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Change Happens Part Three: Working Hard

"There is always hard work in every relationship"

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"No," I said as I lay on the floor of my shared office space. Liz, the other trainer that shared the office space with me stared down at me.

"Why don't you just get them reduced?" she asked.

I shook my head. On days like these, I wanted to get these monstrosities torn off my chest. "Believe me, right now, I want to," I said, shaking my head. But I knew the moment I went to the office to get the surgery, I would chicken out. Plus, I really did like them this big. "It will pass; it always does," I nodded.

"Fine," Liz said, shaking her head as she went out the door.

When my back hurt as it did now, there was only one remedy: lie flat on the floor for a couple of hours. Usually, I would be home and have the time to binge-watch something or read a good book, not today. I had a schedule that was booked solid. I also had to go to my second job.

"Push through the pain," I said, trying to motivate myself to get up. I  pulled myself up then fell back down. "Fuck it!"

"You want me to what?" Liz said as I texted her to come back. She came back up the stairs.

"Take my clients," I said as she stared down at me. 

"No," Liz said. "Especially no, with that tub of lard you have been working with for the past few weeks."

"You owe me," I said. I couldn't believe I was turning in the one thing I had over her.

"You're serious?" Liz said, closing the door.

I tried to get up again but reluctantly fell backward. "Yes!"

Liz had a big smile on her face. "Let me get this straight - you will never bring it up again, and we are even if I do this?"

Again I shook my head. "Yes!"

"Shake!" Liz said, leaning down and extending her hand.

I shook her hand, and she laughed as she went out the door. I had been waiting for something much more significant to cash in my chip, but I couldn't move.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I can't believe you cashed it in," Fran said as she helped me into the car.

"What choice did I have?" I said as I gritted my teeth and sat down.

"You could…" Fran smiled as she got in.

"You know the answer," I said, looking back at her. "Just take me home, I will be fine in a few hours."

Liz had cheated on her husband with one of her clients. She had told her husband that she was at my house. The problem was, she never told me. So when her husband asked about the night, I had to react on the fly; lucky for her, I was good at acting. She had owed me ever since.

"Hey," I said as I got in the door. My two protectors ran for me, but I held my back, and instantly they stopped.

I lay down on the couch. "Thank you," I said as Gwen brought my blanket from the other side of the sofa. The two of them lay on the floor.

I eventually got tired and fell asleep. What finally woke me was the door opening, and my dogs barking loudly.

"Just me," Jeff said.

"Sit," I calmly said as I sat up.

I would have to call Fran and apologize I had slept way past my clock in time for the other job. "You okay?" Jeff said.

I knew he was just asking, and he didn't mean it. He was still mad at me for the other night. Eventually, he would have to use the bridge and get over it. "Yeah, I am fine," I said as I stood up. "Come on, let daddy use the television," I said as I walked towards my office.

"Thank you," Jeff said as he plummeted down on the sofa.

"I will order the usual," I said, as I didn't feel like cooking, and I knew he wouldn't want to get up.

"Sounds good," Jeff replied as he popped open a beer.

The usual was two medium pizzas - a spicy Hawaiian for me and the works for him. I looked at my inbox and noticed the list of emails I had gotten about my story; without opening them, I hit delete all. It was amazing how much hate mail I had gotten, but I knew it would happen; what I  liked were the forum posts and comments.

Why did people think that their opinion mattered? Especially when the cowards - and I meant that literally - hid behind fake emails and anon names. Even some of the ones that made up a name and profile either had no stories of their own or hadn't wholly filled their profile out. Obvious fakes.

"Hope she gets pregnant, and the bush monkey leaves her like they always do," I said out loud as I read one of the comments.

I laughed. It wasn't the only one that was like that; most of them were along the same lines. They wished death, disease as well as many other things on a fictional character.

"Door!" Jeff yelled.

"You're closer. It is already paid for!" I yelled back.

Jeff entered my office and tossed my pizza onto my desk. "Thanks," I said, but he was already out the door.

I had a laugh reading other comments as well as replying to those that actually gave constructive criticism, especially some of them that had their own stories. Most of the other authors said the same thing: ignore the negativity.

Oh, I think we all do on some level, I wrote back.

I couldn't count how many emails I got that I didn't even read. I had a select few followers that knew my real email and not the generic response. If it went to my listed email, it got immediately deleted. I even put it in one of my stories, hoping they would get the hint, but obviously, their pea brains never got the message; it was their wasted time, not mine.

Are you going to do another one? I got as a private message from one of my followers.

Another what? I replied.

Interracial? the reply said.

I sat back and looked at the story. I re-read it just to remember what I had written. I don't think I could go anywhere else with this, I replied.

So, was the response I got back.

They were right. I could create another person, another situation. Sure, why not, I responded.

I knew it would probably piss more people off, but this time I used my male character. I knew a lot of my male followers liked him. They had written many comments on how believable they found him. 

Yeah, he was believable, alright, a married man cheating on his wife. So, this time I made him cheat on his wife with a Middle Eastern woman. I am sure that was going to piss some of them off. I couldn't wait for the responses. I sent it to my secret follower.

Unlike most of the others, he had filled out his profile. I was sure most of it was a lie, especially his location. Satellite X, orbiting the planet of who gives a fuck, was a dead giveaway. But at least he had stories of his own, and most of his comments were valid. Every story he had posted was interracial, usually a white male, sleeping with a black female.

LMAO! he sent back. That will get them riled up.

I smiled as I read his response. I am sure I will get a few emails and comments.

Especially the anons, he wrote back.

Oh, I bet they will have a field day, I replied.

I picture the people who made comments as anonymous being the same people who clicked on a movie trailer they knew they wouldn't like so that they could comment that they didn't like it. 

My interracial story had all the labels that said that it was interracial, yet they still clicked on it, read it, and then commented that they didn't like it. That's like opening a jar of peanut butter knowing you don't like it, then complaining to the company telling them that they had put the peanut butter on the shelves. 

"You coming to bed?" Jeff asked.

"Shit," I said, staring down at the time.

I had eaten all of my pizza, which was rare for me, plus stayed up way past my usual bedtime. "I shouldn't have taken that nap," I said as I turned off my computer. Online friends and stories be damned; I had real-life problems to fix.

"Coming," I said as I walked out of my office.

"You okay?" Jeff asked as we walked up the stairs.

"Of course, hun," I said as I followed close behind him. "Silly people online again."

Jeff shook his head. "Your story got to them, huh?"

"Yup," I smiled.

I hid nothing from him. I had told him about my story and even showed it to him. "Damn snowflakes," Jeff shook his head. "Getting riled up about a damn fictional story, what's next? Someone complaining that their feelings got hurt because of it?"

I laughed as I got ready for bed. "Should read the one I just wrote," I said as I brushed my teeth.

"You didn't?" he asked as he sat up in bed.

"You bet I did," I said as I got changed.

"Lemme see," Jeff said as he grabbed his laptop.

As usual, any story that I wrote, I emailed him a copy before I submitted it. I never hid my online activity from him.

"Come on," I said as I walked my puppies to their room.

"Wow," Jeff said as I came back.

"Right?" I smiled as I got into bed.

"You really want to push the button, huh?" Jeff smiled as he turned off the light.

"Push it? I want to stomp on it," I said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Talking of buttons."

I pushed my ass back on him, feeling his bulge. "What button did I press?"

"Oh, you know how your stories affect me," Jeff said.

"Do I need to write one about you?" I turned and said, peering at him in the dark of our room.

"How would that go?" Jeff asked.

"Loving husband forgives horny wife," I said.

"Oh really," Jeff said. "What if she has to do something to earn that forgiveness?"

"Hmm," I said, knowing full well what he wanted.

"I can do that," I said as I threw the covers off.

Quickly I moved down his body and took his engorged dick into my hands. Then I slowly wrapped my mouth over it. I knew my husband. He loved it when I sucked his cock until he came down my throat.

"Turn on the light," I said as I looked up at him.

I sucked him fast and deep, making sure to get him into my mouth. I loved watching him as I sucked him off, especially when I made it nice and messy.

"That's it," Jeff said as I looked up at him. "Earn that forgiveness," he said as he watched me bob my head up and down without taking my eyes off him.

"Wait and see what I got planned tomorrow," I said as I felt him throb.

"What do you…" he stopped as he started to cum.

I buried my head against him, making sure I got every bit of his cum in my mouth and down my throat. I licked him clean afterward.

"Not telling," I said as I got back up to my pillow.

"You're so bad," Jeff said as he pulled me close to him.

"And I am all yours," I said as he turned off the light.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You're hitting it hard today," Thomas said as he passed me on the treadmill.

I pulled out my earbuds and laughed at him as he joined me. "Yeah, I overate yesterday," I nodded as I pushed harder.

"That much?" Thomas asked as he looked at the speed I had set.

"A whole medium pizza," I said, "then went straight to bed."

"Oh, you better go faster then," Thomas smiled as he walked away.

I knew most people wouldn't think it wasn't a big deal, but for me, it was a huge deal. I had a body to maintain; sure, looking at me most people would think I was a life-sized fuck doll - enormous breasts, tight stomach, long hair, perky butt, and lovely thighs - but I worked for all of it.

Sure, I could go under the knife and get them reduced, I could stay home and complain that my back hurts or that my stomach is not where it should, like most people. There were numerous times I wanted just to eat and binge-watch television, but again that wasn't for me.

Sure, sometimes I hated the glances I got from both men and women, even here at my workplace. Some of them came in and asked where did I go to get them done. Or did I get butt implants or some other stupid question. 

Then there were the guys who absolutely refused to believe they were real. "No woman with your body can have them that big, only fat girls have big boobs." That was my favorite comment. Forget genetics or all the other causes that could cause a woman to get larger than average boobs; keep reading and watching what people put in front of you like a good lemming, was my usual response.

In my case, it was a simple case of juvenile gigantomastia. Poor Jason had to look it up and tell me about it as I started to feel awkward and weird while we were together. 

My feet thumped hard against the treadmill as I increased its speed. I would lie that I didn't have other reasons for working out this hard daily. Jeff deserved it. I loved the way he would look at me sometimes and take me there and then. When he was in his prime, he would grab me and take me in the parking lot after one of his weightlifting tournaments. I had no problems with it. I was his and his alone. No matter the looks and the casual flirting I did at my other job, I went home to him. 

I stopped the machine and looked into the mirror. Sweat poured from my body, drenching the machine as well as my clothes. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch my breath. It was all worth it. "Now I can start my workout," I smiled. 

"Thirsty?" Liz asked as I gulped the last of the water from my container. 

"Yeah," I answered as I dropped it to the floor. After the three hours I had put in, I was famished. Now all I had to do was clean up, get changed, and start working. 

You left earlier than usual, the text on my phone said as I looked at it. I smiled as I read it. It was just after seven in the morning. Jeff must have just got up. 

Pizza, I replied. 

Right, he answered. I knew he would understand. Have a good day. Love you.'

Love you too, I replied and put the phone away. 

"You two make me sick," Liz shook her head as she slammed her locker. 

"Not my fault, we have a good marriage," I yelled at her. 

"Well, look at you," Trevor said as I came out of the locker room. 

"Trevor," I warned in my usual tone. 

"I was giving you a compliment," Trevor said as he walked with me up to our offices. The place was already packed full of people working out. We were one of the busiest gyms in our small city. 

"Okay," I said. I turned to look at him. 

"Okay, what?" Trevor smiled back at me. 

"Okay, let's do it," I smiled back at him. "Let's go to my office, and let's go for it." 

The look on his face fell from a smile to shock. "You can pound that big black cock of yours into me over and over until I melt and lose my mind and only want black cock for the rest of my life." 

Trevor stood still, staring all around us, but no one was in earshot of us. 

"Well?" I asked. "Isn't that what you want to do? Turn this silly white country girl into a big black cock loving woman?" 

"I…I…" Trevor said as I backed him against the wall. "You're not serious?" 

"Oh, I am," I lied as I looked at his eyes looking for a way out of my trap. 

"Then if you are outstanding, you can take me home and pound me on the same bed my husband fucks me on and impregnate me with your seed," I said. I almost messed up and smiled as I said that, knowing that was impossible as the baby factory had been closed permanently. 

"Robin!" Trevor said as he pushed me off him. 

"Then don't ever come on to me again," I said as I looked back at him. "Are we clear?" 

Trevor took off like a rocket. 

Thomas looked at him as he dashed past the registration desk. 

Thomas gave me the thumbs-up. "How did you know he would turn you down?" Thomas said as I told him everything. 

"A little bird told me about a little something," I said. 

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"No!" Thomas said. He pulled me to the back office. "I thought it was a rumor?" 

"Nope," I shook my head. 

"So, the rumor?" Thomas smiled. 

"Nope, not all of them have big ones," I laughed. 

"Micro?" Thomas asked, holding his fingers up. 

"Micro!" I said back to him. 

"Holy shit!" Thomas said, covering his mouth. 

"Keep it to yourself!" I said. 

Thomas gave me a look and shook his head. If Fran could keep a secret, Thomas was the Fort Knox of secrets. Once something went into that pretty little head of his, it never came out. There were secrets I had told him that he wouldn't even tell me about. Before he came here, he was a psychiatrist, so he was good with being confidential about everything. 

The day went well even for a Friday, which usually was our worst day. Trevor avoided me for most of the day, except for talking about work or asking for help. We said nothing to each other. 

I walked out to my car after my shift, feeling dead tired. Trevor was standing by my car. "Not what you are thinking," he said in a solemn voice.

"Good," I replied as I threw my bag into the trunk. 

"Who told you?" he asked as he looked at me. 

"Not telling," I replied. 

Trevor nodded. He looked defeated. "You brought this on yourself," I said, not feeling sorry for him in the slightest. 

"How? It's casual flirting," Trevor shot back.

"Casual flirting ends when the person says no, the first time," I replied. "If I even flirted back with you, which I haven't, ever, then I would say yes, I enticed you or led you on. I have never flirted with you. I have never talked about sex or anything else with you, but yet you continued." 

"This job…" Trevor started to say before I lost it. 

"Always this job, or that job, or that dress, or the clothes we wear!" I shouted. "We don't wear these clothes for you or anyone else. I like these clothes, I like wearing what I wear, I like the way I look, if you want to look and stare, fine, that's on me, I accept the stares, I accept the looks and the catcalls, but don't assume that you can get in my pants because I wear what I wear and look the way I look and I won't assume that because you are black that you have a big cock!" 

"Stop, keep it down," Trevor said. 

"Oh, I yell everything else, but I mention your dick, and now you want me to keep it down," I smiled as I pushed him out the way. "Have a good one." 

I peeled out of the parking lot, fuming mad. It was always a thing with me, saying my job or the way I dressed was the reason for pushing the envelope. Others like Jason and my husband, Jeff, also Mike, our manager could control themselves; why couldn't the rest? People said Mike hired me because I had large breasts. That couldn't be further from the truth. He hired me because I was good at my job. 

I slammed the door to my house as I got in, but immediately a smile came over me as I looked at the table in the kitchen. It was the box I had ordered. It must have come early before Jeff left for work. It wasn't the box that made me smile; it was the flowers next to it. 

I read the note on the flowers. Just thanking you for being you, and putting up with me, love Jeff.

Oh, you are so in for it tonight, I sent a text to him with a picture of the flowers. 

What's in the box? he sent back. 

You will see tonight, I sent back. 

Tease, he replied. 

I laughed at that. He knew I was nothing of the sort when it came to him. I sent a smiley face back and put down the phone. He could always put a smile on my face, no matter the problem. 

I walked around the kitchen and made something for me to eat when I suddenly realized something. "Gwen, Gary!" I shouted frantically. In my anger, I forgot about my puppies. They should be right here with me. I ran around the house yelling for them, then I saw it: the back door was open. "Fuck!" I shouted as I ran outside. 

There were acres of land behind the house, filled with trees and bushes. I called for them again and whistled. I waited for their large barks. "They wouldn't go to the front," I said to myself, hoping they wouldn't go out to the street. 

"Back here!" I heard a yell. 

It was our tenant, Ray. I smiled as I walked back there. 

"You guys scared the hell out of me," I said as I came upon the trailer. Ray was outside, tuning his compound bow. 

"I was out here shooting around when they came running up," Ray said as he looked at me. 

The two of them were doing circles around me as they usually did when they hadn't seen me for a while. "Jeff must have left the back door open," I said as I pet them. 

"Yeah," Ray said as he held up his bow. 

"Something wrong with it?" I asked. 

"Shooting off to the right, just bought it yesterday, working out the kinks," Ray said. 

"May I?" I asked as I looked at it. 

"Sure," he said as he handed it to me. 

I held it up and looked at the sights. "Yup, off to the right," I said as I notched an arrow and fired at the makeshift targets he had set up. "Just a hair though, I wouldn't adjust it, just plan for it," I said as I notched another and adjusted. 

"Nice," Ray nodded. "You know your way around a bow." 

"Bows, crossbows, guns," I shrugged. "Grew up around them all." 

"Got one?" Ray said as he lined up his sight and fired. 

"There you go," I nodded. "I got three," I smiled. "Want some company?" 

"Absolutely," Ray smiled. 

It didn't take long for me to get one of mine and join him. We set up targets and started to fire away. Each time we went to get the arrows, the dogs came with us. It felt good to be out in the cold crisp air and fire some arrows. The stress and anger of the day melted away. 

"First off, boys can't control themselves, men can," Ray said as we walked back. I had told him about the events and what had made me angry. "I can look at a scantily clad woman with her breasts and ass hanging out and admire the craftsmanship." 

I smiled and nodded. "Craftsmanship, that's a good one." 

"Well, sometimes it's a work of art," Ray smiled. 

"Others?" I dared to ask. 

"Horror movie," Ray replied. 

"Yikes," I shook my head. "I have to agree, though." 

"I totally agree that people should wear what they want when they want, but sometimes, there is a place and time for everything," Ray said as he picked up his bow. 

"Not a fan of the large man in speedos, huh?" I smiled. 

"No!" Ray said, shaking his head. "Or the overly large woman in Daisy Dukes either." 

I misfired as he said that; the arrow went off into the woods. "Ray!" I shouted. 

"I am just saying time and place is all, I won't stop her, and I won't say anything either," Ray said as he fired. "Like my mom always said, if you don't like what you see, don't fucking look at it." 

"That brings me to another thing," I said as we started talking again. 

"Keyboard heroes," Ray said as again we walked. I had told him about my stories, not everything but enough. "They can say whatever they want behind the keyboard; out in the real world, most of them are cowards." 

I nodded. "Jeff said the same thing." 

There it was again. "Okay," I stopped. "What's going on?" 

"What do you mean?" Ray said as he stopped and looked at me. 

"Every time I have said Jeff's name, you have either sighed, rolled your eyes, or looked away. What's going on?" 

"Not my place to say," Ray said as he walked. "Another thing I am very keen on doing is staying in my lane." 

Ray wasn't like most black men I had met. He didn't use profanity a lot. Sure, some words came out of his mouth that made me laugh or cringe. He wasn't politically correct. That was a fact, and I could see why Jeff liked him. 

"Okay, so if you were going to give me a reason, slightly out of your lane," I said. It wasn't my plan to get between two grown men. 

"He did nothing to me, let's just say they haven't barked at me once," Ray said as he looked down at the two dogs. "When was the last time he could walk with them by himself?" 

I looked down at them and thought about it. "I will leave it at that," Ray said as he walked back to the trailer. 

Ray had a point. I couldn't remember the last time the dogs let Jeff walk them. "What's going on, guys?" I asked as I got ready for my Friday night. "Right, like you could tell me," I laughed. 

If they could talk, Gwen would tell me everything. I shook my head and looked at myself in the mirror. "You horrible, little slut!" I said as I twisted and turned. The outfit I had ordered fit me well. "Be back tomorrow morning," I smiled as I looked down at the two puppies. "No house parties!" 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

"How are you doing?" Aaron asked over the Bluetooth insert in my ear. 

"I am fine, Aaron," I replied for the fifteenth time. 

Aaron was one of the regulars at the gym but also a cop for our area. He had volunteered to keep an eye on me while I was walking the seedy streets of our central city. 

I had lived here for over fourteen years. I could count on one hand the number of times I had come downtown. 

I was dressed like a proper streetwalker or prostitute, from the high heels to the short skirt, and top that barely hid my chest; my cleavage was on full display to anyone walking by, if I bent over then there was a complete show for anyone to see. My long hair was falling down my back. 

"Hey, lady," a voice said as a car pulled up. 

It wasn't Jeff, and it wasn't the first car to pull up next to me. "Not interested," I said as I looked at the man inside. 

"You sure? I can make it worthwhile," the man said with a toothy grin. 

Aaron flashed the lights from across the street, and the car took off. "You would make a great sting operator," Aaron said, I could tell he was smiling. 

"If the pay is right, I might just take you up on that," I smiled back. 

Sure, I felt a bit dirty, but there was also some risk. The situation made me feel powerful in some way that I couldn't put my finger on. The other women were eyeballing me. I was sure they were thinking about approaching me. I was on their turf.

Jeff should have been here by now. I told him to drive down here straight after work. 

"Another is approaching," Aaron said. 

This time I smiled; I knew the sound of my husband's car. "It's him," I replied. 

"Hey," Jeff's rough voice said as he slowed the car down. 

"Hey, yourself," I said as I slowed my walk. I made sure to walk with a little more sway to my hips. 

"What are you doing tonight?" Jeff asked. 

I somewhat rolled my eyes. My Jeff was not someone to pick a woman up. His lines could be what some would call corny. 

"What does it look like?" I smiled back. 

"I can think of better things to do," Jeff replied. 

I nodded. He was getting better. "Really, what about the others that have come along, what makes you better than them?" I said, stopping and looking at him. 

"I can take you to a better place than some seedy motel," Jeff said, holding up a keycard. 

My heart raced; that was why he was late, he had gone to my favorite hotel and booked us a room. "The honeymoon suite," Jeff smiled as he saw my face. 

I wanted to jump in the car and tear his clothes off right there and then. 

"Well," I said, trying to calm my nerves. It was playing out like my favorite movie. A rich man takes a streetwalker to the hotel. 

"Well, if you are not interested, I could find someone else," Jeff smiled as he looked at the other women. "Maybe the blonde?" 

I pulled open the door and got in the car. "You got me," I said, shaking my head. I had tried to play hard to get, but knowing he had booked my favorite hotel was all it took. 

"You good?" Aaron asked. 

"Yes," I replied as I hung up. 

Aaron chirped his siren and hit the lights for good measure as he left. 

"It's just like I imagined it," I said as we got into the spacious hotel room. 

"But how…" I started to say before Jeff pushed me against the wall. "Hi," I said, looking into his lust-filled eyes. 

"How many?" Jeff asked as he cupped my ass. 

"No idea what you mean," I teased as he pushed up my skirt and felt my bare ass. 

"How many of those perverted peons wanted my slut wife?" Jeff growled as he pushed my thong aside. His face buried into my neck as he lifted me off the ground. 

"I remember seven guys pulling up," I moaned as I held onto him. "There were other guys that were walking along the sidewalk, though," I said as I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

"They wanted what they could never have," Jeff said as he thrust himself into me. "This belongs to me!" he grunted as he thrust deep into me. 

"Yes!" I said as I held onto him. "All of it is yours." 

Jeff grunted as he fucked me hard against the wall. This was the reason I worked hard on my body, making sure it looked and felt great for him. "All yours, Jeff, fuck me, fuck your slutty wife." 

Jeff pounded himself into me. With each thrust, he grunted and stood on his tiptoes, filling his wife with his thick cock. 

"Come on, Jeff, fuck me hard!" I yelled as loud as I could. "No one else will have me but you!" 

I was getting close to my first orgasm since his accident. Then I felt him start to slow. No! I screamed inside my head. Then I felt him cum; slowly he dropped me back to my feet. "We got the rest of the night," I smiled as he slowly walked away. 

"Yeah," Jeff said as he smiled and led me to the bedroom. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

"Morning," I smiled as I felt Jeff wrap his arms around me as we stood on the balcony overlooking the city. It was a great view. 

The night had its ups and downs, mainly downs for me. Jeff had one more go in him after the initial burst, but after that, he fell asleep. On the plus side, I had slept in a bed twice as big as the one we had at home. Also, room service was included in the price of the room, so we ordered a big breakfast. 

"Sorry, about…" Jeff started to say. I turned around and shook my head. 

"No," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up into his eyes. "You know what's one of the best things about having a wife like me?" 

"You can shoot a gun better than most of my friends?" Jeff smiled as he pulled me close to him. 

"True," I nodded. "Never having to say you're sorry," I smiled. "We will get through it, and if not, my toy chest will have to get bigger," I shrugged. 

"Bigger than it already is?" Jeff said as again he cupped my ass. 

"I am beginning to wonder if I should get a reduction," I teased. "You go after my ass, more than them?" 

"Oh, really?" Jeff smiled. His hands moved to my chest and squeezed them. "Have they got bigger?" 

"No, you just don't play with them as much," I laughed. 

Jeff's phone went off in the bedroom. "Shit," he said as he let me go. "I am on call this weekend." 

I shook my head as he went to get it. "Yeah, Jacob called in," he said, looking back at me. "I'm…" 

I looked at him, and he nodded. "The room is paid until noon," he said as he rushed to get ready. 

I sat down to eat breakfast; the poor guy who came to the door got an eyeful of cleavage as I opened the door in my robe. 

"Love you," Jeff said as he kissed the top of my head. 

"Be careful," I said as he exited the room, leaving me alone. 

I looked around the room and then remembered they had a hot tub in the bathroom. A smile crept over my face. "I wonder if they have a piano downstairs?" 


Written by Anonymous
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