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Coming Home pt.5

"The reunion of Faith and Hunter"

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Faith was snapped back to herself, when she heard her phone chime with Messenger. She grabbed her phone, and was surprised to see the little picture that was Hunter’s profile pic. She was nervous to open the app. She put her phone face down on the counter, and went back to finishing the prep for dinner. She kept sneaking glances at it though, as she chopped and added the veggies to the salad she was making.

“No. I’m not going to check it,” she thought.

But she couldn’t help the curiosity that plagued her. Why had he messaged her? What did he want? It had been ten years since they had spoken. Yet all it took was a friend request and a message to bring her right back to him again.

“No,” she thought again. “I’ve moved on and left that behind me.”

But even as she thought that, she was snatching her phone off the counter, and checking her messages.

RichHuntsman: Hey Faith. Long time no see.

How should she respond? Even as she was thinking that, another chat bubble popped up.

RichHuntsman: Thanks for accepting my friend request. I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately.

As of tonight, so had she. But that was brought on by his reentrance into her life, she had actively tried forgetting him for the last ten years.

FaithRhodes: Why, after all these years, are you contacting me?

RichHuntsman: Like I said, I’ve been thinking about you and how things ended between us. I’ve wanted to tell you for years, that I’m sorry.

FaithRhodes: Oh really…?

RichHuntsman: You’re still upset after all this time, huh?

“Really Hunter?” she said out loud, glaring at her phone. “I’m the one who was hurt the most, and you have the nerve to ask if I’m still mad.”

She tossed her phone on the counter in disgust at that. But then she decided she wanted to get something off her chest, and then she would end all contact.

FaithRhodes: You really hurt me 10 yrs ago. You crushed an innocent 17 y.o. heart with your actions. You were a real asshole back then. I’ll accept your apology, but I hope you realized that while your ‘sorry’ is a good step, you have a lot to atone for.

RichHuntsman: So even after all this time, you haven’t moved on…

FaithRhodes: I HAVE moved on!!!!!

RichHuntsman: Prove it. I’ll be in town next weekend. I’ll be staying at the Hilton. Come meet and have dinner with me.

Dammit, why was she letting him suck her back in? She should just tell him to go to hell, and be done with it. But at the same time, meeting with him, and telling him off to his face would be even better. “Fine,” she decided.

FaithRhodes: Ok, fine.

RichHuntsman: You sound so enthusiastic. LOL. I’ll be waiting until then. ;)

She rolled her eyes, smiling against her will. Stupid, jackass.

RichHuntsman: Hey send me your number, and I’ll text you when I get in.

Against her better judgement, she sent him her information. Then closed out the chat window. But curiosity got the better of her, and she opened the Facebook app on her phone. If she was going to meet up with him, she would need to do a little reconnaissance. Time to indulge in a little profile stalking, she decided, digging into her salad.

She clicked on his profile, and started going through his feed. Nothing much to see there. A few updates, and a few shared articles. Ok, now onto his pics, she thought. She clicked onto his recent pictures, not sure what she’d find. What if he has gone bald? She chuckled at that thought. Or even better, what if he’s gotten a potbelly? She really couldn’t put it off any longer, and began scrolling through his uploads. Most of them were of places he’d visited, and of family. There were a few of a woman, but those postings stopped about a year ago. Interesting, she thought. Then she suddenly hit pay dirt. There was a whole album of pictures that showed him “playing”. There were a few of him free climbing, and whitewater rafting, but the ones that made her breath catch, were the ones of him at a beach.

She sat there slack jawed. While he had been very attractive in high school, he was mouth-watering now. The last ten years had aged him wonderfully. He had filled out, and grown into his body. Also, his face had matured into that rivaling a movie star. His jaw was more defined, and he had a small shadow of stubble covering it. His eyes were still the same stunning shade of green as she remembered. He was shirtless, playing volleyball, and then a few of him walking out of the water, the droplets running down his well-defined six pack. His trunks had slipped down on his hips, showing that V-cut, that made her want to run her tongue down it. He was smiling, running his hands through his full head of hair.

Well hell, she thought. Meeting up with him and telling him off, was going to be a lot harder than she thought. Not if she had to stare at that sexy masculine face. Against her will, she felt even more drawn to him than she was as a teen. How much had he changed since he was eighteen, and how much better had he gotten as a lover?

Where HAD that thought come from? She mentally shook her head to clear it. But the thought persisted. She had had a few lovers over the years, so she knew she had grown more knowledgeable, but what of Hunter? She knew when they had dated he wasn’t a virgin, and he had been rather experienced back then. Ten years was a long time to learn new tricks and perfect techniques.

Pull yourself together, Faith! She thought. Even if he looked like an Adonis, he was still an over confident dick, and that hadn’t changed much. As evidenced by their messages; his bating her like that, and then demanding she join him for dinner.

She closed the app, and started cleaning up from dinner. The emotions swirled around in her brain, as she did the dishes. Anger and lust warred inside her. She wanted to hate him so much for what he did, but at the same time, she was drawn to him. Her heart still remembered him, and his betrayal had hurt like a physical blow, but that didn’t stop her libido from wanting him.

She sighed again, and got ready for bed. Bakers kept early hours, and she had a lot to get done the next morning.


The next week flew by, as it was wedding season, and she had eight orders to fill by that weekend. She was elbow deep in frosting her seventh cake of the day, covered in a fine layer of flour, when her phone pinged. She set down the piping bag, to check her messages. It was Hunter. He had just arrived and was checking into his room, the message read. It was quickly followed by a time and restaurant location. It was only four PM, so she had a bit of time before the meet-up. She finished the decorative scallops, and then decided to hand the finishing touches over to one of her assistants. She flew through the last cake, and was done for the day. She smiled in satisfaction at the differing array of sweet confections arranged boxed-up on the prep tables, awaiting their deliveries.

She had started this business from scratch, and had built it from the ground up over many long, grueling hours. Back then, she had worked alone, well into the night, barely making the deadlines, until the business had taken off. She remembered the sheer exhaustion and stress, but now, eight years later, she was one of the premier bakeries in town, and had been able to hire competent staff to help.

“Hey Michelle, I’m taking off for the day.” Faith called out to the front. “The cake for the Smithfield party is boxed and ready to go, and Anna is putting the finishing touches on the Dufresne order. If you have any questions call me.”

“You know I can handle the deliveries, Faith. The only thing someone would have an issue with, was if the flavor was wrong, and you’re too good to mess that up.” Michelle called back, a smile in her voice.

“Okay, then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She heard the door chime and Michelle greeting a customer, as she ducked out the back door, heading to her apartment above the shop.

Well if I’m going to meet Hunter, I had better look my best, she decided. She took a long luxurious shower, doing some prep work, and then headed into her room still rubbing lotion into her skin, to narrow down her options for that night. As she stood there naked with a towel wrapped around her hair, her phone chimed again.

Do you have a favorite dessert?

Why do you ask? She texted back.

I was thinking of picking something up. So, do you?

Cheesecake. I love cheesecake. She replied.


Why pick something up, if they were going out to dinner? She wondered. Most restaurants had a dessert menu. But she had more pressing matters to worry about, like which dress would knock Hunter’s socks off?

She finally chose a one-shouldered, cream, sheath dress, that hugged her body, like a second skin. She coiled her long chestnut hair into a loose bun, putting the finishing touches on her mascara, framing her vivid blue eyes and then stepped into her three-inch heels. With one last look in the mirror, she headed out to meet Hunter.

On the drive to the rendezvous, her phone rang.


“Hey, slight change of plans.” It was Hunter.


“Can you meet me here, at the hotel, instead?”

“Sure. I guess.” She said.

“I’ll be waiting for you in the bar.”

Why would he switch plans like that? She wondered, changing course.

She handed her keys over to the Valet when she arrived at his hotel, and walked up the stairs leading into the grand entrance. She turned right after the doors, and made her way over to the bar area.

Hunter watched her approach, hidden at the back of the bar. Damn she looked amazing. Her legs went on for miles in those heels, and she had filled out nicely in the curves department. Her breasts had gotten fuller, and her ass was as perky as ever. Her face was still as beautiful as he remembered, and her eyes were luminous, the blue visible even from where he sat. His heart sped up a little, causing blood to rush to other extremities.

She looked around the bar, but didn’t immediately see him. She took her phone out, and was about to text him, when he approached out of the corner of her eye. He was dressed in a tailored charcoal grey suit, with a deep wine red shirt underneath. The colors set off his own natural coloring perfectly. The grey made his hair brighter, and the shade of red made his eyes sparkle. He still had the same grin, though.

She took a deep breath, and turned to face him.

“I’m glad you came,” he said. “I thought maybe you would stand me up.”

“Well the thought had crossed my mind, but I decided against it.”

He smiled even wider, and started ushering her toward the bank of elevators.

“Wait, I thought we were going out for dinner?” she asked, pulling away.

He stopped, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, before he answered her.

“So, I kind of forgot to make reservations,” he said sheepishly. “And by the time I remembered, there weren’t any available. So, I thought that maybe we could have dinner catered here, in my suite. Plus, I figured that whatever you had to say to me, might not be for public ears.”

She gave him a grave look, before she turned on her heel, heading for the doors.

“Faith, wait,” he said, grabbing her arm.

“Hunter, do you really expect me to believe that story? This just some clever ruse to get me alone in your bedroom. Please, I’m not that naïve!”

“I’m being perfectly honest here. There really aren’t any reservations anywhere. Please, don’t leave. If you won’t have dinner, at least give me the benefit of the doubt, and let us just talk. Okay?”

The sincere look in his eyes, made her resolve weaken. He looked like he really wanted to talk with her. So, she swung back around, and headed toward the elevators once more. Hunter punched in his floor, and the elevator started rising. Two floors up, though, the elevator suddenly became very crowded as a large group entered. Faith as forced into Hunter’s arms, as the space became tighter. Both were completely aware of the other as the metal box climbed higher. Faith’s scent filled Hunter’s nose, making the blood rush to lower areas, even more. And Hunter’s cologne was tantalizing Faith’s sense of smell as well. It wasn’t the scent of Cool Water of old, but something more mature, and very masculine. Her nipples started contracting and she took a deep breath, as their floor was reached, the door opening. Hunter carefully guided them out, and led her to his suite.

He held the door for her, and then took her on a small tour of the room. There was a large seating area, framed by a huge bay window, showing off the city at dusk. There was a mini-bar off to right the side, and a set of French-doors to the left. One of the doors stood open, and Faith could see the edge of the bed beyond.

“Would you like a drink?” Hunter asked, removing his jacket, heading to the bar.

“Um… Sure. What do they have?”

“Rum, and Vodka. And some mixers.”

“I’ll take a rum and Coke.”

Hunter fixed up the drinks, and brought them over to the seating area. Faith sat down on one of the sofas, across from him, her right leg over her left.

“You said you wanted to talk. I’m here. So, talk,” she said, sternly.

“Where to begin?” he murmured.

She raised a quizzical eyebrow, waiting, as she sipped her drink.

Hunter, took a large gulp of his own before he started.

“Okay, so I have a lot of things I need to say to you, and I want you to hear me out before you interrupt.”

Faith felt a sense of Déjà vu, hearing him say that. She nodded, though, letting him continue.

“Firstly, I want to apologize to you in person. I would have done this ten years ago, but you refused to speak to me back then”

Faith opened her mouth in rebuttal, but Hunter put his hand up, asking for her silence. She closed her mouth, gesturing for him to continue, crossing her arms under her breasts.

“Secondly, I wanted to explain what happened that night at the graduation afterparty, at least what I can remember. Some events, other people filled me in on, later.”

Faith scowled, looking away for a moment, before returning her gaze to his.

“I can remember the ceremony, and going to Jake’s house. I remember playing Quarters, and drinking. A lot. I vaguely remember feeling like I wanted to pass out, and you helping me to a bedroom. I remember laying down, and trying to get you to lay down with me. I also think I remember you saying you were going to get me some water. After that, I must have blacked out, because I don’t remember anything else, until I heard a glass breaking, seeing Jenna’s face above me and watching you run out of the room. I think I tried calling out to you, but you were already gone. Lindsey filled me in on what happened, the next evening. She had confronted Jenna that night, and gotten her side of the story, which is why I know as much as I do.”

Hunter paused, taking another gulp of his drink, and let out a deep breath, before continuing.

“From what she said, after you left to get me the water, Jenna snuck into the room, and undressed me. I have absolutely no memory of this. She also managed to get me semi-hard, which was some feat, considering how drunk I was. I have no recollection of this happening. You couldn’t find a glass, that’s why you were gone for so long, and when you came back you found Jenna, also naked, trying to fuck me. You then ran downstairs and begged a ride home from Lindsey, sobbing, completely incoherent. I’m guessing you told her what you saw on the ride home?”

Faith nodded, tears starting to fill her eyes, as the memories flooded back.

“I don’t remember anything from the moment you left, until the moment you came back. Lindsey told me that after she dropped you off, that she came back to kick my ass. But when she returned I was once again passed out, so she went to confront Jenna. Jenna bragged about the whole thing, completely embellishing the story. Telling Lindsey that I’d said I’d always wanted to fuck her, and that I told her that I needed an excuse to break up with you, and sleeping with her would be the best way. She told Lindsey that I begged her to sleep with me. Jenna said some really fucked up shit, and I was too incapacitated to neither corroborate nor refute her claims. Thankfully, Lindsey didn’t believe a word of it, and actually punched Jenna, right in the mouth. I think it was her way of getting you some justice, and stopping Jenna’s lies. She then got Jenna to admit to what really happened, maybe by threatening further violence, I’m not sure, but Jenna then confessed Lindsey that she was the instigator of everything. That she was jealous of our relationship, so she was trying to break us up. She said that she had wanted to sleep with me since Sophomore year, but then we started dating, and she thought she had missed her chance. I guess I gave her some indication that I would be open to hooking up, after what happened at that one party at Jake’s, over Spring Break. So, when she found me in the room alone, she took her chance. Jenna essentially forced herself on me, when I couldn’t say no. Thankfully you came at the right moment and put a halt to anything she was planning on doing. I very vaguely remember pushing her off me once I realized she wasn’t you.”

Faith sat there, stunned, tears falling. She could hardly believe that Jenna could be that much of a cold-blooded bitch. She felt her heart breaking all over again, this time for Hunter, not because of him.

“What I’m trying to tell you, is that she took advantage of me when I was helpless and vulnerable. I never meant to hurt you, and I certainly didn’t want to break up. I tried telling you this so many times after it happened, but you wouldn’t take my calls, and your mom refused to let me see you. Hell, your dad threatened to castrate me if I ever came near you again. And then, I had to leave for college, so I was never able to resolve anything with you. I’ve hated how we left things between us, and I’ve thought about you ever since.” He finished his story, quietly.

Hunter swirled the ice around in his empty glass, not making eye contact. Faith realized then that he was ashamed of what had happened. She put her drink down, and came around the table, to sit beside him. She gently placed her hand on his forearm.

“I’m sorry that I wouldn’t listen to you back then. I didn’t know that that’s what had happened. I was so hurt, and I hated you at the time. I was so new to being in a relationship and I never thought to ask you for your side. All I knew was that my heart was breaking and that I thought I saw you fuck someone I considered to be one of my best friends.” She wiped her cheeks. “I should really be apologizing to you, not the other way around.”

Hunter placed his hand over hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. He set his empty glass on the table, looking over at her, and she felt the same spark that had drawn her to him that first night, so long ago. Without thinking about it, she leaned forward and kissed him. Heat flared up between them, and Hunter brought his hands up, cupping her face, deepening the kiss. One thing that the years hadn’t changed; the man knew how to kiss.

Faith moved in closer, wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing more of their bodies into contact. Hunter grabbed her around the waist and dragged her over, onto his lap.

“Oh, Baby Girl, I’ve missed you,” he said, huskily.

Hearing his special endearment after all this time, was one of the sweetest things she had ever heard.

“I’ve missed you too, Hunter.”

Hunter slipped his arm under her legs, and suddenly stood up, cradling her in his arms, and began striding toward the bedroom door.

“We missed out on so much of each other’s lives. I don’t plan on missing out on more. Plus,” he said, “we have ten years’ worth of make-up sex to catch up on.”

Faith laughed, and hugged him tighter as he maneuvered them through the door, kicking off his shoes as he went. She barely caught a glimpse of the room, before she was on the king-sized bed, and he was covering her.

He came down over her, their lips meeting, their tongues mating. Their hands were all over each other. Faith pulled the tie apart from Hunter’s neck, and began to tackle the buttons on his dress shirt, opening it wide. His own hands were skimming over her dress, feeling her body beneath it. His hands ran back and forth over her hips, and he raised up onto an elbow, looking down at her.

“Are you not wearing underwear?” he asked, incredulously.

In answer, she hiked the dress up, turning a little, to show him that she was, in fact, not. He sucked in a breath as the full curve of her hip was revealed.

“Were you hoping that tonight would end like this too?” he chuckled.

She pushed him over onto his back, and got off the bed, walking a few paces away. At the slight look of panic in his eyes, she held up a finger, asking him to wait. She then slipped the dress from her arm, and let the top fall to her waist. She reached behind and unhooked her strapless bra, letting that drop to the floor. She then shimmied her hips a little, working the dress over them, before it also joined the bra. She almost kicked off her heels, but thought better of it. She slowly walked back towards him, pulling the tie out of her hair. She gave her head a shake, as she crawled onto the bed, straddling him. Her hair came free of the coil, to curtain around her, as she leaned down to place a kiss on his chest.

“I would have VPL with as tight as that dress is, so I didn’t wear any,” she said against his skin. “And I wanted you to appreciate how sexy and mature I am now.”

Hunter groaned at her confession, and at what her lips and tongue were doing. She licked and kissed her way over and around his pecs, spending a bit of time on his nipples. She gently raked her nails down his sides, causing him to hiss, as pain and pleasure mingled.

He brought his hands up and cupped her torso, running his own hands up and down her sides. He started from the undersides of her breasts, skimming down to the curve of her hips, before returning up again. She felt his erection through the zipper of his trousers, and ground herself against it, causing them both to moan.

She then slid down his body, until she was level with the top of his trousers. She began undoing his belt with her teeth, watching him as she did so. He was laser focused on all her movements, making her smile. She pulled the belt from its loop, and then used her hand to unbuckle it. She then popped the button, before once again using her teeth to slowly draw the zipper down. Hunter flexed his hips against her, and she chuckled. He then lifted his hips so he could help her peel the pants down and off his legs. She smiled as his boxer-briefs were revealed. Now those are sexy, she thought. She was also able to see the cut of his hips, that had made her drool a few days ago, and she indulged herself exploring that line with her tongue, her hand rubbing over and against his hard bulge.

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“Oh God, Baby Girl. When did you get so uninhibited?” Hunter moaned.

“Ten years is a long time to learn new tricks,” she replied, winking.

She then used her teeth to start pulling back the waist-band of his underwear. Slowly his hard erection was unclothed. She used her hands to pull them the rest of the way off, when her attention was captured by his hard cock. She noticed the lack of hair, and thought that was even sexier. She licked her lips, before grasping the shaft, and taking him into her mouth.

Hunter hissed in a breath, fisting his hands in her hair, as she began bobbing along its length. Running her tongue around and under the head, she then took him in as far as she could, before drawing her tongue along the underside on the up-stroke. Hunter groaned, and thrust against her, trying for deeper penetration. She pulled her mouth off his cock, and began licking his sack, lathering it with her tongue. He groaned again, and she smiled against him, still stroking his shaft. She then returned to sucking him, bringing him as far as the back of her throat, drawing on him deeply.

“Oh fuck, Baby Girl. You keep doing that, and I’m going to cum.”

She rolled her eyes upward, and repeated the action, making sure he was fully concentrated on what she was doing. He once again, hissed in a breath, before letting it shudder out. She then picked up her speed, keeping the same degree of suction and really went to town, swallowing him down, drawing her tongue around and against him.

Hunter let out a long low moan, and exploded in her mouth. She swallowed his hot load, still maintaining her rhythm. As she felt the final spasms, she pulled off, flicking her tongue over his head one last time. He flinched forward at the overwhelming ecstatic sensation.

“Damn, Baby Girl, you have learned some new tricks,” he said, running the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. “I still love that you swallow. That’s one of the sexiest things a woman can do.”

Faith ran her tongue along the same path his thumb just had, before biting her lip, giving him an impish grin, looking up at him from under her lashes.

“I can see the devil in your eyes, Baby Girl. What thoughts are running through that beautiful head of yours?”

“Nothing too much,” she murmured, licking back over the cut of his hips.

“I think you’ve had your fun. Now it’s my turn,” he growled. “Let me show you what ten years can really do.”

He caught her under the arms, and dragged her up his body, before rolling them over, with her on the bottom.

“But first, as sexy as these shoes are, I really don’t want holes in my ass,” he said, sliding the heels off and tossing them on the floor.

She twined her legs around him, as he settled himself between her thighs. He cupped her face in his big hands, and kissed her deeply. She arched her body into his, rubbing her feet along his calves.

He reached beside them, and grabbed his necktie from where it had fallen. Taking both her wrists in one hand, he wound one end of the tie around them, before securing it. He then grabbed the bolster, tossing it to the foot of the bed and hitched her up higher on the mound pillows, before tying the other end into a quick release knot to the finnial at the top of the headboard. He leaned down to give her another deep kiss, giving his handiwork a good tug, testing it. He left her lips then, and slipped his way down her body. He stopped at her breasts, giving each nipple a full pass with his tongue.

“I’ll come back to these later,” he murmured, as he kept moving lower down her body.

Faith felt her arousal grow as he moved over her body. She was already wet from the blow job she had given him, and now being bound by his tie, had added an extra level of excitement to the whole encounter. She experimentally tugged against it, but the knots held firm, keeping her arms immobilized above her head.

Hunter shifted down lower until he was level with her pelvis. He kissed and stroked his tongue over and down her skin, moving lower and lower with each pass. She sucked in her muscles, watching his progress as he moved. He kept teasing down and around her pubic bone, but would move on to other areas, before returning to start moving just a little lower. Her breath was coming out in quick pants, just waiting expectantly for him to move that two inches more.

“Mmm. What a sweet pussy you have here.” He said, looking down at her own fully, shaven flesh.

She moaned as the tip of his tongue flicked at the top of her slit, and she arched her back trying to make him go deeper, but he wouldn’t be rushed, and moved away again. She wanted to hit him, or force his head where she so desperately needed him to touch, but all she could do was writhe her hands in their bound state, trying in vain to pull the tie free.

“Oh, God Hunter, please stop you’re tor...“she begged.

But just as she started calling for him to stop, he parted her lips and ran his tongue up her hot, wet slit, causing her to instantly orgasm. She came apart, moaning low and raw, as the tremors shook her body. All that build up had made her primed for the release, and Hunter knew exactly how far to push her to make it happen.

He reached behind him then, and grabbed the bolster, sliding it under her lower hips. He then opened her legs wider, before settling himself between them. He used his thumbs to gently part her lips, before he ran his tongue over the moist folds, flicking against her hard clit, before plunging it into her wet hole.

Faith ground herself against his mouth, riding his face as his tongue brought her to another orgasm. She keened a high cry, as she once again fell over the edge, to bliss. He let her calm down a bit, before his fingers replaced his tongue, and plunged deep inside her.

She arched even higher, as his fingers started stroking over that special spot deep inside her canal, and his tongue played over and around her hard, little clit. He then latched his lips over the area, wrapping her clit with his tongue, sucking it, as his fingers flicked themselves over that spot inside. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her whole body began to shake, as she came again, her thigh muscles shuddering from the intensity of the orgasm. She practically screamed her release, as she rode the orgasm, that seemed to stretch on for eternity. She lay there, completely spent, gasping for breath, as the tingling sensation flowed throughout her body.

Hunter moved back up the bed again, and cuddled her close, as she came down from the high.

She tried three times, unsuccessfully, before she was able, to speak. And even then, it was broken.

“What th... The... Hell...” she panted. “I… C-can’t… Even….”

“Was it that good for you, Baby Girl?” he whispered, kissing her temple.

She could only mutely nod, his earlier oral treatment robbing her of her voice once more.

As she lay there in post-orgasmic bliss, Hunter rose from the bed, and went into the ensuite bathroom. She heard the water running for a time, before he returned, handing her a glass of water. She hitched herself up onto an elbow and drank it down, greedily. She handed it back to him, with a smile of thanks, before plopping onto her back.

Hunter returned to the bed, and with some maneuvering, covered them both in the blankets, before pulling her close again.

“Hey Hunter,” she began, “can you untie my hands now? I think they’re starting to go numb.”

“Oh?” he said. “Oh sorry, I forgot. One second.”

She presented her wrists to him, and after a moment wrangling the now extremely, tight knot, her wrists were freed. She rotated them, rubbing the feeling back in. He took one wrist in his hand and started kissing and rubbing the slight red marks, helping to restore feeling. He then repeated the process on the other.

He tucked her in then, wrapping his long arms around her, resting his chin on her head. As much as Faith liked the feeling of being held by him once more, she was hoping that they weren’t finished for the night.

“You’re not going to sleep now, are you?” she asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Why, were you thinking of something else? Round two maybe?” he said, chuckling.

“If you’re offering,” she said coyly,

“I would Baby Girl, but I didn’t bring or buy any condoms. So, we’re at a stalemate here.”

She turned over fully, and looked down at him.

“Do you always wear condoms with all your partners?” she asked.

“Yeah. I don’t want to catch anything, and I’m not ready for kids yet. Why?”

“I don't either. I’m also on birth control.”

“So, what are you saying?” he asked, pulling back, looking squarely at her.

“My last relationship was two years ago, and I was tested after it ended. Everything was clean. I stayed on the shot because of the convenience, and I had my last one about three weeks ago. So, what I’m saying, is that you’re safe with me.”

“You want to have sex, without protection?”

“Only if you’re willing to.”

He looked down, his brows furrowing in thought. She bit her lip, wondering what he was thinking. He finally looked back up at her.

“I’ve never had sex without protection before.” he said.

“I haven’t either. But are you willing to trust me?” she asked.

He leaned up then and over to kiss her. She sank back into the pillows, Hunter following her down. He then moved over her, and she opened her legs, as he settled himself between them. He reached down, and slipped his fingers into her folds, finding her opening. He stroked her for a moment, relubricating her, before he positioned himself, and started sliding in.

They both gasped as he sank home, filling her, completely. Faith drew her legs up, and wrapped them around his hips, as he started to move within her. He started slowly, pulling almost fully out, before gliding back in. Faith knitted her arms around his neck, and began moving with him, matching his movements. The feeling of withdrawal and return, with skin on skin contact, was incredible. Without the barrier, the sensations were heightened and more intense.

Hunter started picking up speed, and Faith matched him, thrust for thrust.

“Hold me tighter,” he breathed in her ear.

She gripped him closer, as he brought his arms under her, and suddenly sat up on his heels, taking her with him. Her legs untwined from his hips, and she was kneeling on his lap, while he still thrust inside of her. He reached down, cupping her ass, helping her ride him, hard. She crushed her mouth against his, plunging her tongue into his mouth, as he sheathed his cock into her wet pussy.

The sound of heavy breathing and wet skin slapping was all that could be heard in the room. Faith felt the signs of another impending orgasm, and started riding Hunter faster. He met her new pace, pumping into her, fucking her deep.

“Oh God. Oh God, Hunter,” she cried. “I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”

“Yeah, Baby Girl. Fuck me harder. Cum around my stiff cock buried inside you.”

His words and continuous movement toppled her over the edge, into oblivion. She threw her head back, wailing out her orgasm. Hunter kept up his rough pace, riding her hard through the first before bringing her yet again. She squealed, and unconsciously raked her nails up his back, as she tensed and throbbed around him. He leaned his head down, bringing his forehead to hers.

“I should have told you this ten years ago,” he panted, looking into her eyes. “I love you, Faith. I always have.”

With those words, he came inside her, plunging her down onto his lap, moaning as he shuddered through his own orgasm. She clung to him, reveling in the feel of him cumming deep into her body. It was an incredibly intimate moment, and she basked in the euphoria of their joining. She wasn’t aware of them until something wet hit the top of her breast. She reached up, and felt another tear land on her cheek. She tried wiping them away, as more continued to fall.

He gathered her close, as he toppled them back onto the bed. Hunter looked down at her, as she was trying in vain to wipe more tears away, but they just kept spilling over, onto her face.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, concerned.

She shook her head.

“Why are you crying then?”

“I-I don’t…. don’t know.” she hiccupped, still trying to wipe them away.

He cradled her against his chest, and she began sobbing in earnest. She clutched his back, releasing ten years’ worth of hurt and anger. She knew it then. She loved him, still. And that feeling was killing her. How could she just walk away from him again? Especially after the night they’d just had? She had never experienced something so transcendental before. She wasn’t prepared to lose it again. What was she going to do?

Hunter caught her face in his hands, and kissed her, long and slow. Soon the torrent lessened and she was able to draw a shuddering breath. He used the pads of his thumbs to help clear the wetness from her cheeks. He tipped her head up, and stared deep into her luminous, tear-stained eyes.

“I meant what I said earlier. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you. I miss having you in my life. I love you, Faith. I want you back.”

She gasped, unable to speak. Here he was, saying all the things she had secretly longed to hear from him. The pain she felt from that first heartbreak starting to mend itself as he continued speaking.

“I wasn’t sure you would even talk to me tonight, but I wanted to tell you how I felt. I should have told you that I loved you our first night together, when you confessed your love to me. But I was too young and stupid to know how to respond. Before I knew it, the moment had passed, and it never felt like the right time to say it. And then the shit hit the fan, and everything fell apart.”

She blinked, and then nodded for him to continue, drawing in a slow breath.

“I didn’t know what I had until it was gone. Until you were gone. You weren’t the only one who had a broken heart. I’ve thought about contacting you for so long, but I had to stop myself. I couldn’t face you, knowing how much you probably hated me, while I was still so in love with you.” He took a deep breath then. “I’m sure you’ve moved on, and are happy now. But, would you be willing to put the past behind, and give me another chance, to show you the man I’ve become? Let me love you, Baby Girl, now, as you are.”

Faith shook her head, closing her eyes, trying to compose her thoughts. When she opened them, she saw the stricken look on Hunter’s face. She reached up to cup his cheek, but he drew back.

“Wait, before you think that was my answer, let me say what I need to say.”

Hunter stared at her warily.

“I’ve spent the last ten years hating you. You shattered my heart so completely that night, that I never thought I would ever heal from it. I lost my faith in love. In happily ever after’s. I’ve only dated two people since we ended, and neither one lasted more than two months. They wanted more emotion from me, and I couldn’t give it. I was numb to love. Until, last week, when you messaged me. I finally woke up, then.”

He looked at her, trying to read her face, but she kept herself composed.

“I think the reason I’ve hated you for so long, is because I loved you so deeply. I might have only been seventeen, but I knew what true love looked and felt like, and you were it. You were my soulmate, so your betrayal, with my best friend no less, cut me deeper than anything could have. Plus, you had never told me how you felt about me, so I was already on uneven footing.”

She then reached up again, this time he let her touch him.

“I guess what I’m really trying to say is that I haven’t moved on. I never did. I may have put on a brave face, but I was lying to everyone around me. Especially to myself. But I don’t want to do that anymore.” She took a deep breath. “Hunter Richards, I loved you then, and I still love you now.”

He swooped in then and captured her lips with his, kissing her deeply. She pulled him closer, running her hands through his hair, returning his kiss. At that instant, her stomach rumbled, loudly, breaking the tension of the moment. They both pulled apart laughing as it growled again. Hunters suddenly echoed hers, making them laugh even harder.

“I guess we worked up an appetite. Ready to call down for room service?” Hunter chuckled.

Faith took the menu from him, and looked over the options. After making her selection, she rose from the bed, and headed into the bathroom as Hunter placed their order.

She felt a small gust of cold air as the glass door opened and closed, and then Hunter was pressed against her back.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked, nibbling on her neck.

“If you do, all the hot water will run out, and we’ll miss room service.”

“But just think of the fun we could have in here,” he whispered hotly into her ear, as one of his hands cupped and fondled her breast, while the other one dipped lower into her still wet pussy.

She started leaning into his touch, but decided to wait. Yes, shower sex with Hunter, sounded amazing, but she needed to make the rational choice here. She gently turned to face him, running her hands over his chest.

“We have all night you know. Let’s eat first, then see where the night takes us.”

“I’ll give in to you, for now. But just know, I will be fucking you in this shower at some point tonight.” He said, running his fingers up her wet slit.

Faith quickly finished washing up, and hurried out of the bathroom, wrapping herself in one of the robes, hanging on the door. My God, that man is a distraction, she thought, smiling to herself. If only she knew how prophetic that thought was.

She was sitting on one of the sofas when Hunter came to lean through the doorway, wearing nothing but a towel loosely tucked around his hips. Her eyes traveled from the top of his head, making a slow perusal down his body, to his bare feet, before returning up to his face. He gave her a wicked grin, before the towel fell, and she caught sight of his growing erection.

Her insides immediately turned to jelly as the door buzzed, announcing room service. Saved by the bell, she thought, wryly. Hunter ducked back into the bedroom as she let room service in, and set up dinner on the table by the window. After tipping them, she closed and locked the door.

“Coast is all clear, you lascivious man.” she called.

Hunter came out then, having rewrapped the towel, his arousal still evident. They sat down and began eating, both stealing glances at the other, as the food diminished.

“Mmm.” Hunter said, as he pushed his empty plate away. “One appetite has been filled. Now for the other.”

“Hey,” she said, raising her hand. “I’m not done yet. I would like to finish eating, if you please. You did invite me out for dinner, if you recall.”

Hunter flipped the towel back, and began stroking himself under the glass table. Faith was having a hard time concentrating on her meal, as she could clearly see what he was doing.

“I wonder what you would do,” he mused, still stoking. “If I was to throw you against the window and start fucking you, right now?”

Faith shivered at the images his words conjured, and took a large gulp of her wine, her hand trembling, as she set the glass back down.

“I have the feeling, that you would let me.” he smiled, wolfishly.

Before Faith could move, Hunter had sprung from the table and hauled her out of her chair. Spinning her quickly around, he swiftly had her pinned against the window with his body. His hands moved over and around her waist, to the belt holding the robe closed. He loosened it, letting the ties fall away.

He then reached up, under the sides and cupped her breasts, teasing around the areola. Her head fell back onto his shoulder, as he caressed and pinched her hardening nipples, massaging his hands deep into the soft tissue. He leaned down, and began kissing her neck where it met her shoulder, causing goosebumps to race along her skin, and her nipples to harden even more.

He took his right hand from her breast, and moved it down between her thighs, dipping into her.

“God, Baby Girl, you’re already wet for me, aren’t you?” he breathed into her ear.

Her head fell forward and she rested her forehead against the cool glass, her eyes closing, as Hunter continued to stoke both her breasts and pussy. He then pulled her hips back and pushed her over more, making her bend lower against the window. She felt him flip the robe up, over her hips, baring her ass to his gaze. He took a firm cheek in his hand, and palmed it, plumping it with his hand.

“Open your legs for me, Baby Girl, I want to feel you better.” he hoarsely demanded.

She slid her feet sideways, opening herself more as he commanded. His hand then moved from her front, to her back, sliding along the moist petals of her sex, before he inserted two fingers into her. She let out a shuddering cry, and started riding his hand. Just as she felt like she was getting close, the hand was removed, and suddenly Hunter was sheathing himself into her pussy. A tremor ran the length of her body, as he thrust deep inside her.

He began thrusting against her, using her hips as leverage. He pulled and pushed her, on and off his hard shaft, guiding her movements to his whims. He started picking up speed, really ramming her, and she moaned and cried out as the tension began building in her.

“Let’s see how flexible you still are,” he said, as he stepped closer, and reached down, hooking her right knee over his elbow.

Faith was having a hard time holding herself up, as the pleasure ebbed and flowed through her body, making her limbs shake. The new position afforded Hunter even deeper penetration, and he began bottoming out against her.

“Look at that Baby Girl, there’s a reflection of us in the window.” he murmured in her ear. “Fuck, the look on your face is so sexy right now.”

Faith opened her eyes, to meet the reflection of her own. The woman staring back at her had a look of pure sexual rapture on her face, as the man behind drilled her. The reflection’s eyes widened and her mouth opened in a silent scream, as Faith came, her inner muscles milking themselves around Hunter’s cock. He let out a shout as her orgasm triggered his, and he pumped his load hard against her womb.

He dropped her leg back to the floor, and leaned against her back, as they both tried catching their breaths, their chests rising and falling in tandem. Hunter moved away as Faith’s inner thigh muscles were uncontrollably spasming, making it difficult for her to stay standing.

“Holy, fuck, Hunter.” she wheezed. “You’ve fucked me jiggly. I can barely stand up right now.”

She felt a chair suddenly against the back of her legs, and she collapsed gratefully into it. Hunter was sprawled next to her, in another chair, looking like a broken puppet, his chest rising and falling, deeply.

“Woman, you’re going to be the death of me.” he gasped, still trying to catch his breath.

“Me!” she demanded, her head snapping up. “I’m not the one who threw someone against that window and had their way with them.”

He chuckled at that. “Not that that wasn’t fantastic, but your scenario would have been equally enjoyable, I think.”

She reached over to hit him, but he caught her hand, and kissed the back of her fingers.

“I love you, Baby Girl.” he said, looking into her eyes.

“I love you too, Sexy Beast.”



Written by BattleRavyn
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