wished it were unbound so he could bury his face in the golden mass.
“Abigail, I love you.”
She made a strangled sound in her throat.
He turned to look at her reflection again. Her eyes were closed, glittering wetness flooding her lashes.
“You lied to me,” she got out through clenched teeth.
“About who owned this place?” Her eyes snapped back open, full of hurt, anger, and accusation. “I try to keep that information secret, Abigail. I didn’t want anyone to know this place is mine. I was going to tell you. We just hadn’t gotten around to talking about it. I was scared you’d leave and go back to Laguna.” Just thinking about it made him want to go ape-shit.
She let out a pent up breath, her eyes focusing on the silver faucets in front of her.
“I was going to get a job, a little apartment,” her voice sounded small. “I was finally going to stand on my own two feet.”
Gabriel frowned, not understanding. He’d given her a place to stay. His home. Their home. And he’d given her money. She didn’t need a fucking job.
Her eyes rose to meet him in the mirror again. He didn’t really like what he saw in them. “I need to leave, Gabriel.”
No. Time to change tactics.
His face fell. “You’re going to abandon me? When I need you most?”
The deep tone of his voice, so soft, made goose bumps rise on her arms.
“You’re hardly alone, Gabriel.”
His lips pressed together, green eyes full of hurt and disappointment. “Mike has his hands full with Erica and her condition. Ariel is a manic depressive, drunk most of the day, asleep the rest. Rafe? I don’t want Rafe here with his shit. Who does that leave? My eighty-nine-year-old grandmother? No way am I making her have to tend to me. She’s done enough for me. Sharmane takes care of her. Diamond?”
Abigail winced. Oh-God, not that woman!
Gabriel snorted humorlessly, “Yeah-no.”
He stared at her through the mirror until he turned away, head down. “Yeah, Abs. I get it. You need to get on with your life. Don’t worry about me. I can get through this alone.”
He made his way slowly toward the door, his right crutch catching with the throw rug in the middle of the stark white bathroom. After a bit of a wobble, he continued slowly, head down, just tearing her up inside with guilt at the sorry picture he presented. Before she could stop herself, she darted in front of him. Half-shuttered green eyes bore into hers, his face blank, black hair tumbling in loose waves around his face.
Her tongue froze, her eyes drifting down over his naked upper torso. Tattoos decorated his pecs and arms. A tribal sun in sharp black ink circled his belly button, set within the rock hard six-pack of his abdomen. His heat called to her. She felt herself swaying forward, a fuzzy memory of touching and tasting most of that glorious male flesh tantalizing her.
He licked his lips and turned his head away a bit, eyes focused on the white tiled floor.
“I…” she began. “I guess I can stay and care for you until you get better.”
His gaze slid back to her, face still adorably pouty. “I’ll be fine alone. Mike can sneak by every once and a while. As long as someone leaves some water and crackers nearby, definitely a lamp on. If I need to go take a piss I can always crawl outside and aim for the edge of the dock. Hopefully I won’t fall in.”
She frowned at him, despite her alarm at his words. “Oh, Gabriel. Stop being so dramatic.”
When he refocused on the tile again with a soulful sigh, she couldn’t help reach up and stroke back his thick hair. It only spilled forward again over his muscular shoulders.
He needed her. He’d been wrong to trick her into living in his house and fill her bank account with money, but the bottom line was he really needed someone to stay with him. He could hire a full time nurse, but then he’d run the risk of his privacy being invaded. The person might tell someone and before anyone knew, there’d be a horde of fans swarming the house.
“I’ll stay, Gabriel.”
He looked at her again. “Abigail, are you not still my girlfriend?”
She blinked at him. Somehow, she’d never really thought he’d been serious. He’d said twice now he loved her, but they barely knew each other. Didn’t they?
“Are you?” he whispered.
“I…I thought it was just pretend.”
He came closer, looming over her. She blinked up at him, eyes wide. The black in his pupils almost swallowed the green of his eyes. "I’m not pretending.”
“Oh,” she replied with a gulp. “Okay then.”
“I’ll forgive you, because you obviously don’t know about the girlfriend rules.”
“Oh, yes,” he replied, one brow arching beautifully. “Girlfriends are supposed to take care of their man. I’m your man, Abby, and right now I need you.”
A shudder went through her at his words. Her man. Her eyes drifted over the masculine beauty before her. All that? Hers?
Wow. Okay then.
Finding her voice again, she asked, “Are there boyfriend rules?”
His grin was pure evil. Gone was the pouty boy. Now she wasn’t so sure she wanted to know what the boyfriend rules were.
He dipped his head to brush his lips over hers. Movement to her right had her turning to catch Michael in the room hefting handfuls of what looked like sawdust on where she’d heaved.
Embarrassment had her gasping and rushing out of the bathroom.
“Oh, I can take care of that,” she blurted.
“Already got it,” Mike mumbled straightening. “Just let that stuff soak it up a few minutes. Then it only needs to be swept up.” He looked at Gabriel over her shoulder. “I got rid of all those goons Rafe brought over.”
She turned to look at Gabriel who was making his way to the bed. His face looked a little ashen.
“Good thing I didn’t get attached to this place,” he replied tightly.
Micheal cocked his head to the side, eyes on Gabe. “Already had the talk with him. Let’s just wait and see what happens.”
Gabriel shook his head. Michael just sighed. Abigail wondered what they were talking about. It almost sounded as if Gabriel was considering getting rid of the beach house.
“Shit,” Michael huffed. “With the practice and drama, I forgot about your meds.”
Abigail’s eyes widened as she saw Gabriel settle gingerly on her mattress before leaning sideways to lie down.
He was in pain.
“I’ll live,” he replied, but Mike had already walked out.
It was already nighttime. “Have you had dinner?”
He rolled onto his back. She saw him wince, but he remained silent and just shook his head side to side.
Michael came trotting back into the room, bottle of pills in his hand and glass of water.
Abigail turned and made her way out. Erica followed her up the stairs.
“Everything okay between you two?”
Abigail smiled at her over her shoulder. “Yeah. We talked a bit.” They needed to talk more though. “He hasn’t eaten. I’m going to make something for all of us.”
“Ooh, can I help?”
Abigail grimaced but nodded her head, turning toward the kitchen. “Suuure.”
Angelo and Michael helped him back up to the main floor. His bedroom had been unlocked and Abigail had the pleasure of finally seeing it. It was no wonder why he’d had it locked. His scent was everywhere even though, according to Mike, he’d barely ever stayed there. The huge walk-in closet had a few clothes, but there were pictures of his grandmother and another of a very beautiful blonde woman holding a baby, a little boy with humongous green eyes and raven curls. Gabriel as a one-year old and his mother was too precious for words.
She’d prepared some tenderloin steaks and lobster tails, and had Mike cook them out on the grill. Potatoes were in the oven as she prepared asparagus stalks in a huge skillet. Erica set the table - to Abigail’s surprise - with Gabriel’s white square plates and silverware. In the living room, Angelo and Ariel played with the Xbox, shouting insults at one another over some game until the scents of food drew them to the kitchen like hungry children.
“God, I hate Gabriel so much right now,” Angelo suddenly exclaimed, looking over Abigail’s shoulder.
She looked up at him, eyes wide. “Why? What did he do?” Looking back out into the living room, Gabriel laid sleeping on his inflatable mattress again. It was a shame there wasn’t a bedroom on the main floor.
“I saw you first, damn-it. You’re gorgeous and you can cook more than Chef Boyardee.”
Abigail rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Please go back to the living room and let me finish this.”
About an hour later, they all congregated at the outside dining table. Michael had lit the fire pit and turned up the fairy lights on the deck. The warm breeze brought with it the scent of the ocean and the sounds of the sea. Millions of stars winked from a velvet black sky the moon, a sliver of white low in the sky reflected off the shimmering water. The bay was breathtaking, surrounded by the twinkling lights of the glamorous houses around it and fancy crafts of all sizes in its waters.
Gabriel still had a sleepy face when she put his plate before him.
He rubbed his eyes and frowned. “Who ordered take out? Smells fucking good.”
Mike smiled at him. “No take-out, man. Abs made it.”
Gabriel looked at his plate again. “Jesus-christ, woman.”
Abigail bit her lips, wondering if there was something wrong.
Everyone ate almost in silence for a few minutes, nothing but the sounds of appreciation with every bite.
Gabriel watched her with every bite he took, his serious stare making her nervous. What was going through his head? At one point he reached over and took her hand, pressing a lingering kiss over her knuckles, his eyes so intense, she felt herself blush from head to toe.
Everyone conversed, tales of the outrageous things that happened to them on their tours or at shows had Abigail gasping in shock or laughing until her sides hurt. One their first shows before a big crowd had ended up rather abruptly when the entire stage had collapsed. Another time some woman kept accusing Gabriel of being Bret Michaels incognito.
“Fucks-sake,” Gabriel groused. “I look nothing like the dude. I’ve got green eyes and black hair. Real hair mind you.”
Abigail smiled looking around the table. “Who’s Bret Michaels?”
Angelo’s white wine sprayed from his mouth as he choked. Ariel snickered and Michael shook his head in dismay. Gabriel just stared at her in concern.
“He’s the guy from Poison,” Erica giggled. “Total eye-candy when he was younger, not too bad now either actually.”
“You know,” Angelo began, wiping his laughing mouth off with a napkin, “Now that I look at you, Gabe, I kinda see it.”
Gabriel scowled at the drummer. “Eat me.”
“Look! You see?” Ang exclaimed, jabbing a finger in Gabriel’s direction. “It’s those hooker lips of yours, and those big fuck-me eyes. You’re a dead ringer for him. All you need is the blond hair and eyeliner, man.”
Even Ariel laughed, which was probably the first time she’d seen him show his teeth. Gabriel looked down shaking his head, but he chuckled too and then he yawned. The medication made him drowsy.
Erica shoved her cell phone under Abigail’s nose.
“Bret Michaels.”
Abigail blinked as she took the proffered phone from the girl despite Gabriel’s protest. She looked at the video of the handsome blond man and smirked.
“Well, maybe the nose and the mouth.”
Roaring laughter sounded around her. Gabriel just rubbed his face with his hands in defeat.
“Seriously, Abigail? You too?”
She giggled. No. Gabriel was way better looking than the pretty blond man in the video singing about roses and their thorns. For one, Gabe gave off a pure masculine vibe that made her toes curl. So-what if his lips were what Angelo accused them to be. They were surrounded by manly scruff at the moment.
He gave her a slow blink, looking like he was ready to nod off at any minute.
Michael stretched ad stood. “Rafe, help me clean up. Ang and Ariel, help Sleeping Beauty here to the bath. It’s getting late.”
Angelo scoffed. “What? I am not helping a man bathe. What-the-hell!”
Ariel just shook his head, sipping at his beer.
Gabriel looked at Abigail.
Her eyes widened. Who would bathe Gabriel when Michael couldn’t come over?
“I can make it into the bathroom, but I definitely need someone to give me a hand in there.”
“He could slip and kill himself,” Michael added without a hint of a smile.
Abigail cupped her throat in horror.
“Think of me as your patient,” Gabriel added slowly getting to his feet as Rafe handed him his crutches.
Every eye was on her.
Well, he was her boyfriend, and he was hurt enough to need assistance and who better than she?
“Okay,” she said, her voice a horse whisper.
She left the guys from the band cleaning up as she followed Gabriel into the bathroom on the main floor behind the kitchen.
It was not as big as her bathroom downstairs, but roomy enough for both of them to fit without bumping into each other.
Gabriel still had no shirt on, just a pair of black drawstring pants. When he leaned against the sink, Abigail turned and began fixing the water.
“How do you like the temperature?”
“However you like it,” he purred.
She ignored the sexy growl and shoved her trembling hand beneath the warm spray of water. This bathroom was tiled in natural stone and had a walk-in bathing area. Niches were tucked in the corners stocked with soaps, sponges, towels, and bottles of products of every kind. There was also a sturdy metal and plastic chair she guessed Gabriel used when he showered in there.
“Well, I made it warm, but not too much. It’s a cool night…”
Her words died on her tongue when she turned.
He was in the process of stepping out of his pants. He wore nothing else underneath. Her jaw dropped, her eyes gaped, her face grew hot as well as every other part of her.
Sweet-baby-Jesus, the man had the body of a pagan god, mile long legs, exquisitely muscled, and dusted in a layer of fine dark hair that matched the treasure trail leading from halfway down his tight belly to the nest surrounding his half erect cock…his half erect monstrous cock. Good-lord, it was another limb practically. As she stared at it, it grew longer and thicker.
“This is going to get really embarrassing if you keep looking at me like that, baby.”
She wrenched her eyes from his groin to his face, and then closed her mouth to keep from making the famous fish-face that turned him on so much. Why? She had no idea.
“You’re naked,” she blurted.
“Well, I am about to shower.”
“You could’ve worn underwear at least,” she continued to protest, doing her best to keep her eyes on his face. It didn’t matter though. Her eyes were focused on his face, but she could still see that serpentine beast pressed against his abs. It was like another person in the room.
He wrinkled his nose. “Well, how the hell am I supposed to wash my jewels wearing underwear? Come on, Abs. We’re both adults here. Seriously?”
Her face felt like it was on fire, and why not? She’d just seen her first completely naked man…and he was…there were no words.
“Baby, the shower’s running.”
“Yes! Oh-my-god, yes! Sorry.”
He chuckled darkly. “My little Poptart.”
She stepped aside, wringing her fingers as he gripped his crutches and hobbled forward toward the chair.
She watched him grimace a bit as he settled himself on the white plastic and handed her the cumbersome crutches. Once settled, he looked toward one of the shelves in the corner.
She gripped the showerhead, handed it to him, and then retrieved a bar of soap and a washcloth.
Her mouth literally watered as he lathered himself. Realizing she was staring inappropriately, she turned to gather a large towel and fold it neatly on the counter next to the sink.
“First time you see a naked man?”
She jumped at his voice. Leaning closer to the mirror to smooth her hair back, she replied, “Of course.”
“Did you ever kiss Daniel?”
Abigail turned with a frown. “Gabriel, those are private matters.”
He frowned right back, but winced when he lifted his right arm to soap under it.
“You can ask me anything, you know,” he said after a while.
“Do you remember your mother?”
He stiffened, a mere second, but kept right on lathering himself. “Vaguely, but yeah. I remember she liked to play the piano, and she had the voice of an angel.”
Abigail sighed, wondering about the events that lead to the deaths of three people, leaving a toddler practically orphaned.
“I remember pieces of that night when Brendan Brinks shot her.”
Abigail stared at him aghast.
“I think it was my birthday. Mother came into my room to tuck me in, but Brendan followed her. He was screaming at her, hit her and they began to struggle.” His gaze was faraway, lost.
“The bang was so loud. It’s what I remember the most…that boom. Made my ears ring.”
“Honey, you shouldn’t think about that,” she told him approaching slowly.
He turned to her, held out the soap. “Would you do my back?”
Such a simple, innocent question. Her belly tightened and something clenched low, making her shiver.
His cock had gone down, resting docilely between his strong thighs.
She took the soapy washcloth and circled behind him.
“We should’ve put your hair up,” she commented, running the cloth between his shoulder blades.
He snorted, “Like one of the frilly, flowery plastic things my grandmother uses? Geez, baby. You trying to emasculate me?”
She rolled her eyes and pulled her hair free from the tie she used to keep her bun in place. Gathering the thick strands of his hair, she pulled it up and tied it securely.
“There. Now it won’t get soaked.”
Gabriel touched his hair and chuckled. “Abs, shit. I must look like a total ass.”
She slapped at his hands when he tried to pull the hair tie off.
“I should just wash my hair again,” he argued.
“It’s late, and you were barely able to keep your eyes open out there.”
He grunted.
She continued to scrub his back and shoulders, briefly looking sown to the twin swells of his backside resting on the chair.

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Sitting, he came to her chin. He was so very tall. If she stood in front, his mouth would align with her breasts.
“What?” he asked in a low voice.
She frowned at the back of his head.
He turned a bit to look at her. “I felt you shiver.”
Her face grew hot. “I’m all done here. Give me the shower head.”
He stared at her a moment before sighing and passing back the shower head.
Once he was done with the rest of himself, Abigail turned off the water and handed him the towel. He patted himself dry, Abigail helping him once more with his back because lifting his arms gave him pain. He stood and she averted her gaze when he dried his backside.
Abigail handed him his crutches afterward.
He went back to the sink and leaned against it hand coming up to release the thick bun she’d tied at the nape of his neck. Behind the door was a black terrycloth robe she helped him into before helping him brush his slightly damp hair.
By the time they made their way back out into the living room, everyone was gone. The house had been locked up and someone had started a fire in the fireplace as well as pulled Gabe’s temporary bed in front of it.
“Nice,” Gabriel said, pitching his voice deeper.
He neared the bed and handed Abigail his crutches. Balancing carefully on his left leg, she gaped when he let the robe drop and then lowered himself carefully.
“Ah,” he sighed. “Feel like a million bucks.” Pulling up the sheets to drape casually over his groin, he smiled up at her. “Thank you, baby. For the food and helping me shower.” He patted the bed. “Come.”
“You wanted to sleep with me last night. You were too drunk and I didn’t want to. Not like that. But now you’re okay, so, come. Lay with me.”
She shook her head. “But,’re naked.”
He rolled his eyes. “Abby, I already told you, I can’t do anything, so stop harassing me for sex.”
She gasped in outrage and he began to laugh.
“Come on, Abs. You promised. Just one night at least. Please?”
He batted his lashes at her and she weakened.
“Okay, but I need to shower first.”
“Geez, Poptart, you should’ve just showered with me. We need to conserve water, help the planet and shit."
She rolled her eyes at him before turning on her heel to head downstairs.
“Wear something obscenely sexy,” he called out. “And burn that damned dress. Hate it.”
She snorted her reply. He was such a brat.
Her shower was quick, and she pulled on a long baby-blue nightgown she had that had a high neck with pearly buttons and a ruffled hem. She could see the outline of her nipples through the thin material and the shadow of her white cotton panties, but she didn’t own anything more discreet.
Braiding her hair and brushing her teeth, she made her way warily to the main floor.
Loud snoring greeted her ascent. She breathed out a sigh of relief and ignored the prickle of disappointment as she turned out the lights in the kitchen.
Now, only the glow from the fire illuminated the living room.
Gabriel still lay on his back, the white sheet covering him from the waist down. His dark hair spilled around his head, a stark contrast to the sheets. His skin was darker than hers, made golden by the firelight.
She stared at his lips, parted and showing a hint of his teeth. A grin curved her lips when another snore passed those delectable lips.
Her heart clenched at the sight of him and her eyes misted. He was hers. It was still so shocking to her. This past month she’d felt closer to him. Of course she didn’t like that he’d tricked her into living in his house, but she’d forgiven him for that, never one to hold a grudge.
Carefully, she crawled into bed beside him. Her nerves started up again. She’d never slept with a man. She’d never done anything with a man. Now Gabriel had been the first to kiss her, the first to awaken her feminine desires, and the first to show her the beauty of the male form…and God, he was beautiful.
Pleasure and pain. That’s what was rousing him from his peaceful slumber. His ribs ached. Pressure. The source? The press of exquisite feminine breasts to his side, a delicate arm clutching at him. Taut flesh filled his hand as he squeezed. The tight little ass wiggled a bit, getting closer.
He opened his eyes just as Abigail’s leg rose a bit and rubbed his cock.
His entire body jerked at the contact. Now he was fully awake, looking down at her sleeping form pressed against him. She was sleeping on his arm, the arm he had curled around her, hand slipped inside her little cotton underwear gripping an ass cheek.
She wiggled again, pressing her pussy against his thigh. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was having a wet dream and getting off on his leg. Christ. If he could only roll over and let her rub his dick that way.
She sighed, her breath warming his nipple. She was killing him.
Carefully sliding his hand from inside her panties before she woke and accused him of groping her in her sleep, he slid away from her. She muttered something, more of a whine than anything else, but continued to sleep.
Gabriel struggled to his feet and stared balefully at the crutches. His doctor had told him he didn’t need them and that he should start putting weight on his leg so that the bone healed faster. He’d just been reluctant to do so at first. Abby had agreed to stay until he recovered, but he’d convince her to stay indefinitely. He wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.
Again, the thought of marriage entered his thoughts as he made his way slowly to the bathroom.
Abigail wasn’t the kind of girl who’d just have sex with him. She’d been saving herself. That was a rare thing indeed, and he wasn’t about to take that from her either. She’d be his, but he needed to give something up in return. His bachelorhood.
Was he ready to take the big plunge? Was his raging lust for Abigail making him rash, pushing things way too fast?
He washed his hands after making use of the toilet and then began brushing his teeth.
She was sweet, innocent, but she had fire to her as well. He liked that. Plus, the woman could cook like no one’s business. Definitely points in her favor. No one but his grandmother or Sharmane had ever cooked for him. Abby wasn’t after his money; she couldn't care less about his fame or the whole music business for that matter.
Did he love her? He snorted. Fuck yeah. She was every man’s dream. His dream.
She was so innocent. He wanted to give her things, buy her stuff, take her places…make her come apart under his tutelage.
“Gabriel,” Abigail gasped as she rushed into the bathroom.
He gripped the edge of the counter and stared at her in the mirror before turning carefully.
“You’re standing without your crutches.”
“Yeah, and you scared the crap out of me. I could’ve fallen.”
Her face paled and he felt a twinge of guilt.
“Let me get them,” she blurted turning to leave.
He reached out and gripped the back of her nightgown stopping her in her tracks.
Her eyes widened when he began to reel her in slowly.
“Gabriel, your crutches.”
“Doc said to put weight on my leg to strengthen it. I’ll use them later when I get tired.”
She was flush against him now, a thin little nightie the only barrier between them since he still hadn’t pulled on his lounging pants.
Her face flushed pink as her palms went to his chest.
Looking away, she breathed a frantic, “Gabriel, this is so inappropriate.”
“We’re not doing anything,” he murmured, sliding his mouth down the slender column of her throat. He could feel her pulse hammering hard through her jugular. Baring his teeth, he nipped at it, making her gasp and then moan.
The sound lit him up like a fuse. He tilted his hips into her, letting her feel what she did to him. To his pleasure, she didn’t try to move away, but pressed minutely closer.
His fingers clutched at the long fabric of her blue nightie. Why couldn’t she have worn something shorter, more accessible?
Tipping his head to the side, he tried to kiss her.
She froze, turning her head away and covering her mouth with her hand. “I haven’t brushed my teeth.”
“Like I care about that,” he growled trying for her lips again, but she pushed away from him, leaving him bereft and horny.
“I’ll go shower and start breakfast. Won’t be long,” she threw over her shoulder as she practically ran from the bathroom.
She needed to get her own apartment. And a job. If she stayed much longer with Gabriel, she was going to end up giving in and having sex with him. He was too hard to resist. The feel of him, so long and hard against her, had her panties in a disgraceful state. Was that even normal? Maybe there was something wrong with her. Was she a closet nymphomaniac?
She showered with the coldest water possible and pulled her hair into its usual bun afterward. Donning a loose olive green maxi and a pair of canvas flats, she pushed her glasses into place and went up to the main floor.
Gabriel leaned against the back of the couch, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a black button down shirt. He’d combed his hair back into a ponytail and the scent of expensive cologne made her breathe deeper in appreciation.
“Thought we’d go out for breakfast,” he said, green eyes burning. His gaze slid down her body, making her feel self-conscious. All of her clothes were modest, something she’d always preferred. Standing before this exotic rock star, she felt so plain. What did he see in her?
He smiled, and held his hand out to her. “Come. I got us a limo for the day.”
Abigail’s eyes gaped. “A limo?”
Gabriel’s smile widened. “Nothing but the best for my girl.”
The day evolved like something out of a fairy tale. The limo was long, black, and sleek. Gabriel put on some soothing music and offered her chilled orange juice. Claiming she’d allowed a drop to remain on her lips, he proceeded to kiss her senseless after licking her lower lip from end to end.
His hand had moved from her ribs to just under her left breast, making her pant. She longed for him to reach higher, grip her, mold her aching breast in his big palm, though the reasonable part of her called all sorts of lewd names. Her shameful urges increased the more time she spent with him.
They stopped at a little restaurant off the Pacific Coast highway, garnering only a few stares when they walked in.
Gabriel was so attentive with her, staring deep into her eyes as they talked and laughed, kissing her fingers and stroking her hands in the brief moments of silence.
She kept pinching herself under the table to see if she was dreaming all this.
Afterwards, Gabriel and she continued to converse in the back of the limo as the ride stretched on past the most beautiful scenery she’d ever seen.
Almost an hour later, Abigail’s eyes rounded when they turned onto Rodeo Drive.
Gabriel spoke through the intercom to the driver to let them off for a while.
It was an entirely different world here. You could smell the scent of money in the air.
Gabriel entwined his fingers through hers and walked slowly down the street.
“Don’t you think you’re pushing yourself a bit too fast too soon?” she asked, concerned.
He looked down at her, his gorgeous green eyes blocked by a pair of dark sunglasses.
“I want to spoil you a bit,” he answered.
“Spoil me?”
He turned into the entrance of a boutique, before she put the brakes on.
“No,” she bit out, undaunted by the scowl that turned his generous lips down.
“I don’t want you to buy me things like I’m some floozy.”
His frown twitched. He took a deep breath and smiled. “How can I get pissed when you say cute shit like that?”
“I mean it, Gabriel. I don’t want you buying me things.”
“But that’s what boyfriends do, baby. We spoil our girls.”
She shook her head, looking at the glass window displays to either side of them. “This place looks outrageously expensive.”
He ran his hand through his hair, obviously forgetting he’d tied it back. A few black strands came loose making him look way too sexy. “Shit, Abs. It’s just money.”
“Fine. If you want to throw it away while people starve everywhere, that’s your business, but I will not participate in any of that.”
He took off his sunglasses now and glared down at her. “Geez, Abby. The owner of this shop is an old friend of my grandmother’s, and, yeah, she charges a lot for her stuff, but she works damn hard at what she does and everything is handmade by her. She doesn’t live in a fancy mansion, but has a modest home she shares with about a dozen foster kids that she and her sister take care of. She refuses to take charity from me so the most I can do is throw lots of business her way whenever I can.”
Abigail stared up at him, completely aggrieved by her rash words now. Handmade clothing created by an elderly lady, to feed her foster children. What could be more touching than that?
Lillian was a lovely woman who was only in her late sixties. She hugged and kissed Gabriel on his cheek, and gave the same amount of affection to Abigail when he introduced her as his girlfriend.
They talked as Lillian took her measurements until Gabriel’s phone began ringing. He frowned when he saw the screen and ignored the call until it rang four more times in a row. He stepped out to answer it, leaving Abigail alone with Lillian.
The woman smiled at her as she measured Abigail from hip to ankle.
“He’s a sweetheart. Don’t let his sometimes grumpy attitude mislead you to thinking otherwise.”
Abigail smiled down at her.
“You look like a good girl. I’m glad he’s finally found someone like you. Stardom can come with plenty of loneliness.”
“I’m pretty sure it comes with plenty of things, but I doubt Gabriel was ever lonely. Women clamor after him.”
Lillian made a moue of distaste. “Leeches. Only after his fame and money.”
Abigail’s face warmed. He’d be paying for whatever purchase was made today. Didn’t that make her sort of a leech also?”
Lillian stood and patted her shoulder. “I can tell you are having a difficult time with him buying you clothes, but if you get married, he’ll be doing this on a daily basis.”
Abigail’s heart stuttered. “Marriage?” She was barely getting used to seeing him as her boyfriend. The thought of marriage seemed a bit too premature, even though hope flared in her heart.
“I see the way he looks at you,” Lillian assured. “I’ve never seen him look at anyone that way. You’ve got him twisted around your finger and don’t even realize it. Yes, sweetie. That man is going to put a ring on your finger before you know it.”
Gabriel picked that moment to walk back in, and with a noticeable limp.
She met him halfway, pressing her hands against his chest. “You’re in pain. We should get back home. You need to rest.”
He smirked down at her. “Geez, baby. I’m not some old man.”
“No buts.” Looking back to Lillian he said, “You’ve got anything her size for right now? We’re on a date and I want to take her someplace special tonight.”
Lillian smiled. “I’ve got just the right thing.”
Gabriel nodded. “Throw in some sleepwear, even though I’d prefer she slept naked with me.”
Abigail gasped and almost elbowed him before she remembered his ribs. “Gabriel!”
“What?” he said with mock innocence.
Lillian brought out a pretty, floral dress in a silky material that just flowed like liquid over her body. The thin straps and princess neckline showed off her shoulders, and the handkerchief hem her legs.
Gabriel’s eyes smoldered when she stepped out of the dressing booth. Already, there were a couple of bags on the counter and Lillian was ringing up the sale. There was another woman in the shop as well. Her eyes had been eating up Gabriel from head to toe until they turned to her with a coldness that left Abigail confused.
Abigail bit her lip, wondering how much he’d just spent, but he approached her and leaned down to kiss her in front of the women.
Heat suffused her face and she wanted to shy away, but he wouldn’t have it and speared his tongue into her mouth to ravish it.
“You look so beautiful,” he said huskily.
She looked away from the intensity of his gaze to see Lillian grinning affectionately and the other woman taking a picture with her phone.
Gabriel turned to see what had displeased her, but the female had already snapped the picture and was now texting.
“What is it, baby?”
She shook her head as the limo’s chauffeur walked in to take the bags. “Nothing. I just want to go now.”
Back inside the limo, she noticed Gabriel wincing as he sat.
“We really should go back home. You only just got out of the hospital the day before yesterday.”
“I’ll be fine. I brought my medication.”
“And it makes you sleepy,” she reminded him.
He sighed tiredly. “How about if I get us a place to chill for a while, maybe take a nap and we go out to eat tonight before heading back home. It’s a long drive back anyway and I guess I could use a little rest.”
He pulled her closer and nuzzled her neck, giving her goose bumps.
“Fine, but only because I think you need to rest.”
He chuckled before leaning back to smile at her.
Expensive cars, SUVs, and limos moved along beside them. Women with sky-high heels and tiny dogs peeping out of their Louis Vuitton purses strutted along the sidewalk. Gabriel pointed out places and even famous people out for her, none of whom she’d heard of before. She really didn’t know much about anything celebrity related.
She wondered where they were going, but didn’t need to wonder long. A fifteen-minute drive out to the coastline, the limo was pulling up to a lavish hotel called Casa Del Mar.
They were ushered in like royalty. Abigail gaped at the luxury around her, the marble floors and winding staircases. A corner room with a spectacular view of the ocean and an amusement park not that far from the hotel was assigned to them.
As soon as the door closed, Gabriel sat with a bounce on the bed and flopped back.
“Yeah, I’m just going to pass out right here,” he murmured.
Abigail removed his low boots and froze when she heard him unzip his jeans.
“Can’t sleep with clothes on, Abby. Help me out here,” he said, voice a bit slurred.
She frowned, remembering he’d taken his pain meds on the way here. He usually only took them early in the morning and then again late at night. Today he’d taken them later than usual.
Hands a bit shaky, she undid his pants and pulled them off. His shirt came next until he wore nothing but his skin. Using his hands and elbows, he pulled himself up to the pillows and held his hand out to her.
“I wanna feel you next to me, Abby. I swear I’ll behave. Strip too.”
She began to shake her head, scandalized by what he was asking, but he sighed and begged, “Please?”
“L-let me close the blinds first,” she blurted, face flaming. If she was going to get naked with him, it would be under the cover of darkness at least.
By the time she’d drawn the room-darkening curtains closed and returned to him, he was asleep.
She stripped quickly and pulled a corner of the fluffy comforter over them as she finally snuggled down beside him. He stirred, opening his eyes a sliver as his arms went around her.
“Thank you, baby,” he sighed. His lips brushed her forehead and he murmured something else she couldn’t make out.
He was fast asleep again.
Abigail brushed her hand over his chest, her belly quivering at the hard feel of him even though his skin was hot and silky. Feeling brave, she slid her leg over his thighs and gasped when she bumped into the long length of his arousal. Looking down, she saw he was tenting the comforter.
Curling her hand under her chin as she slid her leg off him, she berated herself for groping him while he was unconscious. He’d promised her he’d behave and here she was acting like a perverted floozy.
“Touch me more,” he mumbled pulling her hand over his chest again. “Feels nice.”
Face flaming at him being aware of her actions, she caressed him slowly, but kept her hand in the safe zone of the area between his bulging pectorals.
The sound of the sea and the air conditioning lulled her until she dozed off as well in Gabriel’s warm arms.
Her dreams were full of erotic visions, of touching Gabriel all over, hearing him moan and move restlessly. She wanted him with a desperation that bordered on obsession. Her fingers wrapped around his girth, marveling at the contrast of velvety flesh and steely rigidity. The tip of him bled a clear drop as he bucked his hips and groaned out an expletive.
Mesmerized, she leaned down and licked that drop. Something that should have revolted her only turned her on more. Her mouth opened wider and she suckled his tip. He tasted wickedly delicious.
“Fuck, Abigail. I can’t believe…shit…are you awake?”
She froze. He looked like he was in pain, hands fisting the comforter beneath his bare ass as he thrust his hips lazily, the feel of him in her mouth all too real.
Abigail blinked, slowly letting his cock slide from her swollen lips. What was she doing?
Gabriel made a little whimper in his throat when he finally slipped from her mouth, flesh glistening from her saliva.
She stared in shock at his penis trapped in her hand. She needed to let it go…unwrap her fingers from around it. Any moment now.
“I…I’m. So. Sorry,” she finally got out in a barely audible whisper.
“No,” he pleaded. “Please don’t be. God, baby. I’m hurting with the need to come right now.”
The intense throbbing between her legs made her feel crazy with need.
He opened his arms to her. “No penetration, but come up here and rub yourself on me. At least that, baby. Please?”
Years of ingrained religious training rebelled inside her mind. It was this tiny voice screaming at her to cease this immoral behavior, but her body moved of its own volition, the sight of his body luring her in like a moth to flame. She straddled him and they both groaned when she pressed herself against his arousal.
“Oh-fuck, you’re so wet,” he moaned thrusting against her.
His cock left a shiny smear on her belly, the sight of it enthralling her. She angled her hips so that he slid between the lips of her sex. The sensation so new and strange. Her eyes focused on the sight. She had a real man’s penis…there!
Gabriel rocked his hips, his arousal sliding through the flood of moisture slicking his engorged flesh.
She gasped and grew rigid, stopping all movement as an electric sensation shot right through her.
Gabriel growled and gripped her ass, thrusting harder.
Abigail dug her nails into his shoulders and arched her back as the sensation built.
“Christ-you’re going to come, aren’t you?” he gasped. “Oh-God-baby. You’re so damn beautiful. I love you so damn much.”
Abigail wanted to tell him she loved him too, but only a pathetic high whine slipped from her throat. Her glasses were sliding off her nose. As it was, they were askew.
He began to rock harder and faster against her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered if he should be moving that way, hoping he wasn’t injuring himself, but Gabriel’s muscles were taut, his lips pulled back to reveal clenched pearly whites. He actually looked like a rabid savage. He palmed her left breast hard, pinched her nipple. Her glasses hit his chest and…
She screamed. The pleasure snapped within her, like a too tight rubber band, making her whole body convulse. Oh-the-bliss! She cried out his name as he continued to move beneath her before finally throwing his head back and shouting.
Warmth bathed her belly. Her bones were dissolving into jelly. Gabriel gripped the back of her neck and she was sure she tasted blood when he mashed their lips together.
He kissed her like a man dying of thirst and she the only source of moisture left on Earth. He bit across her lips and jaw, panting and trembling terribly. Their bellies slid together, something warm making them slick.
“God-Abby. Fuck it all. Be mine. Marry me!”